PmEd -'I ,t u~5 -ite no_____ .I- AL--. k iw am- 9 mâ a Mqmi i *as Muras dalti.pmueut civil wu sud .mo~pt et I.o mvm~sue odpUft9*subiMlsicoematFe mm»pemt ull ü» «sWd" #0isis osfuthift, l i my stue- 5h. 1e. th@ s om gdmpui tisesth$s iNd lainteoas siu, snd olie thoir thé"plenàtty peito Iiio m hors mploed e@ bedswuahln m W Pessd os*ppae.Iusg tii. o Maer .14 porhlm ao wbleh. vs.* <iesn W it hi. dls.oue de<.t husm#sh MIIbu b.d toiy eufed- lmmbeaisd', K.lsbuug, Mag toi, d- smbMub,om, sud ie ffmha M OMM-rll7 qulpped <lins il ý-ilis &ý it i 111 W it l i - VIMe oeuy "u Mulplmls etPogàeiyvsii, sud me iumk. #m.m$"s<sl ttsmplm osislit hm sdWsegoo n. Ti». muwtmmut nidmwasimîIulàu4Im utteey ans dla" u s sutefioulitwii - dusp *i.ud @aoe hie pomtmdbsla.sib"ul. h#e Pltebugu &àbm ousud «t«t PNmOMyen -1s la viideduotdthe tésosies' 'oduqov d o b "Id pvods o -w.s-Fnv.o luh. >is P.vIsud ud -àu. I ,,m.a les., j mmu » f -um - m uamp vm m - #0 bring fth e mnu 'sSn là%& mlirde se uuw"tsiMbleM y llsd (àir W dlni sud min. Thauu Nn«k omusempIffiw . g#tie odeflRhhag , m v .usvluod ahst tahe un, bas îridvii., u. Indé. 1*ndesac# of Ibi o ula ghould h. Aumnlosa Impuis â w ey Wir'detay, esud 'adn*:>t" ui94t W..S.IISWowId b.. mpk Pm* kr miwh w.uma»Y' 1 ls udm kufo oalarnltle <ti i.s, end bowmwr thotamd. vi. bo bs uffned fhm («w britiob-ubjecu. «an rguas aiu the Am.rimu Lggl bb ua tund, oirid more ato orn e i aall o o l woed iiiam ibu ie *iaitly hluh.5 by U. n isail snfflÉm ms - basing 0d <b. Ta>. air the malit OftsM pomîlg ce Tofs. duy nigbil, vu Sd tuat cou"& don«t lns ahe lotolligan ud bomesey oftheb ekooe cd Vkictoriahi. mc Wen ,a nfplaed. Tb#.ppis ekusw hoy rnuo«hdopuudsd c o srecuof ii. omtest beuvesasMr Dundod sand'M Xrnitis, uhey 1me <th Ibm unuie 0( <bu .cm i oth e M of R§Wm an sd Retteuohmm ensd th.y wons alie <o tIboe(adt bat lu suippeotlugmi milla uiiuy favuwe .omruptlmOss ud alrvapnSu. 1< l vs. tavorbls to Mr Smlbth atb 08Mn t.o,oasy wviieri wuv oompansulvmly uakovu, sud hie appieas a nus m en$ dympuecl gaiuid huusibesppo( ol uwiiol surppSelng pmlhoiplss t. bslmg ssy. m#d by umolàsd ,pkamlbi aig. b>'l s maIs P bese isd Mud rIduals ah w, vl <aW ti se a "tsu-« dulaovUI, s lsnlis vob ilai tb.y"0otaet. W mu>',op odsh~m R oggu s««rui mot!d. ka. Thm94 t 0al#re*d IvMuýiÏ omm aw"-lsebMrJ. Oeyl S ai . outios s.iu tbepua'utciu omM, hi lie t«.w sblut 2at,* I'l? bHItial g bu t .oauUduulsg e iisulso e.w uiIetom k îiàsp = 'bi uw W- iw dy Uwe Ibtu wudeolysi &ou -âami o Mo r "J Md b *oui i . dm#IWuVa. la Qoe mIsm sv* ba th MsWoo àTmhaSImus*fi AUsymro% M luc& w dU04Aa pshD.g day o1 #W i u""* iha vmb9 p Aibo w i $ne *u7é m%1iilbybris mà usb ü »,ü ?Is. wE nUUUS ZLECTKD. mon" iWM" h ne$& Gh~i1-. aum sI . Somb Oiwl-O% uffl. WLOI hshobms-4uw ochwu Ne aw-o, d W..Om. g-I. Dr WM»oýTml M e n.vio#Tbm Ld Zýy 1 MIt.I Csgutn4bunuMd egoiVdVMt th*m ma e *0 WL hffuuuëe . be rL 14 tubs i -l fev$ r CR OMsj, umimSs60 screva inmr mat Tamm-ataS 85 m a sloon 1..S Moam, gmoeIv t, mobac"iv Va..i fàurai wi Lsi>EdaFg ~~~xa,-e mm yP40.8»yfwOoq ly Uh sé agpsm and.