vote wu~ ~ ~ o T~Lum*v Fi% ~ fllcseulm.-~ oef~DeaTf lm s à~ni ,hiwse i.mroe rwse*4 ma, 4, d *r b*.s m kv.~~~~ mmd s.iah<'0m bosh 11Mne Md. potMly Iobowe ab«e#oer. !-1».. ,gk irOq i I t miy oS îkm W*sIêhi1W iti.,whk blnmsl& . bu d «4ftU7 déiîeim buk*IsottkOmo7 ibst u. h oy m. *e sud luli.d tit i la uq. M Yin'ailm" WU# M uwIw4 to.rmdodkf., Imé i*8 4W ln &0«'w 1oWsbr dSwutossu Th.7*1 in-ta *0 stin iku< (if » ptinhrsud hUIv7,114U hIo4~~" <fttal1 u vombIe situa. îkw,.l #a thehd<M ulg mw .101711tk r., 1 nmrsI Tb. <mii.hut Mk.wy, ud wlth oftwy 1dludvstme, n #h nmsvabthat 1wyw Iim. et d IW im0 t .4nfm, k0lo Ng s îl.y oI gib M~Jo WIîk11M i .#WsDte Mud tom;0 le" .ploies Gue& L.~~~k :ab op satom qjj w. àW *~ilm.dsd. -due&.B~0~5 *~àsêud~. de foUWWhs- m ,nid MMý a aiW Ç boui ium dmmtesis qIU .IdmWm* sud lti 3ib t,hllEs o *~C~lbe owt vatS stg hwMoLla #bu .V.utd n~mo la d éo1.s io< iabm; ami #b*, Na.Thrbl loge b lo MMuidIo bie #*apW Nwuvuo 0w &y*v-Oi Mooq ig, TOM fl dib0ipepm. i MW& . A1.clii obto K~ah M fm"a Wrwýd o m* iii y*pl fr aIboea aeew ' 0?h 1 bue k ileqq t Tot e<Umdumyfor me Waa o isfw ah. ho*er seo as WM 09". on M VM .1ww.Mfw l ma«, udeMah lM<mleIbotud4" té 0ube- Pàm A *kd" fphfuo hmese&Il. vo eduiu prnpvloaw-big«q ewI 4. lawél. lami a .,iW dGbwur.w"0~1 z. *tftOS Bidon, -~ sud emeel. wlad - làe- -h v h otiveeepoot 4acMd ;ofz "t'ho ea"Putm du*p M;0tbuttebn.a. Voilé kt m ai» M14i 6b t ue.muèslas*0 itg &bu»sn*cmte pme ormib&h bvU sabm li dMi a I fSsé bu>à*ilI*wri aom u «a1MW je #w &aoeVAID MWUuvevi.v SAu m 10im mstb d4gh ouipi afrebese~ i hoietihe I -~ ~omso5istu> umviâ~ 6w O m.Hl* e b~ise . 84% 1 vis ffolrni *owdi.c&la ana h*w!a vwy .d Md osadmg bume 14 mog lalid .rthuetaM,,s0(ldVho est eabsent 1 beM 11wr.d us obv dmai aunt a. w. Md M" EMhI uS O The seuil o..0( onvmwffl eor extrev& i. omW6im mseet mPaemenai qu &"W.osufd»tht imame.ui y abat ~uth~w e, u peeuIdmmcl chh mmci Sae* l'a meetus' BO osvelmm eashet u<dIUW ue h mo metCmi '«s. Mumors'a m~mI ..u«..l ie- te 9 W. 'P.# 9 et te ç'u f t fume~ ~~a "Mm ap hpo.i(tt i1 ùle MVIgeor.eau cirem, Of11 h* wkh Ie ire S, 138 ilsaxu am Awrimm Rs .maw To valateak Md sý*îV.a he a.Ir. l.d. aeutu-if b ,hem. udom o Iasar fe h on pe bath1msuw eb ras m & u an.hd y bty ere <;,ad tmd hut e ts.Om muh hr.Attoua iia i.v.1r. Audevuo <i mr arh J M. piebaahycenmtASu U-mm &.1 Wh. - 'e. Oi% de o t pro cir. d-,te 1o, Tme tiiefmiwaibua uite oaer 38r. A Hemm-uua m"Uiec. r. m .nud niah. oimied b~- b Ho motpreemdfir citah. mmtahe. mi had rsbkn h"à catekh *a ima»& hi.boad o~ ah. propo r.-r An&maitnugnht laa "bif Cama' p, h.he got romîhly hwawdc lad wu *ieh.le b endd authe body. 1m i!? 1bost a nmet, sud Mr. pha u of.< himeath. Naaa.Utmaas.