.~ a t, ~ ffletaie vs eW imb As WVPdtil tvýiimem "M 1w Mof 1csu e ~ auone wd vkk 1ohSuaidbote vhI bu bu p«s kapdt ipIJ ~4mee1~loto me Mo.. md As w.prht.dlutwok, ibook-ti- 0 " caemdlînp*for iti y.i l *18,18,, frua Ma o- u'îbr lepnm tncyla,Mbenue themg mait ado0 if s reucpni o ua aor *1OIo tel. the:ggv mai bp.4oe, tubnad4 lmolyig &.,ant of cu IfaS AWup4rea1M. Si- W~fI~ botnàd4tust thé, ap- p, t . niietorupiw Àveu .1oaw tâ aa fâ11 House' i i tk~'~ ~ho' , bg shie et rumwmibaI,1e .m'ni"uqtvert*édiw tained byA.Vow of 68o 61. Nad' 1 uA thr e niba b e.. béprement, Min- ' iat<.15 would hd'v.ë b.d a'naajority of 5,which le, likely to ber iucreased tot 4 by the St. Hyacintlhe elecujun, vmf tnt by the. ý1evaitMIo to he bcuch -WKv 0ioUU'. What t.eIRouteî vtfrd npt u aCtha bêtract question whethawr itlea wrong and unconstitu- îlMal fi* a (çovenma'ut to elevate toîa bndaa mmbe ofPaîttament g wai.. pxàation wua that more or kIna (d a polithâal oppmonet.usda *question itiigbit. esuppoui d aa men woald -b. saietalke diP'it-e f vewesahqetlast iudp.qçý1ay'0f thear partyailu.hmos.-butile sivislom *sbowed ther. al'wvodetird he Go. *veruffaift oo E<w4hea in aàtv fl.aoeppaiiu while -%lI who desired thây uhoald r réemin$m voted the raegaive of itu ,Tb.4îanm of lb. Houa. bas alo been 100"1 p"ied lwihb - adjourn.d de- h aies on, the. Mîlitiianad Volunateev W1bt abuuthe m.mbnswho qoke 1No progpesa bas omoquently ber.. i ade viitia ah.meamuest and as yeu 9 »0 paftlS a h. ée in de Iar tb. 'dateuse o*b"&toda ee.- sr ow ir eapower for 'ob. ýiiiiuip.Can isM o longer Kinug in ler Cs '_M, Sim.tse. renov-. ~ul ha* dciii't lun-a delth-b1ow, and bie fiienda aê'ie eiiàag 10 fin&d>it ont. -uto and tire.. the O0 osL tiosare4suiI» thir leaders, tand mOuthëré'-*111benozreal Oppotio lis taes he l, clsi.rT e aasma rt, de ba-eT m tea Job. ,A 'sti ', I aeto'l hio âg ût â*aIle1 &W rsthe MOIaemlmg 4 eotltrs ansd SbrI.vahy aS 1 4 he in naoLîàdlérihaeik.s.v..a, 1 wtd ité ube &d&ïio er'I C4le-smaI D IA ame tiu' Nit b iller"c. îvddly the reoa oe sd the uomidatitaoa ut binb1f oi Ufr. id we spolu$pqiemnd- ed on bualofMr. Dasvit,. A mear au we cou Id judg,' 'of the * o 41eh-,aboutse who we,, therè, about kit> wr4t o ir. 