I .jJt4t J yu-~11 *'* t .-ta' t ~ls t,, - .f~tI VI IS Iagia mmd al tMuOn t hm àrwm utUf?,.iq w< 41< V&X. Hsmiak muaI au9wWt îeh*, 5sL altim e ulýtr» ll5"i4e &S4 Ii W4 eflat hW- .-~.pl4 by M, on, n U4n (4#. À#O- ý ltudlttl o i, 6. t " M 1104fmy XIAI ftMTfllr Od@TE, 11-t 11 lé% Y d . i9 w .4 1urd f NJ lotvitC4liu eâm iAII4 4«».~t P.awêtt loto A 1 1uýt#Q'~W p MI. hz! '1 i h~t8tî*'tr hl Mo i.1tni .utw ' h ' i Mt #Wu amie~ prwj1l.Awaè W 14<14l 4.I rab. .WahwAA*~4 Ek» *4~.t'~ILy Mi.. e)àélu 4-.- .-' - à-tg Auer.$ .ê* Li~~vsNI ~ t 4~ téhÎ 4,w - - *-n---' *1 -41< lhe, ww . n* oo ' m # 'ftk. iui; g4 for~'.' Ki A l ý ?&Rte A f'p.'lwhe u t .lrainW o ..J mat'wakct1-41tvunIIO M-P1W4u. dii *IêSIàIO uU d~lesi 11AMs'W, Aiadn .~ e Q êaJ ii til1e% .. afa_.ý v u ~~USPuAt~i 4 't. - 4' 'B, It~ -~t*~g. 44 -~ 4\ '~4U -4--"4 ~< 44 t. 't- ,' *4mU,. uaa.kp. 4 . Il; llbautier. m*Sîotliu$ u nam WOf ëet of mqe.sA te fl umetmn TII.4,00muiOo me.i ît a 1-m't--Amumy of 4,sm'n, 7u3 ;Ir ,the ow bm L4 e bd -.3mý bon lai an télên; but th;laU lis asnot to i .IB ta ed b>- thls»i,arn"oranotas as it -for: it ailittt atu a m1ehi. m ilat anulit 4p gainud vue ulula tyutaukï fabur 1naqtulie# indteud oft un. plti<lciv'.. the laîlor of* ,771,;60 abie. bulta.Smen an o be(àcukiaîd u iaCimîg lesà f liata£10 000 j'r atituiam, aq thaa, r 1tially bçt*eu tit. cuêt ofthtuer "iA*Se-< ~amc AM, wV&t th@ 7 ' lmtaujrdct v laibo~ n ou,; t tu - Iillltefwe ut 'lJO mak 4aWoruf fatîtUraltikÎAt4%t ~~ .~ a f.teth'.opud4e ~s. iebreak.Iow4 of Iopula<r amu'atmwm li.IlR m itain he ot"atiOf 4e, ut 4 awwîý hie <o Rptlien. i Fu DçOora*af va! ftaoî luirain, vo vrl for cî.Q if-omthle ucitu luexb. rvW MIisey mwi' f Ma Is Wou.4~s~. '- 4mUSiF 0?UN4I' ovSiXXR r . UN1LMF&. ..~--.- - ~t1 Rtui1ua,0 d~a$'îDr. ueuol heYugMiaOé titi Lwkp&hoL tsù<:-'.tla-f osiee ignorant of ~It uties, or wem'O uuoq q vae. Ç .at lih about Iti ~u~ as pupï fllou%, liaisedmi ;i 'Oe *~FdaNi sou J~w~~Ue ~dg 144 but $tol ie - 34. Mila~ l ( 4tunr Î ite. ifM h ~ * lm dit"ty f Po" te 1il maire wua 11 th c 4.m wiv etri*e, fatali. r,eau» o,. oatt ie ýmd msit caui an4 umt 4jw». et. e(pincohi <ae"d *îtir4h m] red soinatnd U. iii. = teuw sahie fttbda*ea dum 41.our4 P.lqi i wemU takà.sc mupwo M4~eàm B**w<. b ktii*v ru ut tay, U ireIM.a vdwP.h'Ciua <ôulnemgi>au .14 T.,w m tmuêh dmatbhu4<s, yolmùl .edwh ie MWi<ri 1I~ uie ,cuait:us ots . iuîwâ edd*ahu* (ROed