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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Jan 1863, p. 1

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liu-b mm bi u5 1Iemt4pmb la ES3 bien*~T Drit) I Io tri ci fi te et îw" ni bzcir 77! l!mom' t4k~ ~ j»*. l..ut GR. L T.BBuaxsi Pr'.Ba1TIhT d undAxunh> M0)---c .ro ntyMdEnUlineer sud Pro Bep*. 5Sep.8 96. 114 4 Civil. Enirineer sda roinaa (LAuE 0F MANILLA), 1;TASemovedte t Lindsay, for t4é pratice f Iiitri prfessie os. 050la KemnptfsNew Buildings. fot .of Kent St. (up ïtan). Jana. 8, 18. limtf (Lite Orgampqt t iat v C'A emyA, C.04> TRUCHER OF TUE PIAN"OSORtTCAND> RItecdnoe at K C. mtton'..irent 8=614 LINDUSA Y. [erUCULAR.] 1)ESPECTILLY informa thé Inhahita.Ute ofLidsay that site hai beome &apernualiet repident aunongait them. ant ithat she la prepare te* necol've Pupils ant i <v lestructlionMOtu Plame Forte, andilan singing, on th. ni proveti pria- lr.L. feels confidet titat she yl b. able tu give. îAtimffaetion totaail Who May patnonime ber, ah. haviug refflived ber musilcal eanestiaui frouatue bét i maters in oat Bitain Mant IM&ani Mrs. L also itinasteit that she brouglt out with lier'a very @eiiwbrPiano, matie by caiby, oe or the first, aianei,tf4îtflen*i.n London, England, and iwhich vag ,eleeted for ber by tue celebrated Bo- *biion. of Dublin. Residenec .'Noan Dr. Fidleî's, Ruassell Street. N.B.-TEl'.%IeMODKRATEC. Lindsiay, Nov. 10, 1862. 175-il. ~IESR.CUMIERLATD. & STORM, LLcivil Engineers sudt ArohLiteotff, and Romaine Buildings, Toronto. * X~ G.COX. rIonsee, ad OMrnental w 6Painter sud Itla,,ier, lWilliamu Street. Linil- t.ay.- Country an tat oier v-ork attendedtu t with pîuatuality andi despatoh. 14t HT ENIY PROWLAND, Plain and Orna- * lmental Painter »dt Paperhangen, Kent Stret, Lindsay. C-. Ail orders prompt!! andi ~i1thuilyexootod.is1-tf WINTERS& GOODWIN, Paintem l, v mes andi Paaxe.nagers. William Street, * Lindsay. Wauk cxeeuted promptly, neat!y, and at the lowen. prices. M2-tf T OIIN DOUGtLASS, General Agent sud O>Licened Auctiontee, Camnbridge Street, Lïm(daay. Ordurs soiliteti. 12-tf TLISLE, Butchen, sud Dealer in all indi O. or Meti, Wiliam Street, Ore. dom ors r Peel Street, Liudsay. N.R.-Ordens for every desoription of lest oiciu.d. 18t PHoeNIX-LIKE I MLIE fl-VING been Laîtned out by thue late fire, I woult inlaIna tue Public anti my numer- oui Patrons. that 1I haveopened uy Shep em Kent Street, in K1r. Thirkell'satggon ftop, tlIree doomi East of the Towni MAIL.> here I am. reart t stock Gun s.d rerair th em. Nev Gains andti R- dles matie up te ordun, antivarnantdet a hoot voîl. Double *anti euR"mGnsboreti eutand waanteti to 6 p he . htn. of tuci. ne~i gtfulwfr putO fvor, ]e aioiew 0 e tinuance of hei. Lindaay Sept. 5,, 1881. 