--- - s. - a; i duia1.e; Wêal. ~fr&..A*à. &h~mnAhi edaudaalssiag. vu meut ~~a Moeï ld î b wu set10 tur tme ib 1eu, .e 4mA& &- i d i *oss~ hpeukai T.owX the saliy tuyCabinet , , b Il asl.pp usin u,t Wdyted ibsatin.vil unso.i l. ai M laqes Yet to suPPO@t cf th pf, gvbfu *11 o.. bmoerduce. wutl*9i pb libe*lo0udwlth aiie*i. bon@- Atthe Dw; and tbýtb. pre. la aemas 1r f Pa 'mrsona « s li busesof a former goveranat. Mal» h ousMay have t*h bos fe* dlv iduals vhs. OMM esvie, e!i onated s a iewii i upota paoutp-CdaIit tatfihava1W, bem ýàvdt4d7bvutohe' à« bea Wih fnmihe.f M~ basbos ki g& eagtii. as.u 44Mvi 014 b. "c t neOv atm sivMdau ft, lb. cAIasaoa patni à la616 bpo&W bv phas'W. 9" aords h t .tt pensdtM umbinà'&uni port sot as a.mt% bu t mi nulersaélot fIbo pbigllaby tM. apetlg h10 lboms». vtly lagliSe *_d s v »Wmtb ea âwa of Ihe ommy lu". swdoy kp thblbé la Iiiew$ t '&ul' Permns. tolma msmilu unr eSota rgue - lmmSw apunt A O NbyMem àbte IMA tâd ibithe Ilinst bul.g Wei l s tuâted, ~nevr lhu&ehtr lu* 1h.*ý Appiueof tho patovu.ar h pmbÇmWII oil recelved tradters fle h.buildigsand lMr. Jb Xe- stevn'st being Iowest, was accept- td. Nombers of peuple were afraid that Mrt.,KeMeven comuld aid carry ont ih.e oi îrtuSoeisfatuy, owîng tu bis hsvins tendered su mach low- et " thaîh.other contuactur; bat, vhth experiarace, iadaaSa7,p«etw agmiensd-business talents of a bigla cq4ur, h. hbu surinonted all ebsa- dle% and dipilud h. glomny fore- ho4luigsor xany profesmed fiienda. W. llUeve the work bas give sncb. ulvtI ml sllactioa, Ibal should th.ator twPMmotalns bies atici- patifl & ap.cunuary poéint of vew, twii.Î Ooost unoil viii mot ses hlm bp.» he.vlly. Mr. Kesteva vas not bowad tu have Ibe buildings@oin- ploted .before 1h.ihniof October mitt, bat$ seelg »tat 1h.whole Couoty wbsbed for separation ai as esely a date as psible, hh as*ened ii.works tu snob an exteait Ibut bis stmems bas exc.eded tbe expecta. il=$ of the muet sanguine. la hie eogdeavor to guutlft he visb of ibm peeh. e ived enéconragernenl sud .very avallable support foin tbe hildag Cmmte., jl la uow admit.d by, ail iha th. CemmmtI. bave <iaohaged .their duties vih oedit tb thunmflesmiu te% advmn'age c( th. Couaty. These doîles wet. of a vur diflucult utffl aïd, ini tie mîdtofîh-eir irmble4 muvers foonul r*dy to embaumas lb. omments of ibe Comroie. Wbma elur he b Comb- on*wtise Auidig Ooaum Sd. om rIl,. v. eten a ay funhev, hao mda rus frlqad in*TboL Im dlsiaietute4 oie, nsm offld iio ouuutoes .oauglet.sns Tii.COMMnA" eW Ru Jfoas thtibm la. asrsdlfr lavse*. liasf duaisvsAutdI»SI O',*- » PM bonfmm, âwm t "e',,' an â%i; b- o7Sblibd "t lt hi èexing f~ aIs~. ~dvtUau ~*~.mI4~tIoeel -but3OýL oat Boa -R*1 S eu abs i»puimasjudis. of BrMateQ 4t Qsé. Bwteb" KvMr. psi lmju sbâ1 hd u amâmm bd"Keo as I oum Y«e*p t imassêh'eu6iag an isaissu oU.lsb eb i~ehr57 134. VonsTal, ti1« t. gaa a&udlng e im S.prohwuow ç 1ud furis o l r.Tsép or ba ehuis & N M~iwt&wfrou Il usion Wéedsw m6UW tg-. IL utls .......... U Wrn l'oen............,.. Wm l. ~ ..... 