,,-y dan oamcIud to letlr j -h beEUlm. altiè g i, muni tibia&i>fsCOti~ Me -au eunguteat teko n fat vie th" 6bu jaàwi the mobï itytablaeauN, à IOM êsubgim 1 abon iimâteirehldrnsttheng a m i . xemts bt iib w r i mw _d e f lexariteasm pe bad nuar sdsef-eia atu û ai Corbtherthaubbe fpeet?0 Tua ** *SS aEÂterRs.-fte :h Uwe sa egmisaIAl rhtt.o riav teJaà.s *e1 éï a. 1 uabbald.Aiqut Jaea epeniliepcal fhl-%, fat o'btud«coo a igh ~. ae ih hi od n a b.arCoa ewr cd. b k scedthi fluronn encuJ . «M be A. 10104 04. la lit 8* velildreused .mi, àe'vr ol krhe o hi fss iy md . m& armwt CL ' @m for ~ g , t.* 0 bl. 0 naS. îal tkiaa in fotoe ofth ute' t mt icso a~,wihWr hr x lu i omMi ý ý rà.î."W ý i. 0tewhe Mr. Joae, tht Weikoucti eir ul costdi hrh~at~u.~s réagi à »W fleasbe l.Pbb&lp4* 9#> «kedup he "-ret A asie t.M.40nokA m f 41$uw&béW , ilwith called "èonhim te 4eaea abtao tg*ê f shs , d-fr -on s a tle4.ding trammto.N. W8-Tux but"mm W...... .. ..S.aa, ..... si Alevade in about oms.y- et6s "Mbttesi mecbloraerptndd -nSudavfrn.uîhr ft$00 yba lkeh - intinthe vas about ta do e t o ,btte e amdreetvl ae ~ lmot lé ." amr MstsUnî fru O b .i I&0 fY i - i sau s.t iiMo-C"u.am tseabosîtheprc.LaesN.Motnbrte.mchiepier.e k ~~ '~~~r à-Goimi TImm ........ ...sinihe adunom* ona ibreyvZr tSulIe ony0 h nAeada idJmsMwn ou MM tt ei wl w»nw4Ml m éJï 1tu6. y.t..,'aSIdsw« by U rom&s.n & ai. Nasi k Is tandthere vsatifu ifr okrrsdo __ uhllll. Na -"ds- _________ soun M sid1iewg ««W" -saftewbieh iî euceof $150betwoeuthent I>> xiind,~ o.î,ifIn I-j-" Cousailk" 9814 ÏW.EanbifEsu Md t fsa asutiagofthe*"inoulio te it UPPer thet whoeeatter ta Mr. Jmsu.i aw ~i~i< hroe.t ~~ ibuDmvgod wu M m de l ab9,v, neg u.onay, W£ W* ili ab SId Tru t aueetig oth awm dt prsentaet thePrvincial ebihsaopio,No. 2,neblt abm sftamaa wihnehi bui6 noe uia «*ggéî"n w a~mi a; u s omuu." rum aun - Eabihtmin ljo.mloin Pegliurne. it C ~the mlo0f the $150, & u 17iaai veignt~rrtr r~T &y t.aia à$OIbi i -ut aMr.v mWâé rogrdi p dh i, ____________________ontte the Westneaittehfors;ue __________DM____» "a"bsoidtCes b.fe mwrd o Ur. iBoter r(aggeroq, of Pudals, lfer.tie bibidnad âbotebitou wt0= m .Tem* ,vem W W I10MI e aYtheveon Ms rewti. tatien, Mr. Job" shanded hmtecsudrlain nsa . h a:r't-i id m W*à w»doo me'mTii.Quebie Chroeidemaya vaer as d.thesupposition that al&sB m ,aî hau ruinviihte ftta\tP'~AV <>w~Au #W bgugMg f 1041ti, oé vu âsib.néop tils a.»etuigla Uge.