'a (f 1,$ ~cu ~~4ur4 Vinter Goôds I~W!D JJM V. re& TU EIM>T CASH OMLT th. velu... NEWS.lhat bu oua sud 'pli .hs*; *U, f 70U ai. mot aalblhd, de mot buy. TEN IWITNOIITPAINL ~~dn Eeuto au d la addltca lb. ii owitgrfr a m wh iol 1 -fou 1b th vident ncai0~ty-theifl elf govemment asmtwn by i1h. l'f the. lad tkw yeurIwilI1 glati- iemiel!., under the, sgi of a ,h iare#uov.d fronta the inIi.uono. iags of dernsgogues. They wil pety inu, that oonnuy, wili be. ile wth it.istsreste, and ina wil loou &l regard furthe land Vitlv aso 10 Wondeor hou a pe- wfil coulti' bu drives 1* comemit -a few unmorupulotis fanatice. anadsawoéuld recoive vast addi- arcly, intelligent people, "ho, iu sce, wiii bri1 thein iogenuity ýy luthe work cf devéloping the emsuts of that country, and wvi, ar, wiii constitute a fighting eu- e excellence is second to none.in' Waîh thia diiion t10 hein popu- nuw formi of gomerment whichi out ho adlopt, the Britièh provin- ,oifederttionî i-,Nil tae.the. 1sd enerprise and power ou the. vuat- THE EINGLISII PRESS ON THE CAP- '-TURE, 0F THE FLOfI.#D Th -'.London - 7Yruin ie ts city articlesri that advices trem N ew York with regard lu the"modielu ulilch theWashington guvern- - Mnt Itave recei ved the neya.of ithe capt ure of the Cenfoerate sttearrer Florida are awaititîg with the greatesi iinterest, by the. menuttîtile as 'wel as lhe polilical vorii. Onu tessoun f6or lhe inportaîîoe sitributd ho the>e -advicesconsiets ini the itnfereno. ibiS if thé affait b. palliatuti or endeisoti by Lin- coin'@ govorrnmsot, it wifl hencef'orth untiru.- ]y extiolîih.ny power on the. part.- of th Uited Sîs'estoassssil hy pivates the com- nuof -auy nation vith w'hiok îhey- iay bu ut var,n, th. pi.ed.'nt wyul viii ou- tabisha s laim ho the right tu pumunanud (lftroy y suchi ,osel, -whatever mjy b. -th. part in whicll e ahuxy suek shelter or Undetihe influetice of the deSsuls of the. capture of lte Confederate seamter Florida bhe 0 Il4cial Braillian corroiponderace about wliclk hla been publisiiei, Ile thiEgliah jour- »itl$ illigialtly deuoulco Ille affair. 1 The. London flussays thsilt)at wuaMost flugrant ly lavios8, ud porsuoes thaI the Amuercan governmeu an sd ils citizen& viii hien o repudiate ltr mandthat the Nuw 'Yak Citanber of Comme.rce vil scrsîpie bu forfeit it l ehracher b>' r.warding or, justify-. iug the erimsmtonlitd. Pa ui u Io Fm,înlevaGo!(vet1nîrut yldisown. the. -act, but fine mone misgivingo about i. It thiuks tiait Ile outrage carmai b. permnitteti tu, pneuuttticeai by outer powers, andthalt- &Il the. maraltino povars. shouldteal spro- "diegroph thinks ihat lie uWavful of tlie Fio'idoe ili cause unlituituti in luNov ork, athough at the ex- lithe oo.eof tuaerial boîtor. spediy force Luropean niation. lunth ii Amen di d.eultiua fr w«rty. -- sNavisa Mood