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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jan 1863, p. 4

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- Pmehmm. 1Iàtlu Mt Myu 1<4'V .By wlih.r coiri««,$ Wpled Mil"o.« but Idài sayyo1u ". î4ft, fortei e to ~Ah) dotuawdoes the oholerw' vfbt et tii. gl* &da?» asd' au exquisitefa oebrated physi- plied the doç,tp bta-iegs-deuêon fooIsi b vô W, Wte- iè, -ib cyimrnediaîelyY -The IlfeIISw3» -001ý-&4Lâashê1,)l aid h., "1sholali Ne tokxio*If, ail the, people them uat b oOt ?1-11Part isi 'ehl0 n a t*he !,4e asénri 4 their own, business, 'was tii. ratboi i tcu bis -pdmahboythm there w»ai>] fiy lun-lebis ilks 'Ob>' nevetmà sir' sid ii.boy., 'it vinna. droou; uer.' ESa*e.memeikie o't.tLI.'Gude- w 'ifeid &the farmer, -IlJoekesy ho bas oure-littiemik'Tbrs Milk enoughfoi e: my bread,' i À giulmanbaving engpged i, hie c1lar, ordered the. aie Io b. r.- movd bfore the brloklayer comn- maenced lu'# work. «"Oh,! am IMt aRÉMid of a barrel of aie, sbit ni the ma-n. «1I. presume not"sad thé,gentleMan, ",but I îbink a -1re of arIe would run at your approach. « Johason, boy is it now, as ln as Il bab known you, you badh nebbe' totd me boy you corne to bab dat woodenle.-' Well, Mr. Crow, 1 m.uit- always_ forget dat 1I arn a crip. pie, and as nobudy nebber quesimeu ine- abou t i, -wh, 1nebber .tinik rb 8n1y ing anytbung coinetiig. wid ki. But. de Lad là4, my fader had-ont, 80- h ath rny gra#dfader befor hi-it rus ii de blond." rpeing a Dry Gonds Store., Wat arc yon ii i or?"aowe a visitor-of -a prisoner. .H. e ieived the usual repy-"« For nothing.» et Weli bat whit didlyou do?""t1 opened a dry gonds store.» "Ope4iOpe a dry gonds storePlsaid the vksio Wby tey eoûldnotutynIà prison for that.»" IY., buttheydi thmgb," withe priser: "I opened it witb a erowbar and a biuLl" "Boy do y-ou tand ?»- thatýs lia- lisu.. " Boy do 17oM SWdyoumrmel, l-sJi' "Ife* de'yean <" peepre?"tht' peras" ail t a'ntcaâ m ve on at mulf g»t aîsine,l"i bae om k bi4htP ai m e 11110k absa~stt deedbis ýfdtutan, enydoe Ime b. ffiSarvo ego tio tbé -t aumm » vin abse 6.mw&J. lu".'- xmm tuhe oubeotomdtt iOo theil*P. t he, ai c tot -- ~~ ~IIUSt ~Ton Copieseaea. ieI~..~o.sd An & etracpvii "huIentr m b..,; t sbuI* quoi, . Every mIon.eo thubas au luberent right ta deleréi vi. ther Msbeard àbail b.ehav@edo te penitted to growr. Neverteess, tii. national cre.d in soin. coun"trie,4 and the fashien ii tersetti mtbe 'h bas been so always. The. Arab ~telle you as b. trokes the fib*ing h>nus o1 hie chu>, that Mahomýt ne- t-ver used udm rami and -thé Hebrew quotes Moses as hiâ hirste exem- plar. The Tartare muade wum upon lhe Perians becauïe the latter would not thlm their beauls amd whiskers in the Tartar style, sed tii. Roun and Greek cuwclws vagl a coft- troveroy fS cntu ies (th d ispuej is not s.ttl e ., abhiv)as to viithev a halry &4e or aàlnotiiOn was the 1%*ghimate ootw.rd and visi- ble emùblem of hbaid msaneîhty. lu tks omm.nN m tjecfthua wbho anecaRal o à i'a I, wffl it ski.. iMtii.Iw -C( *biskers, moustacbes, gpat1 ,"or althie. . Soin s apohmmuis.the. il heavb Of twist- or thafroncthes aiyd te duio or w-; i'che ~ îb.oa'mof i-i.moth. affl 1t t: Vielor Emaunel lmt 1cuwgwmh-a bvwb ,tbick tbsnd wwhich a âwyen. tii. upper lip -amd the.bokWied va%. 