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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Dec 1864, p. 3

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71L~ n~ W. Je~ONO s. I. SSU k. )'&W medIots. 271 air, as.<Iv ' >f 1h4lg *Iç4 ýae u= 8 n e h Cuetre ofal ippilît anddIsg m a4aes inie la la-1s *. e m â üWtîlmo. Tt *cea~ Uece~sad remormat&B o)>- f liiIo eoll:ly aaalîod. Tt wlh, la a short tInte, bria< e la uoatily.penoti yuL regulauly., Thoe eP% eUbould riti e tked by f*maiet $that &e PregnAib,daingtht FI RST T1111RR niage; butatt e véry' cîier limûe, And- la evéry other c4se, byaepkcysi. n ait ..asà of Nervus andi Spinal Afections, tPnii h lte Bclç td LnbfevnsFa- 41 tigue milightuwertion, l'alTibitIn ofîithe art, i- Wîiitel, anall otîter painfi diseacies occasion- 64o by dm*eedmsen hes. Pilla wil efliet h~ a cotwia v i otiier nieu bave flillet.ý (j pull dheco in thi ie tampitiet around cAçh - ,packaCe, wliçL should h1e earef àlyly ireserveIx. te À boutle oalainîg p 1ille,,andt. encIrcled. vit i tIhe Uovernmtùt tampof-,Gr#.tl>'ntain, et n b e entpoitri, ftir $1 andedtpostage absu. 111,91 as Ile itoll moun- J5 .Tiie millevas li ()( i t millter by S 4,niae batt wIifilow kt",wîl mi elleAgento for îLhe tiaa.gs.fold ty 0.tiittiiKnovIson & Ore ory, lie Ldicra.lhall; . .. Iomesl, tak et. Doigl.aas, !Ma ilta ;A. Wya 1h, un- Glîclrirlit & Carneron, Wnodville;, T. omnm"1:, ad iaIlmdineeIrs under the LoOT u requutod iotut th lu Pale sud Dark Whues Ho id G Canadiansu pif lu tbm Ig test stylet1 V- on hd. eT itlighest prie Butter, and erery d4 Dam An early Ça Kent E3tret, Pmrohibil 70.2 40. And vus priosi. Law.- TO tà;. (1ENT4FUS9 »-'lTho wsdersigned qatlied. ,T twIclpai E!eetorm of theToumhlp cf Feuelon hereby "aIre tlmt a poli be laites in terme of thbe Il n do f , 10 4'itt titi a Iee 0fin nor1864, te dpenIne wn vetLer or net the quali-1 t)vw thIOWO, Wio:l py tel edMluniclytal Electors o e icsd Mutnieipal tyi tw iéi ii tit h re i iade.hIlden BRYANIS PULMONIC VAFERS. vri ladoipt under authoity and for enfbrcement, %l*'WN *ttBel.otn impr~tt.tof the said 4Ad, the follovlug BY-lawi cih *, ut~ ~ ~ýd tiPtr14. himai 'rhc origIlal medicine Esto.Il led ini 1737,âtid hereby propose for their adoption. To vit: tu M. M 114 i.-)enI firt article of the klnd ever introduced undler m aeqilt;tgUursn.hl- olelianie fi IlPtirnon ie rs," Ilu ilts or any Ilsuint of Liesosu sterfe, la by the épr ent J,y.-Tlie Londo,: .gSec- tier suuatrY; ail nuie Palmonic iNILfCIq5 are Ry-law prbl ittevthe ii.Township cf Fen- F.-lei» vustc em,,k icOuua$teti "le h t oloe cauI La known by e104. aider a 4 f.. afore.suatof ~ î~i, ~ s). the mne BII1'ÂlI beia< ffssutid un the Wuafer. the Temperatice Act." laiEno B~iIîd ulerany IRVANS PUL.NO)NlO W'FERî illreieotailnfllpHrtlie re CwigliqColds Sore Thinaî,,Iloarsentes.