Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jul 1864, p. 2

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im Ia 10.. - m domss UI~~ ~44& fl~ r IjS~I L ~ y... s--. a L~1 ~ïr -g..-49 Lu d Ép kàmis--e 1li AM Î Si] WA& â W. ,,r'C b w- 'te'.,. matiee sali. iilbal I US. ~U~V Il, A SISIRUASLI ris. 7leeuUe j~asqafuUsI.6 as usomU lUflie? - -. wilab test ~ th ellm u ums ho. VO40i m Nida Ab" Olt sMt hq weln, t. MWelepu W ihi ~ * effà m tb*he utm ~ ~ te * ton";sa ha ~psm(~ Ille *s Woods u ~ ~P4P*"!e3I ~Ibm~eà*1 li Pumm atejIIeg lbl- ai ~~us Md ilm bfttekUâ* ,- lb W i i h u h s' a g r' a b a I 1 t I t i 4 i AVAb ff*eu. a *Ato Tia aIma c h0V~ LIids o- anênipte basE alilmiir. s ~aIEsevU 1mSqsler eata Mat. lb.Wh~uga rê~sI psa8tmsg USe~~~~ Im.aWssauesuls mià n le a ubrti Uél àit migi b ahr h es u - nu assOtte .avsbmai mwgam t Ssam. e i I ~ I ma i ow - bef dé-&èmbh wam seithe ms èv Jmî4 mdmaar us unO ami.w tl lIt h b«a omovi* wmio *A Iupple? MON :the Liqe- ~ us uaeib. Il la qsemthIbDame i o %Muin18of hosstiof heir gravu, a"i il *" thdmman ut Vwbite:i"botar in munwe'ss.Am %OlyiLoeer Me .My "ontl, Mai ak bimaufor whal? Misas They bave iW>ed twynu wholly uail wmuPeUBf, Mdi iflpy iuupeteq$ bo £ Vla s. Tbey have v,çkaily tl MSS~~o r&esems »f d a miay placedina gzwAI ban sd v. haiems plise ma te allais tatgby eau or vIl de bellt tas tbey hove doma huet. T I'ubut os »Mi Wiy te une tb bbtofr1 1 . BDUt d the aeevI er efedesul esat h.~~~~~~~~m themiteyt.mlf aebuaa eh&"m Iii le « MIL x»hUmulty et âbs PMVMaa v .s b u U.Lss sith the mnauma 8 p:07 st~huds p.Alle he tîhIAul bave ion e and thé*'~S afelug ai lu u'uy o the vaut t ru lu «ath. aiOff twoimt IWaamgtoO, thay eau l baamt = tu e . S a un.la No- amta Ia ama im M o;le àeé.a" able viflIak e b dlelloatgaVait. -Ib lahau sal bopis awr mi k ~ahW9u mbulwmsjA , tb go ayWwt* emeaiia"e"ta n --'---et bomo.' auvuadi Suesbaea.te elise lais wh*q be, lll p~hs.hvus beu me»uai et I b &te et l*0 "vo.eful munht ur~,~VWtbe ~le iEpLasi, mUs ibe kola befrsas vW th tEmipalasaCoua- &*mir hast 7 pi«*- le. Lai Pal- ~1W~uimoêpu e th aiâge ose* de- ef ' Mdate Ua m* mo b ovever, #*a bat M. taMl' r4 flfUOlDIl#LIY oaiawy. --au lem a pBlii .Ib efr uahun t LU.L. Zoo s di 4ubgave Alabana, lue thaI beiveeu Olb. Ment.?sand limie. win i it. mtr. in Eurpe a mgoud revoloîtbon in naval wa famo TII. *ARUE ar (John flraghias0ogan) u~Joui~aboî tsmoe jýwj Vq <ml taly JIANCE TO AID DENMARK. 0!1 b mu; . mu.vi Ummv wu ma Cbubsmgdu m~siie Cu m embmof ~r~b1nuir, of n i moma mwim in Ar..., on " lbpiof ù%. via edimeuq w»I ..d be aceupi. 04 bh ô~ebsm qiymugeuue fac euswI~elbNIomi wu Muqi'ially jOb. Of"iudroe If an oppetnnuy foum. lion uru, 1io ovran oul lJ Oay aald thomseres or il. Mv.. Maeon had an official interviw ian Lord Palmerwton, being intrxom 1ol y Ir. Lân".. Tho miuts vu s nifat6roe au panz leho Tiab aalby .'.r. Lind. a ( h i SC m ecII lu t.? iofl m oti.-n,. pawimi s»sead ohavebsec Ibo remà et "b iasens.w, Lard Palmeralon havis-g givea a seut « 'implied 1remise Io FuPpun Ibe me.