l=. m Ou ~ik d.mmu.d. 01 mlmb..ww~ty< Doubi - m.um6..s. .qk t. le .wpd, mfrnuMmont ulul ~éks dAuoed,~ 1w - x. - #.di Éd usé 6U~I4 <e ~ <e w - a~frus~I 1h.EIw. WawM~uiéieh6hw.~~n > S~# #au*Ias ~ L1KYJ~AT. ~<W< 8IIAfl AMI WAIL dem deo f Caneahm. basa 1~..b3otcf snb <Jb. la b.d mut ou snedha.Nêfruby <h. aqfr. mn< om pmooadh. m î«ofl. ther malsfes.t.fd du le ëoiàte ô#.><Odsboe msnythe 4u.hbetmâtom $1 kow MM he d i te# dnc>f tise Poilnas tws <bmCé a M. . Jpé ( <h. vequlhmst "uOx# it poa«r m t dP" <la ênigh.na piew èra cf <. g, te#gutâa <e ono itkt n l4th<bfi« ,îo, &r coies, a B ftôrfftisea gh *m cc ~,gnr~ iao( beio Hoy iriand<o ici. oe< su g«IlV i .eoed~muras c tin M er t. tqo' Iu b« uir t ce-vas * lunitm <wod Ol be m u v fmrnel 0; aMitï h "ModM Mllgbtauiet-and. «"Wwvime W&<ut fh estibasp agmot thuMig~ m a .#jffe( fttil ft, B. ko»W ttta <kP YMMMWek, mmd u <h cséa.mcad (ho "« attu, au Iodé md che exnsiê d the ad~.nf 16*0 fsafymw tu f whkr t béas the rgi.s, mM d hckmu, oftmv epaiui odêRu4.oas. 1< <étud with iasns.fr.w.ym, c <h la lsbfm t ol .Mdns «ôoatok#usi'cfhvln m, o ~wy u.. nn Iy *0 .êulmPW -u-by .çn..w ï. log" > Tha m«Oehu fpvsaL n ain.(Woma 0<..uww~é,.a «.opelàdi m net .mpiwtand -~~ebuv "- ê e mada Mi < (or pOe 6% d PW(vw.aig May, nn~ ~~ 0<i. .wui.. cf cii11z ll~eo.#icih~ d".whIch <ber. v£agi"e.oonofahaurmuh. Pro lweghlt,"il bybêe 81<srand by t<h. pnftull et pf.hw, and <h. pbodoos of h. kr-,wlien the peo. plei m la a pfekmle <owScrhebo, **fi mimswh I<u owcapital, la à auêno si.,<any w. dmut f h ilk ooAiprseent, the Ca.dhwa'.Mdi dplopa m.sling tM oo" drWed dgPo las bo$W fr' owbeft, Whiokb Mul o NOi R h .embi u h.e.ujee.i cd ddh, we d m #hm t he gimerc O<wh<kh £wgJad .mpl*îe .I. the vtsIo. I*C«amd people <oas *1$ la ddendlng ther Provinte', by v.Wag à body of mifitlé whieh, wîth »dotm sn.< m » 9 ng1a nd,wou Id bw ê«oWIum < fld mtfw Prcrvinc la -«u d 0< r, 7h. Canadian* pIe.d piwiy, whlch enainly 18 a (.oeidfb. ibt Ia. bee Con-.l Bnc ua.êsailyemsed irovik r w r r r f p ofe, fil I. proptmed bat ftheumaili body cd Zngligh fi(» opm bon(MMv Vol~ ~~~b oite oc rih . rganiz.d, *bd <ber wadety of the sBrliub roopu irônîcibe msenred inîftl c an n ma- gîon. We r e plaïftly Io-id <bat we rom nis, n»lsu Ws.'do »mwr.- tbing novft iont own de"" be an th« ivailolg ca ,000moififlanmd b,»0 lkmffeivA:tA disneftgirven k) Lord Maétby wné dcf thé eadlàg rêsi' deAU . cf nreral, he »uici 1ft yobo6 hvojod 4PaM"e MI*muvikm; y«.h é# m. omo M fsegwet u of <yo 80 16d Wkbffil nadlo jor te.'ô biam liennPMU "m oisi, yn eimut e" fmPics 1audvthm j behgm &auld spe,. (me6. Amrlo, spp"y sm" te &defuiCeider sudP«" Teb*l roic i umq e"a fi 1 usai leWh ray. the <le 0( m tc,.(n<e" eple # «ilem lve'l d< <bei owa vIrpv.aeuùt an, d eMt aboût .nbodlha smilit .whieh 0*1 b.e udfllUrt (fOr .d(em d ah.