~gk. mn< hae,~ é, 7.1 ~I.u >qtOEfl Ié~ h [ ~ ~ Wtwu Lwd DswdU gtheb SShendasn' o f eh" ve ~h rasf e -- w ý selves)Y 90 Umm"*j Ia sastEit &DY th. e a«» .'x 7idimes r cf IL&b4ý which4 .orld4wk ~m u.qooklSU ~~ cok~ !APantheltd ist4 ý& f oh!0V.lb' .'Ë ~~a1n isAb**xr bj Mon%4 rliqM4set "Hïw 0i loups 11ixty.wi 1tt wm. "1 bave cdosuhad o liiwf ~ jitypest ha, f had r. whhufWaP~tl~, ose upfo - the pI~ 0< fIai$41 Tm UOO~ s LIt'~~ -t~i~w day ni l p a u e m 1 "4o' to tiitedlh y sn m .m at o f a o e p i h é M t P *alk -th" 'prdmde -ë.' <m puI a e I loei tal à- a an ahie inability 1 bowd4l*»4IM.s~ oc if 7îtaiÉréV Plotins -ed meo-i Utm 1* luto'iI I L li M ýw'i t ~ .Di m ""znWdu l Prh la. AIeI f..rw Mr&angea u. hWrmtq& la .m 1rin==, bl" «rivamet etî i Itb**4i ~ »a.W4 j~,v wih bée. m et, .apW* née qpe..a" ii"wNiiaa Swow%1U 'à " utOy fciery numbes ofth s'-~lame lS8Sob. la oaRaMmaMiP4. t4 Our other favorite wniter, wl a1o@Cm» e efum.h a.tiéhs threms mthe »tht O e aaalod ut. iq~ i VitTU Xme! au Ileama .SIDS W. *d §m4 Mau(â pie a.dthe mie o& ItamoMof itla MM h oa d xop-l Au 1Ofu tu trira » n thia have Oeusa d miWe »W gaul ah.im in "depabt.a, cgwag. " we 14* 4 tid, muayw. iue &W taIy bhe« eagrasiap Ibm. po p~.hi &DY cau4~ber Wu&. ~ ;~uI~r $O..'OLT 60 MOtNTS A YEAI. 1 .*to r~LSRED FTi~, oVER 30 EA r, 1Ti.d to bst bmtandfruit f@tg'5om f à in-*ée~stoepnet t- usail.er tae ah4l Vaada, 11. conta" aBS jrmaton et great in - 1Tf"hp.tJ'AmliDP1Tu BE VT of ..... (VT IT 1 - J. le -1 YJh ý& i4 ýt 1 UIIl ta sesij uztjy onts a yme1 n aOutaifls oomaed 500e but a mc. g.imturui 4" o hoticufter5i malter tian ~ (~e~04 .&MrITE jARRT REPORTS s Amh~ l. <Wthe undon, xea VT«k, PhiladaiAla, Rooh>ter, A1'* trtU 1<~ nw kfr-sa' oBugi,[%Chicago, Ciinnati uid Tornto mrlets mai Tbz11bth6 ames p?,iaoo.aud Aue wu joîrnsds are rereivod, an4lpel -. - poi sk~e to >gise th e latt a u moàt re iable inautlB uregard b> tise -tateOf tthe eropsata r.' ~ ~ A copIotthQ'1S05MnfreetoaflWoahI ,~L 11 RL >aPubtaeram JOSEPHI HARRIS, ~~Si tA lâ f M ,Agents wanted evei7"hec., btriwhomthé libet ofers aremuade. '4'w r W I. 1 .1 -C : & ffl e c bout Ua it m n o t O e té ai.fl 3 I. l. 601, PUlIshra tilsa opular and Cheap in asuumelb LÂND TG SAL &> TU ~1'. pBoe am1iusefu than ever before lieot4 hV ~ ~ ~ ~ n'U~fwto r p reqanu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 fI owk. ho, u alai, epemi '11 ~ r' e- &xow?98 R.fin , ùp la uum l 41 il moem bl te Fashions on e4ch plate. (ther iMagazines give OlY tue. FAI AMEAI)OF ANTY ASHIONS IN EtTR"PE OR AMERICA. Godey.Ltis athe only wurk that gifes the,-e ho- mmees. plues. a"dthev are sueh as to have eicitê.1 the winder of puhiLebersanud the public. OUR WOOD)EGAVM' of whieà wme gkve wie tS threev iiies a,' nazy sas any Other aga&z:f -ai e ten ,,,h.t.iken ftèr stail. Tuey are >i 1trsuj erior tw ny ,chei7ý. <'UR BECETPTS ame sueh am ean be foi; nd nc'where else. Ce.ukirng in a&U its variet.-Ci. fectioner -the _X i.r-ery-the Toilet-the Lsundry-the Kirchen. LADIES' WORK -TABLE. This departmoc't ompi e errav.inge &bd de- scriptwl5 uf every astice tista i ldy earb. MODEL COTTA-UJES. No otheramagatiro ha th"àdap.a eut. Terw sto Subscribers -in the British Pro- *n. eefonOe jear, $3. Two ecpie-s une veair, tf5. Thre.e epiea s oeyear, $6. Five copiee eue yeer, and au extra tcepy to the pet-. am aamding thse club, tuaking eix ttpie7. ,Sl 2. Athe e s scribers in thse Pruvinm sW.Il haveno inL cLEa yG WIetBoTHp a GAZM Utdej's Lady'a Book andi Horperl's a azine Lxth one joar fur $4 50. toy,, Haper, aud Artisur viilall three be sent om ear, o ce spto f $6 OM Teulry NuMd ti otes of ail irt as takmou pu a'tutMdpay the peetao onn yt.iT letter. Addrem' .A ~.~V 325 Ciestnun Street. Phietidalphiâa.* BOOK,& STATIONERY OPPMSTIR T-MEpQS't..OFFIC E, - TTiDS C'AC.. g; AT the Urgent requesl of ayfter ~ a auI iui. maabee loug f"lt, tise Pro1,rietur .4e l."mmdm Pest"Ilhare pasrhased a COMPLETE STOCK . 10I AN»STATION ERI. j.. mpellue OKOO IBOOS of aH kh sade. B0OKS,. EWARD CARDS, WATT*S YLVS~. 1% T STATIOIMY they'have a large Stwl o a. 10 ,~N.gi~UUéAuerimu Writsng 1jalexs, c.1 aimA iuLu&", .uItie,wl ictc i aynte ie ~*l. UBtt e .vrA ',el v~J Tt"- ~& Cl*s~ sussrset.~dCmugQc$ ~W MdaL Mnsarald~5'BoksN~ ~lla lulber, Ilessp Tdtuw,01. 10 4heta I=et~ere IqbO0hlwgîtllof lt ~ et*l..troaa orTuscPto. Uw ±~tIdatl otes' .asg 4laOsuall MfScm.te orW teeA eiipY j Bouk. iateà, 04 .PmaIPn, c t. 00d s90 ..1 4. ýý6e -'l' .a à- Fq"lgmw 'F 1 à ne 1 of emp-"St 1 1 JL Us W »Mvý -ý ---