- lima al, a Ume Opportune moment. Pareiamoeway p proeigsae unimpor. ls.t. l s eoufirmed aatDeumark bas peopis ed a truce, but madiig ii knownaas to the terni or cuucemioue offerud. Il Le repo *.eld tal thd Dac e vrsreput-. ed urhild uttemni g a Iauding at Dalbetk and Frederick's Haven. The . Las2ofthe Delgians is abom o tvt~ Napo!eoli ai Vichy. BATTLE BEFORE ATLANTA. 'UL-oýe"i &Ii» fomLiverpool 1 e ux': , oy -.re :Uc asdthu* peindt e. ome lu Qnebec, ut 1i p emnthas a gput anlbiite va» Iuogîi M1oe1 ti'bafertuq. Atlantla on Friday, te*,-iiir ini lior:ibie i1i..L»,M W mTi lsa ni rtile, ny» théâi slaughier andi a tmiwpIee epulàe of iîse ne nuance o " . oIraie lban teo74 jag enerny tut eve- ry ptint. 1he Coul,i&rate., unty owmg te sdWi ertive~d by specu- llold:-ng Ibo Iarge'.4 part of<1.1 e city, a.4s.Ut ioes. ua our %orks -,n! tat day with grieui f arv. The. Lmtdon 12»3YIfl P.. ara tath. evilnVly exp -ctimgtu driveounr forces .; ;, kMý4,uPpI f iudd -uieL-di fthe. c.y. 'itew15th corp,,comrnatideitby amie iing owing t. hhbeir bang abmtwbed byCe.Fai l;, e i ub h ~Îmi. WEt. î~< y ubgrt ot Confederais wrah, as ia.-y îs- gockditimua ièrtbePurchaSof ut-es i ;it in iove: whelinfg force. 7%0 an. -<>g. 15h reveived i t h 'ck allantIy, and held Capeain SMM vasutravelling iconio t .oua nutijiGen. Dudge, 'vith the. l5t S I5~UIE.CCrP14 camne up, vOuai the iuufudierates vere fl.oefulpm it itLysa Fiord haied baik with pgrat aIaughier. Gew. qy the PiMs ans assO-nllnncd. Lagaua. ai the. heaul of the. 17ili co"s.w..rî k i& jah,. ersn utDeumami bu , int-baditiewilis ilite raliy mlg c. y ot ' e- proposaiaau ustioe vilh a ,is e Io esce member McPttcrmo." This crsas %we megeulationasTh - belief a. geueraly e,,- as LIila lit hcorpit, both .mnstatutisag the wbutai ua apeao. vii soon b. couteud- arnY under Maj-,r Genera lt M esr.son, e fotuglut d,-seraely-the newa of the dea:h It it repawted ual King Christian propoSed uf their b ave conmainder having been ron- inthe porno propositionls 1t uuciade the .rnieaied tbthora jîlst betijre guing àato usfer cf the Daiâii avy on condidion of batt!e. nuâ remaining King of Des -mark under te General MePheroon va. s&hot while re- 4koI4mMiW tlit l. OOuima lfe*m rcmnotrisg. H. berame meparated ftoem hiâ I... -4af1 fur a mômeiit.and a Confetti-rate sharp- The. New DaànWIglinistry have sient a shoier @,hot hian front an aml-n.h. MussaslIohe IlWgrmuauf lefcb lthe foi- Ouriroqw but ied xlbot 1.000Confetera- loviug a asammul ~ tes, wrhich vere lefa on the fieli, vithiti our lT intua detemlngflta un lr~ ines', beside* whitif, the Coiifelerates bun- ijob le9 W1plstqo bie abW %à esave .4 many manyoftheirowntlead tb.rnoeres uni fathmid, bas deci Oipena ang cnar théir uoàsk. f blinwsers cane 3 On Iis basis, il in estirnated ihai th. W. hope to obein tbeni 6de c th Confisterate kibied ani woutided,on Frday, cf .. iii exceed 6.000. Ms~a ad à unieJO.D' dusvW'e wu Our fou vil! reach about 2,500 in kilied simd be poveriesa.1 and woontded. 