t-! « 4d-, 6~.l.14~o's Chou - -' - etPmDàr 'o'-- r ual AWoffitny'êt' Claeiaeetl, *.ue,7 ~Uî Jlt~s#t, Lte#aay. < -w liçt tt----- to he ii A*. AR T1 Nt1 A N 1)R E %k S oni' Wuj> et teut1i.ao lu. .- - P 8. Quo-n to.4 04et 11, ltrApm.ut.eiee»f. ivi i#ief viottSO 11> , 'tsr I' ileIin tt4I i-MA A <aýtlrnr14 r. t i.n-t lnecs t antrn teu Ali tir w Pf<hi bi leq rnp' 'ee, IInnmdui-, li lor-t III~~ ~~ )I P'-.1rn-iAdut Land k t'lnttnt l l ltt'r tpin surI nemr ,saasrIai.V l aileb. dJmnhtng ow-naljs. te,# c.' I INIT 1lP . -n- ctn 141 the, worS -Pblie- ,5,si .rt a tneie inuhu. dlofwu à ,haffp ut ptl filetteg. *oMd lqies sa*& of ouiprd.f on MsnnLATZ 14tM a MS NDALB . U*I S E l îuuuia USUtoIDI, Proprfî.î.r. foar traveliers- anti tile i îniilc 4, rsviib. ,îwred lItaI will oonlut* te aTe est tfs qir û ýilgo. 1*' Iasf55tut lqînro lnd <Mjar A. --ANKS tto 2K7 Mâl 0iin..Hal *41 'I 'iKt. - -. Lfin Itonat î«iru»every. 'woîtl 14 îim-it î)îtIAmbrotype. end :Photograpbie Ifqtiet (4 0irip 1l-nt fiît .1. - & r ti et èà.*11tl i NO hA lia-t j tnnu-'- otrt tnit fo *é ta etanînue i 'a y flent 4v 4t 01HI tnt OIV'~ it'rMLh* uhuu bill i.i thaifQ willl m 1q Itonnltil net ln' tila t n wtu 1 t . ukfu K î rlat ttittti~itqqýli* the t$Ii.t-# îno-h i o-HIiY 4Uo- ut l;iinttat àud titind hot titi~~-T -(jur'Otntrt rnnag- 3I$q Al1kl A 1)x Yilýts tqt ituPlutn. -Agoni.t. lia iant a-t t'l it t iti 10liaîaa4 tnt -l(.at 13t. Liâ;n tua' <boti tf .. wIittOimt oyInett<altor. te - W i 1131 It. UNDEITAIL >IJG. I'~ litaI 1#4~ Ina Tt' ýl itpt,lé e4olin i Iktt ( t i - Ina. tihtlo NoertOie tht' MarIna MUUj&P taoas~a Mdeat w < i« a or t 3 bb&Sa, Sw m on De 90, au # Uy u"M wrl ae Wdil maet te ESy- -aa Kiut streeft ?roi ,e iFus Bhor Weit of W*aqmta. Do 5.os, C 4m Ialti te iha su- qtlwqm.otg 0< the bu4eaém*a. 1o Aou rtoa. Xi.eaa :Uzelttmtt. Phauogr .ud >r. Ut.DAYt1uW.(OIla th44.1 coohi, (1O ialB 5IC*IiIeuea '. It %. 14 Ih.~eisté W. DA h 4mc( phemua ài cituo.* Ï44.,w g. X tLI D.; L 90q. . urry hu MoiM (1e<tyrgeld o* ev Muc uttes aOVf ré«y LIid (eut W. PIso0sm.,0 SeLaad liRs wtie tau 1)habtat uto oolintir for. tIn *xi tîlong lite pîIge, aa lo, M igo. minI teth r -,IamaidAruet of pe'omffi hi. niit. ae tnseininin M.Vutvom 1 ai Voudly d*0 bost ut mlt b igr T1ratu is th. o.h Mdlu m, vr Vhuuu. t.. ble. I te EeS y. &a ffktmoria.y.g a 4e relaod a' 00 o , died aid impver-l âmebuulo ceuetry which sobninpt>le'ebev F.a in. 8., Po. liait f=iii Qon olia CoaiS o»ime ti i«. Il eura Iat à utrmaaier ne sang papieetrit- fox.~~~~~~ typasc.y f ial Ldona r- mii ~~p4grar4d .