-t .,I x - 's-?"à 0&A Wr vil t j L1.~'. .&dl s 0" 1um be A a ü ibo 5U du. tend * mit7 ' Oumnsi .h~ s.w. a 06Mme MYI»- b>$àlu aki thse taoo woIiob .~m.s todayi taetheatIo quu Als spot posàs u miit~l~ewe b.h~.F1 b pIolubi O oêer il, sud miii Jok heecah ddâ irti e bel.. suokiUt to vel ibm st' ànisb by ha1:2p117ss>'TS omws viSit ceh or bhWeilmmxiet' seatof- .i lsa uni&wnites MWM .ohdjlog 8toIo e WMNtêieti. weigbtieaenaIIy pw. ibise~o.p ** bo si bâtiet. f. tamIy urne madld am0&- s. @ie~ustaueWitt IqàA-éQàh 1-w -PMdlU*,, à0 WMittq~7p ~ iI" IHLRU &u PUrnV "qb eo &imyl &M »0 la k, uhlh i of lmua. Uf iuIql mENS ic %bi5s tliwlq sr.st.I tau ao.m u 4ym 0Tue I ýa'T .stilIi Tise sua bad ? M.Ind wpt1 bilIe'end th.bI¶htlmYsvhio foely f.mi who btd ben but sye hotwk.,dnbelm vil"d bru" bot bt*? t~ a -.Sd -k$ewIh s d #t'I d l5util o~~b *dl wm1 fl methsA i. ' tL rd b«14ig * t'.. P-Us -~ mi wuie hi. t $ rni'-iwa'w LLL~U6IB& i. O TUS 1NN~<J Co- 0r VICTÀI ~ ,tt~. I t ~1~71 £5. ir I~m.m ______ s.. Bethe I wcrk UN t * - - -; lit I ~ k-r, lli UR ~2~2:I~ wepuhse u i owte Wal, hf. .nsréîi5 ~b bblWv l!a mi ut410-m 4lauf am mi asam tl»tje I WOW, 1 tbe lu W~&IKBOUSK .1 1hV.eymtVlead% ht l *~ cudie ?S*muo. ~lu 1bg siiCoMdo 1) hI~D~lg1 e~I% Coeblbu ai -~~~~X Ys,~ tlwmgtth L <.8 -. .u~4 r.s.~E(u~ 4~S~ - ~ ~ t, crier. ~m'~wur. Llath8~ut19,iW1. Y 11641 £~-àLLt,,' u-e. t A mmC* begfr ibai 'Sw Md w9. hm f- ta wi.wussimt . ]RRAIG 1* ~SBhWll ie mi .O*.d ui. - -~ uli t? *, .1-- Mun W Aguiuli uerteat î,Can lac ERT CUINEs,. M0R88 BOIS, RQAD SCL&PERS,- HAREWSB mum le GRýiCLTUR.AL 1NlqmInt i VR? LOW PMreu à gsioppohtuaity to ou14 do flt wea oYse. r i"l AL" siL,tgg,1lb lm, t@.joi * fui bur-PAU," lb.IbI ma.. aUdmu~d~.Pmrtepatri ILT. D. Ao~N .j.c.mm »»Y NU RPJAN,'EI J-. L AITLAMND. Exqmm BgcETl THIM ILAK Or MONTR74U àa~xs An .aupi*j Cmd wloa ele. ta *a Hon«» r.i.ia a .I~ ih h"am b... ddmgbumiam .Caam fS er e10 Y"uw57 u. ut of pety and id.M6éed mla som. Sît-aas Cuna a pw ratîlne .mèmtwiâ saniy. Afflamlh. bb.mai. t. As*" fe Lmaay maic. Vwiea. VBE of thFire -Xin SfesManfthcul- isg C., Eéà.,Yt q<rwezein. e te t LS1dU~bI*0 f<u.m u iflates it vin b. be llue-pàmeof 27,1861. M.at~ba~mgcè.. *..*tar, .Y., bieb Baie ~1.*I~IB& fl lfe J.y504, 1861,.fun î4 k ... u b m m - but " 60--4 t ie am .T.fat dm buM. <h.1b.6~n u 1bsye kFeusytb. whiok utnd aum cm-ala Lin za a wndn uiig t the laI ~ ht-4hqlb. Deý»àmb -Pàeru, uimsyt. - 2h.abuve trllflasvi show eh. Nem .. kr J. Taywo, et TemuI,4 h.vmmb mioeSs te- eM b t u e mdlag <h DM « .k Fo. s ares.They laIbeir Ad,.. inme4tb A aboiselDme..a Fp.y n »*B» é ý<. he. lite volieits ma ofthmbumaeby et Dmyee Ibo ~ ~ k. --ii-<aerbs r hmýgo- ekmom.u sujri. mg som Canan Agent fer B hzw*0 Uphtul e B"L 36 lm119-9f Rft BM PLACE t. e Y 1BOOMSo ab" fZ k'ubai»~KDtW, samP acIM et Lw it u l.nss.A*a m VAs.I'~5ej~aaa.avEff LIA jspeoet e bb or B isaefe IT ,~ma as e né ~ *~w4M W.BIL mUON, E Oum a mi alai- te ý . b mà , .teimw m.Bmiaere JKNKiNG GlT woEK ON THE vem, mq., .WU - M»V Md nigma .m- 1s84ME", Imia QB.Prie* 125 TXRIUING AOVENTUR AMONG TmE IimlT UT W*ESmuwalur.te My us * 0 o.tIl nyi l~ g es e " of *a i te. TEINQ ÂDVEWI'URES AmUN.%p 7=TUE 131. BTILEES hli.dravu frai. tht nmu atbni. busOos, y«l partmem of mil tb* vild, oird a i .feaful eharater b(c m e. TIM AELT SETTLERS vith atattlim. vnid- meu brung e le te .mimd of the reader my a deed of bloei and carnage, mamy a scn. of humoiemm" patient edurame. 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Pm>ph'u esi Books &" tu *ma- mn.agbs.Eey b&BI wam *MIN ~ED FO FWTY DOLLARS* »B tRO=I TUOUSÂND DOLLARS won" et <*. Poopu'-8 amBooks aMditry - .a"q re eb ob. Eferybody #,n18 figlo Cqhs Mclt teMI ad- &map~sp.~S"Up' Eiwe..Address. Job IL Pmwoe, ?uboér, Ne. W le". st. S1N~LE~o $2ÉBT To ANY AD- du..pu.~ml oawe..$eIeio. AdPOL. ~é, êpP~, , 17BmmaS. 4 00 et tek ffl 1, 1 74T, --ff- 4 L Mme i. lie IL Làsail. jur« et U"ay.l