's,.' WMU $MWWniM tes mi i aso. ebOo maMf *IR *malree k lkamobfOOý mo teO&Y erta, extra- &Dm sly til at hum e u.fer hon.. qs=-utescmaa accoutornetite pA"sa P*at aOLad1-to urot, consiçkr, anti dom mte upnapo .lr*n publie musures vîti- a toms otwSumofi. *aatins, ioîing, sud dtxia t vouli appe a i uut :y must Wt iê itir lu the. mv. mamuer as Il bas à e"mary -10 carry ertin measure8 setomeuaeuber'auM ueli notei for ii e Ibt a s bila I qrij areotn à* sud :j n!perusve influe M aof! eyiters. Thé prvais t e of w ib"I olt etoofQuad tirevitmoa sobriel>'T ilmty of lims. nliare een"vbriug teu es th. bosour of lay*m*g lime faunda lion cofai t and milgby empire, if suer>'. alap muet be keti wlib a ultamefol Vohrpîuousncu uUn- d o e ceptinlathe dcclliii.f-et i oan ire, in thme latdaye ofet 1r tymuliat. nd F003 'Csmave las Province ln a eclal urannier.la relting, trthe burden of s ations! debt, tire litre of ,b »av« ebre <jressed upoa thme energies of, ,w oottiyv, 'and 11 auns Onu loutde- 0 the hIily and iades uf Irre3ponusible d*tons and the. nelecl of a vrhîîen eonstIm a, cI.srly defiâ ulnrm rigils and librtile, poinaa out biy a course of lav thée means e4res.. Our natre!ral tvatageu, uhougir ierabi. la tire s'a> of soit,. tînther, andi rais, are as notiug- conmparcd to more uro4 countieaon .hlicontinent. A largo nof thelb.commerce oft iis ccuntry Ila 'a p vithillsov sud Ice for six montha Myear, andthàlia a a ur ie snIls péoý. a an co mtàcli rcqnled by the boîtier. Tire ti are mo long and riorons liai a largeo [où etf'thé produeis of -lirehrrncr are re- bd for bis owu ltbrediatconmtin tî SO,5 a sursit portion laU aIltirhobebas te, iis-. ef svea at thée boitauti ouI>' a partis! t, et bis cropa voulu deprivo bit'Oftbt a * ,or a sllgbt depression of tIde iiin Sm- [et of Romle foroign-eummntio; wouid, cavo country ai apy'lime, As it bas nov donf, deplorable condition. 4ni view of a81t1 ' wbeme so deoirublo ahoild b. carniedi if it~ be carrieti at al, itir al possible econo-j Instead iit iltingas ngnificént lu-u » tbat miçht b. excuse dan anàchider ant i r éoo.try, it simeuitibe a tiignifled frugalîty 1 niag thé rOld Orek sud, Roman -foundens air respective countriess viio4e Dames are. uadeti viii a bale of inhlllence 'mincir th t a iys sucb 'avnderful. pranka vitli lu>' 8ood.ihings, shahi neve.r take front_ Bir cuniomersa nd te Publie. nul style ef their geste caunet tu 1atiey are 4etermmned net t" v uaccommuocatethie norJa , 10 river, Cap. cnanjO'lî la IioV w iera niovbeng1 0 of Capt Cran-. r their ararpise at1 ral appointed anau mn thre main lire tlately ueoured r iley, abar- 3i1 kuova for btl et ba& reelved il lb.h e-t. "Demereat'asius ,aî'ea a b.ea 15 tcent$.IN la is o doubt it 4pfdpersn ta bave umovet ilinmg Mentie> io h à*l ti.w It s mucb la f sub crmes dietected andi iet. Ina couts'lti nrtire su>Ject cf union, vo are led -sjk hrA bsben ori tasd wv irallathrn do ? T- euaer, of course-, la a unionof al S Ilr'itis! Northr Amériçan colonies. 1But lire- 'AI qiimu'tidu in, carni il ie e&fflet? .Hôie, andi v hat marner vilii Ilbu effecd? Nobhirg te an anaver lu these questins iras cerne te tbroigh tire immdinm' of tire-Pkus, Liberal or onservatie. Nu mntari iasyt been given, as.to e prln<oIples upon -ieiich ounr fiture instituations ê. otefoulided. Nolbinag -is been tonairad- w»o by wlmlch vo could ,ferr u opinion, asict e Ueaau that viii 'b. atopteti te guarantee us Sgisanti privileges ai "men-. Wo -know, PueseDi l tiý vo are, nominÀsil>' aubectu of «etbing more? is a iqt1tin tiraicornes homie "suver>' nan's mind, anditi aotir110. nuciver>' uil>' dilapose<ofut. ha nInaive ave heMu rt>' veil plyed-ti ilaas tistical mater, wlnîch of moreuse aud