kuoviegOof me. 0. H. "O" "4 law¶#ilsudu.w h eIc* uI y both bSurgicalulmd I4eebanloal. B. W. DAY, M 1 'Brwn, Sir Huuir smt Jrlr.bu amnes OIR 1ÉWRu. .Clark- MC I -r mf,G.Druud el , We I Bcitorn a ldtay. LAnd ", Nor. 111, 84 218-I (It~ÂCRE, bbgthoe. at ha& o 10 fJJl.2,l b th cnuso <theO# Township of Eldion, excellent labnd about 36 &cles eenied sud tuner otltivatlon; -lot houme The &bove vili b. sold a t a bartain. Gineral Conmisson Agent, &0. t4.0bic sreu t, .Tonunüto, Toronto, Nov., 1864. 272-à FAIKE8W OROCERY! (oppoeEeB4114418 Miel) (10 FERS TU TE PUBLIC, AT TRE LOW. eutliving pricea.t'-t. choiceat slection of To bu fou"Wd.aywbm inathe - county. FIPOUR, .IN*IAN MÇAL., tFEEOÉ AND vjfflTABLES#. "->.A CALL 8OMLIfl'D ..g Notice té solmool Toacheru. OI 'HI SEML..ANNUAL EXAMINATION OPF TEAÂGHR8R for the Lindsay Ditict, ,viii taku, place (D.V.) on THIJRSDAY, â22d.ý December. Octobur iltb, 1884. KENT STREET -WEST, LINDSAY. fÂVINQ .ngap.d.an uxperienoed Jour- ne. usm Watchmaker .vho' undenstanda las busi=s, I amn confident Ihat 1 eam giva satire satisfaction ti. thue.who patronise me. A oyons baving PRings, liooches, Spoons, Fonts,* Door-piates, or antythlng .ese, can have theu namesengnraved ahthu sh ionteat elce; also on Brannia, Coffi-platue. Accordeous tiaed sud repalred. Clooka, Wa tcbes and Jewelery8uld, and Rupalred. On hand-Krist-cla8st8!Wltr-- plated, tablsouu sud Forks, good Euglish Razons, Looklàga.ei5an sd Luoking-glate piates, suLd a of cytRoom. llaper, Lumps,T asud Rock 01 TÔ BK. SOLD CHEIPi FOR CAdSE ONL Y. Tours Zreectully .- ].KEEhU, surnoît Lâ"sy, Ocûbsn 26tht 1864. 270-3me. CarageTrlimiu d TIHE Subacnuber bugi W sunoiunce to the pub- lic that he la neady lu receive 'or'ere for ÇA RRIAGB 'i RIMMINO aud UI>HOLSTE9R- 1140.5 Work pedunui'd with neatueus sud despaîcla. aid on modera.te terni.. Note thé, address :-Three. doues Bouthi of -Workman's Llvery $tablés, West aide, Broa d- Llndsay, ilay 5, - 1864. IXPYWEVD PARE FOQR S ALEB. 7[ta! oUISUSRII ent for Sale Lot NO. t., TOWNSIIIP 0F: M ARA, CO. ONTABEO, Situalued Ilthu centre Ptsa good gettleaientasu witblu a miles utf TffER SAW M[LLS AND A GRI3T MILL.. The PropertY lu approacbed by Igond Brade, anldlsi hiaf of-a Mlle 0f hu C »à Teim A0 AD. 'TbujLand.la o!lb. lSTQUÂLITIî ud lb. TitleilsIndsputable. Aîpi on ~Jbu -made tb ýUCAS MoRAl,'s, - -Eldos Un iil aover !P. 1U. or t b. propnie on sleprms DONALD MRAlC Talbot.-RiVer,Nas Nasa.jeu..fi.1884. 