s~p~ - -B- - A"8 0 -1 1, lmPU" I ARt m~ TANPal Ifum - .. * pu » auIVM ta a n. sds dlu 91,Wlikd yosgrmekl sd tm tgé ,.ntWhol owohl .5prbue uahpioolath ur vi and aet~s p ý*doIrdisg malin hi«r« tqin ler, 104o 6cr. o es xltw Iomusseett.,tb<y Wl1lp o aný-t in oïls i Pit'oîlnj oenawblo korp P ura on iq rýi&o fqr (tir kuitéi'g li -ev ilmr , wu ly h onh#Is i 17rllý (1v' Te ittII o tti dy bc . trau 1 iOfi 89 mns lng to ev.Whoîl 0 rit.'r. h<bti ii.eoft.c.pr zc ube epv'vnto#hvl5ciotes4buro o hom forfi.ty ligbut office to du orbukin Tl Ka nielaiPmuga ore auvs apitu, fri îhmr a y rokng h lot usd iteplmhtutleMt im as wrte o tra or, m adwlslng aeurge t fîo Idalsn f cur,. f oî'Iiighlih wrinuu potn imro's osf ln, ougb(tlt». t l'on wl- itb*0itig *o liti kismnrti lur,cWuhae hows an allpttuor riors ai olceo Ifinew u d lns mie lufwk s harà 1141 a îexedou of i ms irsIf u a f- Miowo d hfpo. But- lint l bedhà., iifnr iieus, or tliainte sa h ()lto fte , r ud le Io oo n ; ii In cfit- nowt n whî, ibis of usm sqlwrd isgu 1mai ii.habe-pi tng e duo #UV* ltn. whâve.i sofmtity» lvl rv auw. e 4lîsv eln .'d ii. ~n of riiguuru aeq <ho Inoe sd un1oonîry , per.d, lixpor aoi machl o i may h. n are ently Uoked o. Et lth'u a b.b ouIl,,4 eerhetres, auJl in&&iau o14ufla'hi*d l lu., :and min. kWlrêltrm.tudwhoivrti[Orin t esireutms au"nms fauter. Rarel do tbe mm'uo e. Thl r oitu iamreleot a to r Icyd ntknwwhî< lu ~ ~ -la ;0d, m-ouiknvhoî uaiedio.sudmns.,,cs îheywgIMilhU bySm b i -I - i. S 4.4 ~I' t s., ibat 30 v ~4 ~ ~ il. jo il 10 ru t 55555 io sa od.sS "u. bu moou poiii. u a l tir (9Î u..Dnibel, twsâ<~bé béat Z îd daiwnlug; lHee isibeid above *5e ow*$me* .k ff hbis. bat-tud sld, " Ladis'.asd genlemeuvilii f a piess. excuse me Pl and, dowsi Au officer who wse>sseiiu bi Company line oeuu,.lt poivat. wboseeMe n'-y~~I~ @siliu hîndîJh ce~p.' "ffoW 1 do' pu ear a shXM t?. hondel the. rejoinder. A BAPLe or ARRANIASEto. qutuc.-" Tho Court vil plasu. obse rve," nid au -Arkàneus <awyer, " that -the gentleman from Ibo Lasi hem gly"n tèm a very leurned speçob. fle was ,omed wkh old Romults, moehed wiîh oi Socraom, ripped willa éld "Eàrildes, aud canered wih ýCusthoeFJd I but what, ypur liontir, wlAaldSsc okuow ubowte lav of old-Arksu.aw ?1 Wo op<o .w,4 yung saisbrave. teue-hoaried,$Iouious fellow, and vas b. tai, sowing hie wild o«& ,W. afterwatds sw a pliceman haulssg ia mlserable drvnkîîrd frotntheb.gui- ter teo <ho station-house. The viid 1oats wero being larvested. 4 Aw4wo-A cotch maInuter watt once busy catecbuuiug bit youn habanets beibro; thecongregat itn, wlme#iho put te &bituà, tquestion rto a stàIgrl waoeéfahvrkepti Nurepiv. The question buvlî'f beeu rt-peeatbe girl rcplied à$" ae (o' your fus, Mr. Minister, _'e ken ny mîgereel enuuglâ. 