<of tfI sebo t 'mortel, r isn fLnottvn ft rfîetal.AtrP o tedb s hrva' 1<MLfUO 41, JEuJJ i~ 1ft1 nmp.t.ihww. b. Muunha ivetami .Shàa apmM.1 j âdWe rof titse.n, ieh h bas fr a long tineretained i iorethe OttsaaCommisiom Of eUqUIry, &Md a eediug a ahort dist&nceN.2sdelyt4i eeoseydh.e.S Itc mrîbWfl aigle e e b.TrMPu' OfIpfliat. ml mm&M opagima*uul, i l e moi' buh» s~,4ealbgi uusasdy prsodt--vith better sel ltoma coul.]net possibly b.enaile. lctIstb.Ld eul oi ietosa Owsba-]o hm: u ,, ~~~~#o#f ai4t da,, debomt 4 m#@#i. ?Darlig thorini t. lthesdtqaulbPis lsra.ti ofapplyiag te the Judjes te r.SaduTontapacilmau iCpaeiwhhtecueLahei teho asfullvi Im m M L & "l àvus tisés friilé Iw fpçdm a ofe buaa b OU.Gih.Ire eprecgrest decisioui of cbaracter, Re îherefoi-e weuutbaek -totemaetiauî. rhsl o'?' I-h.nr> -':- as~I. t u. Twmuil oeDy.' 9.Mafotod àI apilo. taugaes suh&hmJf îevùl.4nsuilied ii.uîegrity, and -Mr. Stark, of Ur. James on the trieî. lewidptenyILs.w: e-Irei r 1 Ina~~~~~» IOII4ngtumseby tbê t' ma 4 l ut Omoils'à I eilsgivsent ai:Mna alag tOr tisef« ertain Tut W:aitua.--Dur«thîe lutfewvieeks Motrpal, an arcbiect of biAhstanding, 6L mre time, but sathe yo(gmnddntr-Idu,. ujintwu t~- PYëftla Irny b4e fet ieillntnd h» ,Àd. 'nitruj le "W wwî< on~ e r rm_ ibà e.uon on t1gh.24meay héie tetmWn-' ThékenwofrasasheeSe sutaree taria, lie mode up Lms.m.4dn bccidentad heeti 1'h. a.He f t!.we. '.. béntwIwe . w t* & * t*y oat adb lofmu f11.lcou htat ee t "141hti ama ated-aéinonatis u hep iiitl.~ h' ui *00~""i~ ies uf~~- hS -Lh. r .Tum...1Lahas 4,1f 7Il dry tha:iL.hetale mu em rmin. erama ee iWodnue t asnme],.aeinountnat teplie unford-t a-Twvwr ruiirreI ta«of&o"A«dt 0 ikMa dhbr CM 1 1 mmf etil . Middieton. vhicb tsilted inLii death. The ives vere put on thte, . khar'L*'ifl <4it Il t iintfrmpttXîI timt 14 er ueft i eeyetoésthe oche aid11011 oa . ommluIo 0report long lime in the groonul vhhbousgermatis.i, i,cesdw5eir'<,iicnpa ibaotsvLd~ohwvr a>ue h of-iiELAN tbdorvutiuf17 yM kiétignOnd lit llttk' **M tothé ie »,e w ua .We.n Mlgi t At unlng s« Le bé bo-.m.ntteod and.] y tht wusas itle.,dvaimleedwas su tei y pn mdesn n ela. a en.& u Jh.I Mekuko sivmràamy li fispore.]ts1.0.oWr#lebhoulà £ C., foratrulsêsg aatis. bontî, ospmeiilly te the ubeat and.nes. Ttr T htbetht 1ni rah.]tttO azelie turnislies the foilliugrsetn naet.Ce-'Prkn.tl. - <&gee lt(plýf4 (ht'd 1 t uîrt.h i. uv.sipoflh ascfibeMi t thepatsoîh Mrlsie a eopushov.y h o aandond d theel be htroe roea.]tL.i5i I-ssukona riis once fraetsBritishe vs o Cate.Tec f'e tlu r- tn .l d4trmlnti l dêê ir t hé en ~tw*d te wdaMs t4 ,11wcf ahe Towt*hip Le. fis 04960 lepahiïd. uaâ<j, p--twab!y Wiit tot yieIl Umm thsa athiri of eIstii t d'tedoh eakluiI;,aRon ablcChrh-Let..srein hi .rce- f-t 14M t Iffition, thmotgh vlikh lule iv w" îÜ Wmles"réda mmenicationan avera te e"-p.Nov, hoser va have Lnauoi ussaly-ofd Rfrir. G.Berkely mambhed]thteoa atui o-Sakol ~e aeavh: ~ ,,,itlnhwbed d thopt*d tr am Yamlig Omud00e. na. Lad afrw bovers of ra" hieh houe <bt Acc~iisn.