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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Mar 1862, p. 4

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'o4~ uo' LdmO~I,.¶ -iL ~toem mu,, a ,Io eu k o m à t ~aIkaaw sud ves M TWk. 1~. t, tC $~ t g~ oud, msb bsvd vth a hb" mAw o int know neit liti ayW"edswte '10ah. tom pet pet ap o the uto aldwot. w V=r. ulysinaio oftMoat l ..ibu Metl 141pr eitetgeiut ~Moul0 liti tain. 7h.- euorf $nve e a pr ogmdifetifm nit î i.md fthe ar nth rotsotpinds biè oaugamete hýThe o u 10 Z01s~@u * 0 l ibetadi1ottht u euat. ut tlw ý t1O. l#> >80e.v.nty.4wo Il, flli h uo, lbai .mproft nle *aswii.Mnd yill. dqut. it ndtt>vo . i7h.1 aIuow of the it and beasQW .«tefilsm'e tot. u nir tio lu ae .huml&l'ut hli ilnc h ou- the of, thrlh f eani &ruid bo ttti t t $ emro peeveit ehr. motive hum te% su ea powttl ab01 ent, ýIfrilu deufl ratreulng l IeatttMow list hm e uibdotand mW, d6oompoulthéuta'Ii sîwthe huit h d ithe a t î~ titiandbs tobtiu. wSt tu .dl.the uit f.u1èjI e#injî Üln îm oi fl byiut %wiu ltti bu4tMu Womitt, In geoursuî spbol8011Mdll mi thibis im, voen c elep PW1f Ittt c t ow~fU 01iliii lunotiontenw à la th AMegiêit a sor eutIn. Iffn duopp.d I a eah luttîcan t uttiW Iti nd ý»i Wtt fnd lbitedttitil (stciuw u epo1 n tS.vh m ,n tii. mlItl %ho- a s 1itndhlitharqll un mI t.swIl bs.oMan lntreetifp tm*ddn, ad .fuits tw'ulic.rai eiit lues thé may b. ewept unq Wt nilatn& - Thoil ~lowieal4be A. "iodu'ad ore tIP eUfret anod, (a I hepe xýmgIV istmg.heu We7h).tab ore o u l et o f,&lta -sotla drot ofwl 11 ltraite Or- b.dmwa ù t theircood #»w latey lafir .suw uw el « 4 M aiukês -thetit"ittlerl i 41 U a tcei.eli' p thàhuthe ear. Whon.ver tii. see.r sum$sbc hl. mowm %-* puma. ý g*et leri -eda pour dei-, bi4he kllkw !Ying la Imm a.v)g~ paueed, ltal its t animal kdbi la.61 "1w.le kt*t fuwvoo., 8qwmaomguv. neyer s8l0ujk svie .la red o 10 Oushit aid îwo pute. SW~'iuSh Mo"- s esil an boppd uno-T&;»yoa ýà.ouor là dulgelavion oibutthybave a style of uppet ie thm uenvesa na. ber -thue. maokerel litu a suIn, tii la l qite as WOU. jouitWs& A 15h Ai. -smte of John Wedey% tepartees Ww iideriullyro lhw Fo- wiek's) una=.mau vr menailoned lit tuh lhMd ','ml roW move t le zeprool, I lb.w rynexi 1nurber W.Iy sMid 1"I leiZ E4- yorth vithitmpat iathulitloi, and a- bout -une Pr# hà t lywouth. 