20f eau*WHOWVO l FI? DIEE wmàILYv 043 OUTtTm.N OMO WINTEcarHENTRi But, ?rtd@liuawoClupw*tt e lotitor Calâ n &t lt l », J. WOAITUY>S Knov1uom!s~iOekKenl S CEE DRYGOODS CROCERIESI ME~Ready ad lotlîîng, Liquors, Boots, &c b*sby and UNAset prprlovii ot b = -ug uh0bob- Lbîdssy5Apr't, 1*04. * OEÂNDELL, Proprteter 143-tf G.bIérated litters. OUAN- CURE FOR SILIOUS. A BI ai evu fiu; and D7"eWuÎaj au fo 4f froaa iode tata of < M".10. A. W. BROWN, Medicl Hal rzz rc ~J. w- Family EGroceries, o, KENT STREET, ZJNDS1Y. C OCTt(NIY, Swemeata, Frits, Te&&, oibes, Ohoice Tobacaosj,aad Fancy CaU at Gadwellas Lindsay, 2%5h October, 1004. woIW. NÂWKB, 8URGEON-DENT7IST, <late of lt.e8Sm 0< O*rd & Hawke, Whitby), wudrespctMuly timate tu thlaibmbtante of indaytha bebuopeued an. office 'per- »nuently lu "bsplace, &sud trus ts by strict st- utullon t. bis profession lu menit jour patroa- REFEENON,-WmnY,-isBOU. JUdge Binohanu, J. Hamt Perry, Esq., J. V. -Hami sq Joui Bagelêw, 2sq. LJ.'Wllson, Esq,0.Back. ett "UE ~ dtor Whiv.1 Gàuet Dre.R Ct.Xt Martin, Lidaay, Re. J. H, XcCoUum,ý L IL, Autora; Roy. John ýP*nt- laid Ohwa. S IlHwke s slld meuinu m oile uInlth yeàrs. of 1857 snd 1958 sud agatu in 1881 and 1862,an .01 oea emoend humsa a lt us» -u xg t.,rcroÀDAMS. AU u* «rmto. OftSLu Jewutt's Hotel. Linday, Maei221, 1864. 38 capfta1se-*1A000 DEPOSIT FUNDIN 1$CANADA, g000 Gtuar iAgula for Candaw- NORLAND, WATSON&~ CO.- Tb. undu.uid ha vinghaapoue Aot the lb.aor.Iatcua ngicoa- ptuy, for the OumI>' d Victoria, la Preps. toi Oete a17 doeunphieeof rres&d L4~la surmane. s Il.lovetrate«culha il aseuriy. Prqqmpuso, ho., .y e bd e apuibm te 74 XFOR eSALE'JMS m* Luu * uI hait 0 if gEslt Sed hai of LoT I? o THomONCMBOp FE5SVI lot.~ Flmofu [Tovu 6< liday, sud l.e obm ayguua EOS< OFS, ointd vi i , mfle 1h . t% "P aba OdX* i,4 ymadil oue ee y, sud e rvSis. te s ~ieeart~l 40soie, learuf muii-wb me o oe UpLodb .> LCUSv ~ 1h.ovuor on iO18,04. JOHN COSIYE L LO& CO'Y ilvj mia'U ST RECEVIAT TREIlESTORE, AND ARES1<0W OPRNING OUTA lig vdYUoielucod tock of INaLUD)ING &a splenad dlot of plain &rd ftacy.Dneu. ooda, Shuvwi,.Gloves, lloaiery sud ,Cottons., The ckuepuet Prints iu town, -S"emlooms, Englins. In. Ganadian Tweeds,,Full Cloîhs, Bath:euta, fuad Ciotha, Overcoatinga, Eugish sud 8coilch-Tweedtg, Flanuùels, Hatsansd Osp su Scrte w.canet le bcdt. 1Ourstock le large and cheap, àud we only, sBk a rail fromi inîedlnpurbasn l ordr tat heymsysatisfy themselves of the. trulh of our statemeut. Wu eplargo usotmestotstaplts. W. mil a goed Tes ai 2s. Gd per lb., snd everything else. in the line qually cbeap. W. have on baud over Ou. HnM.edaùtd Pifty Overcoats wblcb vo. have ré.Uce d 20. per cent in prie;, in- orde r that-vu niay bu able te dlear thein ail out. as vu l ntund gving up that bta»ch of oui businuss. We are Beiig off our stock of (Crockeyat coati culluarly sud you are suù" te get greuât bargains in this hune. * Boota and Shoos cheaper, than -ever. LrQUORs,ç-We woitld rernind thosu wbo are Dlot teetotalers thal vue still keep the best aud obuapeat stock gut liquons lu town. J1. COSTELLO & CO. Wd4ma . RIOk, opete MCLeMon'58iardu'csre Store, Kent oSt. Lindsay, l4ht October, 1864. . 