q,~'u~II. t,-- et 57 aS m '14igme rus IU~IUM i -1 w'~ vuiun uiwmt tir - w -%W tbmw wo "les* nd a à,ama u » Sa. pmu w twr bop #W p'1A.prý ouoem,..,et lirm mwu44v - but to abi$f.umeo11 4114 'mgtIlwl# 8fuWtiu)<omt Ài. in4ol le a mipa fst n.X I..r lm appAmsr.hhe th p.$.mp in -as ;nuit it u . farumu et' bla llt .Ae m iit)sy ai - fouatwnm ,heLlstii* ta" fsaut. faurer s e hctote le.*1 llm~~ oeerofedhutt mu# t~. 11*0a.pwtkltsof11wme iiI on tt 03v mfa t'WlierbIg Icpli dotm k:î noui1Mthiha tgain wtdl - rw .0515nd tmckwie au ït ioaln iîAk. his a er ddwîlvnîon luik futinm mUime ofie wltimo<tî nm of <#îf lu sltktldlifemtot umart ,î ~h.î 'seMrît or noe avaiù aitry *14c.s pa ln Ii ilie rlune, m $"u.Id tl iîotén l he m y thei' 4we~ceîat u nts. Ilsidestibasl ssuWl.ffle~<ttwr-whtsentiteellu a.e -ata aonMsl.rt ionlo îetqînd Thet M me gnîthuotidlmalu fthe ol lii howl Wu :Z1yin~ ta wI gottu5<ol and i àidtfi totglrt>lope. ltO t!s iOJIS txl or itlu. Tt,11 ie, l~i ii feedigthrtâa, b(ifsthei «Ili iff-uù . 'wlh' gran. Oaîa y h gela V04 cUbr aund o oktdV# celved a fo*Waq t.r therfm t he] *POW mus, le m vo i ui, L-1 &" 1l date auau îa *u k *î wm fiu sa enwqwtn mm, am, w tuneWit yS g" lady?' -<1Yn aré wwog ià ul, r m , ' #wplied wittb ry Vif..' M M- mystifil 1*4 leho I.il poslb t i ou lu haei thei om forts e unnnd y<nu t1at 1 sec, of .ufaudren4l cr' Ci fuy lord, neco l itt, 1 ram .larg tannmfenir, es vel a9 a elegy. man$ andI empkiomny thausurids cg oper.îI*s., which brlng m an texotlk -nt living. If vou wili walk with ieI e l îbock oC the premumes, .1 tl*tà ai yu 1k W work' l ie ae.odsn-y îoik him Imb the gre ai ttw.- btiik of ic, bouse, und there wa*%splend1d aplary, wthîa large number of bée.htvee, the 1tunrce of the. cumtes prmpertty. TIr blsiup never *gr*t th<'ei'cumIanee, mor <lAd lie Cet l(611.lu ma-ke use uf t-Ilop au, mont1;,fbr WtWn1w eafien. Mie 115> mepoor <fiItir C- 0dun oj saullntass uoflsilh4 te Would eut the matter short b y ex- ehîiîinà, 1thre, licite, lî"s have ho gmilibiIIg. Keep -ecs, Ilhk>Mr'. ~, ee beskee bes '-.r An Atnerin editor tonce, ini ai- tteuiptling l u pligmiGentral Pilrw ast n Ilbýattk<.e ared vt!oran,' ast -matie by iie typoisto eu l i na batle.saredveleran." iin le heat Isse lb. înitiake va.