IAP, isa '<, trs myIfoit> Publie t ai l Cbamoety MA- (JK Y, ARRIS T'CI,Â< KIeupt ret 'IlfflItLkid*1v OC. W lia truSt Àtmr11.1I LmW j'iliai, i it tOc, IinCance O.W'. r> in atvt lrl8 o h , L aiI-) * tflt@ e 4,ia i lgitKtII ldioe, llatti. 18l12 igl.1-lt- 'ah-tic, tboovetheit5't.Aa R St. l i AR I Aiu',llu' aat3re l i.uWSi, Co pony O fice m Nuisy'ii.ît, h à ' îV4rssàl 911 A'I*<. i l cànk R .fael enua' Isc>-Katst'etiili~ ,susu l<i s' i'sst ts s ud PMI det. -' ,t.X4M Ai'P \14h, JAreiitert, 14 Ahi' No-l Irgiu'ar amt a oyillesini anditarava mm),f ON" in m RP\IIOnat 101< hdqa ttTlhr, Paa'î,î pIsauîs up Va tit st %'suber tîmsIs v4l"d.Vakl. Wuusl s t,'- $it rt', Ktti u-trc Il LINDSAY# .W r ' Ht p(RIETOEBDM"ETO f114 fori thêtr Mt s omaiIy of Vl- ltam, jsud îthe tmreithg eirly i iubae~rl ll.Aa. 4 asrat >r s litIcomn- "uloti ed u eni la*a17 itsau.d pc.ekaee Own a# the- forth Am6tran uebl. Ilitvlig enao- îit. aul&Pd ata the b lding trSuoiul, partes svorng liumulia osI v ti aaemy -atht Béi auo4t&r ILroço sabln bni ampie abd-room li Wr. ». -aeooIALO>., Oiadstàble mand siud at tacloiet, ad An allen- Fme* omunibaus téa mui, (rotaithtbars atd Bota. ltiiàiD'oi UDOILLAN Fai DAY. 192-tl V tuais' ai Csoauily of Victloria andisur-1 ft)àtàiaag flantkm lt, 'I hui s opelîcit tlie Ikotel aun WIlliam treet, Iately oreujîleti h> Jetct I. mas ié bbas bmd It ittait anal tuish- .4 lia finst yle vifiorq viiliaid ssor> ' eiani- t'il" Wlaea iquiran& CVgrs u tbëtise t. Lintdsay, Dcc. id- 11864. ' 2it-tf iman-ula Houe., maliiI., fMKtfl41)tubl1IONKI>IREGS LEAVF. TO -A laFiitiuhlis finuds. nd t1tuTravelling 'lielcttho 1 utakeai lb.aboya welt-kii'rawn Iltotl, Anal truilsi'b>' trict attentionlw biusiaes fa ilt' b>' eitekainag taidû ali ýlui his j>owvenfor -t.e euîmfitirt' autI ettui tof eet, tae mîa-t Clira olabi çmmWaÏlmilufr nman sautai borse., l il a5 S. CONWAY, l'usImseiaste chotly'beonreta12on46a4 IfIL~N8ri~i;PORI, IlOI1IE!. 'tilis tavmnîla Ilat gbt isvul callai0Y sum- c0mîufott of itiogt' Kr Tis e hst ofait ioat n anti(2garq. Z' T IlýYO M iRIWIIEOi T lbl tintroirtcte rayettiu.suussluaiiua 9rChtoia'e hiiaran, (ocStuliitng st uai At-. tea ) stersl .Mà4ll-att it qi( tW ' flhilnit and miRotaurant. 'i , I(I"Mci'ENSFII A-- - - i x i aii s' I'sarîîeutmr ai. ! OIUtiOR STft]£T, il us t'assra tls-ir tsitt1 taoa5(îlloie î auaa Ut sa'arat, t; rII 1 1M f e kn , 1btsttttiron 141rei'q st % tIéatils1ie lI't ' Va a l Ier.sîu asr Paie-tina titbêtê bra Is. I', (%il 1, Milseat. !l, aaM# iiîîs ~s-1 î'u:'ir i usmlv taviaîu~ur, ti.I -Lîaiatiasuu(4 dens, ho-, ah oai ih . iea Lý t'il p iq Mil 1« 1 lnMriltil o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. rastasîIssuiuat' -s4t lit .1-> Vauasiigittalk»eeî,Itil- A 'elStîl ' mw IIIllIaxiaarranefa>iiît la.*@uliudl ', - ' -' ." - ' ~~~ici oî~s s is îat~I~getrl hab 5'ba-làO--s4 is- ir sas -Ilï il te lat 1 T ICKNliED Arc. W?~ I i TL(>YEFIR, Laaiai, licitas. ~nd Ceninilissian Agent. Rasît.uaaaus~ - Kent Street, Lhaslsaey, ~-,jw t~w - - - ..-. !