-Wîesorho#tzs11 a fToen frelief citail n- .p. .t. bertlethe yerterf our Lord oe eth.nisaud ight fi laisle(I-111 111111, 111( tttir. 1111VA NS P!L( ~WA.FERS lînîndrcd anil lty-four. ail îm:i*t ff filiikstvisifl Ielieuspittilig ni Blood, Pains i hie cbst. .RPikAau.Dy ~îmgi~hp.recdîît Tte MlY'~* BYANS PLMO~C A.FRS Benjamin Jaeobq Richard Day t? i lis mrben te viit a btt.- yRelie'.e Irritîltio»n f tlhe vula und, Toris Alien XI Lu>.iia Frafisi.Willisck titlti old, thé S4îlc i fiwtio IIIYAN'S PUILMOST WAFERS. Georie McSabb Thomau famileon Ir raýti. iii ll hAR,y llt>!0r(,- 1Ucleve the aboce Compllalttsli Ten Minutes. JamnesMeNabb) David S. Wilook npieîîrt le nppIo RiIlte," a AuINIS p 171 14 -W>. FERS Denli Ni. Rogers John Glllis If) n to , li e on ppitf,R14 Are a blessi ng t a Il Classes and 'Consîl:ut ions. Thomtis OÀkicy H!ery lyres (-I Mltllpiklfle, lî ahîi Pl iIW8BvYANSEni&niel Maddock, Joua Cok feu i- î~faillithe ElbeUN(Vi. EPS John. Ma)4ddock Wn. Jérdan wîu'~~ ~~ pîau wM.Adr-Arc ndat)ed for VcliPatlIublic Siurakcrs. RcadG cîvyle;Ae.Mitr 1 Ihl1I." tlfit dVîd:aiiery di I RVAIN U.MON .NVAF'It.9 Jolln 1,ttemnor, ilaî lMn lio~ts,' nL iminI likelIo lie ArecIla asimplie forin aid pleassel bt te heaste. AciadMitdiel fleurraliGnh Qt'e-tri sligiu'! pt I t stop te iit>NS tLMNCWAFEIIS Jolîn.tierron Duncan RoLerumon !y4 hut if il eosj-tirue viii Arç ln a sbîtie fu')rni and lensant tle thet.tte. 'Adoliiihias Lovly 11;Oariis 'S John Kemp Wm. Devait swlttioi uilgaili),tho iwor..hip b R y A NS PUi l- N 10. WA F, RS jolin illock * Thomas Archer iloyl Imil. Airenfty a Not oiy reliuve, butefret Inisting..cures. . me . 8Gi;hson David Brinnali. 004-t. dmi'lanrid lithe lISw1wlig . VAN'S PlMNCWA FERS joseph lýittîrton William Powima atty 0c at;lee b'cnuae tt-le Are gia ittîedloiCat5a teOvery one Jnhnswgnt6n' 0ý. .Keth ilei if, is iiî:dîlgugf; in pretly ý i - . 151... * William Ali1ai . epbtn Gaila mtid alterrr'n who 110w iy - No bmel so l ewiLhot a il ox cf Jame1 Puarte Paimer Join Cor.y IThoY 1tfî'd Iiiloyau hbies wliviii iUNSPLMN WAFEIIS. Thonin-,q llambly Joeph NRory il ni t<'riiog abolit timalt ai.'atin i4"ouse. Mitel 111 LeisLivlogstiw It livil not (I)doet Ile Eî,g. No fraveller sbotlld L 1e villioilt n stpply cf lioàGrl)et IolEeeuon ix Iwi itaidbiIlempan DAvis Thomas Rthgrford rl(ise l.îv thuea e.iYO'$1>NUOICWAR-Thomas Graham liev. Thomas R. Bull N'e persormni *il1 ever oll!ecît togivs fur WlimMna ;SAY MARKETS. JO17 MO.s£k éole Proret or, Rodêealcr.- For sdli y Northîrop atid Lyman, Ntya-;tle, OSLMX:Hvo received the above -. FîuoÂv; Dec. 2, 18lei ., C. WV, . (i r'r Agents fortlite Caidasg. $old ptîo nenomtyvs1.Tmeac .. . îid Iol$ey 80 C.lirittit) w<mGregi>iy P.Ct, pa.ied ln thé tb'and 28thVie., CAP 18, nwtid;Ilt he*Adicl ordonHall;niTE. A Bwe a- eeygieenoie hat àpoil viii Le openeti js,...........i 40 (), M) Citiuîingn ;-Giilierit -Cneo, Wo il;Ion, monday, 19th of Dembe. ........ 