.~ ~*gi J~* bus s'!'. a iluhA m i kýý tom~* ~k'1 ~ - - " -Xùd o afie 1 ) ~ ~ 5 ~ P M m,< - e I. oemm'mi tuit aa 414 "A i Af Ott" . * .VMtoiVf w id .# *b -t let~ IOiffi.<514t. 'natlM EhLg -t p-w -F~ 'e V~u6; tj~i h iii. ornos leu- P" .-lis oi ttb imth ,Mo 'Irr~~~iuq_ ý.uOmo1q e*1*uqfi -Ki letm ~~'~~-~ ~ o' ~S IMuu LM0W T« 4v.roUIM s.4~Wul~, S ~ ~ '> 4~?hWht ~~~'1,1UM. tnm ib If 44à rMuM. foutg h à*p 'agi%:to, br* Io hii. m h~ s pmh~~? put.., t, -- 44 ab" uSu.,4 e*mtq.fal h#I.w 'um P#tWàea Md *Uon W 8*O 141.& lut *off wbig lau M aiWo r u Ibou iibk* vt4i aay oi~ d shIag toto.hmcmit. ?ovS tlt sut4md;*ba Ue tet bié.ov af d »*mdvohI u t~he té-d osem - ht oth, I â ia an a aaf.'IXa4lII 0lheest aa.d iAlfv u~rutmu o.I~ *0 u I~qb1844 ndy.4nqadlwo116 nut 1~hah. 'a immIw;-îia loeai u.l te Puvwst Weed valeiI4 " pays, oftbç tauj 68 fae.10 * &CM"a àmdr &,andsor ustm.y &)W. seue 0W7 I t -t. 4 t mes a ~ rosSet, 1* vIl su~aahely- bot *UL ?ht 1w ~uotI ém ~ st~lp~.u ~Ul mil tam k4am4m.uI.~ sue dISmul. esé.' We Wl, eSt '.7 ~'~'5h? fuis.. m~~fl h.uvm,(or ~~Ornai lIAstu I. * ~ k -u ho ordeisi te'mnumt Massa, ~r ilootIsu agnte uheru'. ut fi aaiua tise vLjbt of WWPe, pay-4aaIsui osa, at ah. So oms eWdlst... GIS. 'sidtiaaata. W. ha.. oi.~ cas oe ho apel.#,_ais h...h o t. Ami a. .hu. *bsd vin ai If mteaiW tht ~<s Yw*~ All. Y, eow- "a~~bwu auaaai*. <meaus.ua 7o.v11amt,<yuuuv twJout&" i ah A4.aévslo.saah*.wle v,-Umm", 77Pr± 14, PMU ~ Mq vqi h a~ tCommne~t.~hu ~a soyâ . tu C o.St i qp ip * ofjhite h sothera cmsf.aeuy t. b,-«t pem vkh ail ah.~ ~ ~~ oa cmi i.j*d hez et6 d* bM4àMaire fui. à Îd,t #Wtu a * mm.MPMiâne *&r«4*. b 0 Ipé bat o*gtet bid 1lh frlt vN~sJujala M'a.doins. .-eta* heur. ge op"d 0a,.ouipb 0<-Tomlundhciumang t!. Nma$m.ulqrtala luaeofm' poaemu.My krotmostu cremt Rrbarn Win cmWY W f«rthe upetsg ot thelt I. c uWSe otquriag 1 --'- If ih.c&map.ataa I e . homa*e lu- th entim * p-pd .s Ammuea.mii gi t) 6e " *utdaubsmerecouMevaa inla utimtIomm siis fa u" omp mo aqultv ai hor, p in dioe ah. guatup eCmada mt h... eu.. . rdot aeaa Ume Pequatail uaoe OcposerManth. Amocicas cotiup.-i oe*. m a he.«osafa bidetmi u nîstru. F IOVRmbriÇF. T1IM 1ON SýIMOIONDi The dp1utu bu *mA bsete!v Cui- 4emn~1oE~,. Efa~ ketneet I "Tt ' leusu IBS leoa oJal place. h ~tuabue aiuu -dm% b ut Li te mone dtl*u>mdw e*, fit Md ls~o ile pthep !IIW boi.. huelkti'FIdL eirea"IV mv' nl Iuwlag ase*Iker;hre are th" e. tuA vuet eh repot t-'16iesvea abat alwuland migba. pelhapa, lieomon f thtb rin f ai «r ftatwigmau r t!. is a ha isuaweu eaaM tl~p amila algktpvoI6lj aa'eslaw lad.imita et or anu" wti.h k eha. hbh.atu' jwisWmI mta bi srur àf &es ânive , t .77ian~tue MWet'4.~M~.ufV.811eumn sJ@w-hoI1àý aItdhtoaopel boi~~uaa mèUhI. h 1Wm3o iiats t #Le',& t nt Pen od)fthé o~iJJMar aW hott pe tPin t ih* oh Z-s h . lfeaes a%'Ia peuaw in or;ot l theeuu .là« mbeaeg y a âid» emiams mil 69m l it t =ui39rvhe tu tr.teu part f taaa uultmq aute ' u t .. eoaiseaîvitiIP~ à1uwigst;in- l lm étht move, ru. W cdo1Mt8eemd Il"at aayprsongi, aeauo u (tt cuo try, tiii e rd %- LE»movucts.wom t»g e çqWaq out e, r owmdbaps io ol. theglios t s.on, lath.ale id e brealatal 4dy ;t. haie tht wh. tJw euqéadie 70ratr a wm-~ot, fer dw m im liu besag zte ue~4 .5o o< s*ae At t- q ah.. Framet t a.Ksn è .5uw msgoai* 00, bitsq m athmyokmù, afl»ad van çqh< t la. g94oera, mo »erhe urlaf bea.ou. ndy sug Caada, hta tre of tbmming of Ow km aigamm w ur. Fa a lts posa, cas . oly mu.active:mm ail laido bsut r âe asia;Candamthtet ab ooostuy cwuptcmehaug tekthe other the unit 1&Srely, the% i f umaJror sueL diuiams die D"*pr auig 0<ofthe Staw id qut e .aeed mat- ter-w fo omoe, the