0f be"da IW$b""..and Mm*.... mrkd liaitey mie al Idnmv. nsmt 'to peto Who vb. Mý t As aiàe fi (* ttI bsêt 0o t- the lm$e of thirlrt Im l-yrukly lbavbsn To elub.et lIylb July Tuibuse wmb bl, Wheu drailu em b.e cund, ltb hM"mlser *la lurenit BiUta. -Ti. amïbe 46 .Poul-' one. atBimm aa 1 àow PWà1y imtten. sub"Mnar I sinee yEp.. TbE T99Ua1 Ailm4lm < SU,d viilb nmdybmat hiWa. PEOSPEOTUSFOR 184'1. loy Jb the.Tim te 8bum amoie il. 11.retitpoo.vil m8to 'lp e o cuet J'a"eMr cub tpwous vIl xin as bey ar- laaabiu. Our#.Uwunmorbes ae.t.i a viren paper v*oeaàs mslesL. cr=e ga*tou w i.dm.. "Il bamivle fambda»m"i ,i usiffsetê V lI a ewydqte .vioev b paricualoth.~et 5m<UVloatl el amlemm aeoijuic gtubo~of %IC 1 2 = m fa mee tkohe ea * a. d2ou a.- ,TjVraay tiFOICi. STeame 4yu -1 . *,.ud Sat. le U at 1 .30 p.a *Na 0 T9 014L» ouhimMin.l July lOB.or- 138s4Lnd -. ~ Sd . bd.Y~ Tr mý 11; me 7ia R.s*alm smugu la em Jml orlb megm ulg ofh.Emî m mat mmiIr. 'i e.T!e fin ad 6ir Townahips bei- ~as lB yen, hit Igtkêr by geod roads, tz âmm athalme ataàm u.sdmuti*1 ~,itkdthe watehfu m m tbte L~~~~ÎI~o" g~t ps ~ hu~ u~ t u m pro aut1 Mte-. ldoip MUIEC T. ROCHE Arny »a.~r.,Toroto. Dogmiirf, S« 11 lALi L6~ eery veri ruatire Seatcf Wmr' NEW YORK yMARRETS Aa.I NXÉW$0(7 THBDAY, - lésami m ?;Wwi»L 'I~u~ Clooatoe c uuweliasdouble My e*-Q àU,=4Woet et. Tarçuo. Il afords - s oaus moaur for Advw*iim lI s~aiaoeio.-pér amuiain AMwsnSe 6e 21 v~ee suu5-ilcral Taes 3OlJ~2 PUEm1uMIN AVANC aurq 11le.. ppaMi, te piww1itmn rs thle 'Evemlng Times," 179 asle .W PUOSPECTLXS ?OR 1S 6 3. IT lais inov'«eteen yeau ince the fint tu*urtf h Upr as ii midund ui lb* viole Çt <baliedmaintea"inl cesaecln i mas bueskopt i vicv, naamy:- te umli.ivI~. lluutois. th.*0lb. cine aa 1Wml, hevever, grutrîalagreater prominence lima vas .uoyml md mibau boum tire mnof taaW 14o eihaeromche Ifer abyvmujeâa dx wtiateimum',vas iuued masa vwoély 1 but "M ea " eammt oerod le tam movipperfre% t, laiuinv« Oum ooay Pettt te P - & ktVaie b.ud tv wi eew k sk6ii ma w uu beten. Thre soie eqivaleul Ibt 4de"s Valuebelug -ml l = lua - v.eto.u »» he-6e emeof e heplu s- Came jer1r a vepko, eSvsadffl; bt. Il~ ~ -_ o eue apeuIa.e laltoi e lent saM.ariesur tWU vas ous- 9.-W IYl ,T. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 A.WLI&IMOU8E UT,ý m J mWmiIEf b a coLuw.*à km lm "6 ,hUt lam in the lb.GLOBE muhanles Of lbb. »@bbw LANDS FOR SM* DR TO RENT »m admemaim 4t uimdmg vifi t" «MIomi çanesmo. tii.rm Praum«- "THE OLOBE.1" Toei5Se t.% ,lmB THE MOST EFFCIENT MNIE MINE l'\'THE WORII, BECAUSE TIIEIOT AVAIL&BLE. T the -best article ewer inted for waab- -1 in d ows, vahimg varru ; 'eUu Phints, draining Cellara, v*eiaggi e"di"us- isug Ciéterus, eleunig lnee fren trees; omptyimg1 Water froua boata, etting 8hlovallbs v.fbgq SaiLs,, aung Strttes am yBath, b. mamn-1 WILLIAM IL. VAN TAmSSELL, A' Patierson'a Foundry, Fruit st, ellevoille, (XW THE HYDROPULT Wil, by lhe pvver c et »mmm,6dom vale ntI*m rate of eight