Ip1T ,~ ~ 1hu~ V#udotw" 2M l& eâbmdmdhâ .1 f Es,1 !o,* umIIBémd M use "à t. atbq*3K26, Mmd a avnfu- Ouj =-a ILL Iz 1I Mach the Mwaew bmqpü% MMiimedo vltie îbWiwmVeie 1wm, fi. me to ti hnn thu thtpros. 9 MOM y roué.. iemem e eu bavet bu.ate Mumerou Md roiabS. 10 permit us Mr BO vSr ut, esevi, y, front and lagb v. a m l4o m umagla mvanî- - qmuuu<~but the g of oevelythm.w bus I= = -édo à = - tu biu a hmd- - um moe bu lu. these oeemis 4 f ençibave ravages »Mof rm qube.udua"bt f~m~ tnt, wiib.a ach mer surpl-ufur etpul f" à" yer Ibèreis Do rem I ee a * puaiteom à or a bigh pnoce fur gm.; hmmkfor hope dmut e.market uilJ b. fuir md chatwhest vili »« go a e, fo ftak~h f ClNs, Tht seuitors dal thîe pui& iv'> rWN 1s$ bojei wli ho .c"e4Ily catiti- omi m ttir opuatàieu% msudpars vill b. Iow eompùntl .16 lions <ô<formuer yeams.Far- ims viiidlis àoula if Priem are lw. ~s~p~amI *husmb .1k the re- beelim t in tmmn usooy eau cl*7 hâv e mu.*~~*ug cop aui.a hgki& Ts h y -o am a MOM U W". w e htrimport- -ed gput ai wmmcand ab& readium ili.% w"imiit améi a£ mh ensouer im anv moanILr. lié tamed t. he v orid of agrieulture 1t) 4b *e.., immii efty available mrt- Punb i ieiîiuljeu Pemou, ulle clothing i A bigi hprie. w odred -for Sta, aud eh7 nul gi. Starfer eb ee l.eimate aMi sail of isV", kohr..*v amofd utoe amecP aMi terom t.a h aamgrooi.rop? &%Ch 4Wfâbg dem4% audtaeu heCanadian faruntr yetai.bits euicrppmun a ravl. if lie OPUBI OF PARIAIENt. iOu Fridta7lame11 EceHiaeeed~ MMae te, gS eisaîireCo)Uucil Cbaaber, &Au buawimgimim sua poui the. ibrone, theht., Ululeéepb Teader informied Bis Exeellen*v tu* S dcilsof the Legisative Couneil hw fel1Wn upou. hi to b. their Speaker. His Ex- eéflâmc thm Scmmanded the aanendance of tbe 4,g;daImtve Aasembly. The Members of i]W ibicdy, pOî@do by tudr Speaker, the bon. U"iWMbuid, appearod ithe bar. The- boa, Lewiu Wanbri-e infonaed lia Excel- J ttbte coiceet îtAssenbly hd fal- lu. upu "i to be heur Speaker mand he pray- ed for.th. Mué. thofud the ntuiooary Pare- Mamyprivo." Abier W" Bh is zxc.lIency wu. pleamed tc> îhnver htfonoving 1 bou e uaijru uomtb.r Bt tutu unus-Ual 1IO, eg, M aBou sassuprac- * 'és dëiAmoltof .1ibmInn Parlis- M4ethbaym o.dvice ana uimaein * o pblieafairsof the Province. Aldoogb the peniod of the ~raI wbach mv mu.ui s om» tnesi fr mua tuf e i. mve yoor other NvesiOS m odr a Ie attoal mu le your NviasQaydul,Iamie% 1 um md.d tasyou vil~ ~ ~~~vl meufU .sn.eh-a a .6pie- ~ auomd.i.g uçb gislauwe pro- pumaas ts mgameis.t t public prvioe AL. imioiyuped ~~f~leuso*rto pbees iis in- .~*.plf> new u codi- les r.f. iMeî@üs, umd the 48 ë.édti00 = Jileoemitry to &;ma" - L'su VIS or. mdvaoel i j"ê- MNWW qF