1' . Mîteet, Owîc n I ole eîieand ftilowlng day, aIt tehe gur of t« e lock- ..........t 0' 1delr 221-147 in %hloStîol houas of sectioni No. 4,.aear W. .... 4(0 ~' - - r~wu à, Towvship cf Fenelon, for thé roe Frl........01 oi t» ot~t nt f îaklng the votes o e o. soC s,Ilýa o .3 Tf)M. ARGÇ!Wnnd. WM. FIELDLNG, Clrk. le . M PGAgent Fïlo'Vimber Fenelon, Nov. 171h, 1864. * ron 2 11' ~' 1 to 1,1 t fr 11H Unne <Vantiligefor the ..............Offke.--Firot duor vei it Cwuty Dild- Ill ...... 4 ZIO àt5 YOING MAN, holding a Firui Clas.% - ~ !~Cetifleateidealtet an engagement as ~TTtEALMATîCE~. . Iup~rîa t N tic . EC1.1,00L TEACHER. God Tuîitnonlalm.ý NTREAL MA1 1.UC.. 4 fi s i B.R VaC rr,. ie. ubseibes lereby give nýotIce ta arties, 11)1 it Sîpi~îî E- NDEBTEI) .TO, THEX h.~nt t 144te 4.t5~that Ali NoteSsud Accounts reenilnig un«- 30; iho, ofl attitioit theti17tî ii-t,~ant) wil le plaeed ini St,,, 0~ sîi for coîkeitiîçîvtb,îo,.t furtîter inotice, ~;f.~ilu 1 l) ~ j -W. IL MITChIELL k, Co. Io Io $3,20;VIlwi,$ I. o - pcvr tàrLof 200 fia.hl ngofî et bit. of 60lh-U C. SpriIng-1 ha 5,.l0. l 0 t)priî,l , 2l lha.-Mnrket fhlia pot- lb. lm , "Mal '. Itfw. th a o'a er ofIl lo itLe atinplito p,1 r lbi:ftietit f a)mIllenpîit' titi' iigu 1%-nai, ota inresuits. lifii thé rader tP' ndt1ce" cauînlc If epeepce. Ihii ,,y delca tilliot lioescelin itihcnî.tbey vc*,-ti iitiîrh polit 118 on nthor lrizOnAs ,t, e821 ceti ansi $1 pet'l. iox.P7 Linday,261 0*ev~Lindsay, Q.W. loiieiyi28t Otobr,1864. 210- 5t Infiolveift t o! 1804.u Ji i maiter qf àAlla Msrr", .l- LIe4uy J .bUep okm Dwelltêg abt.1-Mr. Th:. *rti=oaman ay the be uwqb., ~Es*a.EUTBPEB kMART[if, r N0e 1i .I. ýM% -aay - sain insorporsaa by Ami-et P&ridbmua g Yc. Tht Roysaadf ien it, fôrw" ca char- t r.was obtaitimid urlng tb. lat uuon cf Psili*meai, la lte.tded, tW spplY S a authat bsu me long beeu f4# by nuiy vbo Lsd occa- ionÈr. trinténie te ime, to_ &MI fer BsU ste-. Toronto and ti surrounding eOtiotry Ihave> Increaied, in vealti snd populs$Icn wth grelo iapidity, y e B1wlIukteg C.jOfte3la ?ery utile, frd ail in cexcesa cf vwita* a en uyeauu ago, so tait. he&anouni ef Capital s,1atl ueary te supply 1h. luces.. cf business aisIin fstrt, .aniugandas ibis wat t:v&Ise seusbly fit lu ettetr parts-of Çaaads, and more particu-; aily hi Vpper camada, itle bell.Td 1biaisnewý la*'k là net 0oly're.quired,Luit. will receive s generous support. .At certain bimes a veiy large samount of rnfney la required te.facilitaiste e r..otablon .0 -redce, Làmbet and ether commàzodiliesà inc blanger a-nount i"a-lt la lu the pover cf thé exiïting Banktic'esupply, andi as tis a. Mouitti. abà4olutéiy necessary, sud, Muai Le had, thé l3anksamrecotàpelîrd, -lu order to f,îr- Ssi , to *ithdraw a. portio,,n of -their Capita .rom lteé generai btinesof -îLe <ouutv in vbich iIs einployed; te