h ~ a -t,', - t ~2 ....... ..... nd of ked Vurwring 06=omis ufctrl& àilag, aud boua an Coane. %4. , IL WMSr, LINDSAY. PUBLI0: es -and sLoosng-gl.aes rRuaPapen, Lampi, #11, FOR C..tSII ONLLY. t, 1864. 210 3ftn Psitt- tarit-s> AV. - r' 'I-If- LJ1Be for Sale Lot N"o. 0, ,CO. ONTARIO od settloînent, and or the D5 . JTY,, and th* ir r.u eai >LIFE - -LIVERPOOL. COMPANY@ t* Bnkswlth a capitaof $1,800,O00 led on the m. pnlpl for avoOr- is g HNoses. A. tchaut!s Emporium i.saI. Eitabliobment.toniiling gara- M i Md.oDflerebandlse, -lIeut Est*te,te., hi the tudontaý, .terlhg tht. depatt- ske their firsipuct .Th Books, thé Emporium,..by -thé St mar ti siugbei, 6ive of iil Lme Books of 4~ Enry, and hhcy aieeûù4nuffe4on the the ipa Whoé»I >#u«- n the rwbo bas bail a longWp.laace la the 6suffielent guarileoot.l ta practical r. Seii<Ifor speelmoil of writing"ad r 'Containlng fuilaIfoMatioii. .Addresa 11IFSGR.ovll &WRitQ T, Proprictors. Ras remoeol ecS., h'o Xn. McDonneli's nev block, oppoiCe Blgelovls store, Kent street, whone -he *in1 ho hapey homee« those desiing l ils profession&] Services. lie wouid aima re- tir* bit ulmncesthaula 10 Ihose who have fui- 111.4 théir promises lu aiiag hlm incOeictai- Ilthins à pe=annt fce ln titis tow,.anai truste >y astit derence ho buslion h er- 1h j Snihîuiauee of' tb « saie, tuotwithstanding.i anu njait tUa vellngopposition. B.foiene.a b'y Perm aele.--W C. Adafns, D. D. S. I'orotlo; Ri.Jl.Mécailuxn, A.M., aurora John Pentland, kM.,Uubawa *Judge Burnitan, Miers. J.H1. Perry,ý J. V. Hau, R. .. Wilson, loeh Bîgeicsw, E4s., andý Dr. Cari, Whitby. f ils Worahip the MlrSen* cDoîîgail, Drs..Martin Bougon k Kempt, Fiudier, Anti- revs and Ôogan, Moes. S. d. Woodi, Wm. Onace, O Bgelow, J Y Gimseon, J Lenihn .n, O J Mackay, bludepetit à Martain, 0. Browne, lEqai., Lind9ay: Linday, Dee. 20, 1864. -PROSPEC7TUS~ GY TB£ 9 noroated by At-t of, Panliamon,8 a. Capital $2,000,40ü0i 4,oSae f$0ed 1191DOwxct, Toxowro, (,'AXA EST The Royal fCanaBauo, fovr whkýhia char- r was- obtainetid urng tiie ast Session of alament,is sntlded to euàppty a <ant- that as go long bt-caflt by iuany who hn d occa- ion from i iishte rne, le iqly for. Bik ac- commodatitu. Toronito andi the- siîrr6innding country ha-ç'e iacneasfod in ,o*ithhand population with great rapidity, the BhikInx Capita1l i.soney ittie, if eh ail, sn ext-ena of whit was ten years agoi so titat tihe amnounti. cf Capital really necessary 'ho Supply tht- increage of -busines is, le faet, wàrtig-aud as tbis vaut is alsoa ensibly felt le other parts of Canada, anti more particii- larly in Upper canadalt le beieveti that A ew Bank- not Is 0o7t1Y nqited, bu~ t ill re<reive a generous support. At certain tintes a reny large amont (f -mnney la reliired'ho tfacilîlae the- exportation of Produce, Luber andi other commodities, aà muici brgen amuont thit 1hlailethe, power of the existiag Banks te sippy, And -as tbis a- mount ii absolu-tely neqessaryi andi must bc hast, the Banks are comipelied, In order te ftir- -niahit Lt to witdraw a portion eftbtOer Capital front the- gaeraI buincia cf ithecotintry in wiieh lA le employedi, ho