114-tf SADDLÉRY ESTÂBLTSRMINT, &i* ide of KmtSt re«, sr. 71,.. Di a 'ao f TItoiP»s' T Store. A choice.lot of 1Saddll4 I Mrne, Situes, Whi1>s, SPuns "ndi rughe, kept on bandi. g- upeior Wonktaen eînploy d m selw btmuaailùuedAlvonk-w rie in cllasollite. I.lmtoay, Sept. 5,1861. 11441f »0 PRI S OPE siOR. c jbWarkdoun thte utiice lrge quaitity of o&mç BMdParierau ev. sbaut; aise, m=G *.poeaaaois~ ~eu at June-thobau th"t bisd'e Isu <eeti*ePuble. Drn ua, N5Nh5*0~doaitnu 'Îl rpRE Uftd"owdd "0 me . boquh l. 1iwmoa S -u-11u ýý 1 h m *%Vzub , s lt . itm, > t m GOOI CMtES o.hi% rr t t KPSon t~-aW#l aet 1»MaNILL theC.W., ",b Manill, sept. 6, 1861. 5-tf OAKWO O.. W* S ANK. Pp4eweo. 116a-tf WOOD VILLE. NO~TIwBN OTEt4 WoodviflC, C. W: dations for trnveUerm' heflwm anete. OaMM andi industrim 04Ostin nattend"»m. 150 theni, ~ t ar ap annue thst tbey are jut Frali aima Winte'r toe,. whieh. for cheapueits andi quarlky, cannot b. ex- eetdinla the Baïck Con.ry. Their TEAS and a:ler ROCERIES are of l* smre aupenor quality they used to. heep. Th .y aerci..dia vewy seléect paertm f pOCMETBIBLES, vlth Puglu iPIirnm Thé tblio anre retpectlul~y infoemao0-e del 9 UWho fayot thean vt1i their enao. both Si woomiile antiArg$le, on tory be Votvle.9,11862. 170 TORONTO. L.AW VPARTNERSHIIP. T lit, Undernicpned hve entemdt into part. nnhiMasAtoes,o itm, Couvynem ho., underthstlanifrafMCAh - 1>oL'GAti..Ope-Oppoite Court Houme. Atielalde sOieet, Toronto. JOIM M cN*A B. WX. McDOUGALlo. Toronto, Jan., 1862. 4t. Âdvrtising Essential t. BUsinm.. AU-GUSTUS -,WEBBER, ]EUROPEAN aud Colonial Advetiinsd Generul IMeromne, Slpfgat aln Axent, Wellington Street, Toroato, 0C. i recette Advertismeonti for insertion la a&R <le Caatilan, Europe»andtiStawesNevipapers aMdProilam .Ackaowedgeti Agent for tuis paper. Jane,. 1862. 12t QUEBEC. F RE1,D. T AY lO R, Parliamentary, Lanîd,01 Genetl Agent, PÂrxwrsFoR .canWN LAJ4I>SoWtId EX. Clamna befoue the Departanent of Crovu Lande proeuted,~. Pametsf Ivention atidO Z rBudm iEO Oh. ePublie OEce. atbentiedt% a T~anEmmuuanlad .s q'm uée amui Fret of Ià rge. Refemuea:-Roii. George 8. Boultema, Cobourg; Ir. IL. MentIt, Esq, OSt.. Caietté; Bon. L. Hon- ud, Montusal;Hoc . 1. MDoL ,Tmmtk~ U M 0. Alexander, Woodstock; J aita Il"hsbnq; lon,..a duw. îuanfou; pu 1A. Kiermkowski, St. Charles. .,Orner of Rad m oMt SituaIs, QUEBECO rmsatu md Mjs' Cramd LoéClag&4 ECESLA»I ATN5 Procure norals attlMefxe my cf Publie Departmif. g-, 5 t ~b n auge ttWlétLgdfsw i.A. For peMis va avem~aI& lIit4*stW~ boro wkIU eDU* st aiu u W u y o ~o a le u a s a te dM U N'# su a imRue, FOfuOjS 5)80 uu goO Âdir~pu-pl. e ECHG~~ lait4 ..ASn __________agi~ amé ~ S*U2 A"tmwauimtwtm 4 *léa"ïs -e."