'Dai ',$4 9; 14 on Mr. ïdar* #I of oysand pn.selg~1.an- the unmly dIa-iS wl ivh ffi6 -t the final isisue oif ruch contt-stit whe'n t hp time fur polling arrive,,% Tho- remuit of the'poll vas att follow --For Un- vus, 1.149; for Vidal, 1398. MIr. Vi- dal la ibus elmeed, by- a majuriiy of 249. bla. SAwUroan Fumai, tuf Tu- ronît>, bas been selected àqatse- gov. erurenu ta conduct the p:rliamen- 'ary survey, on the par tOf Canad a, provipees of Nova Scoia ahd New Brunswick wîlliappoint a secomi engineerl and tise imuperial aemhoir- lies a thirtd,.Ioouperauc in the ww'k. GeonGctÂN BAT C&sNAL RouT- The survey lias been amade by Mr. Keefer. le, a onotPU àetI Wn ille WhUij ay- l have cxniue tseconry beuweec the Townolthips of Whilby and Tho- a# the vil' f$uo1Sngo ,n>4 Balsuam Ltkes, andà 14 Tal- bot Portase routes,* "rour< deter- ùmn thse 1praoitiabi liiy of coustrocî- ia icanalbel weeu LaW $Itimco and Lake Ontarlo, by uIè tonte of lAke Seuo". Tise practicability of om*iàgingLaike Blmwwik 1e Lak I-uron, ie assuaed,-.aad 1 have noý reassan tg doubt bt th'iis -aybe done, elthetby the, ?wI fb<,è Biam «Posabe oosneaed witb Lak Oewe i* Se *~Uug vos-* ta whih Wtt p- audimeot »aaot&r, and au <h. suùu*tati'ue b. la AOMn-I aaiio. with lte luimàEl watrs,. the. Tent Navtdm. Iftbl ev'mn ume e e.adépwd e4.eteenw Limke gCia Bay Icanlmn, i a vuld b .we siI and,1l" IU4 Iuvrn; bat if ho NMm- Sillmo dlao~'wadb * Lm $o m *teefl$ ikt. lut ~ i eu,, .Dr" le. <uts, ennstand t Siniin e u leh. end in ho e frtnihe hii a- um.Teid, lu ýeaIyin l»a er ni kwineil me, iLemiOq dmaa* tforu UNevaibjpmtuf âlo *a 1 '0 l"mbu w- geiertluysr{js [lpy 4d < hl jimo oedisut mrau LIL .PAn-VISN , Major, Bri zad. mýae411, militari District, L'.C. TU mmta sed Duclo, hont bat veea- vs roported as so esverely beaten at a vais int TEK Wuw-The latter part of Iasa va-ek was vsry uset, snd oi Satuuaday moruing ve 1usd the fluaI (met of. mAe sehson, The mornisigs are novw froiy, jet lthe daysam- dry snd sunîuy. flarreat work i otir iitricî hs nov over-or asi toast may ho mid to ho en, asscsreele a ii Patch emaiiam uscat or uti,tabeted ln. , Faruners asre. nov as bus, ah. eahng.-This usoriting (Thurmsday) ve lhave1 a cha-qe;il h isu wia.h ovciauiil od thusu. su aged mi.tpe.dmaitrpr-eW adto1 a lage cu~.ain ta he Town 9*14lLiad. maye laet Suadsraftsruapiu. Re.'Wu& s5setiaae and persuasvoein anser, a.u vas heard with ïieat attention. Ta.c âi&p gagtelaiuàwCarace IN Ltutuày.-~l ba. -ahuat -be: eo~taIULM vio fou Ii*i suia" hé» ,m L au umbl- iumg in OnbsTou.H su s ýpwoeea Wo on whb te basid a uaroh; Tisite obtaua. st.s Ît.eu" *9 muk " 0f PutSss sud but i'f(w pph*s oWillimsbfSflt. * e pvniiuuare@e np'd tu behab, 4* àiwg the- ue.uiut îtà-ti 1e v ork, fr, e oi, get oudy, m autli"un aéu ay " e «d1 Md, *, ýfr fl(f- u usilytaLM by Uasê i at Îo'.ug t oeau; d"ii 71.Tht, m. aulg, va baiser.,tw-ab& a be &0 t *1 a -OWWMX, *lu, iue ' dos* ua lut uea-sPa; Md .