~AY.J I wlo~.éip ami mia- usi~en peh.ags. IM~ 8~g ~ rt0~ m-t ~: or?01w1 LINDIAY. lié N II* roé.let W# ?a imu a0< s rod#m@ ami Md m bvappeu to bu a, mu to4ki m j iïh. <i)b"t à tif 1 wki.b vil ave ld i. d.ey'oswnew Ibo ontibnuait am o p idisi. U Dow lstçkiuur w.R&SbM i 0a pr» kyop away, 0 ,ttojr we Ibo -boy iu"bty etld tg# S , uIlrib bater. pw Usmil" lue irsb&14»0m«vhs be eyuareàLil.i I S 6Q V.r7 aor la ime . _ Il n vs en lwth a 0 éné.ou "uoi gbuadi -lu li* bd.Ivaelarges1 package', sud a buavy au 1; simd thé sîvsugr ~tt<dsovl«y op ibopier wkh ,l end turud sh comer '<"lieai m a#@-feIIow," sld the ut as, le.dgi yo I itbl " ioaklg you bei aid '~b 1 tepe Idl i b. uo&u owI14 1. odi,. Y" Wb* y mu i&g ~~4ss1-1.eN-, 4f.1 -vuj ausomos i 11.-ut ~0g~ laies aie. atIld Il. Lieus Be~ gIr'%uMJ u~ u~m vuumw a uue. t1 e sres ÉL~jM lManra"i FAL sale 1 35TNe --I, M U7 uisd s o loyt met hex pt h of oaymin sdL e Uf InIwedw orLot39,la he 4wmwti lum.L&q1M6 1v..1,1 b lt ns0mis.e ~ewuhIput J fSeveg, 16 ue FCo mnoa<b. <Mmiu WVamstbe otS l e.ut lopatotir mit ia il t T 4L %ùwlýO '*wr8, 0f*p "f EP m. -4- i iw8~~F reeU.Nrmbg toal 1 ~~mi. JWX~7Eoe'~ ZIOTEL, WWJAM STRIE?, LINflSAY. uw~aa uaL ~a.4 aflash.d, ami an attentive 4~iSq *lw.ya j. aflsuiaase. (>frWi ~pui4 ~ 4JI~., SA. Cari 'sud ~. rmufttmtoè "Ps'my tn m bed a.i es.ud- ,Xea iie amine. Mdage in Bevem te odear poao Parti«r OOMO C heotes wm re e tmv ObbUn »dert IOUIKMe aueprweme LINàmDMNEY, .ù., DOmL eaMMI viite 1uNeh, Psusier T2HOA8 nHEXTo rpitr 2" *0, 8s. Si kk1fur14te - 7 1814 DOIL» JIaW(ON. Prbrietor IL&CK~A11ROTEL A4sàtI B Pr Hpe Lmà~ ai oMdbr t ~ - - w ~iu~ Sueautrsuiy. wo am" me. gy su *~ di.b t W a5.t *lm~ A» OTEERS wkeuffl TOBOTAIN FAIMS XNPhCANAD>A. Tua CANADI.Ax (CJ.L um , g.; lie son. Mr. uulbr NAuwuI Toà, £'iiram) efer for sale 2I,.O.oACRES OF LAND! eumiln f ts et ti sthe Pa Oet.ysaut, loin DrhaHavelock, A&e. 7fKfi>lown~~arc srme nrmonz mainr4o11#e, irr heu eMt" teparties Who May 4home t L" up la" ndeiDtl4aboe eTowauip-. t the#~ Y la ca Tbese ra umviiisecit the nment roads, nainely: " =90 "esygeViekielo, arleighand PeterstS koss, S cavelet paimu, %a"ivin converge tt, veen a mpiWX W"hutie t'omupay have it ini viev te Ityu « a, Ami veq eaiaty aeted ase&. ntbTc" p.& itist lu oUd ated. - the virle Umm obmeeoe y gttd reads (fur the m' uryaf eoioxcellent fEule) -lseme e..bdi. entre et a mev and, ieei.img etemee; rivmoemtrpîuein estab- Usi~ BhSS.~MI!. kc. vii be suld Sheir me everal Tovnâ and Townslrips be- iag. te fi W"%, lit together by good reeds, wAl la auuo' te vatet.zI supervison Of te tendl Se advanm i tere--s this dii.ritqt, vbieh, frtlb'*M ani ctate Luosuasseinla lbhealth-ý fut offsets "M .th* Ir",o &qe.9 lais snjritr attractions, ami un h) elià errpid p-re-- Frlerma, m? r?1appi! permon- ay or bY 1, 'er (pSet-paii> bo FRE&DEaie T. ROeHE, A<-Eý-ti, Duko etreet, Turemie. 