- itbe Ur uo owss, & w JOWO%4 wm toarêyk Wloi muc, JOm . B -met mas Mdhv Uwesd w4-~Vats Siaa u L olet CitiSi tI~ oi )si*. OW ieeu, MA"-M,-Llai YI#,T on o Lvai W lt pu tait exos- tit)t ouist eWOO4tLilulRuilait, voo Th*a iw rell, letspimg 441 ro trîi et »ie, ve Uni he 's y». Wu Lhd a ie imlt il u1o .i. E., Tùmeittata fo tasDroy.AIIWh Toli Cu- vie va. re-elo b Item- wous x u. no twmia te rt aar oirle ba e buit&l n - r. J. D. NavwiiiuWerd No. 1f ms tiueetw fG, WUbOOi uoo--Ageer% memhg of the. miar us. ait ika luete oletf ada. &H*.aPunsSat"riy, Jan. 4bor. p:esen, Ites.J Vlesjfs, r r.ghal, ir, M1. Mi-î 'o at tingeiluor e&t IaI d r». Ropart of lb. Fittance Coin. ~~oatiMVO aa4udpei ocdby vennihti y lt.Maguine, tat bÏ b. autloiti tu procure 30) - a(KI $1, lper cor,,, andt le n1 xiai$1 50 pet cord, for-lthe wIflcalrilut. bMouetiby i-. touletud by ilev.A. FI v-srts ispetit ati rMuny A. M., ve te trine houh, fori tapet to rocemue Mr. Murray lte actiers lebecen- oe salgisi luhas W of th adiaouPost, ýr he above mtpion you treat in jasai lait i.s.e ta ail extrate 'ec siuturtputany aelifig foitia dut o- bin. (ber.Douanier r-lie- h, te pti lte case uttil us Ze 'eC tav ~ in sCoutitril, leS tae snnto as qpisseul on Tnius as radui iiit i n- tiens v-ho were uuuua'quiaitr- j ; and i hltatiaî Iiag phê tIlis oôuîîyIIý mihtu.1pdgel itn- a tritiatg soi. cýet frux 0 e<rsa t a iaice rourntic ie Ilo3 katevn that Mr. r, ir 11) doîu ti h 4 a Se i quebim"'0 ;liaI il it btMIi Do-adr w»,s t on e t s. 1that1@on themarnia'g of e fo'Qnb"~tlie - documlntst ta hlm .1aial pleie, 4rui ready ionï Mr. Duramer -tnay ibaye >rva afkldviis havitg reltne ors o et aa1 il iioli cocuiti tve Y " mn>, abet tof t e om uîlee vCs i-. rýDuiuNe stouil .have )r vl(di partailaliale - the 0 lecsy tf lItSs Imgey *ofa public elocillon li o »t> ad; and ti ls of ali 9 »Wiisaw lioe saorMs lià ah.!,,Amdtw ew M.'4uab @c îee el. W. 1W , MeCschti% TissesCaMupheI. WMi.ý e5ehust~su'~hlmJakbs, . Iiùn Mel FrwW. %p ueerr eco*K'se CMMP4.1, et, JWnon rava, 1T . ioi, j bard 1100yWis. 1 Saee1 ýjoalias Sisaîtuas. Joi>me$ F IeutaolDu. Ut Id. 'fienak MeWîhlwui~ Duiali! tLsMa.eter Clîf0 6id,~ ugli oCtîm oi Obstf ait LlW., Puariai AberN. MeAliait, -D.it Sitver Saut- dIinehl iuw Bwiy, GT. ý ottt, Ber- tob.mia, Wtî. 3v -ni,{e. Cark WMqdtei*. eci Jorpiark, NeWltCril o4î >îlsw PtwIL hltl otiail PbChVuls eLcama, Scimoru Theas clîibn, Oi.tit. ou-.tla tis al Pr WýAimrJ M.Oabpn al BlaP k Donatd-Meidan, Fmaiia Feëb N(asrrn 04Oit (fer, Lake -Rmekq -Dmntli îenc O t4nioso. Sattuelimîstîsti, Charlt aCutiir, Colin murohieu. nTina, I'b le, .4Anagow *Aroti. bMophemen Mt'n, ae.ilctrI Win.llwk, usil' Fuaataîn 1 dvior unrn, Edtu FihS.