CThSUWamhv!gyôtbr- le&ff t byewt' ocofu.ea<du I~ wh!,ht.'ald t eun4ro *em*-ét t"r t b" te a<e% or a1u h$4- Wha m 894l oamne4 u, tdde"tLk, pdeth m csalethmebt isu tWW* mb. sriber *ie pu<im etc. cmek' awi lb*'thn Wha* of Mc«;iàe. <th« &I 014e; te bl#l Twepudn.I. Mm is wuaI j$ fi - ur.owp - d î il li or ýf ju uM~ à~e ~ ~e aju p çfa à"" otheiiire-miionof iii. 0oqtbh. .Stm jèlàdoue t ultai,~ ~ 'a*iy mumewoud Iay doea 1 £*to x-s.oI. bmýô-&k rOM.4-m-màm ý,-eka PRQýt4 Mvgwbmlt Apro", -tht ki qpouffl, fMW ha.- l dm un are lùaat* Wi i& *PM, oii.oehb *0Ic4, oflouirt I*1~~MU*bP~dfl . S'f eu quarrq el buww 1%ei ro* i ii Iulmdi hlsptuthae doèm o mju17' ha gemeoingova tit lectugm t mlwv,âwt* %à* fut Of akémdeut tifhkpo siqq 1 »3bafue idb-baeeu y.tb Iiâtvoq f. Untel tumu 'ite agu.n>ic 10apaprcoui oe er > er làe peu pie zooWJtb dify lonhyti. e.bitii i; 10' a~cjaS~cdepuutoFsoul bull, x4tf Ïkop a~mue,amne aitidioe.' Ihefaméris- bAs-oe<eiI qrmulnàW S, buirfalarl pôftio *q w ie i;pg.mt f , *, fe*'l 'V' f tat W .pstouieutkm Awne ie l %de s- S*~out . ds' awà,tirt l tempe~*hsmtesth i ao~a -~ u~ i.7 ar Mee ei ll4ir4w 0beaiiivîk.Is i 1I~~4V&III6S4 La, pé e6 i me ~lsç ppu .u~buptjleýW4 b futic i ti i t ..~y.tOu V~.F...' f~UL~~' ~ t) t l~si t-. 5u415 ~'4iU,%8e~* *0%- y 4t mi, ert 4M. U e m fket r ve ie bâMemdmerew vo te to th te 0. of. FaireniL t.Thtus«l it eppktuq! am lpw *tt"its b pue after jiaa, eA "dmb h*N imd ira rfî ina araéking Storm; ."but et' eMdm u< o. Mdç d»*IL-. Cuni "Ti go«. a fgçgotiça UMin à&fi. m. f1%ie ho, lickiA p lmedi blf4aimAUM a.1eadff-ýhfe &814 litee sii he cuqm M 9Ired - ett But what eteit ve for fiat, as ve Sat iv IW ýoMýfhioQdkJ.~h1 u'dk = tt roa jh hage rnngsin the'tp. Ore ot thffl >b" s MtCtLfOr u.y: b al, on a leut. 4 4 riCk4 but vitt of tb"d?' )Iany.abeauwi iu ta~n~ whola grne, u*be. ha.' tuud W 1&q andl t.a ambuseowa4 uniH tawite,% apia ters t.etout. A iaa*ril u "kidhin" wplaced be- 0-116 IL* fidtur, hi ~fu ere and £~ie î~lp, plimter, a drye twi& , ha M~êhnkti jt.the tpfnife. gli rue- tare;, £ wv,.r <w o the b<umeibs mwd of pover, and tihe bartbis 4swept p- ne aid hi4cksin fit ita-place of àome beghq t gro*t >rizhî s a,4 -od as mew." A iiflj *spiti. fmuwn, ambiitiom t. he somethinr mmd snaneboy, -gîel»u u thly Mp. untd peep firougit the creviees, over this stick, under that one. 1001- ng Hlie a littie half-furIed ban- Mrof crime.rn. Then Cojnes -another, , ad apotier la iiirntbe aaip, the timid flaMàýïTthXtufe'.verç! iy aiad by they grov boidr ani a all a tomen, aitog.