j Usd"l 1 ý.4V~ A# ak - h5OUmi.te ami *0 W" Ami M-Du8 PlB Ti9, -6.3 sà surw MdIAL AA5 VRAI - j' j Autil i bus eauf. tunaum.g ~ Uu4is t as.W1li i.WtoeI JauneLutions . . U 14e74u et Ai emnif i M(San. ume, Moui.m giat9444 taC(%&Mn! lfAemaDmi" lithutlfl6 A TT OIINI IW -. là" *& ý * t aw et t wp JAXES (Lui.~ mon.Uq' 'wuAP magi C 'iesIUià~ql '..-~ flv. Mu. mm no0m 5oawu%, CW. NOR&ml wer mwý- Y~ Rêve àui ftWtVaréa" W 0" 1'Esdefis. umui&4 wi*bm A u. wluidate un at ** koZat P"fer ".ilTh.y luit ag Wi Wb* 1« a nsom t. uent a idlth.aev e o&k OËMM5i aler heupeprwt vm be upSute f leiwgtï;i;iw Weo4ule M MWeb 10 "q agdM»ERLmtiO&SO d looi ateu.$bot% E uiuu*md havetedutp la M b aU.eSoIkiOe7mws rmw fde temi e adMoL,*teMW. "Aonetu n-podwOa RuiAdled Y40PNAS . 01wR.MD~GL YRED. TAYLOR, *vIamirg, lmu*,# aouevAl Ijut v« Cao" *e mn oftusLad ~et Am t~usUi4 *0 T&ô aofmIà%o Md-ni ad e«Port- ed Ou mnIde dwe* mmYMvu iv. ou of à- jusi - - Sw lm otht laore 0f u puwii bloon"q*'s am.mmb nalrama 1 id ng pytumdâia t ae vsoo o IWigli eibee Uueber' *01meshlocted.eoo oNs. SvUm ,Ï-à 0 efUleeiaa!m e juy ugaudmby uitu te Am $0-n viimaw eteutil. prpue mo onsuiod W.~~ ~~~ -yeUleihiG ai . qit iep onuu ScagsMeoiMUle uv evod srgep.nte.tqmkl. Ifus hes tu wnuseumte lvreb sveuumg shnt h.Tii tegen l h.-e Ésuernimedkesiatvtletca m m a 1 ab-o 1 'Pi qu7lW - hetoismo, mpi- Ios.- 8W umm of Wk nav Tfi i emreid tixm per bal.aeÉ dampedI pmv y mo mbIMM. ~isIw ui.isdoop t. a eom% imim i 4W t im ar«eat desripto fti th âm 04y ~ vp4 bmra d, G* w MWih - Ti ttas.liâtpmithle 441 it'. lmrg.éiw -tu â t vor'n'Mt mman at t, psfw t. n!îa diWe ant uoee. ble peinicari9vatibtter dmp& Maaitiarrivai4f et Gius.lm'apecta. ig - ~elus, ,I» , bt Gi tteo là eti à"àwa pthount b« *0Mm hat oftaà* UIUce là fflbbn "Iomsmuuim>a M - .,.bgu isei o i .stasaeum A medio MW *0 sil. Bllm nbue iugetinwg Po"s.A maebemer phymi"u vu Iii PlhI4 h laudes Im..i*0i i *o0d4M m fl immpillàeia uttem" t t the d"tht 6 f à -1 hi uit husopu it. in ommuation. Tii delsiau el prefeuo.ileil le"helamadepuwis .fiai "bg emai- vutia homsp@dh, ni ing; furhieuiozu, Umluh platwlvu mot a homeopsth, hadiet er h bousopsai, un vouti mom utus'pebiGi Ooia boue>- inthl * = " th.~ as.iG e fembos foot. subà bc% n j gi4 dd malhoie- WÈý* amivi i eioedalup blul iyim piesffl Gi laintif th~n e led@ M5 mmi ano __ii ClTitRre e Plunlieth e ilataMW » autac ,loto& loua bai éýbem suu5 la s emdus? Wclit k &lhlmeuaý mum of ruaiý sMOl and * -to vus »0 mmeandisorihi hat ho lana mlpw cm *«. imat.df v«?, er-Ibài i.-ebie Mr. Baron Bramvell thoogif theGideclara tien eoskawuaed S the o m vole mules! profeelsu.Ou Gie vole, li. Court Gingitl lie declarilonbail lis"pia udam G judguent siosti ie for G Ifnmt ic IINDOQ DIMONMft7Y. *8e lhatIn& auopsny hi te i.op Gi mancfetidié W" utîet l "eui quier Emopsa u. 4uts e ira lïw of Boeaboa ", b"uÈude. leveri inquiat desto b 0 alùmoaëiupou et *6mkeý,b& Pm "*i aaiv sé d io elim Sl piltdqahwre u imm. o aMi te goiesboom*u ehpd A gewklaly dressd afi ihleslpusu n Gié ",e show windov fof aiiahnuop it humg, lu Pari, âe cutom lu usy isrP- *otetilwmbdeo