~~~ unmt u mo tst#0 v thmie #( emétlmg (Csmds eutinPy on b« 0 .sn m"M . TiseL4Aedo t Il ln .os.mwdg .m u m . w Ioe .' lit b decm*fffiaal bw gf.lig a ai »d frai nitrmw. ai ira*mau é6. OWII .m Ibn*»modM dd mutls .h, w <à dum à mm T» h Mu hs fm - l iqg ur winuww <mumm a. ky goentsule o eb <b. lmad.vet, mml wlII on. "Eouu.o*l lhwunies mm epbte mea pe "M é e " &f »6.Mt op "Old à- tu" 0<veég "&oeso » api AI""". oSiLfmwof e.moifah%"u oaam le eau 19. fi<SSAof le* <od le 0# 0(**e..d$bé( à# <.14 cor fi Tm Co"net, Mave 4 Uvtosotdey oui et a lob%.gpop&" laor 12w; bme mftavy calhlsg about 6*4tressulul loi«"ru&. A Purevoso-au". f.app«-n <-.2 u os cesa vm.1 Mêd the. arnw'.patpom m.ale mutpesg, wai ww.a, êib dm je d.11e mleàoz- p PU" go Sb" uL .spol iait wvinlaSe. b... abmdm n.pwll& pl.myofuSwawO 0am whkh ire l*11W <ou wnu"a*are aisé gftd ai, &~Th* Tit«W .vi. m lfiomb. h «v.pnad b>IvAeog 01 SW aro, 0M 1Sfw8-hdm 6mnatnt of sbê'vlief. lotiW"ndut m tu1 S& lut, à lm a petof geM lusboomboud rm tbeélggop f. é# meti p. lofis c". "a. VU md pseh, $fr, ,ohand pieu dmr #0 fg le lt =_ ôud, 6.7 bo.d aMte &W L ve wu f" Mfsd hop. h. bwý bs mumk e eu lOur ât21 Ccui Msin'Cu,.-Tbw iM.m " h twtv u oe?utahuo~m malLfaéy Cebo oeilt a l w b abm, à* »peMletPmgi. ng ued ou. MhliO lewrt .ey m- -«k <t chaiep p.vh mi mm cs a mm» clos w nam laS@OM clu b uéa.mm tP O" w ul»&"à Ilsol PO#m hvjdi eLuu UnemeN.eu-Og 7,1d, *0ié S #*0., oiare te mss. WuPU II.a..bu nma .WM uire<f.&Tbsi m ski. s «*l eMe, remuffl -r-vuoaiy ly l Us TIc.. Mavims a Rp.u.Cmm. .Tm sfid Ils MUdnl.auta*spu.dhy 'of ,wu to cf4, mi bm v ir a eph.a(« go d. meugos "Iu-baw" &. UAiow ers., 'n I. p0os .. Mv col.'.. i6.mk"e1Ud I ic- du 1105M# e UPlup à«*a m ébo 1. g «b ~u. do wuw~;~~ - w. , 1 - ieu- %&Naft nteMu -oté» iussl6e~.f . 1-i or <b mdsW mie h ~ oh poi feli màu5 or es"; maaaetsuin, a uw V*low au*e »àrsid rose? 5a ieulavvaenvl MM tmsfleti ?Asipresâme Ob Md d~eeuseuriter ?And ~ ns6.0 *0 foisiorrs eh a var, almeut anm fa fcl va ia - i deuh.. iseil? lad0 moud the maller, O or »aI ons vouli sit os'f t ê# aies ufI mseanrelief ila <bas di. --a m-, ame hem tho iemmafth <.ea.M 1<6. S MM wISs s are tn>liag for an polâiteal ivilor hmve Orsympa. ""8î1 m hdy rlng ber slrnggle, orme . Ma etFoa Idocb ave, ve t ley t? Î!=* blce, but m à à only dmvsa bue 8084 S ffm «o~PaId <lre, m M"g fr tnemLut 10 let lieus ;Q; u *e ow.salvation. A My rate, w dudd do »c"ig t. encourage lie Slave OtaMuef.nhw r ragamnsa irn iGvem- Meu«& Méu v itbont âmtdoubft 6. vole dmalty, sud oly in case lthe South carryout emauipubm -em cen îaat aIl chilisOui- syna =-l-s. Carle NeeàINec York corres- on f thé Loniion77mae-ao eie~ s-. lbority s e t" daveni . doubtimes e = qa fsd osfro t he a and lth"poli"ia pilsm O sydvddacrisg 1theVe <sine s vocen ltIqes e.If' <bey melst e lumsivs urase dobtu -Ibo car cig ovat ain the doom, Of slaveq UmIpoeAu* 15, lst2 CANADA. Lodi, ch ias s mclong rus between ROcIs twee mdlae, h as, ce underatawd, beez »Mi Mi teie Mm a rnportgto6.Aerieau ouruvs sut h. lhm m.Wednemdey via the Si. Imuece, for ber deatinatio w; . a oies ci b. s» direct ccsuauuniation vita oui- m'egboos191 next scasout, chas, ce Lelieve, àe *0l fimu" o c ptais ,eofiehii lereplae h., vull eaewV slamr.