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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Nov 1862, p. 1

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M",É4cm ~>$*~M:? Il h Il ~ YÂ~ "e fý' B . U'jir,-1!7TI71 I ~ ~ -oi humefllt d pb e.d A1etaà 'Sprt abug.us Smdwhh tor Emmamul d A", ~ -mdil ib ' iW~tAyU TlY 1' lê ~\i~> BdA~~* a. 08.. le ~ Melies Court, La I>fW<o ï..~bIw . of gto euqIfuI. DU&AiS *1 NANILTi1), luiot il. (eet:he) Du#.LLOYD ST., .r . Dt. IUs. LolsuleIS --.I.Otten4 <' M4réud Otre, Gl 0. ViUX. Ojlom -afi4 AID t g. I 3WL tMVI'e o gD *VI al U M. oq-Uu.mI* te4ihfooaIeldoieV LINflgA.V' mADOLUIT is~ * waeta'iiz InA A eh la .di~lui. 010.0. AtKIIUSI LieduatS0*&l01. 1141 z m -I. a o le - L OflWAT, Pto<Olulhp. 11Y4 A~Â<~OY4. i..~. Z-" ZOOD.i *UEI siAOWUiL m ... 'Vesi mat'V iil.1 WôdvIf, .W ~4t '91W. 14" a1 M Mo b7v tli.s I i ' s mis w om miess; 1 le là$ oWé.u lied, »s" immumIl oupan --à ~ yuthWb.. i m lb«Wtats betO W u r wbr*i i~>~ u htsîu wk@@f, $Unlmgsd" Ut bte m #djt *Stobise1fWh. os, ils goai ta mi soi "fieut îlemmrutUpc. ibs taijIt wUyw ullt o euMo. 'Tb@ ses us Cm.pwllyd.rte4 d et!bi init tir *0 ii.bases ai mhtg lb". dvI oisi m wUuimeYa.f- be* l " fwy sbmsldMft o ".(« don, ai sfle ido f the.mie, #W à!om14 lm-util AsI",f , I" iffet aba tiar sa ama.ier boVasjhe i"myet uile éj lm h dtls so u- l a ib 1ro te Mgp b.. "he guransclae u ber, wvW le h ln iM i.mi ~m e âre,. -WrsatgberlW. ,I perceived1it hatah va ourh~a mwxiii laufuf broui!, md te puchas 1 bhsi mupiastit #WhW b M tseae à@tb se eh* Iikh.a w art o f sympseby, .1w". t', bgloteC AM. gsftoplng aloe dra- uswb« mnisbon sil îb.y v"ré e 41W fp.g or4 tua ibmis e sa lau1ita ledlbe olesébuilee s Smis co#Ud dbavle bwen cru"uJ"I "me .dasger, ~a ,a 14Wsa er ose *bM rl .1 tusta ,rrl. ber ii 0.liés ag hM; liiwu on. 1hui l popeelu1llyto - lw M lIn1 om ~ t:~è~i 4h .1 i in s H ~W*0 y ~ As~ t merîilM tk dwWU' 4. 4 for. u1h"10aul Md Ln h lîmelul -hè* *wht. Uôa eie 4.l$»ai U 5$Cd4 is uusra'f4"rd taub mts&q vosb c mat btldI*' t 4rbm là obi m **it I l, e b.t, 1 - ktuai *ëre. »W o@4 &a is madb" vldly ~ Iti.j~el vo» !gmt; mtd erd1de iw i ode « uMta to e. I 4teà<wm~fd wuimocas 4i 1 W&449.,w I foSI m ru e ts0fue kkganl aa ; hoia wlfl euh.(Iv~f'I avei>be a emelu' eà@ d»pt h lods ari<Llte ulrr-sae, v » bai U in ath.vorli butue; asu1 1 1nw gas îtlot u1 wormblpped, idolineit me,1 and 1- 1vun eedtdie f« ber Lt..e te whorelvl w va wusmur ta am ber- sun le enesuner îhe gao f iboos géouiouu syuo, m-ih thwr apllutiiag, 4f.! glees. su.edm m M o itite rtber vslklmg eong lb. lassetf bm Lee, veavaax garlansaduor 1lb. vii flovers vleeh.mfinaud. At a-h tintes 1 uo tw br Uietreblil and là.Mine Mud sMi e byhime<on îlée gross, s&dliéten for, loaj hum,.vile obe tolM me of ber g attie, Ru4lai. mollet, tAnt! ofhor t iru"g lcssi bier motfae's dmhath . bep berme!!front ar- ration, amifroinCrime. 