r, yu:8i s,. iý, c w, e li i ~s.ti &4J ~ ~. ~,. .~ sUU.Y -iul. mu, u.w,i'g ,.~ m", 1Y 14, ~~Ibêubs'kelt, malc. Db pesuéi* hatavt mn quw Du m us ai.u4whe. l4ia>vr iiasugtieu - ~~jpouti4s, or even s lui. Thé u- v ! , wai dog,hom te u seteubi. h f'aoud. 'Ihe ê ~ui~iesds c ~' eu hu , laffl -" , a Marin, I.im bsste,, u11'Sethupp ha elýffl yf $W1 ~~ja1uç'j~ ishoe usent. Isaat~ o us ua s91 "-e'as litoa~u~ i WOUA "4 *$ %- le t;% I y îjI vIsa ai ~ l~~4~ st-s '. ui-~,psrh t'ssî..d 1> hs' L,4àl1liêé, 1~ul4 ;7 TO r' ' i lèAsW FA -s J *J~ tiî4ti¶9 '¶hm,~.V~! ~1~~4t ~4iv¶~< il - ~ ~ .l.suIlI00at umM 2W&S Du II5S6.~5iLStr<i t t, t r IKW5I.iduILA I UUL I - - - i~.s'.ii, 4~~l#lsueiahaaLawIuet~jbsla~ m'u"% WUsu. Uwwut. '50'us wpt tuu. u, 1 u thl.~e4 mnImpoari. 'XM . 0Ml L1us.~SpLi,1fl'<~' ~XI I QI - hidi auu MOIa..ày A.~u 11j" iL usuta bé'" Wou tla iwVIll ob- ýumsb. àvsl boit ~'O~ ~nib nL4 s bt1wa Mâ oi th& a a t U I'vnoaof -pe te achlnMW "Ost M" A i u iLs - il - o,-ta t g O lm et t bumbc aA ÂBEAUTIFUL BUPT iT , ION. ;v gliu, writlng from Switqrimy. it Ibaue1,"asa *0 Alps gltaIerM b l e aaamro~a1ight' Tht pbipWbmh. uieh tb tés ~~idfil O P"s »"W Mam, at cf uaitoas. 11t édke" to t&M t* v. ame& ~rare, but beamtful beyoa xpu.o. Teil Bomauigeff- upos sosbmk«lutid * MÉ USL îî t mmd b Âpinie roee« blosomi. r"cht pmo<uao in -- ~~their suasen, and aow"vhrhthte rluson t co14l~ ~àYi s calei îLe Bon Alp, undilltht or jcf >5 pqýJg#ct owy*bm upepè1ar. "m Luth âfa nd tarr. TLe s 1q u Télé My r l oit1vni u pi otac% sqq, iteo îiruamiL.dm me AI i U.-.miog, 1 "Idl*11W. uI-f - aï urtmtà l I.ebuàr *,*io*h e.1 - Ia àn u n flélin. v - 1, uthl A u ý.q carmer .a*iI-who o f the Mojrae'gaci-#0&orobe4im Phulair was a1 udbg ailhas -yL Jcatemach a thig?i A corn er i ct over the »-bite basan of its "Vi uil A mar iar ILm alo here- &Wui la t - Osce ges thon1 ad ou may jgradually deepeti n " clro abrl=_ cwp. gr.W04mmthoireh". et Barthol de ; bateuaui i lt duant.À calmr n % soneha lowly meilowed ea hel4U&e assda Goéxglaa vas ilagu lrs u ayl &étnmple of Iaui-mve;tthat, alid i k and iupeured. Tbe -mn bu& - gs ml owa, ghacngg ltb elevlimda We hlldialedgo -y jmàg#Wdji* Lht . avte< vs lpiyn te ied in <.~AT~- , " 'I*Yî Àfe of muisatitt, ani ~ h re~u qst ~pnte iar4a Cîr;"l'm hitf dend i ciit B.,bp:' ciuaasdo. wMlr eiayd -eloud' euvered iL. liÀbea 10 ttigt MI lande . L o oh.ltthe A RWr 6fti y-oeyaèuand aà usrechoueal, tom roe- u' h ~a Ap lp. aul ýitL 1Ak4 ,p èri qSrItijiua i.C(14 lataj,1 50exaenâd upward. rin.faneru aner i.n. 14î« asitshot upward bkeSteam. of liat~o ~~'s ~ ,~ st~i thii a1daw.