@1' îart 'Mclittyre.Robert Jotn Wi 1 tek, Jo.geç>i tLitiîletun, EL Cal, Samuel MoIiil, jaeob fouritatin, humas mcairy, FrataciziBe80,JutiFtraîh elt PN -Gla, ie..Martin, Rachtard Loe, W11nald McNMulan, uasMltt ,cyrus 'JîiePowell, Chare Oxleuv, Teouîtas Tevau, boisa. appeilB tlt l AIx o X. it.lanSha-p', )eniiî' Rrdgers. James iiigSatnMîGeTRo.F- wardsa lrlea Mhews, lle:try Il tméhey. ue.Jînion Ctile ic, Sauîeer- idan, Wt. Cuot, Tiaus. Juhnstoh. Jame* JauitSi$titldrs, r. Fiat',juuitît ua-vlai-iutî WS tMarsial.-73. lesot, eutMoEwiau-nJoint Fry, Cou 'Mcronl.,John Urel Aaiôn 0atrSrn uei MoFkadYty, 'H"ght mértary John Wil- ho l Hub aitheR ichael NMras. Wai.. 1mev-at, Jchqt (bsn, Henriy Mneî.Neil itioMillan. uagl Jaîtesoîi- Winu.Sulhicatt, Join J. Ray, Ib8R.îgrMoean,JoiiFate Dulician*>Ielytrea-Donald (Gnant, Dimeaid John Morrustu, Ne.i McMau, DuliaiaiilR- Laugilata, kR.î lihAuis, Saîia.-l Malhier, Neli lCam, Ie4îrioe rthî. PhFîhe Sdneiterol Came ,. lrin Wiin.t' Nil.Atî -si JIoilute 'Mn. Ji ehtît Ravitrdruî lu , Eawireti ici. sii, BîîawNviaDiull i- e Dînatti FIl. MnJoCmls ltii Th iiit'apsMill, James ra' 'or r'i le J. ayRi, h tesirMDnid Eurmrr' . itla-k. 1> Wm.Ite. ildt, x Frsr.Jh'mpey Thonaa irt.Arla.M ai. We. 'l'Xttl, Tutu,' 'o.hsR. Monre. Jamies i-bey, iWtt. Mp. Imaai 4F'n. Graiain, <ule.Cua. WmI. les, ltiues ioaffl, SamuelSiatI'tms HatA. Cuniil aChitt, Bei-nardi LKdy'le. M hChs alalut, JamesHsy .ia- se>!, 1. Tvatiy,-- BernatiJ Giutgh, J. Fanrell, Dentle yre. PaRe ck oulin. -Nîchlose Win, rni, oit GatiaarJ'hohn Ita0C.,rtl )Josepta Hawkiis. l'ai,i4cLe.> h C vert, ' tns c',Aiu "ukc ae liard. riek Mlat&ails,»DîilMurjhY- .1 aati, Aleig.Tu: 0 I&T aski louec cevuatf. M.,GttRa, P. . 1ri1l, C. uoiui,ýj 1 John ItlëtJohin 14~ li.p bt bu'the IItU C1 wb smitili if te .4.usiJ %lote,.bousr 14 1wîhiq prmpamret. ln lie Camof î'ostm4y, lthe< SAuke outl lie -b prisrîma, antel PAUe.4P bo i'ha tahe ttanuM teard. UIonîresl, Jiadee the quibbliaug ai emitteeh ila Vrni Siatelq,snu hield batt*e am witIi An aapplicalltin i dielay oet îbry RichmOiud, the ml dilelo.0t-.Wb -couùrt adjoumne& appiaout v-hWi ,')pe3lnnh of1 aspeci alià talloviiug, wve .rening Ofthte a Word of a vcvyP aeter;at il tions of atiparni repart fthe i.be TIle ,o.il tôonooo fiant1 --hfi. orltd d i -alid i11M Chi. %iella, biiaw i fturi-prospecte îhey thec»US hhiatgs ;.fi'stil ol iDv;ietçor >.ýay, UÉ theDisi Ofily, vWho vas utéirie. But & or . k. tormes]l I.thiI e elovese; dm' l'eilig son$sof- taey pom"w s lege u ,&t* s l . mipotelturan utail ttilweli oif sien>, cer have -a a ov .tito rewamin iof Fleuve». rChristian. IW Witthoh.ià q ho WW. 01 e-m ca.1 -"j lit. 'M', Fui Jîîî Usma î.<t. pe A Dvu.