i-1? r uauiSh.~A P me- -ha1h. u.Bey oppuo. -& L.u OhIf <Staff M woe, _*Wu tA ' Um m - wtop " 8 ..NO.d* the « 0 eun~tag tbe, psa us*ut s*t~odlok 4ge et-i. .laose% M Vitipmweui nka the l- -P"- e v.alaase-h~ikt eul41hm*i vblah va t ,.., a bite h vithetheyulM t « tht . *jýd pumoeIvod vl :@ - . l' .hmpllma lt vhte'uthu »Y.lgas.tals voue. bop.ald udagMOv ai. stk oetu k t » m'yhuy a oloc -btm len bauainamenaI* eotu al udptu014Mteuo, abaulu . mWi a« visb 1 to iiielÇ( W. ai .o~~~w wev aoen ru a vnme 41mia.,uid thi amyet t thoe toilio eve eit*Wm. le ags l puis o( h..a.thyvt ba gos. o Erhh Cliat s ibpi.@late h ethsd baWas e~tuavap5 sud e:gmodaff oeails t tt eunt~',me . e s Settig osl *lmheoepmthd s, #ipou OmWv.shig ttue oaufil ,.gidhg tt misaap Asmdthm That th.v. I lamm al ~m~go » whI. 0 vi ea aIik iug tot à( "Yi buaQom ael~h ,Nibtw um5mU mtmw »~ost haubeote g a ~g&bte qsw Muwçbeo<Cou..» di ~rb. agIul.dt> llmd u«Y <lb. wa~,hie, bashein ummd i. tuy Wàkdw. kp l.' le etMrv we& lb. th th e aidm -the h. viii b. h t.bo Unt* wîb M y pbie duly.ed thé mpocutote pyaoe.digo osdAt ewttht maounliw.g"Wb*$tt Mlmh . iteii bnumneared aria Couac» coie.aumtemgopssud .oulyb. orsmce WIisy.r is theIva e ,oladîtet hum Ro oi.POea 4p.,sIdia lesw.esdu td la s nolas- *« CoeiW in m" luaa emiltiemo -m a mbits' vuefVrt..y.oaad u ~~~~~~~~~f l- t' xIe ettf h em a a-i -e Agtue t htist e Oosao 14 1»Mem"liaoh. t m LWa 1b 6,U ïLW Qom 1u ut~ mi" hI npliabo imy weei hsês s P q. 1'. 4' a.~ V. ~ i'ti 5.1 h.. e a -W vL tri- bant tb* uptoat fexpe.*l%ý sheatoura i b . sot1i m wu y b ptm u% 1.çl* voaetg eu4 T begko Mr-p ~m"" *W nad*lepm.- avwe mt oto w*r polu 5eU<a baau.ommeukt S* p<hase reeltIuthftb" . làe sberbn - adaa"" 1 ohaug&idmeonmdiby w le hUmm& mi&, of 1"e. amtpseta" Immb'r W"saie ta- rd auhofe e of** -ire dqo0aea ~alen f Rs'.Mc.Vaei.ve, oftbaeSel abmi, w uuld, B'lS dumr A~a uSas~ôackaeun, *rolua eai V MA** dolemf diek4m. aohlaj" bs, .r «4 f# . dsettb0hed imn&a 0uM *q ywmi e w0' bot mo mes ,mde4 lou rs lu hismbu Md elu% ~~ uou <atuln if â im4aî. e im:o =or^ i t he bn«a( lie de.t 1ie us a UM S IISfflama. robe% on wmblamm ewm awa0, maie.- at» Tb* 8 1$0 U eà pvmumim#.10 .k m@" m e Mt Su leh.mo the be u cmdtM for ad. Nie R. and iq fA *mWe I a te a «Mm cf e .9t.x .-zin. .iami semp th ahetet nv. f etSe u e mavulig CAXaU.N Coaarvin Lthe on"àA upli o I'al ee n aCumd , ys de St. euraneso mmuft tbd ."W th"am f ifu oudntet. A gnlbas adtmEuei neh. ué" day'b tbaI .lm& uomt l r t a epmdesoec ie h.u Soied o un at bi land si eifmepea 1a ammi toa- asiaa mwt M - I*vm lie vus i .1a e, ma e Itembisi Mu e. luagmmt 9 a" Le r; bthenppc.e h. Lad boraoef j» edy hpfajoî tbo t"Proisl6ar.whO I vak emas tiV" twe:wi lIe pie eure in sie sE îe eity. amp.ebetes temic TL tbe s sl*o ed by the Coporma 4 e. P» ti hee lia Ldnt ca r & reta 0 a thîe"lat outmi haourotem us pi4y d aoodte cary vo' aw .t. ste wi md I iur te he e"t sa ia onii lici of gainebirdsof thevalisas hinda amaiI aiiîaa tis la r f aa aaMd ith hi ouir male s-Ii a bosad suppWiesi. Of ti fLU or 0< deomr% tlvbom« oftgtood " have rmmetly ocurasin hai. vW"aiy