NI mn aoAu1 & w l-4 uif avis un for tbhe Ida wlaud'a sonsitu- *'b- iw ThAInM. 04 ta ii larke, wl taQy anap4 Iff btchell Col. effet- <ruat lauin puéhasaers in choice. fmily grocerles, i, boots and shoesa, hardware, croch- sars, &o. Parmeriansd otheew-iaa- tocurs anything la thefr 1lice woolti do Ie thein the prefèreuce. The highet c, pald. for butter, pot-k, barley, peas, tfr bides andi ekins. R.uneuber-. William aud P'el etreits, Lindsay. e- ruth teo e establishmenttof Bigelow- r, Keut treet, Lindsay, smlix continue&. ress Goda ln ever-y style ; Fort iu riety; Tweeds snd Clothe tu suit every s-;ean a cholce lot of family groosrios savist. "PEIREMuLOoxeÂL JCVWAAL"-We ýeattention 0f Oir reaulers le an at- lent l-cm Fowlee & Well&, the, pire- r of Nev York,' in aurismesoftuoday. Aisbers ofbtiePAréuoogical Jour"a Letical pitrealeogias uf near tiirty eperience. The Januar-y number nei the orty-'fltst volume cf their It je an illustruted quarto, publisit- thly, antita in ot-ety rempect woet-hiy upport e1 Our reaten'. Evr phie- à lhi, <il e it. W ats of t' SSound. or Mt y UVNION SCHOOL. .A ihe genursi ,meeting ofthe Scitool DueulonSatrta.,.Dec. Srd, ti.e enr pr-sent-lMossrs. 'p, and MoOutN; ab- poW-Rev. lýMesers. Vicams Eda-ardu, snd Liais, Dr. Fidier, Meurs. trougiiall. Dtm- jaa, Lang. Matit, Adamt, MeBuinhey, Thir. t- l*ld aI $lao ice aon WedssiidaY, *J. Luîa, Dr. Fici- p. Lung, Mathhi, ýy sud We.è tesîihgs werse re.d s.coded by Mn. te 1 Roy the, Town >y appoitetd to co>' suiRag le this. s-, ion sid itai lie se- le eut, igniei ud s, sicouded by Kt. h.-drawn Pnte b. Pinomsss cof pi"iu the offemu .sMd IUir %m hâlp "g hei tnwk tu if phy"peautegthi Iront Os.- luT i 0 . 1 k 6$. carmeati Mt& e t.ogýJuhIOSàblsua~i ,Ga4 vit tgua.tbo& 'Wee Uili0 me but L ist wo"kuteu. Uvuaything new, la MATS AND> CA#A SHETLAND IUIAS, RLANKETB> AND LUNMBRiÉN% 001> -. GIL *iE5S k LANCASIIIRE 5: *14@ Omug a"a su i MTOut& a ieus .M«Ù"fortitude. Thougi short in ats--' r lm h w omupactly-sud tiymmmriWaly limt w W4ofte atrokmia mt thora WUsied Um* 9W Nt indications raid liM S Iomabdib r*5,00 u1lW!mnqib about bis eheeti arme, -iand heoado~~t*r'eb*ê'vmmd Proinces, Io a~ h.vtg bpen ivoiobylb. goern o,ï"jm $ the" Wiheu b. thê Pres vnew scored iii ahe brMif-andi Iaeet i Ac00 Wé5&fl - . ti. OOtliei@&Idti BuRt th iso et ovi >,1. fr- iearue- haMt. Devis, risray lsmauglb ment of the e.aaor .peuing uop of th* wan d rosiirsui hoveut smre Idcfthe Northt West. Tl. anrxvemenIiî are te oiIuolng verses or the butial seivicebe îeft tilt .a more .cpvenient simoi. There ALt thehuile porchIeadiang ho the galovu onght to bave bese uometing more dolinate 'W 'the. ahriffàansd-,ffleura stopped. Dr. Caj>- On titi "bfeèt, in the agrement coine lu by- Ir1 aimlse suc.nd.d il withh the IgUIlty man . edehsgateé.Au the. expenise of building ho ergymn atonomm teck îhetr places on the lew.i..ia al Wicaâ is talio pen the. bill' o madus -wheh ad eenConfèdmtilï, Cead(a vili psy ae.y uch laid to maik lb. ouline of the A r-op which large portie. -of the coatIlian elhwosld wî noe ls sua hc îhouo ignalte.d 1 v pit f-piv mo.a ment belween - et is- ibaion 1miht eaily have beau. the Province.', 'as to the proportions hhey overlooked t- ie"dua yblack- of the viole shouhi iespectivetly bear, but been, carrieti veIl-voma appats Close ealer themi. -ba. Tib in alot