1 tI lnk noM. vert unmoved but MWe Sbel rranvlok, who Mlmfat aaleep -Undei au adjcùg hbayr"er 9 LirmTL tur*ss-dlt w. top- d tothlnahwe mýWord, n )f ou# tatfiur -ond tevâU,' WC t. woud tuitecusdetol tfor duiy*, chtkheuvillI oid- oe tiý mÙmees Word or, oatenos won " oI.lpp.dthoy had even hourd, en sd at mom eotiIsimonM iUée [y aud hmirfy4 e6c ln tnnt i l i T aIks l'w'ess'e deplorisIl*sew. At il îlm esC tn" v<y çn1 lime la wtb iiyan.la, Mr p enie.ofCa bben- lowingIdent b ci ttn one DcPU4, wbpi :pt;zW,, o exigoientsarm -4- bsu bi. AU ed'Imbgii.4d *a ooeat: ~mtmm n ýkPl --"- ! and miy ire- t the Lhdu.y, t - A*oaal 1.1k. Put fi Us5e -~ £54 T. P L~N Ev~' Ise .~, Prt Ihp1 W-t boat#ftteI orw: l rria e.Cao "oth P t ei . 4If4l, 4t HÂSTNêS'NET OTEL,. T1IQAS iosaToa . Ci. 1o »wUe~0SS~Bo la v*rpa ~ t UW@i& K11T0 Joas Mill., POPUIIOE. BAITM 8K! 8Ué8- T Nm 7PIroUEYniIôsdhA - -t-- lu iL. aaim~ o- « 1 t ~~~ ooù a Oc4he largugtai a 'yhme mdeo th bes t tial t. tm tbtei e al VA ï ýèh uitu témtLYS bM' Y 60), w M bIbEusd o lro rcjt;w a ile CO., é dnVICTly ORA- - 2'O TEDiNILBITANTS 0Or m C 0wICORA 1 I. I g i s 'f T EýSuascîauErt begs tifr h c Stu. b ae odÏZaÏd nmftfuftýture te order, of the. Lest watoiaiuprior workmansbip, md à tAhse V remwa..vu wes-nw;h as, Sofas, luruttus Common,- French, and Sofa I3edsteads: Cl e, Rter-sion, Parler, Diaitig, and Coxn9 je;Parlor, 1ining, Roeking, Cane.bottom,. and V.a'~wo Cb. A o !u~an s uboad4 'Corner What-ue o .kte.Lecjiering thai hià THOM8 IEYA-NEY, PROMEmroR. aiwa'N4on har4 osrsdm a& Io dr. THOMAS, DEI Lluuluy, Sept. 19,1841. 'VÂN-%EY. 1164 i f Purutur! Frnliture! NO+IING LIÉE FIýLNIt-RE. .Wl ILIA M. MARGECH begs, Icave Io anunce t* the luhabitants tifL.éb'eta ànTOtttt cIttr thttLehas PE Et taiLAtJ SO1 o 01 Umm SUl»dT fonrri n"td v 4. J tI, u OPa FI taURG AE STORE ouhEriIN.bT a0PLwaye o had iecLurfedbust . . ('ap I, a FUýPi Asc>TmUNtE tWn.AR ithout1 w'ýe'hM ,baindwaon baand ie 1-i;ess *mpr ti. 'glad De* rs natmtvin et etp&ieîacet llbtrad% la C"abled le iaaaufaeture th. e WUof Faumiture from lise host material. AH W .pays purtieular aitbntion tét. 1, UNDETARINO. otoî' ius ela 4» « a~d mi wat. .rir. TEE VANT SUPPLE». lu qiii~i~o wib~th.U.drthixgW. M. keeýé na He*ARS on hayid, wlich can alwvava b. bëd o L ,on1 » m ooul>lotins. N~) W .A=I~ A~TItIWJ~1~O~SLL &G. ~ DETrINED W6ecu#g 1 Agrirnillural Inîerets of the Counlyi aprqd, qt elbO WILLA t~eET ~PP~Fi~~4s 1CLTIATO~,STUMPING M h n1H? e!ffl;ReHDS, ROA) SGRAPERSe H ARROWS W '4 wîî pat!ent rolury pinS1, ~I~I~b~AcI!S À*dq ,FANlNING MILLS, CHURNS7 4 eIm QI~CUTVRL IpLMUENTSaVERY LOW PRICES. ~~io me &~~l. i rmtl. I~<I.I insaUîus branches. b-- Â àON TI eOB iN 1S~L TIS IIOUTEDNEATLY, -PROMFTlYn~ 1 HALI 'IN DSAY STREET-!t1 #j.t' L Z, 1&ERAL b - t * t ~~ZINi~-S -t -~t -- s t~t-. J -St. t uts - &~*t-t~ t- a~WhMLbsuaoe4s.ei.t. P 'i 1-ci ~ ~~~v 'ï F >9 9P!