*ant, mBernais toa.-bs.rdTbufo ,ainob L$196.iuu.d. fo 7hf. S' ,igihvn i iu b feealidor" sats.b pnouu6oy"mte agieNteoaia -iBdo& sq istr. -V Ie adkis f =pini~ l. &MaÂl*oSt W."4 R ràdii05 oS prof popy woi agiét dfed.aa, Wa" ema où htur.-Verdrc " for puniE 16.Luaso£39 Larefor plainsîlILniue o dfr bmght bff for ais. ftroin £de 00 dfauSnt dbidanOofebs Ceua fnd onr>', Osais ex " t Don ermn. Kn*hie ia im o lb. ime .Ths ee e6m po vaswphse adtn-d- asft'. aUd.aebd.eduss bai puopsnyCoc- ciet »a py a. aon PtS ofShe*cuiiO, vis f.ndnto bha.drgwrs it.pastdot pat fori Crci*bIIW&WCrea? ivA-Aton bmowghio s uucerbomo f»anaeout (on bey, omt, Me.fnaisedbypltif to defend- aaus-Vundlt for plai $O 206. Lacuru Tu Qcmww. SuAi.Ourcfgi Y.Àtrue billvas foourniu t4elue" Amsies sud s st uion valmsaince iuovied, ub pameSator cousahi a aalow a veriet of mom enIly Se le "toreoi 'TasQumzwse. fBaîssour MCNAM.-TWe r... .. .ha4one eloli, uaidone set of hoop ebsis everal ielînes provedi i;a ibm aesidxdsitiedab6a sic huilent hlem a . p i o r - s d c c o u il ty . L a c o r e for tus Covu~ H.Cu ero feened abs p6b T« Qum m. nour.--Tbe pàisoasi vas psu "e bis ariseb dbr vish havîag, on ther Dighs ai. liai of MuY lai, simien roue te lia of Jams Ch inlisil.To nsip of Mai ; e- at qauty1vissa, cate nd elevoska Vesis iàlty. Lacoune (aithe proecaaa.; il. Came"aifor isoce. of the nayfP vomo, for selmg ripen. ty of thsemlWuaeOcutiomatsbîit 01 Ppsu' v. NiEla, Mlet bm vu Seri of ah, -United Luis. The property cu. ahad <. .. o ho ai sg o.qnSon eifier, sMd vais la bs aon sàfWcllllatathe duea of 1:190,1,14b paperty baiborevi ouu yaoaSb7N.MllIuuao ,vhs vu lm vausoldveuet tbe ta. eorftheu and v. 4 mbait1 n OuLLm s ln a.-eiout ami . ,di te base boe ud Mr hs tlbWidJiuiB ord Ms "bmquBled fi. uà*bâv1. ru- .Wbnbm YiMy mmrn; ehiaMy««£ iqag ',is bygonesay be bygoues If Dr. ýCuaaaag ere as conieaut vith he pol!m ,Md poificins of Cand-ta i h.éy8"88 <EUkie, Is would> becSxir4ed 9W ebis ýnaeruag of paopbeey b an bena smeehau a- uiupased by éventa. Ohi, George Eétiense!i Oh, John, the Rose, vithoui a thons! Oh,1 D'AM the -loqu ent? Wbaithe iii vor 1 owm tô Oh, Momes -vilI aobody ex- Bavl!ÂàL àaàt" en i IWlw. Ma. Dus. tàAàu4.U M. L C.-The Honorable Mr. De&- mulesedhof: c f l PubaS jus parte, on Teaday, witb Baron GaolèeBolDme, French C4osulat Quebse, about haif-put four o'clock, ut ah. door of the Donegas Roleï, aMd vas proceeding £0 bis office, when ivo rmen who etre oicding so the. skheam hea hô btel railla approached hîm from bebinS, and §truck bim tailiahutan t ime vii skulkek- er1 prostra:ing hum n e 6pavement. Mr. Dussaeu fe(l iniia sMau of inéensibilhty, and *hile "busbellplee befbre ihea iii. cowardly refflans delibertely bickeS bitaon bie fure bouL.