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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Jan 1863, p. 3

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to 20 mal >,'S PauSes __1ryJI5AU .T a u L4,M Qn Ï Xli, WSIV NS~ *;tWeWW >>mie, fl~ux ofl -r"4%O of berClid 80 0(4. UdS4s lu&, tro~~~~ teal. nuiB li 1sh*.11uIÀi V*T<IEStp b - or . . ourwa 4%UUtkIO m .ae flTÂJ "Nr~ 1*4U*it b1',bamboftbeIPot 'nf:r t ~ 1~Tr i *,'tI<~of th m ie riehi , (t h . u a4-pludfr an M l n tufi ker tt&U .Uthe. 0*14 kTownI aet chaud rtbfl1le L"" »d 4ht adup *ma. - l UR ut ~rlpvea. Ot. 1veady. t.plaIet arlmfi -ON* KY1'0 L .4.IN 1 . 'S 14 ilS iap i l 0 tb.ov. t'a enh %woi lhed E»at* lortielua - thu kukm&t.l. u.~A * uulo u~si Lirtlot. iat 10%»4w w, 1 rk:aUs uetaii~iIo1nl yWILIA!lu.M d. byTr& I , <"s-' I sOtie ~Iéir~h~~ for tii. *>qUe lolt of Dec- ma Wmftbs, W*~Mw4.t 7Prt Hepe. XI-WjqW. -Ta% liba'S& *I444hsuuUuh STEL ,&moiTI4» ROAU PILOIU<Ua (au extra f8ùgzs~a unio'rrjhin 'smaot~ wbhubaidry. cethA l ib 'fQ a. md .è4464 iE w ý é, , , , , UYD Bu r*a = 3. IL MAIeT.jNftke oUT4,;fI.#uiw uN TL BANKOF ONREuIL, uuuAti.F toliX.Smu 9oir ., Md'.'Ca&!t. Ml boes&are 'pima i Canaa fthur «Orn10 InuOmalms Ob .vry dose Mte !jr~nysd Zoo& befected la the aborefst-eafflCQàp&flY, ut the imeUf possie rates esaetwth s.eugrly. A 8 ht berintÇ.-48 fflerm*' lnt6o tiher busiess, lie is deter- -Agent frtLiaday and Co. victorwa £1.(>l~id ~uireSt. aI~ica t> sk eeryod ud be ane. T l itow serenteen eesu sin"e lhé 'it <' I kp i ~aumber of ibbisper vas imued, a id drij~ L5 81 ~~ &~M~S9 th itbe, frota iw* me £laboraeyUrvdsdbvioo ti± ucUcoAr1ig<aIntention iun uS F AL olian.Leuiu1iu.<~I, Wili i Lir PIVE ~ IS WlIiii ~ a~and viemini orleane teste. oollu a ~+~LP~i bicmuaTva" SoodbruiiqtA. freight one aul Vqsrcom .slteP4 d14ers inom Edb tiylufcrof the Fire King SaÇe<t manufac- a a a.tJIP . B lay. the 2 ùtnl a gérset hlIand . t 1ho tmi 11S y the Duryme & Iersyth )taaafit'r- PCS~evI4H&S ' . 1 h clet ahomevrs o te ito im.TcalerlfcalnC.,Rceàtor, _N. Xork, vere in the lie tieat 4Mq1 hu asctiepltd.m i .Itin LIdSAy nn b.vthefolbowlng certiicates il viii b. '~'RC~IJCE 1N~S A D JJ~LADIE, ' inrotuciig 1. Wtnse iuem.tbtey "ya* prar" ltu b. lire-pro. iND ES ers whk-h it would net otiierwif-e have reac.Lniy et 7 81 <1* ~ ' i t Foreleven years the -'Wibume" us imued oua, This id toerttfy hat i =ae badne et the FIt. DQ sO$d% N J.OCKS. uekly luit chia mibieral Goyeranent offée o M luafeý, mqnafaetut.dbr the Dtime oetl 'rn'»%a c~~~~~~~~~~~~a etespapers free, fi appeared nece&sr .Ma5~ftffC. .cet!.NYwih8f <JQD ~ ~ "~"' mkoa e>rmeePoiang adeue in hiboralhty u th e u the great tre here J%1117 Mb, h4il, fulfl cf Olupart or the press>, and ik vas iaoed îi"e.