--t t" mieb6L bm pno 0% àk b" - h.atuut'w4 ~gkmf. lars f dpulic obMe.w, AsfhW*~4Idiw » g.. ,ed ai.If a.iéefthéTêuimamYl bave died nmgth tà4êkab <miqai.hlu SAh Young oWwusb adremmmn Feeyoralay. ouenlqsrle ofuroed an buaireents e1 a «,a.o oe ft o lt s f ubicd thâ 26aa4 o e nagem&.i sua Mag o o th ehS",hOuyfMadis, bav zeeStte d 8a*v4sy ai hi wtb clomlbat-iof inpea 1e m biu biei MWreeed a Yrm Enlud rn ba~ Ç ain ttoptmt AGooNaixo SexL-Tbe En&iuagaBle:1 Williniu Aile., which bas arrlved 44 Rouen wihsatgo>of eat irlest heacaptinat ses. Tiie veuI uelvaoff Fecaanpvbouthb captain wua tnuck by t4 leyrd 9Wii. saisali andti<brouta oyerbomsde 10 as us vain tint e verj efl'ortwasmadee ocmaesbisa b, :hroidag ropes. Tii. ve@W i ad_,gono abat, sotd the. turinois cf oh. sght reideredî' ttMe to lues elble cte » M ". -Tv.» gmaS" g o b"i veto bewa, aiMdait vaswuent.LI*is vif. wus ou board, andi bot suffininga cem»t eeaily Île described. Lard P. Routage-h id M oc haa per tt~ mmcafiom bi$ ev br"debeint mamsEHI&a b.th Wilde, a prétty hosmmit, vbas bu - tractet more ee<han'it in lth. neigimliobood of WesbuMo grove. Bdlâ sIlshlâp-took the ' fatal stop' b.dhamWd al hig serats, anti on bhui er rinonmtstng <ath. InW, been wiii Mm for fourtoeil ymand 1bad neyer been foonu »ti f Ull . Lord. Montagu repIle obat Le wva bout in uttuto some lPth changes vh"eii vouit mae '* 'east À Nomes Iàze.-Sfr ;lhamuli Aitag te do so as long esthe msoeas4y May lest.Hé bai" been h.toiq, "lvii ubas.upro perty with , Mrhtm"i% W ouhu 14eas osepeny O am vbta e bo l u os- plo>, h te. h vlih.Imdr au rmiuél soit viW" ae#u* fruir brgU Il rcàU-Th@ suefasstbho 1s fsxÏ peetinWo1 r1ftyphaP o50B , Imwe is.JIS~ tyoh.~e tw â« r"h.1A Ootse mpO0"&ONêy bsmol. * ATIM nmmeA O 11 IuTU ai' Sa lettere or *0Bahop Qf N ~i ,a Pf bis frieds IsOely etsto OohOx- I~~yCo uiniu,(ta a nstv.N> but I shll, b e ssels ndbont ifM.,ss oiws Waer soud o u Iielng in tus v poeeodcd ee~ 1or _-m__ofe'l. oidtua4od c ot 2wAms of npsin:~hdabdca oveÎ. - osi, ni m*babel ,<l l dame oh ives dfi he i* g<sry Oc0'mme b«er glW M tombq7 le1' boer $-cé br snb au experiment tbanOdcutt& Or Madras, Ibe native ceMMuIît' bmSncbmore paLlie lies are >flot eoncatcd. ' flot kuaw bciw té aite cybehave inaà t. . d*whcoigÏs ýatebe nddas. posibe thantmpttualsymtlysoadvk, mp ech otbe." Tiiezeýtana tetn, cpd Ë ta but it requires oun.ap, io ae ladies a knowledge of <ho e'Macular, vhicl' fov (smv thé Frieud cfi houa> vith the cane cf maraied life cm &affaàtp~aqire. *TI NEW ZEALAN» CIUE1FS. The follewing tdea a buafQrvartlut hy G-overnon Sir Georie Qréy <o <btheDiake oa:, Nloweit1e fon transmaission. teýbr Mjsy "4Oh, Victoria, aur -Motbe -W e guet jeu1 Yen, vWho are a11 tiatnov rebni n- oeil to eut recoflletioti Âlbti%tb <la ?nuc Comsan, ubo eaumotvetagaisa b.galué spcn by the people. W., jour Maorn ohltren, are noV 2sig in sorrcw togethét vlth jas, even witi ameÔr- rmv luke té jours. l v. esta ne do la to veep togeoher vth cu Oh, oçoot mot