oe 5ah f Nf~ M a» v5*sfUtiuif~ v m q gowtrooa fr2~I Io âw poim.hffl#gei, e Uêm d uff44meâ atatte ldm11%.#Wàul% -hm iu domi <b ~ ~ ~ f tua mbouSw y« té m a «f mm ratersot eN"l #amome wfth d"mF«4% d « r mpo bois V(WM&M lu (d - bwt c or LP boy vnai Inn qztg. ltglm i# dwuo of..u'emyk w m4dlllrn l Wi od e0tîînwfor 51 1I eq'tq Dl ~ té d. y* ,sl l fo I. h jti 43 -wivo 1I*mu1un fMr lie isiiysm.it he y. u #fVÎiwQ suih the 1Vnied *.ui (Iosw&ttwo, au '~ rnj$nntro. alâiov. on the lwgb m. wth ll oileau b.ntnWito ls uu dimts uel- floie; li @1 ue l erri l o . uv.hIb watise vmiI.la t lq'li ml sshacdn. i'ms idhaIOtU W È. -foirte u it" I*ti- the(OI l'lm <A4iNH4 M AN» UiltOfth*yiiE1 Ji O- N I~lé fmmof lti0 Llt4aate t rs4t kf l owa alofbi Ail oImmotl1 fAN, iho ItTuda ms itLl eaNl'4st. lamu Ibi(et» tge4c us a MItN MPM*1Oa 14 l Wlittçon Zrt. àluise i Ailpâi4p nheim o lt. fhtin euhmeby 111 tI it s 14 is issti orît AiIgnsssostéu#*Id sILo %. l s Itite flIsif5 t s %atls m 1. otdle ave hcvob .ateIcd tila ui a "lit tle*s1t àiOy 7At- is '.l *s a i us'tIm me 'ssvsnl*aith.,, me, à@.,h t¶I'd 4 -f brit' sui'hot4 fkl t t e ,v uyapsu. tIse ~ vnx Fas ila llî 1 55 U ilad! I *s.tnsw, mus 1urmb silý M ît s'mitaho. VATJVIVFAIl. f"isailt4tlrn. * 1ean MWof gi. n'l',tluimg Sonu., tagno s.Mtts.is. A,,*als is l r t i es m irlNo ys jVs p oprtlsi Pris'.. l me a 4cho@t. Mmay ho 00014 ai th# ugle#sas.« J. IL «NIRT, UTu 01.11 i'TTLuRS AND olliIIIUIWIxIIIN<I iToO OITAII PAINS -1.14 llcCANADIA t~@OO-ACRE& #F LAND! humA. (rsu/E (siekstuu Tn m.et lMou MW -5~1 li.li lamet <amIbo ss.ass> ~~auu~ah. 't ",-o Av- polo1 w-our h=1om 40 'om p AN<D BRANIES ILcS I~' GIN~ms UM, )098W & IBLOCK'S. 0>PcQ4UwimAND OLU RTE WHInSKY, hissiUSbSm4oE su wnsao GR0cERIE8 FM*'KM m4 ofelh ha mwo.4a, 0lui les 1aI MfV.slu ..1in" AppIh ai ui t. Faitia m«uL Paiodu l, b hou "le soa s sla m i- pu IsTm e. Iw! om b mol i Laoasud 110mlo " II tolwbm e l iePa t trle Mec*e.iTtAlhYowler, and a ertnl lC=oupm mmd b>' t4o Mid TM#o h Ida oflic Toeuo!fcbi'sudmii Piq»I~, ma te io #w.l. ok wlabi theuéTommo0( w *kt~l te ckAwPl 9014' iamMd of .,etPoteibovV. 31,iyto Lo un1 ORu IMfltiLD UAL E»TAUE, te MM d .ffroc $200 ira $2000 AI 7 J'gu. cr,, prirfflpol amd lnteffempayablm bi i i1 te 10 ,OVb>'Monîhi>', (isatrel>, liteartyOw ~eanl ,~s'la t.l à@ ttseopîlu o!11e t ..... ,oer. APIt JOlUX mIADYENI solIloiuaMW AP04. nies>. NION KY TO LOAN. lac Iuoov. 