-- -. »Soew ffl amo. Ibatleb.bas. = in uteak ofo stosn .m t Ot> INS et 04 W;- mutdg 1 >uom tii ii.' I iA.ls. Mrsmd raof ~malri As nov ail 'ai Limites .i j. - < ~ DAt, g1flJ 4rm Ob ay vork la. let dver'ed Priml. CLARKE, Agient. Jmeu tare Comingi F î'Po»*IN WL&T or ]FSI rit#,S CamlUed Peil., Spieet,Ex tracts, eoo WINRv? RANDIES, AM,': PO TE2R, I DER, of RYE, for Chrlatmaa limes, viii do Weil fb c# ta W . ilnoINsoj. of ?«umStr..I TItià orki, for whicch atbruhcna l nov helmag made, 'wll ahortly be publlshed. I *Cl claitain a separate Alphabeticàl Direct- Pry et *.very Town and Village,«t buth Vouai- tie.m, tôgether willa an Appeadix in whiich wil be founel much nUeftil and rellable Iformnation ofa (Xuary and Proriamelal Character,. lu order ta e mure & large Nda' pfar this WdWk- aànd thua #ake It an exrellent mediani for A&~ veYftln-1t VII lge se t tthe loy prie .of 55,a t wlc% figure Il neartot flu 61 having a v9ry large cirulaion. -fP ADY infummntio. relative, ta tbe rates«e âdv.rikting i,, eau be obt.alned at the office but 0. . FULLE.R, ýOét ofiieboom of lIM Oserlb. oodlsd ~ Osrer l b itW1- lent, Xei oft, a* Desceds lb. aaiov [ laâ lt makit, k'ft'l Wh k. lJ* rreioam low Iiaffl corck, six lin»a 004 tPli'W., ma M...eFine ' ' ai b.cii dvy *emeoiî *"*" wig* 9<40 ypepvi4 -uni arg,,4dg -ingeretlfi, M eat sent wiêe.aU I LITERARY, J and are- thaesbitereai aaid matlnialignan- enacuies ut thée Unitetiý Staies«, which iavre donie (nore Ilha ày cîlor iiiutenueis in Caui- ada ta pramuae:?thaa smale ai hostile féeliaag wihreaidemrs iiuug Possible,- teraise- upapubie oz>ialon haeihat madie the -re- leaseofth tàise l amnd -the restoral.jn lu tacs» of thoir t mnder a supposeti popua an ct. Tlhe: .'rgnist runk therelitrucasa. claiiuat nô &Yi-aptit,'lt-the.impedimentla thuovaxn'i ha, w-yof iils btinoos SrxAULAR Ptaav.axo-Thase eaisling ii hie vesti ead oecil>' id thoir attentio atmatet onIt Sahurda>' aight, bet niai. O'ci, by theapeao.e.ase>bnga 1-g1ut jiasi aboxe tuse lxoniioa, wbuch esa . eia luajeî ai gas w-ita a ueauad il.' Tise lighýiat aalseat it one position for a. couple boums, sud then disap ed.-7broa- Aîaonauua Fuma six-à.--Sulîsex .lree1 Ot t aa, wases seaxe aaaobet lia-e onalte a'ight- of lb. lt, lte -building oeupiedby- Mesbms.A. Caonkpbell, Mr. JolanMn .J- Thampeon andi MT-.Baakurrîill, mad vhich ýi anrof theesateeof tii. imbu Mi. F<tser, buuaug seniausl>'damagoti. ' Theiilomes suùs- faîneti hv tWI-i. vrs n uu~attiez. ...tiaad nt TmÂsTx.-O 'Tua-9la $wi-th &thoîleai îviiskeybefore, him hk'-c làtas lle5-m25 m.tamis fram St. Mary S j -~ a.. oU'tii- cars te e impudence anti assuranice lt a-- Ia titis of ly cars, tendg anti locomnotive, wai vîthin 1w-a miles i,')'"lEvery areature oai Goti s gui>], aiao~ Thoratiail stationî, an accident of ti-ell-niglhin ag te ho refusait, if il Je rèceivedti wiîà ftal ciîaractcr bafeil il, li consequence of ahanksar-iving ;" andi h. uWulstpersuade .Mo île carelaissness of a-taniterttabo,-w-lit la:stiuaI .,ilt a amatie ii tl'tbli-paut WW-a hua-ses attaciacitot a gpar eftilmber, bacame. creatune ('f (i0i.lainesu llcbt .etaiioneti acuis lte track, at aneofithe-cros.s- lithe gagnesense ce as arsenic, ce us oilcf mg.Il appears that iii. driver, seeing