i Al - - --- - " " - - DmN rut.C t JOURNAL 1! A . i A f o 1 820- a . a & .ê 'UQ W As.. -.d1t Oum* -- -- ---t. *%UI r' r Il st» , k wmLPiM4:, &im A ieS $n êl.huhm llWié lvw% 4. 1 ?i .w oum@ 1 tgf IerWAh lfm w% «4 wetv *h114rn, ( wte fitadailli rlU. Il à qjuoIII ê ailisà-ttp 1hwr. w h Ie ,,11s4 l, a. bd . 'h111111 "1119wte a. liteMaadsy aofd it bu»,e kew'ie 4# ~ pa 14aIl thewu* a m «Ithe'0 damteihlé rit.uv.% md amiilitm bl « mls' 1.. dtara at ét ii. ttt stwi* blhe M "MudX tti'îîî thi *lfttMs I .kvein# fi te.eeoci' 14 t 9I»KW tlq * dlaA ND Il R uNi A %l'ee' t o'Aiw, l at cl'te4 ir 4h10wu'.qtm i C bett ' (itttloittc k 'f s1i'%ho gay.<1h. uuv >it,eîîit.teewltth té or4là &.tt# ,4h àaotWeeI wW4 tîî-eu im ua i i è e t'lîtL l é t lietsuiatt * ititta îLdi ts hui t io. tl e#ue atr. vou we ,iiv#c t' t wi tttulsP(jli.es utlits piT i C% litts *k ettteliu lcu i I 'e'4st tir I"î l moc7 itlii heu Iti'keihalca4#ti * i ttilIbe Atl.algl h i iee îeut ~lu" n cîhe îi ti lt tiîu 41tois0t4 ff i a it * uit ilt'1a , iee timo'eh . #stu tit a I t (' olutl iveA 111u'e tofna Atîî'l(ci t î t t Ïff l- u 10 -hs VieltAu 0 i t î l e. toa , 44a ît't fi iî l #lt ' A tct'hte- to t -i li 1 t Ihilit.'Itt tlmi a lw'c' i*15wk telet hêe 4o tct Ptîs eId&tih t t liii i uîeî thucilu' iav l it t unI t*tl c idera ~'~~~lii~ouA ie rieiot ineew.tteeaC %treqi-aeltkohatte lt'cîu I< i ~a.le f .Ihm fl'iilue hcî'(' L.'ail cîil i o uIlois ' s ' o (% lis eé e-êeîl.'ciul tte- 4 ha 1%uivitl1aumie t ,ete "eluclttoit. it4 'h oi *Ittcî.'l*li ti t' Sec uuhucet tli, wiictt te l cc.'14Écy tet' v. j, ( eci l lltu, ---1u' teî 4 l h urutimale oit-If', 'lttIeu tol t't 1, b .01) vli' itw% dL'"' mit Au e! c tIî" i wie$uteect;ec 4i l, Lad 'It lt t rlci~ ~ e hîse ccc'iee t l'uetcl it 1 M4e y ù 'it l ie *.ttut Il 'lAS ate.ii Wlctht eut .e ,ct'i il, vqt I te O hu'.i'hc uf "alu ui ii i fleeîhîhi i1 ,aeascîl t-tt le 'on '(J le iitlcu 1te'eit ulo I~i'i"lt '«tvtbuci ftte m l eî *t'iw 1î'î 'li (vt t i tic l, h(loyîtî îb ~ ~ >m Wit C(iuî.ib, Vtk 1ftrt.' tiiIIt%'Ili (I.'i vt O îLe '* i t ttl ii l14% e ~VliîO'~.t îîîî~ 1*ll i it' Itogrt o lite ~ ( l 4tIke è lib tti î'u#wrgv Md aiel. iui îTh Wti , 4 l.luî ahtt wi ulie.hit eay l' ' tikk h1jékf, uwuî, a4 It ln t 1'le i i'e' tlt 44 kt ttée ai %l ut h* let 't ý u>ee'i 'î.ualeit l lt iled I'I -i t'1 1W, e.i t it e..'hIî ujiniv, iîc 41 e lt W. "~~~te i.hI m' i. îîici , fl at t'41 nu +t i 4tt 'l kwtî or'c'i'w'ita it 4 î 4érupr 'eîîw' eeîla~s t'mîd ice ~u4mU 'F m~b I Ag 'à'- Il -i -"-i - 451. ~" ~. bSwed ma i 1h. ~'-L IL otmplaietThé hr#teemuimh. ý mci