gaons par umte, lifty bot high, v ith grat furesud abouli b. mcwd byevy h =ueole. If dos aay vitir the ncemity ot s hydrant. It la a iight, portable FQRCE-PUMP, alvaga redy, ea.ilyue&, a" mi Omiornin Ire- <pu e uoby every Fariner. Keebaut mms Mh »10 ln tir e mwanasty. TE STIMONIALS. W., the aundmsped beiug at thee Ire et th* resideetf r. Heny ami HoRo r qlor, asud ha * is v i *0 d b.werklag of a a Kmiur, Pir Z'"bul=e, khu se Vaes IIYDSOPIT. d eheerully t.estify tlIau efalmu lamlous ores. partieuiarly ubea vater is mae%=___ mmg dinary servces ut the lrt Engluem mm*b. pio- J. QUîNND. PITCAITHLr R. Al'ERSN. S. M. WABUMi, H. G. GILLESPIE, N. McARTHUIt, 090l. 8. TICKELL, M. B0WEIi PL. 0. PATTRRSON, 0. B. EMITH, N. JOINES, W. A. SRPÂI. Belleville, Beptember 14, 1ffl. Prom the Amariner. Agricukurist. This insplemeuf la couiag apidly imb favor monded . byuer eity Pire Deparfinont, &Bd are being .. opte by our Publie sebol baimp Lke. Tb47rcaiobeing adopeA amng mmmiiviage& liber. there la no regniar Fire Departmnent. Tih- lgut. acc ttifs MMilty olny s a imoamet :1ti uihiug Ores, but ma a vater tirrover for varionurp e, the implemouf I.e vortly apac ia every hauma, itea u les b. ordei. GEOIGE POPE, Agent. UADLIIi]BUT TIRUI! SURVIVE OR PERISH. IIofloïWa"y'is PUIS. 1W kw t7 e !thlu pt remedy is the most vn- [gem me.4 gyga*Ia tat~the vorid bas ever "Mva I . mt hstoy witten by une man, or evuadoeiwad &bWthe eirterienesutofune nation, butemuls of etaompilation of testimonial* trom the, mAck of every couxtry--a record. the like of ujkilchaag never been addueed in faveoft my re- eevgy 0 'eeatsa ime A.began. DKILIOU ISORDE.M la vioehver faem disuse, attacha the liver, it i. repellmi and extermimti by Ibiâ S achiug, pain- lin. a" m eê il- -atv. lit 6*a k uhmlthefatulty have abandon*&, rougt vk h u.51a te this naerliti iieo osent mia iak te lmd aeiltyv The. tu" ogOurgOqt" mtaemtyuldm uiehy te. a 6quq 4(6lw aaUw$e plus, adi l. e gos- iw oau ses a.m éte- t»;n Mm nuuuumuemu arn -aw .w dom e- vuaoe a m.,laah. IinMeoa ~ lammm6., gmetmIkuu umluam*0 'Pu vaw u Wmtb, tbel TU ~u- alm STORM~ ~Ih A~'lua lb 25- frumb br laml"fer S l b. 43.11 ofpesmid., Ae*, furlsd on application t. the. PubUiAhn. TICKNOR à PEa)O, m7 3 Waahing" &mtret, Bou, Mm. ceOpIY'S LADYI 1001L ]FOR 183. GW m LEa2y &qD PICrORItAL".AR. Fr I% bliWevof Godey'ntady'BIook, .Lthaafult.0fluaIpublic which ha. en.ii.i hlm to pullab a magazine for the las I,: ra YKEEE yearucfalarger ëireulaàiGu th" S âli l A.,b.made a» arangeent"wt f. pqmipaautb.rm nlutirA.eoutry- MARION HARLAND, AuithooSm uta Alune," -"ridilen Pttkh, dmo 8Bide," "Nemesis," and."Mra, vb* viii urniuis a 9-toefr cvcrynmlmr of the I*dy7'8 Boo o .fur 8. This aboie vin iW .ae th# Ladyl. Book in a iiterary Point dit'v:'ew far ahea.i of »aY other uagazirît..mariun llarland wrev vii&R cnin fue t-à farnish atieles ttb .ug!ic-t tlQo THE BEST A-ND CUKAPAST LADYS MA,.AiNE tTHE ~ TRE LITERATUPE is of that kind U'ait cao bc :e"a.u1: t cirele, P.ndtlie ~~ uin jenze 2 aubscribers &or thie Bwik. TUE MUSIC Ioau.1 origInal, and would cest 2à centi (the pric of the. Book) in thUumusic ,tores,;blit ncst urlt