9a I - IIM Lieus>', Oct. 16, i~'8i. a. xxo"uIf FamrmtoIet 1 boloh Con. VF.UjLUMu lu N th Couty dVietbria 60MI3 aiew er mloiMt*6 aie e se dmd ho 1SOLd Vai au. iclaid i. mou vae v 0 a tm 4AW ILIM liUNTER i , 'oom I a « 8 a mefd là-0' tomMuirn1*4i à abisrnm le= Lis.Tkm o sodBolas. oMd ,4M gurmmla s. ryO mi. à ilgI flalec ea li.Te,w 10 a i<*IIlb s i flww b& 1 la Pou(sttis u pmileum lpy te JONOMPBILL. paoplou', or te JORN D . ALLACRI TUE NAMILIUN "EYENINU TuE-S." rfBi "TIllES" Is fassi ves~ Uv.ulm#, Weuloum hUma>' s~I~nu~?l~ VUS ami lie iheat TIIMIAPE DUhPAT0~ PwemsUe~sf Vai AINEVALI Ol STEAMIES, NIW TUBE MAEENT$, A.i.Csmpssilmm.f lic lIBYE UV TED DAT, Louai aid PosoladuL F'COAL 01 . ANOÇCOAL 01IL LAMP8, 0.1. -DOBON F010000tomvALUE .FOR YOUR mONET,' NIBLOC"'. m w 'dru-li2 *WS5 tNDKELPNÀN'S BLOCE!4 NEW IXP,?ORTÂTI.ONS FOR 1862-3! R. Bý UDGE & BROTHER WÔULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEliR CUSTOMERS AND Fihum, md, us Pbliegououuy, <heu <bey am. poepu d o o&r g~' Thus. uwr n* u A. thù OfCmamisIÇ TIIMUCAITTALOIIS *TUJAIXiDS f NILAIS4f CLOTRING ADAT N7 THE LiTE#? PlaNIONS, MIrEXELY LOW AN» XO»MtE 1 Tb@ but "..*$n te 18 ou Tic bout Baille m&i PlinoIý; S soaot 1*r leSI....... .l e 1400, Tb@ ieailb-lu" lamo>'a"mInD- TV* satI4tm...i.Itte 2505w 1soauii.j.. lot* 1400 <m.sotiyl),fefl.....ôte4600 Aier*u41l si ud aAt!pWarmtedI1 READ YàMDE ClOTHINU NrOmmeLL GAT ?MIAT£ SALE? At Auctic Pules, 3W0 OVERCOATS. 40BuINB COATS 100 8uyb.t COATS 100 BOTS' COATS,. 1,m0 PAIR PANTS. 7bb m t Cod or Caiedp AV BUIIGIàh DROTIUR'8 zEvpmMit *y *tee smule héi ur om M»s*WIent»d a m re 1settber~ umfaotty, ujti wrba "s aix tg atIJkwPéoeémwbot mtae lauibis Vuiéhu 2Ob s gut vilet>'i Ba, ca, Bim, N.i4ls,1vau, EMmes. Coilla", Sm6 Nochelefsbeie, amid aber aricles teaner- - he W i w m citsa.emus l.Tpro.anl au Parie t ~m euoss uyiagClotia from mem i lAid À XunI BETiE ASSOTKETT O SLT O X. R0IFMW4atMUGSi LOWfl FR=08a Ail CA lAVEASAMWh U? OcmMT »?EU 0? CEA 3. ~ I'miasert/. pac-,CLOTHINO WA&RERO USE, Kaut Sirat. TiWolsamdle ai&BSU LINESAT, l~. LINDSAY CARRIAGE FACTORY. JI IGE, UGGIÉS, 0GB, JISULUZYS, WAGGONS, CUTI'ERS, #LWIàwLMEERm0e, 4lote IFurnliture! Farn-iture!i NOTHING LIKE PUMtIITURE.. WILIAMMARGECH begs sev t.anounce te .the isabitanis ou RU)? TS EZhoemilooeuPW i Mr.J.TiU,«a ~FRIIITEEwmoM4 vIss bu bu ldw.js b.d<hoL.gu.t Wa md EuW Amorbtm 'te <oin4 mun W. . I .paldaici alisatIto tis NETA G d» admp ô00c<e beVATonILOn» *~ -. - 860P341U AIC b. J. at ire, the*N, hIér lm *0 lanobt8 kU « . -Pl"& n- S9lt fr*0»e e voome u tiuweyd iw Seuw Mdi UmbInt ha*imgý m&M thea lip fmlu oalu TREVLY POUER, Ptpsstc IJémdoay, fsoptos. 