*-~ l~-*. ANJY FAIlLI i N~IEJ~L 2, I¶4. III C.* .'hqulélsm - 114-tÙ * *ouwws ue' W' S5Ç . B. «0., ..ri <q. Offic e aIi sas lck «gtot C.¶~usas - ,..J~ ~it Ua4ss, Ja, 1401814<f pk unor4sIstun d Àtonr-t- Lw Ijtir. k la aurq, Ntaii pe8 à . Wlhas loek, tuti I 4LgoiLndsay, Attoe7sat-Law bkè-Ov*M 14The JMedios aII&,»'Keut atrett. Liusy, Jan* 1. 1868. flITSPZTH kMARIXU< Attornya-at-Law, &c. te. 5.51e«oaJ¶r it» U.tsvRan. oeq"Ig iWnn'tBIook, Ktat ettn.1 Lindsay. nmu DO Râ R, Âtorey<4 ýL a w, Sol i- '< lert haneôry and'I jl-ency, Notary aui & o.Owtes,,ln. MoDonnaels new E<. lak ppeulle lhroughall à Oimson's. Liadsayê Sep 22, 1864 J& WM. EIXMPT C bM., Gra4uateet or ülil IJJuniveuity. ledîçAi Beferte tate ti- tanula, Ntb llit1sh and-Mercantile lesurArane compuhs. 08 ice. nUM. <1erg e Xeptus Mck D lloek, Lindsay. 29t R S*M ART114 ANDREWS, ýjurgeeus tte ie.ail A-md bedicua.iAdqrlsei tath Liver'pool and 1London LifeuÀAeeuance O#.pay. Ua-J.wett's lotaI, Lilldsay. CRANDELL, M. D.J hymin.Surgeon, -bec à Montreal M.tel Lludoay. U- Ail eati la bis- pmabsu U pI r 5 te. 274 C. FAIR, MD., SURGEO0N, i4tvsî- CIAN, - ANDACOUUCHEKUR.Lately surgeon ln the Ametrican Armry. gojMi- Liffud, Mliese, 0.1..2 15 llAtfE, Civil Englaeerandw Provincial * ~.Vj,.Land Surveyor, IMuatStreet. Il-tf * ' I1l KAUFPMANN, Areltect. 14 Xv asonicli all,Toot-retoon. D it -ADY, Civil- Mnginer. snd Poic I;And 4tirveyor. Office lnI i. eut -------&..NE T Povnca- L*StfiA --- b A. scerv. v. e. x'uiouaà. ~ladssy, SepL 80,1884 m~-tt EliNT STEUIT, LINDBAT. ouo< alable udshe staoheud amattam- Fna -Omnibus te asudfro.tbe Cusamd Baa Bloe 0" Dui ns Di. Lindsay, Matchi 163 1868.19- w MX.BOUVTON begs toe nfarm th Ieiuabl- tant@ -or ticointy eof Y ctotisand 4sûr- roundiag Voi)t4ien, thath. asoeudthe Hotel u William- .Street, . Itely occuied by JewQtt.,and asé ~hhuhad Ià ftted sud furnlsh- ed ln first stile visltors wtil fand eY.ry moveiti- ençe. Wines, biqeo ansd lgars of lb. best qnality. Lindsay, Dos.. 18, 1864. 229-tf ~U1~ NDE81NI~ BOSLEAVE TO A l'nfor ffhi# friends and lbo Travelling Public that ho has taken the above wll-known Ilotel, *bd trusti, by strict attention te business ad4 by endemvjr ng to dù .11 la* blé ispwfor r the. comforio ndcounvenience of gsost, to menit ar ur f publiu patronage. Oood liqnare and sud bman Ms-railla. 8. col il. tr This its srecently been roftted'for the. accomnmodatioof estt. Bar supphil dwith the cajolcest lîquorà. _2466 (LAT£ NOBRTM &MLMRIC AN> IVALY>N S7E1, PORTIIOPE. IROBLI&T DBROME, -Proprieter. 11115 aiori. lotel havlng bleen lately càrn-w îee> eoaeaTa the best of aie- camim'dsttoaa fur travellers and the. publie. generally. lieder >present nmanagemnet..an efforts will be spared-tlaat wili conclue te ýthae ~r Stt-#OYl5a rp.ugttantn, Lad Agpits, I r Tir. bàtu obLiqueôrsa antCigars. -Cocveyallerîa, c 1.- Plans antId ccrkatltnaxI 4717 arave rap. lha'ldanad allier Lanads vslued. Valt - uahl isLnde ton saile leadjoiîing townships.- Offies- lies verton andI Woodville. -__ 0gO.l1~-N, P. BIURNE,-C. T, ýIIODGOIN, PIlopnl«gtott. Wocatville. Be o)nri.a. 11141 - ~IOS B A L, Ewq. Ceoist. 'IM9S HOTEL. citerl cvery acýomoîmdatlon IIIS ÉA LEj, omr anti clionfut to tiha. travelling public. Orrion lit tIi) V ITtRIA HALL, tii-toi lp c1ice làquora, Goti Staulnganil At-! donrs -Wct aftIr, Wxtseu's Storo, Ke-nt Street tentirs Ostlers. - Lindsay, AîarilI ISi>, 241-tf - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ù ,tM~I NOI,<at tnnae.Trie. 1 1,A:I.S HOTEL.,,Main Street, Oakvood. a-hy Clixurcii, (lait,) Teaaaer- tfte Pianio- >-o d Stabling anal a carefat Oct-Ion. fokrte avd Mveaia,,Ieidteout dr.,Brttoans, WX, BANKS, Proprleter. 11l8-tf L hI' A9eaut for W .R, Wiltiaxa' Inproved N Â I- JAI MES GALLON, -WENlDAVC- »ining Ral and 'Restaurant, -lea, J.: Mac'liny,' imarrîser;-l <unes (0apaWtsi<S-. Jantes, Catiiera fleR'tin; 0,. %VWler, <lu. -Negase. 