-Wek Boks. Notez', &c., which eame unt perfeut, alter DOBSON & NIBLOCKaS. thbcue prie as before. The sele equivalent blgi>l.lr o xhui AWI~~W1~t..r WIISKxfor'ai , &ZubPevalue bemg -euh stricily in ad- (tuJ>wX. KflWIN. "A N D O LIranceHISK . $0as t. ,ayc ttheexpense of - cL ' ae (~O0 ~AIVLUIJLVIIILoouat. nd c<l.eeting. TisL- tu cortify fluai1Ihad finel -of itheSales of Ou. yearlater a eeiyod.ion vau adieti; but the 3Msufact-sry t f Iurvee e 1ior'.yth. umuch stood Vt . DOBSON& NIBLOCK'S. it bu not eeured azy conaiderable circiaIatio- verY sr tredu oen htuildin, tbcli prfrring lth e ei-weeki . Tva t coniaigiton W liereontiuit:, 1l<ok> m=4lPapota, KINI>9 ~~~~~~~~~~)? ~~~Yeatsa ugo 11> summer, a daily ogition vas ee.m.er urdatrral ngddt fîre- O R C Z IEmoauced, vlaih has aime grv a ita very cIte n.-.. ANG -< ~DOBSON &NIBLOCK'S. mrMacytin hel i h iy(fMnra.p~.LNr fL.=y S ach i*batlievu the pro e u rss <f tho ' ituSert.a i r f L: ds1y OIL LA.MPS '~~~~~t 1w present pcsition. wlieh, wu bcliev.sad Lldey e.2Si:. R-GOlý AL 01kL AND COAL 01,LA P, second ln thc united Province fo'r the number of ' F0Fe-' ed 'tcekie' . th&v e a i-.eCificates weut show ihet 3Mes-rt. J. DOBSON & NlBLOCK'S. «<1lXh iccomiug Neir ear ire menu b onularge * . aor, cf Teroato, haire rae erToneCý,u~s te- the $emi-%Neekly edition e4,.bv.a as tu isent regirdin- the Diurvee & FJor_ý)1h Sles. They ý o k y u . R E Y , contin rouet ofithe riadlsg îa Uer t hant ap p arsm . in l h i 4 e h" m n b t a ~ f f D r c FO *O~YÂ V O OU OEthe Daily. wbich we hope will 1Lo nre-3 - îeun @se Fur.- th's Ianutaett-rv jroved vorthlleein <lic late ~ I~X3I-~ie.'3'.. The-pile of the Semi-Weekly viii renainaart ai retèrred tsu' i. výoftht antatryfDuryo 1,W T £ D E<EN..N'S .BLOCK! 4àn t at cfthe e ek1y, eularged in the sa;ne jn"ro- 'hie rirtege '-f usn* . itr 1nane portion, iril continue 'tg nov, $i.40-thie, Prie" fto" ITI wrLut%. i vo -tbat unr zSuie a s rer- &a.rot? 12 iazges bing just in .rportion t.n that hbe sJ . T..lvr, fnt'-r.î. n N <ltr'C RR GS A CT- RY.eti, 5wlic ti.16 lIagcs aI hc F. The baily edit 1 I fur the ur-ee & Fcnnivth mftlsgC. jportsonaderecC(iumtOded eepeoaiky ft &U mer- Ricbeter, K.Y. I3aq%~I C1i mbfi& w i.tzerl, chuinte iWho reglaire toe hrte coursc of i.thar- Torente, ue)t. 30, sL .119-tf keta. It ccutulfs a greai &moulât lu dailvinf,jna- 1_____ PUD' . (;EARI.Y OPPOSITE MOWREY'S FOIUNDIRy) timout usness,-r A part of wluxch cati go int: LA K E S 1 'M C 0 E. >IflUIF.wCTURUtltle 0FDaily 1 < 1îreparehi fer th(,' mail »o the En, tern Tuwn- CARRIAPFS.BUGI[£SpGS, SULKEYS, WA.GGONS, CUT rER<Shle,vhr ohoeI dlb xeficysu-. W.sEIiilS LUMBR fOS, ~The Daily Witues cireulatesiStPre*ent, betwfen 1. 5.0<X»0anti 6,00e copies; sud bbc e Oe -Weckly someuhbat hlia n Z6,4M.Tusselarge Igure- n Hér.