* su fat ceurreoetdfi t u tylve hfit a " boule- h.ginaing of a gRM.U t umari" tintes a tir samlo ira ic ent fT aï ur nce u f t a let-heruts dit- ait frt aui un ti%$Vkidcnt "aie. sietr, wljth hist ouban, t itlmw fimWl azbis weulitiî lu atiotlar. Fer We e-é xjwwt alilthbngs laughing hbting. Wlwen ahkherownbu newby iast i îlea of a j~fa k lngwb.m unbrd, aiel tbngs lii gokk'streu, ani knoiiig u hu k~ssly V itrsliit.elf ln the svehiing ientlays lhis# i mb aplasures, zln toI tlé hi~ uu, titl in u bu e. hi ie lm at a.i m-k it . Ful- el 'i calsop ohluîr.peeton;-, adi vIleta. tW egumdlewanti WCvo le ad t. ie shutd gneàdanger. u»me have -lost evielory -id bMulevlthtmttmuh .oulenoe lu th. gond foru. vialW" tb. fourilaluthe bk*eg . 1 0 Mt Iînou ol be iappy ix) mein. tnany tAses lîad.w a nole famliy, b Ive ihk etiute fuMl l ite 4du0( au tis ln tonmavfty.' Wftty ahikisenoaflai, promuiatom.-FI wom TicIOig i o em. ufitRlf bol ein7 usai ~ ~ lb asfegrs4b me'gal e6t Ohm-c auh t id hie <UV* buInemq d iboet otià popr ' oe If h. c.. -'a W*m 9PMiïoema-Shu4- ail d*'y e est4 ,b. mm e s mNDdy to em.aer buI.1ss4 *ýpet- lue. W«M* . lâble w# x tay- nue@ .a o..that 1, May :ake ttaiOLr-À A aioe aient b.ing imu- a'led eoatd l*,ot (md buugenough w honittlw fIMe aouw, fee, demur- red. Jack, plaouig bishuin iibis pârket1 drew onta liv shilliàgs mying-i Never mind, broibi; mer. t'y us af fur as hit Il go.' Tua WAT -o Havtmmuu.-Tiaerer is but teintway oluippint-s, aed thual lv « eh #m0114 pro)ntotng the goodi 411is feiiw eetîliures. Su. arce ogreat lu shah. ou« lis dityi nome lire 800 Iuw M oui10patt'ieipake in su blemSod a ec.asnmlniiuon. We lis il"oseWho iîtve Ile Incites andI use it noî! IlTa iuthMWkuoi.'dIo du -oo eud do.f l U oIo Aim ~i .'W A Tlovviii# -APmAL.-' Ptolite- mnl, t spiîre that dolg, î~itmll ot a pin- Mie liit; ici wrrîe siènny a hog, rum ut e l iuly laui. 0h, %Vlora là*. was n plip, ie frieky ati Po pimp, lie lutpped hi% miik fr, bm a ettp, w-lien bungry, utai aîuip. ,Andi Ilèconli.*t fitany trieke, esu Iunny in lieir place, go ft o <f -nnille holks ixon ysmr h#nde 9nti fMm. Ytm wîill surely' let hlm iive t Oh, ClO mot kilt hlm ...dco; i rgwmsIi narrative, andi prays for Ilf-notw leati. Go, get the inuzzle- nutw, and i Di lo is înOuth, andi stop thui bow, buw, b)w ! andâ tenide",lu to ght. elie la your c<iildWIb'e. pet, solWAai ftheir if y ; you viii Dot kilt ihla yet, 1and. litwmen, spare that put), luch not a 'i8gl, mir-; ot jilywrpsoup andi 90 away (rom tiare!V A ïEItTAINt<#<iuple lied irtigetl on 1ogtel an uipliaeOtf ii i abt*,n-qutallt 01 a ioetry; but Ellie, thé weaker vesse, inslead of belIng a ipnair litber ibiîlýn<l, vatà rross.gruit nd 1aiwatys sent- î,d haqs.if on lite cuin,.bncwtwlien tii'doniosic bill waà iwinght in by îahtîad ofthe, homme; een in tii uphill poîisof liflle wit a t 14) îput ïon lte 1dratg 1on thil laudal , e eer. tou. of mois. iecumnêmcion was n am tbîsi