*mggl.W0 u M lte conotatut n mgupnys~ofthis nacunuq ..murty Mdta, bal!r mgo. tsram' setolwhinoss eptoes onl s.tner Iroland, _Astove.y A t.lin'g avay, nie humnn por 5<Ao. in idmeno mof -ettucati-mn undt!of eqaia anmd 001--. lava haie callil forth a nev u niS a baitter ifi' o ~ re"mi" a Population intelligentl andi moral 1.eotnr ~.pemeeul uniSprevideuable anti wiling for tiiritààt .io suâts wotk crois in the nnost distant %oa, hwbm.. p.:zteofte glb.. SBach a..ople. oeqnire enly ait Mroo te. emn adex- l oa> ion . m -ts e ouMt e i lv.admirable maerala Mr inmlusi lenterÏpîse, *mot provo' th.-mi lIm vn.ty ta partk-ipaIs an. the pros- flbeIng o po*ty aud wY û' ia.pt empire. * ~ MM u. Jiseet Mee aig04softunprovemeni '<' .6 G o.; the.apumtat e I tatthat Iroland rhlr à au, psesmîî s largem uacoîeof mi- Fi* aq, Bsn pbor, sol ly-for linon, for stearni omn 81.1464, e! leste yeemts, fer iro hi e t mais âtin.é bariscier of Iih voobus re- liu -~Oently ris.n,,that botiteen 1851 undt Ià6 9. Ada the nom ar o! malt! baai inereeeod- freinsaine hoaurt.tree, oet rl1 463 r tcobt.. The ~~~O pt,.ni îemii4i. n Iroaet since. tins Aueraas 1Wss of'n ataibuea aýptl tethe maniufacture. a ' HEWto t of au, unith In rnebpoptin trade hai testaî Meter revivil, tbutby-Ia i tizioit imipoi rt %ac of Mishmnufacture vas the linon traite y~ in -1804t thera vote in Irulanit 74 spannhinf 2Iôsteo Mil itb ii6U030 api léa, and thèe. va aainsuturùa. in eaupovror-omn frtories. Tan ysari o -thers wero.17,000persons emplored In tb. linon truite of elfat, wvite L -in thae p*ftiuayr titere vere25,000. Thie * lied bou"am m uo i o isae in flai cul- teys ite omVaai, " stotal valuae ut llte crep.o!fithe ~me ni yen beni noelisit£3929 NIILCK.-Tii.total *val-se tif linetia expoateit fron thte Unitei d ni hait ancroiaeiS Itm £5;13- 347 in 1 469,0 in 1863., The proeiond niScsuaiption oet Whskej had lieoaueià îlàa-torn years- frum n8,136,3N gai- toli te 389B,2M »galons. théered <ction be- laag t., In a otream oasure, Io the intl ptoved babits.of tue people. The"e cor- S tlaiy aevr lnit cens go ihthlW THE CAS9 OF .THE "FLOIDA". terg "&'t. lof aa the i"Floridta,' inthe har. Do:bout of Bubia bas beeua oeiily disav.ovimi r l 1Tbe ýo uby the Unitet Statuts -Goverom ent r t SweraaarySewiardinhoais.teply- a - m~InI~ êJeete of ftrigo -intervention î i a ny Osetole ýdOmpeal&&kg of Mforteigonatiolna, are ,car- M -dîniprinoiplea la the. policye!fthe Unit est -my Is atta. Yuu lhave <lieretore jaastty expoctot ~ .1ll~ La tuai ac saidt would it dsoW andt regret i c - tic prmsesitogsat laht4a. n li it ts$peot a hiiud C Capi. CollinaeuwiSdirect bars -teappoasâb.- admit. siaiho adriasilani ncitelthéacap- tai.uai-wus "le iii -thc proeedng ne viiilissfs uiaaunsi.the. est uo tù1rmail ii i freua the U. 8. Navy ni C s .usimmq lt4.i*teroorue di ~.LLouet "Ti e Séretary 4a m-itlajet l ob. inîr- peW,1 4o1qssoiS, bvovmn, iansitzia Oorrumnt admite or aves erelithe tachar#«eo. etbnet, ouleg~~ 4cbrles' dt@pli i~ht aga mat the Çu$ *a »iCassaI. Tues. 