28t NEW W THOMS &IIAFORD'. BECG TC, ANOUýNCE THE COMPLETION 0F TITEIR - FALL STOCK OP Wbih bve eenselectd w cbire ansd vil bu foud complete lu every departient. They would direct partieulan attention to their grec t variety of ýCoDsIWnig ln part of Lacs Nubias, Sutherland aud Garibaldi Jackets, LaIdies' aud, Chiltiren's ýWooleu Skirts,'Skaring Hooadg, sud Woolen Shawls in great variety. Gentlemnen will -fld a c oi o f Fancy Tw.eeds axa&r Docakins of the best quality and latest styles. As usual, our Stock of Grocenies, Crockery, sud (ilassware wiii bcfunud vweli assorted. We would direet special attention ou unr Large id Very'SuperrStock -of Teas, * -BEST COITON YARN KEPT CONSTANTLY UN J-AND.1 -:3 Liudsay, i9tI~ Oclober, 1864. Keenau'a Brick Biock, Kent Street, Lindsay. G NRLDEALER- IN T LEANDYANCY 1RY COOflY CCLOT1IIN'G'-GROCERIES. &è.p (Auek Proprielor of the.lindeay Brewery,) KeMp't's'BiiLinge, foot of Kent Street, Lindsay,ý BAS NOW OP&NED A LARdr. AND SELECT STOCK 0F P ALL 'AND- 4INfiFR GOO-DS9, Whiob ie offera for suie at -tii Loweat Remuuerative Prices for N.B.-The LINDSAY BREWERY is nav lu full operation, aud !Intel Keepers and Private Fami- lies bU h regularly an&pplied.with the. bustLND ALE AND BEER on Icving their orders, at the Shop. FURIqITURE' FURNITLiRE! TH VCRIBER 0FFER.S FOR- SALE, THE LARGEST AND DEST P)ARLOU1Rt DININGt ANI) KITCHEN CHAIRS, PAR- LOIJ%- DINING' AND, KlTrCFHiN TABLES, flAIR SOFAS, . COUCHES,& LOUNGES, SD-ORS BUREÀUL& CUM'RARDS, MATREtSSES.*OF VARIOIUS QUAITIS, . * SOFA, . COTTAGE a COMMON BEDSTEADS,. ROCKLNG -CHAI * FOOTSTOOLII ., 8p&o -Articles of the bush snd uewust desiges aivnys kuph on band, and vili b.ý tt AT 111 E O t TfloGUELFOR OA$H!I. g.AUt ordara cajeaylvaiended tb. Cjiaof ail aizea kept coaneaui, R.m,.brADJOINING -THEENGLiSII OHURCHI li. 9HOLTOUF, - . CABINET1MAKER - I -- -- 1~~@t1o,. Partjndi>hlp ê» u ome uda bave uut e u.par'- Duled Ibslit laY Of Novusbor, 1964. 0. J. MACKAY. Mo,;ýY TC LOAIÇ: NO*RXY TO LGAN. -A 1?LTOW ININBY GN T EWWRSGNID 18 PMREE T't lead 1ueaq(be.i.ugqte privas. di- IN SUM O0F 2W0 myR fiao neet 8 pe uapur Aumars KTheu uOuy eaun b. h'4 huudituy, o productiono(asftoytt.Iuuaeir Mud Litfe, tobected ut moderau rat»s. AIo% 'for msie on favorabe tuuu. F« tut «pbr- Kloiey, to IMM. TII U JNEIGNED is, now prepared. liend $50OO <beloing toypulate indîviduals), For FIvz TiÇR8, on Iînproved Farina, in large or small amounte te suit applicanta, ut a LOW RATE OF IXTEREST. .j For turther particulari apply tW JA)IES HOLDEN, Prince'Albert. Also, 30POOOactres' of Land for Siale iu the çonuties of Ontario, Peterboiroîîgh, Victoria, Lainbton, Kent, Essex, Grey, Middleaex, Pertb, &ud other Counties. INSURANCES effected aI modérate rate#. Prince Albert, Match 10. 