*-IO .)'Ir 14 - 47XJ!#~t At it-l r~ 811IE HARPEW8, FRANKLE AWPM AZ , e ~'îe- 1'ý -. o- I*41e LATU~K »&D SIWS. t.a ~ a ~-t- -~ -. 4 ~ 1*. ~ et. ~Iq~j~~utb »d for"s by copioty extruet- oees ldedirint liai til e eu. 'pqi~>5~m tu hiAmernca. a Oeiuea u~ukyo.uaq i ab mg d *0 h.pri"epat iiiis Aud.aaw.a «aimirart' wfsents î,» . le Iness ua i"iskPivinces, the Ew u M payg. a de.eeieney which MaW TUtcCS of i»teIigec st Wba" vu- traaspIla ea ther parts ofthBiis Iat feàethf~ms eoI eSotish Amn- tri= ~ Jounad inum msd aW ini te d*ytetet il. Iit . rary departnt in the publwian cr serlai lb. a se=e~Vwly leutating thec eustoms, -"i4 s eugments &Madgeneral eharacteristica of lb. #end 0s !Sumeha acitaie crnaaaing fron âà. Mieet a au tiw cf ebrity. A& hsrebd.i~r parttcuarean ewilhbe exreed in the che. 4of or%îlnal pcetry, eorpceed by wriiers of aekarw- Iodge il.goulus and purlty of thought, resi-ýtcni hem e? abusai. The Iret umber of tIbeuew -volume cmtiae im emmoeesntf adeply laerertins oTUELIW,1TENANT AND> BU SONX." Twâ tiewin riVe tu boum ecf lie-mo.!intresiiir ever pubV a nd viiilec pprecisteid by all etasses cf readers. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: rATLE Im lxaDVA-'CE. *Single Copies <eaeh,........... ts. 0» e. fercae < o ........ 250 FI'Ve cepis.................. 1000O Twelve copies.............. .> TweVaty-f te o0I«. . .. ... ..'. ... .40 GO spesirm o mm usVmptis. Sazbecrihers ra b. Previnces m=Y remit thi' subserioetia .- Prunieial moy. Odd Change i htniali PoOffie atamup, Vies frvarded te En" o»,ma, UmitE- sua& epostage Pam e fr Tht.. 13s. or t2ter SuIsenptiO forêtesrUar me iDow ein. receemi ma sb.~ sfwardd uihout delay tIt AM1WART, Nu. 37 Pak-row, New York NOTIOZ TO BUBSORIBERS.I W E offr as a PREMI1UM to every Tbee Doa ubacriber tu Il c iaar opy or tire AJTEMUS YW LTTs,1<beuortiy pubbhed, la book ferirm. y Bndd &Caieton, of bis eiiy. Puce, $LM. iMe viiisend ay cher Oas Ibohar pabilcadmion aie ny be preferred.I W. do nt m oy~the papor tu PSSriurn ubscrib- cm0W but tiéL.OKvrdil 4 mPOSSTAGE FREE. TERNS 0F SBSCEIPION: t 00e Copy cms yeur.-... ..P~ uasfid. 250 6and'4Artsmns wLet- tu," ;cetI.m'd ...3.00 M '- . Pnd . *... 3.0o Tac Copies " (ecoadem> pot p'd 5.0 liv. " Inpd 1.?00 Oas Cpy " adWeeae'M,1 CroDietiomay. pcet.np'd 6.00 Thme Copies ani Wor. 1. Q. Dictienary 9.00 - uu-H> TOLUXL:S. .ingle vulume ...........Pstgep ad. . 