-Aq.n.sl b.flt a t %goumjm JUn ry b L4SCTBgAKferthe treîf.eegh 1 te Nv M'rujittb04 doln echoirilthesote Te 8", e; vith titis yu e-m auto put15 ci-~ u'i~' Wïï,. î bliveaima a n i s, lapor &% tin c ase f ed n bty. ýe bude « ç.wunt ehMfl e n !omuas fV itreilJU eemtion. <11W l*etj.cens pr btde b jOi hiiii '..q t dpi q Mieti M r. eia Ne . -l: #ho 0ec oi bmo mive i m 1Iaino -bothIa th'.2difi. >7R .~ J.Li~ 'vi abwbR Ye agtnvwl yayhn eu Ans errine c ~t~a~E~a ri4~,*8.1, 8Otaine iud 0< iii-W<bey sit hiWdeo, bot ore olvîtIa *mg of a't <>< I shah uqanti .ay a 6v voms oui thCharacte ~i' 8U 1> . v wa .on.iiigeiitlyew >.1* ««tseva i i at eti M t1eqe. ihai f an eut o » ennIqrit aye he vo s be- odb F)ýàcàin Pa, Jnt -ÛP :.' -I &Mapke, " U.nliiniauli aMW erang dB nt......... 'om 1401 rrfrlidb.....m. 7 ~ollirn@fUt colusoe peu;apriI n ieglry ~thai tes i a ooi shlof ed airive-10 , lOte Mis ch ver.1111,11ed by l'e ~ et., b. ~ kjr d te b I ulyxibtv wim ar 1 iuhniiir ggl"te ii.1W le hotion Tkw e per IIoa........rfa.b "Y'iiâr- mt-î buth p 1nciiest th~*er24d i............ .L11ý greah13 lm*MNp! y. rie shaaiappea > net te y a e a apemb wit b.heo.,ioWn of ma- il~Mfl .qit4ultts ~ alto a aheuanIbo1. i~ ut t««AGa aou 1eB koh oitMSoW *E M rt". ufhiei nt bld.T r. u hlb............. u A n*$#* a ibu "acàion b nere eue * m l lM M -tier e- Ao W rr , eJ. . .a 1..E ,jaýj ~~oeaii koi -.lMumwJ.Hié do the in the pam sealo e I ii se or s Set ron pi)I,..... *P W h svr)~ editci1 > idsino hii u bîtde aith er 1t, dsuteof________rcte ~ *~ 0<#W i twîdla rr;îgcre insf neum ba!u i reJ 1on all uvaI olc nia ers0 eiin i a .-x.sw~~Ih lieitroyîepai mamyj*î IINi4 M ' k.seuwsulatb td e >tiwirog it 4r*Mediati bu 00 fbf-Iamrymc oainpreraew n~ .apie.Caace i.imrsin (a Wlo.Yùj e. ., of. 80.Il.e'..irtt..ly1terllen from1:onJucî;yoauri! o twî ayneo u.>in-, the',o : - 4 a Uii maii at ittou . 'tu le T ete f1.oivra a e oi n pnYaî eli H rUs arivi l i ueîî-lte 1d ~ e. *. lna'-hiv iNo.m tII 'e bI' t fe Ash. laj a ibeiyI per ld"eecettii t». i>. front utc dthe eye shah b.as aluikt eaeofi the N wa i Ne ii s fltte pe .... *dem pwted etiI i. Evey eery mat hu ng t l oti ~ ler.s y teei l .Is (e t ro lst.t : ' .......~i . L.isatîr ly l~ pp qaqpors M fieîîabo it p sti>î rred Ima b eorsimî neatrba- that Çj'le rne jour dc Myr C ar a lm the Lover ~na.R'r. o hofc aet JunhiDesi ifi ur sw' u ta îWT hisa daiiîri.th# vlîobf b.WîRAT r .. o . ....... ha lie. anIm ong imslu i tirtp . alt.yIaiiiakroug; ut t.ha e v e f tie mg 1i eaa t luad if ah.latr , wtil the*fi alâe-a et eî'o .o aev n esI sa~ A ti i a wi i , e re acoî ieî.<e uthle P R per t bi . 1 u ~ '~ e antiIjinb. ofagtaheat 0< l i.utsdistnce d rfie t h lmrya« hod ree oumuî asaii ogetvot.Ct- n1 1'ct riui.... tP.A ITIO CAS . fji.a y 0 vii i aihw c a rk o I à stand 10 re t e r mcple f r Bof pr 11u p r b.... .... t ... 