«% the et ofm gaý4suias tram Potu.1seW oogiu~jap da e ite ins1ylb ïal Ne. W~-tusee<i"d.8~L~R rip à dto i.pie. W'e may jbub 't r psi- im ti po m ube.i.pbi i mu au-oca eA*$J40 meveut of k l* m a%"uf it. écd ! .a-klybu4 ébo# emt*d the. Lùsdaa lIesIu ade iw poa-.c ssTowu tu.4 t. 15m-aaa~usnurmteciog, frvàm i h oome ofa*m efwpaiu e MTtar M -fqpw pûbsede r chtepkUme ona f mo1~huu~n on ta uhe tuol tif the-(mp tiomisist uaiu is m A., Sidney Siith à Ceo. T14 specimun0f thise su shetis but the ,hm fthe usoid, its - toit akeetosiexhibite the biumien #çtàtminu th1e snngsad virus uf ils depuited sueiati'.e. la. us evidetîity bsdj' its wamit of pap*',anid waleus it ca aProcure, autrimeus, front somme uater ih cautoturvive tusa qsasr the a<s 0its predecelur. À% a suiplee o t* umouafiiwailiaiçs I ex. tiucte .filioiu4 dPmaamrpb romtus edito. nai article Nu. 1 :- s-Umuodetr te .lameAd.iiatmtions, especiully "mriji.taig, sW i veamýevery wftk sdded lar'gely tu ont, popuatmion ; the vild luanda saud Swartiq plntes er. matde fertile; tie site of the ludiatwigwam u absberomea the home o! the Aumdo.Saxon, mand the home. sud the ux lt» utt the luxuriaist jamsturi,4e ofthLe dee.- 1-sàt ahias prusjuerity huit aust wholiy ces" -d our new admniiatsion have accepied the te- ptu Wt of illeompeisaut parties, or pas S"inater- ested a keepmasg out sestiers, M4d, ua a rSuat, &il osu Sapoeamîa dt eu topped, asmd bu- ei s a u uîail .1red u Seek a bume i.. the raeighoumrh bi SaIa. Verili the -roveraiineuaî shouid laie boa dleut Imm 6 ]MW 0* O& .à lkbut aa 0 bik -~siedi ?heýt»euk catd niesd Pooe amre st4 erEit by rM4damembuat Msd the cuy is fiulieg p 1fat. Thbe rfle matekof the Tbrd Mil Saka bu sbeee going o ol-day. ýfpu1et appesr*noe betoken Ïba bawU be a zmd om. Th.r ORWO on ut7 ite u ave#*ce, euuselmUhlaa "ay demio% mvu *àç *as -m. But a grma quait ley, p&& ma &M w1bl» tovu, am ;Prmu ». h e I onser@nin fo*either. Tii. principeJalti.bei ber. lu dàsghilips of PrescOtwl snsMetah ebuut. The hortic roea àpwýfl twill, in coumeqi dry moso, hapou. la fact, if tl Provine sbeved any energy she i ba"ustaiee -s e j rim -for caMI." The &" uinag id a cuupleti" ia tries up tu three p. mu. - aoi"Was BIood hoffl...s............ A.,e hrtrse.............. emid or carriage boa-me... Jlesuy diau,,h; hunes.......-- -- Prille ufd Waes Prize: StaIIionuof'auiy bieed........ Totalbomses. .. hi rm. fair àsud che M a -s je* lmasante51â W om uMWha im ift bges m4 .d h sap I tuea ;Cwlai4g ae&bi~el icxc.b h;chbat e lob duM i abittt t j" adib"er.aMhs.