ý The' voulbe ain aen fied to carrage "apeJy in waiuig for thei n nd thiIe smebeoO aet, and drove rupidly off. A gentleman caimed Mr. Constant aasisted in carrylu; Mr. Demsulles into the Doneg-ataa Igoi.lwbere be, remaineal about hait an hour, w bos à* w u veyed go bis own residence ire not dangerous, but are of an painful chamenter, as bc suffers vmte pain i the. forebead.-Mootreal Her' MONTREAL ECTION. Xontres! lm retarmed the leader of the amu ipeed&braft andi corruptadministration "ha ever Càanulawmviii e1isnce to the purest iMd maut irreproaeh of ont Lover Canadaswaesmen. Tbeiuanene is, that ibis city prefers bribiery, corruptiou, jobbing p'ecukdtoi4, ezirava,'aaoe, and rappidly ir- erusan; debt nad taxation t. iutegn:y nme e.oumty. Shouli the ohd Minisiry retain to poer oDUVI maI oMt n mpuain of any f«vaste . the pabâ imà(ni or increase ot' = te li detseffl tatnothing worm dom n te fuurethan liusbeen dom int" pest, and the pont hb lcoap- proved by MoutrenT -int" electiun. Noms- trot! bau eleeted thrfe lawycra au represeaut ber in Parlament, thogla io mercantile men of epiece, intelligence and ability yere .Cal- dates.TMis vs hink uwise sud unseeily. On ah. other baud.Montreal ham renson tlit. grond of the gond order- and peace and quiet ivbach eharscierised ibe election. Al vho wi4ed t o vote could do no. On the mesu! we vil! Dlot comiraent nt present, further thanit) asy "ua the Irisb electors corne out of the. conacat wh pesa edat. They have triumph-1 antly put in îleir muaih sd tvwitbaut e SSrîmg to violence or intimidation. We doubt not tho7 vil in a&l future time respect *e dignt of thoir atial position-Ms- rua 9w r CANDI DITES FOR ELECTION TO PU.- UÀIMENT. The Globe in reanhing oulte Lmdadrmd- vice a S~p Miaisterial Ctn&Wmaeemployed, very properly-questions the doctrine of oppos- mcg a cudidâte for the taonsparpose of keep- i.; bita enPloyei, as it M'a gmeat injury to the cauaay ad.cames u" expence tlth.ecoua- îy commore.Evéu raMinain; gentlemen .ho lav eh cltesof election sec.. a ver-v quomible homoun, Mici0 lm bere is of show-von about okebhe botter for tic univers, suffrage busntS been found- tb work weil in the Kma"aiam Colonies, and troua ahe Melbourne Argw vs leurratha important chuages amirepoate tabo eplacli the W.l aujo .Victoni. The sobjet is ai eehin poaftacn tirelation lié Reaeformes Of Goverrnent ibis vscouy sSaceL. "A ao o f aeonabte political i. pon4inestouaw" oure&reosbuas be. ma& in former- w ai s EleCtoralÂt Lov~rBoune, a»d viii e ruai aucod time iu the lagisiis oud o.mouro. Witon intnifiging ou tlie"Pasie e(maimns.lsuI-g funther aiane e z isfroas h.