-We if'Ttt tgoSagatthat thetie ftho fîe detaclimettof l 7hRi. t-Iofe yu h ra ~hl (»dtwii iw.~IY*fl 41 tt' hltii ~ IJf' lud êt b i-me f» nm #lie hole vob ie .te the. rpoey et uaIng & eta , nan incalulab)l^ anoui od,9and 1theme uHon. H. Ituttan met vii a ratber erieus ac- ioned a ait e aux NujAt h hrha % ae~~ a:.a r 141110Illt k -t' j( lle~,aiti htw 1iimt "lic..] meoumési goutraîîi CIII Lblum S9si t" mil swwushope lhi Witt jWood vae thtcdrt<1 u I von su.Weo i aetn nSna îetie'Ju ur pea h 4 etm!titm& MWd1 a t5otàîlMd n mmi udlins M by 4~Isl,, usebisi y <r .arinme uVr mita loudai niprofituble, 'eturit tu bis resident frum tnwn he ' thdp'd 1Lieut. Berkely sc mpuni, i e etejIIE ,rj.&u-.Ia- IekhrtoRd t.y ris îditr mI j5 lt,. mtfl dun t.eathe wI M Umoego rMsimsutléea "cuera a. k m"aOh - Prsis, ,,Jtoqd ~ «~<~a thet-oe attache.]to Li$ 1h'u-zY ecamei*thêechtir,Iduor. Souemairte rieanrts.stu"u:h'w' --'-- eau!, îa l a ieth e éhm «<mmldn. lamio . atuttczRc.]in ,Mââ ro terrtiive antistar-ted aidenly, thr4,wii,at Mr. - bud c mmeîuced.the beaule oi t iar. aîdne]tterriJtt d" .7 ..m(mII@. t Iè ilywtb*" agtinLand and] Em1<voion Uompanv, bu Rua sionvtleinslyout of Iiau.the uheels carne and ordere.] him go kae ism ah.a. dpe]toeo h hr of MO ~ i h e w q bI» Is ulty A mh.,* .X i<M , o by;'vb f " di raf 5t< i ni<gjo h 4% i» é e o t e lu e a>7bs ('o h ch I à ed O e n nÏ . t inr. eros. . po ton of#-à r T4 O VIAI l. ma c o1fl, eln thtledlai<é» Looi tt mot dP»rble ponIt uau oon bis bts.], vhicbbled' profuaeIv. properly refuse.] tu do, as evsntiiau ocuino uir'~t- , tht' iin<l batis ti~ratw~«t<, iiwnp< n¶uuu'th.mterl~tret tt~ <111et Muota (arr-ai, pu fieremaneti snenslonafiremn untroe:buh wv afor- sonieeentl. Aftr serice,îLe p* irrceieed a liyh iii lb. dryr*eu' < ~ ~ *e ut gelè,eaIfor a istre*of Ovo mIO&. fîdl-tXlg ut awich lu locite the s;eney of the ten nev vas subeequeiatty remnuvedte bis resideuwe. ih1eýdie, ASSISte.] by Lis sondhbrtl-saettohrlrdu h i-aj~ W kdy#tt fté$#*Mt flh P<lubus eni iu$s'huledt.îls Ot h C>. Tovrnbl*p re.nll purchas.d hl Ibis Com- uher., se ar- happy t. stage. the hon. mentie- two attempts to tale Lient ele7~ioe eiîae]-Ti a enit - i'tatu~ <t ta 011«* at 1%y<m pi 4 ouditui tu et1gul ath w Çmbdtr'o yn ntîuy u aldl *r Itigee cn' oiîreiate Co.. lro'op.Tha T Nata, ('muablejia. lusthtfemeniL Wc are informe.] man in recovein.