importance.to a legisativo gumlîte« tirau- b Une genenral public. TimrsappWenefuùw*Illinguýi ri tire "art lime colonieas te ternitlrenase1vies mb a tn lcrationu4 butlimeéonseni t lire Inpenlal Go-i rnuront bia ifol yei becu oblairrti, sud itlàh b. *hred tual çîa'intions snd provisions vili c onPa y tirat consent 'Wben tlas givon, more- ivantageermetetheb.mutier ceuntr>' tiaal; se nia>'b. of beneali tte eColonial Compact. la truc, mermbsrst'irte Impoial Parliament ve adinitteà ti me rClity", aâd signifrei thiri osent te asa sep atun - butvire-n il cames le- Iatetin a s proper matner, il migirt tirer roe i. vie vOfs thlie.nirtîer verou peculiar tiremehvos. A. sepsaronshoulti precede itActo piunion, for union mm1 dirbe ut littho un- rtact vItirut.an entire. anti cauplete*aepa- lion fron thlie tirmidunit fDowning Stre-el. e musa rishlieQ bsolute pover v!thenit an>' 'trturene. wilevefutnegotiàtinig trealles, id Adopting sncb a policy lu regard lu tic ,gulallons of commerce with füreigri nations, s mal sait eue laterestsans a people. Once Ibis admitteti andi sanctioetiby Royal sntirorij te possibil il>' ofa union dennuI b. derieti. As Io what oui usai grivermneunt ta likelyto ý,n9hlagcan Lenrerretitrom anyina ta pasi.Wbter tLb. Legiia buresofttIre tilt- rout Colonius vilarill, lu one grand Asserm-' ly, audlahae upon therusolveq tire sponsibiflty r eavnt upand ettlirg tire ternis ofa, Feti- MI ualoni hniug hi r t ndividunrl, opinio ns ave nover heen exprtoesatinti canseqneritly ver testetif4 or tira purpose; n.wlîirer trn ,a b. a Convyentlon, as tirea sircitl i e, leuîed [Preasi>' bthle purpose' t o p-"ît h ie hql. pesople la ubelç sovereigar earacîîiy, .anti sun dlegsate le thexu, tioir future repréenota- vos, thre legislatfre aniluerl', and place sncb botgomrunest*it-oiu asm'a>' ire ecessar>' ion the Encure power, -cau n l>' hocon-; itaireti. t usia passiblet tirIaConstitution W be Outed ont l sb>' thre Lords anti Cern. su <ofEnugisuti,pîackcd up cnretnully iiiDovri- ýgStreet, sud labellei fer Canada, te be samp- >d vitir tome William ns aFerdinandti viray> bi-4pnoocly coîrdecensior, Ira iis o*u pe: son. oket rip b'a fin hoisard toroigu -bayotrets; make t he wvork ari rupa4en easy, gnacioualy itpip to prueeeouriniirtsanti ibertie8. Jil biehped lu caste.c! saçh ê uitunfotune, lirai ir Lords sud Gommons IVili Act vitir more gulty aul spi r44, t4rn d1irse 0 iemto iunrin lu1688, a to paus a ataClte Ilhn tire e cf the people, .sîbmiltng hirer, thirboiraie id ',osterities le bis bMajesI, is heirs, anti :ettritles forncvr.' W. have already tue. n i luIatiogis te give stabilia>' lu a aul ystsri »ciiutà ,tuis country have 100 4b t appreqlstjo cf thbeir natural ights te Woo lsr.vmgnomaiô"sal>'in thie loadlngJ rings Ofa0,court, tire doplerAble, efIetclaotwiblc b.no hip but abenvt vUbuo to i> &out tema. It la etaul areraa hae - ring indeped Of et hhugli sund a coo, gubewviis a oC srvane etfle psiaot.. aby via eue destin l -ie t .flxetl, Iesai lthe tr> H vibave résa'n t-de. Mr 1 prssa urratabie mmpi o f r tlay pver. T.arveryRtuly A-ND CAM8 >etj - GOODS eoe tein Ami Iliu Liadas>', t Tire hon, andl Re«. George m"-IF4 h4er. Igltis, .fhh'Ordelr0< did on Sslirrday tb bit instant, ai Causlais, in Scottant1. Mna. Laneust br Ide in Lodon, En«..o the 29th ult., by bar dra cutohing lit., lire reiuIt ef voaring a large erinaliAen. Si. died la .great agony. A naen namÈl Bridtge waseiin two by; s train ounthi. Noriheru Railway aI Tent., on Menda', and of courae dieti aluaet n-é inedktely. IHe laaves a vif, and tIvO Thre Cork.Eswamin.r pays an army cloUaý- ing fater>' £1 Lim~erick recenuî made six Y. thusanJ mails ef cloting forrthe oneder.y, andi siippeti thmaen bjockade mru e.