mprs dos utempk- li upousitie bew- The gm mm he immeffthet is a.mtobmrvsd4 pueamp mortioles m if te exaie it daoy, am vuibsou viii ils prise. if ha <su ciesr vithont hignooei Gimth e l oua tbeG t tmogry eo crary Gifis. But On the = ,strsyG haàpieupuor bis c hr. ae 'depredator, on sooner uin helatter = aiervat au legant llvery afeps forvar, da "Forbmhsaren r%'ràieaduttl bisscada. kom mÇair go amy furtier, and atate t. me Gie volve c( tGi arti" taka sby my unfortnnate nmter, Gist 1 May nt once indemaify Jou. Tii P »re e mp o eb a vulga tief ain *0Ma1 qlede-, viemia fotunme cf sixsy tbou.ntlf a ajabut àsubjectam inter- vais so e dania foraho4dütbe G poW ieis mental bfauies. I a. apeclmiy remplcyei te, follov him ani pay lb. e ue lucurni throvshelahobs lUM Y inmaty. Ya fortaaituty, 1 leu algit of tGipoor gentlemai et the moîmt hu psmse before your sbop, or he migk thave hom upired tbis bitter boull- H reupou Gietrudesmai Icceensbis bold upon t4 1"Marqui'" coller, and makes«Il bare itmtesue m , tckp1 ygly ifter the oiminM, nha véku dov avy foilove di »s aluIservanti. ae ui Ti. mlhs-vht»Of lie Bariémrfilu mes fobueab shlm. A short ltime mgo Gie senior of hefG Theatre Frameuls, M. Si. sou, teckb lb uevl emf 14 afler a irumate ceur t Gin.. .. . 1oryearu Being M imuÉse hvun'bai thlwèe.ong Pb lie, Sou's laimprfr a ttrel an amm l rei m eg lefore tGi opehamg ltient thromg vu a ycOn Ourua, , désreauito-h fmume t et the ~IÉ e lm htGicrêwd begm to i RdJw.tw î,lubox .0..,andite Ge- althmà, iqbu Meha tel* aebaa i tien 0 te pumisud ontha andl t. W s uliv he * à m M W 4 m i - l i n t m ad "do*s asp3yibi a aime t'a -d'h fhEL.~ rui ld.imkn ,0#OW&LL JAMOW8nom A» -(piee t e diiéS 2%ws, MsY 26) rue Codedhr m mels vda Msthelieu of Ciàu~U9 mvihm h tuji vititl. y pMu. PrtobhIy n "uM«eofetdoivur vi bau* cariui 86à b gMt to Sonheu rts as me &@&f Orer mu aO4 vhobus me. b" llof i' ri of May. Uven aMa huis vhs, b. heardof vit i py id Syaipathy. »ot ount us & brave mam 8ghtg for bis ecun- t. ludepsudmuce, but nas e of the most eooata u erais tinthtisoSutry bus pro iud.ceu& J ebo. vwl currywith "l t:behardy grave tbe regrets of aul vio cm admire greatusm md geaius. Fromathe «d" uatdays of the var b. bus been ccnu&icu ou for théM"t reustabe uiitaq qualities. Tint otgWm cf darnmg am ugment vhich i. the marki of " heaven bora", generuls, distia. Cu i lbeyondauy mm of his time. AI. hgh iyoing cSnedraey bas been ilhas- tu. ya nimber of cament soldiers. yet the appiManmd devotiou of his couatrymien, cou- fred by the jugumnt of European nations% haegiven Gim Pust p eGim1wra acS. Tii ~ fW miiai es aacop ed ucved the àowly gaven te. Gi iigheet genkut. produq. I"ThI.bleeku ai the eMy verees ter. r"bl &uddeicve aM thon cof Bonaparte hlm. self The match hy viich b. surprised the Oryf Pop'i " ar oed be eaongblan ui t givi.hlma gh, placin military hWs tr.Bte eha1psthei ronnlocf his 11 ulegreat batte a in wih efeit. Whca the fedal coesmauder, by crossing the river a .4 ilssur b anad pressing on es he hcongkat, lthe rear of the Confederates, hW pW m mtiaibewven