1*lhMOWi *lumai1114 rM4 eie.a Il,*ii#lai a bamta tes "0 Tall,' Ili ~................5. be otno titi ,,»~. prd iari. Tuali .te Cheu, titise j> ui It- w agruos aboutuetce 10bave cic moraiulr litl ay b lewset i ope-ah mlter cf 1hinagot ont nul t Ob. gantiex awitê treIeis se h. ,w'ths. Eé.....i.. b~~liguesoit taharricieret li d f 'l onofth - cedIoj1 bllpeiieell i n eiy . at l taw . whi i e av e .Settnb ree heP tt >ti yipo~ dta~ e;-j,~ ~ o'> i0en liinld s1 J.atlieM~ i. But iiit«atlout maina1t0tae rehiglous li-fory iiptJthkioe. c î uh'-waa vas~ ~ att sel .1 vaite the I ia the tgh01of aIl a ciie r oi inî,au e «iîtof rn.-rtl n. I Nt ès -1 admire fnw ýt-aileti»tsamre1k (oar legfie e bruo 6.'q' Prw- Mn a whut rîocmmt bîsatrwts ahti- o tos ttt i b-, i u fl y m as urtate rve on . ie -tt îtaaboet<lî- c*" a i ii-.rr" «von*'-*se ami r 'ieuh by ii. C&bo it lOth maete hieiiaiaitW' a inet by yetilthe*-.. arou t. It -ît diÎt t jIo otewlaaioî.a e. uNx>- o~r tair D ttaio iic~ hr > y n h j h or.â M a '.-e .'. rofr-j. 1 litai a robboylu t. AIe- theux it Ibo wc t ofuldt ucsaii,* the lt1aiteuhedt fnirbonve u il onJ uBe t ; yo rpSle ha cut who trihi, iir. 4,:I k'5,00rî . lu-;r ai -. S :. Le d mr s in'm- t-n 1 >. 0toit it aY mte stable. urthe i as e est i a p ls tg ai la s tieitj anoui;-f i teutlteveelv d bit ul e t e r bad- 1. Tsî brA mo ha ve i c 11tO u S .LA-iM ho 1usd liais earîh; Animoisbuw»vîtes ('itris uneoy Jouif e ha.luns.. Whtii7 teye. andn iaienufhedabtin Ho emnîLly rr'1 w îr p- b.'*utlnaoti p ba e a be tou.an tal' i ae Crsaewlteqetin watte > -a uo netiararter tgo 4Onme tlt si»atond Y, av e ttt tàter case, th, Sr pert- t ilry mt aci x s i g is tuisarpro a #toa o I.l i ae t eio- thegm Canada Pr..b&P- hfron. 1 (ed loti, wli ry . snit êxiitd 1101 t itu i m birxtg tyeepet. Pain inu $1e05,k at im koLim bof ê h os ie iove by in, paoit l a p*he f al jpsste.iuruto1an,-1 'nt'.-eileia l ustvtaî ve il w t ti e urrg m îaosghertn.' t-i. becîsti e - 1? te reulous seak7 ex a esi, vas apreluioa- Leeatrmx i the on ati Suci fintit o ndiil o uc» 1 .I tsta. iutttt »m er c aý e . 1 A ni il -. rbr of*E i bsi. ' . lit Sut >day, * In'o "ter . ai lt.- ow 1 ci t5i : o :aaelo tt ethia ita l iis laddsaiihe t'- go S .î5 ltU>V,5. i1 q I..'... lut rt n. l a tie o l esrnl e iltyiài. Lr i elhtt vi ht îdUthiet erceut aMltr. Youîn a iw.thîgietoo A.T e per Vi llry aiî m t R. x o p« aro nd. torho p-stle teyarthe hr fr siîpn aoar ousad t hietRin a gî.iî t ttcapointacof viw.Tuc i jr manli r -r~ Tr le. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I dostti esbjiaafo tdîkem iaeiutib n ryu lta dtigitg a io hi. 1Teiee liorer AS gEw.aî r 10 1h .. * t en Tl i wa Mua.vevr hn-o u111h. Le es evince aeark nes .ihdeshire u 'i ogÉtata ecbhmit iiaesatoÀcalru A . i."Worth ntfren u rktiei-o f ca i' l. îda vt r; core ar 1If nihe t , veilter. is o uhctnau A.t tue ui;a i'~ Rej ait we a » te e ng olut o f le rtSeni W at iite thei l ' - no t-d0?4t. G ý e D epi . .TRADITIrONflaîgttesASE..Tite16 agital'ea îat'Ic. Howcgad ou at eu Tliry Sns------ Thattei - _bit___'a___pie__________ týdinolieuteu sa ttielied CRbno- i-lt soiyou aili.luecotileyteFm iied.,t. Tuk t-# a, utl euliaI faae ai ecel'hstg 10 su ? eu ae vot crnetr e preacaidg, John 1" -Ottit the niluister. aaheu>tiewiblisonî'i" e"eont e iizjts iia o dÉOM Ill siiluh he ii . yusaîw e haii mu- <> ' f> i e Io Pub "o '>y .' uz4reot*.hè."teel iiay. BRYAN'S PUdom riC 1l9~ S dlt lt rsrtptilts p tioawy. lic nove fr 1 tdHe s hit a-w i ou ai tnnt t'ptg E si W it Jhn '* 5 @ il t, e u r )p sep n . la Ii lyip'j o rîa i i4 j re'r r o s6t' - 4 . - 3l W' H. itcell Ca ofer g*caOf, ce- lim nann 0 l'titt'ni- b ittr'-Swr - *s ât th ëie ;ot Il rîtm. on iat ie Adamey ein be- ptadid i hain at, ligli;a athu*ea upriae' a hii aml r.mr-, ale ourralohr1 tn au(o!.-Tts m l. aîif *p tre oe o il eer or&' ult ttlu- Là te îTix t ofaie o dnevraft"he',gaaae c amr at teswt h-mm IVNbia :î:u r - Mr., -- ----$ -ibl vieile ýiyt.é$l iv thatepr eei and.îe ihs tîe- oghsodrr h 10 ai-ikeMr , tii T Wsdo io 0Crc bhueJucaabgr u ! i. ine thallv iImaeIo atttt is cThUF sitlrnit? o ane, ï IYA ' WM"i vilale niat!4re, fur, of Jeius citîn'Vo Yn Cas'tle owe!l iitt Gui'a cogttiù1aiga- iappugre t iia e-veing, ils Iis; tt ±ve have ct1aio for idend Pelsias RLinedtse-y. liveSpitg ut kXV<-r (loi miiaist if e iAit, rai>il lionoohyvon, ant i ýatet guilî nynecn 7iue rny yylous r uI ubeI one t iliman ee tresýLuda.PU L M t;~'W thet ho aeese ADivin ieîtce, and curialirt inag ti yu.ur if- la ekprest b ithr wurds, oaci> begîasnu m~lete~ta1sent cf Bigelor RelieeIrriiatio> uf the t" i.e '1 aU Chrit>ilapa hve a Divin e feliens. Coeefirât tu Chiristanti gel tt.>ee vitit I,-tIbe pafr-h ra, si ie ~sKent streit, Linadsay, -atill catinies î ATcpL"'~< i'ÀEi Wgilre; 1titis1, ihey 41vpat- viisr ernoved ,a" then yeu -wîl dJe wch. puipit. - - Wunter-Drgis Gouds ii euery style Nîrs in elie eteat-c 'om- > .t great variety ; Tweeda andi (lolts tb suit .îr UIAI UJtNeWFUr vîhi ut' Gti; ala.vhore vt lChrist cela FOU nov..No fusa et any kinti Tsepaafrr-that ljebthMage whereoO5cseir nianhitli ffm groceries r&-re a biessi;gt i!!Cu-~t!z.-k y ta?.