a - J err'4r-'- - r- r - f 54 the Teof 0< Usày of asisst * -gpp m uns o- Oum essImng- ESW 1O~ >2 and. PIo GOAL 0O r STREEIT Ocuhnr 111CAD Orvae4 à 64The Ilumi -k lî re-X Ma W- 4sOv- -Mn*"k Io thm Wb* bae"fsi- ** prouàm n ladmag bi ee wab- IW*«'&pwmast oaw ibis"t.wa, aiué tutiby aorw ab"Mt tbusisto adav»r 1% a t«dmu" 0W6e smm, aot*ltlmaud4u sa unjusi teav'eIIIM ppaulilon. D.. S, ?oeslp; Re«. J. 13. lCOallu, A.N. Autesta;Jobns pe.ad, AX., O"sh-. Jadg a ms»mmo., J,..PeMryJ., Y. J. wutl0s, Sos! Bteloiw, s948., aMd Dr. ard WbiMAoriSlerW e NDouuall, mý_xaù_'â_Rem, t s maer, AU&- rewsSud ý xeà. &Cý vo .Wap.;ý Otac elg0ewisv, J? Ohopn>-j Le4*ua, O J ~ 7 l' Z "-selêall, D. &Brove, [8TMUÂS YO R 8ÀAL E-. geflÀRuR orifo-SteLot NO. 1, 'I ~~i the lug Co. et".e - TOWNSIIP or &IAJ, CO. ONTARIO BI wdledwIteents F$eloe frinEa 8SAlr ILLB -AND A (11H T MLL. 'T liedby -dRfds, . pJ, oz» 11kThe. Land la u !bbcBUST <IALîTY, and: th >co*moly WHISKIES Telle Il nd ,le oïl, àp ma otY .mad0e lu il! do Wei 10 Cafl t 1lZCNleRI s W, J. ROIIINs0N. . Edon mlii., Ilals»ver P.i. ll4iiliam Sireci. or ltotie. prprietor onltepreiss, Vit TIN UHOP Ma. June2L 1864. abt Uvr Mr. SIr - 4 4 PR 0PECTTU3 Afl4 4 or vTmTom iêwêffl'II!AIà CAIllAIîle 'L PI*U 4.Co.'e, William rncorpoxi4ed 707Ad*ef etparliatuent 2U Tic., n b 6above lino solicite4 lap 4 led to. rapuJ 5$2,000,000 in $4OOOOSIareaf $50 eclê. mor*mst Pt ,t» COUKI.-iGSTOVIr', l& ms,?air~CAZÂDA. Wi. lam and Japanned TlNm The Royal Oau.dbs Bank, for viciha cht- 'ARE, .s :r taed ediB te A SssonAo IL, &C. &C. . s'Si long béeen kit by maxiluho lad occa-Pa smee! un., aif S i on rai tDb 1t'OUlie, 10oý pply <05 Bani a>- WARD NCP'EELY, lucréasedilu veahhand population wih grea: wuillS4tet ra pidity, yet bhe Baoklag Capital la very ittlet 1864. - If. ifat.al, ineaCess of vhal wasteujears ago, sothbat the amounit of Capital reO2lY .eoeay (ir TREbt supply th. inceate -of business la, inu <set, o(1 w anling--lad .an tuis vaut is az is enably. ritlînla- thr parts-ofl Canaatasd more particu.- lar)y la Upperloana i t l belleved It tm' ewToi Y L 6,9 ilknot le oly riequl red, but wviirece ive .a W EST, LINDSAY. gnrossprt - At çettali "hes a very large amounit of -PUBIC 0:- -money la reqttlid 10 faciitat. the ,xportatioin <1 a .îprieiced ~ or ilroduée, Luniber sud other commoditiesp aa xlan expeiencd Jratua- muc larges amotunt than lbt la lu thée power of unake who ndersandithé.exstlogfBanssin.nupply, and aneliii, a-. onfidet tisaI 1I eir.Inount ld aba4ioùtcly oecessary, aud muet Le tho» who pet tronise Me. had, the Buakare comipelled, lu order te fur- mioches., Spoons, Porks,: niahit, to witbdraw a portion oft heir 'CapitalB fuai'g eia., eau have tOu er re bbc geeVnerai business of tihe country in ie shortes noice,; aise on whichh ileJiuuploed, le the great detrimeut of s~ Aeerleos tiet Pa Friners,. Manunfaclurer4 and otbers men,*ho, itches aud