6TAGE I<E. [TNTFUIRrEER NOTICE A STAGE w. iflleave Pommr'.Rantel ai,miy, evMr lavful snornng at 6 olorl, rechi. Mamilla iani tien. Se cuno4 i ii he0 &ge fur O,.hawa, Whit- by and Beîvortom; rtria-svo «otomn>, iit, M2arila-, ailer the. arrivai of the SSa;;" froin 0ctiava, %Vhit4y oa.l Boa erua. arrivin; £5 Lind- ea& oc.wI u~u v nn. FA REs I:A NQ, AL& 03-lhepropristor s'ill noS ho rospnefrdM. for pares or baggage xun.bookean paiti for. 0110. CRA'N DELLProprietor. lràadny. Aprid 1.1163. 143-f LE VES Whitlbi "1%, eouurnoeinz with the Nortirr-au bMmna, neaverton, and LiiIa.This aiihnpeaàr*t trai Toroua te either off the above places. This exst mi vei, amd arrives in PraesAibsinl Mm for the stages ging north. Retaring. haves rium. Albe" u.Be ar" riva aCe Ne---~ a. ousaà amivot Set51861.1- 4. eïXt #. ZALWAY. =4 1 iiW namutAi fl ' Ir ils Pia. v uas.olo (ihas. ef PutIIb lJp.a at 5 .40 ara- ~làn6u Lat 448 111 atmob Mt",eu. AWMviâ tBe - DUL MDfiagP- t. r, lus Dseumbr, ML a« me -o u aw bu er et t ey te , wv bae e"den ait .aai lbà: TUE Li w% b.OF SPsuorvt oilet OPming .very ioIa"jux - AND ArTisi. uao ie u .violations ana coeamiuei, w b e t b r b y h e e S c a t ve i n i lu ARBITRARY, ftLEGÂL. AND U j it refuai of5*eaii.etSr n fhtq Êa o th 1[ibet o estci ana'ite arr*ois viheat warà*mtitic nipronamnts vrieiouS trial, its abregation ttf atate ani fledlera Wut,. It illegal fuuciaion et an eropta emam,-- rlzo betbhedrsevkilaitmi rcct&ed yt, rta inpoer. its orators »ami't. pre-@.es aveoatmg mesaurs vie mg pu&the Urri;n fer thre sakaet det*oying iayeryvandmi ont tumass ainat aultbenr politia ellenuî. Loyal toe Lutierument tiways. it vii gî.Y. t.) the a"inisat"on a hearty arnd vigîroî tàà o viienever anidvwhrevcr tbea'iý atc 0~j loyal t %bebond, the .pqles, and thi. purity of tis gounent. Th.e W d v ill op"oeeaPlcomepromises wviel vouAi barter away or dinide the. Union, for wblch aAmute .Ntrt i leVaging sar: it wil! sp ic peace iSa.I iii the succes of the sar &-wu. eý tt e îrma- nom..».et.pouce, anduui urge the prose--lition tof the. var w'tti aeeouoiy viieh bas -nî>t lutherte gevernd its oxpsadit.anmd a vigur uhich thei nation during a yeur lias îîrafed ftr in vain. The mnue cars viii hoxerci.ed over thse elum ns of the l'ord t.> exc'ude everYthinz shich et> :Id 1offelnd a pure, Chri:;-taum oralit'-, and reeeour-e viii always ho bad-to the bie h.;h rincl& s rel te gurd its eou1nine a-- tu gu.ltits judginent ci men a"i events. .ALI.' THE NEWS wili Ie foutin atheeukuiL cf the U"orld Ibm the Poùî cal, Agricui mirai, and <2< u- nierciai, as- well a-, inLilt-ra- v'reScience, and Art. New PslaonIritî. is ms-ver.