v - ~&ffi~a~I~ es - -' oiqà wm li 1,ý?Ir4 soi.,"4om u4qu.dst o th. qksg 14,lu au Voués1. oi.i et 1.cl.o U44IN 4 à îî , amip qqibthmtaiti nom ~nmbr~ i ________________ au*i~ ~___~ IY~à u~gL% ~ ~ I-G M i~COLU*< I~E N,~ .. . ~~ 574IUp M.seaswi.. omliut ha J. pc- eq. oah ;.h 5ie wu-sso P... "a.~I><i~tah gt ca ........... socbl o4.i e&4,adt.f r.~U# ftit aSiittioha d04iItr% a ae~ttent~ e bét4,WOt M~Geoi inm a M pcUusqPir d.Iivery BUpdr hard 4s IiCourt of ' As*l tisbut Umm M àIdï mi pireui( aseW QLibrg Tens eWebt diL1Ï mi9o ro.. i Y if bt.tuwmajiiodo.Btiiriwjmain utidou set.,lm.froende, ply. Prier to the lStb J;aih 1857, u hosmoie ficr ewth l1twt a" I, it it-ofdA e lumr t r h ieg, GýQ OP r t t ..leega;b t y fttipa#f*4 iu te kutuhu m a fiI .Egmdi h nc ftetcesise a he ui LINDSA . ~ ~ aae~ ~U bmih.~fhs~mmhn4 ~.e.saaty, *s.~ud o~~m~IiautP'da. bo hgi sutaleby bos i. ecod ifUOiY'5I 8IU£ e pu$Iioub 'terWsoffi L#e"tdoelts sci M stl qm tig CAM.'fIi hfeor'hp My, qiqgt.a.onnd(rmyto ës lwU S1.Âil failsi Partat of tW U ,,QT&< e, fcsumrn iii.'tib. et ,<. w-S6m isti-h '6.t 'é' iitof iAprUa* cmul doâiru Ou. quiant îxe£litehi wqsta'y4t goenrqnsl Ktiiphc-Ldm pecrbttegutajtyftespt ÂTTOXEX-&TAW, IiedSbmu.son.w tÀrSwsu enhrs oihi omms cfLord m - . IUs~~ i~ ~s~edg6 aifim i rkth aso-dl be oottt frUgofsgie BoED RWW-PAAFTE ACmunofce oferunofiesi Xb, ,j X.d..u ft.rsu4e atti aah oah.u tr-fai iicriejdieP , 9 ,n.TI om adroabokd une ,i .iue.o iih BOLIOITOans OIIAeESTI 0uYSYANCUE"h. miii Lt48~X ogue4.Ao uet shar e puli paroag - riTu k Amw mon" id es the asu h.wama.Mormwr, .iziItgei 800 rundtnpfrm Brmdalait1;lamui, nt fc ccrgmc tfh, Il~~prfl cwrrmor mI4tAOne overi4ew. shen WTies. Solottarêta~Jbmuoe,ý* * 8 tC n 4140#11111a rletfr iraoge#imta .prisjr>lJi-tii ogbfr sipr.i»dta gaiàoe iun h.t sdjsAfMhfl n n dnu ou ri entdbtcopasn cog ltlenefre h b Qj7reOvo" ii >Idlelali' i-t X, ') l-i la t e ý nul fýy"W, »g ~Pr Asd, th<>iog i s&.km« a%*liksi bs ihfrwre upmia, d mlend saoliutthfaitof auu oee wc.idemd ru.ma.Ti ,kobodoEgad . undmtt i J&Kt IA. .A L.r Tlu 3(GN f eséL the T i h *.If s-uaiiva ade .j si ayngt cu-a oea fis iiaD.lucuulZe u h. omadri.fafesshFdea rii neo tr atoa sots n tji aue Iay HBDAEI gosupap. pw eIJruudobu ertons;lese iisis teLopa in ain-.. tegoshet.hJil,18 nnintuiuscmadrcfbld u-Telvmulai.n;mitabt AUA II? $PEHAilmaUTa =t attention mi h'a i Inbb. buopl$4*mcrti #AdmI,& binIo*hsIlleri Dnnrtone u*eiusit> ui oa thei 01ne"t us i.toain tef szps4sherlis ot ac oi>e t aîlcommanderdstoye eco and BOLIOITOB hi OHANCIIZ~~~ j ~~*~OSW W lètesP, sud bhe.is _&r4i and. wiub4ud erg artd-S.pibeilion 501 eesoils f a.ll et& hi 0a rudî ubmsleadutaOu*wu avbei saut#, : W'.rtpu smae o dbdolagOuhu yrêS YMrmA *çainpuafy sai<sse e W d oAI 8eêyI 41e,~bohd uiea e~. Ihbra Agnt~ l ~t eaieuste~éus~aat eh * uftrauerI eas funapiuu~ves ee- MssReuwie«lierth um odip corepa aUi DIWfl ShUbaewcà