the greai de triment of, -Fanersi M&atturers and othersi; men, vha by temitouesl linduistry -and enterprise, havre doue mdciihotead-rane thie proaperity of tic Province and vite aire laa great, measure de- nied îtnnkîng atcommodation froin the inabil- ity of the-Banaks ho supily.1-- -At ptuetnt, the. grenier part of -the BAtking Capital enployed in- Western Canada%, is fil-d byafi undc4the- contriol cf partit-a residing eluewhere,, and wbo must, ho a great. eitent, be unable 10 understand on appreciatelte buqiness requiiremeà.ls cf titis section of thle dlsantage, ità1h ended ho place the.',"Roy- ah Caitadian BankN -der the.c6ntral cf Dité-- tons acrpinted and-idtatifledti vi-Ourloa trade and buineai,.- - -The prmsoters therefore blook.toc encou rage- meut and-.sslataitce, net te'auj one. partie. ilanr clam, buittho ati, beieving that'tht- Instition whes inl fuîl operation, *fii provoý of groar boa- 41lit. eçommiuihy Reneoaly. The Charter having bt-en drain vith grant care, and evéty possIble proteetion to the, Sharebolders proviadifwoan aisthO render teé secunty i ndoubié4,*Capitaliàs are - offert-i a favorable oppbrtiinlhy for lnve -tngtiteîr- money - ah afety wte thic. punchual cet f Reriainui dividende, aifords an. induceuient toi ail dep.nding upon s uto atd certain rýttanna. -The Sharfa are $50 est-b, ton- per cennto whiltehobe $14 ones month- from date cf, subocrlption, fifleenýpt-r tent. more vit-n lte -Barnk go. hale operatîcu, nntd the balance due- ltîg the next hwo jears, aàsimle anti easy mode of payment; andi it shothd làte brn lit d,, titjtheb.applications ofatoddsoWera tor accomt- mnodation, lae a nlght, -a ptr eldaimou thé I iiconsist of sert-n. Direceolons îy te .4Sho1odero, ns soori, mll be mtihecrlbed, ai $1000001 &aReeably the te t o f the- tie,t viten lbtheiait vil ,go int mteàilon ofthé. ite~neeIort-tole . as osimle, ho OPfn Branchean teôPiuasetkose ettht. pt le dmami <iwetsr, evlncod'ý *a are nov oa, théb&»h"i .gboutIe Co0,0 qs1tdltle ,ta4 ta, t aVP! h im 1 04 «e pcM p4d) t U E 'FI UM119NOM U haIve iiqaEgel liiu manila a de e.*, la tAm. teo oamet wtb tl,. 1Mi Wbitby amiBver ton. Ri Feta'lotel, au,4aftsw l Stages froniOhawhby &rnlasiatLindsay at 9êoclod ansreaouable. 'leprêr e4 $ad poli for. EIE Lhwsay A E ORGE184t mair% Proprklfor 148-If G1,ibrate. ]iItters ACERTAIN CUlRE 1031 BILIOUS. NSLiver CouiplalMt, and Dyspepsia and for ail diseases aeug froo& a d=ar.. stale of tJw Bié. 8o14 by tb.pe t B .W ROW<Ii, Propeletor. Pr.pared ,md »U * Jr . TJUKIL Btnsay lYblue,.1844.. ZENT SRT , MWIKDA'Y 1G ONFECTIGNERY, Swestineato, Fruits, .Teas, Guffes, ChÙe0Tobac0<t,iad -Yancuy 'Pipes.. Cigara of the. best Er&nd., Lindsayi 3th 0October,1M~ Businss BsrnIto Lut ON KENT STREET. S.Gai;T o he shop and,~ga cnldbM. oecujeiiedby Mr. G. MÇDONNELL.ply-t Lindiay, October 11 tIi- 186,L « 268 ACRES, REING LOT NO 2G, CON. 4, I-74 i n the townsip of Fenelon, County of Victoria, of whidi théee aie. Sixty Acerps lear- cd anùd under cultivatin. .Tlia la.nd will bc sold. in two separato lots If deoiredi to sut the purchaser. The asat part coot&Ïtis f00 acres, of whithb 10 are cleared and a log bouse there't on. and will be sold separatuiy if- desired. Xans Lot N,ô. 52, s4outh aide of Portage Roid, Townshipl of Éidon, Gouny Victoria. For particulars apply to JAMES IIEAP, Solltitoa. Lindsay,, Sept. 1, 1864. Ae, me. LDWELL'S ALE, in legs, quiarter"tils. .