sowhy lier. anoulti b. viti s Uit n opra Cli as ale. neinisake or coutirigPrncy about the enlarge- arma were piàio>nott. close behiti -hlm, 'hi18 ment .of urcuaai. No ai her* inproreen -face was ve" Pa.1 dedbut stil it il wo d b e fs-)much importapoe lu upper an easý, and fî- - co6Ibe nsid ahtnuoh a limé,Canada, oirpécially- if il vere coin rected vîti, even cneartiil expression, Uau ch reinovidth e oçeiq tof thie gimt Norh West. '(rom more bras ado as it usemed te b. (romnt fear.' Ht. vitl. b.ssn¶ antiaspect vers - Foty asanvouaeis ar- now on their w%«Y A maturai. Liko a soldier fa l! in o thi, ranku', toEnl.gland ftointhe, West ladlies, wiii Car-ý. ie took vithi a slndy aep basplace benlealh ges of cotto n angtig (roi 1,087 to 17,00i the. bearn, thon lookmzg up. an.i seoing miat halet -each. The.aggrsgat-amoua s eno Jlad.9 he vwu sot eXachly beneéathé tu e oe - as.pot ha n 221864 baie*. Ail lieue veuselu aar-e 1 whore thie short blaok 1mb ck f chain dependedet sa, and tisu arrivai at Liv erpoel al -dif- ai hoe shilleti t k iJnclues> andthotin stooi'uit. forent période ' ptii otr ifllein, salOi. Follawirig hm closm- came îthe cons- operation W (or , ceiderble. part cf the. coi- mo haes lstman, vhs, ai ince pulinega wvàile ng viater., 'ici cap ever ie coudemned m'a% face, fasteneti- sis (est with a smrp. anti rhanibled off the W. 6nd ite following patragraphi iii-tii. sce4fo1uIami loW hiss"s.New York TMs ai Pridà_b White thisbendn.r ape tdei. Tnt Bonn BVm LAI NDPîTS- ing the dingmin saiti In a fmwmmuitiisW. bele, vo are roureet in statîng that MIuller, you. yul stand beloe 9Got; 1 atik the vislt q : no-General Cartier, ai ouv- you again, anti (forthe last time,- u o er Canada, ta Wa.shicrgton- led ît a safisfac.- glt01innocent 1?"..1He repliait, i.[ amrn tory Unideratandin,, betweeii tic Goveruumneil ea innoent"' Dr,,Cappel.saitl, idYou a;re innto- andtheti1.Provincial authlorities i regard I' cent 11 repeatinz bis ova worda in toie for-m boti 1ta t.emode of dea1ing -wîhh the e itbei -'0 of a question. Muller a newereti l t AI- raiders nov in custod><, andti lathe beil g mighty -kàowe whit1 bave dou. r.Pj- meas o f preventing tiPvtinur i sby pet sait!, 4"Goà Almigibly knows wlîat you land and eor vater wîth the borttIer States tutb have don. 1" ain î.peuang tic. conivîcîs future. - Mr. Cartier . ias been in frie'îthîy owmî voris aes.cotiknow Ibat -yOu consulation bere wilîhîMkij. Gen. Dix, anti u have doue th1ma purticular deet Il' Mu lier ré- befot-. !ie retur-n ho Qilebec, 1i-lure i. unn'ilobt , piei le YES,.IDit) il'," speakiiig, in Ger- thuat a commoa course of action -vwti[ ho Esan, tin whickhilnguage the whdlecouiver- ag reeti tpos, vueigvsape i.rt saîjon vuusCoîîdnci. Tic Gerinan eipres- forthie assertion ofîthe public autîhoi-ity buere- -tg -ion used by iconvicl, accordîng la uis afler an both Akideà of théeline.