-à.j *UL<>I ~sfoi~ 'a'i (If., - J42~1WA!*t9'- ~. *. L4r5V#4#4 I~i Mt~ luiN~~'. ~. ktj~g-~ ~ r nLn I ~ O ~ ~I~-~- îd~ ~ f tî~ t¶-~'t' 8~s~w~ ia8*~ S~1p~Ué4 béflnatoeh yeal, bIItà"hly iq',cap bas been go bitter a boonmuaig oa wçetuess, ana Do despair is ma great ait fo con- il.b iy, psbus, ifroni iex.zpe;k aiwould u .v.?7exenim ib meet puoent in"" "onMay' b. pasmie4 thb mtoe, " ïl. ppear whesi w. conw 9W« #àheà oihon a nel.borlna »â" thsd bmepee#distreeh weh: ha. lul~d ar ow1~$"#n f fathei. laàd Tii fn(ul ava. c'a civil wxr ire devipting a nation' wo hewiue might bu oa 0ofidm, the smémes ofonç le jlhé d6katof charhy of sho -poople, wkbo t toin lu ai w viiiha"uloo IWI "iA' ttiwo1.body,1zlumeriné si: bui> we y&~ xxzw ,ex 'w 1TIIwOJ te . 'Rod'tý4.4 beey sheiVaahim toe1~ommwir, Oenem ena4 44 *,I fshenm l l!r4 h 14 ethmg ptM. lu rn.wr tb biofj n 4es as-. bl t Uap wul $0 ti., w.rks $T0i. ae etc" at Ï. Tel, oi, fes weW nettôêoInbt - et INlV atre.g *ë mdeonL 1* aib. kb.Omum~I~ i.lê us' luwlug~Nsol~U hon befo~. ~be ~ueU il.. e fi. uia oI.fd WIùAbb*±U*..1 C ie ms ot I f ~ tu~~*côt = 4po bt d iu- urted, but its publicationwould b. noiaftbev t Lb~~~~~W crd e she is'pr Vis e tbi o, of à rn b p.ppàdyt issM r"is neîther dearer'cuot Tise Ceunty Couneiro* Caneton have.vot.ed thse suiS i'ý0iï îi4s& bnd duas or îLe Lan. craft l or9plo, va tried F rZay 1aauf h&j eu itted. 2i*Aqd pw ger vkw w»as eompeibd 10 cross tis SLLavrence. #1 #~Ç ~ or4 <gea»4ug10 dan.su 20he-.- .W- C so kàr1 4tý c~Jo~uvtiw.om~uin sutise s'f Te~ Mroteare nowaIlnt -;Tllte4 îiu* lOb tie i ~ ~ tA kgwith thse oî1sre tnua a v'I Sfew nia0a.'atle non Beeing thoj ýksflÇ« igiig c curse tat it waui jo a fratrophsi' f; hrguil itead of the4bràtshbM Mvi' inont lsaiatendîng to lins, "'. es e .doinx - wlIascai .frIs 1 eo,e Iàx*" .Wrn ~Fitzi lWid Usiilon ......11 , relqs tAndon ......... Francis E. .~~~oo.... IC.àPe Rom, . D. A. 31mo St. Caîlserines .. . - McGiveîi Tiýc Hon. Mr., Brownî, scegr bride lài we annoiauced si, afterapon. ir as me$. a gent timupfrm.'torçgnt o, poor qrn lonýir. Mumit*, n'opîs Ho.Mr. mcmaate, Mes&-o. Wi ,Geore3opyJo.Sb1t oî1sem À Iùa l '~ntrain Lad be conveykr. row aîsd. parij wbh sdo tory uLyfrss wr ead bypr.Me M Mr. Bratonr eMr,,in feeia bwssgl my had 6pds. fi*0ipt her geno. H:e4ben e *aieq~pabMeF~rie4i $ie ê6raciu4ion of Lis speech, ç Lrvt*kby.iisé laige erokt4 wi>o Ma. -Hué", iben. e*W-e îtq ýtn!W rh-fýMji 4e 1 Ï«IS 1 lui ffleawwoa -m the dM14I oc1 !