> A susenionbife i oe svrang em the Ohio river hor Cincinnati to-Ce'ving-ton. Il viii befotlr, undred foo-t longer tiras that i Niagaraad lu- t. cst Sl,OIMO. Morisrn mâaspreading in Scllanti. Titere ate nov ira litai faitlh'67 eiders, -800-.,eJ bi 36 eacroan id 15 deiacons. Eig ly.six persans were siippedta .Amerlos ur.iag lia Pasl y eor. Thebody 'ofs iànssonnevimaladvanced' iu years vas foundt recontl>' near tir., Cana-ý dianend ofthe Supetaion Bridge, » as a reeaormized as tiret of a pediar vho luat beota uisng fer soame lamce. Thre Cirarlotavie C7armicle sa>'oltaI Coufederate eu rrcy is vrorth tess, anti re-; commrenis ltat la ire bIrnedt, aan odera ire ,Compéinsinletd withotton or bonide.-Tire, peeple viillion uadopt s sysîeru 'of traie without money. Ih is-ainul a rath1e lue grealt iavellersé anti discoverers in Africat siroir bath die trôma- paItt> aceidents. Bruce vas killet1 by fgallirig dcvii tairs, -bis foutliaving ailppeti, aird>poor Speke iras Illlen by Ire careleas tis of iri gua. Tire.Kigston Awais ensap 1.-Hatini Snook Buel e o! tire laIe GeorgeBck, *ot tire îownshli et iuston, tietai ber bo's iresidence a shrt dîne go, kWetiaiely-one years.Sire lived Iotesee the foui gerrera- lion ef ber elilren aasmmbled aroutJi ber bcd, numir.nung » l ait tio bundredi and Thelusian Coe'vrient encourages mar- ring. amonkst sulaherra,'provides tire-couple- vii!' a boueppo*ts bemreators .tireir, çbiltirea, lt take. tv.a>' altthe,- boys at a, tender a eand'!wàolie îlem -ta miltar> gar- isons, aer? ta be tmanuetfor tire Amy. -1,r"-- OC'.'0fian f tailskind e Olmdions noie in tire Ruisiah rI nI. Anevu-paper correapQnd you ar'e lnouried with rats, jar, sach as are usedi sonnetin tlovu" butter, wit a srnahlq tberein, enough tole0ver ti ese.If plaCed virer. rai monait Ld tirjr oefth!ie1 yoî iavented. -Try il; ius1 rment. ()ne of my neighbor finlihei lirhe Yniscievima - round. duzen of the veumnit tva o t tire. nights. FaiinmrULTxuniuy.-IM cmal hlegrsph 10 the Ilai on ýSaturdsv- nig$al last, abou j terrfui tragedytw ok place tee lieuse, Loritena, viere oi r bouma raureeoi& -aothl tiruat -from -ear 'via a raz pf tire terribl ee W, vie w years. c f age, vas yir ilii lime. Ara inquens Ue*het rire prisaner ut once acan jury tir h aI iat eosmiilod jury, lirougi itêt ferenan, e ht i aeso haitibeen eemn irifluéwa oin iianity. ':Tt airinys borane a geoti-e-aria proba 1ble liai ho vil hosoul s Lite ýpeakir 1 in Il d for Il deaide y,- been'E a majo Mointrai h f.Have thei Lover"Cn ,stpportibig - lire by ýa lai rnttîdes Div paîîed inra a 1')441 bis peeket monsv. onu vWas. at ~ GIOCEMDA~ D#»V *I~ DNOM, LV» ou cxooeu1~ .ar.&wywct. rit GI ~LANCA8HIRE. 0< ~% Lladsç, 4~a& 3$. 11é4 370 '7 Ta£ ST. A13ANS OUTRAGE. "*ir8a êuam9-PPLK 8ami -cÂ?T11118 0V For nierai <ays pwi~he I.adiiag joRIT2l of ti. rovnce u. oumgiving fï,!par- iculatsOf a Ssceh-iid -frouacanada upon St. Albani, a amallci n laVe it, andi [01117 a abot ,dinee froua "Canada froutier. Frouai. eTorento daî jeï w, glean thé. fol.wing rtcls Thecruinalds, whonimbea"4abeot thirty,' -vrived in St. Albans lua smail 1aitnsand put up«a aliowtee iiednesdaýy they owered lbu thre.banks in St.Albans in partis.1of fvsmd.i eovrand: Ihroit.ned to shoot ih.rôdIlcers of tii. baraks shoukl they aitem$ tI. muale atiy resiÎtante. TIey ben robbed the banaks of waee mon y -they oonld fibd andsoedt ; OW*Iiuswg froa ni Wt.$200000. Whi1é, vhý ers tiNs eccj inu a toun*g moùoy the remtainder of ii party were engago i n. ateating horses from the i'rery s8tables wiîli which to escape ib Canada. The latter Con- feeaegenlemnen met with sorne résistance,- whjemepra thbey reaorted,10 aheir tevoivers anti sho, ai those wa stod in theirw. A Mr. lIff-ntingddo'1 was wounded in the upi anothér wounifdd lighttiy, awuila Mr.Mo0rison, Who was wilking qflietly along the atreet, andi mùst thereýfore have beenà atacked Polely throngh ecklesmness, vas voundeti in the- gii is feaed fatally".