Jewellery Sold by their, honeat ndustry and eniterpris% bave- hand-Firat-elasas filer.. Voue, udit te a&rasce l-the-prosperit7 0< bté iud Forks, good English1proi-eai ho are lu a grelmessure de- as, ai Lokln-glaa û1 n Badn"ng aneMmodation fronthe inabil- of Ro1m PaperLaU1, Ity Of lb. flasha 10 upply IL.Toe Aprien, .tic esiter part Of-te Eankiug sli m*P, FOR .C1siI 0-1 L.ccpiteustlcjd lu Western Canada, ila held sspc~uhl~ baisd-under the. contrai cf parties ireiiding- lail I. il. KEEV5,, SayîOR esiee : m, sud wbo, must, to.a great citent, Out, 1864. 27Q Leunable Ab uuslrtand or appreclate iii _________ ustues reqilrments of, this section cf th i ool Lrndo eiuntry. To,>-éeroelaiafar as possible tht' al Canadian IBank"under te coutrol of -Direc- Globe tors acquinud -sud lde6tifled witi our local UU i T romoterobuerefore look fur encourage- LU I Ment soasltanet', ot te auy oee particuilar - c~~lansbut l U e ib al îLe4 làtitiofl CIE COMP&NY. vina l tuBoMeAtiti, v'ili proýve cfgreat la. - ~iit4te ecomitiilty eneraliy. 4I~ *8,000000. TheCharter bavlng licen drswn iti great -si 'care, and eu'ery possible protecdion to lie the Companuy, $ 12,000. ,b*treonr provided fur, o as te -render the- - seusly isdoutit, Oaltulstare ofl'ered a innrecive bytIts Cmm-fav orable opportuùity for lnveratug hirel"Doey Mr 1863-excetid thoimee raujvtisllt i. llite ponctuai pymnt:or IraiBntanby £2t),90 Ism'andvdnslaafod uldceu * 4to ail depenling 1upon sure aid certain, returuà. éydesicription. cf {roperty iThte. Shamea-ur $50 esch, ten per cent. of ,t4 reunratverates. wvhis , a o be pad ue uuoubh frontdate et i.êI reno rtvemlîcrpici, per ovni. more viien bbc di tl ot rofBank go*MbIrt operallo0, and thé balance due, JAMES US-Afth tIn b nlleu je, a suapleud easytmode Agent for Llndsay, o f paymtenb; a nd lb *hould be borne la mmnd, nKnnpt's brick Illlcek. tha t tic a pplcationi s tocktoluere for accoua- ~i, th. Bods! i ilcoudai cf seven !irectorg, t. RANICE COMPNY 1 lic.c lected by thé trtookhoders, as soon aà ANO LIFE. * $Ooeoe0o0#hahlebl- ubscrlbed, and 5100,ÔOO lan *--.LI VER I'Ol 0ilcash iptid jun, aaimbly 10 lhe berme dofhé ct- f.c Isowpsatous 'ee blank wOviii o l 1 - la.t the Intention cflbh Directors leisilos' ADAM IIVI)SPTIIt, A-thcea n icvasionsetions Of th$ ro.c 'vico vha hedesuand therefor, eviuced-by - -- - 11aiouant of looI alsbeription fur Stock, vill 4-, * fRttack.bockï aeno"ô pen la thé banda of frrAgete ,tiuMùon0t the country,asud itlale 'cas.. sies o ceae u t y .ra ion. ALf JOVP.NEN ..ANND Lr*~ 't. WOODSIDE. meltesete taba tie St ok. ALlER» STOU IM4' 1 r 4w "t. T1KIL Orocoriaslut &au, ONERY, Swoetm.uts, Fruits, 1 OttMie, 16.04. M- shop and dw.lng noir oeoued b«y NrJ Gr»; e1S alo b. heaop %bd 4e lu lately up by Mr. o. 0. .