u' d mmd weld amibewm otuhe P il*e l qi th livasiséhu alled l amateserotald tm Iu et "t eple jaehas' w afMI, l.t *#eh 'îa1h'-sje1qtatON *#bd taita <b. <tre ($teple Im-the mt ritd l qlIm i e-ls lai pnits.ul ,udlt làt 'nut blséex *tlta V"" D4atUai ëmc ii< erthe. lm#t 1e veelua Steple toh bu lisn fti ct ln bte. ýmidnt4 ahe Ostk Ath iIbo wat*wtir II@cu0.t. ~~îu île _ 1*ad,141 t*'pat , m M tnphaitd4 * W, 4lS vIe IL veru s1'uhat, aa i îuiss-aht e. aI hlm*opêiaou .tiere "tatastal &Il b %îC tint am 1ws memlu lu Sta l. n'i uitff It, -of weIp, AMmiltt îu'te.ui4 le enrh ý r#0& b ai jheaew i tl' Metheesv ctu4h, am wi. oItheb t% bo 14 rir i *on I tIti <u' a e"»,MW ta&l tai onth itaeetd i th ilicctq, ohesilbi work va etî h éd&'l, ia'slsîît-'jaiittlly dauvad, cai üaat kt teuwulntqqi'e #ù fI i toc i tîî'm bit rp i ta;em 11« lIeu 419 leattetu t' l. el~te awom ri% %ct- i i.'le fteKcclleWtw4Lu who ai wbtmIkklli tutat'the cte* eîihhile Nut1u44 u'tupyliog S' neu ~4lntil%(,1400 It *IIot ~ etéîe éwë luand. 11*1111 u' 4011kh il# #h fw t14iksliv.4w «t I*hll hv'e imilfIk$ diitiu t " ami li it foleewu Ouhtglil tir t'i <me t SIIîIiI I etohinCq fr $Omo lhruit. i aat f 14 m& Iat~4hltof eiin io lidi bttv e4 u u lo1kr.a n wouhl ntenu 1 Arl d eth 110 i4*AM t* mik4amea iWo D. ll lok* l àotiaa"~sdtlw4 A, and ttand k~aies1tt~ de lo* and ehhié toualeeti l* ai~$4' Il4 biA tiilt hill: ouedo4, jtdt u w1mu iiiwnnw a i hl *vannaiêrs. 114 dme lit 110 " .îMwleimlt t ehual4% ai u1,i i>"wlt lit hm l hll e ', ltett 1wltltliWIkIt il%," tottt6"uafi lod ut loul h'<*u a, eoOh, SattiAt, eandlea, ItedI', a hierou f trui i uue, aue.ud, met 1 eauh.lss4h quwaly slj.Ti u ten lmieyt ho wtre.t bilé <fîuîtiu.ho -mpc.*4 la uts, <.a wu).u 1h11 of mai' êeu ah. hb"tut aa ljqbêoiiîu fhewr.On h.. a dee étk i*tbl o *»tu d the fori, h. wu temfoyI t. 8Si. kkk, W la., tr a aituuiay a, t howau *'It<'iiid go 14 dsýWlmpha.et Ehur the * ~*n<. w~'.t4 t, t'. t.a.a4.J.t, I *tfl e (fta&*UAPII &,ttitiUNIiit'11i4 M*tainwu< elt00O8,AtU~ Veas Duo>' mever (liii t. ahsWep sud salatulsale ait hue et ImimIlmai werms. Avo ps.St.51p telimblu la ail eaies, sud fer ,ai~*rli.' t. amp sud ail et lie Liaq veita eeahe' lIeu. ami autiotosi v.na1f~g5O lu ueo. Tluoy amp ~îmhea mi aIl aimes ville puswiuly..ath.$ Vti oàhmafPuVaU d PseI.* Pèu 1h tsus à# *D' értuidFpD N. I Ti.ul ,5i sd m e4w itala4Md1e I xt Ir T 8( MP ;*lidý4 mh- e~e #buPe%, f%= 1.00E P UBILVOIC rCs e hf I"thai tu*tQm.haa isae m* b tli.uaeO.. s ldT a Ceunil Ito elet M ampKrualips tle Naret mqlluae lu alI&TW ICOUR T 0rRE VISION. hEKXLKY, LAMTN AND)IIOIIY,- eu et O 'q1"' &.n.