-halt bris, and brIs. AISc XX -Alu -aný* Porter lunbotties. Fùr sale -hy Freuoh Dres Combi. J UST ltreeived, a eimuerior lot of French' Druse Combe. Aise, a cliico assortment of Pink nd Whit 1rory Jewelry, W WAUIN'S. i K log St. East. Torontoi Nov. :22, 1864. For Sule ,B Ythe Stibserberg, C(lloerham & Worts' cel- ébrnted,. Old ltye Toddy and .1 tain Whis- kit-s, also CUipplewa OCMMak - D OBSON kNIBLOCK Dissolut±Io f Partnenhp The- Laws Firtft cf LaCourse and Dormer la dis- solved by nrntal conseht. Mr. LP*Cotsvi% i lollet ebta due tù, the late frn, insay et.tl 84- -GEO.DORbMER. . 665-ff (.Y ief221 k 22N >-SI. Paul DEPSIT FUND .114CANADA, *50,000 Dv id- Gumnal Agents for Canada- d XOGJIAD WATSON à CO. byThe uudelpMs4a ring oa A«Z «1rgâc Of la 'WINTER .STOCK 0E' BOOTS 1s YOW COMPLE TE. poieolar attei" àisdirected Io thie stock o[ xiw Geatkemeatan ado get any style of Boots which they may ask, for. .< - JAMES I-,LENIHAN, âEIAL ,DEAiLER IN CÇLOTI-IING, GRoCERIE1S, & (And PMoltîetor of the Lindaay Br.ewery,) Kempt's Build.ing!, foot of Kenit Street, Linchay, ifAS NOW OPENXED-A LARGE ANiD SÉLECT STOCX 0F FALL. ANI)WINTER GOODSP Wiihob ofebra for sale ahtte Lowest R*nnneratî el Prî.es lbr n-d regpimtfugvy.Invites an.inspettion ot isSto-k (rom intcndi gPurc'aes IMB--Tbe LIXDSA-T IRWERY is now iu fulli operatioQn, and llotel Keepers and Pyirate Fami- lies wil, Le regularlimspplied witb the beat LINDSAY ALE A ND EER on keaving titeir ordetrs at thlie shup.ý Liday 9th Ot, 1864.- JAMES LENIHAN.i TuE IÀATEST NE TO TIE VFý-ARM ER AND 3lEIAI vansFIiorsc là SOW FtLIXED WIT T 71EBET ASSOiCTED .&ND -fepstSokofW l.-'fd Wintor .,Goods: EVER BRUGII' 1N170LINDSAY. ll s lIÇESEPERCHASES IN YORE1GN CMARKETS. FOR TH E READY CASII 0 ONLY enaitica bue tw proëlaim to the people uf this Cuty the- welcome NEWS tlait hieeau -ani- viil undersehi every bouse in thet rade. Goandiake a hoockah bis Uammohh stock; then, if. you are _not satisfledl, do not btnY.' - -TO THELDE I T 'W!lt11 BtiA soner. ~o (IRFAT PT.EESVRE TO THENM IF TIIEY VTEW BUT ONLY IoncemwCaitby's splendid stok o! fNIiC-D)SS ÙOODSNa, Tyrians, Aibanos-anti etquisite Persian Wool bhavi, r FTOFT TlTFVSELVE F Ot lT FOR TIE. COMPt-ýGWUN TEF.R IX«TIIE J Beat, Prettiit anti C ltapcst sut of clotîàor (Casna di4n Tweed, le t tht-m .FOLLOW TUIE CROTVD TO Lindsay, Oct. 4,1804 CHEÂPDRY D.'Ë W.MCRTHY'8 Knowl son's BockKen t S GOODS * CROCERIES, Readyà-Madà imothi ng lquors, Boots &c.