îber, cari ~af~rI~Ô thfe <fore.StCkl- a4up 1» ah "bp-stoick,"* and over the wboie. like the tur- IrU tco a tower ai iý- t*ioree, four, 1ii spires. Thentir'tc4 together, a cujie ut ams. ~'ha ~y t~minta l4ou*" &A the iec1iaiqw, 4ab0ue . im jimbiabovt lie nmmlel-tmt, aay,*Ptka.e hiau.My 'beyruer, vlIjhuîhe "hachi.atck," beinv al. lieg Ak*. v4a*t ber, ..od *tgi&t iery grf 'Tb.p f ç~i(hâius hsaW th e -49oit gýp$ *W j he çntr adIaMU ukra: -cme ~u.iadio~nptw, s fnsflà ma e she'evthe QIiSbI. &lu!- rèeb tt& utoc fewe sti-- v elu sçtAW pr oi n iel ý1 114 ffi h a1te, Cm 'liteý > __ tu#jl~I4aflo - p ?. *~. -~? lut- 'J~'-'~ ~'s 4u.hrIB!4.VI '..'l ~'s' - ....,.. ~ .r~-~'~': s -, t' <~'J lei u -- voofS~ap~IIsh sa 0~4ft. ~f Epou UT (ja-S.-he b .tbig o p4hma. '5otT (ovei.&-h .iaigaof. ise ieer 1us eet* mu iu u~b vetnis a cui, e ir fu T mS erin e Bat; bed.oWin vg; v Continupo ta olbs the re rdm hudwma&% and, pm plexinUm come.ou kl Aperfumedoe i .imef 'wU mikgo4 as- e"dbyDihomi àà.ê.1nt arep et ywctf a eramb mauarid at anou4unwig acBmulg, e gviy-h vii vu< am oafmue foureec Sdm WeresOnidedm ea om) wimmdtepflue* ey ofnau tiv&wile smua, o Me fe lov, vih iulprosegac a ncsfd kiltig usnes ilg - W«4sefct ut an 'sbtUaainL% di- niutv.e ff*u f is fhctdp eubow « i fâ. M TheouplSiciâ rleuo s emb, thesek at tielathaes tnsoutier, EurOe. (icie aie hmýantrsd- thserai 't bue)vi ie oue,- andluitegresitdu t. 'q'iuirsantsoreglieiM os pcuo<uand p atiene,#--lec edr, sand sid poomuaici St f ciervtbrin-St aRictio% y eturnacalt. boaandmig result-ed never tt safr finthe rag*es fcdhomme- keeping azain. "1waâ ocier more id~atua. de heard of it, lfui>leunlifl hMeearu- ed one leas -ansgag, ?4 dev9ftl 40ear lA0 IeeWrung e mysteries of hç.a.ketpig,. pIW coW.i haie made aujfrjend*s bom as. aruapar- lr i. Ignoçranf of ereuyhipg, aie C.d OUW k tif t lac, be1Q.ned' ftbýer,. icat votaIt-be- Ua*acotthempope- 'O onde t ai à us aYo& locag o ~fl~ ~rlyorpàammjt$ieL Iuoe -~~~~ .1, - . .calac Sic 44twgimU 'im4Wag-e comtrac4 10 plaIe s4f jo 4àid'4 fflumt* p a"I 6ds4wa m4omttmllaoiwe " tE ie" &,çiv t% ~ as cheekwua'sd w*Mhtd ~*s~ *0)uuug .t ','- :~ ~ b ~*~- -'J', r. suce-ai by I!14111 ian-fie meut is becans. i., jiÇ "Isto l il -s -.- u"ýbebmw»ý el