1 bupu bLeuutv vo usu a cSsete on u iber ësltaion; LQ eh.e bei pesurvetberme!! inuocend osait qwrm cmi many temptpwions. TIi. IIsarusd, net tMbr b 4 , bu tieniam aonj mh 1usd dviii agiti 1gave ber moueîý ogel e bot- ter lot!dm4.' Fb.y bbai htoitber. &Mt!conwi- astra lier a fool te oit sud!arve vben *h. noeet net vitîb Ssnob btîul face; and they t!trkby binteil te me tWs eh* bat! doue m-lli bd-.that bs bat! boon unly atin4 for toume E i mai e-o 4e tlv s o corn. f- un& erstnad i-r tOan asti vioie! le et once, uit!denouned tuas.. Iteliusbeuîbthe be .vuspure md irb" noceni sud snob sbould ever romain, for that e bîfd ebr mry eor tigrer ueo ber moe. op as tw thatI 4tr d u! adite Immelluj ba Inug glru e *Upotgrl sane 1- mm M 46d bpî e r Witth a go it.siiou bothW lsÀs,*emr lmtWme. Tot,Ie! 1eiln-su eofiurd 1 sigle Lave been sme-i 1. v ouli, ut Imm ,bave mrenihu4tri, Sp Kmi. > metue, st!tu e oad bav-e efbeesithle beauty of' feffoemom ry; but mmellne Pré. *briv#i iîýiný< lui ruisua»O à s ud h m ry spe. ine il 14e»~sl. I *v« prbuut adit U Wo ue mtbappl g'meliae crir.n Ïbo fgb I s r anovtel~ seg te1 vos. uelunovei bouMaIkrqeleMo toM am. ip, m usthl e e. . êiyu. 1 ld quowtomè. a e ao. te andi foiomdvet u mu I i ~7" oetgorrs4fut leotpo mettei,1I'bof-00tcè * 1Tukutte eup11- 8 - M«, i.r ait s M ar 07CUg .alR aaW f6mol1Is~sé 6* b.-e kliah 1 ~~-7 7,7 To I ~ -t w I Wé -~ ~Me> opa intb e world bqt iredric 'ahclagg' it1 Qom" "qfim e 4S 14,11: icn, ler and' leeiiIAue a Ivsfier- 'Trb 'tg th Ihe lié eâ par4tu UtfiTitle. be dut ot s ipèi a iCbut ap- MIM ÏW *ý%b.euja.d in espleli;prayer; su bfwe mom . rAe i pîrit waï bet,0î Iiuli and. Id* elim4 wiWly,.to , ber eheek escelor- loin as the m-tfl)#eleiIewhiei h eepre&.ied. No tear diMai4d i* t*rtihle >iemqfrq; Do entrnw ie W-povor1 to.mov*lier, or ler. qut ber boi of lie peclons ey Tc r.nWerlaid'bisbaupoo bW "!Ad e hqmde er po tEkR,Vav. whore lbe b.dgon whomsheo,.âsou ll; ube'spoke wo0» who <pné d lm Dot. had~ ~ ~ M-0 1ý 1 1wenetla *.r. quished ber obê fe.us ' w ' -vas fot for hboum ster the rt of I)eatà4 ber bWni wot contr, e r o f * ajum opin g t. àt beid truhumalét ewd o." voud lrut(Prser. coerd. SMe died vkthfu a yestr, &Md ber ber d.ibequeurd-'tâe b brWemiT1.sdere& ffl w S dty, samdapth hadcms, to leer %",î iontbà êelr tedfaifdiM vebthei owowi, 0h";de borp f MY UQpke .f:a4, FIaesàlcx WALPOMU lie uim VsCt liwey Commenyof Chieago .Fpns tu, tm ae huuy etincliea pa- ThLe prevulance of infanticide lu England,. espeelely at London, là becomin.g mors sud Ti* N. Y. WoWd maye:. "iBrenta vill yet provo, that of ait eU. ireadful miotakes of ibis war, th.e uw"cpa"lu Iructamalion vas the the IgrbsaleuLt Theoreveue meorne froua En land show "bat he diinkers sud umnietu y tho interfst ne the mationa debt. What vould England do viboutber d.ouers sud moerm? .Th.eeosurtiom of roA nil lu the vont! lu v ru;el ,ci imledt lubare heen ifteen millions of n uiMP4, andt! wenty mlinela 1961 ; ebik- for 1462 the quantity. it is thou.;bt, ut*y vsuie froneit,><M7 t itlt7millions.1 At Daveupor, lowe, the other day, a rat, wWeb vwu hein.