'e Do say wtt.. y. ýcorne té out bon»na.o :blgh<, 'Bet, bring me smre aie ?e ' Ifiesong gai on ,f >ràetlng the. - crodmon -ut <te place, vore a- broad grai, and, te pèreou Iooked dag- AwuaMUs Wià oTn o 'uNuomo. b. Ou, r' re.Seeit hly r4aei abi gruiesen smre ialented seakettouý bpe e un ,Fumen tAr S<m.I.'g àfke% mý ad wi1i and unkIe. z-Hbhs'îevWlofç(out rt mnsdfa f...msus Se li. l fm cor gsm dw *i .d g~ gmod<atber asud ue4ur 1h1tlw blase for LýtnmFt o ie Làw ý w , 1W tW id '81 18 37~s 3' 51 LoSim Wof C.bircs - suiet, N2 14 ~a. q 12, SIj f :r'h Ijast. s' Iis4 w- W h 30 30 ta 14 i e 8* s. 38 - SOUTH WAlb., Su-if onPSk' Sob. ivh on aioB, ......... .. op ys, go. S8ube-âevWmS P1 é1 , E B4tr. . ...... Subiaob Pak C. Sub.< vWiii.Pa*C,1 WD~Ie.st.......... E Da........... 5u f j$ ............. Pe.HIooiPak W Pt Pl g, ,piWugnég n Po 8ub4~on a$s * Sint Jauo4tmet9. Llnd.y.stwtItU14ê.......... . Park iW, I" UskJraa. ............. 'r 8 4 b 6 z 3 4- 5 I 7 2 3 .4 6 I 7 5 I .7 3 4 5 I 1~ 8 -4- -8 I -7 8 4 6- I 7 4 5 I T s- 8 4 e 4 ~ .6 4...- 8 4 s s i s '4- "1 s s $ s I. t& I.~UT E~TA Wou iv, le, Utb' Ur is. el03 Ç £KI6O îw1:pra L «m luat* u t - ~FMA fier . îe b OU 77 ui, h 1~ m tuai 2 i-iNL L.sai .lae ii ai.segt n ut le' if. toi la 1» Mise. A~ntL si-si j-. r 478M 74 79 18 84 19-79 - 1879o 18 79 19 03 * '18 92 V 1843 1843 1 94 18 30 19-19 r' 1898 1863 1911l r 18917 1861 1861 819 * 1949. 18 95 18 77 18,77 18 44 -14 17 1411il j' ~24I4 î028 418 418 g" il S Shefif'i 080% Us*ay, S~I 2I,18SS~ s, '4 MerohantW WHO WI8É TO xNt~agA8E'i4fD5~ ~ ~ sus AT ~ t 1' ~ ~ I ~f~9~1ê1PL ~ 4. ~ ~ ~- ~iv- i ~' ,w~ 4 lm MD »Or TOWN, LDuJBy. IrEUD&deagwsd in ietuvnng tbm»ksuto hi. Wu adm id t6.Public generafly, for- the Minai ~tma ehbêhe. neiv.d. bepte =m tntb ths am amd w Ma îd 8U MMH0 Mud '00- U Mt. lot. neuSet rm.amahe tbru. Ir Ws. embdaiie, a$41"uhUTT su imam68 vilalvaja i. taàuuadiume. Kr -3-40 Esuoelwayste 3mm RIMM-WOIKxANý' Propaiere. WILLIAN WEERW , iNUSAT. Oued St»an ad Uumd mêiaeed, sud sa attentive OaCI.' aways in atteudause. Proe O.aiioea a..ad ftm tJW Cwand Bvats. 'BoAKE>OxNU DoLLAzr EU DAY. Crn ef Ped .ud'WilliamBS., Lindsay, C. W. S NCE the late Fie, the Subscriher hsua hea e h.Boulesg bacas idPyne's Un- tel, whibhoh.ha. awly fumished aMd cuufort- &hi7 Stt.d up for th remeption of visitors. This Boue.la ccoveuiet te the. Ralway Station sud Steambffl Iaudiag, sud the. Stage froua Beavertou sud whltby stom aeh.*0do.. ?3Càarges u<d. TREFLY FOULNIER. Propnm. Lhdsy, ept 5,1861. 