"k 85*t "W!j qet0 ple *lh 2Z n -tW à& _______________________ 4bVe tlju oam et byi »ofg e Imprti C. addiaMsm Wf lg he.k t aU é O' our-Wuenitr- 4h5 T qihuitiIrm iUYB U * e- spI-oeV* 0f stii. me f the "eoos îIbo nx l ovla tbere-oe l emî.otltpgbouo 1 Onk lu te- laidtii fi.sie -Ade ho e aupctrale ýed ore a lb.vl cfev0*!"esuIote r cte Iv wnenaoinadopwe iflb.Opoity l-Tbut a Sm anta fiGovement ~ad tio , md t oit .tbaerefi.e fair and i oniOposicftion Ade dts e tii. l'lave.T i esta vas ~ilItepcd.to h.cland elte* lt evuing bo ng 10 1h. obA lairet. tien tibut amsjrty foandGovernne us m oppîioés oftfrrmingbo FinRe- c«.husd ast adeputaticuor aciivic foncdcsuàriëesfmmaToron.owbo Werte5 out o0ourtefoy, aomal.d view viti tii Premier relative .te: iii. set if Govmrment renioval 10 Tooto~Tht Prenier "lid thai the qmistion depeuided Son ime.wbmni oovernititahe partianueutar. bud lugéa s:Ottawa voumll bé eoanpet.d. TihéGuverurneut are therefore de. totrmIned, oumptable vitb the Anan 1 peto ezueis o .apa la the eOzu- tin f "-lleOttawa bueifia*, wiib *s view cf as apee.dy a remi"vl tierioaspossible. This4a.a we antioipated i-lm aendt sudsar by over.asguim *ad lnteresteti foike a itoroto no reibly vas ooed ffr rou Gw,. "a TorS"ato lS bily t;v liwÈesta, regardemaof e 4wPeueti cM- mi a~1.havebs*~masiduisx tedu t'no M4lrtd ptu mS~le ILL--L- offnaèe o umpnyIoprovide M"r p.é sse euly IbeW * kly mir smà e y teirruo4W. delysame-ems~aopina viii thea r rit of *0 ument la rempeot t111i1-aye oircuinstanb".asi wola afiidample juumiOfitkubà b the GOY. emmet, n 'cting upon lb. option by ta th ct, an sd deced îka b "I eaeui the -ratuof April DeXL Tii bomiuaîicw Wfor theNewcastle Wiv"ola te akW lSoin frt 1 Of theVkudaIU CbougonWed. n.ady ", 3.d of sept,. . The. writ fur the Si. Clair Division t#'ndêred vacant by the elevat kmofa Mr. John W!"sontu the Bench, ha& béen reoeived by the R*'gistrar ti MiddlitThe, daof noinhiation la ficd bo ltiuo f Septemba-r, and tht poiling il&$* for the lita aud 1011> of ib mmaiemontb. >Col. Nassh has been dismissed froin iii.Finance Department with ue 7OI1's salaiy of £84.- 1 Mr. Carry, Depaty Minster of Éï. 1.n1anc,. bas been dismîssed with a Suiiy of £M0.. ei.the aides' public ervant in Canada. He bas been out -of "b service since 1854, but on soconut of the. long lime wih c hail uspi the ti.Govera- stt >roy ho watt allowed a re- UnnearyHe laves atGuielph. r 1I of the Voluanteer Force, Ibis event promiea 10bp one cf universal at- tratin.Hia Lxc.lleney lb. Goiv- ernur Gkim en sd Commanader.in Chief làà been pleaaed Ioo mUrnau. bis ints'utimo fpstronizîcg the, Rifle TonrneuiMzk, sAditii. expecteal ie Esoéatee wil open tbe prooSda. luge by iuiag thé raîs&Won .tii. ýoccasion, la connectiou viii îbese "serrn.n, a grand review or the Voluâtîesalwu oeCaùada la ex- p.cted tetakas plac.e abamattibm mid. dl. of September neza. Tii. Corpo. ration voted 4COtuwanbaprimesand mauiibmf telesdaug merobsuts are s9.rrief : thentelves lintht nusuerj seveal rma i ving put dowu tbeir Dan" wfo puieachL Tue PaovUNMsà&Exammo.