* m wâMa.eth I)EE)SMO)RTOAGES, MAGISTILATES' BLAN K8, alli A QUAWflY 0V -C11eoor ~eed FOR ~A&R A W i À5EI¶5~ .. 4, w. i I <* ~fnl ~oa ~a1e I musai puu.au. apgqw 50115 CAMPULL, Pre,.letor, het 1, 141h C.a. Maripen. te JOHN f>. W4LLMJU. 1041 , <a.. CauUd~a J~. Ltudeay. VAÀ 1414,1BL E P R P E BT Y 'tSlSTING ut of 0» ASo .va) iralned tu abhi* Mà. m01eatlvaltoa 'fflNui auvues. T a sua gom su lift, os- 'h MISoffla. uli Celwarlà edht veWU det euei-wale'.l ther Viliomhtant ovtbatti1agm it hana fumatflgeiMl "bi c va~.1b~ts1a flué. W4-ma4r-"..tu M)AI 81. leba mt Pm cle --p T mou , sud "ll laho miiIoehc. or àle tate suit pur- ehasme. Terms tueral. APPly le T. iààx Eq. e8.m OIAT FIR8T-CLA&S Store 40oLaeqwb IN< LITTLE BRITAIL 'lv> EA~.tht. irei elas STOXIandi J., D>w=. situalia th iissilae et Little itrlas.mml atey eepluias a (ameral Sgereb! J.laI eieee Thebdalty l 8%mue d at la && OIé*S aea muet t. . ctv le ilmo . Prmaiom II FOR -SALE,' T IAT txeelleett im"vta uh atfof Ut ne. lle 11 h Cenees altm d t- t"meeu oeuplsul iy lery biti. ut.. 1 F olrnaapply t. meesu. CKUR STN O obeur. Cb r. i-G 0, 2.1UtI FOR SALE, *1 LP O . . ,Sm or tpeel Stroe't. in tht Toua cof làt.is I tiloiaibstba Fer patlmalaaW 1 0raAROU£tmLIt1 Xw1iy, aomrOMM"so. HOU SE ANi3 LOT FOR. SALE. 1iIIE Subucrihe'r oahre fur Sale LAt 19, N4. A King Ft*ee.,l Udsay, t1 th.r WM tw liel- Iagt IhusM.,30 by » leut, w' rtho pwe.uleu auap- IImb-15O dolarsdowa-tbhe balane to h a. serd MIJAPfor 4w0 dollia ud istoreit A 8004 Tite ivies »ud immueale pasawi., peto. 1DAVID>ORERER.-, Or te T. A. iID$PliTU. Dirrates. LIaek.yOtU. MOL t (Y. , inthelon *stALaa 17 ales *f ubunq a'iet ie"olesr.d udr4t der aesd Me et o ulhm.inibehWsi od Dwlling- htbuiaaad Fmi aDia.Thela l «.ateme1 For IaeuueIl aippy te tbe P"erIeu. WILLIAM 1IENTZP. I>>o xgomrh 3. 339-t TA TIISA» MNUS&LES ii i-i i Aý»m or Tm8I'mualmG *IfraXMuI asise "AIaMé4 A - zi Te 10 011M w -A tsru "seeLeaLst"gi s iaane-lik àe'on thia hi vrbea ogôm i aufe.Drm Stovea, 1ep0SS1lleSlSU. 1.1 P~esamiTin' MrhaS tai flr.Voai do WOU t.eadlaMM asaim e.theuaiusbon ereaset .1e- p1. 4. uepria podflAr Sa..pau. mna w b"r GIN GF~I~ WINE BER VINE I LEKON 8TI1JP 'ILLTAM !IAKILLS celebrated OIYGER -ViamidLxuoa Synit-. td molcs LleruaLy %= oamthngO id - ---ITI&du. Em e n ot junsy. ,gI ct i IuI*9a~X~~OLu'L ~.~:'i- ~ i~-' 't co DUOKS, RIVAl» CAIMI WÂ?rs TU, TOIuoQuq.amuAe ,. - é aU lie aemUma et ~ L~uByieu~ 'I1~ws. ~Wsedu5 M~.uùipt u~i~euw~re. 15 v.fl ulbapswalpulhe. 4 - oupDsi vili lie ~Luui ~ 1*1*, A*liae6.. 