1,1,htersoun & 1fra<ly, ani Mosr. manron, Nlt.lcaI 11W0W~?cD ~~ -Dlinets tramlIaItbai-past tvelve to three <j¶IOMÂS N<70O1NT, 0Cotntyv Acctoneer, Dl_. cubes.w vision UCant, i, taate ant ieGns-il Agenti. -iur, iK t ot R hoaid-. os ltsi.l.no~1aoltrcet, Lindsay, C. W'. 2641f I- JOH u'iTII71, Preprietor, -A Nee iUtetkr.Mo~Nî ie-OflMUI.TLN, <,@tniucîmae,, uplaa. Torontoi Mary, 1864. 241 or- eKlig s<rêet(Elus Nud-) Wootille. 135-f~ ~-Irand Photormphio MOIN lDOUGLAS, À iS eordaiAgent-sand Li. r~t --cons-cl tikece, Cîaîbr1e Street, Linal-- *&Y. Otidere soliiatd. <25-nf r '11E undersigneai colicits 1t10 Cantincea P. 1011 JONSON - AILR, tam treiaoretthxe ublic h1gPnerat, vhich he JOH JOIýOiTIO Wil lia h, eon faverred i ii tan erâtral eara pâât. -patrimage hemtioave4l on hMi for tlie pact 14 PCIP f i bLte tls - vs-, bg l xyhs i u t rlntlle UscOute u le titshort et notire, andl p. rilcaul est zýrta i s ilpeiiear fnaaîiaptly exete it aIl mIt-ru tiawlilriïb lhietnyattentin ,lnitle scriame 1Chidrenet Portraits. 4 e ftvoretI, lt hle LAvTKdr Siu, anti at MlNa l. VIWS and G(lhl OP FÂMILlES taken ah tuA? 1'iucs. -- -- -2uuf hi ltaaident-a. îemtaaîber tlte Stand, oppo- site -- (NgiU ItY NArclailuct andl litilder?4Iie., - 30t-M s 1.1 l% ~Cal , <r,. - Worklaug lasns eaaeftill; - X*<uTla eioîaybt-sdS prtplca-culWiinnw f Ssciianti Dour tritmcmmalle SteWIimS Lnay - - orixaea rd uie, 16.- -221 T. GJUILBY,Ar<list. - eîc~~ ils - Liadsay, Msrcalî4 2646 -VFRA NCIS 15 Iisiîîcero us-nias ti HENRY HUGKES1 fl .. le.llabiîaanfi of h.i(lý4au n sd te tl i r 1- - vtiqalntit eoitry for tuaitlalisroae-e, I I<J lS E D AIUC- %tai taga-h o mliste tliilt la iw iat retet JTIONEBIt, Landi tilint rly lT0lA IDE vISITE piCîcarea, ini <le Agent. Rucsaalxco:- Ptortieuin oa f-l<iîlanbu vaibuih ateqt.ii hnt8reai idsy axa lout sgo aark clilie doteafurrnywheei.. iOdcnî ieft nt lie ofce.ti tii tuadiaa -Kelit and M*i4lliamnl- ner t tPee iiirea, vpîiaault etvuuîo Linc$say, March 23, 18G4.- 239-tf. Lixtdeay, Jaly i3tiî li3.2b54tf - W. BROWN. NU& IG R BC IlA N T TAILOR, &c-, -IEGs IRE. -ER ,.II G ~NI secranyta nfrn tc iîibla~s f ANDERSON, CAUI NETMIAKE-R aud itiauieay awetturreutuaingrouttiat- xtlie lias e ,TURNER, begg tua-announo11e uhat Ih. 1bas ceiaxiioli the abt. businiesq in ilU ibraraclu- ito'tck acntl sa uet cfCOFFINE At es litx1Vaaisty'sI laneS,Wliait1eu he liapeu l& aan us aurtigsreet, Liudssy, s -by fira-cau wokianauistlp, mii-1 strict atteniona i titis SrtIït)f lia hinatSqae tu basinless, te tuert a *îimrav cf laatnae and i . A. koep a ù. Harse etrtinuts by'moderato t upport. -- cares anîIstrit a ttention <o m ierit a aaesoa Liiadlay Aîiuit , sî 11- 1.4 - <'tf vptrunage. <.80e s vei- l&,%d Wie, a kit telie a. aueim a mdw Lr5*5 gohen i« " be se of illot <eyla U Md e ldlb ihrai iùithicau o ho. amu~i o 1 ffor lq and aon sud tarsh" & briti lw tte op -itweI4lued im- erjy straag ade etlsvetr 5 ivua ~ ~ %o we h ssulge o f fa Bnet tealoe à"iftte Mi cfor sud monmadmuIs, ut...rieaaduhin troa en' t ia bidin t dh i i -a %b Watt <o dou to t » ali-*uhe ii orohti "Çummtu -t.o i.e ual loktug ad $0 Xr.; aolelii vrais et itlas-oulasielgr' f.sit "ot ft atier .lwierdoa hewatbl anda éons r ulers w"<lieneiget- beldofhf tii. ar<. N-eeso 1ee sude ineceaty < Wlii hewoib.î UW" i mayrto h .ubi hW on th suai»d Wit is d papta*em gonl o tw e L ie b Mn. Better awsture tlat hatigt w.1eMyhsur, and a & - mul.Ne' did i muataios forplie uin si the modts -zt. aiobet<he sparty. HérIâ . Msfs.ieS. vs sn tileo eurp tatsdbt hsu empIanateia seo Ma pio. Y a out i r oned the ' -mont Mh..oily sudi ngttpn d thsu b ixt bu ltashvbotaù ap." No- did-woe hics -a ho stathbe tid ua is a aboutn faaaièl of CbSki exMr@.lien cf l seat#voà a .me A ust lci. 