c rupil>'linatfd 'by John"e dLeattu, wlxi wi» idrowntcul S;attem.. iogto4 g çfÉrdWIXwU Illeriver be cron.ived, vas, lncSOnclable, andi wet Il irlw-sew an oki faeas' ever va IroP dy d ithe uveur of ociil w1fr'allier, inyuuîa'W dron4iJuin'sdeuil! andili »ev.erut> --y gin -la ibis workM.' gSave ue !,quoh olcI cruty, 6'wiht Oteh Dg 111e?'P o tlweli Wood, viss-h"a vituese la M sam lw twho"hm«%Imy mot ho k-sow lu uMmy cd. thse peSent go mwm t reidzwý 0#beîg svws41 iew va. ked ismu nigave k, Tiw, >i pouW.d $h tIheunus'iw queé Cd I IW , t....ta rerat if, **à tvs.de whh un bflt' mee ily .li'swi.~aI.. miBil w,8 Wriu 1u . -Tp -4lb", - t- & IL bas beu4kmduush cm" l. heeW Mdl PAsaîpatir "bt h wu-Psumepw wmAC C. avfWNI>i. maTlt "tu e0t F, kIue.M Tésd TAmur«t. mauims UIMDlu- Ird. g~euse a/ierAgesat .msw.ek« ?EOYIIOIAL INuIAIGE OOMPAJY 0r CANADA, fo.0P iEAToit OC-unONTO.4-L4 *«6Ma% Sia.saaa Arn-l INAU BPe.leI. Joba liuI>ral aua J.8 ifes tedeut-.. S.l ous, uaj toMaicoàFetu auo, Juhu VenuýCSe..,e.- J. 5.Iieca.t Re. J. Jakeu, s. Cou cyt e Aet îbe, <f. Apuèsr. 1 SU - at ULese taim of te FhrM This b. te ba vas am riýtm4î iTéwihfI sas~ *« V, lb.calft «t. J* Pih, Wfl fu mi t &e fWe f itetps~i.1 11.1141.e.r0y Bul oaI or cf b. ai6 et Ibo' wbLu"A - ' et "0 g ~~au vu- "".àM 1 o< C't. fribetu ~891 <i ,nii!- ;~" o» * wîï 77 ah . Pre ISw. '?AIOW FxILY DOCTOR Î 4 Uqiw As~~~ft0 fa.mugss h.to tueiekl taw, mm TAYorsFAMLY OCTR s - it TUAPLOPS AM OT OR S thm m abaeb M4 h4* M md rvm TUE P HOPLE.' (GRRAT II)OXS emhrau4- oâe rbAwet t ramvalue. dot t A lie fotidin our pred 4 amhgsu w wle 'ti h ora- THE PEOPES OREAT- BOOKS emwsCPb -elmal. Wei es' iti b». ar cette'»atua. futnaIt.rn t ate, ama x, . C qust-itie mw ivet the Pep. mt Bsa>Ael la eebsinm uweeutltuv, as sdiSme ad lua-- er 'Va o le cubaismatA apiatsale olbv'ts th r tbeke ti b.img madeK DVe uy.tejisqmn furthe mle iof th Peut&.* Lrteat ot . Cef bnteaiel ecutu ait *s1 a vaine of oi et, oU'bm. eooa in emS rapuie Leui1 IWhtintruduetioseveryshmt. ONE. THOUS.ANDIX I>Ie t' X YHAR titilr uduetloc u ewhcre. SENT) FOR TWENTY-FWE DOLLAW4 ITORTit et tht Posq)ksi<rest Duuhs sud btw hm au tior neighbunà. Elir-, body sauti <heu. srmo ~ FOR FiFTrY OL WORTH et thert el Gfreàt lk*n&s andi tq t1meamaag yo<ur aeighb«ra. Everjrbedy, SP.N-0 OR ON-F TflOV'RANI) DOLLAUS VWolIII of <l P0o006% Great rr& andti ty SINGLE COPIES SEN-T TO AYA> PaE.uteri, P.meN.61 ammâ. SIWECOPJIES SENT -TO A-NY AD)- SINGLE COPIES SENT TO ANY AD- *.n, potiage puivi m receipit opulre.. Atidres.. a&%«e line, aipse- aloe&W. uuaian -a 117 aerortnie atDy"nlme h.