--wheîleiie. h confesor, vas *<'loibbale es gethama; aîdrde. and eds-atru > elgr n tiiese were hie lest wortit. or commun thiéve$. Ahunst Xaso seannu-héeolest words hod _________ leli hie ltips hi. kingi spirit ual- guides qu ilîld - __________ tule çlaitru,ant iedrap feiL ThosewhoviA USTRALIA-PROPGSAL TO SEND itoc close te liee apparatous coutid just de-- CONV-S ïO CANADA.b le tr s movemetit tive, so liglît, indeedi, 1Ihat il couId scarcely bil cal led a tnovemnetit, The. Australlans liave-fotiglit a saiccesofulti1g 1but raieat auainoat imperceptible rt-mica- -bIl giatrrcolto.M.Criel t ar fi ioker tiat pauo t buglu lie trame. hue yielded ho the puessure w0jiic tuas been Tluiiq was ail; anti béet h. peculiar hum- biughîît labear upon uti; anud hi. ill*eairy mi iienocf ie.crowd wus over Muller in tieeneuîxtg session en-tiavour lau oblajut ixau ceasýt i e i-ethough an he hutig bis the esanction et Pàrliantet la ascièea.for sý feat reis seened tu swell anu suharpetu 80 on- thOe coin-jlete .bantionment ol ce pl'nal sel-. 1det- the thin vlte .--cap tint.thle deati temnt. -in Awstralia. Ilis-machhoh' man a' face ah- lait eood cut.l lao-a caet in ecredit of the colon lts that they - ave 'madie plaster. - ap- tbeir minds la prevent the irinilkî of Euî- For 6v. 'or ton Ms.s ~-Crowd, -'ho lilît crimîstats-iîîto regions whieh ougliîla te'êY kntew salhinghiý..6bi confession, weru a*.d 'hsld.sacred to honeust labour. ,me'uwe arid stillecl by thîisquit, rapiti paosag«e lices tie quemtiaui stili emaiie-ihat are we.I . lite la death. - The.impressionf, io'1 'eVr i dowith ônr conveî.?Awri 04 Ili te. ta Iany real î Mlpremmiah it.l *ad beoadt that 0rf t lraîgly urges tliaitècme4boiuktais of thenu Me- metroeity, iti mot lait Inn", antibelorte shoulti b.e mplo3ued b ia cë(,oîistrucl ion ofa th lbsilghtI, so@ Yiraio f ILteboiy hall rond-between Cattada atîIdthe Ret! River é veiedtrcbbery andi iiolerlei «lc entStlemnen,. Thtis is utsgestin ieih is lazhing, cthe, flgiîing, ob-scoïuîe contacts, ikieîy tu meel vittia favouurable.cotiuciderà- and mtliimore fliy'agaeriue!round- lion or. tht ~part-4)f aur lovernîuunt if Cana-' the. gallownu fat antIdnear-. tcf, 0,hie da hasu ob'jsctimta 10 rge. Soine eXpres-i bcsue j-ezmainecl, wihte 11.chtangar rspite, sien cf opinion on your part Woùl(l tlroiv' tlt th oii. dhangrmi ltink ain al. n. the 1consitierable ight upoit tha exiedicticy of. drop am i iucu anti neeiné inquirien cfthie measnre. -îseu' h e ha trsa g 1vwat hhe-adto.drink tint moring. Hoa ater ýyears ta corne the Imipérial (;overtiument ii ,faiFuug once lu out the r-up. malle- asecnd Iruiglht. useful ly mpluuy Ille ouivie labour .t - aowpt more oc sfully, andth ie body cof its diýspolaIi i] eotsti-u triadg iti i ieHtti- - Muller diisaxpared hem vie % o Bylv.t e-whl 41tif sbet 1 Sa greatly relievati vas Dr. Cappel by tele e sn ay thîithe . Wlîilé e i iits aet, confession, . l h iant rm h é I mc ; ret isfiesied vil w iîî eir fiiiaticiaî p- diTroitheti fa le saold e l5~ i tlie Coniany'szerandt ae sxerlaimirig, "Tank G# ini oi1 illionuder tih, ew rrageent,atiî0t a!àkac dcan in a chtait, cornpletely ex-* matiy imuttwins of Iiîir 'disotelitt-have hsusted by bis owa éMotion. After, recov-, reaied lieadquarter in LentIota- trnhé reosted inl Englih, iin thc pres- The .4uutralian colonies apeau- ta e.asau! enc0eof hie sheriffo ati nd e dr-aherifze tAnt! mach iun- vnt of a5 Ioderai ss"eP' u givern- t the reprem.;Dtaivu of the.,newp-paper preoap e en rîihNri urca. New Soutlt of vhomèe (oit,, what' huitpasseti Wales and V'îctoe-ia have ball a disp'ute whuchý ý-etw.esn bhlm otlthe ècovict, praciâehy aut vien the lag mail lftI, hatI brou ait uhein, C bi e aledf above..