- JON CüOSTl L &COY J J A ST R.ECEIVED AT: TIIEIR'STORE, AND)A~ NOW OPEZNI.G largo ani eIl-aebected stock of- Iý , CLUDING e splendid lot. of plain ard faut-y Dreàsa Good3) Savî, loss osiery mat Cottons., The 1 cheapest Prints iu t own, Stesiolloocis, Muslins;. Ini Canadian Tweeds, Pull Ciotbs, Satinet tg, Bro ad Clothi, 0Overcoa tings, Eîhstitü,-uti cotch iTwe edb, Viannels, Matsand' Caps and $carfs,.we eausiot be bet. Our stock 41aîtrge andi cheap, andi ve oniy ask. a eal from intending purchases lu order that-tht-y may satisfy tht-mach-es of the ututit of Our statemeut. We keep a tanro asortment of s tapies. We st-il a gooti Teà atZGtU6dpt-r l1., and! everything ciao la the lino equally. eheap. We have on hanti over 0»RmdedanMI it vrot whicii ws have réduced20 per cent'in priez, in order that we miay be able te dlean thetu-ot as vSe sitenti giving up tbat bMtaawhOf our bumine. We arc sellhhg off-our stock -of Crockeiy at. cash;". cal carl and you arecur h et great bar'aina in ti ine.- »oots ad Shoes cheaper than. ever. - iQTOR-W.e woul4 remlnd those who are- lot tee totalers that we stilI keep lie best and chepea stckof ino*u . . CosTELLO ta CO." WUia o c9*, k, opposite MIcLenn's hardipare Store,-ent 8 Liaha, 1b1October, 1964. 28t FMJRNITURE!__ýFURNITIRE' HE SUBSCRMUE OFFERS FOIR SAIS TftE LARGEST AND BEST a Sletet 5ock of PARLOTJR, DINING9 AND KITCHEN, CHAIRS, PARM LOU%, DININGi -AND KL'rCFHN'- TABLES, hAll SOFAs, COUCHES,.& LOUNGES, fb£-BOAIRDS, BUREAU ICUFBOARDS. MATEESSES OF VARIOU -ÇQM1~ DTAS -FOOTSTOOLS, &cý,&0., *0 luo UebwMisd nesI desigmaal*ays kq~t dumiband, and vill be. tu AT T WW!ST F10131 FO CASH!r 1 g> A%.e0 evef.tiy IeMfà!w0. CoJ u aigu, a kpt omWjutlj i P.muoeÀAjoUi"J TEE leu CHIU CH0. t~r t1 est *2, flaU261-tf: MQNEY T*O LOAN Air *GII tà ~cENT. NONETTO LOANi A PL O M. bDRANÉ, LINDSAYAGENT forthe Freehold Permanent Building and Savînga' Society, at Toronto. Lindsav. 27tà: juif, 1864. 5-m T il E UNDERSIGNED IS PREPA REDI to lend money (bd-.ongiiig tu private indi-1 vidutls), IN >eUMS OP -200 DOLLARS And uipwards, frein three tu five yen rs,. R«4e of laierest, 8 ptr cent -per Annuin. 0:1' The money eau he had immetliitely, on production ofsatisfactory title. Insurane. ,Fire and Life, effeçcted at inoderate rates. Alsv, 30,000 Âces qf -ValuableLatd hi k i dire leu in elgengu A IVELL SPRING 0F 1HOpi FOR ALL CAN BR FOUND IN ROLLOWAT PILLI BEOFC.OOt% CIIEER1 TuE ST'~1NG MAt BESAVEDLT TUE USE 0F - IBO? ami Tnla a 9 @<t<tk, rMdhimg Lindw ~of directions smieach buoar Pet.Be*orY*u i~ -da 1..puras»* e t ein, mectat th are no U.& oml*g ý-r Rm * .Bagqp- ma flSu kat uonthe Baiof PiaOr Oiutmmt. urb th b ofak t eaun,-Ml" boheS ai 8111 »Mttiuit havfe unfflSWet U? n. womu»î ~ 05 T. HOLLOwA >r sle n Tvorrio rera. ot urter ar- The historý qf thece greit Tenaedies ia the culas apply (if by letter, pre-pad> taIMOt irOnderful »edlicAl revelation that .theý S. J. IIOLD(IN, worldhaset-er known. It establishes tic :j Epsom, Rt-ath.> important fatt haS mherever, aid in what.. Epsomn, .uly 6, 1864.: 2re-ly è jver shap le isiternal disease existjtythp_ disinfert. Jiig, searéching and healing Irîerties (of ire X aney tL l.ills -are fully eqi t tts subjertion*adUe o o0311. aud.thît, with the Ointment, ithty are- ITHE GREAT AMBA*S-SADORS ()î HIE UNDEiSIGNED is now- prepared IIEALTH TO A LM N ÎD I tti Tiis >is not a history written by u n.n > L iid. '50,000. cSst of a C70ffpilatiohof etmnasfùçs, (belngig ( prvateind~ida1s, dte sick of erery t-ountrv-an unimpîeachaIUe (belngin