-. Thé. Auquel Exhibi" la Io b. hela tila pmar i LuXigaîca, oêthé. !nd Ioie 8M"* cf eptember. Zutuiisof catil wmre e' real 'o b.amade bythe Middle of AuS. Prime limis, en- try N b and ler linfoma una .wîtbietidtôIbm Sbo* hae.been forwarded te, ibm Secretarles of Ai cultura lcleie. al ov" tbe Ft Gobaues LUsr'sBooI-Th. Sep., fember part of ibis. mw o .zoe t* E ju MllyUat'Ou w!tmwv*Of b*aduhatiojit ori, W lo m« w.bu kiud t aP bo up s fohMWbu. tor usi "sw4 uvw>« .%rgu u. Be p... SIîosau Ib ýjea b*s1 h - # "PnWmr bat. mt&upoma tma eus im lieuom thgau4 * insouea is.ly Mm ftAoui># .wn eouelP- 0f ourte aib rue b a pea» e &usals, i him âicutaly b W" Slo u lu u.o 4,W. am.quit* V11184ia o l eve the buut4- ttsasittissiVSteks. aail io0.t1ier, are vutsWhua ut.7 hve ostea-shicI ina b.u at- as ibuttea u%.uret itheiii. bosuustid eusevJy imr.q the otwi. e a tuoamsy tsait taletulbIT1 rale valis bu, MA bmisrecelViur u Mlewe expeuidesa, altihmut thse etltaylassa limes.muit visa vs asmmiid %btai*tahe tcerstisaduitbe' lm thssa coumty opeus tùi>e*rlt ue aisi f, *a Mr. Metlqýb aid 0" e is us- a Itoms bas béurns usaiuio, lbey '0"S atrlisiut more 1%s« oau Manlaat ale " inîu4igmceo! ut Murade ste mmijea, abo jamble vs bave boe. lai..planbat le Wbo rmis uty M&nd. *0 t rmaI imandet my as Weil lt aur rasades.la th ls e et. ilat eus muid- diesi fijM W madmue ev vumbaa a o e a litile t fartan ls bat b. puublslsed andlsas in 0 osdhr ta i bi ili abaisse hosulu l due £oai Oti bu isses «ta ite eaboNe cumaioi, li île bnp. tna d"oa f o ttania4g fn-m ai»ui. ciels sait abuo aleateptat t bIla othlers by rmisg a4%wbobs oua n mui oie ai duiat aid trowia4 it lm-diels- ejes. th" f..l batv ave devot ow s pae ii titsth"us mmyablegvih emaisates tramt tisai qua-t o buld But le.lia as an.anti. quasi.4 trm eammude bb s s ulsgar, vu eougli, nou-m ehbole of PONDsUges-essai, omait a Dmaties a ie évili adumit, grmdluîtg- by, « g*Uu t"t b^l b« a1 ' lmsdopen ta éotimda al SjfP b. cmm amt his pffleuul troble uIMM 1 bed, b. 61sut aatibufte, h more tead ahds odpd gt "KPI*VNemmIUr AT OIMKWoeur. ery avne gu oeue aim dbawanuor viale "O. rain du a oagde. ongmdeei hisc u eo" bu 0 îe ur Tiss "ha MM hau ai d aims. uta daacy e sa~hi at, thé .t ge., l t,% sa «We. ofathberua mtr D. courus8 houkie Migispour e-kbgra "I' Msd aWb*ev eou$W u veuael u " eaualt s, " 1 &d Tu màydla bumu -o fi~~a 6., l pert.Ffr * 0ofbaru& tbe Plèm' ambm .àS¶. , of VuluTuwum4b# w.u dsotàuytd t1!lire. 