lise' vitriol, ;ô la pu-nssic sciai. Thiîk sf a fel- tmiau àp-pruachinîg, put wip tu hiseliorseat, 1 loy taaaing ottia kass of vitrai, anal -xcu- vitich ivere -unaIre le tek-e lte spân c ver, sing bimaelf b>' senti; Ihal il is a c ,reatur,, [and t oi nce halted' i lhdxcceittnre-01 the lnack. cf Gad..le wvo7lu ttUtse maaîy Sue!ai Brake w-ere imrnetialely appiieti, but ulme mratures, Ill'a's ait l'il say. Whîisky. i iras 100 sant, anduthie englute at a epeotil f il I ws lc.Toais:cti:<~ Umiles- per tour, -ira anxinstant struck lbt h isyiltsvra'fu rsavugamt tiuab.r, sushiug the cow-cate-her n ait IJB 4e'whnhateat.Bu o r sof' liawoa-,t &rock»-cks; anti precipitating thebaCante-' thitîgslu lte w-anti for 'pa-ensrvin-a a muuui tire .(nmthe îrkka ,distanxce of twenlyi 1w-heu ite is living. Il' y>la vuat,#e yards. The englue tIir a ep i-arn the idea 1 man put ihum, la-ahisieb. J YOavUt laconitave, seamy colision immainenit, te kilt a living mani, t Wisky i o ihm. anatis thtasaved hlàbisfé Toruwaîely the, It w-as a.capital uluhiaag frP,5, rviiig ahef~esd ~aenuera. lve an'nuMber, sustaiuied no aaiiail, vitai u tojr-ut ý îm ut a om rnriler inijur>'lilan a severe-.hok and frigisl. puniàauu tM i wa- iat.-&-k àfot ise The driver ofthie te= ndetach e omo-es _i sellers w-hf J'Mhspà od ihe-asa nt dne h in lime le sa"ve hem befan.mi.tamis stmeicb. 1 ah,. iqiiOitill t th.y omi.a irlis Tho reckleusneas tW tould, 6 5id-I~ee .ibSsi>-igimt r. 1_1.. .limm Mithareavblu itn be, 1 7- The fus lu te the estab.lishment et' Bigebow 4u >,fw ewmar&.b dbe qmà* uttea- kothea,Kent sit4tLiisisai ti' UtI rnUi if ntiwg W. Thar ilvos werelO WauLerl-)t-3i Goneds-in ever>' style; itra h-a 1al.i ohi and uJw. trust b1.rreat varielv:; Twe&d nîI..éÈ., i Ai. luçai. This le the. poesu of the. air, Blow1y là suent syllables recorded Tht. l je tb. secret ofdu.pait Long In le cloudy bosoni hoarde< SOI whlspere. and revealed To woodandfI cd. jPASSPORT REGIULATIO0 IimpOAI'nT INSftuCTiogS INOx WA The circular fron t te Ta'easur, ,ment afler reemting thé original pa der by Secretary Sowar, lays dom nenot be surrendestil within thm Il. Citîixene ot the United Statm of visiting- Canadaà niay îakeou ports cthertrom the nt.dSa aIes or tram this Depart .ment' Ù14 Urnited -Stat.,s ConsularA flo auburzedlaisque.pauporte kowverer vise lhae of foreignera. MV.Taaveliero, makisig a trans Canada, from one Affieritan port1 American part, muet procire Paei V. Persan residing ner thu. desire tao. rs. and re-cross d4iIy, Of their -uvuai avoicahion are t' in -the contemplation of' the ortier, pravkle themnaeîve, witla passporùs VI. Fernales and minàr chitare H N 'U i yling:!tone>ýar irav-eltogelt 1101' oppoitrte ise Mêmet,-Kent streel, Linit-_w-hale*1wîli su ksuy, vuere iî lia epnt ta makle îaP r- the piarty atuenta ,in te 1luIraI ittyle aian* ,tîr>'rensonialle viingerio. Cultiuig doinc diialî sai.tulb. short- <%JtiWe eât unotice.