'Chars" ène 1%1liate Adiu <eseathty set tit. soen a a hNtae4 4M lavf uvsai beligeretsandS on thé contrery k mala Osat the surii 8n àeo tit siareemterby the gereroneuat 0 <Bril -xiavim-0 teîhw - * et"iedae!Stat"' KaLa ted Wis t- lt"m buaniSWho . mlii are h. *~ ti. thieith ai hbUt p Bek sa roe #h.,qth" eay - 14it"bwth <e hamma-rd es-epen- v..botyèu ejiiadiosime d ut gveru SACT8 ANOUT EATIKG Vf iOe h (m~a s tukuu, tii.aoma cetcou sufl k t. poefea bisa!mat. dtrialle n o peffect footiei.m*da" uitthw béil. ai itit the iiblood Ibol boy mak« e. ii ibo.mof bloo& mi pare ; 1tence% after M er-h.aty nmi pro fml. bWdlail«« il Ifl *. Overs eatÎiaihhabüithai iinsarealwaya some secopM iubumpbomnvr iaictm 84* c th@Y Mayeim hoanUly, <bey d& am get arS g nou-i 11 U n & leh t h ibennu. ei.tom- adi ha been .vevtaàed anid. h»a. mthei powter to extrait the noarunea froin the fom. Wlsen poisos do,.iot get atrongalthougi they eat a greut deali ahe. iill gel stronger by eatingone-lîalf tee;s;a a sickly aemant l) attevmpting to*do a large amourit of wrk, do.. ànone Of ilitWeil; -Iwermvà, if the tai rwere a ight one, the. whQI of. hitoulit hai'î been thoroghly&don. Wheu mýny Uncontfortable. feeling na ex- periencoi aften' eating, it is beeaizi,. Émem article ds not 4«agteeý with thei. toach,'l that. is, Canne, beil iested by it. Thisal- iways1 arises from quality or quantity, -gene- rilly the latter. In -inch cases take leau anà tees until nodiscom fo rt. leprodlicod:; sperial change ià obsèeved it i. bocauso the quality iunl.ttitod îote- condition of the stonnach, or the général systent do.. not requ ire it. An article maty notagre. vilthé hMsornacl g o-day, bpt .May agrée very vWeil ini a. ew daym, weeks, ormnteatrurs becanse, its distinctive foae elemmte ay ia<eu b. ne*t 'n1 1b. yitem. Most persons in- tinctively toto mway -frein oastpar inj ,tnid-iiâtner-it 1 would make them siek-. but in ýwiuter il me, when theo :hermometer. la near zero.# large qiinIities are outen with. a rehsh. andt no spectic'tdisconifort follova.; As a geper al rule, insinct ix' the'best guide, undt tat which la most reiehed la th-9 thing %which ahould be oten ;> but if me discomn- fort invarsably follows, ii hould b. -oritted at 1eýst, nutIýl change of air 'Or ccupation. II is a physical andS moral wrong te take a mingle mouthful1,when.really it ànoct vanted; the. motive being masyte"st ven,'2 to eat it out of the way, or f.e1iwDg <bat if it le not esten it viii b. thrownvr away, sman worm, or- iniect. or animal nnay gel it if euten by. yourm.lf, -it cnly orpressei. the ayetem thai inuch. The, fluer'focitis. divideit orcut ,up before swloethe sonter, thé easier and more. perecily i d igested,ý for iè ice, it is dis- aciveit fronn itithout larant, ami the. &mal- 1er thepiecea the mooner ame <bey uieltèd. - " Brea.dsnd butter, and, milkaro the ouly ivo articles o!font! which al l e elemnents of nutrition ; hon, from - chil dhood to cx- treine oIt aïe va are ocrer tired of <ei.