- Froun ti i il li i amoul a hoti i verge of civ il wur. Tule Go- lie se.e-e ut lb.1evs'fecew iiltevenameni of New ýoùth Wales aiJt> quosliorttî Us to bus gilit dovni e ii.lteat Jminet Io enforce the p>ymiert cf itul duiies motuoni of bis .aioeeo, and ltatIil vas nt'upos the frrttier, and as a greai m icaofa intil th@. 10 a IyUi110hop Wi Bd tht lie sMugglinig frot it e Victoria sida. -a tule. -t eout.ued ____________ oouequeikeé l the aggrieved àaouy hAut Oceo, s i.LUv4h .smlmtedtit 1h-.tirai..neil tu l'y s sort of embaracil ailVie-1 ittus tOSOwiipsêf -fvg andetithoand - ,ýtorian -Iessel!, ,14 bati aetqtlly siezeti a Italesomwwcottes i Av*5r-> adreva xursaand >nt41au enstof il& intentions.. The lIaitii OOW .50 i?Î Uate& hats li vcVicterian authorities, cix tii. otherlbant!, rde- given îustrsctlon6ls.* iOUOM Inacommaad s pate4 illarge- body cf poliça,(they lort-u- il y ti. r -a have asu nauuty havP no acdiexm,> itsib çlast In agtathatat resiii'force by fre adte hvrsqçe1 aiirâed ÜigeIrexpecia.- ed il, proveutiiini. ratguussfotcl ~hidmy, riday, Dec 9,1864 TO'SUESCEIZERS. we are now badly iu wanit of Firéewooýd, an( -parties whe agreed ta pey theit- subscrtî lions la Woad, wili. oblige by bringing !tai once.- re are also willing t'o take.Potatoes, Tuîrij ma -ol-ler -Vegeta bics, ag. wel as Beef anc Park lan payment of subseriphions. General 'gfet-màni&tili cobntinues pst wrions march sircugi Georgia towardo Il Atlantioco=as, having met with veî-y litti rsisluutce in lte course cf it. The làteei du ipaîches repor, that lie ha., reached- Milla 10ô miles Nïirtilwest of-Savannah; liat lu ar!j lias separated - mb l wo columnus, ori movinx îowards the Saaaiari ver, I other iurniog back iowards Augu,ýta. 1. cujecturedti tat hei%,ruill either go sîragt 1 Beaufuttanti Savantgali.tlaiaîack Clarlest< by land). or juin, Grant in an attack agaim Richmndt. hea ir-le a, flerce baile has been 'fong, &'liuftield claîmîng lite vicoi-. The -bait tonsi-ited inià anu mber af most détermine attemphs -on the part of 1h, 'Coiufedéra.tewe breuJk the lines of their opponenîts. '%ie e teen distinct aitacks were ruiade anii-epulse andi, il i,3 said ti aI uat 5,000 Confederatt w'ere kïiiled, -wauntied anti captu reti. - It insait taIGrUtî's .men ini.i -o-rf PE tersbuqg are prepariug tlîir winîur t1uaitbr, On TIuehday last 'lie Preiilt ent it messar go-t Conigrese. IVe give contiens Portionus of'it.' - Ôvureand 7egra pis bel wecn Ainermic and Europe, by wvay ut'B:hring'sSti-it«S L ée ii unticriaken by ain Aésociation of Ant> icun citizen.s wit h the goti uilof ail tl -An arn-e xubent of <theCons! itution j£ the aboisk ment of .Slavery will again 1 umille7.M talCouiIn es.lo .0qAROCONY EPEU E DýAfflGOUTRAOFI IÉLN TORONTO. C~ EPN>Nu C~ONEiNTION. *0 *~Vflf YTi li RHI!INB-A NEUÂ COPNCI. RH1MN1-.WM E UX for Me caneia>njTo the EBdUear of lte OCas&diPo«t, ~p~to~nUiwdyîh ChifOfê ~beingmet gea meetinn fiè op f theyatious Tempetance orgaiza- a5ghti Nue. o. Qange Lotigethe peratin S . ertvr ac eha ht~> sellai t tho 1"i-it thinking people of.Mariposa have bëee ti« hflglat Onturio Coitnty, a Convention Chuug& procoq.d a u tM heLodge: idefeae n-hlroiiion By-lwo ofClerg tuen, ýMagistrales, 8. fpîle-usm foe il -k nd pro-,Tmerne Tite84. oîj, J5 w~11b..deleate appame by he aïio g t îhkf6r th*i. eetin* . The room was tcouraged, however, àaIuimeroubiy < 8..ietis, met in- the new Tbwn.lHall, ,-rince ituaeon ~the. tep flat of Ne. 96 yoneplto isbe o piiIi