'Fb. Ionm m~ wd Suanterou$Mao hUe . beea. u r.nce onMt te prolierty te the amoum o Ibt& 'Fb. ama of ahe ire as %*a«*ov., Tri W NU.VUABD OIOPU. Uall gfr.el-4atw or MMlay epmily. ile it - ktd oi4 u ry hovasuaauessomixtied ii very baugaid-«4almr.ust" ssand uid aa -i aid tissu .bo lléd WJM - wbkb m uouha lco.t casosil ihtdsAâ"ru. Àgood PruldeS t *0 iUîw 4Ws a. oe as4ls a1 ly The. baut ls sa i a ba. mi. a» prmay welt uuhma-uced, ausesi eeybiss, i suauc mss ie- iifndlassjli of atludsotrmiui. lasouamu dioîulcid the mille bus dotro Suniderahle whu -tbut enit hé viidte z ea idapsitl bu là gimd aese ise musécusqusdýO issu lt mune àuourwlmiedry weati bIavii us n. ual gpmnetlwIiatmo. We ame glaul, btlveser, ituai tii.pruqpeets ur-ubsutaumersit au> avens.. aille, sa ut141eau iiursrîdam th"at v have a epsd A paper L Sm Grey (e4qÈî, ueaI nof thei eîps li &hmt IM t ly:-" T le trop, oui Isbe wbslesis X" d Wlisat iu gemeral Inca 4 mulrubly utmon aad- d by itnah.eaatv; nsdi doubtlmu, if abe vomdur ougimu fm twolte neA rulp anaualu, S anàeaty busroui msalt b. asicijuntesL Oa r am uslly pro- midssa. Turuitus in gemesal &M ui.~VM14i, sud apparaucus are s"situ b. amout ee- aýe sa;iu4MMiabs pieuhltropu, 'us geuumu nume aWho tuiavi as beetillis ais. exauuiy frc a nusussier 0d year' write. Ua.myis ý Tàking. my tropeuma a vole, 1 »esr isas aiiy dean.., mue even, or M*'ibromwmau. "' Acesunîs front ail pats-af thulie try speusk tavusrhy out il Uteie ofse1M 4mwîn.a oropl - aussi liopesar enerteuused ftros eir f4utuvr *Nda bnitruuubti cas thona t suot oslpvitii thes- li pobut Ittstîe y slItmurpam ahe 1 W boavueutvsbave huifrsuMe yeusepmt. Uul i thebmvsioiy of abs ciiy us alssoot etwph sdand te&abs mhipi. a ahuri sQll of dryessa is&la ail bat lu tquiitdmd i his Wb" 14,10 creimasa oui.- The. prrommi appmas' sue. of the uiber bkds fairto tuiflitihe. ex iecaiito f the dumuet uagaie.-Q.beo Th.'Fe On DUi ta viici e vs a ecii-ule tion lamaveek mist bave beeui a baux. Ours iuimcheve.u ime hovever, amys usatisozh wedowa' believe 'hlm. Our P.D. states fiur. .t er aia, for ido ceraonut ofbeiuig debma vbi*hat h«ut uaou ioobin hmol ilsth Le I I ho n-w iiellyhqeibbehuaantawey, uxcaiih le~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~m hm*rddopi1"îe aebc l-giv me b hav.p teied aiabus rporeusas, m*t b. uu tb gavg a asud heba aal &H tmeesv.-.A maeb vus p&arusi as Ssutdsj tui beive» e i mia aid suHaussiPlayes of t. e uycrit mClu>, vbicb reuier ini a Setryfa abslatter vilb eight vicheta Io Lffl Rt». ftAImuu Rion Sna durel osaly, uluala.l h mmorébéi 0 .d" smt4 Mr. &uu r iA seoludm*s in isais 11 so wm wia vic utibbe xeelid, oW et Ils ltor l87 loes ssf Pb invmb alou tvSitbm- mbool mi. d u tGaru Adm ieste, er 186& Lord liomis laveg.s bla..bat- omi.r ûm u& s, nid ha .xpurmttÉle ri ieinc Gemm Tmd 1874. The AduIselylu oof t e pi. eWmithe mltuurauou S, isicisof tab. cN i - icynl h uuelatel tisme o leare'at 1s. rd bleiinvstioebas typheouobU 1n8h4. ' flthe Biaeror ."dIby sFe aeb pro. burmuup ahe public-. t4 LYNCH LAW IX AXVEPt&' (prou LA. Mribrou& COmimit) W. niait cousisew tiai e tere surpuisd wla s s se r e nd th e a r tic le i n "u VI r i la " '» ' » a# the i>si.rbowo'lbsviwiRer; u=7susstu baud absap"«e, ediodinut geeral mui t bliy asnd imsardihy, ieube leso giXoualy n Uld astu brasaiunof sthte laireta tovauiî li ah. Cols. ty of Durham vitls ahe titilale