ber, uho astniarlahti , jur ignoent hltre of this ilanai, even <o <is day!1 We have junt hoard the crackof the bauge huedtforen t res vilhmcita li.atcly fallen, ere it baat kde'i fuli grct -of gréatiesa. *Oh, goedlaid Prsy lookwI*àlhanDÏObnOur love. Atihozglive msy hameboun portesmo claltan, vo ebave uver btod Iç. This ias omitlamieit- Gre a theti pain viicb preu e for thé. lom of tny berotet. Ah, yen .111 nov lie burWoiaaungthboà,dear jilIm ou ititb oIe ier départed Witi týerdudati fhe t$bs cf lb. mnUltll of "Ti Mani. Go fearlesa <leu, O Paugo, my belots!,to tbe "àt, qf desth; fer e mia o uders esn fiÊu hm SaTrri*i sud ilite f 1là. Oh, m Wy lobmrd wh* wt #uiêle hn- elpoble pet bird, ca.gbt ie 44h. rroi 14 tk thetibody or slmesps eM otp imnm autbmsp w r;For 1 WI y moat precuons 3i*e litekm art esvhim e.. Y âwi., eh. pVinas, tbakdki upua UN My ar.oan eqé odin Oir Whsoibya*, tcm,a * iJ", à",V4utM i eua dit,. bocke.Wôrkitg.pxuirt-aet ige hs e Le uh% ciiehu mdby daul huaI as teelepira-60 àlmsm tc hriver ndeper cf is gu M-a e effeted «a iodieM-*eý6im Thetropiwhlch hWt Ëw" bose théu"plrabt.?on intheity>uider àh. imi... &ancoimk ring the day, * tfio tho attane of th.eenimy at evr7'stp, nase 1 Mthdrawu during the niZht4 ns vore also those ~Who %ith equsi enacity, lWadMaintainod their Untir ctercf urlesm d Un rer ando on tue ta alargo fSrSepousI o_ ve ock îstionto the rightbaýnk, protected by, t yi h gvuneon the lefL 'nthe montiig cf the I isrrnnmétafor a8"aebeiig? Consploted, shoa«t ý e cock the Muovement veffleib, a fcg, h. *sie;d - olly i lar-ge iforee *frsinst on0 rg-- vig--e--J -sn' w itb t 1d b i gde c f C "ial Y t * s r i O 's' 'l aoW'stïhgtiadvanee for the emny was iscav- a aroti tbr h beifo*o. oe&.st.mIith lhsne- 1 o a S ê~ t i U P ft s , m p(vM up a se c tio n o f 1 bis Mo '-l nrieyv, hocn4wth effect bbpc htank, 2 d dru.opon tLe gallant P1t-4 hem qýv m eiyfireï vhicli hé sulteinçd up#luoh i1ngly fan about <vo hourd. h I tIc uneantimie the enemy. vas fiercely to1-. eonuturetb, (Ion. A. P. Hill's divisiîon fore.- 1 iag Ganc. Jacksu' riXbt, and, aller an obzti- natut combat, repulast. Dariag <his attacc, wbich vas proirxact nd hotly ccutested, twa 1 cf Gen. Hilt' brigadiers vere driven bnck MMpou M.. eend lic. . ea. Ennly, vith part i cf bis ýdiiision1 hein' otderid tahbicsmupport, 1 drove the eueccy bak f ffl- tue po f vooti 1 hé« Wd seized. anti purmqdhi n jtoe plain1 until arrated by hbis rtileér3. Thé nïg'ht of the. enemyý elmoans, exbeeding beyoud Hi'Si front, encountrel tii. night cf Gen. 900d, cf Longstneet's cQrps. hi enemy took passes- sien of a sumait copse in the front of flood, but ver. quiekly diapossmusd nhd repulsi wilh kW&a Donmt the. mtnck omi aur right, the enctn wa4 c ra. .gt moops aven bis.bridges et Fred eri ckaburn â manning them in front