114 Thé follein; gentlemen vers eleted for Ward NO. 11, Win. Oottiîaghsm. Tht fq9*i*t sgAn e éConcilluma elgect Vard No. 1, JuIn Newton. et , RoMMUgdMEalera. et ,W.. Jau. ' 4 W.. I>ik. Bult vLaxioxAxeo Dmus. The Iolevlag glmen »m nomhud for ti.slolpallt- meseai r owuest Livres.Povultuc Giorgi Âdmt IrisGllapieDum OUI$1. piew W. oee W.Mft, .A LlIhwi, Jud*,ronaitJolshn , os 1P4 stais a BiiouGrave. ht vus eoM aaertined dsim Ura.mmm LesglMn5 Se"n4r,Graves, Bovenm d Kimg Mu.au, sd lIawil6hî MOWesl mvs. À»ea" o f h peet1.«»"tu J.u%* pâ... Ader et . bn:ielcple e le t Ve . lm mimv o% amlsqpis Lragi&u.Ânx e uîn Cant fle wd$ ~ vi@hbau (for pmaow.u-Th Toronto oaoadeui oU thé Mont.-*d M&ra1d4aYs: SeOrai Promint Aeisos iu Tovoo b ave p netded J e. don ibr0àiEwa i &q.,it or -=- h <Nsk : haaifl aM.uesdcereanMark of er rpeuiaionor hW aodyam4 able advoeacy mentiUaents. and other criaam ouutedter.The Omtsr o f ahi.M9roing iy : Bumho, jut& abot thé preuu4tinsecmau ot f prqei of the. fineat lut of buargi pi*-. poeketsa nd cut.4hroats enersly, a&x eau le roundl'la any City out ti ae ia the cooat." MgUE<UOLT Aç -..;- Wu record wiâj usuel regret aa"s* acdst vîte bçfeT a 10". a, -3ud.Iapm e 9ey, t thé M4 â" ds, IlmakFua"à hm e wu carsleumljjuppIsw oFu vel *Imm ~ ho ahppe!4d, W4 an sd the vIssAof the eu, 'i pausàe4 éor ,ListIag btwo othé huees jiu ïad il. vicAs. Atuspa"tio 6 h. 11.1 le' - oge mwy, the.1og à sbèrl fuit,, befrs (os is u. Dr. &ui. sInuisAsasedi eD& Pwel id D.~ Wareg toeiam =at Js oAfl sud a terdus ict a ruiis U»»WSa u dis c-t a ,I M M M t J u , Igqo e a u . p o t *6hros s e rs r a, ;, 0 - bàomeout wbom tbe ues,- 1W r*fP. o thé Md LubL Ier bé. oý m& daWe tha iSati si uselil.theUpper canaIsRe$ uMMusvi»vol fr r. )iekaon, «d thte -- 4 b fae 8p«mr-ý bggntb limera~~~~-b" rsctW.sorl aebo viii le lié 'à l bu lu id Pr Ru>na ONi Ri..'la ilm Otfien we ame WWe âpoa t. record ajourney made on a rails Mti »OW bave the ooorMuýtiulsOof in rl ntr"e tO9t 05 a rW rie by at1iaaWWo Sardy, on *a , mil havig "ah. wapupoible edje. .h - thatYouugi. msis y yrespect. 1 = lIrusedt ui xi B bec m ipêired' L le ý» là,abm f ber become t but m. pePopl d'the, villge, or a portion of &Wem, dWeried jive hi. a Imon thât hBMmwae t a onfor twmI bon$,% b&VqIeaAwemi ,bt aie nii hisSa~~ -- -~me vr id . Wpmre Pb m«,of bes th e y.. p a isL 6hmy utqsbasm uem ,Iowef tbe Wa n.ew atw bendaimavre.ua n ou lb. lyfrom til. erapesadumutiuIter t thim Lo romiwtoi b npest thé dose if e illud amis ié gu Théy novdre Suth toit two, or tîrseoulr îeoideou Of thé vi&ageubo umei heir vives in .w euwgarne 14*j WM ~,hsioi- lar pénishmet, eiag detemmed to pnt am ené to sçck uemaly sMA unamnl ondet. T 'e r fe o ne noir, and I osbe ,APeLma o Co" it.L.