1'a1~aeeaI 0.egr4iy. B01u~ NOISN!*, P~&u. As., ait et vitale ,iii l. d~s~ ep.A ~u.aIIy13w taIn fer C4. EII9CELLANUOVU. Maimmi Pager, Ihuling Pmpov~ C.,ê laits. White teau ai * eiersl 'f E enum of everyhukW &Mdquality be Wua la fTeai;Ue-f *0 tCarna4lmfP""et" MoLSeng, Oppe theLAPoilOJtoe, LlŽUWAY, C.W. TTeridlIes Oremei, Dj CHARLES DICKL-\Z. War aMd Vhrlstlanity 31 IL 0. 0 : I\-X 98L lew aMd Seleet hlook% TRE IlCAS.ADIAN roST îtooiî ý STATIOI'!;ItYW ;ir t>pposËt O th s t.tufce, 1 LINDSAY. LICENXSEI AVCTIONMERIS, FPOR TIIE COUSTY OF ONTARIO, B>EU,, mo&t respeeofullv ta ictum Iheir scm. 1) ualmbe t.1h. ilaMtanu of the Coanty or entarIO f«, 0».libers ~lupp"they have recc*v- e4 frot 1k.,a" sud vodi odly sa<1 s ca ontinxi- as.. of tbhesmm. Raving slàc.sàee 'or the wh<iie Coeuaty. tfiey an. prepêi.d to atten to &U ordors -Whitby P.o. <ireebani P.O. Asffat il, 3M6. 114-tf *W. S. VFIN cil, IEBONANT TAILOR, Iv.e 3 ig &rf« Ea»D.3 doersfrot I erer el, rouge &reet, 7Zbra. CU UTO)I-MADF, Fwihionahle CLOTINIS of the. be. kind always on bad. lwTetono.sept. 5,à. l.t -1 .WEIAUIN, IMPORT R or WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWEX. 23 King &Sr-t Wk.tN! 3oui» uiIdiags. 1 el al i 1"s ovla Iy încremM 1f il w.evlealoser vtbey May re4lUiia in lthe aove line, at plie« kbsec uaftnouai, sMd in qua- at leIàr te »M n e ii.Poo. -1 Waoe,('hies Md Jewek7 .arefufly tcpafred, and wavrietd tri gise saiefaction. K)' .me~erIbm WMW. WHARIN. Ne 3. Resain àBwidiag, Towmte. TouoeSept. 4%,1861. 1t ~' Tht. àt.i, l ye "vas rt p.eawed in 184î~ ~ ~~ bo du.tleI h mbe sd by tbousan4ls. mmdla u nstncehu Ilfai.lt. gise'perfeet u~ 4w, uni uOl 1.1*0 emaali Pd» a e li mar. sk.4 a « oe4 la im ualymii i* M UNTAN DII lievun ýit ewr 7iu3 vmzmAN Di a" ut. 1 Dr ma, BWaé.dd hmull6 mnam Dhéc, f9)e 4mit (Bisi. Me% msaSRei). Playisg . Pecet-bomis, PSbtmeaues. Leigoro, rie Memrandum Bomks, Noloua. Seia, Ruebber, Hemp Tatas, k. ém a Town or Oouuly vouil do vou! te ni «samua i»tiWnpplag Piper-Ici.,. .gcimavimere, n iw duredl eutd" t.i ai &voli mompare favoeitey vi* l hue uthe aniet Memoesor wTerne. Pu5- mM'ta aImi mmdi'&W re bY a"Y lar mtem o drs ismiialy, mal for lEevt"im4hms beau uaued at the CÂJÂMN POST Book and Statioiury ataLbliuhmet 4. lk tý e:' i. G~LLESP MOFFAT? #3~AD oft~ELO*~' - '%N.