~ ~ d bu besatb'A i.nfèueautl tghu Mo.~ ~~i aIbse ota euA TIKU AT TII eti. **&Um, MARr~tB[l-t. VAleuszuITIAGIAXINQ *a m ,W I u b hgat.tm od r u & 1 a" eut m UAN à am. k~t ih eothe i Amumet. Emnb0 mua lu comb- ¶ ~ ~ jog bIEWRD ~ wIe# e 9xet i ~ * y..~- l ba atam Ji ~It hmataicate "bà b4t= by thr joifBIafar w cipoje .4 1 la P*Wm esTRE WORLI> is lmdpeadent. but »eor mestral. IL iinve udilil .Party O$pels, hbutl belp «W good -»4expose tt, lad et àtlrSe.. A )h, m.#IIT a ateadifat' wil gumndibil cmmue. amid cide its jndxttment er 0»* odI fit' va. It l th«0%"maetno man anti TIM XWO$. TU lttefulte, a» il hm. 'n the poit. it sudt -ive te thtAdii.L auabeaTtt &"mdvi.-4lm ut- hteus s ht a~ orthtLCu". twentv Mai-, ~ coaldetI t IL. hntAs int o- lottoauý od oeumn.Na-1 U.aiByaadFreedoïm. Tu£ WORLD 'Witt""pp &U r oe»m ot- whiteh seul barter away the pimeiples Nr whraehli- sas as saged; it suR oppoce lwreitmIf ( Lii flen muc0qs .of b. sur a.ros tht ermneluev pr- and 'tiR urge the ,pruceention of <b.- dear. W itti ecu- Six'6rerdd. an fde"rdiaut!lurltVr i:,i4 Uh 0&. fro tht Cbmemesk. lt t hxu Grnde. Ou o-to&ti r -----he t.-h i umiler thls osa spas* the ,êT~ELVdue *à metbat ~ihg*mi~4>Scal Ieg, tue thes Uiril.e 'haccr't ra te ôvrLue ui:Orl thtms ýIw-iQ4 - Ixj-. the Pe.sif Aveies t.br irua ovloit th iuprunith wlu axjtilt'i.ti ?,l11- veiestA Ieuf aibutu'il ai8cnuu To aià.mweher tueek.:- r.., ,aTe.c ltueraqtin plumif 416 pagte s; L* tfý -fi'- wnui aurvai*ula-. tee- &hesieue for Ml4 wirl.... For i wÏM bLa teu- and avertb aearl-t-é *îllle ans nir 1.- . Naue 'n ho e %rr t ujiEcrt fte mutA frut i aurct't-r.i ;i. MeLj&rizrqu eebtatd i tp raisic fluia lT .11îara r.1 Cnr*1a aumv er - - Ot tLI Lkei t pa fnr Omae 14ar a t le *ur rbptr %>t a~ "ret 416 qer *: lrclv a Dar . and Jumtelir-u î t- MUNF N..Piuih-' Fin-enCýoîir,-G Tul'r-veu neth. Vt ai' àiionio'tearr iti t tvj~ielltrai..-r-i T Il seul~ ~ ~ i il mI.aectlite uluaiai t TAI - 7* -44V ;î~-W.uI. X Zw OL L frbm d1ýr tii rod 'enti ..tmtte w. 1 Çt Ua the.Wee.kv mad Sam-tekt .iti, - I4 TE PN Ii v *K WEEKLV RIAE'..- S URLI. e-aeciaalv, largea#." ii W itt va l u -tt-hai-i-ri-:rtaLLItu tie'- - AGIUCLTURE. 1 Ut N E l.e4tàa: -uqtc'th:î 'alter.;ari 9!-., andi t. aul tAe .ieparaaatr. of Ek-KL% -TRtiI W N E .w hn ua. ,I) q r thtituir u-tth r la i inl hat- -' uANUYAi'ERlG ANA>Mitî-iAN1îXL AN-is tl- .ai:t-. b è fett1rN Ire t!ae r-t. T. or iceittu Ctîrresp.isle'uee of unirco e-.î.rnsiut.~îutl'te <i -~"--- ! Ilae 'th lvu ethin t omin-;'ear. baiL 04e a- a.vt.v. aa. ii scegr aet test . t ira aîu1ot »e irs-frm und.nPari>. 