érua.4d. ut WY Let4t, 16, ncoô~L ~irou l5 t-0 ,>udria feti Sou îesmbitnL Nrit>etao Inumped tlWe ,moly W $uiusm. la, àimwia te) be w4vqlait "deired ~Uiamnmes, -'e e,,v'eufmeu taropre, Ilelveiti wuu4 c u k 10tmo» neor îwu ut the ckf lwwwm M um be countury. Certa in izirqovetutiutâ lâmhae bleu matât pou îhem or late il, Euu'.c n'a pa'e.w laud, sud cîgmete.bus proved ait tu r of L<0- ofthe greast %lue. TIhe &Wo f agrieuitu. tuCous. aliupeuisaisou W Walih oieut U two ezor.ptiuis, îbeere n o x-bitbitnol i àes of Beilvife. UT!N. r ut ivsiMa iapee,î:1s for land uf Lbere ar-e 107 crat." 0f catît. »Uod uâàd 1%3 U&eS4 maI> ibouriu,. u o.%.t aw audî raiu uactures, tkere uaïe36 entre uf aj,îiet. ei' and oiaellatwuuistî uie.s beretou .. ili DL 69emtuaeo a eiesLe b0udpurtsilu-:e- - oIL Uf t eut-. suuuIr23, iicLdiin- àt thp Ex- *4 uf cusi oit. Ut«diaiiua. nddt<-si< iàs6. Of nimbr o pilweS 167. lJI -ruceries a,.Jî" jet ut t Of lIadu.-u wuk, 262. 01 #asbi:' 3 î-à -4a tàwmb îDliai. Of suimi*01*4iUeliu4 sîu'a«,-s, 4. 130 -«, Of 1'adiauu au. k esud uesy 40. Ofausà-tal year's iumtrumeikut 4. 0f uuuffsd hirds ~ud vcuie ruu<m du i %uoafiri, &.165. or fut ign nuau.ufau- Mty of bar- jureai 6. »d of onm ae 1,oursa in Carladua, on» sthere eeders are buse sttwk mtural id sSc of the lie Esien ai.,ht per. gof the en- .. . 13 .... 247 ... 26 AâSmoti; ade exhibiturs of staliiomua h 3fr. "uh Brode of Mcutreal. lHe ias eoumlv L~ECAPITULATIIJY. Euttesufhosts............... s-s.............. ......4-4 os p u ............... ... 12 64 root sudIWid cropéï....... c 46 boiticulul produets, .egeta- i" agnicultura m1 iepeieîals. - i 66 6 ..for baud. 107 si in Artsi departisut------..1.142 Tutal cutris .............. Thse total siumber of estries ut the- N'w Yoik State Fuir ut Ltica thi» vear 'tas oii*y Tuie -aits bas, of cous". inferfereul tn a -rreat exîcrut wilt th ie deiiery of uo but in ilue iitervis (ofat saliiîe the -rtuiiadâs e-.ta lively apî'eannhîe. The roiud hiis -ii with- va.lýoits, COIDui', an id gr Boouis aie -o- inuoi upfa._-e diuua; as vil ne cuit L'e ex- 1'ected ot uhenu, %bens drtewh.d aith >et. V;%-tous umaao in iiwhich thse 'ersf thé- usit.,uîbt deiiit îîar-e hasîetied toi tihe airs, atm] eiery:luàn,- betokei a s hisi-iusi- Gaoôe. the - - Lovrj6usm!'I ofseth lieue. tlî.a1 .lipnîy, NT îLe "reekfr. ' ci ibi Liosay euasexis hit -Youiuz Sir Tattuss." MONTHE.XL TUURXAXE. aitould i~uth e l ailesut Capital, sind driveTh eM thessa frouaablmia .c4eos e-îuiai;Ti.hu~<ait kitadâ mteiy ce aae M TOUO!NTO WIN5S IOLt. Alt.GLVA.489 - PiuMase Md, sai, eu.ux, Leedât und Darbam. a ecoatrucm ao. vosmablu tiithearvîia *The 3luteal Ritfe 3Matvc tmnwimaed on friotuda o!tifta âmev seet, ut their horsts . uxeln snd, ve appmseibeir atansd aIl the . ~iu.................... Tl78 W ud.mySr iiug at orainiel. xwlm e l-l oths- uu~u- ofhutai lbe t a ibem ai-a o îd............ i<oveanuor (eiieru, or-i ue- the- pi tweeditl;s hL brois uts .