ès ohms£vn ~~bSREU u Oeu _C o~e t~b MuencDavis, EO e >ndeci. ~m~zaI. ~ t 7b. uiye men imù the etit « ~~ ~' do eOhm . b uimediaîeî> »Wmut. 1 d~Xo fwter tor e w.PublicmLeupg4of.the .onf eUnSttesi take cativeabalme and om .8 bifot6 aocharge, uteil Iif aid Bu" 'tr sInto - vomet 'th e p xw zt MM1 for th cpe. ~ ~" Confeomey by tk 4m ba bof ii. nied Sat, ÏO& w- uiw cmsau cft thi enjami ter - It . reprt bcaaptive "Il lie j rj> lgumdo r met LL.,.,5 ijal i q.~e UBSVom it1ifor im ae ~~~ b~~Ceoe 'btcrzed-byepefttes ___________________ ~ (Hre folly a a liatof }2 s t4~ , MtjemýC &h of tesrdq, f tenjaiBie tt emiaia GEepor LSft'.ft1'W anoD. îbveoi ll l»ap na fteehri to i.4b0hllhlb ,vb srvie wa wils ise ônfdeDe a v*t,O 1t hr1j t. ~ 1f te e iudepeîie. States shnfl cots 00 s iwawmcb '11 " Iàgt da [HrlofJiw sexa btoud lrs wj ià. Tnoe thtais n cpelw.ea "oî n.sls ~ tise ic:~tesofs~is o fasdthe initedtls Prfi P941 f bat~ '~ --P~ ~ is, anpblthandîhey ibe dertrrdio;, >cape is EULWttÏh foIol isa" fteetot1 .el the~fuse i 'elf. r+,i .Lt ii T1MlrUfI BtWssy dçlain Dufi e o the Coiède aite andes cf uraeria î. ~ <' ~1 iahelrpoaessotsiii iseworIfg tiîî b te ieideh taty-pehutiuie ri ~ ~ ~ - Abo4f E T , reuse >.aîsiltufior îst iYis cOVEîualer jft, siieandatx-- rse iiddybov tu rjsiuîî eexl nd .kas tsn ~st lsut'~lu cbasedba~ u .icj$~ Ot, erestr lthe îe fluaonil a1uà hei st ita of k, fe,w.ftb * a 'gLasd.dw eiirela et addrsi , li -bc arke e cM J r t, ~ (ro 1,6O'd4ti ~'Pheii4~Pentsyl-lue iti, siy ro nniatCiesd.i Li- yegi*ié*re hav.ir DumMes ofmte Cofeconà&é teslu tu uii, ie: '-*0"Deùt- t o"ni t h~ da11se woXitc, . P ig yrutbkat l ommï-pplng tu t * :'e I liL placd intii.baa4 tifthasregieni OPI701e e , n a tteofstadtionîtha Jt"-c t l t s.1tj'- aq.e adax-A rG et oaefsi ' îdcthoftimLxca aî~d - ne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' Es. I .dbxe lebr r s h woco o eletawy ion. t: â»t,.Eq 4-guis atyo on «ure iaLifofit.a flflTiiUE*q. t i rs -]Kù o i4, l'oëw te îr l ss hecothis-tia&tns e pvte %suüîd:ýe ,, ih 6004r 1-q.'sene t fa . býlh P t is,,j isu Ibsoned oflcruntise arrn. 1v t ssddlt r u b eeile otrb? var e!insîsr; u i oridereas oîi L -lLt t. plce n.te ans4, à ec tholyo e üùmn f* d lcfeimes yen F.vttnn Il. üI heenarie. Thsradsrlàaew rdr, t nx i~ ît Ï e e i, e i .- ai slmâ- T Coih, E.-4 . frt is ebtAo te r l ed toe s héwhl ofa orel iii n. aUe i t ntnleU s, Es4q. , un aeo r only half it. Ses lid -aiteaa&îdie isî lte cri.: .59 conraesv.ce, ary iis ornn,. uîhii ix hir-T fttlirnii e r e it5 v.¶'t!f'c eulb, Eq-sq. mies o!ié àitualo u tqyFt harseaidudlvîdourtth atti, Em.tu~mie 1 n eace~totEt le tg oe dea ul y i ttdîn' lM.u _ oribfe, lu*mk 41t v nd iad 2trypeutle orhTa ie seodr e(tC. -gn Es the C .j n~.o~a4- e0l cass ith f restlo V .tr -~,t b~ede bt, al Ts ridti6gW e i è. ew o te *lices o th e ni ed. when .s , urt ilt eot s. te rtic. n 'W . agau;eî4t)e wntheikesof Thevieelever> sof tns ofeaev. I ,ht1e 't.CaY:r iltua u L e s tinoiwwiref Lv i,: Corst, rEd q fggreààýehe> lnnYnttheis cma nd& wil inreista, sud cauer ithe seul fîe Col;è< a, Fe.; a Vbr 150 Ii rve.States in fa-el es t ia iLxedhet. dejpuUtfr~ ~fOtJ~r stsrc.hi@ weWethat St-ga anorc fiis -.of r, iehmond, bs, d~JI~ cousm~<-tadesroyce :aythe rsmiie or,. were iii six IAr-I thevsît a eir ordslve writncMurrEsq. mles-of, î n edimepe Ileê1i ms et n(1»nied JeFF. l)the 'ni. Whdps o>utssir lihtçsa9ii urf ivsrrn e au>'the reirt: fi tâe )u1i JohnLes, su cd. ~ yJ. P I!ENA.IXSecretri' --t:tt [4111 FA. cForti o er.xarti belngars Lenknohiwn. t%, ý2_adO127u1g mi cu o lvs fsad tufa 'y týo,,TprQuto, tir, and arrived, unfortunatu4y, lins, rainpogr- mlitiegs prevent-' 1The etvow& on' ery- large, pum- ri te rçwin 'ýee4d to thL- ý" riongratulr.ý dowatt, ti>WbiQEk and appropriate Iheartfelt geati- an.tISaiecord- heers were airain handaca.e ýér.- boses, and Prom pfsied by Iun lus wutlstorche&. proSmuioumnnat 4 suid the glare pg çf rockets ai IHeadquaiers y orthe Étomî.c? SUCCESSIT PlRUT('ATT - Dceusbtwa 24. TO AUSTRALIA. RiWibmonOâ pape-s contain à despetch front Cbxsýieîoôn, dited 19tis>announing'tta very Tn June last. a nin 1narird Robprtt s!er .ý1 lâtrge steamer, fWcg1ted for tise Confederatç& Wlho wass enployed as fr- baillv Mr. C. M.- States Çoverwuxent, safely arrived yeste'rdfey ai CIldicotî, of Holdebrook Gi-ange. iii thec t.- a-v southerà port, br"iging -a k.iavv, stocý et f Wrck a lncoed with sonie £~O- ïshoes ansd blaisiets, an aiimn eequani:vIsate' îîex nia iiwiLdhe : of cioth «%nd»ber t4up msiessnoe, nd . Iwo ndMedî-, I-rd~b rèel fflers a larg-e MRa, Chaldicotti as Iad s înaýd. dýsa1 t t-ared. establis1"uý tisesîggedin iehsopd, rusking isomenvltat lmsterieîaslV at the sine ia pntsý >Fiesneçolor sud texuixreas %me Th isesnîer ws.Jcourse. placed inluthe iab id $0or, soldiem Large.uiuisuber&.of îh4iài of lite Marwiclishîre police nttwûne. aid 4ppar"ioÏ tise -rebd îroops in Fredericles -itiss wre sî'eediiv set ut afet-. Mr.'-i. - burg.yeuterday uiz f frc.ineenndeunt Wild, of l'Z11411w. after dwe . Gen.1Ëonlsutm bsee uasiouTeet sntëeitd f';ntraiU n, Str' i:at rd " Governor of South Carolinâ, in place, 6f Aen. ltj'sMad nideatt te (--tinn~ 39ux'cy Gregg, ixho iras killed ii he receniat fi iLdtaeta1r a'.- ------ Melbuourne for hiniself andti s.he ix-. '.. istder tise uames of-Robert nidA nî a" Ex-Governor Wise i s qokprr-of as a promi- Unfoitunatelv, hoirever, Ile d'.0x: i: sient candidate foir;o verîîor ôf'Vir.eiiia. n~et~ it ocraeîeî'.-tuai DOINGS OF THE "AIýAIAM4,"1-Â.X.. 00thse iSti Of June, anti tbe 1.'lice Nî,e -it QTHE STAM~SElED. avare of the fact tisat Stew.mut " iv . Ln.