-' - VIShotu Jàuaaary, IffO -20-tt r asetnî - To OId a -Dargin. rogation ai0tth repartedti t leTii seau lf of cfLot No. If,.lau Ibe 151%h district. ironsra.siin et Maiiosa, lnuateaig 10Ionacres, These rt-le ort «Wellýu tOaul>ares aaeicloaan-d " ankn aIea cullvattu lu a w Ci tmeit, ha. a god tien n 1lte s log. and silnsa a 'FraaiaOwelling bouse, muid a closait, an> sanal arit ntand Stable tîserecia; .here ii a- ~ So ýwftq A. gaidtqplly cf spriuig w-te,' owatha Iltt Tione Xw-li e g4ven for the greatean-part o!fis viicomu Tite ndups#al'.Foer Partirsalar amnd t ta-al,, aî'ply o eali.pîrmaises l lb.h* 1'rsprIetoar GEORIGE 1 . héKusR, 2~t-t 'Lindsay reoiermeit b nia - - ' . eluaiiaag ta p *ZNTI TRY.,théis atei L * ODoranil, De 0Op ohloîiîg i 0F Pi7WJW *O',upon tIse pneu I M I toIIl relira iea ginrene ibmiks .te the lua- When lte bablsuia etLiasiaa>' md is are9uiain mtat for ai essna-'nlite eîîiensi-e patroniage white vis- ititug tisa 'ttrstam nd wuId ais4e stalo ht b. tA MeUaïted,&i tass à opaneal ai ermnient clre in cha rge (if Mr. davit cf Ilim 1 t'. . W Varbet, ltte êamaiittant wilb Dr. Day, DIia 04~; of Khsg*,n. Th i buiness iWittibe. Con- mage and plaue dia-teil 11Y 'eludaur the [a lie nt tyteo f self and' an' O#ON UL C =- lr - States naîneud W~l eaiwarilluaa ea formnas t h. lattest andit lly kaaown, a sienM, ant wuînvnn'u oittijiestsicin tg i C'uîii furtistn ltilic Ma-e Crlicu niay' b. ýhuunlje IrUa.. isuaisi ut M Kciuia-asiuc, lu -ca aiMn.La-odlI v a Nota 'orsatle. Mr., '>aael àlconstinie bisq iit% saSuuel, Vix : on tii. firsi Tti-s'a an md seief *fi inuta a. itsntîs aua i rmii nenteeL-, vben )j, i_-téplacei ÎsRA'IiI W OW PJM" ta Juaitics EXTRAT TETII ITkGU PAI. muhomîiî ta REt##(eCE-SaIf thé aippliq Tr iArs.tiai.Audirewl, Ileusôi amuitCri at eiuua M.j>ulisllaa-a, Saiitlor, 3. Gallon, Depsu1t S er umxaite lit. (; eK e tali) . XKeenan, J. Dîitus, *I Z. ied with the: bhan, W. J. lta 'lies J R. Kaitbiai. W. Grgteechlro - h. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hlrn ô( à'iîelA lrih,1qs f Ma-. Csrbett woald offi-r the ffi.11owinig letter mit tlué certi si14ut% -a 1 it xd!ulai 4o e b u.Py Dutse uabanai or f', Kiusg'ton, ns! ls mi01tl lb siiireIi'r. ~ "lavug ga kiolngof . CIr.Il. b dwipi ('arbeit ditrimg bias ide itevilla1n., Ieefuuly 'adcits a-aesisiis tua l lpubli e t e o as De nts, owung ni bot ul rgkal ant duuca.Sature: -fe 01 W. DAT, uD.,sue. Frlu Dn ' eit, Kngto."Metit Rulmvwuuts..b. lver, strange ad prno"a, Sir lksury b$aill, sueriffCirbetîz ans lio:- t'Roity, Fsq, JRev. J. Genly, 11ev. gn. vtar - Wheui the a Mon mn; tMr, LaCotie, G. Doner ada havis (. J. Wrlttn, Miletew, Lindsay. saufhic it te C LaI. >,) Xo, I lh, 184.273tf itet nflv E-i.ns, Il effl orboitles, very satata iobtaiepi F*R SALE. imi deciiiu, fhe RÀWlIUC&mg vuable lofftî-oi foc slaon ver>' aalvA aiegoutaa ,:n 'w att#>.rxsla<ti As fa coreiem 160s &*jetun mmnu ciles, the rc.part-of vith lla unabr good lga-. uatrme ilelli Ilisevilaalk MP*andtb kiteo tal amu pt'eth canada, Kluasiom; or Io C20. DOlME if àe mpca Five dallait Mé equired, in «" &i pplkma Thpe ourt i. camsr 1s. tre.includoti in lteé orti ishalu, witu ant inetî ber, a Sinugle pasqsori iLificia. Fur .any.othel sptaepausporlt u Id any 'pea-s'nfttive yonmusu-the. Unitedi Sta he arird, bte sact tlku mi1lary autitsoru -sladaied