candb.he rim l aoes. hs opeAareueefes iiiqàt JetiMti ri, rîe y dvrele Newedththe Rb aohefto e. orn le sfenta et"(hu Loitoah sTrmut.Ti ous r pofdd îî osn sd tergeTE UA EWYOO amSORAY Conoul b.tomfromi is ficiomat muthe j5apftt>liti.iU.e telaamiof aeaermu.moshae lght- hthueesmgoy me ofarcongah tofuar m rMvsios. hb iIff le, Eattendf OW 1. n mentE of IUe'BepLI ti 1) s P wrffe A I Il EY A P, éW. -lu t alée i leftneçi I ro -ifofmtrangons. Prine efoi w ,et Iir cutai of a yer fhlogt ed 2 4 1,ii ia r"e'* da 1 c£sae iai Liv n nerpo t eccp c ieuip ANwY orsonetooe iisr .LIN>fSwA Broca. WQQD VILLE.oMikappuesgomqud 9 epolte!,adl brl-th abon be Uhe er. h. bd h a eull-otiqWn eâoum f15;£757dliWW idmoncy npose tip uais;eom h eeascaasca ia ata i ~a Oa'acma at -~"--.~ ------ *-**---- -- -- couue of"d. chb i e Cm';« o no ox4 th laaigtudioe o uniFee - l s, f d a oeiktaua I th e igCsnscbof ium1-9t*j sud bua d Le aered S N h sva> fe oe- NvYokl odru lc.I uti ORTIIEN HOfLr WobelgeiC.Wd pisdt4 9lhÈeehutir our mn1Iiaqas amu1 .seondm vlkifsmca..u no f ienn 5 cli i.fbi .Â' ________ <. , 1ide*% ho wud or.4sunk.édepo à" a&ybef se ce"acti>eof thegiommaferai. natrfn. MTORNY.re- basd be. fn no oflera cd*Srb1 DAA &0 fLI. Isrt lir.too eoa mo. b . h i.ibepiaimi to Apnlat-1866, orn.kther tit4hoftLondoof Dec. I3thh frein Loyds eumaothcd Iboelot la almosareasîsinkuing.But MM avavJO*a.m a;. --- - &---- hm--- -*'-ru îamn"edah. iahornmlW.eelth Lu;à$ t, O.Wil,0i-tf o.ui eýowd~tBe, A , UN rtAE.dutrsvrl er fubpMé lmukt è oM ugcp n eW rt Wi *éUhutbv he a o-lwrdi Agentit Uue Lu fourUsa Eul. i gio sxee, .vu puuiîe lue imeta.sndei ieirneasCodrif Vl fiSpidn i cii udwio l am hmmuniae h bie aniclrscfoe fti. iu befe!eSn t hityan>o0"hin ttrnhsatLs, ulotou u haoîyo n o is , ha inahti ala-t.- jeua mqltl iln h sad fAu er n ihtnd Ntro l'ui. . a- j . l- and cqe leftHambun; in tiseuea 14y214rticf cethionoodscof a saleiofx&tue cutne chance fornt- UtilMillu qr. Ilittoaa-IewofdInrangeuta.rs. Theg ubarlwnu bigt tbe end of aaf Vdi.é. su LE.pb g go r. Sc b possible, anti hesihont ea-n .Sj abcaeagro f bu 040re.Te eief> Faiic filte ils, o "0 course o 'echh tuiihine l8mîUnila aroe iiacouisreuandi aiboardmen, the sur s.cdipi> bs ee npenist ad nelleret f kmbow fNr a wu lac*ng se oera fofs iP rica. C fom. aigl .vrsae dsureetaeba ieLdscrsiiart heEbe eor e aetiemaIfr i.moe, b asmn Om4ile-InW. pact. iéWiIIUO£0 n*W iniiiofbali Aeste,18& lgrd o snk ________________________ ._ -bst g re te-lMo >o hsa . I es arln rtn eaolnwg irci orhe l oeg u t lysol he n o& aniSreaaUSl Snobsmwwisi ther(I', ub uy 180uablu minaeisb ,*F eç"* tpo e. 8W4an »m "nm a okodteofc ftecer fteconwr ud iàL 0 iis- Cohv&sN. .4ain4slu sinonhe re aomitre i-o i» Iii ini- ove ranges sam uIoi, -m1 1 5 , "nIe be pche. cftofLaondohntuevr e 08100In)YUCiviloï'îgntst 15*4 * un 0freinMah.ng orince easnW doobtbquitu ao -erth#eclea day b.emoreb teanaplainaclcrks or veniro * ine iiar. e 0A .