çs, ind work» r ;t W'rt M recuý ie rint snieeôrefuJ and., thoronr,,irattention. Tb c L-#tand mimt h il1.'rt.ant news <rom Lontion, Pari3, Tu~rin,- Rome, ~Syia, Chinai, Clon J2pan, Egypt. anrd Soutà An\muica, tien enta wii bandToeus. Orcorre-pende:;t-qare attached to the varoiu d;vksions out tIe rmy; vill îe.ompany tireir 'rhe:t- cvvi they g'and bv tilt fiee r;ie uof thre dra au'l thre maits, u.reýeit ;Ili Le tirru f tile 1'. A COMPLETE HIST uRY OIF TIIE WAP-, f.uni day to iay andfi <ric .înth t,, nronth. la t'>e Weekl v and Seuni-"WecIrlediti0In ' f thre Wond, CsIecinrly, large rfact wil ho îveU tco AGIUI<LTUM~, and te a&H the dtpartinen.i of MA-'NUVÏACTURINIit' AND MECIIANICAL TIre WIEEELY I7RLD WM i etaift RanýrW .se'ciel ary cdurnge uc e-en ear. THE DAIL Y JJORLD. The DmiIY. W'îrb ~is the moqtt emîlteC-' Besldes inifall tele,-ral.h rrew-. a.irero)iî w ad- foreign nevý, j..as a,.v No4-ren: d" t c<tlzL-inis aise r.fr uflieer -4 irercîilitews. L Ship News,. lr-dceudý Cattie Mrre~ t-r FIc'rgeh;tar.-rIJd vnre-ticîontion-, ettonk L;>[. t n-1 Cmecrlnew-, itibt.iî.simarioan du, One COpv for one yar, $8. Four copies for one ysur, $W0. por a .1.4b#'f ton coies au extra aepy ulul Ire %ont fuir une yar. THE SEAU FEEKLVY WQR.LD. Thre Rami-WEÈLY Woti n is a latrge qia 't t <besS, sMme ase as the iaily. eoststning ah, ils nova, eoresepouieaee, aiseetlay, andel. rz? ils somberela" m arket neye, ani ectertanmn, , emif ti. s a mnd rniscllareous reiming. t.- C-'ru" muarsud prvisonrepSt uaite it highly valzia- hie lmevey (rm . Puabuied Tuesday amd Frisfry.- Single cojies r TERMS. Queo e0py for ons year................3 Tb clergyxoWonu re syear ............ 2.50 Tv oiste one addzesr............. Fer a almice teono.ies. fer eue jour, an ext" eqy vini . en" -MWr cb d .dt Sv e ie.a eoç et(1". aily For a club oet fiftyepies, the iaily. weoklj, and - 9"VeQ-Wokyfut emey.reaoh. THE W'EELL Y OORLD. The. Yamrx WOaLa cori th e leding cdi- tqêîab et thse .aily, ami a eel.na» ua urury tof aU Bhe novaetothe vee op gte Ieour of publication. ame oSer wekly parUeripbisbrledin i s coum* i n a i vI ii o o ur, .i t o a a t or a n d v a nia y cf mbueanou radug. ae iltie Wuaix TWORLD. PubrsIed hi uay. TEENS. ooeW f.ome ycar................ $2»O Te.PYMM orp u on cap, tt - l ........ IN ............ 15.01) Tv 89Wqiste em aiirm.........2500 Fo elab d teaepim. m aO py vil ho .W7 . ah ut tve t " esiesBe vai-Wek tbe uM7 ~vm Vana aa le sd0by neatOi.e be ma ta e.(a *-y thé- XII, -k- - , 1