ta the stanai,il subject,- a cupy co, wvi belieoveti tu caver..a] t1Id diiliculty or, doubti iicatawth this depar n:Si.r,ý veîy retipecifil W., P. FE.SSEN4,DE Secretary of' uté'I itioui trou, the Sito D av ie itcitare thoSe. aasporta 'aif Americaw foreigra' euaaies; eoi.Ju!l,164 on litional, particulans. w applicant ta tue Stat urtq is a. nsUiv e hueahouuut transit raçi, sig-neti by itim, a sof birth, and is*orrn t, 1itler Citizen cf th d thlenein la wlaom 'liej inti ta -thé best of îhs Tii atlitivt - mant sr) Publie, untier is lic. Waentlaere is the affladeit may b. .eof the -;Paeor Coù ad.miatister ath %- catit b. e striz » ai naturalizatoa brinspectuon.- la .wîii pspu.The vidu natuîalixed citizen. uni cale et uthe nuiraliia fatlhe, stating . ùider î'wid W or obldren.. ibn of tbe peru aini tîlars, va:Agé . (et -inclue&' CEtuij 'adn.-. ye>-: Chia t'. lait: aprîbicauit a e l e childron, or servmitts, at vii Le étîte thse namnes and ages oi sud, heirr etiioship %0'thirt apore -whiîsb abrmad.ftra d ii. consmula agents of thseUnitedt iahi. te:disappoametit,. utas- as duty ofet iose agents ihot, tu 'naio aitat ch*racter except ta ar eettaiiby 1k.nownata b.oeu- ; and ii la mtelles dîficulIt, omable, te obtain pmo tIhis in. ata~ainapcsdby1w, *vIi a UnitîedSttes curmeay, wiîh mlgàWncu 10athé.United Sîmbes by law, viii be requined-la ail tii.> WOM tgiFve musinq âd, « iptions o! thé mammn uwhtch lb. -pssv" *M faeto ték I.lb ddgeyo eapgb,IseCltt b. bgto te q î heiam omde Mà 'and %ho-b. haet mLkIif aîh, i Mmnfa,.Lw i4NL, Mi ~lM 1 LY JOURLNALêu TO UiNRAPPY rENrA$S. - .TALA 1I~TftUfUy865 ,1iCtOfia LtM4*I>eTBflcO cowmtM M sn w rulea atalé entitlea Mirv e r c*ui-,et chndma-tk,dea W. recommend tIhe 10m1lo*ng xtracftom ZYl T e m ttO apa n îhlsJde a pfteh 'lecetly deliveried 6bY the RihtW,ïeNcoaJdi if..Mr JstceKoh Roan C4ha1c> Accordin- t, the. Caonven-am ,wha what- ha, mother at hie Il u birth, ant bis father a short lame before, the b.fee a eeti t eDublin Univertiity. ion, Met in.-tie C.'n ireaber1 Lindsay, seeoîetl omne.Tettl . IlitoremlSoeey - '«or6b.mere -rhet ..Ott Friday, Ibo 6h i4a1I aclock pan., tati.. liolius lft mffthe.wotdsm-at- as ho riia the la. ai Pliaierat li College Greei44~8 ~ nw absaata"I ekos lii sliaken, mgh . eae-weh ri ~~ whien the followang Vere present:ku. ,s i aq sotprpery sujo t fret ho pron?. William Best, Chest Qse Gorge Lamb, 11510'ailwrjn Bw;h&-u est nooaiig-buî if thaI tag- u a mily; 'Gge Yan g'Wlliam Meredtiuh, was sister ta bii mothe, and that "at soenr theuu, t begra tiseamtre B. rih Bouse William >Chlidley, 11-1 CQlwell, William orei ra-sereFu& iveaa ti v do! am> lait een opened otmat . hons iwhiohcoanstitute "ioSs*s (Applaus.) nThe.. MM Ca<jMoLauchlib, Maipoa ; W. R.Dick, -.Court." Tt vwasChri"stas-eve Whon Niecho- piîeson, 48j-iaoqwnuc S neot o auth gf o- Linthorn, L. Terne, àÏieph Wilkinson, Ilas aijveti in the couriiim eearch o! his autîf, ke atoqaa g.one-that theé olooImi mmdoc- Robert Ringlan, Jessie l'e1don, Fenielon; j ont.narne he dainot knoýw. Hvîg ie'r omatobae uc.eed Bu ti. rce e>-wlliam KelaO; smnDonald mine4» c alf at each