tb. t otri&~msu4-cf Farinera, Màn.isfactiurers sud othera; insut, vWho- 1by 4bir ho>neat.intiairy sud enterpnise, have. doie mcli to adrunace the pro.p.rîty of tLe Provins., sud vUs amela a, geatiMeasure de- nlcd Bsnking scccmrmodstionfrom lte luab!l. ity of thé Ranke tb supp"«t.' Ai presentt, bbc gsaabefpain cr the Banking Caiol m 1 y 4 ed n W mtern Canada, la Leld i>y at under thelcointrel of parties' reiding, mlsewhvere, and wbo Muei, te s great. extetl, Le uînale lé un derstand or appreciste tLe.1 buisn.msreqtrernents of itiis soction cf the. soutntRry. To overconie as tiir as possiblr this dIsadrantage, his 19inteeded. te place bteBIl Roy- AI Canadian Batnk" nder the>control cf Dirte- tors acquieited. and identifici vit> otr local triad dbuiines., -Thé fromo-es therefore lock for encourage mnl*t and R astaptnc ltt. any ont particular class, but to ai, beliv-ing tai îthe lestition, w.1w.uin fulil operation. yul ,prove of great licei. eS Okt î commuuity geelly. The Charter baving hieen drawne yuL great cane, end every possible protection ta the Sha-rholdena prvded foir, an.as to nander. the sÉeeurlty undoubWa,'(,apialisiîs art offeried a favorable oppoiunuty for invea:qlngtheir money vItb afety w he b punctual. payelent cf semi-amnnuai dividende, affords an 1 ndîtiement to aIl depending ltpon'asre s- id cert4anrelurùs. Tht Shares are $50 esch,- tee per..cent, cf Wiichi la to Le paid ore. uiton from-'date cf =tbcitin, ffteen per cent. more vîten thé atkges. ie oplerstlou, and bbe balanice dur- ing tLe next tire yesnrs, à. simple and easymoM. cf paymnenl; and 1+t ahotild Le born, e ummd, that thé applications oif atodchold4rg for acet- m nodation, bave a, igIt:.aprior élaim on the The Board wiii consisi of seven Direclors, te le elected 4 h Stockholders, as, soii a@ '$00,000 aLai ll e auhscribed, and. 5100,000.lu ScagL pan! lu,,agneeably te the terins.cf tLe Act cW Incorporation, vlien the Uank viii go into 1 eperatili. ht "a theinhention of the Direetors te ailoir d.eas son. as poçaible, tq open Branches sud Ag . cin athe varion% sectionsuofthbie Pro. vince, irben thté dentand therefor, evineéd. Ly thée arreunt ocf local sùbscnpbiou.,fur Stock, vil! jusifvthtDircîca l sodoig. Stock-boka are, nov open- .îe ehands-of Aie-nts thronghouit the country, and lb i.n fidenîly e'pecte"" hatidla avery short urne, thie Ba i il Le e opera tio n.. Fo /.Fot ioaal ireclora. T. WOOD»ID. Royal Cm4i3aan Baink, IK ~ T BTRETP prca omernt aa re -f-pbl p.wrno Noe4tvfbgve;btfrahbel . Mi! kindi of country produee *dllbe takeu la e:;#stg'fovioda,9% 4"1Un fui! iak.t Primu Ile A, eau ble emtmly.# lsltd mm. u l wbo meufregoo4 f resh voeenlus tmiit Lidsay, ep. 280i, 1804. 36 .