< cLmer! by neveral pereona mnt Up s aan'&le; miie. bis trousers. hlaid boothe f<.flesL yuL ita teetb, sud Leld lts irjwith scb teucity that the mat trouseri but!te Leeutcnthde rat vue ultirnately lak-en o yu wt F iecof flesh betwen his ieeîh. Th<e vouud uflictedl is "ait b e zelioîas. The inereome et crimse i G resi BrMhin,, m oftewuspoe of,meeu to be eal. Ilu 18611 .uumioitals for ber.dsry inetemmei 41 potrcent: fie uue-Lrekiu,4, 51 per enut; for robbery vitb viilence, 68 per eent. The total aumber of convictions for indic-table ofibsîceta itcrea hy 16 perst il-a fact as grave asthe Crtoln, sutd-due aRmost entirely ta the brealdovu ef the Bugliol -system ef:ticbdt.of4leave, hIl tutusthé. are<orm dfilam loe, yuLno hope buSt uoeomsui crime. Ia Irelan thîe il- creame in convictions wue oely 20 per cet, thou4b the perlit vwu o» .arked by arv al of aijriu ci... Peert.1-??OK aitIDSini1?Is or Ns, Z&'w SLARD-Aa -riesof!pajeraby the Regislei (Oceerl or Noeatau4 ecoaîainieg thé prina cipal reslua of iL e mouis cf thii colony, taker ou the légî of Deeeiùt t uât, bas, vo leaur fromn a eier just reoeived from Aucklan,î d&t.4 Jmly 8, jim been publishedin l that cel tmy. MFb.total Europesupopulation et Nem Zqaid on that day wus-98,915, inu vbic ïm b e iaduIededtamilary and their <amlm m~ihe s~ 7,94 vis Mcersand minsu5,8.1: Mantéejbf1i'rew437T , d omen tand tent .rblbdren 1021. laied~ina tethlstlar>re e %uu(Ota ', *ho Lni on the roadaor il sebedube. LTotal Eropean populatiot a Iffn t 'IMM srsa 4266'J rTes r. ýLaileTsîsaaauu.-ItwM-lUb. a 1eu" t mm.uomie o telat the il lamsse gf *.MM tsTdoomb Ompaq, il oImm.! ls Mdmirtliiy reîd .00epiai ýst lm me oyis~nx PooUtWn, J% 9 k oeproparsdbreoli&uj bat PQremon of- ib hie% lad y r 1sius 8W <h,. s eu R~jb1b, ~tbp4th ofAgp~w ~~ bq iaobadttiv ,e-They appropriaite ei7ryhin . hotw mue,~nd a.~t uud.>tillus os trs o fDot tee-r, rater leuo ~oo~ temrunzbn, m 4 me oufita fer ;-Wtt5uapI. fe~ eteAast bt è "1.I e* te drop bis asiue Iaich intolveebeve iutf and 6fty.oftbe cew of the th. Wok-boi «r the olice celi.-te shoot tbaek dZeitICi 4M- l hs i*ç>e till on the boit wujîL t and Mke a efer "~Cape out boatd. They vers ce" tis ew in irons, ofth lîLefm~l6 uthsm -seoftue"or îbre 18 héc nO"5*miserebla O cmitimI. Tbe" dayshe was re-captuWd; and, being-a curi werevhwereellery dM.Op MO f tal (.lmthemt 0h1;y Uï1URMI.cm'nhale o until the i d everyset ibaàt came ëab4èd tbO voimel Vsih ÀÈ81i% WÎ, ieîlie wup ii an seiîenced te. cd over ihei, sud the 'poor tellows, vere ii a p" msevitn* er it weutv yens. No dubt terrble piglat, baving lo" evetytbig viîh the the açonudrel, awarSof<hisl>ouaiops rmeàs, veme1s they belmoed te, the privateers Fer- laD4hd i bs aleve whiie theu d ae uîittiîlg lie e cpt the ansi8 qan seatenee, sud -the publie hhought K@evw-as mfely Wt 4>b hoth vu roath asbef.wý di# lad fa iit.. Arrwed ai Warwick Jait, they Weedtry. hi beisn ta Show -810o f nsnty, and, The pa hlSnisbsadopted le bring foi..4wd @é vellihiat thes doct<>rg, judging bhat flsh to bis net la as follows:-it Wini be seen thé bkqWa lie hâd reeeiwd ai Mut Vacbm"îerbad Stag1ee hthêoâaoLvs atreo atTeeied bis brain, treahed bim accordingly. ed ini was ini the treck of may vesseis bound Hie -rsduaiy Ogrev orse -poor fellow-an.lto tsad from Europe. This ii the position te about sixteen daje *go was reuioved te the bas chos« en liothe. greatest possible amount ConyLunatie Asyum ut Haitea. Here lie of destruction. and lho certainkT bas been mout VOIS OÙ§field te bc insalie. For the success successfui. Wbenever h. capture&-a ebip, af- of big plan it wouid net have dome Io h ter tak-ing ( rom ber ail that he and his officers violent, 80olho affiicid Iiimuelf witb that miid vant, le lava by ber until dark, snd tIen "0t ble of îunrày for thieL re9tralet Ça flot belld ber on fire.' The light of the bmngsbip cm te lie a remedy.- 'Haevwu giv e gibbering be sele many miles,.muid ecery ot>er hip wyul- o"a appreSnt idioey, aud vas looked upon as in beeing distance aitad tovard the 1ligLI, a baàudemrLiod of imbecile. On Saturday hnl igt rescue a number ef pour lova evenIgbetween seven and eizbt riclock, seut, Z d= =lOi.Tho jvaterbs in lthe cording te cutom, he, sud s reàl lunatie, on îmdit rcui, aaiu Ir >ryth the vay te convalescence, escnuîdb sure te corne, and the next mornng the mn.atdmoatw t er dormitories ou the third fellows vIe have, luemorve thle cem ofho- stgof tLe'hidin. Before loch-ing tlihemas»iiy, gons man umiles cet of ibeir course, lu,. c attendant left them for s few minutes, flnd themeselves un r the guits of the Alabama, audo bisretorn ffouud that the <jail )> irdwîîb ibhecertarnty idat befxe'another tventy hdflovu. The real Iunatic, on bbIrasked four houts îhey vil abute the fate of île sLip vbwat Lad beceme of bis companion, poimted they came te save. f s te a tilatingis-ap.in, tLe ceiling; anîd with miugled terrer and satisfaction iformed tbeCAE FHRD IP Mastibed attendant tbat !t.Aexne . 9,0'UP there te osteh a rit. The attendant. A WoxAix pnsao-.Ç irouit ea ors W02.TE5iO ivbdt etis#hg mmetit iundouutedly I"ameit the b»gpgyrnao ERu oWN moit. Ma," caled several of bis emdjutors, aho, afler e1ou"j .ea, , » Ieoue d b Oning out-n.ot ÂA05ccame p si the Si. Thom Ai Ames,- Alexadp-b.t boy ho escapsi. 