14t Corewr of Kent and WZUm Bs. LINDSAY, C.W. rpHEbeeberhegs to announce to his »Mivatad &"d eopls<ey vrtted hi. tourer eild- IR& "vlà, adda meV wung, sud b. la am epr- mu ý w revm o eomuodato .rie."S v- ' o@ýà huuhe oa maial.M, tahllg, auder the oharge et an experiaend IiadaySet5, 1861. 114-tf IÂSTINgGB' 1EW OTEL, 1 J" ..-Pa* iEpoi C. W. THOMMA8WAX&"N 1LUBTIG8,P"oegRoR. KM- à Pfster vii atemd th.eamisat su Port 11p, sept. &,1961. .14c JOHN MILL, PROP1IETOI. qHEabove House.ia neUly enlared and N.-Eas t ot Slawoam EU a, en the. e,- - m etKig mm& MONTRZAL. Çâ%*W Pbmm W",.fu&P"a Sm *e. un .h'hm mum amray ~P N 'bar. IRILOWÀY~S fILLSI' leu. mu ta t e46. fau*0 vhiimes and - dysprtiei in*0 maawai and -n ednt.nioumlia Roe m *0 Ont-i ani memaranto ibou. ie .a. - ad hon m. Lèee. M.esyath ~Cs.o.fu B"m aLegDstMd. 8021«4 .a flCe.. Pill of u m6. mean standinga a» h. fa esd kidmepato iai hthamr rueuerae udo eeati orati ue agen . Erupti1as m te hM Are Ivo 0a tid.tuéeteuumsd iruendisr eul a ei y a-the ouaiule .uau bd*- La a. teiais 6. ve o ud 6.. mon. jet bet immacispoe t r.lrah Caser l ma theyoars s«nding hat hae or Uual nte daulyred t. jelu t yother ram or treatunent, avmed vnrialeombedin v»I Cvp- plèinae*tioscfCii ovfu tiL su ea u Asi.la fym *s ma a uaa0<.s i eyeonain dl...... n srd. radicd.suI aeisa nd trases ure o ega h 6 e.tora actio <tii.s Ohtuant.its aplationy0. os elh uatuc m CeswibePeudma e tCerouga" ivuie. e Rotethe Oilimetijuand et ol marrd or sudie in. tutei.aCiche idlet. cau : puel chapuseaN»de, TastùI1a Gout, Lumb- o Mer=-naiEruptiona. Rheumaoim4 Rhngwoe,1 S"i Rheu4 Skia Diveamos, swefled Glands, S«ealegs, Sore Breastu, Soe Head, Sore Throats. oS of aul kinds, spiains, suif Joints, Woukda cf ailkinde - UCOLT Y*1» PIuPARAIN T~U OMIT Eu!» Puxrà"TION Pt Mm lmo~ eqeai; 65«-MI 6.set bsi- Im&IU, N» MU33TO DO 000»1 RE"LUR, A» SUREZ TO DO G6001! RIBLE. AN!>à» 118TO DO t6001 ENIABLE, AND 8SURE TO DO 6001 ALN» CANNOT DO BAlut AN» CÂNNOT DO aUn, AN» CANNOT DO HARM. AN»DL'A1NOT DO HARI& IF TUE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! IF TME DIRECTIONS ARE ADIIERED TOI IF TME DIRE~CTIONS ARE ADREREX)D TOI ÏF TME DIRECTIONXS ARE ADUERED TOI SAPE AT ALL TIMEMiI SA"E AT AL TDiim! SAPE AT ALL TUÉES I SAPE AT AIoL TIl I *eept viien exprmsli forbidden iun Ch. directrz vici ae wrapl et arouud e..ch houle, and have 6. vritten signature of DR. JNO. LLYON upon $hem- NONE OTIIERS ARE GË-NUINE9 NONE OTHERS ARE GENUISIL! NONE OTEFERS ARE GENU[NE! NONE OTRERS ARE GENUINE t BSEWARE OP COUXTERFEITS, BEWABE 0F COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUXTERFEITIS! BEWARE 0F COUSTERFEITSI Tiuey cure ail Chose iii, C. vhich the female systcm in suyjeted vith dispatch aud a riegrce of certain- ty vh"eii othing but a scientillcally compounded Raid preparation could reacii. USE NO OTHER 1 USE NO OTHER!1 USE NO OTHERi -USE NO OTRER I C.AUTIOGi !