hause amxilie hogains mm ne waw Bien gr)mesfi. wmeren. X'A. Canam I ieaie h eymr..h eovi~ >Again, they criait an Irislaman lias ao. chance eran, Woodirille; P. H. O'lieirne. Thomas !sk for a drink gr waler et nurnier One. HfL an aBritaliParlauuamt Ilis rcored 151 amia FracasWhaIey nti Vm.Goureyknac laanswvered by an old negro womnan, h liishPrimet t srcrettat lrk racs hloyaiie .Gurewho*without %waiting f<51 hi. irateerogam ioný when Gratl iead gamie ere Ptt21 i-ieLindsa odcshmulaslahrnaer.Ti dto-his musical perioda:; auJ o!PIunlaetu, , Mr. Yaung, Wm persoaae is a (l t e f bloogaste. Tse who wenl there laie in fle misa. Braughama On the nomination o o ung Wi d erwaf tia o .tue an eaîrumpeîand &0 mî s ait aho saase li the éther ombre ýBext,-Esq., of &a.-ily, vas appoinited -Chair- dNîchhohunwtmglymistakes fra dévier. ~ the Briish Pari ament. No I1risbman man, and Mr. Fraticis %VhalIey, cf Lindsaay'Iltana u la b ico a aea p e ver a;ppeared an a fairer piatfàrmtitan that paîett etayugmt aeiPu 5 .parianaéàt.% There neyer was a period in ret.ary.poitett e ayugmnaedPt tirhsoymrfaoîallaheir Il It was Ibhen moved, secondeti anti resolv- Le Clear at the verj bour Nïiehola% calieti ed, hatibefoîîwin getlemn cmpoe aand begins givin' bina a lecture om phire]o- NS.~ ~~~~~~~~~ raig hr h rsa.N mîyetîy. To ibis Nicholas listens, -and I aaýing wouald h. déied ta anyr Iri&hanain who hast cenumitteta draft resolutions, viz -W. R. -ssued biruself.that no aura of-bis .ie r capaci:y for holding il. The witie. resaums 1vs'i AiSftWGrTON. 'ni Idi wregvemed by an. Irishnaan. Dick, D. B. Carneron, GeoreYoung, P. H. the hanse, he leaves .-withoîut undeccaving- rY Depait- (APPlausie) Ther e was not a single déèeuti ('Beumne, 1R. J. CoIvwell. the poor tioctor. He has scareely, gainait ane lifthe British. Crown vot nîentiening Duringthe lthis n nivduloi edbe ib easport-or- wh. 1100 flomah hisîomnmovmlcammittée ere en-, ih sret*anbe neaida %h .tr noout todown wn the W fo leh n I nethm tn. Twoo Ientgreaee bygaged in prepariaag resolutioîs, sortie excel- Young min h a oaiîninlyrp~ prvn ent speeches were matie, -and i interestîng' sented. Afier an apolotty fer bis raîdenea, ces af British America *ere governed by e a -teTe1 aceh fZ>wigdi'oueenuey year, andti ober* ai the Dublin. Universiîy ccut g - pe ac moi-e- Cnye dacwhleD.Co e at erot. bal been me mbers ai he ollege, Hi.- ment in te vaniaus localitiels represaed by Csai hote e ani ietaeIDr. hci'e torigal Sàeiety, one af them-h son of their the speakers. ia o aej.îlf i adesirous revereti'Pirovest. Are .Indus anti Arterica Oatertut fteCemue l a o hyat. m ean t le ft isgenteann. their pesa- not enuugh tu satistiy your ambition?1 in i a o o ente(efdgnlmni o e Consul-- the Southern Oceaii.three out cf the. four of' vetdy cndt and reoaivest, That tihe Re- One?7" asked Nicho!am. %v as flot aw.are tedependeucie . àof'Australia vere -?ov,n- Port Of lihe commiîte hbcreceiveti. "AtbcIwasiteaf-ot lowtiLth., npan w D. 1ed by ' rshMen ? (Applause) oulil any Th, foIllowrng resolutions were then 'car- Chorker," a ihoa etealxpau Xi~ena amai say that titere wa, fnot a brigt came,er id, being ably supported by the movers, the olI maW's mn.take, an-1-tthe result le thai fhmey inay opeaieé1.for lrishmen? Opportunities itili iuilsitIil~im r never h wnua for the displsy of our in- eeconders-and- otîters. ' nstead of mnakirfils bi-s iit Le Clear 1aIre, . ioa nt i of n ii o.Twvoi antigî ves it tellectual power.q. 