-'J tto wm haian mai toit e lidom ua mai" ofcoemml. lots, sickwaeoWdheum nmmci. hiet s. u«W uhaala dheooie. Tlu bo.. .opnthhwl m ahathe e nv alioar lire in sielimudepm&,D po. hmmieusl &Me ami iuaite daim'; tthydputhiuu pntf a.> rae heewi apaofu h bwebaàh.,or disenoui of étw ciiice umsets, cile a mai seu* ut o - -! ým Our lires Tb@% , dthv aleê h tmy mdilà iba & io.hope m.- iehllit~UsiO imW. *i - î mdiM m s la iw Uor ola * more thiê au of mmilinae.mserir4 gpoW ah. mdit b5y ioiilié î1 t99W% *o#~iosi>, iN*;c mulab"âe msbaf m4Set1faer n os> mdpatieues ~ matu*w fort kdam .,fcg the &. ardreè d eo c m ukyie&aAL tht"anc md uoeqdid uuWvd >dmdq. *t day to ihe rebee, amilad li il néu - tiir armof ah. ~ bi "U ie au-weahil lifur Thtqrmp mmd à V»mfer 8,atiglia auuà m. ah. ewemq a Corl>Md uns matm aie.l mîred mQ i aey fourni hemoiumaevsupommm s Tht bhiijec vert caverait wkh dota to demi euth. s.sad aor ua iMr. Tht high uimd and derbrom Jpme* ahe meelarom hmuuag or mnag ismeutmm&a -Fraallms divWm mored nas iOon as la Wu ulArli, ami a"s. smrmasmd Rookera, fi-osm mdr tjs gmssof da emu- mmuy ofem * a idiers exprcusd xrest ueie, yu aty' co.IIpder dyaag an front veryImoet hs uaudd ce,let onothe1 ialiL OmCIAL D uJ r" uuAIe w.G.aasLm At M mime . cm eka tmrdry moaming the - anna$temhsd ga hs iga md m tetfu i iffed, doh."dhuai. gdalewg u, fimefe ima1 nrik> le bh im"m 'saP..m, ah.e emy bem,; à* Wk impuhts, thmalm ino(;0&Asl c.Fe bwv te m te, hmof may htevu~e.I.zpmiishau"suiiberte- kàs ~ajaiae tum" yuae enmsh £ire um &W d fi" m. em. q ae wpà-ee t eTd ihle nmu& ne a. ele à "P.Geral VWèoý ' i4. 14.-V. have sid ai,le ~VY»sè. lt-Tht Ws.wý comli""mialyrepom d o% GemmaiBuauue hai eb< p uinio tIBommmBd of à*mu~o ~Nw Tosi, Dec. 2.-Tht Nu Wnii.t uo smuqio.ds.s'hums. thmtk n mortux «pmw te. onei ne, m, avil ormlusa ,twsh.) ? fà -Oise Rofitar, exM-eï.at, uî d that al, k Wht Mr.- CLaie. He o .uid OU .<- the mke .tyf th lue mois heIee&ved tht pulfglk, f ga b e tMMsa caversantu ithfQei PhÎtedelpLi#, Dee. 2.ê-Tb. Wuii,, S<t, ut veaidgÀiy, mys at haiîe âti.rhi., 4àmurem entmmad eeigjuto o I *naa fek msl à lbmS S.ut blb.d u'.d tar- nae m the lmas-.Wuhàiegxua idf'ull 'f mrausne of mlikih mge trible. Ji-if a dinien atateamen ame eSoaemiy iqr md* aima, thât Fesas-n&n has b"f eenàuivel, te,. derpd the Sîiie Diaîmsbut deii; .x, c-esit -,,ahan ît4ahelv aicu Cahinet. Fliîtbr. ' Mr Siamrier ha; been tender-Le sahe m pusiio; 1sud furtber, that al l e Cabinet buve folkowed the example of MX, Seaxd. Tht thref o'cytbtk edition sats 1Mr. t'base bas tende! et Liasi m aiks m n utha-e àa#la- sonutu beheve thât Mi,. finir bus dofre 11, mm*ne laajpem Iotabe Ui'-eusallyteie tha" by Dig fill HthèrcoIam~ci . km. ibeir exainple, if they have mot ahiadv dom au. NtYork, tIse. 21.