la *b8*vf.M4 p AU awdoul ateMn ukwamo *i , n.w-«4 âd b* ON dLL m. >*tg~As Ad Mr4ea "#,W*Mqgt »«te907 Asý 11104. co*ega KiIenprte" ah. ia r kii 80u* *e r4,atos o re. m l Ni. i ç sÀm s BA, -oiw t reeti 1. (~.-at1». MIqlla.ef CAgionB>ieL *7-tf r r, alnA sa-rwq n N rire IliA, Ticyn r. &e. E&c iq. nd LnI44fy, ~r 1 . 2064ftlil(ig u tari 804-tf I& Y "*, TOflRXV- ATLAWai SfIIci tî (in chury. NtisPbi,& . 1* r E ME Wr.ioi' *.mVî1.I'.Cu Keynt Ori, .&endiy. lrs1d.,t. MI . 11;t 04f à. ' C1NPriNT fin P n ~et.5, I46I.114-tf Ap J.Ie ~&f r. l>TIIV.U, Buili FR ~. v. (11w. I etMr. nt t' ~iIdi g, p mtsta L~nlé~,Ji~n,1S".131-tf il;&AI>y, Civil S gimeor an>d Vrotincli1 TIAOIM Q tiPIAWOOIE I isp-oCouitq 50and e m rk atttn&té i vll sâutattad deustela. -ulu4 S 1OIW1ANtD Plin sandOrna- Meut Palikter anÏ'Paperhanger, le»t Stetbais, d i e,.or.t"a nptIy andi WINTZPLà GO DWIWP rr-06 IAnfta~ *WorIeutaaîj u oveat pri Sa TIM UGIum Gï Msud 4___ hindi I0# ýç. J1 w au wu& awr av &vu-m - - q. Ulm Im 1. W aaYwsgg .Iv 4*awql-t1 M àr» * Gmd daft WOOD VIL£E aatiom e m fflw i Zmuje me .e t~qMothBie t 4 (et a> nmlrtst& smro Hâve Jn.4 v.e a rh.s ruh o f Goda from Montréal1. Which they art dternlo»U mdiet the Iuwost jprieoi ffor eu.h. Tel Invité *Il Who wish to bny au' weady rmouyto givethora a eaml, &othe are xon top ha, by géoti and, that it wili be thelir intoreait to puroba.ft m" them, irnsad ti gaoing tu, Lindsy or any thr market. They W01114 élima nform their frimnda th" t tey havo comnanced the X7auufature of Boots and Shou, ant re pripurod tao exite goy OdSTSlàOthe above lino. of l>u".aed. JIavi»-8 ai»ma end the ernemas ofai Irý;t-da« allai', they are pvepared to mfak-«> UP suit of Clothlng t. CMer, ;n amy mtylt « 'fiuhlon. 7Inty li'ive a splendid.StOck of Tweeds. Tlîoir Qrodorlen wllI 1>.tunmd aquall.4 linamq part of' thé ProvInce. Woodvillo, May lotit, 1983. TORONTO. ME1iS. UUMBERIiANf & STORM, Civl jugièreandArohIto, LAW PfriE1EP frIEtýnderq4!,ned bave entàved lûtOPset ùndr-he style and liaiOM MCNÂIh S JOUX mcàAB. WM CDOUGALL. Toronte, Jan., 1862. 134-tf Âdveti lh sitw lto le"Us.s A "mgeWllinsgtedve, 1emuais Advetla efr !meeale kt 60 idai guati summteé Newappeffl A"iPtilm Joué, Ion 80 QUFEnzol Deptimiand FuliMM md 1 VWWut qun iuxm IieaJju ,a Mma urn aIWM Wus rot .I forualles .bb toslle hem q M te sbli >pummuJe~ITasNé d rSfmale te& IWO l*em.. Pa" tgh au, or mm a" ion"t.ler l sae 60 tvaellm t um ii esOua lm 2We. vioéy m da l o 1-MM1 w'. bases éeep by' a qaisisý loti rip u ms y door. I I bai bossn dabiy laeainte mamssbs1 sud boue. lit My boledter tIsavInna. By telne ws y wtfe resebad uroom 1 was aop Md4 11l êemeei.-Sle toli me1 Ont Luepector Siadul&ouet o y breller deto*s, kb4 ~ 'mae.,I bunla do*,, Md fomd uséIspm;I u ur.. b. revou mi a eacousierle amoaleet'fA14I, ý e've gseus vorS nu our bauds," le ried tis moment le sau me. "Issbe mre- ver,' strîagu unm->Newgage MUlret But ~ tr yo e; ittl 'U as1go."