'Ancient institutions 1. Resolved.--That while thia -convention hirm aàcap of tea. tiaa ie e!,-:1s rovne v.hinthcoliatinent of Enurope c ne ot regard te Temperance Act of story, but LeClear canurot help him, for Jiks' paras. a:hy audsIae;av, an rce et un- 84 s efct8obalispassgey the all bis rneiglibomrs fle k o 4f î9y _living ma> cal upon Iisbmenf rihaaseaaî- Lgisîsture with muet satisfaction, as- i5l fh tsrtu uue.lela u 1ai ' ancein, lam e ita come-m ight, seek. prolecm- means af îess nian tacardîi ro h lately fourni out tisatDr. Chocker vwas li.4 ie pur6uit tina nemr ne h neiglibor, andi vesterda-îrceived aa,î îii-- onoc mr ndrte mis cf the cIa-* rotail traffie m'iaoxicating drink.tlo rri~~i ealn aî .1e ravelBers" I qaiece ansi the bumanity cof another Birke. 2.eslei-aîaspprabeaoaFe.T fiVwlIsN.rous r. anti muat (Çhceî~~.) . resoltutio), tiisConvention 'hereby pietiges! Temrperanic-A. re No Cre.Ted en1a. "uî uprsue oalîu leif ta tuse its best, efforts te muake lte Bill is opèaued tsythe ppIrielôt Ir. M,%1 11, ni 1 jn bîîit terre., voceýe.tîfuralia. bll knoivi as"1- Dnukii's Bi," tue law of the Who k-ceps an itelligtence aifice. Nco F uimîui e rrmpescel nn. asai;sat-once ialady flar (Greatrc» " rsC uuaîyitaiay IbciEîîice Brownu l'es. ucre. 3fr. litasxs' . >r«;eîcer. Tîti a he tafor- 1 3- Resoiveil,--That le secure the adoptionjt rt 'or Ilue tune of gome ainongrst you lu deserve thi i.fo sav p )siuveiv that %!le (dacs or de-s fot. ýT intrt1ll i M noit arlestvrsh f uftue "No L'ense" By-Iaoe, a. Cetral ike fat tbeinrr t1lsat-i MisBrwîasnrie cI c d cheée) .The i-liti-liiienian c.Cmm '%Ippitt, cniî a nu r. Arclilbail Starkey wtisi.eo o oe .a11 ~~~ ~ c ic m- t. Nihels hibcrseniv ilrouced tei% n vl lunsti..lissceai amxid louti applauses. jvidualsfroin ilie-tdiffèrent localities through- discoleeas i sansIV ned eîiiyM.udMý or foreigit, Teis sme f h odn.pri dut.îtle Couuxîy, viose dtuy il shaîl be la or- MaanWs go oftIi îss Pix's prt*.' " aniza Sub-committee*, lte chairmana df Thse coînpany ai N-o.-ive.cerusiîs ot Dr. teslai e" Lfc oniliw.saii ollwiri 1e1er barmemnber cfth CntalClocker from No. Que, l'au! Le Cie-ar frais sISIho be TUaING ~;TG BE REPEEMEL)-- NA.CF 4ý-jD . I îNo. Two, 31r. and i M n',.Maius awnmsIM-. ties of fihe CUBUICi UN (ANADA-BATTLE.NloNLY Caaîetcnasioecaiicuu-Starkey front No. Three. andi fourgenîiemeuî ian oo.tle petitions among îbte people for signa- muaican rn then: .irbLhod(. The host- ilistrue- ~~Ln. Dec. 23, 1861. lares, to bc e ranieta iohe.Caunîy Council, e!ýS Mus 1iv is a ja-geitty litile - m rar, ai ig aulrtc- Sai,- 1 bc- la acknaowieclge thé e Ot nieoîrreesho be ental mma a ul calis ber, and Lent upon uiit-ai, ti l t t- a eau--aur letaci-. -Py iq 1 t~~ ihbi~xs cf.. it'e Siu-îers' Court" ira tle - nittonry e aI JaI2ilstnexonmeeting. tbonss f fnieaùiship. No lutile amusement arLie, yeu 1Ma1-. 