ue4,iînr beeaùae a toc aor thishaubitants hase (tteuIder cîrcssmssiuvteswbkiciialmusu-lvesalctie, ut leun t eexcesefor ah. bets doue) moisi- mmaed out.a,e* agalaisi tle laws, sbcl ire daly excemslmd ii esawdnuMd nus tent, Mid cuis amie amuore rum-oiu;.lauîisr. tua in l the Utusiy of Peuiu, ur c-teninlusthe Litv a>uan~ order lo%îisso Tou umtslii of Ca% an ausi Mussuisau. XNOL aly hlmi sur contîent- îiar, errmed si e", etmsitl-a as.ho1e Towssshutîfor îhe miasiced-fa L a fvs a"ts islsubmaîi;buta tuuse very medeed are ex- ar,-eraiil and o verswaed, aud vronj concis- aiaarm drawn, anialaaderouau insaiua- tions itte4 nlu, 'vitlu seferesce to tIhe cosuductaifosur loci a asraey. imth ae char. 4acieru meus wtîî hase eaued fur tonnelmhcs ah. epeca sMidiestieun of alaIt ioi emin. It vas nsuailit he dIscbar,,e ofIëbisduty tuai Mr. George Copemusl as mmuiied ; buta wbuleho van al<utug lan Lbeexeeuutîosu or vat- mats, isSd uai15 au tgm, apmfpeos vbo isas au smslted him<, lus cusssasjsumue of the %éijdiionus saussi h4igiaulsdmmsine..iin vieb leaetesi, whiteclcot!scd iith tebiel ashori- ty couulerreulupon tutu h> a Dkloioui Cout "lsiWu wrru. Ve do 5m iot b ah u ie un- dersiond ludefesuditis; the monu ho --o mur. des-osisy waimutell Coplauss, but ire do Lisit abs abs beaain- oaie baffl wt vIa ile himamlf gossoral yobgsuoxlomas"%Idshosumt le consuaIera,] ou allsramug Mxn&naifor atme swecpivig eondit natsmof the âW&vi. The boy l1obert Por- tes- wIa tra .rrescal bythe ift or sixty sil eat coaatables (visa. the *rtitvas i i ta svear su, airoagli Lie (-"mansi soîmemenut liofutcortais.lierans niMhbmok oot i tar inlathe asailupon Capelut& .in V"lc ah. -taitr wus mo everely bouton, muid oSis mûore sansps-oved &,vinmahiau, busaset atha conuamd 0d his eider brother,ta vbouusho %e ir@dbmiedrove avaa bue iscuhi.e i brostier lad reuctmed ot ut fuSM cstodl- of Copelaaud.For diî4e, beby (a mere *Lof fluteesu) vms aMuito tad ofor isoimcauià. And hale the Res.ioe catheaie eoemcy ar pou6 calhy iasetiscea mumgiatrates. If sîithimu; 9.fiter vas dou teh ie nay of ssresiiumg tie Portt, aie ltanie <la m sesl j iti thîe àilubroo sarlstmey huat ratier vilb Copelaisal ieK wcif tovia th le malter lien>, the Gr-and Juryaette Fait miss.aMd pro ïï ured a beneh varrmt eti e umises ieh bci ebau mes-ci mdeavoured ia mifore. li iti 1.mcossl cme alhd tua in thea-dumve artice eitr costemporary drava eqimaly vrong eau 9ctintimns trainequmlylmepebs p "iv wealsiik,blourtC ropuuaoedm 4statemeuit Ofthîe 4r» f(sia 0<OfaO I es»L. o sU d, du bo t he Dirlal Cor ier%~ acthnu.t u.d.t mestain mxectioui msimed emd moisi1ailtise guèeand cetmiels e aimne Cui, vio reutealà a tarS tmra .. Ii sa mua yewu0< Cavais, (nos 3%avrs ithe M MaieComb .we.i h badmliewt»ayeu se unt and a ibird v ousIy die; ou yW r*îndausoet et ah.prmou e ual. aPisi ah. bauZue 1o8ma lm Tludlr 004sM odeOpr a wu ee c=2çw*pum,*atb thât hW il, rm sat doluig 'M Wbettuéfie Su t ru thn 4 -14 . " C -lM e So sMul *tbut ient de basi aud e aIrs PMli srsomdwt, Mr, b$ oufiiUnî ~~al StiU= bn b R.Ses . e pie euti rS Om= am »mioludadut l*0 w-cblo biii *ïi. à à"':ýw mma m*etuo uoodr ho bd fon êqf *« nu iâaer 0 À. il ~ ki u.alle abbec, ofjdu r.1,71,yIm W ho ubon p"joid a II aofis TheovStâe Ezr.atm ofUn - ygg tir .qray,hsofulub* s. Mig'àeaiuSmofah U*",lq" parewai.