&lkiauon.Appliy b' N. ItcDOýNXELL. nu 6 tow aah' n..ae, C M-1t 'CtIofwliIc L.aze 8lxv AoeeSecar- ad uder oultivation. .1Thiland *Î11 b. ldin iývO ule, te lots if desfred, to nuiit the. echager. Téeaot part contalas 100 acres, whlck 10 are .le.red and a loS bonne there- and vil- be sold separately if deïlred. Ueoo Lot Yb 52, south aide of Portage Road,- wnshlp of Eldon, Comaty Victoria. Fr pwubx# ~applyto .Lindsy, Sept. 1,18"4 2624tf Ale, M.. LI>WELL'8 ALE, in kegs, quafter bris half lbrin., and bris.Also -XX AMe aau Trenb Dreu Ooeboh !S$T Iree.lved, a saperior lot of FreRch D"88 COmbaM. Also, a cholce* amsortmeut Pink andite ~I IoyJ9velry. * W. iWHARINV * ilKing St. East. 'n1o, Nov. 2> 1864. 72 For ffle Ythbe &,bseribers, Gooderham à Worts# cel-: ebra*ed Old Rye Toddy and PIaift-WhIs-. es, alto CIi>ppexa 01O Mat. DImi45uoe Of iPa4tkeruht oLaw Firnnof LaComre, étDotMr làdis- ved by muual consent. me, L&CowiUSWAincollect 4elit. due theb isduy, sept 20, 18Ç41 05t or. N o 1.4 o t.4 Q raIceA 11 mai2 220y >30ZFUN»IN lx ffAD,s, *'o Geeal.1etstUfqr Ca»sd- 4- EJiANPi -WÀTBON k Ca The. unduslgned %beiaapl ibae frswmc a iO' lie I 18 JMoW COUMME TE. Pariular aitentiu iladirected tb the stock of UNDES WNIIIBOOTS&SLPE. te~ Gentlemen can smo gel any style of Boots- wjuch lbcy imay ash for. -U~ - AMES LE NIH AN, - GÈ.qIRAL DEALER, IN' ýCLOTI4ING,_ GROCÉRIES, &c.t. (Aiid Popfietor et tii.Lindsay Brewery,> Kempt's lgdings, foot of Kent Street, Lîndsay, liAs ,qo*:oPE4X£11) ALAUG19 AND- SELECT STOCK OF PALL, AND WINTER .GOOD)S, W" eh <ders for sale -at tlie Lowest Rensunratire Prîcca for A" respectfulIy invites an Iuspeçtion of his Stock fri ntadn acue N~B.-be LIDSAY REWERY is unw lanffull operation, and Ilotel Keepers andi Private Fami- lic& vil be rcgularly supplied with the best LIY'ýD$AY- ALE AND BEER on leaving their ordeis ut te SlaOp. àLlndsay, i 1nk'Oct, 18à4. THE ,L'ATES-T 'TO VIEf NEWS) -Y ARMER AND MECIIMAIC j 4 WÂRZUIItOUS N5 OW FILT.ED WunS TUE BiST ASSOItTKD, AxO Ç1heapest Stock of Lau :and Winter -Goods EVE BRUWJ LVYjLIN DSAY. -18 1.3E'TSE PZRCIHASES IN FOREFICGN, ARKETS Poil TUE RF ADY C ¾SH O\N flbea bics1m teproclalin lu litepeotle of ibis. County th e nonS. NE%'S tibat he can anti wut une hle-e>bouse in the h'ade. Goad tak look at his MÂmuotit stock;i tien, if you arc not sati.-fled, do, net buy. TO TME LADIES IrT WILL BE A. SOrucRE0F GREAt PLÈES1URE TOJ TITEM IFPTrIFYVIEW-PrTO\lLY once 11'Carthy's splend dstock ofFqXI.N LS, JONtri.Tnas laosat exquiste perian uWool.Shaus h W'TTO. THE GENTLEE "'OSE WHO ITTO FIT TIIE31 S[Ex r ES OUT FOR TI E COMIN'O WINTER ,INTHE. Bst5Prettientsuhaetsu e cothorta.nadiàn Tweed, It-ttem* FOLL Ô IVTHE CR 0 WL" TO Lluday, Oct. 4, 1864 D. F.Y.XWCARTUY'8 iKuowlson'.s Bglock,KentS CROCERIES,. ReayMade Glottdng, LquorsBo ots ft JOHN COSTELLO& C09Y HAVE JST IICEIVED AT:TIIEIR STORE, AN!)D ARE NOW OrEN!NG OUT A- I CLDÎG sledi lt f in ad a cly lmesiG,>ods, Shaw]s, Gloves, JIosiery and "oDos.T'0 ceaet'Pr, i ouSeanlom, uias. In Canadian"Tweeds, Pull