'Thallladey lai i tuehe ead ged ini.lai lie mt" ut lucrtie xu. A x-Sm e w(a tw ma à.0 -xee s v-e. ttadt the 'tientleavet tii sttf..ia.rt aeino uitI hwteeetin thi ol lion asibeauts ol. aTje lasdusin Wo bouse hot plat s.disoi ha-thme oai et lite ordier sudgave.biseson a eti xPl Suoxa <ho raoIuteu (a twih oe-hm ea tiof reatieint <rire frtial hei aiutd redpeho7fowed Ioh. rethalasa co broùter. - -stlokf r *& isibleh nigitinatheoutli afm of ter h Lutie, andd inxplyrtisa u in Id li ré aU the<h tie ors.ii. oithe bo as fi <u blec teti, nomh e tinibi 1k.ad uit tuo lf.rugni hid dciiii epr hey tiowed t tié întitiuu preervtirii f cire-oa..ttibles, log incitiais lue-ili ote granv oitan ctr for then Liga oili-mrab o< a Lad tii.h aitya of.--'te Mcaums olTe:f lres.a boyilmuet baasube uloted,<lierL WhO woumld igtak h t, eed, ecs, hi ua, at o e iot-? illa srus s dowt.<li ge tiaune of ht$Masnk, anînc dmungtii.melbuhip; vonTisose pieacuipsn. t odncehed the s r cane belonie wbleas er t'auiotite bthe i the qi - e cauase ofitheiy Mn. Beutcnd ' a bonughstbedte tke cWho ulti ette h. on bus, roe.:, anti utu i. adce r 111<1. .eid ieaî, ùlgtle-edtuM.ea o aèend îakeci a on the rpisan. Ii.f j L Wld tas' mi meanu mples -j1--hottdv aro d ya refus utèr he aolineadsigliln r'a . e rsai 1T hé quas<btiows uil ys fore t -nl o 1, d -MÉ.Bous et ocme offorttatis. e nhlovtah ii- wbote, Pso,atdbos ete. o"an<. .Hi.e fam-1h. oepbuuil <'Wi tttell s itýe& *Jme; ot'fuy nov,"e hiof id-akigt.lins. B. Ti. im hooni' thech I n <lhesow ad re Moto.I in tat a, sd C ile vas al ,M te uanded e bai an ther<9c nabiis d. if ho keu aissiyer t .y Mne ho lWsmolta reOUI lqa. .i1 udta gay ove tisa, butmohélii n h.w mutheb.1sè id te Pbtéii, r h or' manterthe «rY«aof bthea.ut <i u toles<. bos eomtssar- 1 ial ile ami isat t sy u ftoierMa = qt sltC u q9oe*hmémbew rss i,'igb wit .l1 s4"*gtome beere a amies a infusa h. iWMWO a lb. S at anras d' otm tuag sciam te usili uao uaaynratie= s is ns ~W. *kssd awg~, ud vay itual u e s X !ate < tob. *A b ls b ep y i ed aes, n"ai»Y waiy ad ilesa, Ire ifle seau -ssharddeeU.atoutu lte.Th est p JJe» **We u t thei- Charwa ée f sel M adste itii. beince t, t pekle rac loek; fl.eamejfis. lahtI-tt u 1W(em tweaitiewse ferleviuaeaoe xtii» hel oui-y tileano ff-ie. <eu, oaeuly e tnl magin e In Mhie a-i ~~'ie l ais.ndutssmd a awarlet fevor wual hseaoferne every mnt te cager humi p.vallug t ~.fuafu Sn "akoog tho houseoa fillted w i ti l iais beuhn cdlasehlâe c tiam*y eri reimedfIa eïieatuhu of arrtin, an »W- I.fait hsaix a viemaettbt b.lues et yhic a 1ecent rteifsayorte: mIW Mr. mhdoiet »mIlê~ bouol. hem*" y r ls eil Daaie ii. eaii oeeiand sle aaue- eroa - <ho ae.other mmd ofadailat s. N lrAs ti vîue b.awd et<eia17g fb ' atatS, ri ht ,aed tit e i teeS of <lo ean, fh's sl aeat- ~ -1 whie, tainojaanaipur as-nnoenceit l egs b.a tibeieencerude, tthentre- srâmi. ïaNi flba gat. 1 r'u tiesferer's ial ehârl.Ne hoe :Seorci s e . orel table- c1e h, was"Ch;g, iti skýobata am the poiate auip leaing han fr eue me- r- rait tram bis ory hna't bdb stacs-le aimth..ery laisaarlve forthe etiaiail. ean 'Nus eir'g t inUnep.-e# n ls trat.Ieit -'« ueas iy areeegazie' Iy the coril- sim~~~~~~~'e "thali' rledhi htîe eapa*o $dic.ai-lv t c ieeder fml afc 0.se MentRe te, "liai , ii'r yng ' aolOianer ert4M la onh t earu, id1w;à" f w jOMatekn tew nawmob suth, boulite unfoerei e eniev h ahr mmir- but htins Ie - -Imt estld me Se utie-l 'Nusing daies. ibet livei pleav e e t n paent i lie mny.mothe; ah. ngdtypew; wutig;Ch re i chulroud bether- aa isteraof are al ier , brfài a iàne box." td,bivnhtit s ce" of w ye a rentmitmr e,1 aysva ol~ Ur. sk h.wof dywu - eepileadanthefor- opentia"and<hua rniledam oçmake anhoe ainka~~~~~~~~~~i ge et, u a ae lepatihisavery harad. If pare wnlia trduea Ttc,, -eméixlmt éen Char"hi'm go <s >hie oncits thr falles, tie xce oc, te;h od-yeCar,leinel huai carnerédý *là ,6up th enerisan utha lands. As the ar lot hemn sati dguat. ene yoi!deat cclr enerW efthdy h> rpd a'Nay teIln fuo he tread ofthe ahs alatreding t a te make ling Wv, y*ant the at adyyrbosatpprslsiecn a r.