âTqVK & TIN 3UOP ffLCOPNR ANO SHEMTROM WOMKER 0 soite W, H. IMiteelu '.'William ORDERS for vork ile bvesSrlise alioited a nd psgompbly aîlended tW A large &ssenttnent of BOôX,PARL OUR AND COOKING STOVES làrss u sd. Plan sd Japauned TIN. -WARE, COAL OIL, &C. &c. n-CASU psid for Sbeep Skinq, Cuit 5km.s, Old- Coppér, &c., or baken lu exchangc. - .EDW RD bMFEELY, WillianSbreet Lindasay, $ept. »~, 1884. If. SALE. OF VALUABLE. I1Ii~IIÇlisT * DY vittS of a Pn> rer of Sale contained in 1)a blorigage dated 3rd Septemb1er A .D. 1862, and duly. registered, in the Registry Office of die Connty cf VictoriA, made by Simon MeCs)>., of Ops, 'eonnP, tiv George ýMolyncaux Roche, tfLindsayt Esq., the foflowing .LU.4BLE TOWN FROPERTY Will Le exposed for ae te tthe ighest 'bidder at Pùblic Atiction, -At Ibo Veitoh's lH]ot3l, inheTowa cf Lindsay,) O0 X ONDAY, -5TIL DECEMBER, A.D. 1864, AT Twxmvir woo0N or TIIE .CLOCK R riEimaL. Tlut la to eay,-Tme South hall of Lot No.,13 South of Meiorne Street, and tii. West hall of Lot Number 12 North of Ditrhant Str-eet,..in. the. T ovu of Lindsay, conta ining One Haif an Xcrce of Land more or lma. Ternis of paymentand other eonditlons mande. kno*n at the Lime cf Sale, wheui. Motgage, te, WM l e produced. CAMERON & ORDE, Soleditcrafor .Mort gagee. 270 Wines, .Wines.. P URE Wiues, le voodor Lotîtes, ver! sais&-i ble fori nvalids. For sale b DOISON & NIBLOCK. W he i.U de.igtied request that you wlI allow youfs.elfto Le-placed lu nomination for the Mayoralty of' tbis Tova a t the ensuiegý Municipal, Eleciion, and pledge ourseives te gir. yen our votes and heariy support. Dstod ibis 7th day of X.vember, i 864.> T H Unders sli ai bou. %5pp<>'tdAgtL M. Dunsford for tLe Subactiptioli of tockin.îLe aboYe - W. Duh'sford Intto.-Partîis ho deskre to beoe,eStockc- C. E. Martin o ld viiplesse câll ai tLe One. of -Martin George Kempi Dunsford, sud aigu 1h. Stoek 'Bok. Trefley .Fournier ALFRED B TO'W, . gen Chart4es Brittea Dîssltton f Pataeshl. Alla Giiles r1 I' à m m E rTýCRhE DIT0118 ofth1e Insolvet are noei -TIE par-eblp heretofore existing betireen E emiate andiefibelamner the aboe. Act, to.e i alter, bath!# dai. been -dîssoirciby tautual D Wati ik,r &lwelr 1h, inderaigoed asigîeé, and 1 bey are required consent«.-1-...1 »'ILJAI 7.,LL~SAté.bofàrnîisebme vitbia tw e uths frein this date: Ai1 l aimi outtsnding aainat tise Buil! té WlA si-,LIDSY wth hi caii5 pecWtittit scuirty th .ey be"Mettle4 h Km1 Ni Flumlip otror4to fu th-ome îtatin g lthefact, IL, whj>le, att-esteduder catIt cal upen . KgLLB andI meule tnhwli. mni ) tiln iîr l(jjjeand Stiw ke orks, vitb th. voucherm s of < tict clam.* D[ated November 1NIL, 1864. taîo r~îa~ltl ieodr o u oklt- 1CW0,(Sigued) EDWAIID KELLS. ir Int., i --Oci*mt& Wue- - JAMES LOVELL. L lbmb ./ene ial&ne s, fe Liadssy, Ktuy. 16, 18U 9. 3' C u~ 'mu - Mowmrua,4.c.4C. - Iat. of- Ltt,.r nil cf mii mark tili Le delivered ai thenEmAliIING in--tie Lindsay Pott OUeea - n'hDrs oms t.ildiualy stationà, A.t.h Irjeai Torotito pices.