o~~î MIi.t, o Friay Ist, ii. nd mt. suo, andi bas loig been useti as an Oran-ge b11 'uiprynl aeth ýt On motion il wu résolved tbiat J. Raiclif , Maft, On etering the. Hall ite carcîruker 1 1 . ii onfurmiy wiî! ifie above.rme EA.; J.?., irosde an eirtmai.n and 1that W. and chers who IaiarW o er soiselI~î hll -a î!euatl upie 1!. Di- E q , f1 i. s a w in i . to r f -lil h t m ~ s n e d a * tc e n e o f th e n t- Lb y I le u irl icl ati ts n e x t s iti ui;l n h u f s secretarye The. meeti«'haviîug beexiaotcnùi,î hulueeyhu udLeuibei giit v vllande 6ý pou! ri Wiledtu tlarder, the. 1ev. D. Cauxiion iva eft in il on iFri4y igl li ii nost e f Waied opon by the. ehairman 1e offr P oerr.Prcoio tsasiaane e fSII atiteioi t aryng > b a Of after whieh thé. chairman then ep liyer, therl to u~ ne. exluiedtteother Oian-wemnn tihe ariv maie ieir way u nature of the circular cligtecrvnwaJ'E and thS e alligthre conention. into ftle Mom andi it ithe gas furt he purpose Verulain, Dec.:,i61 airequestetito.brtnprsnw ocf seing whai hati gont. wirong. it %was .ot i6 84 hatitaka li. iitiaiveun tt. atte~ ~ until the roomitwas thorougblIY ligiutea up l NWMRK eILI' monue information,ý which was responded toTlL EbNiIRE'UL),G h~ rou B.RograW. -1.Gir. ad D Sip-that 'the complete confusion was sc-. T he o~icf sbaa Dvison Aler xplnamon banners, of which thait were severai in.the Toi/i ut di<or)f the L'unadlic(n , 1eov roui-I, were cul and toi-t-, sumo of illein 1h0 Sa,1ain gt-dihat yî e;-ufa sacbee tnueen Atwaaonmuuon a thôusanti pieces; th,3 furniture was tie- ~'xvi:orincéi a vuY j;1,' et that-tho chair-mas do appoinit a Commit-trw n rkn;lt artus-lihlu uu b!a!Mîk' tiIu -. tes of 1ive te prepare antt report resu! utiours I for the.cofisideration cf the Convention. I'T ilbe ieynouu: i g"lfae, ec e t. fit,1 ia t tic p' 1 eai. ~ ~~ t hrown oun the flor, aild theglass t aittes, L.ILIc mikt i complianne . ter«with the chairmau appoinlt at aemn rmlf pntl in' o oip~e it ee-. d~. d thelb Rev. D. Simpson and W-11. Orr, Esq,1i et Oshîwa, A. Hind, anti G. Currie, Esq, f lly tg lsrue.h b'ts, 1 %&r Vif - er - n'tt a 1 tY k'..n îu prey ofeacit loige were bruk- ~iî~rouce a ý:C. eue ;d Prince Aiberi anti F. Da-vis, Ed6q., of Biuk îî otnssaîee üiwdte uet '> ,~.m-u.Iaen . n enlie ccntntonventionuuA il. o r, .a*lt.îoi.k afier wlich te 4aenÎo...urnod Un aniti bor sflll is s ordu Iuno every alluwuxuce t tet ppîko î, Se o'ulçck ltaiaford the Commite tiinffte;ortj prepare thoir report. fo lcu ittorfrhrUe;evria nrkt;btuil VM. , Lei ver', '- Onbi-..mereaing-on t :the--RserfiD.f hour rdtuut i.Ot. e ~ Q;iîoat On r-assmblig, î. 11v. D Sim~oiutoilnan, mutil-sîtand ilowig - hue g ieuuîuta l au k , ti a front h. Cummittee reporteti the ful!owig ieli, itird-rors uswo' hthisprh n 'u.-'j ~itolutiofli I hey hakl jtiipe lidant i a picd -IluuIllteni ;Ian ùturiuer. iiii, il- .e -I ..- Reuolyéd, 1, t at wlile not regardixg lte s ogast1ycu dd îer n lta n. it, -if yau iaeIt , with much saîisfactibit the recent passage byc the. Legiialttré of the" Ternperatea Ac; ofbeubrkiopint iet 'a.,woeltehL . -Iu11 . tents treilt in a irutiiiar uratuner. li t- ll e Pj' C ii ve>trll atv ~ lut," conferrilik as il does the po«ver tupiuo bs ui euaeribrdO nludi û the variahs muniiîities of prnltibiting itu e ,, ~.i ti ';vwu -to etef 0 iqia *,tity ot, airdotrier aiîloe,, atutof' Ii. t -t Wealtafcg nîrchd Iquv,. fv-ui iliW,' re dana>a a 'T (ia1 i CI NtiLt t tti. t * Resolveti, 2% TFiat'tltir, Conventtion feeling ttri. A;Io 'i ii e.