(rmobse h a atm vho are Omble 1I o bacibe aei n ames, »Àt lave no pro".nly rasafor wPe o f Ima "M014Ù» u i ba bm " t tbe evils ut ia5 ysm. ois tiens on tbme ubadqga aibubs.De. posia.s aWbdeuùfaiedf&ueaoal4ae efogie t2e ian «ei ea poll-t£IO0fi. ment. b..du tibm cil, an Me for tbe alieablt ui tei. odite i f ti asp~an do. et poil mo.e f t i e titber c<uelseioou lie r im lauI erie hi and~, m mu-u bolc m »m v *v M-celfthat~ai b ~~uI M 1 -t boing quite - ~ twimb . amof o a i CI * da*r of bis frlenâL às UoléiI, bu in à di to orne of the huisîpý --i majdtwrg tolrzu amai ChaV aibN ut h* dany premium. Ato r vuag w", àS* O aMP» ufr aomnA t-n Mr, Buamue nionS lis Lte mw Ment o ; s tei ep 0"- kflip arons Ofictawl .u appontid, an 1861, amSer ef athe (gerew steame- North Ameeu,. la tbe eginais.- of tbis jear, Capt" sBogw m.astranafered to the A&ngo&zo% "boi «bis second voyage uiluus tm uL.An eoamta tendl to show "a abisasautWhlo.CaptainBres for ah. mfutmmseubmty, and ticue whe bai the huai omeof knowing, mse tthat he wv a &Uaful énd inteigent officer. We may aMU "b Capbai.Burgun vas brother-in-law té ar. Jouhn e, %Pfibnow Street, AUloa." Loin Baorouax. -At~ the anniual rneetin.- of tie fluit"andl FomeugaAmti-S laavery Socie 1ji Lon on the 22d iust., it was stated thac uu frengbàrn"-lkd delined to, tak<e the chair. on the ground ihat sucha curse as Merely conswsent vwih the aeuraity whicb everyne ouglit tWobveu nthe. couteat nov A nevly iavented OSMMu plough vas tried las week in, the pres"S oof ihe Em peror Naîp- oleon, a u fai arnai Viacenes. It iof six- hars pover, and mores ILihtiy over the groand There amre Seatsharp biades bebitid the stean englue, w"ie oui the ground ttu the depth of a foot. The veight of the. machine. is 14,000 1b3. It requires four men tu work 4 an spable of ponhin. twtvaacres an~d a afof the~ hardest groutùd i ten hou rs. Tihe Enaperor expreused him3self pleased witîh the experiment. STISE'iGE r r TMI.srRioEsN'r FoEcEs îi,, POLAN>. - A letier from Cra.cow savs - j "Thero mae as preseot in Poand l110 in- surget corps, which are overy day ineream-in4 I teir numhers and vouli liecorne as manyj euiimaied at ixmrui130,M. mersMid tîbey glireforeontuaer aise Russian army ira Po- la. Tise Poli offiemsin the. Rmaian ai-myn are alse begSiuniasg to desert ii great nutnher* in obedience tu orders (frou ire isLurreci*i- ai Groverument. The £wsian autharities find uhemeelves ina ---emtembarnnsmrent. mna nd i vsa m *inanoend insnbardnaîi'ahte- giennng b ushow isef aMOng their troop&a." SaopLît.îm.G.-A lady (?) lbas displaye4 a mvw metliod of shoplifting. She veut irto one ofthîegei silkrnercers, ou tbe Bou- lerid & a lieur, and! gin ýz Ur~ ta a siceepisl>- looking youug man hehird a deserted cot;nter. told hitu sie bai bac!the' misiortune to drao'î hier garter, and tht ina con-requence, lier stock- in- was falliticaver ber fonit; she requested him in accommodate ber wiih a piee o tape. « and ta allow ber ta put it on beiaadt ho coàu- Set-. The young mari. bluabiuz