Žba d îsntil seure dat-s afterw ards. Ytet one chancse Panaa, cc.157-Tise tcams1sfp Ariel remained-tse overland route. l'e le t2+iý re.tbed AapluusU. on ]FâM&V uigLl thon2% wuno sooer coîîeeived ibsu it w-)srput itato inst., Laving been .ever)muled by thi Ala-ia xelo.SrgatPle1 htCîbnT'. on l.the 41bog. off Cu alâm loj.-mda. bcbgnt a trustir officer, vas rpiied îiils tl'c Th Aie asdéa le fÏ.twe andi a-Ialf ineeessary funds. and set offvx:ssflC Tie ril asdeaiedIeet Kat djaue -Marti on td.cj;- tizk na p,#dbe,, elas&',mà .ae*er. captor lmd barkatiotisnt'-MeIboi-ne. StilU it w-a C',& - tai~5 mi 12,OB u aiee, cs-fe.gt 1?.race, .aà' of thea avantages of thse quit-ker Nkégssth PlelyOften.Oés in5en, -routeî e Grh.Oseat Britain sat out on the ] it -'~ ~ ?~ Pimýe,-oemd nuttar i liitise 16t11. taî comintnoù ta taire oommand of tise C ytie :iaej\cn. C api. G arland, of -ti b bM a b uà Corps, en B oi b e# ,b e a s sp a » bFb r * -for )Ii'1huu~aS ~t'brGreat Britain Lad.srrived. lLaudllé-t, butâ, UTnited States offic%,ssdîls30 iiies; and feu' Mote boum..and> aI w.'vould bave tersd p D Ik eafter tahiîg aU ther equpinenta, inelisdisg Leer.e, friaies. jouissey., le reitchcd ¶- tisci aid*r~i ~ds~e.> b'VM hoîinett lotr 'clot'kr. m. on the 1î:'Uh' Ile Jwsat rzo 14Y L - nes Great Britain cjàme tto the, srnine oi tat1 té àrnriêA m sf5 tie UI1' - ùLOT o'clock à. x. o& .tbe. 141,. Pa&rser wc Ivera' tise number of LeêIE osemàd bildren onuise su~re, w<~ g li~ or-ifi and ci rtau baud. - ea"i usd te p « u'tdn bujur thse lad11s inad'fgepped 1iht1v on to the l' a-o after t da4,ed froin Cape.. Joues for in«, la ail tise anticipations of filinse- rtjovnr's-n $26,0.- i: ~s~r 'denourice tieir quietly coifronîed hitinit acourteous -Il n w t"am" a ffod8itofn Qu il 4is fid' ye.do ? Thé , astbisisment ansd chagrin c f Most 8abomiina'w andsgaeîisd ould Robert ançi jane Igrtin ina>' tebetter. im- gladi.' ymsisis l& besçrit Lad tiser. bossauy agiused tisn 4r.àibed. ' Stewart vas, .s a cuber wyfî îq fardsia Iou.lu atter cf course, taken mb e ustody a ne appeau-s t_ tÇ m>u s s ooîngfer toansdwbaiU ebotes, , a bnndred aid ;evelfv h. <b. 11114 .pdmsshin gold and notes wete ftrnnd in~ hi' ~ A i. 0<OSSUU~Sh5i 4sS ki~,-C"14 ombrn. besudes a quantity of new wenne ~ 4arai~~~4 bq~ ai -iis 1>atis# 4U.lqblh dçv, ho »gtakeri nWhbaIun.tOtaUIeo~~pl4lb4ufi Mt tat-etandi rensssd- agI d baàe tà Rnghsn. P mer set ont irifb h s ~namea G4 ~~nd~! bi-nn""tseAriel Pr-soer for 1E'nglid, in thé 51s4 eI4' Y n, gti ~ ~ ~ aboès hl - tise 22uid, paa dtiellse on- thse1 éth t 4i getlmetoô ui ïï ~iDomin-'o but Ca É iàn4 i wll doîshîleas, 1,back att11,191y on i ýî- tÎ- i tît ha1f i gp44uQ j tn îrmg'aà Post. I .1 À