Aty i d*%~ t- '4 bi ' LO A0T4 iid A r, qt 2,i 84 » <l -f ~PbU A.;UU Ga, IWWCfliI IlrMan tlc<pput NgI kOMsou'. Lladsa,~p 22*18U40* Il fat î) RI)W.RS for work in th. aibOvO lin* sWumui* * akaýy§ on band. Painsd JapanWiTl*- C OLe, &. c. - fl'dtSiip aid for Sh.ep'shlniCalf Skias, 411A Copor, u, c-lakti l esc ffg 6ENTLE~I ~ I The îerm for wl)*teh Y+i were tind énoughi to t-led mie Ioserveu n the eisie (oilîicil, beitig fabout ,to e;pire, yoj1 w litsàon'4 îlie alled , upP Io 1exOrciee the riKi decf Ire.- incutiiiiiin Ille V*Calcy thu. cdniuig. eleigit te b. th e sire ofin~y Polit"cl aild. permonakhiensthat i .hooÏ.d presou,,t anyelef mu a canit . for re4~edoui h ýM)11VIldetd totila ha,. amud 510W bqg 4.o mlict arenewal of- youùul ùideXeuço pulippori. )Uli,1,ý the pericid that 1I have, liad the l'uior of eerving yon ~LAÇM Mmdj tde iiMy oerdies ('onceiv>ghaire ev.tdon@, liait the .itetni*re <il the Upper Ciamrber'aihouldpat *l.orAIlow îhemelves, îoebmcute, netve _pînriizans, 1- have 'félt il tu b. 'my duty to supprî o opp se'metiu io '4crditig ta thierr nerfte, -with6ut asiy tefoenue to the ,oititcal partie frurnwhoi hey have ynuch oUrmy liie te ,atu~onep-wt Ecoomial eloutand$, williî he. Zoalouà 1 1 %mi active id of allitgeutiemqn, 1in t10s84Y thut Our -mitahuye et been You will reaitonabiy ex"eo ave Mr.ny vaews an th impwrfallt"ieirittulthidhang.s htairae now Vouîtemfplaie<l. 140one at ail àequaintt!d ih the. eff"cprdWi.ed upou Or 1.egasIation amitht îLatl tpe ity of Ille counIry<, by temààW OCi(ikq tlifficulie§ .xis'qng b.t*..uPppeansd ioever t.anada, but ,nuàhave'foltttu name .emedy eould LeIbo tud M rthasoevilp. Whouther theyaqt Who have soaraniely utiteloe e pve andi remore th.e ditffiet w wtbu %blý t.e omplielà their pmaîewonby tak., li i l»e euiSIL W. neM the d*dlis- bof eUg ab e t ,oounce au otiaula ; but, 6eaîîîîy (MMd I in oumuawith evers, Weil-wisheof 0.01 oostry) 1Immot wu.1 Pray thi y ShoW eu m.a it Mhe onof r. lurni q ue s= rfin shtiv yiotma) rely upon Mybio iW bslàg anpte adro ite s Mwam (nwMt S of ue s«. o sI m*mui i'1 iw 'leist .e muweu My s' fi tbm1$.,io ÙW4t. îmI1bu'1luVUet uma 1 a 4 - i B 41 .110 lt-IL e C tsta~~s fiuIdo ucl Ltaduar, i" Neor* :'~crr. f 4~1~4 ~urjusru r,~ ~ ~hi4uo~ ~- ~tI~ (f r ~ I f~MIE a~m qA- low Ribboû,' eV ll" SIEW 'RUO'.MJICLOTUN iMTW I1bjoE. SXVX8IiUDY-MADF LO w Cbea«p for OSuai,, oré%lm cha*ifor $odacý' iCup' 1uld*4 foot of Ket Street. >IPyf 1i.240 If,ý, <'Opp..ti Bielo'aiet ); MFEI TO Tilt PUBLIC, AT TI1I.LOWt liing 4IE the .