> They matie, thefr ccebut ina about haif an bour a nimber of tii. cilizens were in pursuit. A4 mnaSjoùy of the rascals 1are 10w ini cas- tody; ýanàdther examinàtioa iti being.con-- ductodat St.John's, C.., before Mr."Cour- soi! OverSfl0,000 ini money and bondshias beoa recoveret.d. Tii. GiÔ of Wedoway hadihe follow- kng: 6'9Ther. ià great extitérnent opPle fkouý. tien. h as ireported taI lie people of Plattai butegi lastnight, expeting trains ithraiders,- tore.up the. rails orer liv. acres., OPS FALL SHOW. TiFaIl Show ofthei Ops Branch Agricul- tura Soieh va. held- -lu lis tovu ou Éa-. ie~fwr'iY -If urdy iai.Couing so elowely aler lié put an earClSen Coàtil>' Show cemipatively few vh'-itors sp- mes tor "pUtltmý.W eaed on .thie& -gro he Tii ed space- rattit o houyCàdis'posaI bis vek praetsu gin f*1.sm-es Javueli; 2.ds it MAFrsi I l t& Is utMèd1 e Çvrtzp 11 SUes Battus- utI S lirt n;2à 1 mal..;U Pt.t liqwe. MIL ISOWS FEIZSL& Agait oe pnz$8, M4 aGibb. Bist Cew>twe prisaN amti $-lsl Wm Thr;2.1Joba Gibb. ' lest Bain, orne pi.,J Hlhepiu. Béats t %én v.,ope$pa4,JHBHopkins 'Est amLaîab, unepriz. $4, Crre »èlet rie. ar, orne priz. 83, John Gibbr. lest Sài a, ýone ia. 83M Jas Biack- THE OCTBER LCIOS fa Ohio thlieomb najui i iexeseti 74,00..Iiý. muetrernari able resaIitirtai Cîmeiisati, the residence of Pendiehon, tihe 'eandidatêfor. the Vice-Presidnt, andi here- lofore' represoeteimn. c"os by a Demo- Or aisreiurned a UnionasIba slarge vote. Ur..Cox, s çreat ftieitd oVallan- digbam'a, ha. tisturne been. rejected ry iris lla dâ on. hyler Ca lfai vas cle.teti foir lb. Ninti D istrich in 1860, by a majorit>' 0(14M.laffl2ismajnily as only 226. Thisi. a!M1r. Colfax'e-majorîty la 1600.'This aboya s greal gain . irerepublicans. e hae Penasylvanla, front lite latel retarus, tir. Union'aide hasiost onlie -homme vote as' counpaned virihast year's electian, 16,W29 votes, 'thün coraverting a majorit>' ef 15,343 lut. a rninority of 68", bu ou tire oldieus' vote, vhi'dia ast eaappeared sof aras it ,w» poilèd ln ho"avote, thero is a major il> imu fayot o!tie. Unimo o11,079 votes.,1Tias da v Mg . àjrly cf the entire relu ms cf tire SuI !10,9 or thre Union, against 15,3U3 Istyear. Ti. viole vote air 1batir aides bnghowevermuchrsaater. Tire scdiers' voesstnd12,0,againrst 17,7U3.'I iese résen" ayyet be .itly modifieti b>'the officiai returua fromi a few places nul Jet- Lit.ray otioes. Tmr CAwADA FRNn.Toronte: George Brown,Proprietor. $1 00 per year. Th'iis publication should'.be a sourte et.- pride to every Canadien - armer. la tis jusl tire very publicali iI lie' vote vant un; T maumy years. A model of typogrupirical neatnes., remarabi> cheap, canota ily editeti, arîd outaininig nthiing, but viral is initeresi-. irmg-sud',useful ltir te-fanmer, il cant filîtu siçcefxi.ý We ane tolàt lat the sera-monîbh- ly issuie hbas aeati>' roacireti20,000 copies.. No.farmneràiouldb ewvithout a copy. Nowv la tieiine Ioaubscribe-. See-advértisemneni. Trit Eucr.;sùwottAN's Do!dtsTic MAGAZINE. Londun:- S. ,.,B'riton. 8$3.0,0 per yeun.. 