-fot lHop Coma. - lhu*CUOLY r ug ipa oY«»eW.. foomo wu<at y *Mrvoasn.about 18 mua 0( ope dma fr et lrme, TrafaIa I.esfp auuy 01 &altos, ueaisuicide deughaif la a sitalo, deur on SInde mcrag les. Tleesuse of th.euhà sa ài alftturai tocb. a dàmapoisîmensin I.,.. Au hnqsatboucls-lte bcdy, but, » *Mi act à hel6.uusls-GIpl Ai i burgaWy cf the mat daring d«iciptios vu cmniieQDu&#[ain treet, moi cite minute'i eaïu bous the *i"e station, Mm thle naoet ýfl6.o g thae. diy. Thb.heOucf Bc Or raier îLe" portion Of il ocuspâs by Mn. Mfeed RovlaI imaudltlY siS 6lct uimsic,«stoe,-vue bwurious- @a a <eia. h. tbcs jtaie. froua os of à* roone, Mid stush lucosuaiued cf aI V"alue O abta t is peuabthe. rotii Ion olaiame adionby climbiag np lie ÈOIM âhoe acl oe ayaccem tOc epeemenos For uuvây <have sbut a vaq in ftbieboz» ta k ios emm te leb"d* Se Ira de suninsi; md i bu e e»for beau.i 18 SANFEDITO MONYKIAL. the am MbI teoopusu mIgfuaMura Uoesymej, puaf. 0<. mme um -t.Cmm.$t- &VIf. t ,i y vu te >road <rm <l sue , I u...r'T,*,t u~6s <an US I ul~.?. MU hba. fW&.Wi, ifi". W* pobt*m ferm àm»mu 0 &0 dsmed e ihe le % mmu mW at e S a d Wuthe raa t 1W buMr BI. Ud 1*1. b im. fmmu>w Fra ç mm& Theinv b e. m hm Ï - am foies p.-Mit g *et »gton tatsý &mM pw te. vi, > ABUIM Mues r ee we vu en" m -ld FUaNER Là 0F vu mm thNÀ Wh..orplmmtlo. wui. useuiy a mau . Citoe pueussdiuà.vuonviii lb rao tIattou eus im dectid b i 6.rL Hg" b.i. bu. s liasmghn br- de.o <osBuCawe dt e dus ii. ith m.oaeu t lwl th eo oins s umy 1 aras. vu 6 knin e di 11 h. l as ot val serva ven h uect mand t. heofte adyt dàrenglueu ho miàt pla IbafititheG "hif ah o(thom,m aniai eXby aouha nao"e pies&b at k no vu nhtaetecoodi bàrligielom.conviton, achil ta arrty broa*='Mytoerc e c piios ch, mfakn as- vs ku a edi ol aLte. e vas noe- ssipird ostheis bent;ford b. ofles nstta1 .i irindsthwha dii ne t avarite brois 6 feu.c ohus.ftir.Ld aea> iog ita mut bayve acste , bey tingart- ulage fSir as ines n Ld it kesa.mn S is yeatug, vle site as e, Lte cvm- munieo ftCusly )1ofad vEs bs rcovr andi s daiparuis on bihas eat or Lis ovtemin-serl attend hlm, a nhat verls t dsofhîlbc is f m e art eor dncem Le detie is avida befre La deth, b bd fortahe iof teo - chacu o c he dyh f ng aud smad inet mens cf oanoer er consoiaition.ahveMt? Tuhe liet aui ate rey li.t da'suto s;e a diie ite c hâ huey h 1 wiche Lawaysd baloagDavid hveNa a Roman Cathoie? n Wmmiatbis ltestas.. the urt bes Farreva- mm ong sot wradminister osoltionte dhxm Tmhe a biena.! a iiftereml la thes quso naser l tin th twathe chnl answbutd.c dobta ppoin asumticu rla ag ains her di L an emi thativLn îL I itts ofturno-t mas erodo Chnimee aiy wtere uîety rn2 Mas dha tlaa stenfra isnaiter. aWeo ,to b"ft" poing mm hee eir e lu elnre ad If Mâ*i explana dtio.I houivittion oand lujdtM th [lia aca ttkadon:e of lonas peWiofrmesonta ide izic renly pre- amies deatia thermoudfremiter of a religone no Bààà Ferrlet wdyul sndidn tcabenelsd- I blmp fane acted that inviation sud lbongsh. t easoy c nowgud