~'< 0,00qasdn 4hehLb fkaél00'a " ~îh!»bta.hme av".Io ve. ëa.niil î)wy âi:Uh,6OtiPs my gutheide exboxeà ui inlnaydr *pi awhigme.e'tnd the aîu itl ret ~s'~*s~i~~>t Suaethim,. 84s oing ou Wron îoyr .!1ý 'buof'Iii-t &l.-b pin tepLus P4 k«4 ou àsharp edjeNO ftmi t lY-ul'at" ,1quim W -fi * b1tke tLroom, niai tley whestied dî*<>uid p.1 9 MkBu r<è siover hlé. rave 6"IThe. cati y.ofktiothua i quuuuhee giti -b él e"itauýihaun. lI»Y ctit.rhl U, b 110j " hL utia .d kla 'Muid 1. .~h-t hr.~~ ..,,<,4 ~ b.uî l u-p.e t-jS uasaos'"a the si 'n have refereuce tu Americu. d. 6<j O'%r.-it ~aa.~ rîsthe î ..- Pab s atier i.in ù*<ffr",d ap-These el r' î atlvscané 11 1.? lê- ao. JaitnemimAt hi.salimg metwiîh alj" , o"said Ihe; "tue meule of ta ~ ~I.h~aw ai. 41e IsBuIte -$usth' a-L no.M.itftue n- aftar-fire cetit up nahe fames go fro. lVe- t.v ~ ~ i iuûrw4u It à tà f!f' us là casii.j: erè >o1ai'0'Merm,a Iha eh1,ýesui ai the ex-'suiu -~ #i~deo, ptw4 ntiimittal le.î apeu..tîhNesu 1 ,had44tiied ltait JT Ire vwu »o qumion l in simplemini * I4.fmzc aîi eas -a 'i 4ï-Y;;;1,r e ~.tI h . aGe Theiy neU t..ils import. 'He tuld mto aait thres -*"4 04t# irn~<mèna fluts.er. htZur,.iredso u~ and miii tr day.1 ani if the taonWans ppey vus a-4 titi q.<~~u~Lbâ~niamas*. EarIIéu.I, Dat On the vei.o<f thetitd da ~Wh.aa'~as r' utt"ê.#l t>. ~c..ttpic~sn~ p theut ~ TIse Camn to. me laîsne oGrild' u~ 1w~4.t Î44ehsund~' f i ew iàîiuâ tact aut m ie, vouais and imprnonuie. 'If Id ,$'î heievuhiamaPl aidl"md tksIè "êrmý"'f Ils ,:;I' ~the. ule.rwfi Pii a: p 1bý, tovLje.exe ia .THE TIAL R&LANCI. "~- ~*qtsp 84 ~ ig sch other'a £hswda, ayoe.go£0treuat for a -e ttakht; viii a usvous mutIe à Lâboiy. b a oralruh.4*. pieuo.t t.u.neoafosîpurpoe ',Y 41,wpoud e . I.k, tunwýg aMOI tari "l)u% ~irauf, hhaes<aacitm<wtt re udl-om" 9pKehit un lihe Pert oftoi . î" o~~ w . m r' - M à ý àa hi G ra nd v II r on, b i tTa r ht f c bhis.a e y u p f a I neMuiuTisea ut . , - M&tr.&i. mb aM ,,bk <'dVtle W mm, .Ioyin uea ~. 'ff ' flbb - uu ý 'f ineeiprotor;baace, ehile yet Le vsnted to kmov Loy hi 4,1" usseiué nj eà 4e. _scwcasd ~~s~sparae1 I sood. le vus natiis aen' 14il ',ý"fre4uïé,yw 1snXari*ttid*b« 6Î, stot hIi# bU ià -bw bot ciii a& wMS ln umqr ehm ilee oqh ib ~ Iofrl..IIaI-theléf ~ 1wIMtf ;rditA a î?ao tulaieL. hoie «Mr,sandj .i~> , ~ ~ ~ ihuf ilsu . eu &e- jesd1i palot apteniover bi ac. h wva Naa "l~r~~ evp h i ws1ir t la usdiéslae offlmeheh M àâ 4 hiêj. h.rà ai uta IL, 1 Almy alt' *eI MMIj.a 05, en et x«M m wce u m6ve <It er ahe Wsb , , ' oe »h1ss4NdibI i. âWd «Wenam ed he410l "Ge, li asu sue aiouaI.. mbiI tan.rlnaaikbP 01 ill-w, 4er zt ui 'a g S 'tt a. but .bseh. uaéh AWil bemrn &Mk. as .. s, Eut ~ITIT¶ ~ I' ~<t liii j' 1~ 'p I.. 7j i&& v