> vit.iHo bales.. Their -vWall.resuh recompiiance. Reigion yuil thdieusseti great ocial anti political Fa> ta in> a&isT. ni'BV1'$ ý1\' LIIi WF f-GWa imnpies, seletdiy, iti mak..you 'abotter bus ne*às mariand ti 1>1 juesti ous-whisne*prt-or is sîfted -fraîn trulli Aea-p u ho ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bna 1'4.lligaRat vrs; . iiCeea--Are inatptie l'r -aUs' ll'iP r ýh rtt8adprviting ll »im ease eauthiy Oit- _a hne diate litron h the coutitrY IASCIA s'.Ttfloi"ane RASp't1XCWÏ:j thiritfather. whast a privi- 'oJLnt-bIbar!iive tRie Christ ian haï ,-"Waiioaam!iggnesta orct 'e'lib ouDt myb ee.cae r a _Simle-frt> i pleasîntA'. -r j l'~~~~~~y tuay uf humaiIoa he wvau Ittitihieofut hue iVSl'A'Nt WFE ra p.-oboouurodîe wvite .an is fat More.,pleieure front oArhhly lt irtp inforn, and îxmiialte pulsentimfetit.Mas'» present day, wito have tspeitletormous M.îms Are in a statl'"t Tt ttt--artt s4wh he aatuai contreR utn vm ai..ô ldleso. i.ta e ndeeon ite piatf'trin teoînte in fruîtlem texperimptatl.;Witiî nttw atuei- llI.PYAN'S lUrLIWhot- 't x! t: --l: met gerpem.rybom ,andti soieponsait, it viii b. ahgaiti,umpeaka-. politieai andi oaqlil înWnouemll»ts'q-.> i:rAmau i:el h oe.adlii uel- -iichu eT-ri varier.Viti lige b legtio-16y6u, if1 yèu cmply wibiWatOlvianitaeI teu bad âdl impomieaiIIjho badwi ùnpotaiI ttNe Ptoro BiZywN P17Li4):.- ,aqt uyu i OIoopywlacali. tiiguiuthlaveY auioeil hsubanlit t he tqlte. *0Viel vital haie yu Ae ie ofie aiàýk)ovtr &îdei It vites.JO, di il le Critcai >o vaunve 0 rip~nt. Wit Th'fe pieaulaasheenle of vat Itwe Cit teoffr ?"l teA bulles.pa Sjacket, Jour- ofLriaa ahi UtP4 a *eolaune i..H uu. et rmHau> Hueoçstgiiniblep J4i vey demain af; grae Ptii n" '.ivetiue4. oFmyshîtlewbrt.bîf- ,o aval-caiou tiel li iiibis ie el ov, ni ha àfleunont.yenheaurts, humituhougianti mejounantiover - a i IThe Dk al h elait asaide-de-- BRYQXS LMNCWAl- Vbdev« n beig ill-*Ùé.eion . Ip lhç aftenom uriS wàà onduetain multtude o ptai!W But Umorderofaxat taniknthentiurRou i!de c'utrrsaMeeileoadsho ult& ller sitld bt hfiher vii l ot ortiy attend i4t, ROT., 1r. EduaartisWssIeyuaumaitk, Jhan i4o;in i l iibea.ing os uhit nresesof wlsbaIl carnuR." 'fheinveniraodisait-i BROSPL NI VF but ha regimio hie d*ire1.- H. aud in th.e rmnagi by the. 1r. . MpTap a, lte Pulpii, 1 îink au uteliectua ie advsnve gl sp 'itea in bis po) iet - twny.it'r.i> *IIgWu'm H E SOIRNoJeperseonsn.ille s ealkug ofat- t man e..er lusti it is in. "Witalrds la LindsYÙVtay C. itton-KWùrtfl furb. 0w a * 0<Dot b664 a Ttywesy; >fort~ - .y E Puuièk, l t ampoc*rýl, moield-Mr. fiiK çneilorint ' l 'o nt a iisude PrHll;5. . rit ' ~a.i ~ he pow~le ~ iwe litaIalkiog el artyouî k aen, , T- E S 1 W a lepl hithy1m had ha ay, Ih Farisaethel grme #m uIf lfrhi» o ff.ntc .G.cia gns o h ere voq Mue- 1~~~.'Ma(ý b C _ben ey o5.Wha matin qp *.# - ~ç >atshlwtul sud s'osai .a*j ~ î~s e<i~. ~,oWuie~pI ~ vhaa I sa~ * 4îwg lie lest 15i