rtijoa record la ose emm a ubine of Adolphaatouu, lacedesiovr14 soosducls mili om ebarre)ansi5 mmreiuLh i scond barsel" ii.b4Md sicarrfmot home 19 hirds, bmqàgt, doua magiediebargeof bitaperL&. eoadgoobit vuma&eb7* w eriVIoIla54laln he premesce çia ~arIO<KUgUO5 parainiibrimadesdoua B is saKntn=e rf. nm>edt l A Naaao )~ wig-Tb aeloRm em 'hlWp Aduevfiaercosaml an secouait or a tmma befo ra. Justice lcCordai à q~vg i vosL. A m-a naiamosiKen. noi, ve ceimSi nllanid uaffl vicka "i~V ua .mmdd Ens livsi, veni obew a iiW b' di.", is ber oubluns mheedée,.sJào>insu md èmgged hi hIe . yrd.No somm osewbaee, id i e> n~~~~~~à temevua, uha a1.v. ou Un, aw -bi 6 ai mm& sa, Jadis i..h*amae aussas w.ineatmm vuefo t. ~in ttiagiath umbi epton; M 5. ild iè or t ~ ai~.,..drJ t k upâlt ?h i~mfre alat ud 'I Tii. e oaycPrimta nolmm hutdoua îà Vitiedia sevim l sere procesi" gos 1 6.lls*iy avaee ni lnn awim'a u e«M heb. ellpel h. opeoves' îLecipuwt a uc. proesspemPsi",ai o Un bi ririateSel d M hipthIr <s rim x:y of *0-7*vme~ u09 la~~ia l e-aiCas baai y srs gesi~~paa~sum~miLS eat at~i *iA line uQa.hvîm dom' k e .uri 6.J'i I i%àS 8, is~ t4b ma, dy - I aua<~oW L ffl bc 15, de .68 tu l'O im du IaP ci ed ly fiy %0 ~llI - * - iuulpImmieu~0 MaLno pmany te .cami usak t"~ lm thexiste. a '11~.m~fbà is mi lebe tS m 0.mlme. and lm"s hi~ l 'mhacm t ' rgmn xmmadiea, a bn ma rsprpos< lu"u hve becs e 1,shai ,st~l~ asealc dhamr r~~~àm 3,0cah u hletf wiim me r e mny. Ucsefrd"t. ah. IMM-~eof looe Oreo&me fiar U, eC(miu dpud wi mer are ii&ceeLmll lampee wuai previimy ai vmI1sd elé , et 1h. Iltru erestsi «0" ay kpuama , cave th"t vhiu, bavé j" mm onpiti. »RS1tGTV~FME AT QUEBEC " iîC4ia i P LlWtt rs tiesor,. Md4 Mr. Dfe&o" ie-ire un doewve& i bh. mi~b"1119, maibut eUb-lw. gant~ ~~Tll 'WehhlIb11 ~ i 6. b t' te coeel ylâuàe, sailyt e x bi ta Quuie - aLm~saitwro qi mîlet t ounp W4t.Ihapun e duuig IL prssàesk a im te c,ooraàcopv as obmaiesfrea byad ter,N..r A flou.&a vu,. Pàrn Wzu.-Oae <of th laet mam"omai. emlerpriu »moubefore ti pubjic, iu flit ait e.Publisier 0<6. Aume cm- Agv*iliarù .B imesus orh Ssbacribers fie coord edtiosu of Ivo spi didia Mawif luuiofaegreat lierý.lm~ oif thase, tOoveg a.4mIWae ly; liasev er. o ua, wom% eity, vilage, nieu : rokmowmiu, mmi pmid mred, 1 d. XI a»emaacm Karyladmd ulaiut.1 Penusylvasia. Tie*e mr eew a bout 1. feut "d tVIrgaauiled am hu ne tmuîaa mnthe MNa lîrl[r ui 1 boi aiîn omàraq .vfav ete, of tbe q ~f~W Amy poisonm ,_ a e tei vZ5n;* (ait$1 * î wt coflite abo. tu t a» uIpstou~I a to 1 1.~ i4ot eàIy1e an tuit1YMP (loi. 22 co pI ie,> bot aMe.for the roitet 0&syer ose dlr. -,.Webave Iogtrsasireile a: col neurrehae msatifo 3-ae&lî, pataarawb l.rmdsE 'Faim,6.Gardm mi le -th e bài ld 'AUim ile leump spum jua 1 me mueeha. e bhioiisstinte.os b dlr 'oxt elr i u 1 huma lam" li aa& l"u¶p a.-W B i . me 'e a- be ne eru bd p,g fr ked, &4 the e' wkh 6.y'. e the mmd udfeswahI- whlhu Oeduchwholly by maloley, mimd about Lwebmo wS'4 th e emmy reuired to uion. a n own "bim fouie ur notiiimor!' nd . tmhecmJ~IGOo Osuegoý Nov. 3.