-£ta&a ad JbM* dom 00ce * aor tmfc whe ihopé touea"unh inereaSed forthe eoauing ,MIrear-bh«d b. sufficient inducement e attraet 4S4tertauer "6Fomily n. m ih e i en.Latron g e of adehiu u o ln e ." l v i th o ther n R a l wuy fcharges viii bcfouril exeeedlugiy moderate - o!uCan. ere ell E.nwrt 'lirtnhe- rrv ,koned1. roo t the numubers ssued. as aud.lreBllEn ly otbarii irur lit re 1iu iri Doed n clrcuabene the cam cstadbs It. <m' akin- the cirenit tif Luie Simc""e, and re- IF 'u rn itiire . IF 'ilrriitui.re * j n~~~~~~ed nu ue a« i tbue ô00 adbil t' heMrin faushm ,Liuroolatili - NOHIN FU NITRE.iuceaad sre f fue cxu-WekIvWîese ttarnlng in trne t-' meezt <. eveniaf t--ains fur thae - viii n~wW f'oa i tile #dFrioaiadvrtelg ialov Steamere pae MARG~CH be~s leav b announce t. th inhabitants I uielu i- e.pcciaiiy valuable tu advertse-erson ae-1 î lna.Wdîsiy u r'a h tae 1~~VlIthait&Ms .ou»i te are omber .t cufltryai tBeaverin. ut 3 &eleck r.. n uTues- of fi.1nr ag ni arounui-. ciuutrv itt lie bamOPIENE!> thut LARGE STORE 1 vho take <bat edïtion for Lu ccqumereild artie. 1tiu. T'nurtday, and ýs&tar1ay. at 1*2.30 r.n. . onRElTPUT1JT' ryq-upobýr . J. Till, us a FU'RNITURE WAREROOM031em t h iue r cs i d-ur o OL oitKEN e e ite Cisas 1 ee soinetailu hecuitions, the ouly ltrmupon vhich a rper îSAh A 31AY. *bere b. lima ou banduBest auortStntin tovu. w box caa.fiarnlahed, se cbcaply. ndir-ct no Jyu l etcpdo. hriu 4o~ al&r,<e busitiesorthe lut forirtira, aud having gi-est experitace exceptions crin lafàvor of oiut beet or veaithie<'t___________________ m th trie, s ephlet. uuifrarv ibeh beat of furM utut froeu Ibe, bÏM Minl. Ail triends : for the objeef o! the ecash cvet te caveL ' S X-. N L rrork vurrufeil. I fi ~5 tkell ~ua21~~STAGE LUNE. workWhen t ereu suberibed for expires. the paperi W4.Il.p elula alenlios lute ."MAMG.-therefmre iwaotnued. unise 1 he.keipinb ~me ilirwa o»Iéud<sud tadeta eder.pte"oi>Iyrcfl0ktd. W. ui& ltedistitietlyuWaCTde T NT1L. F17RTHER OTICF A STAGE~ stand ihaàt here le- nothing persana or invidienein E~L. viii icave Furnier7s Ut-tel. Liadâa!r. cvery Or TE TAITSUPPLIE. thepn icpaper uhen h . naheribed fr iluti nuning ut 6 Jclctcàk. reaebiuag M3ni in l la e-tIos wt l. Utli", W. Id. kOC>iBs aHLÂRSE. on1 d, wVieI ht zue<a strae nafalm ;uIs ci-fld -by inre tt" cqý,uit wiith the Stage for (tI.baws. Whit- aOuraIsbri.-blng rstaff cithout exceptions. i4. and Beaverrn: eUni. ~TAvsFentes ho bail on ltheaMost rueubterni..- ----- 1.4' .uis afier thse arrivai --f the ÏS4âgeà front Lindeu, Ifl. ~G' ! t'hawai. Mbitbr sait eaveru.n. ..rririn t u ViLnd- M BUT TRUE! 1,.'s :c!cudevng.XRJSBAO ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ I3L. ~ The 1prM etur ilnot Le. reéponsibb r ~ t>T-~T NF T ' P T 1'J (Z4l ISURV IVE OR PERISH.1 elc: b±gpe unleSs ikLanti pal _11Q y A1'ia, -&2'14-1 T>olowy* Iils. Mdd fof i*t hot ;"I tlt. O jW J ui.