-The t i e'a-'y letter reports a change in ilws poslIUît.! . UL lem ing of;tbe arm. Gea Fraklin*s etd- qurs are removed lk hfroua near- the IlIfr ta a g-mrron aathe road Ieadingu- Tht troupea m in fine condition. and ful"Iv preparcd for Latle. The Herali edisorially confirms the suate- mentu already ma&,, thas Gem. Baaka i b supersede Gen. Barder ai New Orleanas. Et wili commmid anarmy of îOOOW en. - 'Unt of tht objecta oai ka.expedîom u ile capture of Mobile, chile aiLere ae to Cuunte-- am »mv chemeioetFimuee ini the Soui hern States, ud ta co-opeae in opening the M is sisspp,. New Yodt, Dec. 22.-Couplete effrial r'- turus of our lues mx ïederiaiarg, foot t.- killed, 1,128i coended, 9,165, missxng. 2 Tht 7imw. maya thaSecretazSeward yvs- erdus maxrmiaoe finmlycosmmed te re>r.n. hi. Port&Aio, m»d ChaSetht e umrtion uf Kh. lpilto. mider advi»mnt, anrd lis dt-cisiori cii be maaomaoed tatht Premideuatat mur r.- FEERAL LOSS AT FREDER1CKBURG -FEDF.RAL LOSS 13,500. Fr.. tMe Týrins SprcialCorrapmôeut. Opposiite Fredericksbua-g, Tues&dax Dec. 18, 8 àa. Tht entire army, excepia, portion of 1%te~- fiel<a corp, hm 1*kmbark to tbis aide ,f ike Rappmh-atnoe&, ad Butterelds forci-s are mow erumig. The moavemenî un ecautiosa!i- and aUi emelea ideruag thteri-hanmd is reMarisi ahrouthiîthe army antheét st sen to be takera ider the eircumutacc, Gem. Si.M ciitisi tuntecommand bas - ThteiniWse aofaur lamsin the lait î-ary widelv; hua, fr-aiaofficial repots us :a- as maie ouit. and »Pupothle estimates of tbt *.ho have tht Le« t 1*its for tjudgin -, the toal kiks statet i e13.500. It is 4- lUeved a".itht.. Ogwft clii fal_urider mr-ar tht.exeeed tht aiul repborta. Tht severuy ofMtht ide niaybe itiferx-d- fra. Ii fcathea chue i înrî-elk vas er- 0%red bUal eua&n hu Le loin mery tlar THE BA'TTLE AT 1-REDERICKSEURG- <Frai me iww Èi* rk lm) ~àeemy wd-ivtm! e tinit aWefuland) detiîd u Itakm»W*q -leë lomof buffle, Viti he1p ta cit-ar UP tft mnI~t:r i mu. #hma! Gem. bruf&sadea. udmn e -t- WI44'dcýeee- îletter shows* m th" thet" ofi a: -h... lid& . r.Roiin f vuai 'cia lu @Mreopetube tlia lilihi. t'.eebmce.-mth h imeSigl'A k id as l4~. m u MXIp ah. au& me aieai'1 qi~ lsd~th.dMm y, ila ss t de omet ciit re"p tls- peop~~I. ýPaauuýrhie&hcm e h.iecvu. but suÎili er-Y ~ç~b - mtâ" -.n'o gem" ad &&rtus, me'~7 diecuausmt. ti ab ii t tepîee%i h uembiwy un hue m. tysemapeed i alt.~imai peoehbits s. Eat&y os g à' ah.mtw t t arvi h. ospwts I mr deu :a:vLw b e idto maemud aib *isah eaghne .i Thrs V""181 «r smw I OOMah.mbx.e the nion;a '~~ RM miro in&l m.aimd » M a fce c05 ý-w-wc- s, t -atu