-The London PoW 1 of $14 lthof Decembe mays: Thé sip *f-'i ton, Cap. Souper, vhieh arnved laîsiy, tot' ou stn aiNev York tva hmndred imd fifli haneis, of Auriean appmu. These ere stoled u tbé hoe w" v hih em . v ern thouasul uigh ndred bArMl of peeroleomi odor ofthqe'99 uuiiht ave bemexetd peulased hé ppl an d fthé coome beu iwo udrai ai. d outy bwm worum W W&I of , ad mîght hav ~.nhsdsveryuiUffs §et upon thé est -aPL oue erld a gs0gM Of theu au »o Oeaeal Iahlha vIs. eight is uatd V*k oiaebeB i of the meraen âs. dIb.tle.i14", 225; Gen. Kiito, s.: Sa.ù~mhligtoa, 19; (Oe. Creatoti lu;, COL ië 23W; L. Cie Hu ~~re~t1 ,W o 182. arei~nm<!tl fQ1loving Iowaein thé vr rao5sgUIewtt éi[g le yer-- 60~uanu,~3'O ..t*tt*t*a t r'.' * t t i. . t.. t..... 14 t W. qt4 c mwbSéei. ... .~... ~ r- t.... I~jI~ê~ t p& ..t..~* . 4.. t. ~ 'I t. tt.*t...... N e.. *e i.P!~* 4~'f~~ I ~ ~, uS~le~~ cette..., t. 4Yi M'te .16 to .111ef i M c e t e a k Ilé Flm Bg rade waae aug thgi mau gm à caah. r ei d wrmd Ileir er o e>u.Their -h,4p»«er offi- rff tb M 'à meminent, O&mUe ' *f~nw ue un f u e »emy »ors hormidale than tlmYakee arUam.&Ià ~ouIe-iM hil soprsduLs tn0,000 Jeir Daviq p semeaudtin i. teloond Ist [adynight, eml1audsaI oný. speech daim *g a eéNîeoya Umfmesaboro equa1 ta - - =dwmu & *Md fc agidatout~ it Va mmof tbe north,C M ei Bku iu ,tlê e r t ha t ai section t The dath of thé llwu rqble Ga. Jack- sn, oh bre.mr4i, ssiï i" i INoceurred at ittie Rck, Deember 11h. &LOeiaJajsary .-.GmCordes raeetbed daid Sp àW k4 3 d, >po .: ; uucIw ug inn, l4uit sny mes belsaving veli nI >4 ai urrow, positions, sud 'lm u,~ -iimlvibuor fnet to- îLjlt 1W>a~5?tl~g er beud. gé 5~ 4h eae* . -narg orce. r>' rass iolosOC-ev puas bu versire ai Sd ans.ullaWineettre ,emiegiva. Prioe t at IiMarnuaduke la S1,ring&eldCostaim a very luge aumont oh 'army Ud, a sd ammutio. Flfjte elsre iph sd hrymo eog ing t. ah eeIahcors r uoe .l epueafew ls of hpisfed Frankfort, i4p, Jai. &-The Simie Le-gila- ture met to4cy. The Meg4e of lov. Robin. mou recnomnda aat Keuncky rejeci Preffl. dent Laoe jia W oam aîi.a W libeate thse siares, sud profe asSi ahtayieeemc yl 1er Sase Sa uevarraned by rw cooeitslio. J -Ltathe pr.«eia un 4givin 1 freedoun to theé lave of the rebellions tat inffim "Mta sKentueh a fatal andidis- creet blov. lne uap 1-tiliwmidest vescît of the proclamaton vilIl e a. ire tise viole Souti intop burning min of jexhanatable bate. Thé proclasiaton viJ des"roy&Il lisp. ofutaiag ÏlIs Ual.., vhlekis moly possible by adleriag l l o- battrtiona auit vau; fur- thor,'aà~ tbe moat alarming apc of the gtoI~~aeis *0u9 toeMpovers of S;mieumaý îlIPbao ntmase, théespe- daom i falayae.ly Off the Mouï fth ie YmSooIher, janury 3, via Cairo 1. rwi Itee a ï à 1 Md a fi. vu'piOIie.lt Mlqbp -ÎaIsut - mth Mdras pie thea mout femous méoWàî-1W %YPauu, Sait u b àlyasu»d. ehr lntond lupsemenîs et Me Rig"bk ia dw £0»07, are a dsliht 11 bw £Ussidlgetsce wu aached ou the23 N4veeber- on-ile Sein terrtov, ly a hu ëf *$ "dé ters from, of ldl*hu $1. passenger,- the' rées = yLe J lI their money, except 2002r .