-It thea l i or J e ut l zî.- i p te -1i k-*ý l î >7-je ipresaed withthe ueeesgityo c Cri-itt, pu;te3cak t'euiatItrl t l' f i -;~: saud .Law kno*n as Dunki's BiHerursIyeey îii 1-cuici. i '.îIla~.Bi '-t2i'\Ilt urgé upOfl those who have an itUreC ii laesies huus. bîod iiii'ý 113n 1 é>.tod <'-u ', ~ - ~. countrythe propriety of pleîginig Ille. iifre- laî ti- n',îîutî uWt 4 u- rfiliiiis .i. ::. tt ont-candidate, for municipal horinsiOx Io iïpst t eff~i aottie liuied dti ôais et;.liy - --t e-t-. potthe passage of wneh a- Bill aut he J;tne- als! a-1fdI .-lsAd' Vi:e t ttr- ary-sessioîi of the Couuity Couiieil. 'flûsru m, ies' t "iotk-ee-I:. ý L Resoived, 3, That in orler lu ijail ucticOantid, A'îono iaîîî ton '" tt.- "K. ~~ -:,~-- -t public mneetiiý;â it be u cgetlitai thi a-1L in ioxeaiL iy -e1 >.ouos Temperauce organîzalions, and.îttts1..- tr:toliy)ut h-:e~ . '.t\*~f~raie - . friendly la the cause of lefnperance tîtrougIt- t uu ,a tlliw iaît tt- otr fn.d - ïut-c t..I.u 'tî1 bt±,i ren c, lie ;a - - id clergymn tanti othérer otcieit speakers it,'t eý1' Tot îwte!cîtet- '\ et -(iiViA.l t ieir -respective naigiubotirhouds tu holti pub. - tttt' hhltp eitt~ftttt(h ,tct IVteti'tae Vr. - at lic meetings througeaout caci locality pruoir jýs o1~{-ii-. t-dl,;I 51Vlt ev'be u.sV, r t1t tenr-'afe':Iytt O-~ bthue elections. --w ~~p0~4j"tet--':h if-t uiC ii-e , Re solved, 4. That we !iutlgest thie propri- -at iù at o' - t ftttuutc h. t'h tt i t idety o adoptiîug, ut hIe varieus meetings a -a hole, as il' ;u a kitKW:-u - -ýc't,'. r-~' e pétition la the Coîlnty Cou ncil, praving the leh-r '.~ws~o ' r.'u pasagýe ofsuch bll. and Itat coinmittees b.eepue n L(Wiitîui u ll'e-1 't. appointed Iotacanvas the-.uniegiîls'urood in i e ~-w ,' u e .Vtu NEE('u. order toa afull expression of the opiuîiei of the largde met-iti 1"lof i %îru V a s iî ie,.l. I.- - v*1 1-ef- ' L rutepayers,.ý_. - -te ~tt --i a 1 - sbit' au i uuut t ittýk -t0'- W ~ - Resulveti, 5, Tha t tiis, Convention requeslte orTtuprp-1 i t'îtvz F-()F COUNCIL 1ME E T lNG, he leseveral rminiÉters throughout tCe Couiily!entratice, liai tt-'î îlVtit Ilu wus t.. '1n 1T N :IP, 0 PF LN ELtIN". [le t* preuic4,a semon on Tutu ieraice on sornie jthat Illue ci Ill r't- w-i itt)-x il, !i il tu-uy l e«-- ..Sabbatli' priai lotCthe election of municipal cet, but hua iei fi naul lia l e hC -I '- rlt't ti ; i'tf1 ~~, ~ ~ ilirtog li hut- ei-t Il'e iu s 'v.Meor.JthuNlor is R.mnlved, 6, Tiiat wesîuLgest the appoinut roof of file bittu f"p-yti- - Sment clan Execotivo Committet'whiose tiuty "nue ho the'rear i-lt sti:itht -t t-t ,V-'t e 'Iiii read anti ap- h il xhah bc . t. ai > Atidrees toi theLeîc -ýeti i hie ra. f by a tlh-.'j--dî' .ý torn of the Coanty,-ettin,, forth tthe propriel piy mnriti wîkn O- uu-i-ut~;'-i- -' -t eIi.<re te lof adopting euch aPî-ohibitor.y By-laws. td iud euiC lîeir exitlîiittsan t-tteu.-l fe T---se ci ai also Io prepare antiforward a îùrm of iil- i As cron ae thIllfiu'\ý,leuft ilt îe lut 4 tttfw $1635, ni-es-put liai t fr i-ieu li-oV'ut'.i wo:d w\VILSst-t >' v îI-(li'î tbe plil îst ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l tinfrsgaue.ltlite-Cýii> t ouc-il, tu'- r tsý-t, "t t11t1- tî'eft-eIfor" Cr The remdîuîions ueedisc usseti serîati,1uîWair wa-. taken up u'tlîi4-ts alI t ,ht -the ulmost hiarmony prevaillig, eachli aving -The iiscus.,ion will bi ttti Ir'uoIi'!.'i N' e ns eoueilt ai' -pparenly coine fully pueparedta ic-utiathe City Couneil ~:t--iIe-..1h':. -:"l' M,-.