îv br td Unmd 8in -pm nie e 'Fb. Stof ate L, Whtso f ihg.u dela ie n su o ioe aud l w a ru& ti Ku y via s ev aliaset a"Ydolar mn imred lMra.Thua. les, rcsidng near Laondau, wai rat, oiLerby thse ecj>reutirainlitoo md. She lad boom mslyin e t ni a Somm of0<inteximuio*e ,ï uie arte b day. Thie km - * as hordM34leuasaied, s0 abat ht could witb diiudty be ideuied. .PusoeuLt F&r.w-Meum .IWob lieid [Pree- mut, of Hamulitoin, wnlked <ram tasiity te Si*uuce, ga .Iiuuefrm fi~ve iites, iselueea boum %W sue U tai" ti £ îtliewilcaulie in quite ireJa, tad vese lin stuelexcelletttrnuit fbr fimther ejbmbi, uat-a cSu)"a of neaud 1(ruse S.ucoe Who 'sent two or tuue ailes ont 1 o0t< mt t âwta nesaun, bwd gveàlt àmfty in keepi.ug ue 0haIa W. tahofld my duo. gmtl«l uîae m it waum*arsaa d rdte rbout en -1 lon:% t.h. Ct-ui."'àu Litu.-TW desuaid for imu- hlave been misau.u onkm'b ud aOn. the Ottw àa.it nulvauod rtees, leavima- the aiuîrket at loilytpacesqulle tIale. iîsueiluse uuiik WI;. thme Sierbéolie <fazeifr, usoe Ieiït' :eA- eidrawlmk to sammi u 6ahe dvireult> w-là cdehmtys uin gettiug h hiniuied by tde C. rn Trunc, tiule Conmpany ntoaa ab le Le a .kc die. qu"ntty i*red.. TumovrmnMATCI-Tbe trottin:g mtch Y" terdy catis.off ut OaLla. d. & auiuuiîe ebetweed Nawlauî's bor-se Chaiseulit î Au C. Km»l lys imutre DellyLhuaaeiu, fo. $12 -Pa sie, murf Lents tiea t tvinl- three.Tiisimre trosttu liu5teituie, tast s.îu in St.Cathariue foi ý ilàs tua t onin a veur aofithe mane, bu >Cban.uo&«& ail by urpr6e by diutaëlieinu:, h athe Ï fuit mi A ieat nîumber of sialor ewas ou the -rmuMd, a alarge amaSsai money chmged bandit. Oui Sawirday attermoon a marims mosse v wituseuud aitiste MoUraGeucuo ospita A yuuu:; atoItluihwnomaui, Imey qmrvod l P. te counuir, becem e!;, nd asalvareeeiyod a k-a platient. Oi t te day moeuaid a. md ue li e Lbed ina a tof0-pimt exeituiteui 11141.% 8h. duo remove a hhmav riif rot r'berotre a wiuudss,lIâgte bl aloianwas aboi ate jtup out, s lu thedu ntàbssied te die res detc. Thte bommgir-on wv u r nar t baud a- ui lhou"ae vus eeded, for by itisatine ti wum itiwwm liuoaie otskie, atudtifoe sauna mmstite b vsm umpcsudmd4,the docte.. uanis ménuom boblu' bher uuo Ait laI tbcy sucecle in pssttag ber in. cruemapewu a voues Of ltmcxas m oomr.-Ou Thuaiday 1mai of aboI*tt a quartier puastsix do'ck, as a yoiiuý *Ubntmt*u im urksuby 1 Md au l . i mte' M. MeLoan, 1 h" WMtuae b0114 Md 1 I le t g a i n " 7 6ffw1 o m.lalmvinx murAlL Ti «M of * ofpcia r- Wf etmmd h*àmahogil ffl " wite t mugRI wt hmUe, 8huito bMe $Ïiw .dms) Mmd vuawakemed inmthe = d u p q se ,w o got lto ler be d. ?b. uS r thegIdl Vilt! Jet ber relate lb..ocà» ZZZ Zhuatuers îu Do doubi abat beaçoGi.pM Sm" âodeigna. The .mwUbhM I ,uBte iemie.hWerto r. aaasly, to libus% dupriumr. IL oto be re wit w «àof them.; II - i ,m<eum.