-ta . R2dr Noverm, 104 a Ujr!_pvlotdy T raeeesei, a superfto lof Frencht - If G.CLARKE, -AgAnt. - adveriisd. - J res Combe.Aloschissormu l'ilinty, NoV, 29Lî r4- ~ BakelI IUSIn of Pink snd wbite Ivory Jevelry.- r l Demrsy F KitrdOCb à Tornto, Nov. 22, 1884.-74 k (for-ery Imnie'a Htel) Elioti George KoDegmot l i#a ___________________ NVIllan ttret, lnday.Fitzgerald Mary . O'lra Patrick l'e ec Hamuel "T'$I Ttmas IuaU Noi . G. FWUSO.vPROPLET(>L j artley Abraissu Rob>inonJohn-. TII luargefrandi Cèntrlly situsheti lu il ROY 4 1seqen *4edrau cf M JANes» 4 rea t.tly r eaenî,vap4k 4urlsie, YW S IlRang theliseuiness te fie. mlii b. uarntmd0cnbyl liii i ,.om fhet byaelling L.vq Ch Uri ,anoth Job. L.. buia> el hu.(c osiig nietensive aieda la rbuclla li bc" b.,. m,àà -homl d*tudsb, trin vili cltre f n obrices lae. i05?Téd~T. R. ADÀX P>, X. tibmum il, -tut 4-tf Edvard GreËoryý ibornas Nibicck D. Thomas roba Dolmen Naguire. . .Cadwel Robei Luey Jam~es LentLait Lemay & Cadotts Chsrles B. Orde 2h Meus. N9 iforis to promoe k..p do*ù taxe&. 1 inusi sJo exp ploti l a sosatre g'. te iltov bet i y'eang: 1 M iipose evtovuhi5. .Chaste MCsbb Ja mes 31eKiLi Neil MeDougal S C. wood W. B.* Dean B. fF. Jeveti Joh. "thi A. Wright Jho. Mccanrthy. D. F. .lcCanthy J. Coeeolly C. L.-Baker Wm. Thoruhuli WINTEM AL mi M-- *-. - UW ufta'w'~ ~- * r auGom m we go l amy tle cd Boot is I"sthey rsyak for. . AL DÂý»,VID THOMAýS- BEOS TO ÂNNOUNC~E THE GOMPLETIO'N OF 1BIS F.AI4 Si0GK OP STAPKANIIYNT 1(~O~ WIiS have b.. em et0f .with great care4 and wi 'me fouWd complete in every departaneat 1 e vl ould-direct pertîcular attention to ibeir great 'variety of Conauiaiulu ùpart of Lace Nabias, Sutteriand.sud Garibaldi -Jaekets, Ladies' and Children'.. Woolen Skirts, Skating Hoodu, and Wooleup %bawls ini great variety. Gentlemen willffnd a chmmc lot of Fancy Twecds and Doeskins of the Lest quality and latest styles. As ustal, hbis Stock of Groceries, Crockery, and Glassware will Le found Weli assorted. If. voidld dket special attention Io hi, Large andm Very Siiperior Stock of Teue 1 I> BEST COlroN YARN KEPT C0NSTANTI.J ON II4NP? -Ç .Lindsmy8 IStia October, 186e. DAVID TUHOMAS.. Keenan's Bricl Bkc4Kmt Street, Liadsay. - DRY GOOD)S, FAMILYGROCERIES, &c., &ce § 'NE.-SUBSC'R!BER las en hand a complet. -and weil-a.eorted Stock of STAPLE DRY .1 GOODz,, FRESH GROCE RIES,, C ROCK ERY,_ BOOTS AND SIIOES, &C., &Ç.,.&a1 of vhich h. viiil a lii.th Lovest.Lîvw»g Prices for Cash. Rare (Iianee for HZoukeepers! COIGNENTcf $2,000 worth GOOD TFAS-this seasotis importa tions-wil be coffertd for sale in. Lots 0c( ib and 1011e. -for Cash, ait a dis--Ount on wholeti1ae prices; conmnencing 4KoV. 8th, and wiji continue for fourteen. days ouly. Special Notice. THE SUBSCRIEER b'gum leave to rýect ltat a!) -Parties indebted ta hiin for the last t*o or thrpe ydsr ould corne up ta