0 î zses ig 4 ciroeuhsieeof wbieb caitfor more habas t- file'e elever rascal, o. Passincg threngh the pausing notice. Aboutfour moulus since, a ) trap, vhieh ho remWebed vitîe assistance o! person named Bra& wvusriding w tvo ailier - a broum sud a dortitery door, mode bis vsy nmen in a wagýgon. on tb. ruafrom Fal te te the venilating abaft, and deecended by tt St. Thomas, % LuLer they ýbtem te malle e, hos baeen In thia adrenture the breoin pnrchas s. DiscoveiiîgI that tbçy lad drop- baude would oeem tebahve been of nome ver- ped ii sanall parcel, of tobacco, Brady voluu'- vice te him, for b. left the head behidan eeied to go in search of t sud vent backîe tuaI the. stick, which, if net of servic., won!dý the dicsce of three bundred yards lookine t bave been su incumsberance.to hin in bis des- fonit. Hetheremetan Indi.osdtvoqmws cent of the chimney. Un --.tetia~l- tîthebase- whem -be ash-ed hetber tuey Lall, een tLe ment bis e ress vas barred by hîree locked parcel. Thev said tîb-y lad not. -Bràdy thonI ,1 -re. Thesehovever.to0an nldburýrglsrvo tell ixto conversation viiîhoue of the aquaws, bat poscaed ther inest impiemnacis ever Ben and eventually made propositions of an inde- ai, tLh detective office, and kIIewthe constre cent nature lobher, wbich were indientnly re. tiqn f alok wllenoamh to une t hem, andrn pelied. Brady persistingr. the Party of Indians i ei ase c e um îthe f rst instrment ibat 'eudeavored te get eut of bis wv, by crosng s ramne ta band ho aecent, formad un impeati- itito a field.* The Tudian and une of tLe squaws sment. Th. bocks wer. ail picked in a fér Lad g-ut over the fence, and as the ober vas i hrief minutes, sud Abexander vas once more a crossing, Brady cauglit buld of ber by ber un- free, and, unc douhl, a zone mms. He bu anet! (er gai-ments and held ber, renewinag bis pro. smee been beard of. positions and pressing ber. detained ber some ti re a,ýaiLsl lier coruhiaued remonâtrances. Thie squaw thon called te ber companion for a DESCRPTION 0F THE COXFEDEPIATE knifé, the Indien haNin- mslked on. A Lnife STEM POPELER"ALIIA A." I a& banded te ber yuibte blade open', we The labma as LlItle .ivepno orshe made two feints at Bradv. but ut last îhrust TheAlaam az bek i Lierai hlm in earuesthe knife iakin; efleet in bis Birkeaîbead, snd befi the latter prt l auP,11st lett breast. Brady thon let ber'go, Jind aie hmu; la about 1,200 tons buren -. cuahî rejied ber companions. Brady baving tlius about fourteeit feet ; engines Lv Laird & Sons, been absent from bis fellovasoee ime, tbev i- af- Birkenhaead, 1862. Shis i aooden vessel, eft thLe waggon ie the rT04 , dgoang In' propelled hy a screw, capper bottom. about search cf him, found him vounded, and mak- 210 feet long, ratller narrov, pIIae black ing bis way slovly tom-suds thers. Tbey y outulde and dra!>iie bus a round atern, tbok hlm home, ad dangerous svnxptoa rbilibeheait, very litk- aussi-, flash deck futre comiug on, bis 1f. vas in censiderable danger d aud aht; a bid.