- Oha B- h'.. e pa t le theIc merits as well the prppriel>- of Oiitarit, c' I) h îuui e eç I-'Cicl e ' - li au n a i'PolL-therrmalter by poii i e-lui-îitt-i-' S't t-~ t- - tCony, té. ding tevninwyo l ,>îl S.)fý'ortearst cjýi-Iia - ,, in Th fj~ ulîowing arelte pties of lte gen- u:e rrtttlcti0' tt saîeu'Ttd it l'tîlenjo rmepi t o rI t V (il % i,* tlemen appointeti by thue chaiiux'îan to ac as - il hicl tt, mneoi h' 'eue'i tsan execuhive conimitlce :Messrs. A. Fttrc- woliaviuîu' lit-au-i t utîi 1 It-~~~ ' ,- hS-.-- Nwell, B. Rogers, J. Boid, J. B., Fare-vel, E. fth- riorui in Ilarge tiuIcst- 'û*îu~'tesi firci..If- héepeuplae sucuilti, y uhatever' A correspondent at Wiiby teiegraliuis lu Ttle tutl)amouttof --tetyI-u tIt. ivalut- i Iabout il2i,>t if.) nî u,, a l node or means maka it any Exi-culiveduty ns thal lthe Reform Convention of Southt On- , -ittïtrtî1-ttrkv-- .i:t t.ut- - .o.tettiala slavery hcs. set froc, (thex Pio- -tario, helti aiBroo1klin 'e sterdity, tuoiuiia- rouuun W'tuS loeked li) ouf)I 7ia i-la- oY. t tdit es :s" other,.and not 1, mnust b.' ted Mr. Abrahami Fare.2el fOsiaa sni -îuxiatiitI-t- t.tit ' hîcr iustrtmettt ap-rWn il -andidate for the seat n1 utl1um u aI-l- eîppiolntIo ty1ur. lris i JOltt W/t ci t he tùar tvi/iee e. The war wiIi vacaed yh.reîiremert niIi'r. Mi~î t. htui ho lai-II. fnî tti tîii sd -tt cease -an ihue"part af the Guveauneut wtîen- -Onulthe- iraiâtballot Mr. Farewecl lihati19 u'culms fIlî k t e l(Iped î tttepuîîat-t i-t-t aver itshaîl bave ceasetian théeartf l4oeMr.Wlite Il anutîMr. Taylor 1 Mr. uie-Cit<'Cuncil tif! bo -.t-c'r'sst.ýrlIv ,'-- eho-beganiii. Wiit àfriandLts mtovedto amake M.Fwc It >tî~eiî i h -1e. ait la l tntperPttrt. ut it s i uunrti '- uIliv ' 2'Vae Raids fro»a canada. Notice lanlg:well'a, nomination unahimous. 'nue ather bOniltl htjht't.hi'tmuys been gi ien - accoruling b taItipulattions 'Witit - rnittdates wittxdrew mach lianuisornely, andti testerve-Torô, G t-iW_ Great Brilai n tint afier six tonthsthe- Uni- tme convention tited luarftonioul itt- - ced Statea muit luoldti hëéselves at, Iibýety 1 théliesacesafol- man., la Mu-.Farewell bte -EXTENSIVE, AND D.MiI N G Bu riC ncrease Ilueïr naval armiament on lie Lakes, R e t&eroaiSouth Ontario bave a irutse x- -- LARY. ifîhaey saiifluîdthitpiotedingneasry cllettcandidate. lie is a gent lusnan_ un! 'With tie condition ofît1he borders wili be con- every way qualiffe& 4y naturai abilit ies, TUE LAW OFFICOF0 ts--.u.&EiARt s4der0 etiiquestion of *transit from Canada edocatiofl, hibita t6f thougit sd high per- t<.i}tIAOtBf'> - sogh'arce,,to t tk oaips- On Saitidav uistor Sutildavi-."u itz .hrouu'gtheb.Uniteti -States, a8 -el as lt-eI -oa r, -a oc utak ooJps regualation cf Imports, vitici vera tempo- ini arinetasaiery eiporter of 1is iu avaic ifM'-us.u :Xtt -rafly establisheti by ltaé Recipr.acity iTreaty4 neerto.nda aseceu..I tt,.ar'tus ûui9 iKui tt iute 1 Isîruets, uut e-îu.rel -y soîtte iuktt"'upum if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~el îîîhJre 84 Ti. ooia - eufitted isis ith le