j, oopmgted, an~d cannut bc i.btafr.ed ezcept in OUR STEEL ENGRAVLX'G.. Ail f.rts te rivai as in tuis bave ossaci. and ce nov stand alune in Wh~. department, giving, as we do, many mure andi nfcnitely butter cngravings than are 1,ublisled in any <4lier work. . GODEY'S1 DhMEN!QE DOUBLE SUFRT F.ASIOÇPLqT-eS. Contalin; (- ront live te leven full length Cuiored Fashîons on eccr plate. Other magazines gire only Ivo.. PAR AHFAD OF ANY FASHIONS IN LuROPlE OR AMERICA. Godey'm is the culy *rrk that gives thce im mema plates. and they are sitich, aàtu have e:tieu the. vouder of piblihere nuitithe public. OUR 1WOQIDEN<iIAYINGSS. of whick vo givo twice or three timeme . nmany as amy other màgnizine. arc oflen tipitaken fbr sieel, They are co far supeerlu' r f0 atty thers. OUR RECEIPTS are rucb as can bc founil novierde e.e. Coeiin- in aUi if.va.ty--a-ofe-.tinery-the Ž. .rse-y-uie Toilet-the Laundry-the Kitehen. LADIES' WORK T.ABLE. This departmnent co.prihes engravingsansd de- moipieus of evcry urticie tiiat a lady cears. MODEL COTTAQEg. No abher magazinehma ths departurent. Terme, <o Subscribers in th, Britishm Pro- rinces. One copy ne ear, $3. T-vo copies one year,$5 Tbree copies une year, $6. Pire copies one year, and an extra eops- te the pet- son sendicg the. club, nmaking eiiicopieç. -S Il 25. At thee rAes subscriberâ in.tht Pr4ivince will have noXmorican postage te pay. SPECIAL CLUMBING WITH OTHER MAGAkZXV'. Gode 'u Lady-e llook andA Arthur's Hume Magazine boIAu. ear for $3 5W. Goderas Lady's Book and hurrs Magazine luth eue year for $4 ý à& "oey, Narper, and Arffbur viii ail three bc urut one year, on reMept of $6 00. Tieauy Nettes and Notes.ofetail suivent banits taken at pr. Be cuZfklMmd psy lbtheostge un your letter. Adireas L.A. 4OIJEY, 3M3 Chestaut Street, Phelidaiphia, Pa. BOOK & STATIONERY ESTABLIBHKEIT, OPPOSITE T14E PoSr-oPFIcE, LîNDS.1y. C.W. AT ftue urgent request of -many of ileir Friemduthroagioot the County, sud to supply a vaut v hm lus nlong toit, the Proprietors of lire - Oumim Pet' have purebaaed a COXPLETE STOCK- OF MM 8AND> STATIONERY, Ccmprislug SMHOOL BOOKS of ail kinds, BIELU, PRAYfl EOOKS, 6SABBATB-CHOOL MOUK, REWARD CAMID, WATTS IIY31NS, TOY »OUkSLe. . la STATIOKE't bey have a largeStock ef prenel, Eugfluh Md Ameulemu Writiug Papen,. ot varieoù" aise. mqahlti...ta vbwieb they invite *0e sIem" et MrlmLeyrTor- ('ferit, Mnaieipd al ami OOCeut( Iv, as Vehi as tire general publie. AeffmtPaper, ElSiuIledit- h and Baug), Inks (Blaek, Bi, muSt ý"m Casd oaht-boéks, Ponhnomale, IM41n, IdeWteliemominm BoocIsNOCoril S@l5 Wbw paEqiber, H.PpTeue, &e. ir.. WRAPPING PAPRES. Meeb in Town or Co.mty voaM d o veil tO cmli MA «xam iaiT Wrapping Pnrbefor e o~eigelaevhee, am they feel ontict their MW avorably vithIbo" of t"i )Swengmesf Montreaî or Tuomto. *cI0OILS Suti"usi" f n eRding- c0py.RSuh Statue, GaudGJmphy. ail t vIé iiib Ipoasi 09aI »Mmumoly loy Air ouks Mot in odok Md 'tu. imd aU7M enimomr m lb. orarmi mm moy. Mmd fe- -E I ns a#bees marked ai 1da Taa.CASE, and 8m lm A~PMS W»40t~Sy .si~ba 1 k mI m u Q~ e-ê. Te kt 0 q -1

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