~g~~9UOiat. * . ualiàii1ê-- »DIxuma r'c lump At ISmsIb33CxAbA-. OVEiý 7- J. S. ,U- . -D Lidseon f tet blù or cof en dem tlq .u enevy em e. 1, ANOEt rat«e. C.sm u-" u"t 111MB! STA1 S FE. E. ..US eAf e ir,Ki.; REingCRheMr. . r, *r n hlt .rýà Ai eu ave"palSl CiaUs ulliatsi iute cle dulb* of ieterei ioe f r-ttýI >-i bas e iste Seing huMIel ami er1 Ilnouraés anuirue eedscreipti cf &oposty h r4.efeli l le ies kI-tnch Èam.e PAPE MA!TJFAUBESI as in eget ie e.jaleu bI. S61. fulli f I oues ~tete, iec *u~et perfect, alter BUNTIN, BROTHER & CO. bi;Uo~~ Wu* EWZI 3 à 4 C.mu.rrid Bccildei»gg, rouge. owt, ýTIRQsTite ertify thal i bail of eUnle Safeu (r T% tT, 'e Mannfîtesy c-f Duryee & Forsytb, 1ich utor'! flEG to intiemate to their mimerous estortf. e.1r .fr ua 1dtibidnga -e ai -s.' rs utlb O*egaral.thit thei t ec. cnipainbero.-«utâ 14"8 ;oke asti up.. viii aivajm ha f...1uc replt. vblevery decription vera founti altem" ru a agocti state e a csr cf go"i in the Staio ery d parts ut. a on D0u octis of eveM description; writn, ILt - T m &00& .aea ein. al oet eOV Iau &i &e±r. U;c T2n4sas'. Sept.-", 1%-LS. Irti.Tta abc're Crut« wM vii how Ibat UMas. . Ur TPXSLIBLàLi ! 3.Tavicir.'oi' T-eexu»'. bave muade erroieotus stitc Taratc, Selpt. 5 1861. t ments rgirigthe. Durre & Force&St afe. Tbey 4n la uheiril -'ertLsem;st lia a~acof Dm-» ee. ""'~""~" ~ Fornytle s !eîabufarto)ry 1rovcd srcrthiless in th'e lte iNOJMl~~~re it Lnd^.av, in thea e' kr' h Bal h I'ANADA?* iAXUFAC IIE!! &- Frebrv o WAathheudiierr.J i sJ. ty av id ta.l & 1 orirtlee o ttnd JM. &HJ- lY's sesm1et.àa 'iaiouuàt'r O IX t>,~O 0rsEFEPn.e. tepii eomGr it watMsr. hea.r $ mee se ss itaLi auY.. k . . MACD nt tOAL0. Suhscri1h,olr berti>a anouner ta h,' -F.3K.MCI>.iD T rTetusiers of tlie Ca: ,uidüil 'est and the gene - - th .nq(>.. fc' raI pubtie, Ihat he ha eontantlv on hanti for thoir j fer the Durs"e k Fctrsyh lntaeui C. in>petoaaun meuM 1.atmkai cithe t a-.Mauona- Rochestcr, 2N.Y. le stvIeiof C.ABINET NWARE evcr off'red in; TerSi, Sept. 30, 18b1. 1194tf Port Hope. Parlor Fu3i1aI«wc'd psgy, and Black WaInteinasels orseparat '1017s- New Goods ! Xe* Gotods! Centre TablesQ, Etegmee and etbcr (fa rtile appruprmsle fér the Paricr:; Bedro-ein sîites of ailT E scr?< beu eioedt ' d«ecrip'omn; Libt-.ry fiernituro li Oak. Wainti l<mois ve' els 017 ceed hy tir. "dtM-ahogceny; a rcry lare.-anti comee aàiîe !Arch. Cauepkie'I. ,ouid iutorieî b«-&C:'stGuicrz ni menofDaiing-rocm anditKiteheu fururc'cal-te. Uic Public. hat lic htt réeelved. n s t tfritt tiLe tii.Me..uor-huk etod utntaii to .lime r"tir.a gemerai .8ÂGek ef DRY GOOD(.: Mtrse;Hais- ani Featier Pillcw%. etc. YFur- (GROcERI}Y, IIEAVï _AX» ;RELF HRU- t mete o' vcy style mie te ortier. In.l-aeeeents V',,.RE C<'EY ca enetno ,-c. j efreel tg Cash puroelazers! lie rosu enset, puvebaa..rn. ncarexxu-" lrgemiulxe<f CcJllns in S-toek. uir.