constittational dis- - 5atiat.rqui frSItlk-1p vuý11irV. thorîlies are nlot tîcemeti intantianl l 1y tnjustt eussions vhhiieh ut take plsenext sesSton- t ta thie bearier, tegether'.itfiSI.ti>iiit-' crunfrieuidly tleani lite U-niîei $taies, but I1ht.Fur.ewvell's felectinte Panbiametatthe b a e ks andi a 4tn,îiliarnlouiir it -u.t 'i, ;i'- on tr,, contrat-y, there itelevery reason la ex. ree l ueyl upeuî l prpil- ~ lkt r sttjyl-M--tu î pet fluI t i lie approvial.ot he Imipérial - A unanîm nio O aii« by' tie îRe foti-ofa vt enuteIiîuur li-trlirkl' i Governmnent, ibel ili take- Ile..neocessary SuiOual a fcuseuvln uat tiis morqàiz, when lie uvent l' i p 'util.,î masures opi-event nea- inaarsianis acrosteci njbti l, nsvertlless in uty IfoundIltle tni jtiat lo o- îlteîr.1 ibe border. te glas an ~~~~active suppott ta lie nominationau-o!uviirtyb'îu.uf wlauohihey have made,'a lota-sestuoWitt.uuatru eputuesfttj es MAN KILLED . 1Y THE FALL 0F A jfl the. event of a -contepst, Mr, Far-ewell lias nI-ou uqtiuethithe num>îî-rs uni, 'Lt TREIN VERIJLAM. a large a Stajoity ag possible... ieis wortluyiy a liueiruui L, bau-une ts-tls ofthe largest, mfjqditydmtiirding eau "ire tOauliusau neaymetftt"s Wie atanl,, nametiA ndrea-im f MFarlan, ii, and il yuli nover do tu put i f, ath> cuutenbs o<i lue safi. L Itii-i[ltatIlik -1'. #rotprpeso, as e- it troo'ire l- .re..T byha l oteue uu'r, as leidt-El '." r in eompany a-dia iriohllMpeu-sona-as on via.,ta-hci- tie. linadoti. Th harin- gaget in cisipping da-visa trop on lte 181h wvièc aracte-ise theti.conivetiont te mosi fletnt on sueuring t Il one leniMr- ui., the, très lotigetil oin eqandi as botk graîiiy'ng, anti quit. la. keepiiîg vilth i 1Matiux'-. afe, togetiier NWitii ltqie, uteithtur etj e i. fiula hotvamesspirt a ' îîai îo may era aviug be t lkeul up liuli";alIilt1 Iltuon4Ii treles. appear - patr fiotishetlo onspr t of î> iùIhîclewfrerssu mai'uîl uutI -t-ld, 1 t ac- ttrne4 thoirbaeki qanti - et-e waikÎng Off' vaiv.d aIl local odaiianti cottsider iio0 oth irs u>yeaas enrel i-lo ult.t visaq th. lodged tréeiroke l in. n ulMile i ir that >the.ridingg i iqve ithecouni- niàtut stt.e -te sptefieu anatit t;tkon.. taruei ie li. :upndfallîno backwaràu.)' 9&bne ec n.ho*hi iltatit ser- No chuli a-i bten abtaiiieti, thilst navuueit utr* MFarsn.on ii.hes ssi suouules vces-..(i~I.a. - Iaite chuequet bas beau utoppeti. Tiie ial- triinut it lkîy t ta hue, bavevr.- kilig'ian cjmme .pod . nisaves ayoung-.'lsriusu 1 prrugdcitl i iii wila te meurs - I~~an-uary, sme do.. itien aseet tor dispaici i.tnîoytd -Iaitm7iet of bosirip. to:h" p~~tfs1" ~ "'~Lord byons lbas laft forEnlut for-tte ta' tilt- aid th m 'ti. i I i -u-t out t h vo i-a, wil :T.:i 01-R -'gtý ---t1- -s' t u-';" t t N 1, - !-V Mr. b-.-Urîî'. \Ila - I t --oftnv. en ert1.W Pt t -' -.' s -' eu ilîlla" fr teb a~ ~ ~ ~~~~i e- -t -7kCtr-ud \Tît- I '- 1-- Nî ofi an iwccvi-d11 lt-lt- I t 'l'e 's'rk ha p ut ibm s tN'tE' '"rIV it OFF nIt tvor-' - - 1"-" I. i :t.N '1e0. tgie ali' w e -- tilt-an "er-I. - n i >ialta e truVi ii'-a-ttt r, ti0.' 1 V.. F fit-,I N. ( 1 '[lIENir -()v -' l11ii'fr CE, oTO- - - i Pi'i'0 ~Jt-'afi s îîl thFa sids pi>Mfre' parp Tiî'îtirn l ',I i, c 'luar-ivjy> i'tu ruh'.'.' Iviti: il hiei li.u riru f tIi'2 the01 alltie i---'th qun-. Tht' w)à t ito ii tiri. t>l, the s;b. rî*îr ; and-ttttiias tu Lliik--fàitrtfilly."