bis-assistarrce, and any part v that can satiefVbhim tliatt hey ame t. peoe 10 pay, will call and get a receipt. Parties flot taiing advantage of tbis 6pportu- laiiy to seutle vith the Slîbscriber m4ty- regret it.. Ail out-stRniling book accounts and notes of hiazd will Le handed over for colection on the First day of Deceruiber, 1864j îand costs.a-ill be in- .Curred thereafter. COUNTY 0F VICTORIA& THE UN1DERtSIGNEED IIAVIN--G.'JUST RETURNED from the Eastern Marketeq, te prepared to offer b l.t Public an nrivalled choice ini al the iatest styles and fabrica cf YANtYANI) IlVR Y OOBS LIE would apeciaycl attention to 1lis unusually large and splendid ,tock of BLACK BROADCLTS COTCH, ENG'l.181, ANJD CAINAD)ITWVEPDS, DÔOESKIPS, FULL- :CLOTH% kc, c., an inspection cr whichb e would resqpectfully soliit.---- Mas Dresa Goodo4 Shawl and Nantie and. EauicGoode I»enarmoznts- comprise ailthé auities, and F tyles-that ,a Customer .could re qire. TUST RECEIVED, a: Large Lot of WHITE, BLUE, AND BROWN -BLANKETS, Jbe nhice vii diuspose cf ceap. FR ES Il G R O O ERI 1E S AIMIVING%" EVERY DaYadisclala mnaiT Advance ftr CAM! OR PRODUCE. SALT! uste.eivedt, 3M0 Eag Coarse anmi Fine-Sait A ]Libqral Discount, allowed te Perties Purchasing Wholesale. Lin"uy, cet.28, 1884. LOWELL'S *ALE, la kelp, quarter bris.. A alf bris, andbris. Also -X><Aie and Portet i bmfj"k for.LaleK. CorerStre 4am'BlokleT StI..Ldsi B -270-en Lnaif Y the Sub.scriber', Gooïlterhanm& WortF,'eT- ebaeiOld i Be Toddy and Plain Whis- hies, aIse Cbippewa- Old malt. DOBSON & M BLOCK. Thoamas Esaser= H. F LimsayFos SALE> enI.EA. J. MOING oe M S e MOF a Pit OfteorthiHaîf of i 4No. 23 ini the 3r& - il Tiere .T LneY, cmntaining lno acxes,'about B PL LY.,. Ants-» To' li on f p Mihi 3mleea L leS~fVdtO. Henryk8MeD'ga - roa John lof wbieli are teared. Wilbe scid çhep -B Eautà, ~~ Brauphjeli -Ies. eluais Ar vU -tenta of years. Âpply to . Fa aeetdaue vili yer ne-- C&meren Mary Ncï3nnon0 John JAE9EAP, oitr that uy sumniiecis a styour Carïe Joeha , MeArtltun James Linds5y, Oct. 2>î , 1864. .20 ,if ele.ited, 1[vilàiýe my Lest Osmeren Duncan a cWseuJam« i h iLs Wt&C5l5 et Liaduy, and J Cuauinghaa Japea P.lky George Cody Josepk u.a prsa my gistucreanitu for jGent llam IOËMV" Roem rit cof your taver, agd siufe1l çjoe Al«, Sw.me Thomas ' e aof unlisle 3riItimoO lta I MelsÂs-L&neblig 1 w,4 iieresh Teaus. J5 1 * alter Lsving usrre4 yO.. "tu e D«md - aséa -tLe coil4.uce f M y We-1I XgÇLO" j(eapaft Ju.U B? laED ; mt i'F e n t "*i, ),u MoDn0lum"X 14 ldRobenr >aa~~irtstt g .es e u Mtl) 1 am Getlemn, u. nineforOf et.C., for sale at v"rv '~'~ "~N' <or advwiae4 leiliq. Jow a 5SI. XILC I~fo arn, Getee, *. a ahigfrte br il .~sa 11h, ~ ~ ~ ~ 184. T.IUMWtNE.IA(!j 4.j TNb n a p e- * C LIN SALTI'SALTA -, 1 ý. È. i ý M. ý »t sua ý Liù.duy,,Oci. Zýý, 1864.

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