w. là à 4 84. MOL IFONLI. duaUsbte th )sNo~ id JIV .t A.IO *1155k lm eiIb au u e ohé.*~étg~ova ~s ~ wumm uveguep W'L vol i»,» uIM tJ lut sMv.uPil"mr'la . e ~qgidbI-0.a mog* au* ma* #I 01100 Bnf fluite liot' ,d uat<Jmm o!cilér.tory lIbu1 pw 1buele , a sdo s e . * - neo o s * Iigdpumbp o the~W. u fO1sit' ai r4Uu t mw,.! Xgthoutf Fs14 Uoe fuil.. *.06â'A Samil ul pamuîy bi 1JasmI .111.) f< g~y IpssA euoe but Canada villi thLvlIxmtiffh tmbwiIb #g li j- "I B ~I*o ~f~l swK OEay, Eeq. Ce Faimwr, W. 1sùi, il bs d»i Ili. îrve . ntiemeoud,and SususuDai.M, fq., uthon lu- J~ lo 8*«*Wàw .i.-pfflmte Bt, wmIklrwmf Tho ~i é~eml tiiu é tr. 'Fuoupi, .at'sa d, ârnm *a dih y4151t. i-w Im'dIli.b Umm',éb~ba i~b.,. 4Ll ntbt )I 8f X0 0"*a ue be .IàlemntUpDWbpltsi 1-.uh.La.Nm alla. tberSy np<uWfa 01dp éëMd'ý l e4 % r4-s. 01 It*IN>5POO*U$t4jU~'. I~,4h.4ssuIpie-mbmh6 e. 4 OuautaqiV an4i i0r4~fi~q~1 ~ r--' hab~ Mer mîëinthe liaucil position of dur -o tSk tbis U«0 Cmr ;4,, sq a ieot aç.seIl, gé wi*i*draiupflotmb4sm ïven if hb. qwoiatod ta beciw At " islie bout, thet h. WsuWd b. Uuy-"0 WHi. yonb. good *Qioughý Lt WU 00wvher the Ontarlo Rank BilJshmd r aytig to do wilh yeur aidden rqerMeu fg*àa "b ik,"Ce mi. CtigaiâgaxlTn«er re- «4«4vd1 eent for w*wmwiog ~bot b. tu o swbut otherswur ingaumwe by OaWmiu nagiiiel Afle, a few irnfigreosurbe & "tiig ffieertlih» dpird h 1. 11w. Sùupsoea Dniy eI.èeta "ere ms& [.egio-ulive cu,,ceIIorfor the Qoeen% I»ivi- 4oo for thetem of eight yeams .T1Ii,. cheets for the Quce and tnre. mo», i Mr. Siaipsea rehtthe proceedings a' ?bt.Konýtieci WtI*ea remackb -Kwr. Chais la bis messge t10 Cougrm irespeeuthe b.1g rate o! gali, Luà" aumber et -caus efrIl udla hat succus in lbê 8.18 cloue comiM et- fectuafljr bring it dovn. The iotteclmeu ot bis ricês busbeen 4emoastrated by the repalt. Tetaking of d otbetee eerbr fresmeuts by lhe. We1dozt rond, sent dowu gela »ons ftem or veulY Per eent. Tii.taking o! AbSstIt 14 w"-hirting' dowa some twumy Wei st. farther; andI Siierusus vietories je the.âbumothValley h" . g1wm 1: a freul iup*s dovavaird t emo b me x ExVetý Suceus of Yam air tgber .con- mader, miftary or uaval4 bue sIm kiuin th lins U-ess havoe eu n .Uglaciisies dollarla gol.); vsbokij es m oilé a, l are, boveves4uuue fr lb. depreo" Of deetf ibe fatWocithe ira,-nd ibom M op- cruýt. fer 1a lime, evea menhe Tiugi> Pke. bis thsbhloo4pg;-Ou Salurdsj . esteasu. ObiP 0* ààj4*lY tÎ C or, ~and a.o!SW~W i~spe N.wfth steudlk Ibis bfflv dnun& 4*'US J*«-WXYork abotiS am* to b. dollsr in specie..Tbit 0"" outt#rba *à 11in due tte reesut Fed- e.Ï1 y? i« ti auta, ai lb sucuel de- fob1I *SOnMU aiS rmtmdy adl 7, bmà ijtMUaWlt h te te-,b.6urf Cb4Wý igrantAguit i UIppor sý14 i_ýwmé ot(wMJA.ILa kee ho rer* sfr4-ôâ m 1~ ~~~~~e 111:uWalr biy4@yw fi. 10 bsusUItsu.J -ý 18*8 q«eI5o .4(4I1P - èbr a -.A xuflI« *0 prpar-e lm. the Programe l gaiea $~~ftfltrT.. 