16. 14 C r / New ad WUi &.. LINDSAY, C.W. b", to »=«tabi xoa" am ptlj mted pbie, fu hbu- Îg a" ia moevWlaregod ami h u, pl- ~O4UTTOIy aac.m hue tio . ariew- & » Lthi.Hi!tesl zaa 1lailiomoo. u * isecag f aa dm* id «t" mdg hee1ee r.pW» TROUS iB W.UWàÇWVprri~*a. Adjae" t te ]ePort Hope, lMadeay, aMd Peteilor ailvay Deoes IL a m and the Public e gmoerly, foSm b tegufr fer hise pea, ami theTable or the but ùm Morket affIUO. Nei .ret» T.M~Mut'mes modi m»d atT.G. ELACKBAid Pwt HoDe, Doc. 1861i.1- CHIJRCH'8 HOTIL (141*0 Iaittngt lIUN.e). By W. Y. CIJURCI!, PORT HOPE, C.W. Port flups, Oct. 2, 1861. 18t NORTH ÂKERIOÂN HOTEL, wadion Stroet, Por« Hope, C. W. B. VIN,oas~a PmoeM" ers cid to or fton.the Cari or Boat. frecofcharge. Port Hope, sept. 5, 1861. 114-tf HASTINGS' NEW HOTEL, Johan st, Po" rt op, C.Wr. THOMAS WARREN HASTINGS, Pacrizazoi. À APcstr iii atend thse Steamboatsmi Cam. Port Hope, sept. 5, 1961. 114-tf 8-Q r. Eà,'lr. Toztorro. JOHN MILL, PROPRIETOR. TrR an4 Rue sgs.ayel5rgedafld 'B-mt lcS.LueeHall. on theop posit au. f u te Et. Lw BOAT MARME SQUARE, TORONTO. ni OROUGRLY RefurnisWe and Refftted J. URMTBPrq.rà.st Tuost, floSq. 51801. 1-tf MONTREAL. 1s jtanty cituttheesmdof St P" la ma . ISba t» im5fwl"Saboum, 1 gr«t avomnlte, tisaiit i. meV iékéb£Mtic ozTmsue lcres. oufimon- i. kms a dmnn Th Ibere 1maibmtmpuilomi m" wlg~ romuslna ben imet heu mi ev;::Mg - thbave f beeýaf»V in&iv aN esiso et «mal evilboul IIOLLA amiEA "BvU asffl. T mr .f o, ~Tuu INTNA~IOEA& 1flt10W O? UP AI LOMOON ý*ZM - i - - - 1! I EXI~V~~ "<&TLY, PfOIIPTLY, A» cUiaW B 1k ~?êvolc beneb L ma a tIbis ho. Tbbbslwebbout au ofwwe wip u 8"ai Cu fer of4map t là* lt dM.esc mrovdStl. CesnkungPies, fdims.M$12 t $8les 85.'. v fe. $2fe i t. 15;pan , of e. $5 la $10;q al _b a viel .ip b. ies fus ale. p t MW ms ilaot pneu &Psfor hepSkasmm - DAVOD EIWRE. Liumya, mi«. 18, 8m 15&-2m eJohn Sithe--rlaud's cmli et ja"is unlad's. CHEAP JREAD TAN CTRI 1-MAet J"LOTHIN&'!I CIJEA IF TARDWAENCTLE w liaS john li s aai's. CHEA1PrOURYWA SJA ,HAcmli IJoh StGLAnd'm.E Ir YOU WANT Ckeap GROCERIES * PRO FISI<)NS! Cmli at John stierlam'. . I YOU WÂNT CHEAP AND GOOD LIQ UORS! Cmdli atJohn Saticrland's. IF YOIU TANT GOOlD GOODS AT LW PRIC ES f Call at John Sutherian',& IF YOU WANT ID SELL AN Y KIND 0F PROD MIE! Cail at JohnSuutra', Threa Doma Souths of T. Fourmiers Hotel, en thse West aide e1 Winl"a Street. Lindsay,l!X«. 