$ As sooie as we gainecjtz <. treat, Star-9 liisg rebumeti: " !,'U evcniug one of the1 butiheri packeti a box of meatt<o go off, to-day, but ibis moruing ha clangeti lus1 mid, and cnmludetita apuacki, -as t1litre vas suonedoubti abc>ut Le atùg keepiag" Whan b. remoredt e caver le fessa the body of. a mantii up anti stouatisnesly va,, if, place uf lis meat,' ati the meat I sakei if île butcheir-vas noi suspect- d."No," replie my cosmpaniom. " We kuov i< cosld sol uInre beeui le, for lbi ise s leMil cetnet for ; and besides, bis chiracter i. above suspici su. No-some onte wisaiksew, Iboebox vaq pacledt u eue aii~ morieing muâat hare tekenadaft- tage ut the cirenumitasce, andsi us hopeti to gain litue f*r esp., or perbapo tai have f brown lte bi almu santt ler. *1 Wb,' do you tîiuk 10 t" 1aukret. I' Becanie fragments ofclotidwemre topon lte titubei. andi a mvatch sud tomte mone,' vere founti in thé oke6-Sing.w'l h 1>' I ae- knaiviedgeltati t wus. We aiîarlook a part af men ut Ibis !rncetue. aat e v 4ed eqîyporlunil,' tai renvesmermnch mure, us liatirencheti Newgate. vas ils a mailioffice, anti a Comaioner liedarrived. Thse parts ofthîe body,' ad ýbeen taken eut andI plced togetWsrlhusforing ra ulule freise vitde b.exception -of îleesondIbis ltter loing abanei. Tioe vielim bai l tbeen for fruai tîrteeori a tal, wieli formeti que aas Mfeaa*ve '-oould judge from tIe fraginent. f tilolan d iîlo appear- aime of thélanisauebem oflthebetVer. clam of sou leiy. Our 06>-ct au tae lsd if tle romains coutl le idpatlUled; but in ibis vs failet! eîafrely. Two d&y# pawwrai itioto h le Iesst ev lg4aU o ltae subjeci, but on tho eveuu 4 fîle s eouad day vo mccciv- ai notice#ihtalu6mu he-ai li beau founti in a somit pod or pool ai Rpplng. uni am in po usm of se olcr a, uha t place. , -sa1.obe. te go alose, for eosa mol su enad ton mes'Cook& eam- baici 'W 1ebrotis. 1 fuit re tisat = *=*& *1~555 ay*,'.pon ils mur- dereri lieuinim.-Tkere la semeilq aIutb er,' look sud bearlag of a aasvis k doesmurder,.as palpabe it wrtlee.e ai bs s ouolboae I eau- oli1. If wum au nive perceju- Mor sy itfios long "Mt Mlus et- Mtg roses 1< *1as l t'c f. ecv u se u I eta"t ad taestbe ëdddh for My esl, anti musai ~et sidigh-t'- 1 fed tis C.r.«e, td *wiibi1haaituad thl Iauu Iead. I ua.tbe eee nui8 hîb.i bu.s t«or tw ehs.baviag bous and a tîer,.d.g ai. r à»s sudas 4 mou&. ii6m7ie vould t*âa eideha mat e ly Sm Med: - me *eat , outbgl Isuî.Tbeusah iac1 rela*O. isermatiosin lUntI eat1 a2 aL peuimçWa routese.- a Won tbp- maons, Pad fr IcLIe sieydinesa ut tbe bafrubetic lIuso hudbe cetoainhe 1won te fîe mon e sueh o i;. b e1 o * peiwr ofidm i oi* wei- pte, andI suté 1oalyl %s ow raJ thedi» ut.