Ivo iodies cf bis arM, he vu su, confident cf success as te bond that thie eerny vau tle property of the Ariuy ofthle Potounac. It vas reservei te Jackson by swift and secret nwcb te 611 o pen bis righl vlng, crash i%,and by an uttack un- surp@easina ieeneasud pertinacity, to drive hi. very superior forces baci ito à position froun vifrib. couli amtericate inmlsf ex- cept by fligla arousthe river. la tii tutie of Gi Sonday, Jackson received Ivo vounds, orne in the left arn, Gither l G in eriglat baud. Amputation of the am vusneoeusary, aMd tii Soutier.hemininuder Gihe ft cf i4 snp ported toeilautb7 bis "ipesud noble chu racler aid slrcng seigiou fai. AIN ELOPEMENT WlTH A HAPPY TER. MNATION. At the Cork Police Offie on Friday, 1Tiaiothy Sullivan, a yul dressei young ceun- tqumn, ami Honora Coller, a v eill oum1n coumtry girl agmi about 20, vers placed ai the ber under tGi folloing cancumitanea: Bh parties arc frem tie parisi of Kilmicimel, souli cf Macroona, the parents being cf the farming dams.Tic yonng people have for s long timee heen tiroving sheepi' eyes ut cach etheI, but aatch vu beoisi on viti dota. 1 vour by thegirm hiipr. Un Tueeday hluit vu dlscovred ltaI Giepair Wadleft tGir re- spective bornes for Cork-, Honora, Coller tnkig vita ber £120 ln notes end geld, ami ai.me sarticles of bedding, the property of ber fatber. Infocataimos f G wac u ouveyed to Gi i olce ad he e ted hefugintives an a . odiromeai <Qmenstmv, vice they spent >Tuuaiy maid WedueuJmgp,.pau tug asnmd wI&iit.tr intenton aben togo te Anacrica 1 b Ib Ciy -rBatwoe. Tmparemts f both turrurginwCorkmandvue present lu the Po- tiBo Court Tha jriscuersap erd ladsly uneoetuernet stbh* p"*C4 tictlae yo"ay flenstl u li s -ifa" Giongnt he @air 0 phijk. iy £2 1&.for acar intà oeI~wr ttl cbhùgei £60it 0" ufor, gai& HmaNamtile M Mas when ho urrestsi thibfouni£84 14» 3d. incush ainterLv umn, andd o". us e vslae of £MI. fumai.puisons' ts la Sde f.e14 Io agirlWhovielve injaheova clit1r. ino àtmmd-weD, vhatdo docoue--bm l ie eueti Pnom gote Amers. ead-tem sàà = ,bu yo ieul rimas.,à sdu-Cuut rua> îàusi l sua, le vin- m ïmd - C»en.Mth )wtIarew tehlOMM M ai lmk à" tn-N. ivemmàm 4"àuetw omb i teoot un*uawh 0 lu «*w c& f é WmSi, imm i f m - emat reu âeefl , *erfe Gp. Of s b mto theM" m m t of mhe Guf d af oeory Szri , .ron amive liai;,b wredb coauaireruaf3, àe ut i eif n ie d fe ti coldate m stm glud itsWW iengt 4,260 miss; while tbat oftbo Ar- hmm s 2,000, and the Ohio moretban 1,000 mies.- Tlii breadth of the M*amo-uanmd MW- "sppi. at their conhece au abouta mile, md the main sUmem.dovuv" sin Very littiUme. Though goutte, the torrnt as by no usine aI.g,«i"*; and tîl ering floodu, front the meltiug of the anow in tic high.r latitudes, tbe area sw.ep dovua"daimmense quanti"isiof und, diûvo4 unadi cbot <ebria. The MWs senti is said to b. navigable froin the Greal Falls n the Roeky Mountainsto thesma,a dis- tance of 4,000iles; thei Missoiaspfroua those of St Authony, 2,340; while Ohio, being coouusted by a sym of essaIs with Lake Ens, und timce toldu Outu carnes ont a