2.00. Tiree Vols, and CQpy of roea,bcç"- Four and topy c-f paper, ona year, bt-uk2 ..preptd miy ...........S. ÇA Tht. uiceyd ar nd ea, <ro CaI~oui.) cikspp'Goly s8.0 Pr . . 4 . t 9.W i gui BemîtianSq must bo rude en Go!d, New Yt ei Easo~ erenct-or' other Cimrucy ai e euh par. Seal ailI etters s4crrely. azl addrtcas danly te 1LOUIS Hl. STEPHESS, abhiLeer for Prepibrm, No. 1,10 Nutzma -t .Y. PROSPECTUS ,F TUE~ -EW Y ORK. LEDGER for 1862.1 ha. maie more auo un i ,i wv montha-than lrny etber 1paîtr. c:t: r tyh1.r ,eekly, piubllsheti in ov io or any etcr irst inthIâi>utry. Tegotesnh -i-L~.u tas.been *0 o mor e s h-i Iat r zà- .l otirpapruts. tit*utW ave othett - 1lb e1 MOLujrey tlj lan -cOurngthc surviCezoti a, he groat audppilar writn5r-àf'the c>- e hl tutdcn tc ix.etther hectand priat e<n a pour quality of paper, vo ha-ve. un tbc r.taer bs beau enilet te keep i2p bte t -trst pcintt cf ex- rolenco in evory rcFeit, un-Ito tu vail urSeIves r-f Ai the inipreveatnelttï anti velt;ez ebich wýuud 1 le" te ceutertanient and !,rati ;cat*On Cf Ourr minima te socare sabscribers, fer the reasca tna t re paper it*elf, and in lata way vo giveevery re-idcrI noire tien tic vrth cf is mne-ney. leÇ'. sý, i n,- ot cf every tem pprs liai hase otffered 1'a- hat-botnaswîndtiu concerns. and every tve "hliab" yhig e do triti tint sort cf thing L<I sure %0 <li. Tbey are »Lot ecoteti oa round Tiefolloving art the nam*uef some te cO<ur 1'ai- i»g c.utributers ter e o year- 18t2. Wa olho ppali e verpeate.i cash aunarray cf distin- giupliti aipopur nanes . ~o.Xdvard verett UTa. J. S&C. Abbct± Wi. (lakey L lRil,. G. S.e .P . I> ~WirkG. 1). Prentice, :S. Cuii, Jr., I e et Wur.-E. WMklee, T. S. Arth,!r, P. m.li. M4(ct W.BEL Danop. UMsSïgoorîev. Mm. seuýhvoxt), Penaj Fua, ÀAî« cola RitCbie, AMise Htaausyrbsu, ntimany clergytnn, .Profcsson tai ~saes"mut, Md ùtiher eminent ariters Our cfa t4iutors for lire coming jear Wini bc goa mm, vêrel aria emk = every dewoet cf liýtern- tare viinr.ivstb pO#Wdr , botwÀm ù r sunî- Ou% = ipdem antiiîý apelaljusti. lu &etoitlolgiEutl &CAfrniwee, t m b aablluiyabfu'e o *Mh &adti apsra- ublelW"s"eet tic 'r=7 bout. Tht .n.s'~pqalaugsuoin pvimg 10 thse act tMvaparUm . the austhe practicaâ ~.<to*s*a~Yqaaleimaa pou*tionm Otbefflhoeuo- Un b bMtOfitmimg clubs 'le , a-Mq~i.ta bar r 1 dausirmeusais Who bam&. Win m- it thanue obt" si tsjmay t Pit 15 MD*" WItçP i 14, *b Uk eoUCUIond o *gXK i &MTEE, Pb Vdm icesi, n . ai *,.ZEl aiein th " 0;"M an h 4R ASV.IfIIadoiphia Jig.12m..,Echu, EzIr.. Ptil.i2à. te ump' iDtq eemt- V eton o Uif TIE .L ESEtol TaLEPS il reaga.m . es ath 6e iaM wm--; e vu vuae s.cfaad b., JEENNINS' OET WRK ON T meObiR ds eloore e n fth 150d-a,i-î a deh e taofbjet, sd ies t. e, mout a --z dhmm ad atd t endurne. 