-golitaiUiI a*w evhI, vlih lte Cou ntess popisi Isebour e mros. Wl00 te mk, b«W d.bar give' wbhaever3ewels sl,, rbelat Oeewoe"lgot -r dnîir6uhter, «ml -i. 1.1eberarmes, and muïd, "1hve- ,.)y "ht jeu>, elsielI ill bt gi up i- OOM vitî My liC.!'Thé irigai1dàisu. ereWd si the eQsumý>e ocf the lady, desiste& from sîq firier violence, and vont awa.- 1 Ni àr.RA  L s -T e A m erieun fl. t- ;.1 Ni- &gara }'qisu vus deuroyed by fire at an earlv bur on Frid y oriag, itI is entire con- tenté The gresof the fameswas so apidiha.t poar eold le saVed, andsme- ibte tmate lbaïly escaped vus their lives. baving t lie rescned b aders from tht upper Windows. It is tepotilat nome oh the 5cr- rani girls jnumped foubîe vindova and vere badl injured. The fire is supposed to hhue ,rigrnated in tle cook-room of the hote], and was dlscovered iabout 3 _Ecloc ith îe morn,. g.Mr. Cisel, thé prUrieior of h e Lai cot ail lia properi. Hie vestinone oh th; poekets of viieh vere t250 and a gc4ilvateS was berned in bis roon, tozetler v-ùIl h e res1 of bis personal prolerxy.ý-uj;j6o £.rpresst TonAcco FANiL-Làaut cek vus a tlvirlc, one ta the devotees of the pipe, owinr 10aun »eipected faciiwi te veed. Allour mer- chants' stocks were- e±lsamsed, acd ou ng u the r.on-arrivaI of eitler igtaamer or clipper wytl "uppUs, Lah. destitnion u th îe mort. se- rions snd prolon;ed. "6Chavin'" îist vai tried, tilt it ton, became short ef suprIvr, asd our smoky friende ver. redueed tlu -, te i.Jd-st.at .ilt s .n tilie aiiu;e (of i... it- lelupta to restrain their aoreîiaes, or ro s - iis qua!ms, 1)y every cotncei-able e~ti Some- trleaibd cw Zttierehut, others t: Î- a "pCie 4(if ashag'f found on the ti-ýr,'e , o1îlers actuailv ehainitufd swoli-in- Lv about wilth eijt pipes in iîlwir nutîl1 s,.i i n aillvere atibeir"vis'end. Tbe timel, arivai of a suppîy on Monday mavcd the n-ore blung-ry rom reckiess extiemes.-Eigish PapeT. A San ro'r-A er d aîory Ibus ;is: been broaght belote Ut. notice of the1 by Sir PBerisard Burke.* It.hss been tL.e i!i lege ohf Sir B. Ilurke ta ch.ronwç!e mui story in lis IlVicWtudets*( SubleFrnîs but never a adder ane tIa tis: - lu a vreiched garret lu Cook Street, vi a,4d r f siehuess, perbapa of deail, lay the son of' Sir Francis O'Neufl, île sixtb baronet ef Lis fa- mily, the undoubtcd descendant tf a hui.dred kingà. andi tle cousin of s duke snd of 1îh<c peffl of tle rftlm. Paralyseds& r e-. unable ta move,, tise Scion of tiCe great hùLue eof O'Neill las tain in Crooc Street, in a gar tel. forfur veay wonths. A deugher-in-law eindWed endedlim, tle motier of six children. i Iut tle mens oh support for tle viiole fnuiily vasu a pension oh 2s. 2d. a day. When disco- 1vered by a benevolent gentleman, Mr. Tarin- evarta, six monîlsý rent vas overdue, ard bnotlus.g remained but these areet.