of Long- sîrÎct'o- lino., Soeo allr bis repulse on onu nigbt, ha eommesoed a séries of attackao ontu lef -iths ie'rof cbteinug possession c tb. héigit& inanitlitely einlokmu tho tovu. Thèse repettet attâcka. vere repelsed in gel- lent style by the Wshinugton Au'tillery, mnder Col. Waltom, and a portion of McLnv's divi *i"u, which occupied thon. heigita. This lâst assault vas madie after dark, vicu Col. Alex- ginder7à battalion Lad reliévedti ho Wasling-ton 4rtifiery, . sic..aimaition had been cx- laaosto4, »-it udt te-cotent for- the dav. TMc eotuy va@ýs apperted l ainbis. atska y th. fine cf strcng batteries cf arilery' on <ho riglt àwk of thé river, as weill as by bis nu- mérouas andi heavy batteries on the,8'afford Our lésà turing, the operations mince <he uioveposuw cf tb. ýqoeipy began, anicublts w about 10800 killed sid, wwm»4dckAmong the foror,1 eget<o.uMji.t I "hd.kof the pa- triotic so1dmr-aad stateman, Brtg.-Gen. Tho. R. .Çebwl'u ti(.1 uwaOurntleft; amcug vety setiaasy, and, itaf otal voaamded turing the attnek oou ut'agbt. cariaqfrbsw~a Mmd brrag bae4% §ftroopo ary" usabe thean finst bbtioe, i.t1isa.cf lîttebsù vhthé> excep. hasolo. shimnMsa, ýle. ba iiatààiupW dta re iaatte*, - ae.iv~bsd~t id, il~~~~C pnn te. n t4cepg- monýitý iqo i xtu1ofhI is is un- Iâ hase oo* te .,Ye7imopectful1y, jourpwm o ni Plsiùeô1qqn lemdluiartrlMme-, .0,77 ai - ai lad ýe -7- (~iDed. ~ fi <'i.., in*~iita'~~~ - -- .. Il Il Il -~ r- -~--u'-~----- -- - - *ad ih. AdMiky toThdmw1, i~ket».of ~ sm.m v "b the toba 4e em ho. felr.MLWhiuortIkborrowe trm I ~~Lit~~a vu t hast.& mnch n'ld b. n mpvaia ~ce &"it8l tkam» in ap~b4 *teth h forces aof the Coafederac-:-#,i mdm~~~a 0 rtUtmdSao*w exeiplaikdfst The. co!repondet f the. Richmond.es- wirer Irrites Athe nit rises ftmthe field, àhd the oda clar away frein the baill, do thut. l I'thc victo-y nid the Yankee defea~ becvins 0 show itselt - Intelligent citienu otFa-eÏe- daburg Mytha the yankees admit of na ,rns enet andi aIona turîn.- tihewl.ole n- ,iement, Ï,gnning ut the pssse of the )f 151000. It is alsc saaid, upon what 1I reganr4 ,rtÈtiOnthT astoriy, tbatthe Yankee ofti- Mr voe eauxicu tarenei' <tho fagbt ouiSon. lay, but that the men were demoralized asw4 DouId nt bc gatteui up toLte mark. Some of xlnt! 1 aoloi iwise cou ~xitu<f latbaeoÏef s h'*pkmootem em=- roncing the métài ý tW àd % "le work of atudây, ad tiiey fustâes say that tbey ere ~cd~ ~titbe if 0e #v& alnies Ro0 Tltue àter. I tiiiuk it cannot b. aque&,, býj Yankees prmvioug taoI[flnfflmeê maas eà 'nl~ ti'vaî touao purps.The.Yankees Weeayed atusi whic*lnoa anly eéer mar- aa&W or. that ever .111 Le orga ce.ould, iavo sccoxnphshed. To have dnavema ar nica itu n i F sl an s d te bfiavt taken 'it, 3brwould be ajihids p!ay. Tcap ~~ strength of aur position a: mmust wwStalle