bseci. msong the statements cuit-crt on titis pain- i! uliject, we find it ai!eged that in an inter- view vith Si Allait, after Le Lad been visited by the PRoïisL Ciergi-, the 11ev. Mr. Geddes took occasion to interrugate him very pointed- vi wth a viev of aacertaining, wtether his re- hgàious vieva Lad undergone any cag; and thnt >e Lad replied ini the negative, sayighe died ithe tLitL of Lis fatiiers. It wou!d Lei veil if Mr. Gieddes, Biahop Farrel, and Mis. MWcNab would ïeverally fui-nishithîe public vith a statement of the case. The fit-st that 15 tucesan istnderstand te facts. The. Rer. Mn edes , wao vas witL Sir Alli withiu Ibree houri, of hi» deatb. asserta tint he re- maiusii ateadfosî in the. th awhickh e Lbail l hà Ji& profesad ; andyt we find th b the oriiers of Mrs. David Mac-Nab bis fune v as condnct.ii accondingtta the rites of the Roman Gaudic Citaieh. Tt vil sot do ta sav that dis i a famiy affiûr, with vhich the public Lue sDo coemTii. puitblic is interested in inpbmwâ'mo f ti.viwleeue as b. may Le mês"aité maie la.6. meemame1,public opWiot e rpady tahmgshap, osb.e stile;n;sd thesooner as, epls.usos e may Le to maie is myieti*e ter. Tha feeing is al Lubt a-.ma à t masoutrage bas bees commit tei; m4dif it. sote v.» gremided4 let lb. fmet *"e vii estbllsi ustru *ce epro. d.u& la <bain absenc e uivl!otL db CE &Whua*g'g inmala-g p inm ate theme- Aasi o o Go». ». msTarw-AaM.P. ; d kmsign »Put, taiss a SblanLondon e=y" u =à ,% avig aisé,aDua- dM" âtetîn, fer a simager ssi an allen, 10 be %h w -Cabby W»gemovlytedereii («?". e l ory..ý' amevanitheegenlw ,mm in bmkh.. lgULa6. Fie shilling <le -.ocu~' u ah17'sply. 'Ak! uemoei vu, m, gse e umofty 1mai.' Ikvuhm hi csuaft ud the - eulmaevuthe umrk, in oog 'Tem, yje mai *m à a or i a us sipe 0<& Il.lise lva ~âIn~6.l &i*Po(i mm ~ ~ ~ l "f.f a1 bèmi gel*miEs theBO ie mmim ul£IuS 6. ~ ~ s " bw .1)uý4 md.lde lie ~ ~ î Ïbuie.6 lk ie ma hm twis ir a umum vu caed to à* i «lait, 'T14s gee jeàt terusi 1.b.bi osaviiln z gou At PeesasomiglMh.vernise .l ldy IM a paem emuiami IM. Via. ked by tbeauthoriauass,.i ivu et coS- ~nc, ai ipei.poewouli mi vute aflonvude6" a 8 1ânu frets a nkchmesue wu buut iIbMlte noue cf thelady vub to*6. kuîs ofa flg a MM ocf mouay vifa apIM so aecSVas ]Er. Tuifond of U4né. T=s Dnm ce m 'LPoilecs VI" patnvee iving &long Ptusy Bo.d :mSauza wee, vite., accordngto the woup"atuant.he e rve hisanag- u aganst the pliamin vicitvue Mms. Mtý cai su a aier!7 lady. la the altercation plaisant The usagîaée eard the evidence for both aides at lemgl; bu th case vas ad- journed to show Mr. Metcaif time for more vitneuses. The Duk refuses 10 apolog-ise. *0Gü a omtLivepon 'no Yadmiey . ~'~ Q~~Ov~ ~the 6y, e te w YOrk. me VM bug" by lb. Pr.. acla, j wamr " o" ams Fuom ,in a prOpQai 1i ru ihoid frth ecognifon of tl>t Pwâiliàt vM m ig up Lusineg.. proeogatiSos vshdtake placie on the Tth. In the Homa.of LorcIs, Lord Stee moved for SiaIta itliMr. M relative <o lie oehovledgment of the Sout.. Eul Bunsil maid ik