1, 1862 174 STITL«NÇ, ]BUT TEel SURVIVE OR PERISH.l he alai>' LIbigreat edy sm tie masS on- derfl nilel rveltio <bt tic vari has ever kneovu. It in mt a hkistwy written by one man, or even derivedfaisfontic experieuce.or ansnation, balcons ts of a compilation of testioninlafrom tic iick of vii>' eeunls-a record, th ise 1o f viiel bas neyer beec aducecinlafavor of mn>' re- coer>' or Invention ince lime bega- BIELIOITS DISORDERS. Ian'ulmte'ver fors diease mttacks thse liver, it is repelai m»d extermipaWcib>'tht. aeareiiagpain- lem ann sistibis cuative. Let tic'daek vison the faculty have abandoneri. »restSils esmience te tii.pomerfel antibihious agent' ma a neutaration te helti aMdactivit>' miii ha tieunvmnying recit - DYSPEP»SIAO Tic great bourg. .1<11.s ontiasat yielés quioki>' to a couffe of tise antisptic Pill and the digeét- Ive argansau ierestorei t. <hein r toie; no matr Mta mathideoom shape <is =cfdiacas exhibita itasi, thii.eresia a nrigrnd ispersso il #M th- -.paGe n amatcu. ec !lu au i « cMe. LOVN"sS or$Mmil% aid o tbi gu of.&ai aimasiliver, Ma"o dîrner- gmiuli of thse aplsu, iis uniar lie eradi- eatIwluem etut him aulpoverfuri attseptic a"i detergent rni' - SICKLT VEIMALES M".lilame u e *»la t7icg a few ddoss !thii regalmiag d amvm ureneéy vihalver .My bethir cnmatit M& e tales vii sai"£eV lu man pulieilMaid5e09Msioa;ita effeci ils au1but miiaemlm.. HeoUomW4a PdU.a« e &W Satreusedy knosea Hovet -t au &pItu, MbM * Obsis Baisesdjli Tenis.. m Z --.j6~ uai ffl aumm rwU- -m.P 1 ltom. Wu«m. Nea at* t THUAADIN OST lS!, mia n 11P O0F UPPEII CAADA. THm >New Illustrated Topograpiemita . timafcai. EGenerai Refèreuce, a" Rdmau m&é vel priuted om fine, visite, aifl.g pV"e.ma- nfactureriteorder At the Dm s -Wi. Mmm Tayor à <eia" ill900 e oieo MMsLe< Vaet edgei iaving cspm" Pd émets du;%;Ma vulha Mi m g in NewTy"hby B. F.fWSoc S" Streesa ami 1. edaà 1Mîap a CkaadaWest, have, Vithout enceptio, n eatieT«MorSO" lthe muticaRici pMeference. InfoMatlùd taipensa vmtreatalalie samie of li e oSer Mai. miesquaatem.sand buai ubîendmy as ma te have " gome ap - l t"kc., ai tissit mD eyer bu pablimie& bus cous te bond fi4 fe fisas flur puay ina f- férent parts of the country. This counter statement madi a e-éefeuae vii noS, I am sure, bu receiveri mou queseoaile autliûity; nminlavicw of aIllie cieutemms thc pretensions @et up, thseconditions, tie àcpiv Muanagemnttic - @m a dtledereme e latin:a*te erival uaps. su it likely lis. peejila viii feel thremselves