îess protlyt.iîet. A e-.Ufroua iten-: din; purehaaer gclitsd belore hiyan7, ekieshe-c.: JOHN1 WAL1RER. Ouaio St, Port Die -.. l'est llope,Janeearr. Iez. LIN.DSAY AND BEAVERTON! STAGE LINE, uFOs-let otai, lusdsay. esers' laws-fi - j'e - CE mesaing at 7 ociock. reiehing Majellaittfinteto bà » d~~ lemnezet viti the Sbge lfor Osaaansd Whitbv. C v=""e'Z and sut riving i11csc'rton ni I o'eloek. Itetsrue, i' ' E leaves Workanuas RtaI. Beaverton, ai 2 *oek, - aWi Manilia ifte r the arrivai of iL the e fnm i', Prnee Albcert. aned reacees Lindlsay about, zclc. Fates reasoable. The. Preprieter s-il! nct bce- 'L til re.ponnible fer parcoba or bafflge,uneuok.i et . fS auaifQr. -S I baba .T.0 iW l i IU&IY. e.id. 1861 STAGL. JE.\VEIS Whitby dflconneûthe. m th tCiee 1 ortiiern egfor MinîUi, Bav aoi~nd linduay. This i# lb. shortet and aebeape t xrnte freu Toronito te ither <of tlm suie ptLeet.This. star e faies lkripture'ê ll4el every meSuing (S.un- days emeepted) en th.eamis!eofth e traimnsmnt euansd West, a"Jarrivesa inPriace IAlLtini tuie fer thueetes going nôrti. Betnrniung lees Prine Albet ona.the arivai.f th. Noithers Stag.e, and amrvl a nwhithy ini lime fertho r U i sns gaomg B3 sat and West. î l;el Goed aeouaoditiu, and eTreful. bgtg W. RÂ4Y,PatorneETcir. AN'DUEW IL4CXAZ- sept 61s. B.arerft, St. 5. sa1. P. If. il. B. RÂM~WAY. - <r - - lier mtice. TraiW viii ru " fnom ;A perfeetLAiTIDOTESPIECMfC suSCf»USftr ULMilTrahivWi hase Unda aI8.m0a.-,.. en HopR.e aI îi- a &.-ItIn1,' 11~Ul Mail Tutu silasme 'IJt!W. # 2. p...jmo':le. àr«. A.e' anetau iiin ise a t L in d sa y a ili4O p . b o g.. t e e .% r e ra s » l p T" Mobv& Traipà vsIn. toim'12,hwuah lt resqareb, tui. h" bLe. timiauhautj Orand Truni Raülvy.-- aeoeued It h «Rled - T. A. WILLIAMS, T0NA J»IDOT, Wtu ' ew1aTUm Peut l, pe po. W. kM. wATl»S NUIALGauJiNUmals lie uptom. Uvar"e.the-untol.! nwbcr c4 Liii- - - 'the. surface, ane but tempsry la tlccir essels. n, a *.-t es, cf dubfl vrbe t STRUMAT YORTIERN ILWAY. TUE 8D.AT . et bbaiulueMM. A ISb Ir, 1CLJ. IT. RDCTF T uc va otae b Nasi &Wa*fer )RONDAY, SEPT. 2iuI Cu TOORO G Ua" I) UYSPePSdi*m4[ 4t" nmue A" pet- eemRI ...A 0. eer4le Çs iai sI sS /iT d. ajeXI wuu or EXCITANGE orLAND, Ob h hashetage of 118 fftt by 28 fet vide. - .. .. aa:oMe PIftoa Rob&%&"a lieII,in vih Os étt.9Iay a , .US et ÔN., nm? imVg.j"y, .W eelof bMolie. Tiar UFIaf MOllETr, W"l *uuuuwartie se riae- "à6c MONICY TO LOAN.I& sZt ~ ~ ~ ~tu lou1er, it Umm MO10y-%@UO CAalmgl. 0.W. M" é10, ltUBS. i AI 49 -1 . 1 . 1 11 1 1 - i 1 :1 . 1 1- li