'iS u nquesîionably tire moAt anperbly i1llUSràted Lady'va a!zine p ublislwti Tire naniber fer Ociober, including a lreSUD- plement, besides a groat variet>' cf intenegl- ing readîng, coutains rno fcwer th i EJGHtY- 'rvo illustrations; lieubeauhifali'.ycoloreti Fasition Plates; - ispatte;n, ilartir-Rug or. Piano ?Mat, in 'Leviatran voirk ; aud s sheet witi - tulli-izett diagraa for eathing oui anti.. rnaking tire-Chevalier Paletot. We sica Id a> that tie- patterans of, Berlin Woël vwork r whicla, a subacniber voulti gel i a year, are venIr more thar lie subacriplion pine. Cal- ah lhe Victoria'Hall and mubecribe.. r AaThURv's Homz MÀGAz±îuu. Piriladephia: T. S. mihur &_ Co. .50 uinativance. This Magazine'for Novémuber iras been on Our 'table for sevensi tda:s.1Il contai na sev- oral very intereting articles; andi a fine Steel ongnsving. Tic, Home Magazine is o ne ef lie beat periudicals for tire famil> c [noIe pnqb-: n about, you.vil into cletaiW 1.90u1o1r6pece how on a ev naiiiautesbcito apo beal rat-icatoirs 4supenier, and in Saieothirgs infenior ta tiose wort theex.er.. Abut 4o1éock he off_ 1pay U S. postage. vomir ~ of teexpretformer years bu 'loklr i- Medcr iscfa er tbo.Saciel>' and a tunaber et .Agri-.1ITux CANADIAN H lOUSEHOLO. Toronto!- D. abofe -aamcd il, culturista est devroa asuri puousdinrer D Rbmîon&C-,1-proln. 7 provid iMr. Wm. Boynton. - Aflen dur- i ents par'anua. Vo es~y l"O nrire nei yaptotc nigiu-j We hnie lu ackamawletige tihe recerpt efthtie Itou Tite.limi > leata ote ropset su roponetifinal iuimber of a neail>' gaI up publication il eleçen. o'lok, tia boa nngthe_ above tille. Thme priblirers aI lÂrc'sCet ~ lfietoitng reechise Zixereés by > - - we ChnIy out gr PeslaIt;LHomc Tic principal pages-oC ire Magazine viii nb'utin e hon-Serif MoDerrg4 sd tr5iROYtPl min. gp... - * crmtae orgial as vel as careftili>' selecteti The. vieti & Mêiiaeril, J R. lma à. C.*Wmai, *rticIes, of a religions or higir moral tere, a-bt beit aie ivo liai! ]. j and in ~narratives ortales aeintrotiucei, bestr bdywnt th i Mesm oa pi.William lies. wili "'aslected net motel> te pilease evîcigei neireI Baylok; d Jua Cnuoiy.-le.gral'fytire tia., 'Or te amuse-bui lu tiecih .Tr SaDrigI orae-ltjaa. Blaokvell; alirvate, etiify, ijuýt c r vain; and, li ad- fRoce, -Thé 1d Nn't&.ug.i't.1 ditidu ao anci articles, iwo have "'arious d-' Wr. tte oiientel.d aras fr.-ltJ artihnts.suile t e tie differetl inmnateet ho pnisonen iras Baivei'24 John Gibl. - j od Can de, ousiela vio andiib ter hiteîrta. lîls S944die9 lit Rebt. Blaylock; 2 d JÎ&s : nreoappropni,inestnatii- ttpIii nto Bluokivell. r'- I porlant incideuts and i hnta. Creya lidt-l.t Wm. a slook. IW, trust thsi tis aeffort tb fImi>etiabiish marySocet>"et Milir Cv-'lsl . Toru 2d John. a lltpray penodical, entirely Canadian,:rmy> ngar tireqeti o, 'l'wo BdaJ. &14 _iafrIIJonGbr poe esttml. Outr aders ahoulti suir- ig- poepuatincf JH opy. . aplttîbe.bb1 1 rein douty'by unlots. e 014B. 1-ltJohn Oibb ; 2d u a" ama.- brifoalm tpresenhation by y 10DVti MU.pk Ina.Smth vus angared four lcie at-r oa 1b 2d JRoa novme uire bsNov Magasine uf id ti lir affrma, mus ' - P'asion, anti Liteesture, limaI il baS led IAged Bill-let Je$ilibb. t« bbpcrain h i fR secoteti erLac. BullCui-laîTeî a aI in ý lrirulaotIre on Tii.aite il rt of 876. HeI Aget403-10t £il1OManslm214 inW vltrs tr..4 ma I iLaLSettiero Thorn;.'byrb~.grvam4eta Levansbreugli. ai jSw ad"u ofont.,C. W. hati Ram Lamb-2et CalOq u ais.;jGqorp Iouirle JOs&le Plat e, viri.is oth~rmmrn =00 in Canaoda Cslvert. th Iç ing on board -tir, p«rao! ' T w - igJ » go q 94 %L 1 ! Ir blluâitThre lot ýi crossng froua J Il wflaa re>'oopkeliear'ooutlslr "MOI3 afiren PrnoufutTwo0ula -a o Mw x i aFffl t ra , 41 gr irlimare ~~ ls4lem , iil>' mreits toth agsine,, idotn CN. W lst l i uaty24qnIamai 4e e b, oat'a Sbolar¶ lov large Capidth ZeLamb-'et Johnfl;edÙ« an6.sd outiratetida ea C>' v Wywrtors Ilpas Caiýrt;3d oha,à'b. 0,scaq1. yian> onia er boy an>'Magaaiie - t ~gol4 Ue in 80, band.ffl and lepli a rerla inlb4- aicamJe".gelUpbluth" isa9 lma aice. fslt50 ot Weslminéler, ieI*JnGbi;mrioasissalielsp.etSs, iaj'lag eiiag et tierede" u s .te cub., lied by a y Jlw-T.rbiira>hittsByoe>b in a. sver>'lreoicllas airomy Wvoulti 'rs0Ibý2!Jon erlany .luluasasù.11. C. .