Clous, Satinietts, Broad 4ta Ovéeccatingi, English andi Scotch Tweeds, Planiiels, Hais andi Cas adScrts, we canottbe te',t Ouir stock is Ilarge andi cheap, and we only ask acal) from itndgpurchasir& îw ortitr ti at.theY màsn tislý themselv es of the truth of oar sts.tement. We keep a large aseorenitofstaples. Wesei ri'good Teia t 2s. 6d per lb., and everytbiing cire ln th.eUne equally ,chep. WYe have on hand over On. Hudre ai Pity vercoata 1 w h ve have redumieer pvçenl ain ,lu order Ibat we snay be able te cirer them ail out aWs we intend giving up4ht h smeb of our biuess. We are seiling at our stock of, Crockery ai 1 post;.1eail arly aa4 yot Aie une Wgel gretbargains iii tua lUne. 36ootsa "d8h... uchoaper, th=n ever. LftQUOS-We ould remiad %hm vvhs are not teetotaiera that ve stili keep the Lent sud cheapest stock of liquora la to un C SELO& 0 VVsnaBlock, opoit cLeuaont Rardsoare Store, Zent S3 FURN TU-E! FUNIT4JRE I 1 -FU- . lverv Description *ld edfl rc NUilE SUBSÇRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE THE LARGE&T- AND. BEST PARLOUR, DINING., AND KITCHEN CHAIRS,: PAR- LOUR. DINING9 AND -KITCFHI.N TABLES,9 BUREAL & UPBORDSMATRESSES 0F VAIU QUALITIESJSOA COMMON BEDWTEDS, FOOTSTOLS, &W.,. kc. - Artices of the beet asd neeodeie atvays kepý ou han!, and d lI e SOLI -AT TRE L@WET Flow E Foi eAU11 t>d AIL or* r.carqfutlv aUendedsa., cejau ilaakepi oes.aly r.. ~ ab@r ADJOIffNG TE& ENGLM UCBOKI *I -4,. 'P MeI , îIft AT UIG2T»m CIET. MOMIYT O LOAII. A MPy To e- DXE J LUDY, AGET f« *0 W1!aeold Pemaent Buling and &Tinte a8oisty, aMToronte. Liadir. 16 Zily, 18eu. 2'l3 if sUA0Ffl M DOLLRS A»d "war4s, frm tfree b five yeave, Raeof lauerwe, 8 per cent per. Asum. gr The. ~yioa b. md immedàilY, oit productio ofsarisfcto'7 tji nsunne, Fire mid Life, efhcýed st moderate rates.Al, 30,eO cre«ofVamb1e land Jvc W. A WELL SPRING 0F FOR ALL CAN BE FOUND lx BEOFGOOD CHEER, TiE II RN lF 4BESAVED BYTHEë-UsE ()F Ho]loNwa.y's oi el for sale oh faverable terins. For furtier par- The history of thege great remneds luarapply (if by letter, pre-Pâ d)> bmot vonderful iiitica l lo, tif at . S.J. HOLDO,* worid bas ever kxiow. h est. ie'te Epsoin, Reacli. imn>ortant fa et that aherever, . i'lwh: Epeem, July 6,1864. 255-ly fVer shape internai diêeaEtxi.,.tç 'snf' _______ - -. ---.--. ug, eearchig haiDggTu{-tL,, Nonoy to L:>anPilli arè fully equal to its suie~rill4 - ~TIIE GREAT AMB\. SIVp~4 HE XJDERSIGNED in no* prepared -HEALTil To MI. MANKN T 1tO Tbns 15 no-t a istory mwi i 1ei, lt. . .1 ~~even dcrived t'ro4rn te e~-ùt tend 850,0001- It consstSof a ur pa;taionî(Xu - - the, sia, of ev7eri ,,orr teogig private indîviduals), record, the like of whilieIaz 01 For FIVE TE.AR8, on ýImprbved Farms, in' duced inlufaveur of avd '. large or uwmai amounts ta suit applicants, at a since time began. Thtese w n.., Pn a jv . ,ruR Ran For further particulars a pplyto . 