taprivte idiyàual), record, the like of whicb bhas never bt-en adj For FIVE YEA'RS, on Improved Farcis,î n di(ced in favour of any d iscovery1 or inventenr large or sciali amouints te suit applicant3i at'a ;,etint~e began. These LOW RATE 0F INTEREST. MGIYIAFRWRJ NWN Fur fuirtheri particulars appiy t. WoRlDt Ê 1A pA ON O u (IES 1i0LDF'( srK. Princ-eAlbert. The want cf a sterii;nkmedic*,nal t!) met-t the, Aift, 30,000. l acres of Land for SmIe in dte jUs av ntei - àoli tht- ufrilig porti no ~o,-isof Ontario, ýPeterborouigh, 11etoria, humanitv, Ustad nt- cntirely free. fromn miner-.-- Lýainbt;n,* Kent, Essex, Grey, Middlesex, Perth,-j and ou iser dr1-ierious parti<-leý, m-às serrIv dnd oither Counties. ft. tli thiis ail powerful medicine l~ iens ISRNESeffected- at m>dera te ra.tes. intothewurld:IHllowas Inv1'tiable lil share Priiice Alberti Mart-h 10j 1.: eoeteHlshl éevo i &ý Tit-jr attribute is Co prevent as weli lis ti cure *tliv attack ýth- ret-ix or root of tht cunîîlair.î lIfC tô Ieliaild Chuis, l'y removing teUic idden cause, ( ON RE L ~S ATEdisease, re-ir. vigç)ra teýa nd rt-store the drot(ufin>. ON RýAL- ËST TE, energies of thtý system, assisting, nature in ber là sUrns of $200 oi upea rds, ai >1 per cent.l task uf vital and functionarv reformation. Prinipial _and interee , payable, within tén PISCIRDERS 0F TIIE STONACII vears, lt C ueh dines as suit thé borrower. 5;Are the- sources of the- deailliest maladi(ls. their Apj'iy tu t-litct is to vitiate ail thé- tluids of the- body. and 0.13. MACKA4Y, larse; tii sund a -poisoned strealu throtigh ail thech-an- or, NEIL RAY, Lindsay-. nets pf circuilation. N w btis -tiht- olra-' 238-tf tion of the PuIs? Tht-v vît-anse fhe bowefý. re- - gulate the- liver, briirg the- relaxed.or h'ritaied t-tomar-Widto anatural tùiikand, a'îing Mon y _.____ îhon y trotigch the ret-rtil1-ître blupsûlfli jt-seff.cchange thé- sr.ate of the t-vSî M froni .ick~ ~jOINEY ta invest on i mp.roveil -Farmn Pro- - netss Io heaith hy extzrcising a simuliar. ,s ard .perty inStunfis of $3410 andiuwrs at whoiesurnestTect iu1ofl l iti .a'rts and funecit rtasonhie rates of interest - Loans effictcd n I N X FL IER IFFI CLTrIES a few tinys îîfter ftic tities are investigated aneIi nîe ottt: .glîtneat etrfr th e- pit-iers a &,e eonplted. App Py, If by leter .ywers f t is LAI. Sîk but t-fctive pire4ara. G . M . R C H E - tit)n. ,A t thtS t ;î.. lc , 3 s o! f in h ht i ye Lindsay., April 13, 1864. ~s~tmunfergoçs tht- n1soý, nlpt-r1M0t and critica 1 changes, the- Puis *-ill pruve a I;c,6itivto safteguard lagainst- vil cucunta MONEY TO LOAN. TiAtv- le also confidentlv recorurend-d 'aï à i ~ excltilirt-iy sîl.j..ct. 11 I E SUBSCRIBERS IhAVE PRIVATE BE IT 1-ND'ERgSTOOD, J.Fuftd6 ta invest en Improved Farci Prop-l That the- above st-atemen.tbt-an st ail ties erty, sU a iow rate of interest. '-bc verifiet by te aritten.tesflrnony (q-hte,îirtg) xele KAýY k A 'KINN0S, i hrougl a qi.arter of a enttîrv)ùf ten*ýof thît.. Barsters, &c.. j ans f ninîpeachahie *wjînesses. Wilsnn's Block, Kent Street, Lind'hy. BILRW[7S XMALADIES, C. ke. N~vmbr,183.226-tf. -In whatever forci disease