- Dublin 1 doned yesterdagafly.A trong attack byt the ettemy vasrepulaedl aur giuboits. The Yazoar isabmeadsm a base of opuraiona,% the eneiy beiogipregnabbe ce the front fa- eing tIai trW GpeqsorRobimuos coneudes hie meagie hy advicipa tIli*LoqilSaet. oplacs on record their pro"_ *ta*sthe prisclamsation. Toeu"p wu ,rwi*fee4 a. thé simuler of 60 mn. Tise7 1.11h guas in their bat- Our lasas ii aIe YeusevîIiamount t02,»0 ~ lIslauaiiss.isu iuno . ÂTTACK 'ON Y DRkLgÂt WDOATS. Thde 3hm held a Thé vat"moeuSolfC5 atfl-7 "EMOuueaiflabck 8h EXLONRYAND G.REAT DASS COLLEROFND GEAT S ~~nO exlsonoene um na, te 1- dg Te te Edi nAn eqe ip olemy, Wousbro Dalin te rleb y uhicbti yhheemnm' aeihear katas ini the pit - one died as scon as he reached thé bank or top.of the saft: and six- tom men Who survive bave beciinjwtvd, âsoukt of them mseverely. The. colliery lies in a valler. closely bentmed in by Lils, al*cult va miles and a.alf S.S.W. of Barnsley. Thec anal of the River Don Navigation, ansd a minerai brasch of the Sc ia li Yorkshire Ballway, ski t te eollhery ou îLe worth, and a brauci of theWi r i'îv nsts ,hre~ugl the vor4sgo îbat uaggons are laden, wiv oa ae aoimh of the pit. _There are todonSent shahs, cloue togetier ut the Ed. lords Main ýCollie, and an îpecut or cupo!A mhaft f0 o ttla" about 200 yards of ~TLe tIrage«t« for neaxIy a mile ara scu2ler Betuitif«Mil. safits, Mmd &autile be!On'là tIe Saw plit alîr le '*ithe e»ibehlg opeu. lit vas ut- thepart of the EImdffu ibEi awest buthse Svathe1 aud aere the mm n o aiorIC oobrom a juaction betWeen the two pila Iliat the eplosion occurid- Thisavas the deepest para of the ~ being about 180 yarf# frein th. surface, and vas techoically koi ma 1the dipboards. Here a charge of pevder vai lebetveen baif-pusi tevena" sgt 'clok osonda y Morning, to dimlodge the .About lala-dazn men aire engeged at this apot, and the. *hot vu lired-by- J"sp Wahou. Thé effeci of the aloi Sm h OW 1< u tdg dofga icevas "odgd lb ùeuploaot. ut fire to the âM of .1O8e>, "d l idemjjoy a portion of the bretim svIliearegibethe . trrent of air itktheia i. ul. AÂapplyof bricks and- lise lmr *iuà " ad -mptas made iu~ ail b Iolesbrailice..'But on iths joese» se IMMuslmt b e e as5it lad boss rsras e bfore, ammd Ilr. I*wtol' pstssu, b e hév.X &uhçand thlaine and 96w nse 1.11. est MO&eof proeeed to àc dof the diP, 1T6 pIsiada h. led a goodG8-:e remoli ebirci0<11 héibiiuas t7i É 11, - È- -11 -11 Ilýl-. AM" AU 'W WII, et iliftidialude, .11 mmovu« ý hm let R m Il 'l'w go. ON."