-Cobeurg Senirinel. ont the Queen% bi*4hwayviei l e th -o *peqieuuosi bis swtksî tii w tltiiièh Mii#vt bé~s ~e alleoi #léfora ecut renieai ntte.in tha Lld.ay Las hein seete.. lufawihities Woou. TUaDLP-The yood trade vaâ never gîvin- tLe word tf mc adttbsm)tt rnbl i outis teee l 41sif, uaaI t is lis is>unarIu'(Alé 1111P144 Mrrs:!ZaLewr iipatio. Catrieti of ae<fms hy rail te the tront snd teamer te moe m inS.Mryst pui;îe n.mth !~h lc tD ~es etmn ois e' n-wi: M ? om tàm feode h Cnn Dbray pu . si hemu darbe on eui&season. Tht pâ-ces are remnuujeraive; Moment. This inc'orri, 'ibeede.ntih prtcfheeuî rik T- ttf IWnWt*tttg ald1 homt t! " M)I mmpumO? b, W oo.t tine, n'o htihe s. wiléteeirio n t)ituto n hv ,dthu air from 30t o34.sading the Pries i ou odmain<t h hleen rondin letth. Th* M m #mil#ut, theom tmesudglb rirebriods. ndthe _ade aedk ie careusecLbis condjt4 ent a fe II(ubth td Witt aa lm tii 10d1th0Th triltnueùLiee ntw*rsé rTteftssnmIlee abhattahlg mn eeeskwaî 0.htM.-m dei ah .ritrtionastfmtthemnt uf d"? lmvitt.. unritritargo gJMhiifor the market. It sou!.] be aitaeo L aec eea. b ri u lc oa'te timM u l v r I & b t t'. u î in l u u g , d uu e g t o n lg r e o f l a h l h y v e c u s S f * i h r t t a u t 4 y lo C r o u n J&4 Aa l% v s le . lî f o r t h e h u m er s t e b e a r i n m i - i d t h e a c t t t i . ] a a i n o i u . B r e v r e u r l n - u t i a B o - l . n bai aisemioilinr.l An'slt*v4tr* ls ris ohls.m eess&l and tie a ur ~n hie îemtxShueiho .ianpef.n isbr a bs aonlo,îeîîîuhe L e-n prlvu îhi-u mitat' eruxg have no thheI vnt iele wZ..l. - Mi' L <W-vien watt~~~~~~~~~~~~ . .italh' auwe>( ~ utvieliu uitiuu e . 4 wmte orblat1,DNmteu-T0" th 600mm Of Joes 1%i , e _L-A. ulmliht bliitt tum 6u 0 vtMieruti l isec rt1iltut ms hmi ~ b v e u h î ea pouua ule tbatifut heir aheep are emîy partially Kasbed s.] , at I Oo ck, on y-ntL ubi Ws n. ~ e hr- r q. s. e 't 'I -t s e t-, t-i 'I ti j- -S -s- -~~1 tt 'i t- i h. " n. -h. th --t te~ s-- ta, G. lis tut ~tutul esl ~ tt ~ atui ùf 0 * Jî ustnî es vî I ~T b eusal mto u bas br o p o ns a sharge esg ap o om d ay lsusy v am hiag bMS e in A» . A o u a - t a r d ,, 1 r . W a î~ î~'uii> a iuur sal'~*1 h'wuak. <m-s to e 4, etlqbghum amouners otl. tah.'tlMWae'0<d mli a bamilsbpBmssin sI sddnl cmmne. t fes l i rcolet eud tt- ct at théî *11ttéf < tat i euitlntiwslll 11 i' A61itu hg uaeaMeoeu Mi.tlle photat . la wbm u dit ttnIf Il em.e on abs su lb. kW.,O t b @r r , fo Lspopose. A mogame i happeeusu&Ma 0< il 1frobMer yu 11 iotea-Ttby uyr. getmrv lnautitîiaiaiîai tiit1hl wa114P> li t'«"Itrligh tiPIÎt, f0 lb.9» lsei%0umuI Petsboroghtu ivaatitltrial. és s4h Coneseos Eion , Mo% s.m Visabetb