$BR* .-O teatel. 1tti Tt*"hlamt ~ g~!Ie.s slàbt bat Isur of ~blla îillen- vusPie- saabe elmy b.d 'W wuey nased 1is13!4s!b" di bllb Is i 2. su*s-eôid 1 C4reeC, en ad di- vsit in imm ti, "VoowIimI!YOulby cor - ouuae. At a gvem te v v' in aonl ekmof 7uai.Our P"9" WOpe.barp*d,-omt- -dd. ud m» drirm. in iardty bekS . iby SkW iu la deulrgetheïr maukew; in fai sacS in se smmsalter a&P l s.mete thesa that il vas mear a tie whictbpIttywarned lthe uigp.riu es~f the.smy eofud nger y. - he emy "uederme -Cedar c:etai thé Ford, lard wvasnsmMAMI ern ithe over si an" ,ad ueot .aide f blland bueiaslo i, occuapicti by Tb«.bnrti's Division of tihe SM Army Corps :(Cm*c'.)>The. lebels healtaW. ionu; but preaé.d oï as, a dasig cataracao6"r ail bar- tiers, completely sirpriaing, -aàd in a mea- Sur, sttamÈodung ibe left of GêeeaiSien- lan'à Une. Tiiâ. Îddnnueof théai.atack, ana its voderfal i succ, for a short time bewiltlered tire roopms o su.l rin. Many of thlem a e-taken po-sonr, bat Tby far tire greater Portion jol away, aud 'avili tirrarms. wie allier division of Crook'o corps ich, as allowed smrfne hie aforai, dl o, and asa nju ineul lu lin, by the rermaiaing portions tof Thoibur'* division. Ail tusk wite theenmy kept pressing ou and. pour- ing, ina upon aur mm arpi mdmrdru are--aftirefrota zaukety, as lso from an- tillesy posteti npdà heailtbrs on lie opposite1 sid, et Cedar CMeek. Havin- dÎieted a column againit Géneral, CrokÎ', forces, thre enemy qu.ckly îurrted is attention towards the nigi of tihe pike, where the 19aiî Corps, Gen. Eûtery's Oormm4d, vas getlingal in fine, and bis, art'llcry tew4k ai short rnge. At irhis lime a bo.ti charge vas matie bylie, oîremy, under cuverout'his guna, lu capture Emery's atlillery. -In a measure lhilicharge mas successful, althoughitil as resîsteti witi vreat Vigar, anti by i 0 hLvuihv :ine credît lutaite béat uf veterausuadter the rnoat rying*circumtace.,:. In thre. charge ire rebels îook une1 or two pieces ofthe lIt M!o, batlery *ant,1 believe, a portiott-of the ehase battery. Wrat muaI ieplte rebuts was hir exatrange vilhicir they igot-cfur .pieces (tic unes capturedififrnthe elevaeti omanig position on the opposite aide o! to oreek.i As soon as tie figit commenceti, mtd-il wa% knoivn liaIlire left haît suffereti, the 6th Corps pasatil from t is porition cf ne- serve over rua vitreoie, 8h corps %aas locat- ed ir tie commencemnenlof bb enigag-emenst. rire-trains, tao; weregot t.as speedil>'as possible, taking tire Pike roast l Winchester, where lie>' arrived in -safeîy. Tire e.nemny discovering, the socceass tfiris.-surprise, rý,rd beliëvinz matî il vas riow for b hmnaly lu tri- rnphatly iàvance (&nmd by the way-I must mention tiraI il vas now becomne daylight) bnuught his coluns. andi artilier>' arrosa Cedlir Creck,-ta prem lie.pur.sit vilh vigor. Wisile this was, bei;nzlré, ami. à brief ll prevailed, o ur uine was contracieti, and com- nieneed ioluy falling back.ý The eery P re e i pursait, rapidi>, and , ritii great -essec Gen. «Sienidan vas on bis way 1o aiington bnck tir iris. heaidcuarters ivien liie attack vas-matie. He reacirci Witt 'chester île rugit before'lire attack, antid remnairiedtltIere for consultatioa. Eanly. in- ie m .onr 1iing ie-beard tié cannonadine, nounted Uis honse, anti pu.