vu sot exp.jji t produce lte pqmers.Tii. agent of the cof. derate SituvaI S n"recogniad, and &Il com muniec -es vr.umfCiaL .Corrspn&c bed takeimplace v"z. Meurs. Adams and S . *an, but the British Governisen: iiad repiid ami bafomRe. atauted <t no commi:Jll~ bid bas. uai i om sny foreigu power e, lative t. the îecognmtioe- of the Snh- Eur l desb7 aggestedftitat the GO,. -ument sbould coimmunicatesrith uther pv Omy -it a& iew of offering mediai~ aun vomable tI.30rtunty arises. Eaui RueJi agreed that it was .desiraià'e mediation as aS tfé utat ae Puwes,, , joi>, in kt. He Pmd abigli compumn, Lord Lyon&. The Motion vWU finafly WrjIda %n. ___________A=RVAL OIF THE EURCp_ - SCOTLARD. f MASON ÂAND SLIDELL GI Saucuura GACRMMyr- On Thuunadar after-, cape Race.. Au-. 1 S.-The ('u:;a!-f i. aoon, shortly before tvo o'ciock, James DreiesLip Europa, from Li%-erpoûl ' tk nec, foreman sLlp-carpenter us Mesr. Steelei &Co.'â iron-vard. vas mperintendill- lie pt- Queenstowrt on Sunday, the IOt- ý ting-up of a mnidship trame. cliii bye beas pupiut aut 4,- Jclock this mont!. s:... attaciied, iy e ro hp hs i boarded, and her newspaî.er d t)< hoisted int its place, Di-ennan, supposing uttbo d be secure, ordered the workmen tu let go thte tiiekie, andth îe fkrae, wei,,uin,, 21 tem, fell iIt is stated that Sl,!IdeU i hd auti:~" front a hei ht of ekriuteen feet. "The flance of: the Emperor Npiu. 1-tw a beaun att-uc-k lrennan o t lhe ad, splittiuaý,' uhe rec-onitih.ïn of the Snlêr -t.' -it lu two, anud scatteing 1-is braina ui the! Napujeon is sai tr huve ground. Decea.-ed, wbu vas about f tyîv -a, ! qf) L ruuu.t .-it of-g, ha eft a widowy but nu famil.- i in tuvcur cf such a etnurse. I'Lt I--.- Gr.emock Adner*wor. bar-ici-s to the Suuth hzd ho.-. Losa OF TUF n'nrAÉaIîonîo f Enlan-d. Las been received uit 1eith by te!etrraph of nhe Lord Palmerst on, in a spe.- i-...l groundin-th fle sce-evsteamerILeith on the ýSb tliu!d, agii nvue. d -f - Ouael Banik of Rocks, about tweuuîv miles from Arneriuati ý*.tt...s. Dagrerote L& 'ith le aouti' ntîrancé 1to the Gulf Mr, 1oeliue.k aso n:aL ast of Finlaud. 0The owners have despatehed u nt CCSuu ut'uka steamer C=ar ciii the 'lew of ru-eadern- : h.- r hai of L-.rdPr&:t- Llîeiteiery-assitance. Oru LoartiL zrs inothecz;&reîî Captain Sinclair, a gettt!em:in ccli . iîa~ heni to aeu:ti VL vitite t.Baltie tr-ade, uniftwo diVers %iîtiii¶ tbeir a.pparatua, accempallied hv -%r. I~ru i'oL.a(ud -N X of the Leiti Doc-k Coucau. T'!i2 .: au t*Iu~; o~-rl ~ the Leith. independeru- ofIter c-arg.o, is0,i-1 Eîi'ni of rilutisdl:: ,~ 'r mated at £30,000. -We ae f 1tu d lu eutn teleguam received ut Lelîli en S;tiiid-i-lr- &d it vet i:st noout hat. shouid the weaher continue . ata £ - able, there la evers chance of sut ing the P.TI LU<l able ca-!othe Leih was carrvinz lu CrousJ -. 