-Iha a bli uido, sd' île 10 aisme ide f u4akla m ana ' PldIsg vsaro amus fe. W tioe. Ty i-' Btery 1ido. s daif dzeainare tiemss. inet e s»in orderlwu indFieg ora r ietiorementi Ilatts upnidoue iteaaboete in truc ttaru aîntiows, andgwfa dn. me fnally ofgg Wîle othr . bricksoe andesQt are thae mnie. 1atioo ieneso in hta tte." foulesatmoment. Srait J:" Tere ormry an!"trinternivmns At wsumopry and dtelactin rcr ir ism a, buthe dil f a il pain te me.r stireseep n<lc mowntn ugarllyu1 ne lonsea out ten aisnthe ocua ote utr, and Ie apio imai.Wen ttcor wtLg and afîluje'No antse elle ie st ami,'ee ibois aa tne mi ,, but li m dni- cetieti ltein ent. mS aid :ere, Aerbinirfumarying. ay fd hega tarer-a He virsmth e-ed its utof mîidle se, ance bfmisr'n te roriin haoer, t ebis mitm d r le bis gli ant Tmh orm wre t i mid ops adfron Io fl1ad ny oe aping mraontic len lee >I uok ahep donarro bc ia, aie I if bmgwit se ng id po i.S ou rrm e nto 1îed a thve inn, atu ~e oucI 1.1butponw, iiiiecars, Le teue so cNo uîd arierul evari bd su Mobi. LoiareI ms apro- ealm fi- itiryn. Atidigo t Wam mIen se bis amy e paset.impsqaeatebicoin paniu ouns1tinle letaytiau me &*nasu buth vas ai is mpparn s asI;uoand faed 1 se omoe buat b ia wgfarbroum bimdle ovrn'se nteat 1. iedr 1s too t be erl>badfMin d bat noI my gtuiinm" tat.srbub aiet osao îl oe theiconil and varsth îe bid I ur 'i arb Wlîeeyou do" ledu3 e "Car aI es ile. An setitvi wle'd gvene" y omas se do sua il. adJeer. wiboug tIes asapaen uime lia e,'. allI seo melabut acted îroubi a- pve oer m"Do y., ad tb. flcvork ar W lad sImd ube-.U Witt4My bae, tolmoafot. -s1 lme. b ese tIa ot s meut 1 c 'f I ias orots obersî. A mW bajeut ou 1 e eibu.m$Cr- ryth Oh vor, ehe i is't v,' lmîl une1dym" .oiduasI *iee d. Mut e r. ae, wu a ov "'!rm ç" ooing rnlÉ *md w.<est hile t fn the paumeof preperty. A t <le at usenttie vW4ai eoûf6saed Wu gpUt. Be h.ob.Wkl"d tIb.old uacisetbythe arkat wfh a chi6, amW îebm W&dragged thbody.4 àmh auel *aranid herecet.t up., Re left the pièseSi here ahi. baenet te mse if b. couliS get îits, ahe ýket.-Thîa hein; acemoaidob. struel a liglit. end tlhe firc ho lb.g b was ae box diected to Stai'ses. Hie lifed il, ad fidiatg ir fui- Le knew it must ln. met-be coraceivedl thie idea of remoying soute nf the conteunts and packing the body in itî place. He did titis, resservimg oeilythe heati, ubkh he car- ited ti inbs inj a bmt&i over bis shoulder. Hie hâd isen" ite dm to the nertise but featimg pwrowi, and iBbgmw ose momld deteec iin a a ough pvwb, susuch rougi work, ta nsear the meu'lftnolis l ld cbsn;ed is Wd as we bavi ena. Ouýe f the lait achaowjdgeais b. matie 1was that 46 te London detectives. were .s strange set of smen." And 1I bld Ii ho vau mcl the oniy criminel ubo thonghiso. POLAND IN THE PAST. The present noble elfort of, the Poles te recover their freedom, bas prosspted us Io -iveu short sketch of ils rormier cousît- iutio.i and bistory, and of the outrages perretraled upon tinat nation by several mo- called civilizeti end Chîristian states. It is sad tocontemeilale ils recetib and present condition, when coanpared with ilà former- iltustrioi&iansd