1 ahe you houdre et or; Coim. Hnry Im., ETalr M.4. 12.,Prie. P ý 01 raylor's Family -Jiorer is vnitten in plain lauguag-e, free from medicaI ternis, ani t 'ellh yoi, bey te ccc, prepare.driuks, and Wm2mage the arek geméerilýy. Taylor's FaMIIY Boctor ds- MrbesnearlY L50 distinct diseuses te ahieh men, vemen and childien are aulject, ani give aie varions simpe remedies Lest adspted ta theur Taylor's-FaniiIy Boctor, is wfitten in plain lanruge fret frein Menal te.IMes, sud'msy Vien mare yen mucl suffe.afR iu MLUi mnies tic out! e! the bock. Enerýr- body wants 1!. The Peoples 4ireat- Boôlks et- brace other wrkis! great value, thit adi be f.n,t in ou ripnte aMtalogues, and WbIî-h w* be fui wa..rded te a=y ad-r-eson aPE'icattn. THE PEOPLE*S GREAT BO0MO- m, Lace other wozks of! peat value, that w-d I-4 founti in oui printed cat4akgtey. andi whi.rb w.- Lo fi)r vardod toanay addremr onappliefav. The I'eople'S fheat Books wil1 Le furnic-hc ltu a.gents and etuers in quau -tr:- c ver:berat! tersa..Une I1nalldt etl i 2i - ea~Lcras Weilam value cf tc: n-r :, ce:taLn uni rapit Iorsafl!uws tàeî: i .~t »tie Thoirsi ind Vollars a X~ is be:n- madie iv m2zy ertex-prl5:ng ie-- ii sale c J th e P t!e s G r ct D uk U n ec i - 2 driiexoouta., asneWeil a-- u <:. ' tcpze, a certain anti r ai ae foi,;ws ize.r ¶z-utiun everyviere. )N'7 I'-VXD DOLLARS A Yi*. ', isq LoC1n, 'made by timy entexriainircr l, tr ccu Omiet2, &certain andi rapit t,1,. thcà- uLrcdietil.-a everywbero. u 'II SAND IMLLAflS '.-:A lbing made Iy tnay en!crriÉn; t- Iu ecxurial eanou4icua. as vel] 2' the!r ir-uuctit r everywhere. Send for Twenty-Ii've 'iîuiir! WORiTH of tih eeples Great &iekf alêd trY tLanî among jour neighbcr-. Lt' body vant hm.. SEnND FOR FIFTY OLX y WIOtTR cof the. Peupls Great B.. kILI2 *try thesai aùon.g oôr neighb9r2. F'.er-'-'.'e vants theta. SENt) FOi ONE TROUSAND DOLL-ARS WOltTlicfathe Pe-pi.e's tireat Books andti I! tieux amuag ycur neighber-w. Everybody W1~ m Single Copies sent te an' i Je"Ba . Poèter, Publisher, Nù. 617 a> Pluladeiphia, lPa. SINGLE COPIES SENT TO ANy I ire.,pStage pail oeeeipiof puc. AdZe" 3; John e.P~te, Pubâ"ho,Igo. 617 aO *. Pbi"dlphia. - SINGLS COPIElS SET TO A-NÏ; AP N. 17 8aa.m Shot, PWi&1PhmuF' 1 - 1 1 1 1 bj

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