1Cobilîr ti iiCanada, accardig tuehlis' chai, - 4Resol-ct.-That. in onder to.inflaence jaris-es freithe dliiulty.of -dudtrgLiilung, riment. 'nieoLXlcaoig me £300 for public, opinion, it ho suggested that lte va- t'ri esfefu.asial gentlemTenx ex 1 Ses bave leit lte above sumin th nous- temrpe-anéce' organizatians,. andi those wio re epcievàeee fifrPém lyfi Inansofthe etritor of lte I"SportiiuiLifr, edyt lt eiake-at idiul', wil ,N rot.m vitoau -u viîî receive il. Mr.~onx- fr auefeprnehon~D.Cekrpersisîs in - lsu i h~a Ëicatir.. a2gue, mn1y agent, %vill beave Riaîglant onri te coint te CouniyAo solicit thte asa'istancé of' JudsLzc Mr. Le Clear. -Ti-is leaisMa.Mai rcsr. luth of Januany tiert, accoinpaaîietib yal îrynî ncbotefcet paeslias Io the conclusion ilaat Niehola' a epnnacu rilci ~1 ba*cker, whien, hey %viii, on their ; lprU.'Iynj&hknl abldi;r p0efer. The 'neigtibor who.lives- ai . geuîer.dfv and --'-a'-n..y -future--.-.n--pu-, , Four is a Ma-s. Ila-e,'a coîuirmed ti rva.J', ra cilizeni iôlt Te e ota ex pain m ueunion n- public meetings.titroogiacut eaich locaiity, ta who hlisbeCTi confiiiedt i er rtoom for fui- IlThe 1 s w i e mniluav urgètecam fPoiiino h epe andi wh'iclutling abont fi7-itIîîng -Mr. VaLu-auin Myat iedim iPoiiin ndcpoi.teen i-cars, rand NMiss Pi v proposeî ta give W uytcbeeo as uncealain fast Y~u~ 5. Resolve.-Tliat lte thank ofi titis ier a sua-prise party. Thse- company have su larg a sum oney a oventionx Uc tendereito,-tbe Municipal r>noluOfi n h esi - ia Neo whb.ela beau sîr.amge counin-. Iloveverýan hpy anix t ieifo f Lnsy .orliv*'rnl ran-î inds*ii lier the reail]est auni, wbo knotvs 1say a indmi i acenpnvmyagent Who Cucliasy, hvgn>g a st- mun concern -rz lber néphew . i aene'i aée etrugiti, atudi. Iluis u w'ie. Slarkey ofily knô,.lz tei ni yeu for your kindases.q iii replyig sa counnndaîion of titis Convention. ithatliber* xarrie vas, Eaurice 1Broyai.Th ana~ 'ontam etelieve nu'i sr, 6. iResol-ed.-That thé ilîanks ai tii lutter s very bath -to give up lier t4up- alatiilg bisJA S Colivetiuîilbe tenJereti ta C. B. Robinisona, oe le u the tact tliai nwo ladfies whoS.j tôy luin1 Chàrrpion îof Eglauxi. Eeq., Editor of the Canadian Pust,. for luis niaideh naies were the sain a- yt e Uaiae Asa rjoiade, ut C'ippr e ibs ~eekk-i u.dness li printing our Tearupenance Circu-' .for year's in as bouu; iusee, àa-id-hey bai-e aspesnî -pblishIes tth :iage iîle THt Iat free if charge. cul y jsawake.-ed lu ils'ta-uin. 'WC sPorCF". ROAAÔ" T - à. *Resolved. -Tbt copics ofthe proceeti- AMà a- aaN1esbmit leIlimn O DUT LANTttÉ T a (?s COtV- AaTc- m:ir i hus C'tion bo sentà. ta .1-l'ite d 1- Litih hsn.a ueapatziy1o IV i--.,- 1 à IL VIr i a cuir fat dd.i7 aau.la 80 ab ts.ttroiblai h 'it r" av s- ta 55 .t t' Is' 5,' sasi k- ut- " 'i Issu 's t s'1 1,-rs 1, - - ¶5*5 Il '55 1551 .5-s. ~Us aa I~ 'di- tus is~', 1155 -'t i us-si i Vi '5 si i-lu ~ ssiI -555' s "i s~ lias.. "-r ni u~5~s, -' 'suas-us I*s'H~. i lu-sala' ~tt .4 acttU. ~ suIs j~g ~ ~î'iI r .1~ ý 1