etcrsai. ina-1 stianty cave ber the tape. arid. in a moot ri-s pect fil mariner, vacated the dark side ofthie counter. a-ad lefît tbe la-, n-ho rit once %ýpt berself toan silk dres, vhicb she tied Ur:der lier crinoline vilh the taipe. She then cim,ý forvard and thanked the cii-il shopînara, onU vanishcd. When the mn . -t<u-ined ta bis quarter-s, lie ound thedes gorie. and instant- ly knew ho had becra robbed, but tua a- tic garterkms lady vas out of si:;h.--Court HKERO Woamsur.-Siiice l859, 150 Steamers have 'iouched ait te is.and of C-apr-era, w#ei-e formerly no)venel ever stopped. and more thari 16,000 per-sona bave laraded. Four- Neavoliiarz vesse!s bear thenane ofaGrriba!dL The(Gea- er-al is godfatber ta 4,50 chîldrien, arnd Ž,000 boys have receiveal bis rame. Durin, the last tbree yearsh. ibas received preserats af tthie value of 16,04>0 franics. The majorira' of theua are agrleultural impiements. chietiv fi-oui Eo- land. Durlaxg the saune pet-lad ie lias refused ailier gifta represeniiurrg a value of early oneI miUiion. Garibaldi is honcra-y burgess of 90 citles uni tovua. ac! honorai-y presiderttaf 120t asîocitons.lihm a 21 avurds of borioni-, uf wvihI l bave been sent froun abroad. Sirice 1859, 3M0 adiresees ofdevoted'aess have been sent te hitu. When Garibaldi veut 10 the is. larnd i via worth naîbina;, but vth -the ira- proveus husle bus madelie aow d"uvu a recv- enueof £120.1 RizoLtvua-x or N:w YeaixEamror..-.t a Meeting orFÀitora iii ic-day, Horace G i-ee- lcy -of da7Wb- eJames B-cokis utfthe Ex- pe Wî C. Preinte f the Jarndof Cûm- asere, ad varions others beiuîg pcesent, reso- lutions vere idopted, te the e&et, thst ve atacogniSa niafhinathe duty of idelity to the 'ConsaitnGovoamonu, and Lave cf oui- rComtrr; abat Truasan d lkbellii inarae crimes . that vliile ve empliaticalîr disclaim and deua any right as inhereut lis 3aur-ualisa to incii, advocate, abets, upbold or juasaify Treannor liebeloma,, e respectfully but flan,- Iy assent the uigii.of the Pr-es to criticise free- % anid farlesay te acta of tise cbarged vit!> ti administration of tW Governuent und of lhslrcivil aadailtanysubordinates, and ahat sny imiatinsotbis iglit, creaici bv ah.e necesit:es f va,, abouTi le confimi te local- laies whreshonaities.exis*,or.are ismdialelr - - ~,aiiALo»ztoxCar acu-On Y14$niàd veek SirJohn Trelavnel pro.scrit- eds dû apS toth e Itouss of Couamons, front Thoaa Ârthe, a etcolon, "amplaiu-r ing of a refuai o amtamae hi. vith a o'aM in St. Peter'& Chmpb, Eaton Square, on îIse 26th p4pn, yrbpïabl attended vjthlais, ve, $idu pnais; reis."TL.W iInmbnt of theechurcl gir..ile folloving explanation of the iuâert -. 41uiedif a*é the ntoridog .ie, M. iik, of GOnvenort IWe It'a e tinto*a, estry t. complaira of m P , ài & H aiiabus"observing a bu Mw., v* p super put, the ~ti. s esptIn-W., but "asitbegea- ouiibfc*lw lb.lady int. the. àdtib ent te an- Wt Iphk ite ladmd a"- ON* F wINCgIsna BtljI. Rus. aIeB u izEiEVE1>yJ;OmSTON. IsvYQEK, '1la e i.