-a beusiecalWredbe tngr-epiratu ilnetlayoit the fmilw -arTisaakingl a oyth eenngafet h aea Cul.st h at ing, cheertulmntalhand Mhe onsl atonand he liewlooiavery sude .a Pwija' antiJeofil .keitrmii.cntmaatn0ifu was~~~~ ~ a wilba!emas. innoce-c nce e t tha. ierti antgoey i rn Te "- bat maie m ittie rondse ganeatte- enginte-ou, Nanoe eelitea, Iilbe o Pt ual , ni hit elisai- M. Bituxb. tatcaeapiate andwil grojw Up lor a, dmertic atr f"i heaVéry uart, hidg boq ac n bSiest-- atena nar e ntI bth fahas.d An0 y!" erlaghI.jula: * -ihtsi.yautoidéasl ieenpiy etibfuly th usefTly ht &tharl* 1, omle iatI sif o aintaai og-i ' o rasoj o! latJ&. loi, combeen aoFn inasai Iemandtlooeeethahe kxndw has9erie. Ho à'o1 teact.refael witia me lieladANECe nfd RICoLD Ha cIGehelANer. Il ane 'atn shas Sn, anas ritehans andepitnrmy -are net .doey alt abx,,$I'm iquen if yau had - paris ha bt b ti.e atdhmra 1ilar Fa- son, ateùbit been a Frs ao yauPxvet eaveme-re chaime atidp-aeeare nbtaate. pr- nwn le a>thin about er te. es, oslt rîasopnhrluhpersan wmedie grae gr.ne àfi l.a Borde -1-aud h"neateCale'u h iaotmi ieoecibae i lic graa eplaiste' anlige t' the aige monrse Loérd Loaie, he aseeu.d s fou "I hoi CarîO 'NCIe!ba ue-herte ti Il. s"The aceh iet. ord gi Lovs at e- Des;>l Mman," salhai afe nato tat*ôer te a Frsaimmefdî aley al c lin- lieean Tuertboy ahprt aul maiethtoaxigit vas ien s atar u le 19 ifand cast xoc, ne b arteeCae-a nwa ay h now 4usd i ed otae r etei Po tga th ila M marea inorus,8a o d tr c ; bt ole weneandppri ilne hii exaît- e aq dith rgdsIomtre siie esor-givn hu iitene aun hmRoyalies The elaint Inas ociu ib tt aa jel fîhr'I an euse mie o ahlad et h ner amiiy, he maI 'w batmuit hlsm nhi iidoad ,es, du- ho ine-, our chlian teotwouer 1hfin hig ahu ýrpiedsUriorti hi aa Ydautghters .i Une ot tp ii.isses Fraosetlaeo im-~~~~~~~~~~~Bi Thtliiin lV oe oa afxai ~dirtees ai abh, ni<i o~e aller aiaclsrmaîatile s ingad- ha, Illyeat t acho ba o arghe thire desîo- theoreIticàal t cik ag would Ît have"u'ane lorsHe tien aire rpeaiy, eas<h Pruues tia If e t Lfore seaî radaand piafyaftaSicrtn ar ' Qrý'q,,d4 - bit sottie. oaa wnt l e tLoahùoit#,eli ait înamieby ieRrsa evc.A ag n h'hesas 1 i ,an . let.i ii A eCaI eleveI le eliGls hranti e- f~ ~ 9 asf. mayaî tlv inxe aar-in ýto. Ibiee ie(ame,'askile b ser <lui nobl and lef mue h o wihd re-Pahisbastid-r athé Bda.HefaorFran Lqway flotgîen ay letatier ye <oled otionaetotdb a utixonrlwo.a re.aîl ow tat lithi orabo s etrae. bentc urdaxii rnc Fu Slw ether ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ti notieor eo seaih o yu<od.- .M ebrseri the eat ugradser Iulal Man ma Prentag hets aete r ihis sd utthe direcutt mae la fthee RussuatôdgSi- hlaieyndwayed et aura. Go, soumit for aune etoberd cfLie Scihwaeîibprtam- uiage 1h. eedyanti uffernag;see leuah teae e iiy, unur b order -oftbyxihtb amGetIrae opfiua. kd Tipe ,pirli itut th a .t prte-hbeaerT ie ajo -leaqierd <hie e ear igmaa- e titi- iamedin lie-Upper TempleaI tye altertram krtawte - te:Th <lo îrtala et hie adeo-îhu grnd h, ati - g he flreiad iang1790ges w il iop-l.em beaveotnly leugea leàa a r, <ylti ouand t i:aseasfuni n~ih rni ml", e. g or f-oun .rrjdandetrMen. ntI e, erxxxanlieaire ug in rtgalshi, nt ause broherla he hme e tii widxv, nsicern terd Pais u li heii ci Cosack egi iant- tor the ms. airkh-pe*v eurts; wiiîe irMMou un ofNuLrdmeaovai e faeu.iselparlun ofh-hualnt you heur <ito ybl frr nlr aeere-alsGyards aI F'tamlaîaaey h hie FAÉIrI<- Ho'u CKAUTL-tZS0W atioelangof, ho hieboe igruanrtheon hih in have Mirchipiepunoai gelle8 . la 129 -ir e re !-. Nus, hi.h tnîn. [Îndi ther- lybe- Vieh liant eti a g ani ~ther 0 e MAKING HOM ,HAPPY. Oné of thé ver7 béat mmse ofptrerving i-b haili hppulsuaant moral, of sans atit dauqhteis, for r-ieiig. <hem up te ocettpy lngh meensêlesudhonourable position. in oeiety, And 'for securing te themi an aid -Nmocf quiet tope.., witha happy freedo tram wastingand Wearn« diseassoe minai andI body, i. te miaki home. thé fatnily gire- Ride,ý thé- capanienship:of parélits and one, anath tii.sweelahpiestan&, mest diligfitfol pince -eofal othies. Takang inn>. rexaideration 1h. intensely làquînringcharac- ter of the 'youthft rismmd, and the îendenc'y in ilCta renard asi ue whatis-put in prieI, tbore. i. Perhapa neotiet one m.