--Xounarc eoume indes. Che verdi Hdllàwam, New YPia"dLo,idon," are dincerni- For un, Drops stand belorn th. vend as the %a hie ea sWatemrark in every Ilet etheboock et directions arond o&eh ot or box; the sanme may a'us ultra of afl reunedies, for the cure of *Il dis- bojdainly seen I>y OWI,.g ah. laf t. ti. ligh. maies of h Kidoeys and iiladder, Lencoreah, Pro- A h ravarWd i v bc given t. auy co reu- dariân Msncb formation as may 1usd t& the det.c. lapons, sud Cth. mld, bit positivOecorrection cf a&H tion et »Y party -or parties coumterriting 6. xreogularitims. meeines or vendlng tChe.ni knoving t6.m C. sob e t the manufactory ot Professer Rllovy, DO NOT BE IMfibOSED UP(ON! @0 Naidea Lana, New Yori, sud by ailre tablae Drugg a"sudDealsion M ediunmtrog=ot Ch.DO NOT BE ImPosEI upos ! Umitettts and the ivilul v omi, lu pot, atDO SOT -UIPO$ED P ! 25 cent@, 16$ema à1ai ah 13 l -T4in wa m.sdaraiaaving by tamhisDo NO? BE IMPOSED UPON! 6.elarg0îe s. N.E.-Dbwecti er thé goidamceof patgin eveuy disorder are aa . ach pot sud bei. iy ChoeWho, have other preparations, vhich they ipDealers in my sai U k»« nueiucin » adea"rtuC.poli. off pontiie trength cf the popular- bave Show Cardý,e, imima, e., ee thonFILR OF- EIZxrsma, Sy aliu~-hua olloway, 80 i u y DrM% s&advi. rO tOunand their ovu Ma"deaLau . .Y. nostruins, Chus apprpnating toth iceivos the onstantdema&" fer my Periodical Drops, as a me- ~ A N 10 O D dim fer aeiling soaueCiing Wbihl awortius a". Ail!> îuuimearit. But*viien the dru"%% tyo. apply ta vze~ u' Y UTKE~T0 E bua.aot gV& bai, cither make hi buy thein for -. - ra viioh a gen, vo viii retuar yen a boule DR. ICOTWs ESENC QI WE. y retum Expruma. J}seliiCa bu 84 kniâ 4 -m eedi.theUr- t o.Y«viii Chus save paelvis trouble and obtain pubssula le,? imef frues 6. puait emal. Regulato f th* oeéitiu mb 6t* VaUla >rni h attwoerftith b u" eW . *"W oêwlb * frémn es,14Che e ** O et Waùai cassde.. henUr é- Oser MM00otties or Cliii ieduelue have l*ii El te l»1 '0êt-*O b ssJ diMWwà vlClw 6. l ixnouths, sud every Lady vkaa;, ff u»Wdhsoidibhif VtJi urUe MlpMdlle âha oum5.but ferrithe mature of care, fou. neh aai svt eriuumrifmt061 - - CO9UMSNW amammam 1» MURis fPd-i',. rt e ey. 15taies bat ou. Dollar tW make tue «z- ~!" puausst-si 1 ajpmai t. tuas. of vour asx viio <*UUm'0. '- a.uise-vill yeu vasa. avay Wvie.aasinge sitke. I lisse- Prpaaed auiey bIt Dm. Jasi. I. Itom, Practie. lheuamsiOm~ll~~.L 888-13 ~SK.~* ~.bAmBtSL lng Pkjui. Pd» et ipw be*kr. C. ÇLARKA C. WULErLE mDavao""- Ouma Agmt. tr NV' Haves', COU»-. b. &111 W t 0.,Nev Yen. J.,. Co.. b 00.. -~ <L!M!22 -4