-TU «. Epra -111" ."f*i<.aksfo Whi. oin Hooker , ae 'a u 1 &pm Vrient- - 1 1 ..t. a.The WooWld prints te 'fo1 'afio teSnahru h ~Roube, apo ub t nid e o ere cor& , naine , W bad a ilooker, te uer rtz.aufiug Ty. AL o. Tka. J-Aon seceperintsti. olomig the Bi Black Rver, and by a manoevredeceived the Federalâ, ubt eeonji4 hir *-nu or au imm*ediate attack tram him, and suèèeeded in reîinforcin- the garrisof utVicks&tirog vit a force uauier Geiueral Waliter. Four Fede- ral Generaisamar knovn te lie kâled; a-oog thean General Sherman. The WorM says -a Union despate bua been reoeiied eonhimilaj>e-*boe. - PHIAî.&xsî.Ms, June 16.-The cîty is aahve vit!> excitenetit. The news of the rebel ad- vanco n Peunsylvania bas& caused a mom pro- t'uund sensation. IuteIligeuce là wost eajerly iooked for from the inîterior. In view of the pressitlig erergency, Mayor Herrvis>uc ti filuwing proclamation to- OFFicE 0F TuriM"",) Philadeiphia, Juue 1th, 12 .). Citizen. of Phitadelphi a : In view of the urgent r.eed of -Instant action tu, protect the capital of your S-uite aud tu se- cure the safety of vuur own homes, 1 do litre- bl earaestly appeai tu &aIl citizen±i tu cluse ihe«ir places. &Atb"iiiîeÏiwsan Oiect hetr.seivts 'wih- out dtia-; wilh the exisliag wiiitary cor4amiza- tionâ foiîhe dêtence ot thee r. LSi-,ued] ALE-X. HENRY, Mayer. W'Âz;HIXGTO\r, JnUfe la.-The foi~ tel- ~zrau tuniGenmitroy been i îeceii 1 ari iù %itiithe îe:ater part outnmv cowrnd. The-c fortiticat;>ens &i Winchester were inveâtLd lw jabout 15.000O rebeis and 20 pi.ces (A a:1:1- lervy 1*1eV Carîed My bOUte~r.ks bV ~rî [UV "U:..SU Uday evenin, and ie2t .th the wbhole f my coinwaiad atone JcoIk ut., un- iorflib.ri'iii ii the lioises and ai 1.- ici v and waggois, but was iinterru-,.tt-d hv aazi oe1whehning rebel fore vith tr.f: c-jes ibis side of WViùchaesier. onvi the bur.! ruad, mind Alier a decperate Lti.r i wo hours 1 goi tbrou.-h. We nwere ?ut -s,ud< !urge cavaliry force. which piclzc un ta uunher of nmv wearr boys. 1I thitak wrx.'- ic viii tiot exceed 20OU k:uled, wou.,ded anduJ ,-ý sing. Jacksoun. . June 6.-General Penuic- ion lias seilt WO(LÂI t4at le cra hoîd Vict-I'.,U.z. luid <ce'alA11Jobruw j'ýt,,rikae lbis tlie tu or'anaîze nauJirscilu.Lis :' rceâ. mntuî ok P*ace at ýiuieello, Ky., on the~ loth irist. Our îroi>ps tarîdeèr Col. Katirz had [dr-veth 1e rebiels fri an -Ioaaîiùelo and vere f:IlIing b-tek towards ,the Cumberland river. w1wn tî~be lýs ra'àîied iraforte and attackd ur r i-ar ruard. 1Our forces resreaied slo,*Iv i tf wheri a de itu r-Lawi to 11111jc..fu t.t.àd. at7 ~ta. usallzi r;*".it)z ia u'n d.-ft-aat of th.- r-eht's. O-ur l wm&- 30kii and wotiide-d :îtherebI lu-s iloria!staited - The Oii aSte, Coanvention met ai t îm bus vcsteuiav and wtas verv iar',eývatr.xe-: Ex-.o. M-dI re~JuJ Hn. u:Lu.