1864. Money to Lerid L ON- REAL ESTATE, la auras of $200 or upwards, ail7 per cent. ~Principal and luterest Peyable-within ten ..vears, at such limes as suit tue; borrower- Apply0 J. MCKAY, Barrister; or, NEIL RAY, Lindsay. 238-tf Xofney! Xoney!, Xoney!- Ni OEY o ineaton-iruproved -Fariu Pro- lperty tnsuais of $300 and upward-Q, at reasonable rates ut interet Loans effected in afeu' days after the ities are investigated and the papArs as-i. ompleted. «Aj>ply, if by lette.- prem-paid te 4G. M. ROCHE. ýiudsay, April 13,1804. 0ONEY TO LOA N. "H E SrBsC.RTBERs ITAVE PRTiVAFE. jFunds to invest on Improved Farm Prop,- erty, a.t a luw rate (if interest. Barristers, &c.. Wilson$s Block' Kent Street, Lindsay. Nuvrechber, l8iG3. ~i NIONEY TO LOAN. AT .8 PER. CE7NT. _OIZ particulars, i'Plpvt F LAOUÜSE* D>rii:1 Lindsay, Jan2l,-1864 234-tf MONEY TO LOAN HEstibseriberis preparedto negotiateloan'i on god réeal estte ss curity aI ioderateï rates froin one te te l years at the option et the borroWcr J. B. KXOWLSON. Lindsay, October 16. 11361. .120-tf1 MONE Y*T.0 LOA N A YEW, -THOUS-NDS OF, DOLLAfS te iend on reasonable ter mg Apply te DU.,USSFORD, Lindsay Jue 5,18(4. Shdr KONEIY TOILOAN ON EASY TERMS ijudsay. March, 1864. 238-fi QUEES~ NSURNCECO.mp NY : PIRE AND LJFE. HEADO1'ICE------------ERPOOL. COLONIAL LIVIC ADAM IIUDSPFTH, 239-tf AmisT 111AE 191 INSURANCIE COMPANTI £,,tàU;; ed s. 136. Capita-2,OOOOO Sterling. DUnIr Pi Dru GOVRmeXxuN xxLf I8 51, 43 Liability of thce tere body of Shareholdri un- -fl Prirpok in'eetscosuroe avq *.fr, 1%u IBJèOiip? A WzEL SI]RING op Ropt FOR AmL CAN BIC FQUND IN~ BoFGlpooD oRIl. tHZ I SLKIXG MAT Sa BÂTE» BT TRI USE 0F ,Holloway's Oiniment.. Thu bistory of t#eaegret reanedies la lie sort 'up*deul niedicai ruvelation that the vonldhâas ever knovu.Tt establielb. aé Il important tact liaI wberewer,, sud lu vhat- evur shape intermal diàe&feexiàta, tAie.dWanfect- iag, peanching -aud beahng irupentes cfthe Pilla are fully equal lu its suhje,i .nand cure, sud that, vith lb. Olalment, lieyare TRE GR EAT.AMBASÂD ORS OF IJEALTH TO ALL MANIND.- This is not a biitury vritteu bhy une mani, or even denived fron the experienme of une aRjo& [t consista of a compilationof testimoijiais fmc the sick out every cunry-&% unimpeach&4i record, the 11ke of wbicb bas uever, been ael duced in faveur, of.any disovyer:Y or inventioa since turne began. -These,; MIGIITY 1IEALER, WORLD KNOWN, ANýD WORLD T1IIED, ARE A BOOC TUi TRE SICK. The. want of a sterling mèdîcinal tu meet the lts aud necessitîes uft he suffering portion of-- humnanity, spd une entireiy free from minerai sud other. deleteriolus particies, vas severet feut tilh ibis Il joerful mnedic.ine vas ushered- înto the vurld; Ioilovays lavaluable FPls Lave becoine lhe gHuehold Remcdy of ailI naiiai,. Their attribut. is lu lîrevenT