îhnd et bringiaig up àa ievbie. family, ofetçiur4 ga happy iouseholl, -than tha t ofpoù ingtihe chiltIre,> with suitable readinu fitrm iii.timne they are flrott able te remd ut ail. Therermay b. ~ee~feuceop niom as tewhal kînd of reading 1 Mmosh suitable, but thé,gea mass-eoft <injtellient and the, gond wiliý have ne difficuI<y iâ arrilvinat '<he conclu- sien, thnt in the main il abold: b4 sob as will nombine truihfu'.iess ih inîrei.Fii endI teed, the mâd wilh fecta i fanurage wieih.shalf engage thé . attention ; tacts, andI rtsand bistaries, which lead -euit he if- teîhosti.bert feelings eft h. human'heari, wihich wii y aks opp-the, sympathies te a beiltlafui aeçd -pratcal exercise. Ther. ws ne acen je doômeaie litee co purely beautiful1, exéept that ot ,tamil<y %orsbip, as that of father, moteubr; childrea, &a1i gahered arrnnd the. table, before a auiiluaing fire, orl a winîer's evoning, aeadingailoud'by îrs wiîlr interWas of a.mark se te csentiments c0o.nvèeod, their app et~eletirn«' et tg o"e anether, <hoi ier W, u thé ii propriety oet ti modes et .exprmsieon,and the. many hrpiôta which . naày.b. soggeaed tet m andf tedor t listener, as page aiNer page la pessed ver. . V.y ma rti- itgîied tais post -an îxe »u8saan. service, and, ii a goati pensein andtihle aidle et Major, camne t<o eside ira Paris, wiere ie lias live1 eor fance. Hiàeèocexatrue tIres-santi boha- viont amaa matie iiiune af lie most out#- nious 1abitsuaitiftheCala, Foy. Hi.s apait. ment wves ouiait upper aétory ira Lord Hent- fgrdVs haun-se, foir viîci' lie paid -a tory bigla roul . Batthle turnitiure wus severe ni ils stmfplicity. It consisîti caf an amen bedet,d a .tew maps, a ralcucllection of. boaka, aral. a littie burnel et Cyprus wiaîe-,a,,glui.a f whioli <he Major ahiys offeretu ta Iis visi- tise. Wlieu <the.mattresseofaimasbed tgot i of arder, Major Fraser bougEl ai a Frencit nobtemnait reco *vening t rom a fit of'inasane de- vtoni a da.ul coffii-ije hicliho heaept ever iince, because lho saidt lat, b.iaag tsbjecîta nightmuailu, ho v'as * hable té faili aat ut e#ery é lter, kinal cf bcd. Tuie laite Marquis ai' WW.erfornaever madle anti van auch rck- bas bots as: did the subpect oai this Aettl. Me o'ne lune %van.a îixousand - peunts frein Lard Sèymour.forliavixig oui puat-horses-nid- doen ta- Bruuls and, back agaixuýn. les% titan foi <yiounua, anda ridiaig ta Cüompiegune anti back. six limes dur ing six caneectative duys. Yet Fraser 'Nuean accoiauplisheti stoar., H.es-or de-voteda cartaie ,puniion ai t tldy. to the. study cf olassica and ti huemnatica. Hi, con versiuinal paones veme veny greui, ant id uisciety, wviii.tais heaithitsed, 'Ns. ecuglit iy lthe qàà.d'espiW aiParla, in ehose MIoM. h. 1usei te appear n leclaUes ofthlie gaidukinà uuatatuby hirnsoîf. A Mo0Clellan man wvieeleaia Liaxcohu man thrugth<le aireets e1 Sprinigfild, Masts., F lain .oespiaa'oeli b.heternimetfau el cha.betq.-Tii hé.lmer voie (aisepet mgireent) a n-aisof fetlu-biowe bIsaI 1er». T he iled at, îin hbe -9b bsuk car,a smokianxuysani auenerw -A-v tlie sigil. -The neit day -h. cily: au- tlionitisus i"el<Ie 4 heeler 87 for dri'viug a per the v '= ,*l - M4 z2o a -Mme, WhtI riiiili wsby theire- - IRUBueces aMaumwu, 1er é« « lnts ii<it sflrr' knue ei likely in Wurip ar 4lIPledm anail '«We 10 ou dut tW11easyootintoreat ti couc.rned. ys'repu"".ie pan-sone~ refisoZ; theretr, pgeê- ous feelings aùdboua emltviuteai. 