1,-Tts i u iisemun '94gtIM m a- The. istitcorpesueIIeed severely, the ene- sra,#ot1totIisem* tbuIrstand fInly on my's tiopo having been massed a*rinst ii. I a goudiey vil i ep" adn.. o " lt vas Ibis aceousi4 of the e.nemy, _un part. ,g o adop t an illugal m ea ure. ubat fros i m u s h heavy loti& Th.tmmssae cndeby'àaying lat heO While thewor of boryiiig the dead andi Mitaistees viitcor.airnl teit misi.. loup- remouD! the vounded vas woing on, on Sa- hold Uwsts1.s er.ay, Sboeaa's beary artiibery vas play- TtldpemwnBelgeasocsena t l mg upon the. citY. At iha»Mrne ime large linp .5 De.amark bas larotet Mmd obtained fue-vmesobmuerudinidistant çat of Atlan. the inler. salim d et iiFnyerorKapok-on. 14- supposed Io b. caaod by tne des ruction Io Loan iffl eiruuidot"USof cf suppies, depote, and ailer Confederato lte ladt«4ml 'mo ii.£stshiroop& iniNew pmport!, vhieh thie enemy could not carry Zealad. lîa a&i waepecul[Wiy diigrco of, andi did coi visi 10 îail imb aur hands. fui min purbapi wapaod.e.> ,The. men Tis is cons,.ered a* evidénce of iteir lit- vere aurpr msi audIWI e, vhbe nearby tail Seolion i0 evaruate the place. tiuit c-ases vore iibeaWor vudud in Serai Confedemie generals are reported h.*âo e fu onts drlîy hum .to be kilied, but their naines are flot yet At bb Luim mSay mariSte" fands versudr *Ptiersbti, July 2.-Tb&re i* no chatio uar iprovi andttg ce&PM 1 i he situation aied no uîew. ot any irmedi- aie bostiities, on the .part aifGrant. 1leavy M9o@7va ausas. it l. IsO- min voitterdity. The report of Graut'à dealà sa _ u, Il 8s inie ps~~oIPer iscoiîradicted. ILATKST VU LONDOD RY. 0aiii. Lia uosly 15. w Thit DanopemmU *it eïara- HLOA' ILa *II' aA LV chaatgeun'. To proStrate die houiily ppwers hy drauîc Pur- ,aiiea. s lesssWdisese.TheuefaunousPillIs 8ir, but puranet bmymt, watt. of~t~dpet~iîidon 1he - ~ .daTirâlai. vere vii" fiât, mdy. lis Mp-eu7 ten aCà,tD3' Tuiî il" 4S.A e Sod at tue manufa clones, No. 81 Maiden Lane, New York, snd No. 244 Strand, London, and by ail druggts. If le reader of iis" notiCO "CALr not gela box of Pilla or Ojiment ftom lte drug mtore in bis place, let hito write to me, 80 X dea Lane, enclosiwg the amount, and I vill mail a box fte ci expense. >lanv dealers will not keop MI umeicines on band because île>' can- m 5a 250. 62j0., andi $1 pr box. T1061 tgal i'a ver> serious qitmtion, and we b'I e il vil le seUlet saîjalactorihv--etay rate il . peouule o(Cg suda viibave rio di"cl'! 'la tecrinig a ap>»Wy f the "Canadian PiD' D..Iroyeest là satS per Boule to cure ubeir qoqhs lt.% n8ensajfli oas mubragt, bes*e 8r4vg asy Lwm.-Weaen feel ubockedust lb. twue lmauef Mmeon.op.%semaciwIlb' iq Çh'ba th t be clute mous. Street hrme "%5 awwbtd-WIt5 b>'25 centtin erice I5SPd, m iewahas de Omn say* thue r loiS, i ""m "eags te Ss sveryvbeze Dr.IL . E. .wef, of NeirToORsYs i ii o fma ý - gmr" h valus luaime làý Tu I mli bu. mvWt. h~ ti il le-V lk- -wl- 04 A'm Ode rop

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