î. Ut.ýaZia w ai z I. rmihated fr toi ve:ini.r una thre 4t sîiralloteceiw-i 4-1S oit of 4e I V3*.. ILSr îîuahLliît:îîiurîwa.s theirn [Lùeut.ii"Muu-ai. lion. Geo. E. Pug.h wazs amînated fur Leî..- o-t--nor bv acciumaî:a proteStia -, a:aaiti-î Pres;di .t 1.iirekCrJs t-anai;.'I pation rt'rtonzclrnuî'nir. law in loal ai tes vlacre iar does irot exisi. dr.tiriucii.thle surîre--smaet the wiit ef llabra Corri: rî-sin: tearnesa tzîtliht- taIî-n it LA' ?Non. C. L. Varliaa ii ari, id C Ott < 1!eries:deît ru le- c.11 lIrMandirit:e iore h hlmUls ai î-ýtîzen et tih.t- îiîcd Sr-ateS4 ducari t- hai xme ,ili buil iialdeti.:kl a desire of îLe seceid tales t'a returatttheir allefitice, &rd that we wig c-olierate wiîh the ciCizeais of Ir tate,, tu restore ,erac-. nd 1bat we iiiýîtupt ii the frerdctni of siicech. the freedoru ut tLe press, nd tÊe rights of tria' hy jury. Gov. Morton a ba is.saed a pruclamnai*n la the peuple of lnba»m4st;ieaniinlv waniuîrail a pet-sans aeaîast resîiance to the- <3uxernwuef-t ,in arav foi-m hinderiTIa." he Vederal officerâ ina the dti-charee of rheir Unties. The T;ibune nd II,',ald jîitirnate that fien. Frernaunt bas beene .crv eaii i h' freiu the male rof bis niin~landns in alraiiforreAa. T lê Hep-aid s:u-s he linsas oin, ight tir t-n maLiov.s of ap tz%!aln bis hanids.*' le Las been a!apirared Presieai of the Uniion Pacific LbIi-Oad Compunt-. nid wil!l is eidai once enter ul-on the- dalies ofthlie pSto.enlieing »everal thorsaad fi-AedhUlas ina tFe vork of building the. road fi-oinKaas ~tus ae cannect- in., ine on the Pacifie side. WINCHESTER EVACUATED GEN. MILROY SURROUNDED BY 1?,00e Pils.s»rr t'uîfA. Jumie 1 5.-Tic Erelitag Balleffit publiahes the floia: A despaieh neceived to-d-iv frar Boltin's station. oun the Nortiiera Centrý aliirasd, says that Gem- Tyler had retre.aaed fral Mart-ins- but-, ai$ &locklas ea-nrn, that aur force at WinrCh.ser ha probablbeen ealiaarvd jet- terday, as the enery as ina force, pi-ubably 10,- 000 soa& a Haget-aiwn. Thie daap a " d tuat the dangter i; great, as ibme eemy lsadm-- vaucaig iiheavy force. A private despaicli from a truvorht source States trat the rebels appeared racar Charbe s- burg, ibis moraîng. and abat il vas probale1 that the place lia lrcady bieftocea'pied bl BAi.TixoitE, Junc 16.-wen. Mîlray vas sur- rourided ai Winchester by 1,5.000 rebels, but ufter a desperale flgbt h. cul bis athag t and tunited vii Our forces iu larper'a Ferry. urfrce ai Martirisbur; also faille bau* osn tHarper'a Ferry. Cu&ursraJane 15.-Lient. Pulmer, ejust returneal froa Green IC'Asule, badte 69glM kbis v eut tv1o miles ghis aide cf that Place. He reports abat the enemy are advancing, in -teesonelun-n a o, oC»ývarIs "de -tovardis Mercersburg nd Cov XBUis- l - -_ _---"-- Me i hort