- Hall,# J"w rofieauh.b if TumoL.oy AND) PoiTCs.-Som e y enrs 'ago Mr. Bright vas goiog, to a ten on the 8 utia.rland cnt. W hile tine coaciv go. ing throu¶h a certain pariai, thé verthy Smania<ar a are« of niett, aniS sutbesitie John ,Brighlt.-They beg-antotildiscusa ' poli. e tell jotu viat, tlei, We'll ocrer .have peactr -untîtl tat black;ùanrd, John Bright,- be bang- - et!.-le latryan te> mericai oe ut bull- l utions, aïiS do away-entiaely witiîtiih glu>- * nous constiution of Great 8B'ritain.-" Ohb,"ý * aye tih. 11. P., 41yeu ivotaIS murely net banag hlm ?l-" Hang hi 1 repl.'ed the mninis- fer,;44I1 cùttijust bang him mvaoel!as igi as the tree. Thke blackguarti Cob'Jen i. bd, bot*ho a iste dgmes verse.- Oh, ho should ho b brnti, but niP" In. somethiog of the-sme i tiain tins cou Ïration vt omit nailthle vay. Aflet service, ho vas coruplimonteil by the cleigymnan for- vionafib. officiated . ow. the rfine audienfce b. bai, " andi amnoua the test,"l t mait hne, "',5 nu i Mnsr- it, . L . fuor * Birîn~ha."-"Wlaerer dJs lie ait ?" 5gays the minînster. lie-was toIt!- vere1he. atont M. P. at.,, sGoet H eaas»lie hoexclnim - ed, 46 vint have 1I douei.?- He cam.s do vii on the .~ho w4hvai me, anti 1 calet inhlma blackguard, and sait! Ineshoulît!be botaed!" The lt., Rlvand illutunderstood hïianu nature velt1. Hii ciapôl having be.n inesed -by pickpockets, io teo Ck-ca- sion te reminditie cun#ro.Xatiofl that there v as au all-useng Provitience, t to h"ait Ineartéarne opéna, unit!frot itormiwne. mcett ae. bld; 41but llest," lieatidet!. 6"tioe.may ie &uy -pre. t vite are insensible ,te eue-hI re 1cto beg Iiilease te Bluate, ihat there ax. uls Bov-ao fficere ou the loei eut.1 Oseloring TU!patns.-An Iman made. a suden r" li(e a druggisl's sboli, teck fren in Mspooýket a miS-valet bolie, filimet lt et riai ila inepur* liquer, andS bandi- -ang It n ois t ti.c unerý exclalrnec, a There doolocr, ,snu&f thatï,iilyen ?" Tie*'utoclor" Ad- as 1:.unaitirecteil, sd p-ranoumoocithe taquer genuane vu 0ey 'Thanit yeu, dosate," saidtheInoIrinan " Hanul ii go me auri f leu. pIns..» The <'doe"' pin dit 1as .iri:tudandS askicot! vi hota usat. 44,00h,thiniss tuIdpat, Ifpsviff havu it, ofe g s i:j>-'~~ tee rXy 1-1m ~s o d 7e ; éd Lr 1i ï Uh ~ i~. bM of Y.dvi ii fo lu IuJde 10 -ek Ï97 i- 6&w. ow w .d n itli *r 4ýýM h p â iafmàpi h.p. bJq .