ath«uwMeî,î hi Lb.,et vas go cibaboie 5l 0 aresprdy h iiý. a û nfu ~ T M1-jm it hérdti tm . d .fl a. e mo f sddn-a tatu tint ttil ,,#titi.,111t«lu pease. Watlujbueinmes thuefre, 1 s1w MWiijpoevîoosl&. -.!ilies eli, --tt oure <- Hea" ian.] Iafhter.i W1 itot' 441wrid i léo. on *d kt àbubdu-hetiuam tekmelit#0mls Mî> O c of beholdvol ifofr be miAIsul mn& W iilsaythei ii amgala and i ppedtua vsmovbu< ua umv osbl]oiierbnst hwitt piti>. ta lts ~ u uîw ta Saita. p's. Mn I ai100 P49W 00 la 0" # Deu m lote.4ab . 4 elra s < b.4I i dha in amW I question.Dghree cakuu'eh th.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tal #nd nta.~î tU> aîu.TtesriimI is f ~ usMdl wmaalt h u trouriw% wbvIefou4uht at Waterloo . a t o - alaaneiesui lsSdgiiu eoh cul]asrî t* 4tl.f hâs i n 1 » I if (WtI aul J4în unu &Ml du hm si aimi"mas b s, es. bIatik». of lb. I.aiasulav Warfor shielà m&a hsP uan l,4de"a the sreans- foor Zmisîefulel .igvl u .i .-5 us n!îefuu ifn miléit.sL metbs ât orsellL. MAH k& d ubsp ~ le Amsad, sbs"'mg bave bi t reer& -ffl ~IaOu.Temse n!tttic oss finmals.in, ________Rit____l & x M île fo " 00 .w "Yo. arer sa cMI4 am a las ù~ibl ts îhfra fti'bnttId tlhg leut Ym eu fl bd4a5emi. b tuilvt *Mh vu fmam nsis port"s . ISi)A" a" u" - 9miando* a ouive o sreli.lte oy--an]l'l roe t., gosédRohtglàftuiaeauon titIl Mil« oehuwdl W" W » l' ausMutote 1eeroegb hi trial. ésoa mai, uhis mmvuIM" ebumlm I uspu edot, 'Mise Oe«,- t ti ft ld l. marmtele iétué $wdfl 1 Md 0004Pteor 4 gev, la tic ylm 186, and lived 1W b >,t.__ _ _ _ #lu11P It t'i ita ttt t't'fIIW toi Rîfl tit mt $sel *50ta i et bd#h s b T ET T RT.naeajalsne o .a -L u lti sui li tli 1w %Ill j"î, Itti' w lqt ao t&*( wà M.m s, lt4w b bw lsi né.Iý Sterfor a&pe4ot tfS? eaae resrdeut m(* FUR SALE AT PL'fANGUSHEN A mcii astul atistrg to?. &sa tJ 1 uéhiil IM O1 l otaoa. «m u mISlie vof l» Clulie eMmiOf ni <1, r b. S"±1 - 1 -t Of kto vu putt op f117e.us 85*Ii. eadu'ta S bd or n *a6mosilua as et ukat!l .avaMnstr eilCW.t Iu 4 L111's suîtIc uiï 00%ho lytg s wwsuo~s.»41&L. 81hhm< :d. 2Co S.Tsfllr ox im g nîle blés2maied 10bu« irm err i nifi usi.iilbe raaudnhu eîeli.VtnR-n- tuu $i~îtlfîîqtdlm stusalsr itr-sut tp7 t«, hste as-fh ujMli. Ite W, K "Atnsn i tegoeîtsmlbureuystleMru ld5l.n f lirr , nuit 212 la bone y raaséreyot adre'mofrc gM'. Rnr' ai'-6 $1 <?,ItJsoi. rsml Ts11WetWiobo dol3lb Mv.P. U âYOft i%14 a8ou"and trek lu cii a "W l~ eycul!Ba- 'itII"ltt's l i t saistt t suj%%w(h A 6 fm Y*a" i a 1 " a Unim»m«tbuXme blognm.*0, a fin*uosttl*ludIL.. 188. mistelaluémI1 t horN'&. t&taise~di-.'-àa1mt*0'e <f iste , s 1-W eilsI ,. kouh ui aParbe'e lLuablm. s 5