%hed forvard lu the front' On irisway rap heo t at 5ring of gem oinïto tire rear, aceumparictlby tire Usualnumbutofwoundetl, S&., wviiclp.o- cédé front a retreat., Pressing ourard, ire round saine considerable opposition was be- itg matie ta tire exultant'- foc. 1He seemeti ta compreherititire truc 'state of, affairsa a glsnce, andi at once praceed taci uretnietty lie ,vil -that hati beent brougil upon us. Reor- ganiz-ng his.forces---then seennuing> mure ine inedta -uaaretr-eal than an stivanice-ire pronipîly cirangeth ie aspecl.of our milibar>' affains, andti mcdlie lido, of baille, s0 ra- pid'ly gruwing- towards a disastrous% defeat. itb a gloriàus victory. Tire cavalry vas then serit upontireh right, tic. 19th Corps placeti next ta it, lieSig Corps inthe centre, anth ie 6ti Corps on tic liefI, viti Poweli's uivision, virich ivas -for a lime cul off, on tire left ut ail, and a charge oftheieenmy restst- cdi, anti an adeance m atiuccessfally. THE CANADIÂN FEDERATION. - binte Nevyork 'Tribune of ire 2017a mat, vo fard thre tolioving on tia ubject Thre leading sîsiesmen oft Britli North Arnencahave agreedtiapura a seleme cf Confederation, v;ilih is lu embrace tire Iwo Canardas, Nova Scella, Nov Brunsw ick,' Prince Edvamd'laIlandl anti Nevtîoundlant.i. 'lieo Cen féeece viricir at tie beginnuurg out Septem ber asern bled at Charlottetownr, de- clareti unanimouaiy'in favor o! aie priricipie ofot'ucra Confederation. A.second Con ver- tien, witici vas upereti on ticeluth ut Oc- ltober ai Quebec, -hasjast arrangeti lite de- tailà-of thre plar, wviic no*inlaordt e carniedti irrougi, avait lire ratification eftihe Ilocal Legisiatutres, and ef tire Englisi PÙi- liament. Ih iii rot in accortisue vit unrieavaof « Demracu>anti popular overe'gniy, tirati us important net, virici is bu futrthe -corner-. falone et àare'w anti powertul nation, sieulti rèeevienu direct sanction frmithie peuple, bail De ratiflod only b>' lie presonl Legis-.; ttrcs, vwi ihr iere elccted villa noereforence' to titis queàtion. Tic concordance, ýhei- over, efthtie leading atamten of bath the gréaI politieai parties, leaves ano.doqbitiat thre mass cf tirepeople are, favorable te -thre plan et union. - For ~le proseul, the Cunfedralien il only, t0 include tire Estern Provinces, but- the Dolegales -appear n liée g" "yliofetopinion liai asuownras ?oésibî. ithe great North- Wleolerrn suto,à.ad lie P4cifie Provin-. ces ougirl te be takein , anth le Confedera- lion- embrace ticevirole-of Britisi Amerlos. The, pnwmeedirgaot th, Quebee Gonference vote te to eehept secretbut we ,ýare nevertie- lies -erqbled tiinuiqg to give their resu- lutiôor nthre imiSt botyuestio ttire çphieie, thi-ý"e qipa rotbir Upper iBouse et the Central I l . 1' - ht iSteconisl etf 7Ç 1 m er.mis BeWzte!byt î nqwfn amoarg tieýprocout me rsof U pr ilousesofth bm eve4l Paneinc-of Iii. tva Canadas idtobl',!e 24; Nova Scella,ý il1; Nç%v-Bruaswiîok l'ô;-Prince Ealwad's laad, 3 ; isud,NeWlounduad 4. Tii.esi ahIishrneuM ot a Coifed.rationi air te-e Biia Ameriam Povinoes eannot tail toamalsorlatýiontst iot'gnoa polanc.. M)4as>' opportamaiti viffrr Silte tire tva ouMuanirrsb>'" lb. b &leeu y *IIWIat>ê. * o& aest 3,000 faiuM vg .mu rn Md boa conmplu L A mnmwo set 01 higbMhY robin7 va,«d Dallai on Toffgeb"1eti, ?orIte b which a mm naW Sindereo asdd et s sold vatelamoil about%$3pie Tue rascal bove pot be..CUgIIL appeàred i tibi. Pria. List Of the Elon < cukl aSociety, is pubicWin om-a,-lj,,î Ima w.k.W. cheoutu!ly maieeb . fl mg euotaos --wm«Coloa,* utin<1 prnze, fH. D. Lumaâua; zephyr FlcWMeu MNu lleu MoTaviait,]Pia. Shi&4t, Midi Mary. MeNevin. ST. ANDUUW'S CuacR.