1ERIiN,~. lv,111 tadt. The Leit i l quite a new'steamer, anud vas built by te Meni-. Morton cf Leith__ SELN EV IAVN Saturdav brougbt îidinp c f the dath lv CNFDRT drownin- of Captais James Muekai-. of Ar- \~î-~UPIAYN1:'; bt-înîh, master antd par t o onr i- tlhe :1nL-APh'1. Vl1A Seaficeld, oit lte vo ag-e frotnPui T h ~n~NE:i-'n~ -E E St-field kf: Bombar on the 1UJrh Mai-ch. and othue morning of the 'iîiî Apni!. aluntt ttx'ee LIEIAf oý*loe whle et da-k, Carrtain Maciay Va lookiii- out ut hiâ cahin l'Liw Te WbI h ofo :de;:h tt54 . the wheel be-antia sp!ash iii the wtîter. i r(îiu 'nir- t: imuuediateiy afterwards bc':rd Mr. Mca-s Rsbni W ~ -~-~ i-oic-e calling out frein the w-îter,- -auA..-udhe ht(o.M :-a.-... a ho bve a liite-butv overboard. back îthe -- main y-ard, clear suai lte hoat.' His ondens Cvacut.uIttighis -'. t -'.e' - cet-e insantlv obeVeti, but wilion: being able iîf riG len. Popse W 11 ho bt3 ..': to e u e e aptaisi. The buat piclied Up the The n.îiu'ier cf Ya:u--trt- life-buo,-, but M r. Mac'kay was seen no More. JamesRcive al nut. a)i rî - 1obsertuible aiuùr-. iez IRE LAND. A Wa hiîu!ton des:s' i-,h te îLe T i -s - TLe ceremony oflayinz the foundution stone c-ut-t-nt 'tîîs es iVsJin s-rnu t- cf tle CathlileUniveriîy îook place enoun- 1and sets\ir- < u:-l. t .- -u day. The demonstration caâ -the lrever -' vituesseti in Dublin. ot- four U.iXS.u.t (s.ti.Muc ' EXigqt-T19tqix îîLiiearct.-Beckharn. con- ie L-nw eiPu:tui of MU -r-\I. St - - victed t thîe late Special (Commision for the iieîa.luhreXvtt - r -- murder cf Mr. Fitzgreî-ld. vas iun to-da. r ýstatemtent. lead ilit ,the sleelief. ---- He selier conssed nor denieti Lis giii, andcorne in the tutuî-e -t 'urse rîeunaiîns. met ies fate cliii giest firuutess. la a state- 1iia-- nte-s h'Ytse ~Ln ment mnade on tic scaffctld. Le declareti Le did touinduý mixeti up a[speaiar î-e. Seuce,-'- net dieu 'sU&ag' cru turnco-at.' There vus have rtum()rS Of disaster teM10 -u-- a large concourse présent.i 1058 cf ai-îierv. tuas ofsipi: -.i. s vert- vague fou-n, and are uci rez-ard i- MCnoEa &T DuxaLàsà.-On Satut-dav, dible. Catharine Foiey, azn sged wceun, as bar Cidr-eo. Au -ust 1--The 6Grenad-,Aj.a 1, "asy murdered at lAimore, by ber daughter, t h n'g svs tht atti r 11 Honoma.Foieliw4ho àh viii nife mund some the hiius Ocf Breekiennitge. and thu t.t-.1v b!mî nintmnal ut 1 dmang-led tLe body in taneti four re-iuiecn ns. six-tra1lO-s Xs -. a shockring numu . e uinece 1'ticIo <unboats. The sane pape -tî-aa- set, and mmedlatc!y arroutd b-y thepolice. dte Knoxv-ille, -ah, Aiiieh iiat- île -.s» TLey, bved on bad tenus, and bail a dispute as lm a Tazevell near Cumberlanti< lu the payment for some eggs.- 800, and surs the figit lasted two ayîý. >DKÂTN 0OrTME PRIMATE OF IIéLAit.ap, ug. 15.-îLe 7TiirS '-i sincerely regret to have le announce tLe death following speciaàl.:-Meuni iisi,-T cf t ehgt Hon. andi Most Rev. Lord John 13.