voter commuleaticu betaseen tii Golf df Mexico and St. Lavreoc«L Tii Delta* of the MuosWuppi, which projecu talef forvard into the Golf of Meuico, isea low and unbhesty re- gion, nearly 14,000 square milles lnu a, and fa oflagocnscreeksand pesuitinis maabes. ABALLOON DUEL, Pep u Gl àinmoi reumiihuSeduel os fragkl toci place la 180K. 19 vaspecuarly IPreach lu its loue, and, could have iiardly c- curred nder a"y other liai a French smate cf soclety. M. de Grandpre and M. le Pique bai a quarre, arising ont of jealousy ccncerning s lady engaged at the Ifhperial opera, oe e ada- moismele Tiret.Ticy greed t. fight a duel te settle their respectve ea-, ; andinla rier that the beat of aigrypassion shouli Det in- terfere with the polisWé elegauce of thd pro- oeeding, tiiy postpoued the. duel for a mcclii, the lady agreelng t. beston ber moeles upon the servivor of the Ivo, if the cher vu kllIed, oret all events, thiis vas nferred by the two men, if noct icumlly expreucid. The duellists vere te figIin theGiair. T*e baltoons voe comstructed precisely allie. On tic day de- nted, De Uraadpre sud bis second enlered the car of Gie ballocu, le' Pique and bis second tiat ofh iehr; it vu inGthegsrde of the Tuileries, amid an imm«esse ncurseof spec. tator.: Thec gentlemn vers t. fln, Dot at eucb thber, but at ceci other's balloona, in order t.briahiiaihemdovn by the escpe ot g&%, and ns pistole miglit bardly bave serred for the purpose, each oercnaut teck a blunderbuas in bis car. At a gien signalthe ropes thet re- tainei the cars uueeeut, and tGi bafleons ns- oeaded. Tiie vini vu moderate mnd kept the ballons a:e their original distance of eighbty yards. apait. Wben about haïr a mile abeve thc earth a preccncerted signal for flninx wu givn. M. le Pique firedi but missed. 'M. de Gramipro finid, and sent a bail tbrough le Piques balloon. Tiie balloon col lapsed, the. car descended witi *frigbtfal rapidit9 and Le Pique and bis weoad vnue dnmbed le pieces. De Grandpre continued bis sucent triomaphat- ly, uad termninaled bis useralvoyage sucesa fuit, at a distance cf geven leaguesfrom Paris. LABOUR INBRITISH COLUMIA. Victoria reseaibles Xelbowrneb efere the greu t gold rush bad snbuided ln liat scene eof speculation and adventure. Agenflaman who' once kept bis eah in Londov, and vas the meuh.. cf a fnbionmblu lxwdonelub4miou, iserviag ont tiquwet a sbar; *ad thu very gentieuwamuployer vNMoensly enougi, ea vaiter etthGi vcry club cf wvici Giegentie- mma vu a memaber. Â gentleman, vie vu forancrty a major line Englisi aruy, ls vo- ceiving one dollar and a imf a day us mn cvii- nary labourer. I a.m d uhet amother quon. dam ar.ymm in awking aabba" e&bout tbr sereets. AnoGier gentleman, vie vu a cap- tain in Gi Englisi artai, vent away mdieulye Ibelieie, to8tlckeen AÂfâW itous metdm a lavyer le vaahing bodes.Atie, lWyen vith whom Ia.mscquabedi, s loo&hg siont fe ork on vain. Aai Oxfoudora Cambridge mon, 1 firget vhleI4b, ek t aforge. vhs- h.lnuily g* I=aà*oihee liai h e __;lmrlGitiOfe1 ag borm. Qiy., Owe dsz J *.ià -,lne mRNFW "logete qr ç- 'oiv I -, 0