*U*BBl~y~ .AUUUTîUAI qPILI b ~1V TRANPILla! t-~ttt t wru~~UAUPIII@i TuE 01.1ÀIID PMXARATIONÇ tep»mt BIS i;tbq*»% h <h.moutobeti- r. ATUD<SW... '14-ff t f -t> EALE, L&AXD SiU= lO DO GOODI REMA»ULE.AND EURE TO DO (JOOD! ImIAI=ZAND SUESTO DO 000f! IELILE AsiD'BURE TO DO u(MD, 't t a, -ISB I CAlxOT DO MAIN, ý"> CANNOT 00 HAIM, *aI aAND CAKNOT DO HABMI fià,AIXD .AYNOT DO HARlE, t '4M p~4 * tttttl 't'- '1* 26 - a, ~ h -~ j £ *ê~ L'a. as ut Ide ...... ..... .. .. nti -qilp - :w wm flt»AU la %WJW ile eve à, w0w id id 'd ton, lm lm' 6z ok, kg Qu'il avik., irw ihw ft &- rab' vamp deu dumdhos~uubgr lempm th.é.sy, hmtmI.e ed laN.v, Toi « farhag îe s Pno ¶ri hi. mhu sdeweIg uo - aI~àà vd~uh 1.g ýiboeUuoe à*% As' Ob.sum '11W ~.ul set t I - .i~. - e. I ~U~~'I~L Ospital ' ' * * 3*tbSUOOO@. htvm ,wu~IAIMS~ 981001? IVND W O4~A8A, ~. UIê~0SL - M N.A8. WAUOE. h I US,.? E.~ ~ <AI 1t4. W Uit, tht k £ lb.> w~ <4 <à. t wn sho sopama. 34........... F~. C~t~*.~ ........ te,........... . ... ..., ....... Pt, Bauur xfl * 4t B a 4. 8. £ 2 I 3 4 I y I I 5 6 7 s 4. 5, 8 't 5.- £ I 8 4 8 £ T 4 G 't. .1. .8 4 O t. i 'i 8 t. 4-. a ~î a: I ttL .3 't' -'4 -a et 8 t. 100 *27 523 4734 53 43 4 48 18 92 18 84 19-03 18 92'- 18 7# Y18 434 j8 43 18 43 18 95 9,4 18 69 18408 18 et 18 1; 19 té L 1844 18 -t. 141-7' -t' t.' 't>'- t. t. 24 M tg, ~1aVt.4t ~. t t - -t t-t t t t t tl- t ~ I m'~i~à.à.ny I~ I êUi~aL d~t --t' t- j, ta N.-Tatt uw etabi- Muiu7, Nv. W IUL175-tL. ~ri 8kII . srq1 erliLumber lieoha.be 1a7 of1ty0 Iha t.iua' qWnas m i a , m u h bau ~ ~ ~ t mihu~ B' 0uambim ~ »WLm"Iy EASY 16q PabU e OWNrLiNSy. o h ~mot aedv4bgt [,WImsr r . *uaKe, yWfh VTESand swaK *M lIvayu b. in weadlneu. %* Ta~I.aPberal. te satt .the liSe-. RqUau woRKAN, Prepeleto.1 Llmkay, OOt.W, UWI!.12-t: IF TUE DIRECTIONS ARE ADIIERFD To! IF TUB DIRECTIONS ARE ADIIERED )Tt'fl IF THE DIR..CTIONS ARE ADIWREDI>T! IF TUE DIRECTIONS ARE A1EEiT<>; SAFE AT ALL TLNIES! SAFE AT AL -TDIES! SAPE AT au, T1MS! $AUE A? AUL TLME,4! oxeept vhe prealy forbidden in the directions wblihane vrpp.4 aroand each boulte, and bave 1h. itton sipature of. DR. JN(J. ILION u.t tb... NONE OTHIERS ARE GENCUINI! NO0IS OTHERS ARE iGENUINE! IN0NE (TIIF.RS ARE C#FNUJýNE! YOffE OTHERS ARE ENI! BEWARE 0F CU TREIz BEIVARE OF COUNTERFEIXS! BEWVARE 0F C0U-TERlEîTS!- BEWARE 0F COUXTER1FIT-'! JE1V 2rIC TIO EL, They enire ail thause ilLs to wh.c!i the female *yýýtea WILLIAM TREET. INI~tÂYis j@.Ijeeted with d*itpateh and a degree ciae GoftsU mmd»4Shd attasihe&.an au ttentive ty whieh noth;»a but as s.ientiieally ecurn1o.nde1l (%dter alwayu in a5ttà"Mi, 1li,4p arat.on u:dre'.-h. Fret Owjii6.i. te avid /iethe VuLiars a-id PU*«xs.; %AXè 1»- O'uclIiLLAU PER DAY. Lindsy, March IV, 1la3. 192-tf OTIR I>' NE~ H TE., USE NO OTIIEI C.~ <>d md Wiom t.. Ls~dayC. 7.USE NO OTHERI SINC the IMe Fre, tlie Stitweriber lm8 W. hseud h.bas eed1i * akuthed and cxmftIIo-Fer My Dreps %t.ina Leee the werld a" 'the i»d ably ftt.d op fer th. e* r.p1hi.n 441 risitun'. Tip pi,t wshra cf ait re'redes. for the e-ite cif ail dis- Bonnein*istvde* le é Railttar station n sd isamboat 4nou& ag,.d lb. stage frons Bearertiun eaffl cf the Kidneysansd bladder, uereah. Pro- mmd WjtI~ytcp a lb. oolasu.s. and the uuld, but posti" e orreý.:tun of &Il 114-tf DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPf"N! R0WdEOT1Lq DO NO? 319 I>WozED uptiN! 0. W. ~DO NOT BE IMPO--zED 11;PO: DO NO? Du IMPOSED upoN 11tt CJ4Yp E IIO EL,. daim e pmo~I ff apou the trenetbof tii, pope lar- PPit I~t l. m um thon &sprombnaig gote hel.ves the montat demand for mapPoriodindaI rop a sme - bu. molt M .. s ithormake hMu bay them for 1-fy=or "s eh. m.oe Doam te th.new"n tgeme- nù 1"1"9"uAp.ast, vi. viii MM yenouasbogie ~tYVEL.j7 'star Xzpness dmth Nats0umyo»utrul ndoti -~~~Bl Ou .WDtiuof tblu m*cUeluebave b... *~~~~'j Mgu i~l.hat mmtiao, sud «M yLady IM «»,dea thon, but 'f« *0 e mture et Oure, Q*W*Mj4 ifauIé uswl1 h bu uoeacertificata of Ibsir ma~~T wmq t a. ut ume Duau te M&4 thie ex- ~~~M 1sl.I m mapftltt bm et Y~eau eWuho sq#WtmgBeh-Wql y7e Vaste .WSy visin~uxgle Da '0h0el at t* 9wD, 5 W1 1 70 515 ?pm"uajb e U .LaPaîc A iTt IM SALAIT. . 5w JJaevu, donw 1 1 -00 « h 00 ,N o T b Md omm «W 1r NnaS I. , t 0"OS JAL? Lt ~ ~ Im *WO*P11 I~mm Si àItt k , mkm