1ahaalevi.a- -_4.us. at.1r*iavh dii .- £Crpt mt othAmeieas. "Ur Currerpouttuta cWit..ir e..mtrv. IL t bu" natte )%erw r. tti pnituptlt ant ikti tud ce..eandatrit.- apiv-ami e.ntuitavvI tu .t- ILL TUVIF : ta-ttithat tillr, îuajv iv.t t4. nilin;r1, .1 Wtt bo fou..! in the taluantw iofTMlWOItU>in io-dl-T ~r-1f'thii c.arniai-.ci aver7 tlprtument of hovman atitvity. dvaLL*n oia- ai ot, - JULCKW4A , .*6ftULTI'RAl l.u in laI tlt thiîîaat!-.tir -a. Amt )îltRCi. . apèjtd iýr tttir ratlltho in a*i t'. as Weil as inlu Trrrv:tT a., %Nubuc:, tn -r. taru(i'r a'therr- 'aaua-v a. cL--!a.tt e We sh11 l-nuaae the pvvlaieation of uttr ee iuiltrtv ttaîiîi ftr t hua ut-iu la-evedt. 4 "- pAscietabtlie, magive to etîgioeau-[ E.iuci-. uaifedel-i - oetlrrs î tiu -t raid rnrj.-* t%ùt ucio Ttaiesmait- ndNew-. mandi tiait New Fiblies- tisai ur.trýs. T.. ýlv-, ,ttlia. ri q f.'ix t et- ti:_1 Lieu, Uwotaa->aeuaeriejanda iwurkS tArt.1iL vitirtt:ttheouaîidiai4j ttt-ar l- thetm eaut caitand tba-Ough e mpathy anat - . 11, nî'-r .-aiat rtaaiutt'r.tîta tenlun. .tî t i liît si- tte -,-trs.f t? f l'îti& 1- octa -etteinrîatmors. a: ixi. tt.a. -t 71.t r»Îlo, Il taua 'lS the Saeog ttpcomltere cout-u- cdm1 sud Ni.laprr pabtlait ini Nmuerizi. lal ve.uîa~<i iu-t.aîal ~v .rrai~ tei saAIlibo<Y.. '.uadRsjvàraanad,.rseruxv~ bau- taruthe .t.. avai Ilciiial u, til' au t u iàucial nos. ami i«ber "iawieu- -r.,îeê tâtilr<.A5ttêti~at1t~ taores, tti uljovra. it ha, bta.-uîe the ,a-lladi.-ai îî1:. ît!r1~ advertuai,ia' ediviut #.C<the NewtVuat.Ava-!.aeew1 . t. t Jv.ii liiWar mit* Ou-Âxs<vr eou ~t le'irebants'. nuil blM enia- mcivewrally. 4c a lt ii. axîaf' i titi.t~ ILs CclSnareivti Ia.îRftl. 'rba-'ti s.at-"n. ia...i.n-tit>I iau mazs ebet 1> It e r.ut at&I mp»ttataoae. FurrtiguandI Dt ki..Iu t ,belhu~a in i -a.reu-t «&441lle . tifie âS ecs, areo C-a&I liablet. a»4 wewvtt-iuita azu1 iîiv Ati.u.- -a larieramai eudoctloat U4.tr7t.-e .- p-e aasa.'-0ilniaaILof ît.'vae aut ceçhtVntc'. rilar feainrate. ilt i. uasaîrpmwdini he uait > a c 1 kanc ~vingprilsýai oàe WqF. ld là ; paitieml anmi iaelianeu* venes-. iLs .rreetpoati- sitmae*Iei e'î<actrtiancw-ekwirKati I., - este, ke., .te. It î pt-late.!uait m p iai iti ,uaa-Lt i t. ih i-lîl le aiItîv rtt- t<~*~ ~~'ua- ~ d~iIi' to 2mirt tus urr~-.tc 1li it irWti.r1r ». No Smauv eklitia'mî 6uprintd, andi a vi.;iliian 'th îlîat of c"u*is-tLtle ete?.ît.t. le-at wateh 'tili %lakept tver it, Msau. exeitvding Cv*- nbsaanaand i ia atLA la.a ria..mv l- rythimit untat frami v reding. si a tielj icigaurai l-t.Pèt-. v.ik Tenue, per sumom. *Six Dolars; four eolee .tu I'iiota. Lt iunMîlume AtI4e .uvvetaevi4 T-ipy »lars. To etFilo. Law,,. Au.1, thtiiig-the ibo lta,lIl a bu-t 'a lai . . evlltoU - 2 .uhol. * w. hice . t Ai m.