i te Say titwerbatd4stono- tla' ýa bth ends of the line-Jacknon the ight nd tlae*stone fence n the lefI,. g Errodekshsrg. No ther mn t <an Baimus*e wuid have atemped nosfe lorai-ic fool- a rd i a n n d v e n tu re .. : . Trtily it may y*e snidtat <Le tankes,lain nr battit have been 'btehereti te mie a lin. rein holiday.' They hae falled bore mint mlgnsily rbeymu trv the Por Rotai ronte. If shear do, <bey vill find the sane cbsamter f obstacles bore s hoemthe lame aàvan tges ta aur ide of' brave spirits ta, oppose ihem, ad clacice poasitions in whieh ont mena ap arrange ta dispute tboir mauel'. The ne- ulte ae. glaorios. L.ee, Jackson ad Long. Irtn eil as, tue galtat monnder dWnr rmatdiaervo our never oShiag <t*". -,: T IS GOSS IP. But, i s<ueP n i evapapersni ete- cd"lu seino respects, îiiey become tsuubly i- terestiuug ln odar mettens. Occaaioually the reders cf t<h. Lotidon or Dublin papen l'ave-e a matrimonial advertisenat. ta excite curlas-1 ity, or sUl2ate conjecture; but these are rare incidents, anti geaierally otiginte ln a boas. lieue, matrimonial bappinesa h secured by an extensive assortmnent. I was about to sany lat gyimen dwelthere in a '&a mansten bonne," but 1 reet <bat îen, sand nbtie te ho Mc tint he offertu bis taanes a par*erqtfroma wlch <o select the favorite <lover. Your Freeuoamr ig nuotat librty, yeur Er-pi-esaton slow, joui' Tises tan coldt î haveuM on a sunouncement as I translate fnamn La Faitie cf this»nnia- r U Me de St. Marc, 10, Rhe1 MorrIýààm hpb fgr.divpos, ini mgrp'age,e, IIIRmeropo as-- adimeft cf niru ai 1 api idova. Al. ~eomudaeàuby pMsCt&6'W Uùlv Wmpéé" Tiatà tis 6. mefori ;4dnR' Yowr eiil sholdb.'nioe ubt heproper4*lmp frets siciant poamp ' i1 sotho ,ýle»ed lq paýing d obýlbit'Ve rlp g entleen tw ;-="n l ee ' ithe Napoloon al Weiâagmo are not enernies, or a mreextrsordiusrycnfromuaiqn. 0 ~mduos~ a le i.t of ï5ViI*Mw - ~forty ybusis ao eaiPm st hoies ù i dmides of vooden ship- tç-dy,. ~mpierce bole. in'the side of sips cased if our guns; but cati ve ?r~endr - - Ty any procees, fot only invuinerable, but able ta ira", a wtorm, or stem an au 1 'ses? One or two of obua guo ires- Zesrol, .ncomfost- aly, Jnet French fuigate Normsandie va. t o em w-If~pleasant domüicile during ber bit trp. f o continue to add layer aSter 1yer, n ch aver inchi, vo mamake iour hipoeiu!pme ~l¶ t v ot ff tiey 'le saf'e >ae- ~oig vsgqmIf pcv, they become n ionà m covi&ir4M GOlfS PAINTINOG. mp Nia apoleôn\ refuý4' io I.nded thousand dollars for eue smail paintingby ~ore~c~~'y4tu v~y1aa~tom- pont - in every maonslight night - vo have a s, l s qý ry e qrt . f aI' m sa ' ] p u ç$i* i v» - Il ý1 dernable insignificance. W1but la the dame of St. Peter coû'red to thegrgreus rýtuàd~ ofthoi -ký?bèorn h ga lcfeelatz the. tomtri&l *Go f'earh'o mai» ing