4 ov l' 1)TIIE!), AP. i i -1 'x1i\ T1 JAMES HOLDEN, IK. -. Prince Al"rtý I. Te wànt of a sterling mei . Aire, 3Q,000- acres of Lanid fer Saie in tlie il-, .nd neces..it4es of 1) -' '. '4. Counties of Ontarlo, Peterborotigh, Victoria, humnanity..and ore entirev tfre,- IrÉ,r-. 7Latabton, Kent, Essex, Grey, Middlesex, Perthi and Illter deleteri"us [a.zrtiît z.wiLz- and other Couanties. fefrt til i ihis aillt1owrful i ei. 4444.1 INSURANCES ectýced ut zmoderàte rt, iltotlie wor]d; Hoibuwa -e' :lîî.iý:, ,1 Prince Albert, Mach 10, 1864. hcnett Ir'L dI.u * Their attribltte lk1sîr eî.. io ilt'v attack the r-adix or mûuf MOnev y to sLend< andth sby rei6in tUL4 diseuse, re-invigortf- andir~ ON. REAL ESTATE, eiergieS of -the sys-tern.a IM smsof $200 or upwa rdsa aà'Tpercent. takof vital andi tùnrtiannrî1r, Prncpal and interest paYable 'withîn teD )nt4>E~ î H Ye rL. t Uc tme a _sit heboArc toe sources (.4,tlà,.-1 4- year. u surh tmesas sit Le brroer. effèct is te vitiate -l!It î, '4- Appiy O. J. MACKAY. Tarrister; o~~i i.'ne t'l or, EILRAYLir('l-av.r.ei5 4of c.rct:ati « . 4w. orNEI RA, ia.ay.23etftiin îf the Pils.? Thev Ifouey ! Koneyl Xwviney ! Ir~ t )rc. ~~* ~ i- t.cilnge the:i ~iONEY te inve.st on in r('1dFarm T'ro.' nes 1w ht.4iîh1v S xr-x -.n:' Vipertv in ennus of'$3(") an'l up ards. ai tsomffl-ct u reasonahle rates of interes! Lnwseff'erteti in MAN! \ '.4.! li ' 'AU a few day-safter teiI~aeinvestizated ani'* tis .îvà . " rt*r the prs iaý0 "'-tnpiced- l4.:.i bylette- * t)i1I } - pre-pai te ~t ri .4 G 4 ROC 411E.ta' I-'. ;. Linidsay, April 13, n t' 4. a4. .x~ttr~ 1 positive A-,gî-r t.r4 MONEY TO( LOAIN. T4 î~a'U41c ,44~ 44 4 HT' K .src- rsHAVF PRIVATE X..44I IFands t-i irive~t rn îmtirtlved Fan rm p- That :'i z*as:.t'c.nu-an ' erty, ut a low iratp 447 interest. Oc e:i½dI. Le iîr'.t -x MAC(KAY &Mk KINO.i hr,' , a.rter ,t*44 f à 4 41I' 4 ilarristers. kc . t:adof ,nîa'a'l*' WillzAn's fl~.Kent Street, da.t iLO~M.bLADI, - * Novemnber, ld.22e,-tt' Tnri wha-ver f..r.'r i i. re!,ý ea nd e1 xe( rnî. ' 1 41u ]KONEYTOLOANr,1 AT SPERCENT1 ý.Î;1 444 T'O%-R prticiars anptlv te ' 4iLt44t' i 12 ~LAOrRSEF & DIMR: ' O"t .4it 4. Solcî-tore-, Lri infar. bit44tI t 4 r vie4 a Lindsay, Jan !l- 1864 2341-tf ..tl~ltfe.r-r- tue 4ick,w'r n I dlle 1r~ resert wt), i l ti !Ic 4 IONTY TO LOAN ibhirs-agent. 11an r T IlEeubscriben is prepared.to negAtiat e Iia ns cti"yw Il 044 4-14 44*B4 on good rmal estate securite ut moderaîc ItVSPEPSIA. DIAU1i'bct. W -. rates <rom oe te 1 tex> yeArs at th;e option of- the The terrible htAily ., L*- i borrower: t aharacterixe D.s-sov are.:ii * J. IR. NOWLSO N. 1 hrthe Pis. IiarrfUkc4. i:*! Lintisar, October M~. 18 6.' 2. physical prostrt44n. tan- 4'-4 ILS pa-Smsl, afflWçieI1'z *i' MONEY O LOAI*,) ds or pties, rýni. il, fai - E T OAIbea 1.nts ,from î!..crr l nafore tlre ~a~triil. f A FRW T r)3ANs OF DOLL.XE$ nar v v.rn-î £1te fend on reasonable terni Apply to 1ýf4it Irle i!!;: far as T nfIsas., Jurne 5, i!r4..Soit r tterly ai' ______________ q ii O0WAYS PII.L AU~ 4' 44~~4 XKONY TO ILOAN FILOSNGDE M' 'F, ONEAY TERM.