-," ae ber, requWet.d 0intimasI. diatmr ii be va service: iniSt. AndrewrsChrja ÉISb bath. Af'er, t at date, howover, arrang- ments. have been muad, for a regular uuppîy, eommencing on Sabbqîh h November. TNISXINO xraoaruÂa I-Lag liweek a thrashing machine- owned 'by Mr.W. CliiJiey, of Oakwood, îhraaed 7e. cbl, of F;%!I Wheat in 12 bouts. The W*heaî rd teproperty o r Michael Thoindik#, ï reputation of.being, a thorough fariner; t4. yîIed a£ ggrain ath:-&i.case a eséhaue b Very inecessfu.1r SAD Adevmau.-On Sunday lae z4 mn or. Mr. J. F. Cnnange, Oakwootl, ageti 5 yeas,, feiu froru-the' hay loft ini the stable, and sui- tained severe injuries. 1Dr.l)Gtaosie.wa&. qUickly' in atendànceý ,viieh as examni- nation showed. that the litti.' .au&Trer's eft arra was broken inat'ai places. above the elbow, an tirai iA was aïét -fractureil at the elbow. Unider Dr. DeGrassie's, akilîfiji ati- tendance Le is doin-g as wel as coulti be ex- peclt. C:- -The practice of throwing refu.se -andi waste matter mbt theriver cannot, beito severely condemiiet. W. are informed, by parties inierested ini the river navigalioalîhal in a-éhort lime uhe. steamers vwill be unable to corne up tai the wharf, owing luo the quan. tily of sawv-d'trs thrown it io t he river troin the steam' nl ii tiat vicinity. A subject of ibis kind, $1o important .ta1le bUsirze3ýet the towu, shouldi have the prompt attention of the- proper authorities.; andi we fel cer-- tain that. if the attention of Mr. Barris w",. di-recteti to the subjeu îthe nuisanée would At once be aba.jed. PROCEEDINGS OF MAR[PÔS-A TOlvN. SHIP COUNCIL. TowbmrHA LL, 24th'Oci., 1864 *CoUr.cil met pû«rsua*nt to adjournnient- Preent, Méèsars. C&meron, Caillis5, Davîd- moi, andi Hcdgson. Absent, Iir. Whiteside. re Reeve in the, chair.- Minutes o!fl rmeeting ean sd approved.. On mQfiun of Mr. Davitison, secondeti by Mr. Culli.î, The theCierk Was in3trucled lu prepare a balance sheet,.shoiwing the financial- position o! tho, townhip up to the 24t11 Oct..Tr er stated tirat accocdinglu the instrclions of lieCounicil he hati aubrniUedMr_ Weller's raccouri bt tirte proper offiter fou as-purpoRe of being taxe&i. The Reeve' vas în.rtracted te pay the law-cost »apcount t GA- .We!Ief,ý Esq., ,Lindsay kThre, Cierk rend a. petition from Obalia Rog"ers and. 35 otiiers, prayinz. the Council that a poli be taken in terris of the Temnpe- rance Ac tf1SG4, &c. Council adjùôurned for one bour. Council resumeti. On.-motion of M'r. Da- coriled by Mr.Ctilis, Týhaithle Clerk instlrt thre Couïty Tfeasurer lu %îhdraw frornthe- Sleriff's sale Loi No. 30 Itikermani-sirceét East,snd Lots Nos.- 12 and 15 Inkermani- street, Wc*t, inl thc vi liage ofO wodEa, ais thé. ssid lute do rot exist. On motion of Mi. Hodgo, secorideti by Mr. Culli%, the sun of$2 iirposetiou Mr: Wi.. Bale- mation accott cf Bull runuîh1g At large be. reinittetianti that tie Reeve, gave.i:is rder on tic treasurer for the samne. lUni notiCnO t Mr. Carîlia, oeconded by Mr . Cameron. thé following accounIs vere:pas-set and ortite'i_ tu be pii, vîz: Wni. Bateman, services des Assess«r.-$15-00> F.Aà Bovves,Postage Acct. May to Oût. 5' Jas. Mark, seur.-, balance saaaryA- Mr.-John Wylie was heard by 'Coule"' witir -reference Is - lie-road on the 11 h éon. before Lots Nos. 8 and9. -Tire Une Pa85e'. U hrough a aswaiup snd .as entire13 * inMpa ble.' He could nut gel lu hi$ tawn' wîthout pasrg throungir portions ofbfieuPther fàrmeý mmd takrag d uvn eight or rne -fences. Ti iricorivenience was very gre!?t, andi hi (Nit ýWylic) Imaledth tirIboirCoç"Pi rak g graât, o as -to enable the uontjaltorsW'ç on vill the workýsujpofa thef~ie ldm ined tie grot;nd thre only lime il FOU , r çqw thoe essity for lire dut aibtdilk te increase 5lie'expeltlaturefrtr cit ver. on minoion ot Mr. camero'4 att5 lather discussion, the sum otf -$I100'~~ r.nîecdi payable out of tire taxes ç$ 1"' mfss.W ylie -and Molut-yre o be mm 1 Dc.oxis It lliwt bigh »-