-Ita *ip 1oy.. On Ïbe 23.4 Juntelent, a littit girl aed eiýht yerNUsmmm" Rois. Plemetr vent à~o a.s adeufand d..b lad, uuud Jacob Zim- mers, wb o b.d beem for eme ibre nontha at acle" inToronto, wu. cbargred wilh the mur- d@r. Notbie ,bowutrecuid be uertaited poinîlug te bis gail t ili anolher deaf and duunb persan vu ment from Toronito. and con- flued wit bhins in guel. He, bv preietidii.-r i.> kvwe eommhîted a similar crimet ,âined Zim meis' conhidence, and ho flot oniy confeésed abat lie W dmoidered the _-iri bot poinfrd out ihe plae were adm Wax beried. Uponi the Wcy beiw; exhnmed athe uirderer m.tasmeated tbe utmoeit boire, n.ud could on no accouna hie ndumeil a o"cbibe vieiil.hit'a remark- ale iStin conasetion Withh ius Cam ahai there inmno meord of a slneaied mute baving hee à guiitv of a grut crime. Zimmers, Who iïi ,romiy i bu bumlien couuuîaed for trial. THE i-lNiTfouLMNDIFFICULTY. Wheo the iimeligenee of the death of Mr. Gibbwd reaclxwd Quebec, the Goverurneiis were plaeed in a momewbat duficuit positon._ Mr. lu-onsides, IIK- Indian azreit on them ai. touiii, bad died ;um! weeks laefoie, anud 11:. tGibbard, te whom tbey mlilîa have iokktd f,7 a corret vew of dic e eni. difficuIties, ha~d aisa bees mysteriouéiy removed by deatb. The nuithau-ities litathe want of 'deluuite infoi ma- tien *»e t he position Of matters fin the Is- lau&d tnu hey dstermined to despaich ait a.- eut to moite needi entluiries. Mîr. W. F. Wlîiteheri one- of thme letUki of the Crowîi tAuid Depaitmteut, wbo bas had muehtc tsiti wiîls the seualement of disputes in eoiiuueî!, vith the fisheries of the Lower St. Lawrence. was selected, anud hein-, a tatai strang.er uit thme Iliand anid without the aid of a residei!t aremi, he took wi:h hiz-n the Rer -'%r. l>rou1x. 1- o'tToronto. wbo bas bet.n Ion-, a missio y s1among the Indiana aiej well act1uainted l iih L- tem. Nir. Proml ai ns not asked, nar did he 1, iterfèe e laans wa , yiintue a*rau1eàn--s swith 4 nue Iiidiatis. lie meiely irSo-med themin îhftt r1M r. Wbîtcher was einpowee<mi tfo nt for tht: VGoyeritineni, and that no injuaice v.ascot- il templated. Mr. Whia cher hadl a :.irntaiesomt: d iid di;Jiecult pua. hy the Nicdel teth ,e Nt;itoulin, but reacbed bis destinuationî after seine delay. and held ait interview with the -Indians. He explairied te them the peuîaliies under whieb the) lad brou.,ht tbemnselves Prv their receuit conduct, anîd made tbemn u ide;- lstand thatibde best course they could pursue ,d wus ta subunit at once te the as.