attack3 tht- lIv'er, j t iB repelleti and extermina-t-d f-1 this searel,- în.pailes:s, and irresisetabie cuiratives., Bil 1909 ff, TO ot1 reîttu,;bil-ioins purgiýng. and al heo- AT SPER ENT.dinarvdisorders of the organ, indicated tv pain iu thé- rigfit sideadbtwnth-h - ~'R particulars ap.plv to (lr", yellownessof théwhitesof the eves, steak-- tO. LàOURýSE k. 4 'I R;. netss and'debility, &c, are rWiî-ve4. andi te- Solicitors, Lindqwr. moveti by'the rcrnedy, with a ee6ity wf :C1 Lindsar, Jan 21, 1864 24- sitses the suifferers and tht-jr fritends. Let thc sick, st-oni the- faculty - aut îandtined, rsr With confidence te. tbis oefn ni MON'iEY, TO LO-AN bilio;ns agent, a nt a restoratioù to health and T' IlEsiihsriibr Ps preparet tonegotiate ban..a ctivity will -the- unvarvsin g'rtsut. on od real estate security at -mot-ltrate I>YSPEPSIA,IARRRoerA, WE.IKNESS, k<-. rates from one to hen ycars a t the- option ýof the- The terrible bodily and i mental prn sý whicb borroôwer:. ehat-acterize Dyspeilsia. are. lt once iiigàtà J. B3. t1OWLS0N. bythecPis. Diarrhoce, cons t ila ionf. hesache, .indsay, October If;. 1861. 120-tf phvsicai prostration, nervous tremorla, b ot tflash- es, spasms, affections of the kidnei s. bemnr-- M ONEY TO LO AN hii rpls tI nftt I î-a i: beaints. froin whttever et-uise arsng. givegay & FFW TT101-SAÇDS 0F DOLLA"RS nafore th- salutry influtence tf iîhs ei.trat.îd; JX. olcti n rasonbleîcrn~ aryrenwedy .As apc&f-r dysi el",a. ard Appiyho h e di;orders e'onnected with it, or gntst :,9 t .t M. DUlFOI 1. ïfiît- e éPis il ra lwa Kto rt-lit- (i M hen Linf1say Jâme '5, 1864e ba4'utterly faitîit-. 19ÔNE T lm1f KOAN lly N THE. WCIR1L. FUR 'THh -ROBERT LANG. O - opa-d, Idgs~u 1À'ndsaTvy. Marck, 1864. 238-fr Con'gls, iluna Cht-st Diseases, 1nst :rd Weaknt-est- Busne sN tie.Co,,tIveners, Lïver Conmjlaints. T N consequence of the desease of Mr. James 1 Darrhe.%, Pl IC. li.lford, of the firn of Tiomàs Ak1haiford, rot!, . Stofn atiGrav!,» the business in future will be carniet -ou hy i ilt.- eo Iary vci!otn5 iFeveraýntiAgir Vent-rta ftcia Davidi Thomas. ,Ail debts due by tht in wÉil Frnl Cm lits, Wîîrffnsofali kintis, be sttl-c by D. ?hom*s, tu whoni ail debts 'UTLa lduemliaybe pait. 114.% If the rentier of titis ".-nntiet-" elnnot get. a1 Linday, ov.21, 864. , 24-tf box of Puils or Ointment f",t t-tce dig store il? bis platcé, lt-hini write In me, enclDsing the 1Te SeblIoolTrUStees. amenât,and 1 wili mail A bo* fte exîn Mît-ny dealers. wili net t ketp m e ilitoines, e- I OUGMAholding. a Fiist Claeq., band becanse tht-y cannot taakeas rnuch profit fiCertïfît-ate,, delires Ani engageme 1nt as 'ts 011aotier persans' nut-ke. SCII4>OL TEACIIER. Good Testimoniale. .Nn r eun ftettt od do Addres, . A Il. ., Xe- Yorki*(and ondný»,"' are discernable as "fc ýCanaidian Ps a àWaer-mrk ln every ltaf of! t)?tlyok td Of inde Pnst," eti.on.saround t-aelh bolx; the saine May-be Lindsay C.W. psainl- st-en by holdIiine le-lélf te the lth.A Lindlsay, 26tb OýCtober, 1864. 270-15t bndsome reward will tic gifen .toa iY eOne re n- . rin . .su -hinformation-as niAl-adCotht- e -- &c. &c. .OUT AI