-,tepyor ,< ane 0 ~ blr.di~er," 5lu ~troble lu vwti etier men'. maltera. Plaïo- 7P" Oflyti <hit mp oiS rinas tOue lé ' terthLe jocge anlibutter thie jury. Uiok asý * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ " piua <spurpiomuil emu ise as ait oul,and -b. as oracular asi a toua PS~5 ieuIs1y nlnteliub& miah lock. SoBt aber. ail, gel money ;bonestly, âçY tleacqurebyip.ueties.1ia Wst. -if yon ayedear air, but get mcuey.i volou&a.'Ur. Levias.llates tabeir rpi ecm e eti a. iffloUum n m , ce ot" sexemples, w . %"Dy eneyo Ithba. OCmrn.On «»Oun en"imaa Isser turneit Axe >Tmoqpg Comirc-The Montrea le p as follois: Gzofft mys --A rqmor hb bo utrent in. * Ce.yaoi I"utaiitis ity <"uta number cf. fresh regimenta, a siliain." inaeludung.tii. Coldstream Gnards, bai iti' Te common estbîa soe -8s as uulia egd <at thoy might poeparo teobo ii reat- -aEgyplian hiorsoglyplcs, but th. blinit officer imnauï toremore to Caniada; and Àla s un- eruade lu ut a glanco, and unites on >the envol- derstoci te. current in niitary. circls- r. pa hatah.ph..ti aobbl ,Mjj,. in fâct se poSwlsey 6e, ftuai overybody b..i ~ meaut,-. evedi it. unle. upon esnquity in a quar. leColon7 llutch Luaatoayie . terwhicb lotea us nrotelir doubt, that it IObarum w is. i D5~M~ s not true that any etider lias boom givon on , i"BoiouUnon"th.,subject or -any officiai intimation cf smch- aAu AM". movement o! troops sent te this country. Oaileyvtaite, New PAR2Wr.airp.-The ino of John h Amahire,, Dougaîl & Co., of Monatréal, has been..-*- Smeans " 1.1*ocf vite, Hamnpahir.."m ,. J. IDougali retiring. In conu- it Ti. tëo f Aubby.de-4a-Zonch gr.l-nection with ibis, Mir. Dougali isues the9w finate trouble té leate.wninerM. There aXre lowing card :-In rcetiriîag fro thte. a'~ kfifîy dureront 8875<s o hiflg the MDme, business (which h. commenced in l2>~ andS feir perneos ept amongb dimt uerehegi bave tu <barik'al. ho béve od classes, 4«I il r'it. lItboelP.- faroreti il with theur censiguments, besfeei- * such"1 la the, ontanary upçlling amciugth uSng i the saine urne a cun:inuanoe ~ , loer tit,..Rot as eoy Ma. eriabecorrespendence w ih h.eWw flu - bus.; eatdroas moat for th. above tova: oc doîng il i la iy fairtot say tbbs :1 h Bedjles la site incas cf John Doumail & Ce-., s mma- fJonHoruel, gidraged since its commencement- * thme in the oountY Of LetMYstee. years pa.-t-soiey by Mesra. .LBoCk The blickd lette, efficersof an earlier andi James D. Dou"ra1-Juia,,;DOncàAL. ydate suceuxubeitbetàm6re 'iefollowlng WUAT rN£xv!--lia.Kingsto%~iueie Foireste ily*tb usdére ays:-On Monlay evefng Ia*oyonng ForMut Wll un buul d paor men vore enjeying heaev&e~ a bottie sinLag-Gsa1r1retgalof cliii. in the village of Bath,e 'a Proeos- but the dead-lo«ter officmemsv inapired . teoheaRmaCioeie vith- a aagfcity equai te the occasion, uni tatsud toe mraiSoanemic reffm remt errcty h th ue Fenians. *The latte,ý Obeeenine« is For MisesWilly wbat peintu the. paper an Lncaterwîee ~MàMnus, aaked in a haisty paner il he Tuefoloingataue lflrsmeut oralluded te him. - The. ye-utig0 umcoolly te- rthe eye of, Rovalty, viii net feu oftheir cdes-pîe atiah"softttbqmh pti Tantin:on," vhen bMcManus drew : pisoi andS