clrc"auee xlisose the Ptmerx" «rnuu" ai uly juai(vthe (%u. 4"s authouities ilfadnmâg tht tColonial tewci tory in s"éa. utakmt toepfuua. Us 0eedt ýsahr the ugapeet thth tnhruaily etor "Xihbtous-. The ~ inasq, nmment ua *eIeham, Imue& mie, but w" re eappuéea*, b« tbetpue- eauffl ea hguemanmorue iuprauelu nuueeatd upo. " oWahiahodyIo te Mous Uhe 1L are 10 nove op (mm Qw IRC h K*e" te tk dmplce of %Wt 4iat rei., TW 47 Net. *M e um r*p t'e Loo4oate 4tbsadlsheot amueul to au&otben the forces hre by, il ddoux <tfry or arti Wez & m o nm- tiooed «mw s mm sinet coulTh 6ln4 aa MW sig. usatuiud ai IIaIffr. are timove, iutO qaqg soiang, he-e.mé id e ieve ce an, aseý:t a t5w M.,a à: U.èiU, e1 M h vittin m OU e maqâ h- tby 4L àiiichuart cifhin ldis spbtem Ur actios; abo;Mber ab.9urd ifsa muan wcot u.thauk (jou4 'fOr lb- ruiz fy. amoskIL the ullier cmufota of a ridiculuua aà .veilas m'tiehl;s sh.ade ail ouppe. h.little ýbse «ealv& te the bitUn, cW" ofut uler. WÀooftp en l dthe muost ViotroImbe ugna- t" toselea mu her be4f eumortably mmd expen~veI,47a a apour Ilitele"lm chorwse ,aobled caves endos0.. Jf e th. e Let ertaiml; tyemetrr of . X qat. L*t ight of, m ptW fer thtpour lurei.Equal1,yamird is tbt fa4h>in of c6hat*em 1.ahii&een ina frtty e ater. chilee othr prusof the .tire betoken the presence of castor. If gýrwn 'women. chotme lu vicusale theuelves- ta tbhi là rS ilk teetfkiags> oumai osho miIB-IhDeJ grave-vard fuly, lot ldou de ut; tbI*re Wi ne fOol les,"befOeM MMv cliW". 11w for the <-hidreu ce bespeak ceued ltga and aam. and shirts long enough t. prottt the Laies:-and if muiherat ut aaaad tb il. ar a vI ..pls's*,l l in hap ofa araituther, uu'erhaul their carrbe.- 4'qt«rtlteiI to the mrs giutz. l.j MntiS. IL Ingaîl, Muscamtine (o.ra -A4 ineluiriet' havqmleen umatieand muel.h hs homo saad -lxot making these ldiptsb~ fur tht lu..&tlut table. without sJa, or *Je.qthW aleratus. 1 would recommand the folloimgý reeipe. in using whieb there need lie ne uteep.tvfor'Il 9weetening the jour baller,' fior àt wMi acir get sour if the cook dues ber dmty. Takeue quart o<caam cater. anJdadd matikiemî buekwWht rt or make a rather aii baller-, tir in haïf a ieneupfut of goo evomi hop yeud. Ma i tIle mat -;jIat' ccll kagether, cover tUp. and st a4.a m pateP. or wWhae it vcli mot freeze orer nighi. If il is Ve oil, the lmiter shouldhe lixe d tarit in the evoeulag.that it ".Y have lime tu risc e.e Lare thé lites are P" O<ui.otherci in lnot ferment., mtdime ug afiently. If these direc_ tameam W mieN#d, aiad fies.batter Le nmatie .vay %tlg a v em anrom cRI bave k- Jiim llbht caes "evevv morning. ýwiabuî echer mkvtuaor erean.cf tartar. JudiÏent mm deeide abéat the thickueÉs of the Latter: if toothin, it willmbe light, if to0 thieli. the rakes ciill e rather dry-. Many cuûksL- leu"e a litIle Latter in the pan foîr à*ia~A they &av, beeause it cill ut talie s.. mueh yomt. ,a uafrer dav the Latter it ,nixed in du)s »à paa.pn unithont ceaulný,! Nu itonîer miduReeddteurify is atidia-! lv ousn b pte pre&rs thecean pan. and fret.-hbatter. tf ranal le preperly mmde. i i il rcep perfetely smet and fUc-bt. witboat, sottlia, fer twn or thus vee-inu citter. veast i-tat ifes, léaw t wmlon theta <p. -%txm àtur,. hiaktee tht mSd of s<'da7?ý * '., 1)D1:N WO'1E' ~ho,ê à" bam- and dr'euetlMe a prinre. ultb.skuam1 the like. 1 uonder ü» au0.0"5et h.. ewrrkhip? & make Qn4~f & the pud. ~di~ dbIIdDago" iae t woé lnthe kit- md i b'4mreo. 1w Md ý f*jêtimotwh.a &%ê..g-J14 hoe.ber ~grif hft pfflly- gu* . *iN- %fl~~en ber moWbd,àrdm l"Ar vi..m a àu»a eemlmiilshaâpd o i - ~ . i~i~2 I utc~~~ va éa 1lath Iekm m~a l ýe A R! !w îw