1'.ILNns, M iEq iiss iw th au-tàspdae , s leekomIiii7 Y ornthe thed P"" en uf bmaltpreed" delanse.) lb. soo- 14 u. ~s afl lêel bk vesel, v&Bd amking 1m1ara.deva ha ctin o f16ý «Vy d he lna s 1.4yig ilo Ii dcuamdad 10m e.em lb. ur-n *q1cbm et mbWIq.;bt as tis e tnodsi mte abu ltot, e vs d scated.It iSI~SbeiS fa ~m4hb e the..t1.lb.. ptmetgiekhV1Ihe I. as or n vhs. l;- b at as ,trdvihe. aurnoevi ombo. -red i Auà son a'the aÉélr becaine known, S. S. a u 8814>EC ounty iwnAÂttorney, Fi- «:ç, ciete# &ai . ufemetione Un b u. pet vbich lie eudad obtain, mil teicgwapbed to Quabec, aék i » b.twome-Genéra ima emu»i. b.voeumi. uu; .MW lurepli b Ibhis dfslatcb b.e aues ime10tely receirsi aW suim tla e Med d.w sa M stàtuueuin wfit- log, for lbhe nidontiou e t li. goveraset lir. )Mode"mai mmedistely 814 sc% and) senl il feras.by nailu.W.d à y eymrnlnr. Protii.satemiaho lb. &em cmiii env si *0 b»a4 i ev ideat *51 lb. parties impil- e.) dare &Uil medeaws, beý wbelb.r from tlb NOororSouth iàinamàtÀ tè ueio. Ê6 C *..u w am ve0« ocewmed Ila Ibis seisur un.)4 ravipn ofjuivrate pwoperty. The. belef *51 lb. capture of the . aons are weggamuffims aimm i Whoul nallonaliti, beut oulyiy aues m u n rgs sizd n umber of hbeoff riesb i en mentioned as '.lWlu;4 ZPISIIIiof the outrage; bat: ici lte *am e sdsxskiiouedge, xit iraI- peaiMlm4es ep. miat may l'e tii. true ose.~IBumiip3aubê oui$ h ia t a desire onr piau"er ronmâdtlb. siwe, and fthe e-on- duel of lb paWm b he.) te jutify' Ibis belle!. UbIeal 21h oçi.,1864. 40 dépens. sti fartier th&im. peaof 'aiiod 01.t4. A doctine inut&ultieus of in iveNm4bas b. folloqol by a re- - 4aJ~ ~r sommbalfirm- vr,54 TTer ~lrt Pabey,$4 35 a ~mwa~b~92 es ore dat 9l!91ets; Il ~~bOopaplesuigo..)ddemami.; per et lb%80 a n a aW *S3t. vr 4 wit Pool a( as?, lsEhottd Faredflconcert! I TBEIG E FmeAEEWELTOVr l -t pOi >1"té bw er etue fbrleurope 0 LOUMA oealisl am. Pumul, ionLouou;A".)MrwChuLasceiles, Ticket te b obtaaet Portwrs BookStore. DOeraOPjet ai7j; To Comne ai 8 ecloc. L. P. KENDELL, - BusueasAgeul Linsay &t.mer,2818«4. 26&t-d UJTHIS DAY,.Cg A NY OTiIER DAY FOR Sohool Books- and Stationory àfisceiauou oo aks, any kW.)or NEWSPAPE PEIOGIA OR MAGIIE Calîl te «'Lindsay Book Store"' Next Dwr got.A. lVrigAi' a ocStore, xest Street. Lindéry. 1Liadsy, S&Pt.Bo, 18a". 266-tf *wmii~'~~: YA1ffLI~ ~RO~ER~H~ 'c., &o.e J U S T ECIVED A CITOICE LOT OP' Wimes, cousisting et PORTn. and SHER. RIES, select..) expressly for Feniiiy and Medicinal Purposes! Old Ny., Tito & enerul r.>c.ies 'ÀRR1VING DAILY,, Pnrchased ut the te Ivade saies, aIl Of vich vil b. uod CITEAP for cash by 'W. 17. Rflmii y. tiliam Sireel. Lindsay, September, 29, 186,3. 266-tf The. suhueruber begu to annotince 4o the residents o! Lindsay and vfrînity that b. hbu just opeum a Gwocery and Provision Stow. In Mr. Befl'a nov biick bufIdng, oas door West of Mr. G. Hff. Keeves shop, on the Southsaie of ICENT STREET, andiLeo UmtsbW fait dmling and) re, souable Prices, toseuit a sdure of publie Patronage. INo crodWit*Mb gircu; but for cash, ho is de- temi»d o seRmcheaplys uy ealer ip AU khinds c( country produe vil he tuben in exchauge At goods, sud tbe full jmarket pries. Kr A caUla lu epectfoliy solîited from ail vUrequis. go.4freeliGroceraes.at moderato prime, - .WILLIAM BELL, in. LêndOsa, Sep. 28tb, 1864. 3061tf BUTCSSE0WX! VE AN SA fhS J4!iDSY, C.W. ftibt. TL Il .1: lu lb (Ieaulç 9Tic tou,aMd lb kavfttpulicgenuakfl,,1hs1 1*4 au d lsq o a # ' 0 1 > lS 5k o f ne ]Mr lis *X*W Wb jS G>'onde.)m. V«ý , ii4i