firedit h i mi witlutlie muziémout .more Keen Vie Tory it g titan a foot frein his breast. TfaêYoung mmm Winer CasaI.dashedit 11 upwards with it hflem"i, aix: the Tustee get l Winer atte:ball entering the cei m over hi* hhead.tbere- Misa by saving bis life. (While *ving theabers, Quge Vicoriapar«aph as, uc lad it ii etcoattennporary of Englaid vo deoct vouch fur the truti et these suie- Tii fllwlg, once postedin aLon"don, nt.-Ed.Can. Posi. - -Feoren, villi a#PMI renting of-the peits and aistW usaIs of Ply.. Somtims n uidrsauppureuiich il-mutit Chiuh, Brooklyn, toci p ace 'ou fies ail -huannpovor as the. folloving: Tuesday.evrnng in the chburci edifice. The. Uncle John preifuma bld, vere muchl arger <ban- ever Bopposite tie Chuùrci, befote The higito et bld last' -w as 12$M% TiieDeti London, Hinglarait. <bis year, $400, which, atided toe.cpsy Th edLettqr. Offiice ns nov a vety rent, makea the large.,t toto payuaent for conside, able office, enaploying a large nom- the. year for one pew $5-20.. A large nuan- ber of oflicier, uho bave pienty of wvon ta ber cf pews vere soliS ut pSeanumss rung do. Lasm year over tvo millions cf Jettera frein&m.00te $375, and iue bit!. veto ut the. roe returned te their writers. thrc'ngi the nie liboral figure throughboast. Deuil Louer Office, trom faitures inra t- AMDVSES» H AE.A ! tem>tste ehvr <e..If ie uirlo~osbany paper says o! .he propoidpiacing of -firuiei ne. due te ihheitriterathle letter is op- anmed versol& .Lae y<l aea ene an rsured e ii.itrter i <b nan~Government: IIThis step,I like the repeal o! aod ditras n gitn. lsi yax mrly In.Recipreciiy Trealy, aî.d resetof thi ea eleren îiicusaucL tfle ers vitiota &Y sures fîh-s administration, je a retrograde ratdrese at ail. Money tlhe m. iunt of movement in a irection acgainmt eaviîîzatio-n £1,0 r 1,0 s naly on ianitwrd abism"T, sm&ae Tomy slstt r dgMp ,oe Io 1> - OtficOt wiillin a perlai of six mentis, viii- my 1broher Tim Burke,,in -m out mooomplishing one reat or, penaSeut. of thePaateWo, vie inluthe pariah vTictorY . Richzfnriduïustll covera by Lee, e!fBatcumbury ia Cork, er if .na t. unit-every altewipt mdeby Grufit i. gel some daresat 1neighboe inIretaul POsSeU5i Of !tha&*oiy, ier by stiaageut Mkr. Levuns, hoivever, gir« aa Englisi or by iarect a.n*bled, a»saui, bs in aditresa quiteeas oditdrmpt u~ ~stal uietb b Mîry h -, a tait vnhh 8j- ~ u a a - An i od gen- of a larmoéainu the - wl IieSt asttipatiy te grauaýi. on te 1"of ekuw IMA tem als rela ts he foliowing anec- Ou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ti.1b< .eay ahving a -fi9siaci'.bouse ho 'vas 'Ibo hrir. - iyour glea- *040"des 863ýtkamwm 0 Àshilling, Job.n"u4mlla."- ut qare c ~ w Wliai."«sir, Torgle" Mr.i ba ave -boue- becaum lusp. 1ptieÙ4are ep bvort¶nIOu d ia~ lSP yar, akon <b. Sw* asie. hnl maid off