fabrle, as blind ta ail it.s snbliuhi a nd ibpaity,, si is the fly whieh bntrzeé tonathe wax-en taper ne amy 4a uilitisnad dies amî&W' #$Meglb of I'GQ«4çreaIion,.as pwssblO t» that gleajý as la thé -omanaendeànt or fbe' calbedral math. Tbioffnds viiicross thc ocear.,,,an4p. throagh many sufferngs, ta sce tl~<oeuni at Rouai b-i te grost pyrumid i f"Ceô* - but what are these ,difieip ,reareti b kfeble bands, compared. vith the hilla and moutain GOct bls levated, tbuowing over thoni the cm- broWered dro4perv, f forept robes, veiegate wiîhi all the haies of Spning, and Saummon, andi &itualù? This la the tïpestry which no regai loo. aof Gobelin fan ever rival'- wbich no robes of Solomon cati-tutvie.-Abb«tt. Wiieu a man bas made up bis mncidta do on nat do n'<hing, hoeshonît ld ne <Lehepluck ta savwuplalnly andidecisively, ItiluaÏaidtak-ëen ki;idness-if meant ns kiadneus-te meet quest vbich you have determne nedul o grant,, witL,. l'iljoece about i4,' or. 1',11 thinlc <Le matter aven,' or, 'I cannaie ae joat apositive answv o ua cal lu a few tinys and l'il lot vau knov.* Ib mnj Le saiti perbaps, <bat <le abject of mtese amubiguotas expressons is ta s bm the applieant davu easy,' but tbeir tendancy as ta gîte Mm tancions trouble at anxiety, andk possibly, <c prevent bis seeking wvli . mi- qwires un a more4 prpitionn quarter tantilt te' golden appdrtnnity has passoa. Morooven, àij is questionable viiether the motives fonsuci equivacatiqa 4ron'w sphulaxthropiica& soue peope supose. Génerally speakeaag, the iu- tividul.wher lus avôits s direct rfusaI, aloc sota availi has«Ipain. Men villaut deeision cf 'cbarâcten have an indiscribable aversion fo "nY no. They eau thitk rdo-..sametiunes when it vould Le mon, ereditable tota hpin ountesy and benevolene ta thiùnkye--but îiiev tislike to mtS? hebo Lad word that nepreseent t<udr 1< is truc <bat these blaud aud cousidenate pec- ple pe ifto spôencf as ' rel 'gflee1tean.'- Btut s à nlemanly tu. keep a-s sin in sus., pense f6ran a, anti penhaps veeks. rnerel lho-, cuase nu 8 eb hose tyà p6t im oit of t bya ai1abtfrverd deçlatoln 1 Re-»1isu h a geuthaman vho <rents bis flio. rien lu s mral>', <ntig, forwrdva.Nvreeub a iiuans vTndsta au«tion hop« jeu do *ào1 tliticàta gîntify. If vou menu no, out vitit "mrtly'befee the depariure of tkc lainent- et- lljberý,(r Judis, b . h Wéeatgsermn vhi~ cotujei<ia beautiful illutnrtl49: "Litie bews ion.l like s trean> of a boat ai fr51 gMeé dm Mwrýunq& O f "he lit Oie breok aknsd <ho výd.. ang if fs ei i y banders. Wl e sied .thé 4>. are j aiu<lus- 105$aelloaioo "a DinyoéoïI min 1 pP -aetmm-tlhs sd1.éfi 4î~r jwe n 'Bl d~ .imindq.at w ; Vtim 0 A0.0si Si - 4'olr p -!77 - L " -.1 ý - 1 ý:à i WW*«M >,'idt LLf el tom qîï b»J J-9w MEMM-Milm"à -nom

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