-Tiare voie esly 6 Pl* »ýmemgid 16 of a crewon boud the propl. Bray % wftrî&Mai ~. i.po!t.Ve ouly le- the Ume of oneu. b»,Oe Thojuo, 4VermouILt. etbch for ~mInw reu utbp lo<f hber go and wm&saI 8h u aMifor LaIke Erie, ItmWei vil meie»ie. The reml avu rjed at S1,;crgo probably. wSth 820,M00or INVAMMO F TEXAS BY GEN- ERIAL BANKS FRNJTEOPS IN NEXICO. EXpWMTD ONFKDKRATE .ATTACK UN YORKTOWN. &BMVAL 0F THE ARA RIA.-LATEST F.SGLISH NEWS. CA, ApTUM OF WMOILE BEPRTED. er maye -ast week a seot named Ma;. sh. I'*. kkqagtmig to a Commetieut cavaint rcegisbeaat, wai hw« et aBpheut a mulehbeyotad MAOe. Every day the rebels are becomim.r more a..- dacîoca in :6e exceutiûu oft heir à*LdJan 1,U.- Two oti emn, uhile aumtin, vere tah-et, prumes of wr;what thir faie viii be,.l biard te deteruaime. The Pbuhadeiphîa Prem S. tains a bila: Ia" G".em. Hui s te h.ad sùexp.editio I. die coam of Texas. Gen. MeClennan<ïs expediuion. it says. é ,: -eamrog the uet of ohstrutiu, la tu-> i à*S toeduo f Texas. aie-mV agifrmiN Baaa&boutnS01.e half of the FrouaI troupe. mmntiuej'tu te rea. il,«»tmm, hW laivai, Md vere ordead A deqsteito thie ?ien maysreliable in- touabos lanreeeivesibtiSaisveral umnn. irOasI& cli tes wae bein; eosatrucaed ini Eng- Tic h"aus'Washington correspondtt amauj. lismtaGeneral Losagaireet vus akt pFeteraberg, saisiin commaisiof the relie)1ar- rmy abou to temtaek Suffol. Geai. Dix is sa.d te be seroog intic belief liat an musac1 is to b. ma& ta&,aMYrlev ansi uit.r U4uno, viaQnses.ouu 111h ait., arrircil bere t"s mormaag. Rer &da tesa tiffe dua aler than thmseby the Edimborgis.-Tic Seotia. frose New Yoà rk ived miQueenaim ouonthe Il vu reportesi "alt-o Comfedfflte privra. tgem were la the Mediterramnanmd fiat the.y b.d airemd deut-myos a domou Fedeval vessels. ktw vumd dut Sewmescosameades osneof Tie London Dadiy New couaplimeats Sec- re<ry SBk o. C. lavin for bhi. rewmaraaganat IL.ieognitiom Of the sSttst, m remg Iem go far t in fl Ïtie img ag mos r es m and tiougilkuamaen. h miSe liai, twshsta-d- jugXr.GlkdmWttameciý beGoverament in of ti. apiraios liaiJef£Davishbumot miade th. Soutiem nStm a natio% n, m til lie lis, oni mof on f5a OPiuuuda Ferr, Okj ami fru.y, ulti er foreom- *2--à m ar umBalhinger Mula, ire' uIafmnmpeuàmitaa, vicie tisey fouglbt Bnicmjal"]y rouing bis formesa.nd cpuia hage muber of pruom includ- Il" Og é A lafe despwat etm 2Mpuus o f BoW omonuad. ttsyfkow Cls,&lmmd@"vepomtbfa: eur Smots have aeooetd ihe eecy umfair south M d Ea-M y. b t.é>,u o trae or the ei.C la IUWU4ie, sewps lave been WIUL> by col.. 8!mnum, 1"1&U %eamrs with cotton aMd su", Me*um4bg be coveyed by gun- boak -a , olear ~tBeiat Cuaro or lui kfta wuw'ur, , y way or Corintb. tbat nabs il mmThe impori rnebrouglin,1by Waýriotke,by o SCouts. èéâz; OîwIUth *vhted cMv Our ne for ~~~~ heffleB)q4 f the stesamer qL L~emi ~b Lams qrud Ta- e~W- mi1h "a "A. e,"Estel- bw1"V gf,' ere desfto!ed, MLmn, henpq 1* Wu ofemuon, mmd large- q0'*i ~ 4-Aithe mos& fashen ~ ia. AI J icwr.tbay r euhima7 if 1- It am rs 01 di X. bL be m 09 bc bi eu et ib lm 01 w t di it me MId Br d- a- be ne e te er, kk De 0 ti Il iu ý--t HALIFAI4 Nov. 1.