7. Say -but. itiue thiuk much sud de more. 8. Le ttyeiepensme hauclias lo-eave a balance in you Poo .kem. Ready money la a inienai in need. 1. Keep ciear ef lhe lav; kir, ee if yn ou gala yeur aM., youarue gouoiaily laser. :10. Avoid bortowîng and londin-P. IL Wine dninking sMd cigarmoare liad habits; tbey impair-<ho mig ncsd pochet, anti Icadte a 'Nase aftime. 12. Neyer relate your misfortu.neiï andl gntieve over whut yau c4inot preveait. AMER[CA-N COMPLi*MdtNTTO LORD LYON& - It is tepenteti ram Wasingt utixat Lord Lyous'Whaulmoat recoem ro irebis reaxonh iiinees. -We feel sure <ha: <tie wiole ncom- matuîhy wyul receivethis intelligene., with siaxeere satisfaction. I will be left for ris- tory ta record. hue muci h.United States owved ta aur ave Miaais<er ahtte Cotit of St. Jams, ant hle Britihl Miaister ut Wasi- ixagon, in auainainieg a fair anderstadiag beteen tie tee Gevèenxt,daiing a cr ias whicihtréeieae n se înany On"casions lu briag <hem into actuai coîiasiota. Cambineti euh a lange anti varied experieuce of tth. worid, lie Minishers stto have been lte me- dius utof iiicmuiagnbetween the<a tccountrisie..txe apeniegnrat ho ivan, -have a hewn that th!oy posse*.ed te. sîili.rurer qalificationxsof oven a geniai temrper. Bath Lard Xussil anti Lord Derby have bonne volutitary teslimeeny t li uni- torm ania perfect ceunteisy.-et Mr. Ad"&a-in aIl his commnunicutions -with te Gavera-. ment utflber Britannie Majs shy, anal we are -sur e titat the. sanie teslirnony wotuld lie borane an <lie case of Lord Lyoe& by <ms-ebeh have liai te contiuct. officiai. intercourme eli himn on.thi*-aide. We cati eiy expressa cord.ial elel liai hanf mission misy ho praiexaged, anti as iaîîsaucîory <ci bath Guvemrmeitis ina <ho future as lu habeeaî bu <lie put.-Newo York THE DESTRUCTIVE HURRICANE AT CALCUJTTA.- rm *ç puiubwus t wwl û e rom dam*isae adouete gharuese d l'-g wunther ofteanly and al*àew#inter, îhaq. dSaing ait the reetoet yar. Sau'rated witli witer, oovedith uud, spd ofin. . z*noiiîfeo su ie aimomt break wheu Wb, tin nOç 8£Tý hatidling. Unneudalre siould bellaken te kO.p il wlelleandxa hurig up - îa, pçcojr sapewben Det in use. T lhua treàted, aît wal net oaîy lt A any tirues Iotur t W. look iîafieitely-1botter than wlaen noglected in -thre usua "mu er. As tu îth ai cfW -oltwu ktnow aothing botter thaix nett'a fo oth *laub*isami shi.by iseiers. Tu give the biaet celer characterîatice ofnew leather, a litile larnàpblaek may be.added, without detriment thougii it ta better net 10 use thie secomet.- %foer ore euxtng e jxthae il, hou - à*4t m t *tes iMpOrtant entderutioa-, irinus, antthe test is tiot less ianpoataat. iSICe tie ciloannat penerrate the Lather and niake i suit and. pliable if put on %Yhea it je dry and hard. One af the best Ways to tire di.e loather the required dtgre Of meistture im -te wrap op the several pantsof the hurntem in 'Netcoua previous ho oitieg. Bailths"iti. ble as nnnecessary where washing bhas bqft regorted ta for cleaniaag, as uhe ail. may be applied beian.e <hoelather in etitirely dry. The ail shanld bu rubbed in bii7 y-With a brush or clati, se as tu, ensuire isas.pir Varaish atotxld neYe"r be. used as it closes the pures and rendoers the penetratioa ai tie a ilinore difficu it. Veizeîabeilsod are hard- eairan irn heir effects aud ,hautti i ever be. used for that reason.: Final ly iletich appli- catioa of oit be as frequetit as aseeded, nat Once ayear as tue muie is with somne, er ai- most nover, as is -hie .practice (;frnany. OUTTaGEmaUS A98AULT lON à TarN.