under any msof e abigat ay Smr tva mapelie r ta accorc tise hait? ps Pausera gxia g tise aboya a fe imertiumiii ha entifferi te a oopy of tic map mnosnted. Toronto, Sept. 1862. TEE CIRCe-LATION O7 TEE TORONTO is NOW THIRTY -THOUSAND COPIES. T IREE TIMES CREATER than tiaS of amy ather Journal in tise Province. It iâ noS conitaed to one district, but î E.rteuaivey Read in. Erery Quarter of LTpper Canada, And L% to be seen i MAL PUBLIC PLACES Tbrougbout the Lower Province. AS AN ADNERTIýSNG JOURNAL It i. not ozsly srpnased in British America, butI la belived to bc the BESI IN THE WORLD, inasmuch as lia CircuWaion is larger fluai t/st of £MY QI/sker Pape r. In proportion Sa tise teli which 15 oocuples. B>' one adverieement anun oe k.3yfliet the advertiser mâaches ever>' section in the countryari every clama ini the colmsnity. WIIOLESALE MERICHANTS Have thse olportunit>' of sending. throîagh thiseco- lumna of the 5GLOBE, their sonouneconents tual- me-st every deaier'in tuwn mai country. MANUFACTURER.S wiii End that their adveriseoeents in tthe GLOBE are rend by ali the leading Mechanies of the Proviacee' And b>' the GenenalPublic, PERSONS EAVXG LANDS FOR SALE OR TQ REýNT Rotel Keepers, Kureerymen, Po«ardrs, Prof.- sional Men, le~. &ce., miiilii tisaStiseir anmnce- mentR eaonly be made Shorougisl>'kuomtrog the colmas of " THE GLOBE." Toronto, Q*pt. 22, 1862. rrheiFydpu. TUE MOST EFFICIENT FIRE NG INE IN4 TE WORLD, BECAUSE THE MOSI AVAILABLE. IT is the best article ever isvented for wash. ýL ig Wûlmswaasinig Carulageo. spriakling Ïwns, auiig Ceilars, watering Gardons. siema- ing Cisterns, edeaing lseets tron tre«. emptying Water trea boats, mctting S&wemlka, vettig Qiaileuding Strt, a Spray Bath, ho. Mania batmsMai, visoiermie»dretan l > WILLAMB. VAS TASSELL, A# Pattersan'. Founir>, Front St-. Bellevifle, C. T THE HYDROPULT lm. by fic er «of ose man, tirom matait<le rate of esght gallonsper minute, 807>' bat Iligli. villa gieat oee. mnd should 1»c omdeib>' ever>' thougbolder. It dus ama>' mth tic maOus t>'of~ a hydMimtIt is amugiS, peitlleFOECE-PUMP- mays nemi>, cmlu ai,4Mdai mli onel im t- iqueutm ey vcy Taner, lic nt Mme"l. aie i th le ommIBUiiS TE STIMONIALS. TS thse uiraj olugaS libe .aS the mui-MdAmenr Taylo, Md havlgWIDiei lie vW«king'of a Mlanf Pre Aubiat maa a Tm. HhJlOLT, de elaed* lut a tu .td i labs"rmOlP u.psIeNlNt> isms .e , Is' ifI L l Ne ela ~.t ap. ego. * ,, .~wu u~I I ~ - 1 4 1 - TjmuqRý&o JLPVZLMIýJmjk, 4-w1vjý ' 1 1 1 -