-e forvard of the amoke-stack, for saeine ime, aud hocm-as confinad tu bis bcd tcarnies tva larjo- black beta ou cranes anid- 1darin., ivo moutbs. ar Pt- in ut quarter ota Letheîe mainsu bmacu- qarts;er onsaibi lea inhastn d îe ien ot; . on'e; i blseabouatalovthe-se ovn e bride sait îLe <oronasi, show aboW tîL e i ge arres the long 32-phoundbe the ail h sieeu anplere fo ive moure ml onsLd Mip;Ls Iêpoer fr t" pioregun fo. yard ! îLbu nipd rrea &odrpiv oro the aiocke is tad a laid oIr piv orua ptL ain, saitlmtracklaidh forarivoustor clarnb uer talIclica sAvfo alpot boar 1 comet erarnfuiçsune îht ei-n oar o BlaLfe paterasmdmnfactgn reof hese &àkl prttLiero, d . Ieus bar Wleyi & estonbat ver Rang1b662. loe brktissu bid; Masaed;yalgblaclc long rams, n shrtoek ai (m be, n longi yft)1euhmmis abgveolieW, su a penden ft> toth mail* stn!itale m ai omsod aendttortsheimain S8 sire nid boom oCa tfrneondrforeeat largeiqre rsg aie oarger remastue W"e ~ squ a bnnt tpaIMWhîereefU tto. %nltastmal and! royal. Os theas mnm a lre tryl7uaiimh two reefu sat! a bonnet. No teti ammmlbout; 'topeait t» rfe; top- alht4ib lanal ryals. On the Misemmta very large spauher. sat! a shlort tbre-cornered *sailsut! jib; blibW gsuptpWe main *or misenuai ee, r oyh are lo-.81 s raie, auiiftmea user isan. Cm uget ai eam t p iu tenty minte% tm, bt.iio m eiex. e cePti lvaase mor. eU*m e a.Baal nsa - tdouai lige, but usutm the Etl. &Georgesu b OR on ouapprotchiti 'i H er..pm-sent t eOmnpkmoonîse mutin120, aul taMbutais SOMu Iuoi.1 ab'p oi.Kpa maaie lmIt ab a u 91à ilm- or fe t gaa Irsth"i eh. AlabMua mIlif nMt i ~plse ta-tiIq 8a4 "Ul4 m Dqd, beoMo il àt-el isa ErRAORIAoiRxiy S*GàC1Try or AFox-A k-eeper on une of the weiltern rangesofethîe Ochils. reestly diaevercit a eut tofyô»ung foxes, but tLe aId oee m-s gene. In-order ta sccore Lot he coucclet! several trape ai tle Month o! the bole. Wbeiher Nistîmrcey- nard observet! hlm at a distane, or saîspected sorne unfriendly oeoraion 18 not hnown, but, eat an>. raie, os tL. keeper returning next anorulug ho fouani ail the trup e rang. The îrsps vereS st for noveraI daji vîth a like rc.- suit. The keeper araions te asoutanla ou tibis si-ose, lay lunmait oneIPsmring ufer sot- tiug the trop&. Aftcr a m-hile the m-iy fox te- turned it 41 foot! fer Le opring. e 1.10. a attle dimaam .4 and! vent am-aybriog*910 bak aatick in ber mouth. Wihdiise be. gan t. pnké aalse aitii. *Mb 'd lie bols, im n t uiis m-y'aqgwtutheLstaau, -sud «- tereit afely ijo theL.den jith..ber prey. ThIe Bank et Englant!Directos Led a terri- b. ikiieMt ibis.or fLot- m-eeSago-not o« mc- cmi ci the lmois tsir wvatrmatakaiplp, but fron thîe aumusaq invasion e imbulluon- rmt of the batik. 4cor = niet or!tie umqrnlgana Fos t i.s &Môy tb";-'-' N Directors reciecian suonystom letter, «Maing that the m-tuer blat lb. meanà of acemiste ihe buiiioa-roem liey. tmmt he.moter esa Loax, sattook Dnsoticeof the letter. Âne- tber -mure -urgent, agdt! eiefic letter iLa.t aomea îLem.At hlengh e.mrit. cofmdteo u«them lu île bhniloqorm n et eu tlte ps laiet, asewit a. die e MWot - el b --- la Mon m- *o 9 c bUd ia. m aIsj fil AM ue in th I wk *se- âmfumq , b? mbbe~f- ~ -v. SOu a il s a

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