~criaatpusur.eoîh <tar') yrbàse.................... 98 îuriitr uit- Isi 1'<Loi, n;&A cr.d a -huli t ee defer, thiun;h las érowtlt'%bs au t vhully Gailoways ............................ai vu-&a-ds au..Thete ver,- ceuuq cstors ceeei - -Grade........ 67- 1 à*.Gradeas fù]r Ferg-ge Csp ............ 4 id o~ s f Ctîida, ad we'8asf1:tùai se- * - s~~~~era cA:ieS (otthe- ua:i( Ste.Te('a U"I0 ept.'7<» lu&Toela au le...........M5i , ilil ze N'..w'tb"Iid t1.t-d ait*20, ýai. t D 74M A, X'tIM I Ir . abe4susaa0 etefou-dsare -mrwiaa.inigesî ...sa<.heioar i'Zwo.O.p St aiS. voiqs. -Tiae uua;eclimpai! eil, (ced 490, uil non çaýdà4a, sa e i làtuasirtd tr i5I5i5~U5uttwla l. usabot .-.sy. ssy guid a ehea.lîhy. Tblee wa4eu .w He-e. 1 a,. lbfl mhs..........0w.0Iad tu* iou lhe ;4£»UI ud aitbe>40t. let,. 1 4tlt. teVuatfromu1tie nrUu-ov ~uI~~WmuS ~...........~» ditsd uin,.m*NëIIUIhnthas aae ehlu* tA Lvuuamii,xa il à a be;tàutI'u. i~ U t..................ee ta CDed lait jerla Trt.>. IJause.Miticeleli. 1rituatf ait. Ii.uuesu-ts ij.il hs ...* ~ uu4 w.wililOSie - wrigo,:5 «80Ce4b a m acparcil of t-ý%o punril. Tihe cuvera- hid us)pet sis...." s.o 4r, Ih. "Q*.aafth Pt-sies, n museh, jW i, î* mau'3 la oruu4umeuîvdhva les-W .1.00 n 8.01111111W b" f~ " 1 aiue tiiitof aîi-na m keîme:i- iiî. hbi aluaîe Abl e . 11010 -. . ....... . -Jl- cappinlposition. Two iui"Sur had.csme9 'ituPUSbmbi...... .tIie S! ~ma ea - < s oi&t, veplwt*r t it sug rasmllu bti- i. t*ad~wIiibe ,e fe' i e .w# d ui.l. There ne eq~. .... .. . ~Gu <shî» . j-dl. fuie I... bfor the amulnf îLe visile-r, .'~.........: waildMiller. Pm*peeu............ .~ISj Liesra..t:.............the- uiher bea-i,, fi-,,m% Îii409 arelimfe vnse- t7.ut<. *4..t 1M ....e.s.<4. . 01 i Urprille ilandsu. Ih vci-,bs ab-ut 60 We.wbi... eiê:# .5 Uie&ul&.......1. wcsudw ventus hutidird dollairs. 4T Ti. UMUmarel alae csp, pretaeaaîed by laciéliki;IM ëï t ::z Ihsdt,.onpavtu.a for aseUWl uenotitî «U i ~~& ~. 44 - f C4, &u,u ais aVery baud- -S,. j5 som a ieS of plise-.lit capaci t h O hî îI 36 Ta hu4~. ais tems4q.sviuaeg, thecuve~r ft I . - - A% *ud lu im dif. As-od thbae i abe i... .e ellie mpae .uld inite enre the eii. ilv arms -us s sagold yîe ~ s imssiaut eis~f uoaiar . un thnae op- ~hs wy.usaibs hsO a ob bstp ~ nu, s~laamimimruci sud a# 10111- _M im&on w-Uum s isuti --E -L sw Pm lem*