--Au the train fmum Si. Marys wals procoeding wesft ooriay nizlit.a,l was îp.ssinz the sectitn beune, twro mileg frorn the vllage, an iron spike, abount' ix luches loit- and oiie thick,was îhruwn xwith great voanethroU..k uneoai lie windows. Fortunately- the in!sado blind w"s down, and bri:ke tie farce of the. uflle, as, had it imet with au oppoaltioa butl thai rendered by the gl-ass, i wunid have killed or seeiou-sly iinjured -a young-,niai whe was tittang wîtl> bis lead agrain-tl the bliaid. Two geaîîh,-neaî 'ere eitin - ontienext seat,, and the :plinters (f gýasa- feul ail o ver taemn. The train was backed, anîd the coaxductur aad brakesmaaa -,% ont a short, distance intu the' woads baut failed to d:scover arty oate. Tlhe pioce of irora is a eleeper spike, andt bas evi- dently neYer been usel. Thie section master wu& acoon ou the spot, aand i i ser ta que-- ries put ho hum stitted that tiere were ne, .Perlions but th lie xebers of*isowra family in the. neichborhml ,ani that lié cotxld corra neo1<104 as, tu who the persexa was who 41d 80s wantenly alutetiipted to des.troy <hase who, must, havé beeaî te 1dim str*tigers. 1h w. exaChly in the satire place that -tae. traiaa was fired intoan tNu, separate occasiens a few day. aixce, anad ao duubr cait asxjst as te it& Ibeixig the. arne person wio 4ha»7us waut-ý I ealy sought ta kili thfflein the teaiia. Tà.. curiduchar, Mr.. Johraston, muade, ail pa-ibis- [inquiry,.and îtit s u hhoped thait <heCon>. paray wilI at once -institute a seacetiii i.- n vestigaxioux. The mîsc-rearat.is eupposed le The faibawing us an exuract frin a. letten b. ine disciargeti emÉloye.-Ln" dated Calcutta, 6tit October, received by un Free Pres. eminen firet in Maneester.« IMPORTANT FAcTS..-Tiroug'l lie kind- .iWe - ctdystrà b h oi. es ai.Dr. Siaver, we are etiab:edto l ay f eu isttiyetrtaybyteùoctbelote. aur readens lie fballowî:iàc att as a fenu yclonle <liaI ver vas cxperiencclipofa i.vleat n 9tuc fLi = ,Pund da.iete macoitoi al erttA-vas y-Assuaitce A few years 4iicc a persoi conî pat uxt ai le oadato alctoa venenameti John.Campbel, veli knuýwn jin Nomrth blookei up y tres blon oeausa lem anl E. luofbel ais nuative cauxultry, SzotiaillI by twvclve or ans- o'clock tlions- vas nota l r i otnsiiAirc.Bfr e troll onh-ut àtundîng in lie neigttbeurhoad. -eoeevý ina lad, tais nepljewi asked his uaacle if ho. Everylhiaîg vas levoileal - wui ti h. groanal; vou!d permat hue la ilisure tais (thua>icle's) axia ie the shormn ceaseti in a groat mou- life, ira his, (the lad'sy baver. Tiec axi sure, about bait-pasitour, p.i., thon. 'Nus assentei, acctardingly the boy effeu.ted art on areiuvc h b.tiae. atiI nt benassurance on, is axaaie'e liffr £2% star- as ut 'Nere, obligedto, te hy ut homne, my liaag. Silice tien lue- paidthle -aniai. pré: house vociai have boom> campbe<ely guttei, mium. regulariy, andtî aow, at lai& uncle'., as it vas, lte venetians anti jeilmills.. ere deati.h is it possession of £:YMO vihi pro- bloweu down, lte planter sîippeti off lh ielts.. Dr. Shaver signei<hie papers on tant voIlai, lthe babustrade etlie ruai vas a"l Saturtiaycetîi<yinil.to Mmr. Campbeli'aadeata, blown li,aisI lteébouse itsehiva&s slaking oi hiereceiph af whicilthticCompanxy vili su ,hiat the. plasser inside v *as dislatiged i hand ,cver the money.- It is'qtiie -possible sevrerai places,"atxal I expelt il wou 1 hsoan îad net tie bey efiecha.d this insiitco ho go altogeueher. 1 xnanaged lu keep the watt- enalt have spexul the smalt aranual sur iti doîa shîtu, baut v an vaiti greal dufficunly -as premiuni ho see îlath aljave anouAit, anti manycu it. àe. , axa tI l-day I caru Iloual w n b aveanyîi. - rd haurdiy write. Ecept a tocoaaîut treèe hèns lleratd.-- andtrie h1 I uay say there is not a trois loft in, the neighhortaod oi Caleutta.. £vemy Noir Titis ENdoue-. -A --mrre.*punitet aof thlingS vent-eut eniy trocs but bouses; amaind <lvIepprtis ir baia. Iroeth rougiacoatsidérable art oiBhaov- ton vho vas gia aCl4attatooga.ontlIase 1 t~oeaîy~ut oixîî on aîgmaIoati. Whoilthe trainiatermed <ha tun- an(i(toteeautttan inu. axi teen- nel nat wIlas total darkiesa. c"i persan, <y peuple at Vwuntc for four hÎura belote asketi a strauîger bow long ix woaald be gzoiihg cuul get, up lo a neigliboui's hmuse Ibis thiougli. Stanger \vas a Ut of a wa nti momctg itii ad nly thon by ofaig ate repiiet,.1tva hous, pere taou aileh the Maidue. 