iAs veillas 10 cure; they att4ck ithe radix or root of thbe comnîlaint, aud, thus, by re'nioviug the hidden-sause et disease, re-invîgurate a-nd restore the drooj inig energies of the system, sssisthng nature in her lask of vital and functionary reformation. DISORDERS OF TlJr STOlMACU Are lhe sources of the deadiiest iaàladies. Thii effect, ls lu vitiate R-1l the fluids outhe body, and ho senti a poisoned stream tbrough a Ilhe chare nels of circulation. Nov, wbat i18 the opera- lion ut the Pilla? - They les use he bowel, te. gîtlae tih- iver, briug the relaxed or irri'ated stoinaci idto a naturai condition, and, acting thrnugh the secretiv e ergaus upon the t,'o'd itself, changethe ae t fthe systeni from i rik- ucess tobealth by exercisinga simuhianennga. wholesomeeffectuponrSlI ils partsand funcîion WOMAN IN AL. HER DIFFICULTIES la invited 10 test the. reguialing and restqratire povers ut Ibis harmlias'but effectlv4 prepirs. tion. At tic two epoichs of ife ilu yuL îte feniale systein dergueslite muet imnportant and critical changes, lle Pillea vilI pro-ve a positive safégnard against evil consequences. ,Tley, are alao. coufidenilY reczunieiided -as a specific ln ever.v disorder tu which femaiesar excluàively subject. BE TT UNDERSTOOD), That the aboie atatementh ea'a at aill imt' ou- verified by the writteu testimony (extendivrg througi a quarter ofta century) of tuas oftbioca zends of n nimpeacbsble witueesees. . BILIOU-î MALAIRlES, &c. &c. In w1hatever fîmnm disesse attacks the livêr, it is repelIled and, exteriuinated hy ibis searri.- in g, 1'aiî.Iess, and irresistab1e cura.tiVe'. L*." io:s reuiritelits, bili"îus purging. aud ail l e u:- dfiîarv dizorders of the organ, indiuatù'! ih% pai in hehoright sie hud-btaveen tie,;'i: d~r, clowe;of the vites of Ille eyes. wi k lies' u d bility, &C are relievel atifl re' moved hk the rernedy, avith a cirivw,! tý &stcn-4es îlie su-fferers and theïr frienJ;;.Lm: the sick, whonx the faculty liane abrtwb-a. rescrt with, confidente lu tis povertul anî,- îe2iomis agent, sud. a restoratioti to healik aI. s ctivityvwiii b.thenvarying resîdt. IDYSPEPSI.A, DIARRJIoe-4, WEA KN ESS . 1. -rbaractvrize Dyspepsia are at once- mitigatwi liv the Pille.' Diarnioee, constipation, headaree The terble bodiiy sudbmental pan i .sia prostratioir, nerroustrorbtfa. es, spasme,. affections. of thec kidneys. 1benwîrr hoids or piles, sud, lu fa t, ail interîjal c n'- Iseaints, troni whatever cause ar ,isîilg, give Way adtre the saiutary infliience of, thiifèxtraord- nary rena'y. Ai àa s1eriflc for d>'srefisia. atil the disordeni counected witîilit, r grouiîg cet of lie the Pil are ahways lu bqu relied on i.hen: ±v,j v other medicipe sud imode of treatneul bas nltterly faiied. qILWAY1S PILI. ARE THE DEST rUEM- * Eu K.NOWN'i IN THE.WORLD