important station Prmong the nations of Europe, aWt to view under the iron lisel of the oppre-,sor, tbat brave people, wlîo, lyy their heroismn and valor, were once Uic clutef balwark of Chrislendoin. Doubttes% many of ils sor- rows and i mseries bave requited frosi the ig orance of its people, tihe arrogeace anti dissension of is nobles, andils excecti- ingly defectire consîjînun. But me fine- Iy believe, that, if lefit tIliemsives, te inierent vigor andi geaitns of the Poles wuwld have ere thiï lime overconuenmd anaended these imperfections, apid we would now have bebeld what we miai lonk for in vain --a ',Iavouic nation, happy in thec posîes- ion of a sounti andi liberal éon- stitu' ion, and rejoicing a inte reglts andi privilet'es of freedom. The histarl of Poanad, previons to the i rbto ludtion of Chr'rà,taiy, A.D., 965, i. sitroudeti in total da*kaessand for ive ceuturies ,:ubàiequenbt lis<bat avent, pre- seuls littie b lie recorded, save an inter- 1minable series of conflicis aith -Musco- vite3,Lithuan iaitsWV'allachians and Turks. 1its first Diet dates froua A.D., 1331, but is representative sytem wasnsfot estali- liÀvhed titi A.D., 1490. Il bore on the wbole s a dJed rsmblance te lIat of Great Britain, andi a measure becs.. lais 1whei i reeaiVed thesanctios of the King, e m:Sepate, sand the chasahof - auncios or repWugtatlveâ, of the noble%, ta whicb ail the deépotlies of t e toana more admit- ited. One rAsavked clause was comstained in the PolilaIconstitutionm, và tb. vote of a î!ogle member was sufficient ioýdla- rsolve the dietet aiy tinte, and tolieun- tfoiunte and utaslevous enactiment are 1aîtributei .asy of tuse misortuns of Po- Thse groateut of thse Polahkù pçue ta John Sobieski, mas, Sigisunaithe treat, vIa <Jdid in 15M. Ulim ier s thse power of Polamd perlape attsiaed its grestest 1.1gb: and ut iw motieil, tt i te eletor.s of Brandeubwg, afterwidu the KhqgesofProsua, wu et that trnuu a "moreappenda go t.Pelmmi, ads rer leimg eliege teothePoi"aI <ows. Under <be . oga of SigieunsedA utes,bWsu sa end 1seemer, the doctrm thl<e uéformation, aequred gr n im oe u îiami, d. it s. very probabi, t baW forbis deai thet cess<bl 1W * O"smRby i a a8M tte 0oF I qmmmluat lgMstasn Tb* ssa .4 w ub x ickd bs* a sI ale a" uma sWMM~ es)st te useaut of raisae Mg fr0. Ils lniliet- aug pous ii n uhabck se h id llem tbrougsberafeella e , qLepa ther object s' aaduy1=1v4 ao ageti ecience ad*lm"sm 6,hv tle a de""e.ofooSmideasour f.Iifblutta noie, raWsei tob.m iÎ"cb .dbeeu aeiaaaai 1,' airesclrcutamejputmiu.4 mm of superior tsleet vIa bï' leu rbingu in <lus. Mmer eto prepui.g île Ma"s fer a gmaal chant&' tbrone Qf Russ, aimd the appsiitof. Sîanislas% Poshtvmki a&Kingof Poisaid, coupotell,'fnutsledtleir detiges. The goyernuent of tise oemry &U lit. utter oius, andi after ais, Wg mlrg of sMeeidalYears41 fU t pwart"sm.1. lanmé let s êIu " b jrFv&rckî Greattok pace in 