îhori.ty af the Covernment, and trust o Ris bonour and amuse %of justice te aecune them &aat wrongr. The lidians, uniniueticed f-r trne eein;,, by the advice of ibîe ipev iu ,nualised the.t before, conmented te the dematids aI >Ir. Whiscber, wbo thereupon selected four chielia toproeed with hlm to Quehec. as a pla&,,e aorubunluion Io uthorty bhi îiue eo- ma pj The naumf these chieIf are Mokoman- L ob, Wakekishik, \,eamweenimi, 1 suaî in mik. They proceded -with Mi. lYbutcher erday ta Quebee, accomuued Lv ibeir d nterpreter, 4Mr. V'. 1). lDe Lamoandeii. We , trut thul ibis is i be end or aime Manitouliin dif- ,i fleultîms There wiII Le ample opporaunities tu teaae everything.whicbcean be arged on bce- R at l Wf fbme daims of the lidjans, and the Gov- B- erriment viii undoubtedIv arrive ut a just de- d, cliam. if lime7 do net, the grand iuî.1uest of Re tie eoauatry lanow sittinq, and the Inudiansa wi «kl - whhhforte osuibaEnkiarmy am pa$s,% e a& m feutà vsimilteal>Ia puv Fameuim lai 0< tuain red setdu etaa Aumuis «M u etd sqare, mas bag C tlleit hua by ~ t.n evuo, âùâ ý neUté»I»m1 1GENERAuL IEIWS. Nut ambhibbas beets eapius-ed li tue Tem- ple of Ajuner. 1 Caphain B'rodiran, of the 28tb InfautiT, aouiformaion asuppîlea by te Bombay police. Sir -dmund leaus a hoSen Governor h tii. uievCompay hich las purchasesi the stock of thse oadidutsomîlay Compuany for tise sunt of £2000,000. Tihe ruigPooL Publishlue 4minter- c in'ittellifece at" bou,,h the heaîltb of due Prince» oi Wales las, i, a uot de-ir- bles"ibalae àa"Iud pmeetly exert beielf by The lighating of Pan-ha by lectrieity, ih la sta- ted, is tualie entrusteal to . . J.- Vmst alderan. who bu iimvmused tub electric h;î oue jet of wbichis mqaal te 200 jets of -as. Au ernilo of Xosunt Etuis, of A more titan usuatty ses-loua chat-acier, huas teceiffltI&Lmen Place, and as o ccusiosted th. desh-ucttUn O f & largeamomtof pslterly ou th.ekiil f thse Mr. nid lMma.Chari«s S. Stratton, otber' lu knmova am Tom Timumb ands lady, duuted. at Speigfield an Mausdmy, on their wuy Iront N ew okta Boston. iBotb were us petit alid "Crigtly » ever, and the Genermi rearled uaP ao tueauter maid paid hii bill just like any s tetbr mon,tdu Boston PortmaYs. Be Bre rs va. BaiCL-Among aie meusO- 6 rabills of the Wimbledoin Volutiteer Metting dasbit o! information bas reacied mse. The -pàiswlessef bave aIt been Juily or bluees mon. Ir tiu., ibis vill go far to, establisla the Sunfes-lor prçlc aefialnesia of dark eyes. jaili u s their=Uimaptive moral qualities wüede- -preewahd yeaisa-o D.Le"ttk, ho %-rote- 66 "Menss va bgrey eyes arc geneially t-eé?), c serzetic, aisiaI i fatcold; bhum you naswdeem apoSi tbell syMiulbu tub lrea oo.Seth th ae iola atour benevolent men, sud rau suiII d alm. vitb me." Irf iiht-eved men are more lIMM kOU «SgetiC andl benevuleltao o am befaitThe tbcory. se 1er as shootitt,5r f- 0 OIi, is a averhtiesi so (ara My own oh- i rii gu« for Lord ElcIa, Lord Bury,. le*r lic.Jplusg1 mid atlercrack shoMhiba-e ahi s .ps0<tofkvmitecolor; ansi the fuel la Per* * bn vo-ilaeumbmine vben a coutilittY .8 id bai to decide bev nuutva or more cme *e tome ofuait add4 bRivamar villit tu - lnaurmas& e aamisa