% 4 -Appy tajU4Itn4. .il z * ROBERT LANG. toi omlis aIn Tindsayi March. 1î964; 9-3s -f t l - - Che-.t Disease2, ý% lau4rt I C.Halord ot'hefrvncf horns M. Jmes Diarrhea, '4 eonsgeiuence of the deseaýse <f,)Fr. James, D '. T. . alord o te frmofThü t} kalford, i Deb-i, 44'4 the biness in future- will be czirrieti on It îve niAgt. Vn,.î Dard Tïoms. I! ebt du l' tie frnswil IFeiitule Complaint.W4r-t.444. be settleti by D. Thonias,- te uhotu ail debî CT. uIONe d.ue must be paiti. tI h eae fti ' et Lindsay, .Nov. 21, 1964. 274_tf bif ttei)isdeofiîtr thii 1414t, 4 _________________lis pl~ace, let hlm r'tvto -ie, 71 C To, Sehool Trustees. .1no'rxot. and 1 wid i 4u x fr4-ç - Many dealers w il nutke r mY11. .A YOUNG MAN, holdingc a Firs.t Clasbubcas hranxti.k 44 IlCertifie-ste, <esires an engagemenî o teras ~n.n ie SCROO-L TE .ACHER. Gooi Testirnonia. -Nova are gern - 4StiivN ý t say,, .Nw i»rnk 4t.".tt- 44 Àddres, A: B. C., aWtru/ ic-r Office "ýCrnadian Ps, ,ctosarouitd at 'h t4X. ) .' - *Lindsay, C.W. ~ ~ e vi~bl i't Lindsay, 2i;tb,.October, 1864. 2T05t januds an reward -il hetcCi.a * in!it sucb info1rlr.î' o a n.'t:s ÈIeledicines -er itîî~ h .T~ SA ±Rare Cane à em tO Le spur'niS. Solti ut -the nmaniifact.t' "IV ' fO.Sale, 3bouses on ilarzet Street, oppo- îOL.OWAV.Yo, Wla ie...N ailtethe unew Tow'n Hill antid akan sd t> ail respetatble dru4cLIst ' Aiýse, Shop anti Dvclling next. te Mr. Thîr- ldcietbogboueLîtd ri4 keii'r on Kent Street. alviliareti world, nboxes, ai 25 eCi-. Fcr particulars aPPIY.te te aubscriber, isud $1, dacli G. H. KEVE, Sr, 1j I Therýe l aconsiderable saI : or tethe lurger sires. Messrs. 1HUDSPETH k MARTINX, - So iios, 4 IHINT TO THE IRTI I Liudssay,N.X-23, 1864.. Lindsay. CITIZENS 0 'NI LindIsay.and Bobcaygeofl E 1ED T 1 X r LL pastes pUr'hasing mv aîril ' Amfent for Sthur severa i comL1iBa, jf l' Royal Ui Saire. "jpectçnîiy wr,4âgi- i Pilla or Qiatment puriortin& tw be til' Pe,~ The subecriber bega 1w announce tha t duxa- teios ortsve ar idSnTeatv rr1 11 "W' Iler mount itheabolve et& l rn Su bxs rpta te s n reary d g Uruas the People ofhette d theHni Levery Tuesda, Thnrsdýy and' ent, thereforeatins.m ere are .0~ eU saturay ut 9 o'clock &a.m.,,aud arriviflg.at naornstye o Pis o U*CAgaOl a i 'clek pm. etnnin uli tComing from the United States- ~~.'4' lum'eBobeaygeOUevery MoAdair, Welnesday,- fo c,à j' ae aki h at O'WA4MaciLng inday tofdirectiofls around each box or pot. BeWfYcs. tpiarcbase them, see that tiiere are no1.0 . iy~~SblC.Baggage and passek ai uýntweilonf Pilla e Ojiumedt. Prh Unim hbk~m4~ or. m..thst ItAveUnited Statens tamps M E. WOXNAN I -T. ROLLOWAY. 3~hm., 11hDec le"0.Prpti .0< Liadmy, 19th Oct, 18G4ý JAMF-S-ýI.E-NIHAN. 1