-I M. Kmp a idf ing, oodl i c.m -0' qbUsos S*8tER anti _Of tr id e 'lé ; .el ,h.iftii i haken ua i os7 , 4kant*ongentt c nt pu- ea Tiemeacoun ireonauth $"tPiet, 0 . 6 - Nm m o t .eiut u) th. 0 a h. olyiqee ssiw, eait iW ijinméàende themen.eèIsSucriceVisfeupaiminbis cRLavnde ta i vulud tii.e hebaie pati Auduy Amignaket, 1850,l thi gavetàqbis baudI -aca thO e chLoia urc ty Mn. Dllî.uc lenk t e te CrowmIn, ni ime rati a 1 e ve kssd ucsdie ncdalsot fxmvgae r ).rsi - I IL R O L N K T l, h oom le eh ie es,4bp origi, uros, .ti - ho o e mt iniko-wn onr .5 -codn otnioyaqie yte b uapns e din on ti nadneoa sa JAMES 11. LindsayARO Y LEginroil.ef Fnedunltheathong, t. Lmu r 'RrnumuenM A la inipossibli £0 coqli hlmtef uepouofbtîty Thi aid fmiliesportibavefboheuféesetofon TEACHEII 0VD 11 yIpNOVOU4 Iion urtW d. Fofdr nanti.Uéutem, alà4 over a tenue of tn- s olvde haee b.erpeedihy MELODION, 91.11 ONLD MeIIUNONsude# ioe. a i .rl. - , Uui'lë gù t"y sud baim l i>the. op- l bu- <ha more beauah'ful antir.rapdat gnusurth ut t'i W JeanId 5'5 j4 B,__________ tc nogs i s~1 , h. tbwUtteIuSeywe t ufudàtte oa e a et wuDeThaiu&RI»cy . fungi aont.abu strat mimd1pMtandarulo ThLIberNte1>8AefiorntYi.P p M .rI"éintio, *iI , fml4 Ea wrw Caauiafev Md Fotei Y aaaiceWee<ho podsenedya TagIk bcf"u f o«% Mlf.w.-ngb vÂsuau IÀ#~VM 0390. JAS. masabtt LuWale adb ae eas i làai ihoa ofitc<mtia sth ii ,w oli ultu aohine ievn h- ag i lan;drssseaai hegaly"oe le A BLC T«O m1 . 2 alnal 0 mgat prie.1*â orfoâ. ailï WsWt hs.tt5eeaflPuas.,nh M l.ltor ettall h -le b*m h. ip th" wy & et[ ttigy .ib 5tu twsi.a. on> rombis frid epoThse Colai 05 .veratîhur.hel-tîr moaher igf, thr w "tawum die the wu abe to persade the kng in yasudbergirl; twhenatlbcyfais.neatfroithe goveantihevho prodmo u TV men eulPapa.hIeou WlIlamôta, Lqig it l ohaanW s4âdthasispuy., iuc o.d, led v hs lue er bshAud ite do netomummuigieof'ethe longsgr ny o LtauAaay. Th rk ue.invite th* public ted A.IiloanR ffiu tSEd Wkêrt et linonoibis)mpartdof- lsb*u.Bnsi sa ai.becu sa.ure U", anbs I muretOiSirend l , m. o *- o totwmow. he e ou t uy eade, d prehste l pats a de .3gbtheIhUfrbowuv, t bu eqotusa.aIn qtaa 5 TU~DU(1.8,Uwek~ cl<~~ mdfi~a"' Péfefolanibol.te »Y- 'King Wu& 0e 14is titi va>, mmpu> ocemu te vhUr si berda 1801lboteriud iO" ad t st- g e ostrnils Iom he ini- efeaarg paeupnltng, ro , 154an 1f7,Xdeandtheh" ,b.e Orue 10yîe vl n0euhiMan8diO U M BT. i e ah. N*stKlg iier yev* ils e, in ItIwelnoi78ssii u o r senia a .e f£ ce._______________ Ve. 27, lm. Uho shi andon th 2à vofUs paUh~ .D.t'bn Ms.Tài~~u - thouM he en OÇ OR4 UM LITL 3W 1rx P4RJ4 om-4 flEW flt*0Se tIw1 --.te eseelig id a ffl11~UueraJip bn. iiteri I'hiea $OSNKoNAI. WM 1IpMofFerWbi t eni.eàn mPmýt aquth» .rp" onteenIc t h -a -fe, pacic eifrh- s e t. s a s 'p s e I. e mi j- r'- e k, as ho e- ai- '7 'a I