- TUE S '%91 EKLY WObmïtm - ,far là*£ "mmdthaïabsan-u - F rý F Wr4,- y WR4D emrvte.,.lefforts ut lovai heutantava" u imi t i!- Tilt i. Wd41iV.,.~ a alarge y4tvu aotrs um'i tvs-aeL:- tebeet, saue 723m. thefuuiy. e.ntaittim; allil I.nesel. objeil.lnoee'.d'vr of .1théomi 0-t etra ctrreispo»taada. mi-eetiany, and eJltoqals t.a. il. é.ni- oiiiituav u<ahbrlw s ed4 b ta basa M t»ti merelaian mm arket e'ts, anti aicays a. guortbri-1 iems peeptaha» etitbeu titi Lieit U«i. i, f thettc anitv of pupom# u*1aof et.of nulqeul! ortwit Li. [tet grave un vpq .a-.q ~aaarI mmdI~"= Te 1< ithighly -li'a cr1-,- 1lie e aer.. ur Mitosia. vDI,« at-pWI'oUMW I arelovvr.ar.d i.t ith te curent bttr Týitree.Dollars pernansînu two eoaies<otu ne "d- NWmr floilte un"oà ani wllelikedaili' i tire, F Vve Duil r ie opit-.to qne ultla.-u.itoaP iàewe hoêtta.. Wé te"SMt.~' EleciDolltars.. T.ergymen. Tco Dollar. peri remiaut Iat mtntieut4.tra*.mre, tLu Ftrei i1A'- - - ~aut htqaiNe pabu atuui i ttt t TUE WIEEKLY WOiILD. * <"rem olâýjajetI ram bil Se4 lu . prfiai r ùt 710 W<diy W.wecutalat Ili tht etlitotile ilmt "â oàiteteejuape.fianrcihislj mrar4 tefl r* muiL.mt iprf i tIqn*ift "u" con1 - u. it-rel ift hi ie iioWslii .tut atîaut li ti tam tii <.t y eijil ao 'ILLUlàt i t.af.u:is, ~ Our f ai'litiur rar il t riI-ri onguml ht.*tiI t , ' DiualltÎ" nea-¶qse 'tthiaearrrm r.îlti i Let igbb oeiet alpsiuicl trtri. lvpr.tieî nh ttuma'f tatr jat t iit I i' ýma0*Fx, eekly bjmgIilued i' th#$ eouosittille. hoit thaLin uthe varietvhia an ilii.a t' llr, sore theruto 1Ma -X-é tueomueu.ml atid atkofiligertet aUitutfrti. tr ' sUhepit l ~i~< tu.-ka r.. PwaAuEev tmetmi a tbtlnuanteof 4the ger*eruils uauec nt-I o.-T'. ra eri four coi" est ~'It 0 Tuts IIli 41, > ,vtwt Weekly. simide, DAILY TRIBUN E S(U. *per Mossu). pqwuwc o.For a lubub or w a±.ý-W 65ift tir Tonl s" 41» xei týyfe aClbofTwnt .w Fttr àClub.1 i e- ftor àî i a MW .yet %mei-Weekly. la"a; lire (air 11 ilO25ea's.; teultttii te unea- -a àw9"! tsAshat Winy ut a-r î ii!th b~l U 57hvrmituu'* bti. îertf OueD le .utlmimforeuy peperit, dvs ab11* out BeMwêU( a , * wig êimetm eÇf,. lw1u5 Allah, of - » g tva . uu. wse4ê *kib Tîaii-u a~ ~ ~ ~~~~~. taté a i ~ult. vbmeaco t 1hss-tompte TiAMOWb s~~e.h cp .-aauhaq iagq. r i gcslueu4Ibo fl.. saa a, b aeass b~.p~<iaalA Uwledred. te Bu 'tom itIt m- thof the ..d. Tb*un e 1.w.M May le uslInin? -t L moule a. eLite P it i nUMIn% , 9T1 la Lisdmsv Shent.' twi c