1771, By ibis pro- ceaLia;, Potiua4lest more ltai ose-furti of ber lett erritory, ahial vas uequly divideti by RussiePrumisami Ausstria. The opollating parties caffaia Diet te maen fias imiquitiss rm iucasti imposadl on tha country' a permanent coua- cil whicb deprivei lie King Pouiatows- ki of aven a shadov aofimse. Tis greatl'lou rousei l te nation to coupen- sate ilss lfurume b,' interna i isprave- uinents. Av excdlent u"stemu ofedircabis was intreducedlitersture vau encourageI. induets-, as re-usisuaiet, adiever,' kind of improvemeut rapkdi, aduseet. Muny important political reforma vere iàtroduc. f ei, andi amoog à otea îlhe elbrsied veto, above mentioneti, wu allsbad in 1792. But a fatal errer vawu matied i meg lccting to orgamixa a natiWalfÈrce, cap- abal !f protecting île meW Consitution troin lte aggresoni of il$ eneusmes. Rus- sia, uho isat guaranteedl ils former state - ut Ibings, ecited the.. factiou nobles, wbo jassis-teti Iv ber troops, forumeti a conieder- eation ini order tao oertîrùw the naw ea. asoilutios. The Kisg beirayed. the e"use entrustet o lis daence, paralyzedi b is orders ae",'meetwr.e ofprotcetkus.and seau bacamt a part,' t. the infemoa cou- fedticanioa f Tuttnâmw.. The Kiag of ePru"i, uho bld aocagmi tle patciuu to ancn4tbeýcoaIitâio,iaod îbe Rm- siaits, anti~d S4 kn The osse- quence of aml va s- econd parlitiosof the pouash <erriior,' iu 1793, by wmhlPrm tookabout >16 00 *q premies of terri. *tory, Rsms IoM ' liePelant re'aimed b0,«». Titiasprlt of paîrlniiso vaS, oevers ot qafflhdb,' îese tir- e vus orgmgtid, ai sleIessaeke oui in sererat pabrts < luadmm1. lu 17%, Koaciahizuri datýCru mm ad vilS à *mser ef pmmasautsésed w" th,s iefeaI.dsa sporui .sube of Remis" re guular Irooe. Wam.u A Yi" s ers e calai. briffer o tlebP"proved &MM K euhlin* evas &"edl »vosad udcatura, ui tmîtsit.Tbêtacaiesit .lated$ amiý us~rI~'isat ladai mes I ~ ~ ~ ~ w à&'Ss mml us, el79 'r~ ~Wsgd w md»v fu. ile ist yfrud,~eqaavrera et0fNa- oppeet , PM*, etI I1à s f ,tf'am iIm se tbve ce- Iegaimsaitetof tM"est's la iomaL iyadbeagiesia X4s. A mesur Sle anmm'd hr.ia iesPtéelin taitoi. It s >agreat vaste oflme Mad a 4Mu& Vraste d ibr. For a»«alyMd 7« hou i4s Britlis Whig' Las omited ibi flmspritctias, and no oeue of itisceris mer,» u oe l soabe gentlemes ev eo.pIauined .n ite ouseo». W. ame'eroagly eopiaisat theîle ai- le; Canadien journals ved. dlave fullov- ei thse exemple of tle h?iiWi Whig long are <lis, vers theyi not'eeyssso e musled of<ib.irsso umua.s. TIc,' wo't bie ulmgoon.d 'ie uthecommission of an r st of iâaîa.Baiish WAsg.. FEDERAL CRIJELTY ANI) RF- BELBARBÂRISM - (Fo. <. Ntw -Yrk Daily Vem.) Au. odceir of thse 7t1 Regisuat of "h cil memth<e follewing particulars of île- operatuonm of Richardsam, the Rebel SPY, Who wastcaplured and huaessous due aîu nceluFSderic City, Mary land. W. give 8'b. story in the olcer'. language. 