*lU'in #àhel' # 4 o îtwit 11 1 41 t ý<d ii l OO i 4 O t1 &W-h<Iroie t ei.n * di ~l1.-îe te htdii~4ir,~~ 35 'kii1lI.MWIU& ftsmI lth# liti.-h bl4t 47» 'UIht ig7 ee'u ahImou ti't Umm 44 ~~~ ~ " t.It b .lga l tr.hd <awirh olto riIlg v4( tu fgii tii'hli'> Iitq&ilm l~ uq*I 1<41V111<1 i eu t i ù6 ~4îî,'lî uîîâls"dîtupi.>lu s # O t &4«t Ut ii mtàLiu «<t' ~ rh *atl tîtit ls't l.4t vtw tlQb4 0*0 4 I< <'îl< l Ia 4s a.Iu hfeuuth *smua kfýc di i t' Whu 'iti l *411b tt ta<1li t'Io'! îoat.bîs roitle.eqir . Ille ë1kké i Ot' ternidl.ë tliOn th*t u iftft1,ugp7p.u ilw'*A i ýIh k il e <it< <.v t h t e m *I<W'1'êJ1 t I l th e «iêtet m t, e * " oe . 'r. ',n o «o ît'îî4<~rît<<' 'it Iltit~l-t' it,,s i I LiA.. 4lamuà lo t, >uà4 %1 fitt tyéitiwiito't't * EItab m t. " Pibiro y,?1 11 h é il. iliru$I ii.f l't'A' Il", ' i *. 4i u' 10 w1,< lthIbli i uelaeu ieIl. lîn î' ow > ld'Oe mit Cou, t'f tit, .f' lkk %ý" Il Nly A.' , î<n' .stjeub~'i ~ls l welaret 14oîi«iji'îWiiwi oETLitwIk4 thm..t........ d * iop l l t W tuti' . l~etuuttil h'eueu1ysl i tltt I. Ilo iinr 'f iI 4 lhlQt<lUUJ..ttM u 414 ktl Y a'A IY " if4 "~ ...sî"t45 .1 i ulAie vite** 4 euia ea P ur S". I Ill the.îtoi Id' ý,uaw titeu t e *........ I'i 4,j% i*iK 1'IPottA 1bit Sn> î"t(i, ,. c .... ss imi td &iD sfne tut u. ielhreeoê o r. >l ~îPti A soto Kile ......~ î~ladfw~ iedI~lItSIepb IrayJ*le4 (aM Pta&l'b *1At4 it4ltl't4 » 1 ,a D '44 l'i L, i~'emd (lmaIk 1-, 1 t&*i>4wlletika lboetht bat& btrt u (h. rb7 *1141 k tbhIk (-o, it V, kmg l ! bclt, Wt bIs in II . .ltaiettublte %0.wmaub le w~ê«o ~<1OE ricPCsd LI h 'il" erI mr ..... . % AM %0 1. bn.u 'Mytt 14,1du CoIu iu 4 a0mktte i ltublo l&c *'Wto . adte 1 9 l bat *t Il l t l, a, l t t ài kt %MSE I tI l11 )W ilIA) 1.T#uhit m int&aaah. " e I V Iio<L&j.?W. uI 1 13>rtt »)îer (t h* *mdImmoxrtm i. t eAM. i i # *toîftit tak 44)o. »'dtlit* Ob N mteIté boit, l* ib! «Mlbitu ffl hoi< ~.<i ~oue .rwhisa lunue.Tbe S57e.ii*#,éo i t. rahhe*sudbali fl.1b41 ts ba M-thw. k,~,,,1 41 r bus ia S tI*! hi q e. bt.uspqIutb fwya tii'î "îU'tv,~.~ (<~esîaWme " 4v #4 ,u~ b it, i >Mg41 iùm *Ow»h*i <fdi" Tuaiin(tbe mmlm'w »M« Omae r ili.ét" mut MIN D ' Au1, 'A tet a t'oAtaéMa*b1 O A d 1W90 tu 1a e 'Pie itrtU atiea~ eaidy(Pral 0~rn tl-ISU.io. a Tf&mat . pfim irb sil. whi~'dilellie uwW . mdwkbmm DOT£.esSPReIFI a ua ii ~~IL îbê le whkbo.s-,utadbbe P1 i to SE 80 lm M peu..a F vue MAMITON "EYNW TlMSW m t F~ l a u e.i tvu EXECUTÈI) XE-ÂTLY, PROMPTJY,. AND CHEAPLY, AT TÙM LINSAY, STREETl UNDAY, C.W.; The Proprietouu bating au endielv NEW STOCK of PR1STP'.\G MÂTERTAL. beg 10 nnonc î~~f Par'eu"ài the Publie that they sue preprêdti-s 11 ordffl- for evert d"eneplion ou ~'itini with which they mal be favored, on the SA.,tew Notice andt ai the IMeeat Rt.. in the ret style. HEA>P 1T THhI!! OEAPlAR NI4R qANMZEI eahu Sthelu t NeLENNA & COI A $5 AEEB?