W; ~ *ÏA Oum~ mA 11-1~71~ *~luI~. ~ ~Uk ~' t ~1~ ~ & -~ P~ h <&ih ~E'~ 'e- oe~ ~<n Me4 ~ mort' w~~iL f *r~i~ ~ '1< ~U~il' L~if*t~~1 '.dt f ~ - k.. ~ FP~ii r ~* ~*I W8~ 77 lh,~-T uoon0 - ~p~é nsamai pe ýle m~ 46 c1 9iqeio-mâa. b ss"abeImmi lb.gui - - ----- wam u 0 p.@?gaum"aby liai- . Ih ~kl îbud *1wIu héBg R Mr.h V@fl y ide t-Vuimt~ 5a~y.d. amdv -~ u~u~*.uu.6LiiMkba~~frlIf hembb. t ~mui., isiefahe - ~md, hic huer ~ lama violat.! ti~Ui philo uphes. ~aségmimL On UOmrp~ fmi~ Iusqih~apsoisie. sala- ~.l ~h 0< Ms. w w~1a ~lit ou, à11 ad IMI 1 1vbobo 4~ - éon vautn ~kU*l 7.7- «tawp- 4# 0 om "L>Ç*-Vbýeli wl.As * ~~aBp9fmp m tpait *à,, ktaui a s bnslry b ~ émopeormi .1q 0< mraie- pmur »nadào..Us laa 1ula mille ~#wpion pj i. levpu h nupemppt in pie .qrê~mud a Uapo Cue. h cop*.a i.~i pimaprty ua.oar»aeda, Ur- pdCuý M«" -le isT.bë bulwesntad by a m.~..c~..,.au a very PMOone~C ~hi m.i.àMhm;but di. a~ a si4.shlm<nvuavirydiaNo m ua hm orucw ucnqoed, mum pointu, W siwbadeuilw ma.m My beif hu igSIy Wd~ uinrimra pkuie a«Ie amda lâmi noem0alpsrthmu r <vole% àasày ib h h M.h ay IuugaLme ahe Niu, Caalisaples.u eu acu* a ne obtiain Iboial 1 t iUpper Ca. m& t? Nu t a ail. Ne viiiouJy oain lia oe v hbfre en hommse tbmait sans: iSd ursit abmy. la Wý ah vel md &M t < - or ma. v 0< o.,ith.,or UoWcooiy ,uoIisà, isbvim, lia à* M nu.Md mmscpum.a par ly ha.agm taianaeoves UhaliaS.- An h....< idbai7 viii jwýmat~sp Put bxai"=nu< ais Provinc, ubl anMw"b nmer ben 1s U wl Wb Sr ober Wailuamossm "spa h pami tai~v .vu aia p..to. m aesu lic. Cate rgiWs. gopvas egasw, a. o ukici va mebdIiîi smmyreely vilait Ads 0 prohlline amoai âAi 0<~~~~~~~t ai brbbsitue b udlsiù eot01.uim r"Is 1< Canai el Proiian â1..I.WbOb it ama loi, unkyftfhiB trhirsppr, n got.. syplbsdâc..,ethai iàt lap-a~ bsiai", fim puate«P md avpsîns- my ~ig bmNir, a Basa oe - iNm 0 aImhh umid aig se the u Vi he - Chiom 0<*. nop.l gu e o bimnd misnoatd d wh h isin, àeâà by gme 1C.y*puopm . »W le Snt sahe lb bail.. Tby Ml h.wsa of n lb. m.cn.l uofa drilamoi igitmacuiuNà tw se mmauvmk.d at sVw pl» bach ni ed a ianim I rod ïvidar bmmwand emmted nrwt Tvel»we uadi heam.m t intva* ter ahnih ob e mwed evêa y ier.- g hu-ee Tomis b» demibpmpa. tads., a.hdrbv lkes.Obuh -ada mifi- t ewnt heanS itR by <-mmm âo tu, mmgra hef.ez lfh asa fig hiacc oasiensot aimagi h aoeuasrdwamn an mvae chiol, mp any andoo Whally.r ebIt wa i mm mmdcae, oe hl.rd et in lto, wiheh.au ur, M of argedia va tin mmd lohave ik a doule i oey your- lb.W roy alauofa kingof e oug I. 0" "e-.. b&Tanas-sa im dm in- acent paanchisfwe ai li.. immunsaig i tram ard lai ce dene wk asbeoong t nt.e mo re e theef.itvas ac.1 timapco- h perny màet te man&t.ee amng y arot k mh at iug!e oyte co huudr te feet of "(makig i bob lio astdoubl cams a>,ona; ver m.nae fil a et nu;nabr tthie Cyrof *s body bits. Je.an'o, nd y a mimoat - rammlar ; sud Ivasdich h stai Tnea fomt *i yoth amuss a.e!l visiliandhby rua b»a doun c, athu Ieabatose Irhe og am.t ie moçthe ogh ia. 'teomee hewwa - r Pci ostedos ae leas epi acutoe pana; be U th irae o ath ree astiaeina a, ewery itt!eor i ei':. Wr.e ute jco- r, co Greedont dr i :the Geûe, o ~r eisg i badof syeaRd Se.,am or an.I by a pe c-i or .a ear eff p a w Ot hic is treeae for M ma b yoo lt, a ighi hiandefi nd lus crâ.ft t a ocr,-aithoughihe boan t orti. mq ei syea, aiher, wm<i u.-,vagrndol 'Y U oMn M ofuhae booMENaccuoed b on-ig ilsler 9ufhek a it eSe ms s a oe il u-r, au e ony esiet ou'sipuaimdiuhbt eetheio ho ut h. end s s, are nTmr. Doed, M .aC- a4 fowinneota, i is respcn, v ew litea g-rant bbil rige dà , n Ite fviSi a-a yio ofethe va en, therigr ants al. ri g ibnot< he Uned Staes as a 1ore,44- mor pana et iil population th even h e cmenes outincmr s anew' er- Màtio a ihe e oves tenthe pentAigrafia- ro can stock ai proeet cooeFrisei a minariiy of IL - " populaioanof the Unted a ue- Tu.- me __w h4__ __ __ _ à, hué béumj 'h. x ~ ~q~ ~*i.<hbmsuwgil. - - ce** . ~4ISS ~ Iq~o IXA. '31~4* W