FOU~ TiiE FOLLOWING DISEASES:- Bowel couiplains', Indigestion, Co ighs, Influenza, - Colis, luimation, Chest Diseases, lînmard IWe'"Q, Costireuesi, Lia-ci Complaiuts. Pyspepsia, Lownegs of Spirità, [liarrhea, P iles, Dropsy, Stone aud Grave], Debility, Secî,ndarv SSvmploms, Fever sud Agite, Venereul .feto' Femnale Comàplaintq . Wnrms'of aJIlkinais, If ie reader of tus -ntiedannot- getSf tiox of Pille or O)iutment froin the ding store 13 lus pîlace, let hlmi write to.rnceîelosilig tic anount, 1atd1 i yl mnail .a box free of exPen$e Xany dealers wiul not' keep My medicives 'ni lîand lecause tbey canant make as mueb pru tas on utier persous , make. Nue are genuine unies e i.words mbr,, Neo rk4Ad Lowlon,' are discernalhbe sai à Water-mark lu everv lestOf thie boiof ~di- ucîlous arousd eici box; the came n1ay te ýlaiuly èieen bybuolding twin&Leato thte frht. . iaadeime reward viii ho giveuto anY Oit&1u lerin; Scb informnation asmavljead to the de- ectoc t any.party or parties couniefit'ýr- àe r.edicines or venditig the sarie, kuow'nê Jieni lube sîînrtous. 0.-Soid ah lie manufacîorY Ot Prrefsýsrr 10! LOWAY - 80 Maâiden Lant, New Yrk, nd y 111 respetable druggists sud deaiers i leiine troughout tie United Staes anti 'b? -vi1iýcd wrld,-in.boes, aI 25 cents, 62' cents, -mic $1, daci Canada Board of Direetors: 4 ,HIMI' TO- THE WOR TII1' T . B. ANDERSON, Elq., CHAIRIaax.< cIizENs 0F cANA DA. ALEX. SIMPSON, Esq., DPUTY-UiàAIRMAN. I- JAMES MTCHELL, Enq. j&W ARNlqED1 1Ç-iN31 HENRYSTARNES, Esq. E. J.1S. MÂITLAND, Eeq.- HENRY CHÂPMAN, Esq. A aitespurcbaeiug 4mey-Pillesund Oinlt J. H. MAITLND, RXsmuar SucuREAuR. meLL firte syalcpAn-ree- THE BANK tOF MONTRE AL BiLNismetfo.herAeerl àî stter~ pcctfuliy.warned aga inst--urchaSîteîe Aillasosarepad i Cnad, ithut Pille or Olulmeut pnr1ortiflg mu b. mv rrl enelu lsesHae oad, înd iteonrefe tionLloeta h asl7nited Stales:,,5lmb' aroîîîd «Cut h om orimeitl nprot, the bsîxes or pots Tiî<Homn Teaty ber«, without deductionoflutereat ordiscouint. ThisthPepedheSaéan.he e o1 q -Comnpany bas nov been doiug business lu Ca---ic et hrefof e ales u i e hot m e Gorer' nada& for over Ton jears. int tiey relýtu .Th"ae osftl Inuutat, un everydescription ut property ted uir preaadatbos.teOfPlaroInt<et Compsy, B lieloveu pouubiertclaesi- comiug frou the IUnited States.irlYol Comany atthelowst-posibl raes onsstýfor protection on thieva ter mark in' tic bOOe unt vith.seeuttty. o f direction$ &round escb box or.pot.. BefOe<î Application Io bu made tb- * :~rehase thint, scla hr ren S -r JAMES HEAP p . jti,)c ttohv ii tt Piîs r tmn- Agent for Lindsay aud Co. Victoria. 'cliIhaet2LieOSautsamp <- sept. 5,8lu. *THOLW . 4" Osaeare t . C oma"E. PO£ ongwJD r 24M5.7 sle, »n0 ln LSdIhm juot v f "- 1. lgn"y"!7" Ill"., Apply to :ROBERT LANG. JAMË-S.,I.ENIHA.N.