1 Isea Ibis Ri',chardsoni frota<le Veiy Weiming of the var. Whee as vere finit oideaed on ta Pallumas c, le came into camp mait as le las dose ever mince, une- ing sua" s elltng lieun. He nu a umii fabout flftyyjean of ag'e,with a emg it-aolored leard, rer,' inteliectual bi 1 g, vida a soit, pleassat vc4ce int mkimg. ne a vWeil kuowe ln ever,' camp of îl army ai the Pot omac, andi bavieg an el- e ePlIent voîce lie usedt o deligitt the snldiers 1 ith hissougs. e e was arrest- cd ou this accoutit b,' litres differeet par- tics, but Vvre sucli plausible excuses to te bfirst lau that tyl et' Iim go. Gem. SIe- emu was in. commuandi ut Fredeuie City, endatno &mas the suspicion excited iagainsi bise, ,ot b b bis questions on tisai oceaeiKm, and by the circumnstaîîces report- 1eti b, man,' soldiers aho hat furr mre lime rsuspecteti bina, anti bid previausi,' caule the attention of their officers to himn, <lat il vas uletermimedt teforce soine confession o ut of lite.- He wis put upon a horse, aitîb is uruns piniosed 6< fred bia nd a rope arond bis a neck. Thse herse ua. led undter a trac, - andtie -iaendi of the ropa ibrown over a e bria eh. The rejM pulIeti ti-ht andth ie hors. diren from under blIs. le vas - -allowedti taban,-, Ibirt,' seconds, andti e - let dean. Whem hso-ulit îoo, lie refuseti a te aswser amy q;testioes. Ile was hiung up a ugaits, ant iwlieu rerivced a second lime b.e il ansacreti sontu ofthlie questias asteti. -The. thir ban&iag brosighit a full co&tuf3inn. r Rlichardison vas huag. Thte body e s mainsti hauning for ive days, whee il vas eut dean andi buried.' * Before le vas out dti, 1saw onecac- e vatr,' man ride mgp andi attempit tocet off a a iock of haïr &ith a dull1 kalfe. Nat lii- i* ins th. trouble, le coolly proeeed ed t o jerk d outathat l'air le vanted, utterly regartiles a of the disgssiag body, as il SvU-Ic. y (Prom dulà. M ssu'De.nocal.) It The day after the battie ef Millikens k, Bondin Jue 1a, ihe Marine Brigade a landed soute t1cm mes belea the Benti, anti 4atiacked antiduthîe guerilias ubhici lad b eei1 repulsetib,' aur troops anti the gom- e boats il. day previeus. Major Biblard's - cvai,' alilliof ethe Marine irigade a fo1.c4n trestaag rabais laTassa q Bayo, roorrified atthe findaagof a shaletoes ewhiite affciscommariding vse- reIns wb Iied been capturai b,' * 1V r2sls Millken's Pend. la muy et csethesuoicers lad le..smailedte <othe il tracs and crucified ;i, n iis situatroua a&0r g vas lhuilt around île iree, andti ie,' suifer- Z il & misa deuIl frotte broilm;. The cem- 4 o -"d Pfaty burned iuba 'aere mitl f &Wm e th îe stakes. Otler instanes - are nu.iaei of clarreti akelelomu 0les- ce car, aue bai beecnuailed tosiale,à*" t the aabs pkce4 sgt lest a bomse, wbàà r wu. set oi lire b,' tle imitaman tiemm, l* -Pom suffererubaviag beau roauWd al* uto maiasing wu e ait b arveiL *bosus Negro prismers metrnd fi'aM a len pue*» eoaliru lise.te ~ s te tttdn le, t .hàs