1 hâttihea thîe hau..ce hat d ii«aalltmcbaileO rtuaiity te suffereti cantia.abiy, andi vent tlai nier tie don a cloe shirt, andI about <ho <lactume h. use et mline. It vas quitervue. Tva igh ihait i "hueketl" hrisl, tetaiaudusheat trocs htbonlvuagtxttieou . r-n lie odayligil, exposing him le the astan- ita wyprte b.veadi u uqnat ish setgaze cf sorie inadred, pairs of 'mate etI ira ailth<lie vînd on athe <va upper ste- andI tenaabeecye belauîgixag lepasêtengeie. neye. The cempenaxi vus eien 'Na'nae thit Hail on nu luien.uuabout as nînchijLtor cla>ties' mine, sn e ii ait f tee very lai t cassari - us Appullo Belvîderu-anti bail ne chauce cen treesever lite axok-rooiîi iad ti enirely 1tulun. bloéketi up <ho stable, ad noarty kled haitANn c SOTC Loy ALTY. - Wheu acvtainoflb.eserva.nts. I hald la drive <o Georgethie Fourti veauta oIrelaitd, on.eto Bliaanipom.< te wtovo, and ip&«eetl lte là pl.itry,," Ieighitedvixh luis. affubiliuy throagh soms.of tlisestieeua atàpltgtite nIes li the cr,.wtI arn iaadin*, said -xc- the olîl- mu water. I drove by Coolie gazarsud np keeper, aste ii îag patse.l througih, Och, ho the nailvuy ghàan such ci s cenle as tie, nov h ait hie r!aleshy, Got blesà in, nover river piesented it a squuls- impassible for aniypaidti ho lunupike ; hoave ls ta "h. one te desoribe. Nsver, I believe, vas kings neyer dae; volets 'cm g> ree," vaws suctia asigit.s"en isy nsal great m, andal1Ithieans-ver. "Ilel'lientere'.4 thc ctry money wili lo ac tIo <tescribe 1< Ti.river from fon ye," saysafut; îshal 1nover ho sailt Fort Pond me Anminitan Giat vas* lh ai thki ti- aagcame here, andl 1'nd taiobody shippinra; on Tuaestiay nlght, and ween1 tell ho pay lie turnpike fur liti"Tora, Moore, rycu tuaI tia mornng-not oesvussei romain- on lis. visiu <o Abbà.sfomtl, totl 111k itory te et at taon anouanga. Yen msiy f trin souteSirWalter Sc Il, wheai uieyv ert comiparir g idou af the sad censequsaices. . Oniy oe oerle as tu the twu no>-al -vas'iasl"Nouî, vessel, the Robert -Lei& abelîèe by lite Moore,", replicd-ti ct, I"taure ye. bave juil Charialpeal Engîee-aeoe, vas .visible ara the uivattage ai us; <lucre vad,.w-%act o titis sid. of tise river; itestmavenu scattoeal entliupiasm hboe; mie &clcèh bIh wulà duemanleti, auk, or blown iigh sud dry jenlbaie donc aiîymhinag in tise ior d f usr a varions places an tles- drer. The sirand itay, except paîy M/e t'.rapike" -e vas- cevered by buts, steamers, anti wrecka, ail, tiseva y fren Prîaaaepes Giat to île ]Rail- Tt is stateil that a Yankee godas q.bas ýway Gsait, a d ait the shipping v-as sirandeti -invented a ciLock vhich, in accordance -wM in the eeighbourhaoal *etAiwrah. 'Thele te spirit of the t<bie, indicatea lte heurs et are <vo los of about 2Oaîips eathlial hud tiedyb> orix ffa revoleatade led aud-jammedt igetlea.ou the ather aide, striking apon a, bell' as cacual. Foroaui ail welh <hein pnamr-o a bee, nieoak one barre! ef the revolver ae-diàphaag- samreof tisem ifaIturdt ster. Il oi. gueus- t;Lr twooWelock <vo barros aa eu ers 7 tindir Nade eatiq r andoiAtets '0 oeaî'1 tee1revolverA m are iigia and dry au thi. -aide, and oosmquina, ilasx.arls .ci o tiw h nicatiaxa with Heerali liasease as. <lerae itadf aoussnmied dn ight.cI are no boutsho b.bed jnst yet. las sos- eth U HsSa s r- tively utite centessu viat bu a TeSi-".o teap-Étls ; peîeti, and. I oannei * mre l, "but YgO4Itt Oihalilitstmares faira waîî sentiyou furthiser eu j>by <breCanada uSM M n.ndirth<le RecipaooitY Neraseia as <liepeettisslsis44.h.vieb.T êybté'w1ýedte a"ey Of -t able l t~ 0opèreise 1 sa à" u kv n. !ta SUS 15h 5 what te doeW s ud vhs W%* do" <fS 5W>tit 9ifuw lb. ci t e5 Eatu WJ1i days, sud h vili. b.r a ISegg mmbeot <iel5U 0 h. IhAber aIý l loua-ecmsab.erealinas. No tournoiviii h. Tmmie Ma Nav ini a f~ egt go ssHifatSoim»-lUme. ave bom b sont ou' b.Watt OflCe litthe * ýdeq and ogss ee qe h tb N w Zeafnai ver. have t»t be... . wzviiienub e i îiy4e àaivl t Poew Ifo epulc r tit once. ..- -