çimeuj, ell~cotn- I. e found iywbere la Ille eouuty FLbUR, INWëN MAL, FEEC AND VEGETABLE. à-*-- 409JU CIWED C3L il tht lut i 4 . tion et new duse, a wbo i at è à honld Pd1cat1m, i Oa*4.t.p wsv t4vina ason llkrtt.ndacet and beuu It#*ojpsUu.g0. ktb*.env.tewbo b TERUS ..Three DoUm~ f , 1Y~~~ !c~aLF8W5 0akwoo'~1ith July, ina .4 MINI' TO TIJ rCITIZMZfS 4~JI~ 'tt - - 4'. ~4 êr.4 > toi istA uSAI mugi' "d lea r truplto tii. folowiniand ~sometyil*,'mLot 2,li CU Oaces. 4< in la oth di ith #à0 In retxley 26 In 6 f8toc1Wn ll a1w ~RnÈasrt mItynflu* Ëar -ârtie - -.irlpiAC« ipt P") taadfhi.O XV TlI~f IVEMI U M N TOWN 0F Lindsay, beégLoM No" $2, 1 in, t[é- -Concwbi<la,.f.a<oaenaOa ;More or lesNe --0 aines 4f W" *are ci*W âna usder a to"OA14 p-or mIthuitlo. Time tre oswbe prýwawsY,4 M'g 0 d »MSff~b wells of aever-f,1 M >é"4.pply te.ll party en thL4"M~ ~ , MarpoaU ,'1864. 1*sl ýýmI%. raesf -m Ièg1W haif, of l T27, 7TH CO01MMON OF t>PSt ýan4 % tia oemles #d» 'T WIIrOf .ini&m Rmdth 8.c Thei4ai' èlbentWsrfaedh, ai- Opa, ;4tlàJue, I54. ýe cf~21. ti teU livOt,= tuq &th la t & ali e e *0 murs~ ens moueSwt upo al' MOXAJ IN ALLtI iied le test lbe gl' in, of titi bsmftnmi At i te epqebm Je syïtem »mirgme exitkaî cntim Ive safegu&Ma amu NOWK LOÂd. t aN TO 40AN, oas ai helpim, et44 J,~8. B 12tif TO LOAN ~Iwbtsctwrardiem e iach ~ ~pailw% eandi rreahleUtMb 'ai. 1. shrem mi iot2 s iek, uhos lime- Iwty *o ofw. *fte witb'Wta*bmse tu S4 foi t~~w bYPP&,d U» effêAb WW iS Y the Pilla.ixebOS1Ier51IE PUDI$watever camusmd & «itaikflu ihs n** ti 94m mi e Mr , 1 m . wz 40m* fie. f vta.i CL A. % IkS viol" sd-h I à l ~-L. 4- ~ t;-. t, et & ao, &4 *@31gan um6m d e e traoi- ter I ent MIlIN iD FOR TUE " 4- luij Ifti.rsfi** - rues,~S ls Rb"* fre ~ 'expems me4uclua on !'« '%Mm Proft us~*ofrmm~ Uim. *auî u8,.~O QTKUII~ u&k*0 OTUEHI - à '-4 *gf~ Kl ]sKOI lm unI unPs - uWb», bpi etke.t w, mee. m*.' 110 vT M hFm bo ~1 deuAW4"my «» £« ý-qw --,- N ambave »dfcaeb.dtili .4l rm My. y '£ A JIUti 1~i C belNI~S lie an te be.btahd at .~seb siute the Town IRaIR, Oaw. E' im mIm imII c lm* mi~w andbuk4 gtoe t.teI mD pjaute pecodeof (ubêiLe o aglow a riwotk*qWhb. wG DWTEGAOTM lm ~~~p10S8of LUU& fer u.h M lm- ir CASE!, a tDçboygmmNI êw IMEAN ifORS te le 'Mii r mmé P- rut o? frebot -Niel,*~ ~Or io UO maO. W04 perfsnsedivitk MINM U MdlLaCis, à 410*fe rs4tsi a 1. -. 9. [ Limr i 1 td4. pria