$10; OUI! Sbsul uL r ay The hist.ary of ihie: -mat remeiy klte lac iteon- dental meiemi re-eéïltiin that the ed niha.' ever kuovu. ib le motsah-tr witn by mse nia. ercu deriveti Ironsfluth e ienkc- e na;;eu. but Cnsista oOf a compilaftIn 14 estimé..W iai fçn the aloi or .euy contx-a reeerd, the- like of vwh"o bas never been adàu;nedt in lau-or 1et r Te- c9rery or invention .inr-e hue bep,.n. Ina vbateci- form disease attSi-hs Àe ivr. lL nepdkid and emma<edby iate eambhuîg. pain- Let thce ick vbem bth ciiltv have 'aban-ndne.I, reaort virb cemMinee te tiIs owerfia nutibillloe agent, asti a mtesranun tu e 'althsu" ae;C;.v u i bc the navarying resait. The great pemloure ti«eotinent ryiele quiekly te a omm c o! tiàa. mtle l.Pinls. muid thedigest- ire rgane amre rsbwed tethbeir uiope ,ne : nw mau« vla uhat hîde.ius' -bape hue bymla <(f di"es>. eshhiitvuIt.tii aetebag àunsing remedjy duspecma fmthe bcpeâimt's s7'tem. Itou irbatever camec, ~sioî sa'txîr, sud &Bl e0àr signe e4 s dL-se lirer. antd othr dasor- gnaulmen et tic sysicu, vs" %" ntor thse erml- eatisg influe ci t t u ipoverfulal i6epleandi detergnt rcnuctiy. SICVK.LTPEMALES ShoIt I eoeno tinUlslg a foirdois" of ti rguitig anti renovating rexnedY: vhs tover uamy be theur eomplainr, t eau bc takezn viti a aeti n msa uedotiuiam udther taai utiose fs L- ail but mimurauus. gdkmaois Pilla art Me &.9 reuedy kaose j» da. warUdfor lfi fo4t sg i.sas. Asthin. Resdaclaea, sEm Md-ein tissalione. Xwm4 ea inees. 1«M esa 1piits A lie evar' ise lhun vO lui GraveS, heu-mi i o emwIetes wmàiehm orL.emd..,"muse -hop~ls c i L EAVF.3 .l etir 3snulz. Bavera.th 1uIa.Tni- i. it .,horest ,,nil ea»ea.e--t rout fromn Tironte tb eith"r r f the a s 14"-î.sc. Tii mage l.ives ,::ripture% itrei erery mormag (euet .Iavf- exr.elJ4etIý . the arrivai c-ethie trains iro e.'-1 anrd ie-t. atn4 aniTWe"in Prie Alert ini titi fi-r the zt -t e- ng uoii. Retarng. le3TCp i'rnne A\lbert r n the arral aftilt Narthern St&Çf an.1 arriceuiin %Whitby intime forIthe trains gois. aQc...dnmcdat*w% and caret.1, .bi ON ud after the 22.1 imat. and until fu ther 'b«,e.Trains Mirua s Sols,: ..aàd Tro i iileare Liudsmp ut 9.40amu, srz rire -t P ot peai1.10 p.m.. X. l T ra wn ill leave Port IR oje il 3 M0 p.m . a - te t L jdur ai 6.40 P.ub. Tbe aabore Traine rua la connection idtiith Graad Trumâk NI. T. A. WILLIIi, THOMAS RII*UT. Port BOF,. Nor.. 1l. 144 ~erhen awal et c'Mad& 0O n d afterlu De s b , eS ""«ýwA0TO ou"btt a f Lee stamer ale Seata&i" d CbosMd u* han 4lh" m uiTbm s- Vum T SPb -tueWtnai. eammgDe-. ajornr vey atvly udst-e , $tome u'g&l»uo*e *0 I -,J ý À o- o! -If lu su, titi '-If W4,4 -a, ýtXj M>-rf-.w Nm (tuelo W. RAY. PnorlR.zlôt. 1 YPO « la ad mmtab" JL iLý JL -à- 1% JL JL -L- Il

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