-À intiecmeci nîe l - George Beiesfeu-d, Âiehislhop of Armagh and Tazevelu, set-en miles front CuMbcutr i and Clogiter, and Primate sud Met-opolitan cf between the Cotîfederate forces tu ' al Ireland, which melmecioly event to.jk Stevensoin, ntimberin: fr-on 12.0(4t), place at Dona 'ha"denosthe evening of Saîur- Fdeal at tla ce. umblerig::tîr day 6 t he ait. Ton uemly alzuy years bms morement c-as ulade itnfrent iUV c Ge tii dustnguisiaI ee fllled theEpiscropai venson. chile (Geieral Burton ,'a:ued lthv ru- chir i Zrs bslong sud usefufl if. -riS tof tLe Federal tre yftcdmri- publie sud privat-e ehanacler bau exemplified compietely- surnoundeti thent. A.iu the simplicity cf the Christian Miniater. Poé- figLi of four Leurs eusued, terimnatin:- .t smaed of as ample fortune, he vas at al l imes surrender of the Fedet-ais. The Feî1e o' - (cremeu u nasmsng tioeeenterpnLos w hlci jdriven buck by supturior numberi- roi-r-us Lad for their object the relief cf mankind, andvie in full retreat 'cere ssuiied bv a Èîul1X - vile Le vas muet zemous for tii. interests ofî fore cf the reLela. lie Churci over calai he presided, hie bene- The rebels armttius li pe.ss&itn slf ,i~ volence vas unsectarians. We have no doubt Tennessee. Tiieli- n,"t mat-ch w iv IL be eua tat thememLera utfste Epiacopacitain l inet-ai hidl, ciii>overwhelimîut -force. Canada, lu chom the cis.nacter snd labor cf IGea.Beiuregard is ini clattaI1uezuu- s» ý;.-- the deceased ame known, viii slncerely regret operabing cwiii (len. Ba~.Their .t the homsthe cisteh a Lassustained in ..às d.. forcle la not les.- tian -3,000. cesse. H e cas, as va have stated, Metropoli. The rebel Geueh-a Cazewell lus k~ tan tuhop et IrelanO, i'relate oft lie Udir cf St Pâtriek; Lord Alner lu lite Queen; a Pnlvy Councillor of Ireland ; Vice Chancel- Ier cf Trinit.y Collage, Dublia, XMA. of Chris's Chuai-cl Oxford, 17%$; >DI)., 1805. He cas consecratl Eà. Bsop of Cork ln 1805, and trans- lated o e le BIS1ip#I cf Raphin 180I;Oin;l 1819 h. vas appointed te the Diocese of Clogier, and vm pumolci ticthesee cf Dub- lie n1820. la IMha wuanslaed to th Neti-politas clair et Armagha, andi hua dea+h vill doubulous came a change in mou o f 6. Irimi Ba'oprîm T le deSmud c apnd macle thothepuema Marquis cf Waterfend. da mos. a .mi . At Whiiy, mibu «â ati, *0 t* twàý.miNi.a -wI amm.d At WhiiIar, m beo8 batS, Dealmai, uwuMr. 8.Cublas, Apu fem. New York, Au-. 14. -TL'e Tri bi.-net 't thc foilociag un is editorial .1 t (~ MeCleilan7s entire aruîy l taîi a tft tanit movemeuit, but te uhat part Cttar ]s - ce are not at liberty to iudicatte. WuriaYe pect sblrring neysat a nr noneil . i1tL seeuns to Le eveu-y confidence thuit tt- sncb as viii f6l1 the loyal States w :ith - ýY- Chicago, Aug. 14.-Tite Quintv Wsi1 the IltL, amm-stit an officer of the I asii St. Josepi Railroad, -who left . Me., onsSaturday morninz States that tCt six rebel prkenmr were shot at Macontcri . mommin for breaking ibeir parmle,. 's sam ationily ce learu that 12 othet- p4rOt rebai prisucers la in sue eplace cul1 rMa su&r a similar tata lia morniùg. Nenaphus, Au-. 10-Tic Badk4iuI of this mmseang lumatvicts (rora reliable souret-l vimeLi Ouil 55G es.Ieùmeaie a51ck' edMM nge oTesd aà; ansd -s5 pmMediloée ..nog t kh l e. (ZClark. MsppsuMd COL l.ui c f KenWCk. tg U