h'. .i-,~, lutttit, rKENT- i. 'i . pS li4hoq, LmIei' t*H*, Witt W ai .tur A LITERÂI1-Y f 1 if:ià#p-vo. L-iwhoe.No 28t ~aUID0US. olTE ANEKICAN HOTEL, Re to#< <nt ftet Ads .~ SCG'* & ACDONALD, rpteos r thé IIvf-)"el an ft ntiîal <>i- Aantiddliveryv D, ~ A r'oa~Y-~'-' ~ Lun 14i, f-tends il ilie (Xuî' V of SIC- ~ ii Uhaie.r~ ~#p~i lt~tiîG t<tVI. the travelling publie gpnelitît Àl attention pu.d o, ;.>y ~'~rth AAlni t i otel.-li ving r'n- il ocf whirfl Biidiii~s4' ~.d furni4~he'd the building îrîî îut t uui'~s 41onve $'aépe yn ) i i l irgt'-o I dUon nthe t'hinflfloorf., . c 1 aad ek W'~'uy IedtrL iCii J a î 1 t r î I ~ . O / iS B~i î r i c k I . l, .1 t î l w d n t a l e d t t a Tt n i N s B ah~~~~~ ' .M- . il î t lE îwt ii t t tCiidl Aift C F BI il-t-il t iftpt.~$, 5111>1. - - - - tT '.!M~t4 k 11141 iTi-! i11, llitrrrittt'I'4 antI A t-. luriî*tyi.ttt-'i'tiW. t4iîhet-lurii.-lIt t haiitvnV. i~. #->tt!îe la i~ueiîant »leek, l'h-rît Kîreet-' - -- ~. W ~ti~sit, - - - Gîta. JAII. W-6i înin I~tn4eîy'. ~la-un t>14't. - - - 19-I-If - L.- ih*tN~ittM, iltîirii'tet- sut! Xiutruety~îti~ iaiit~ i4îitlvittif lit iiîftnCL-ry~ Nu-lttry -1'ute hi ~Vhl-iî,îih liit~'-ti. -Iî'tthi4tret-t. i.itthîîy. I î-îic4rwrttk ~î~~,î-rt-v. - - - - - j Atlcritîu'3-u-tt-Tït'.IV, ire, ire. - $nhrI-tiutî (iti' tii r # lttf'aO lteuik. rwc hi Ei't'iîa tii tih;i'k, I-Ca,' t îtfîîth, Lintisa y. tefl' l.lîtitlîî5~îî~ - - t'. f~î M Atins. - - 2:l~-tf - * ttulitillit- iîtitV I' ituaiun iii r vît ru-itii-t '-tair. t î , irî hlwti-i,(I.J a n-t i i-ti il- tinte~~~~~~~~~~~~l . tt-i i~ e î iiiitr i tî' rt fkî i 1tlis u - f'orCuisns IONAL, AN» FAMU JANIJARY 27~, I'~6&. B d Aget te WbeM£T Toroat, -rthmd Me, snd ,Stone WGrAN -drg fur'any <ct-k lni Stoe*, efarUs hote 4livere4 e&C* rsTorouto v'ioeo ji iiOrig. ~R,('WR~OU>) Ri.., .DC'OAIMON IVHlISKIES s% tluný, will do 'veitobu ciiiAt fCouties of peterboro' & vieeori FO&R 1865. TIlî-twa)rý, for whirh rtti cthoigh ciiais iî . lit tii gtr,ý it-, m iilt shnr 1Iv ite p1dizz b-d. It ilICut hi a irmti, littbh a %re lit- mitiîe it ti nti l il mn wii'îlu iii atiii Ihî tInik ll)It ai c<.ý<zt lt'i *ieiu for- A(- Vît I-.ilf-- it wH i i l i t tilt-' lsw I ic,f 1~ 1 1îf4 * ciil\El1-. A-tr-t-, Il.ti1,- --l-l ýt' , ii~- 'tIli -l a& h Vgnsujt ffil 1,i leu i iît--yat -'t4'I'tSîuuy -3, lli IIî:~~ l . u4 t ý arv 1f1i 1i î-tît;tî* ,fel o grn ".1 voli iva ig ile ilti ho tîtutleîILiri i- i- iatiti-itf l.itiitt, St 1t , 15- IigiAct7 virtt iiilie aîî titi tit 4t v-hetî tIt - f î, îu il-r1h-- ifi I ~t iiren '1.9ktr ' t Ph t~~~t ittt t,îtlt - - fit. i il. DiiTi R i- - IN- 1 )i lit le ti i Ille u ît~~ * i l - le iht i i lt. I ld rihî-ttj iîu t u t ir t i i ,t- lv-te tr't r.--~ Iîtî-î t,"tIlt-su - ~ -~ .~7 ~-~ 7~ J ~ ~, ~ r~ b u ir-%: f i:1 i 1 I b o ce vî-v-.'r - î'ît -:y tt ithril'i. ig t tiei î-î 1u i t i iti î. 1-E 11, N IliECivilili, I>1 jit-l'elrÀ ji-!-11 lt?-J- ti :l~îu -il a es-; Ile, It. : -' lv' - îgil-rrrr'î.iî itiéît .Lîî-- i a çrii. iN K Y ili IX irt K 1 1 V<ut I N i A 1 N; i 1,;î-i-11ai i - it, Y it1- 1 0tfî 'l irj tï. ¶ -fl ll-P op iu)0 (~ $ Vtî-rt4.tir, ti~lî-aîî-ii 1,uni Agiril~- ~ fie k r t. tÀj tttilit tîîL G- ' G '1loa 1el: ihs~o rji.- 1. ilt! ru i .t tr rI.ail. s i i P. Vu-. j - î~~ ' ii n intbis uuîrt-ît iîitlîoii ite iii iut4î ,uidîft fI-ii îtjtiiigtt ~tiu A N Aî' ~ >liliitiî , .iiuiy -aLtîtEurrnItii - <ý i *- -pl- -t;,Ili tttlxili- j Q . - K-îrîi,111î l-..l'tîîiiVetaîtttge w hi' vs iu s. i ~ b ~ f'tî-unîj. j ~ - rp utii ii" tiît ir' J i i' -~ -tlt irii 1i l i, l icthe utî r i ti lle tfiIlei- t~ ~tu J'~t. 2tt-S t'tltd Uti~'. - -- 1-Ill il ilt t l 'u ii st y il <rt it- ttt ri rii 'tt:M I i uNlitîl'. t (Il it- tWil ltJitfTia - \:-4 iiiflMiti -x' i. ra-: - tu î utî h-ki ut-u tt i )Itrofes-I '11 -- li )111',[,t'r 4t1 -I tjý VI . tt -!.rriîi-I -- - j - l ltiio - T1r (5 ltu-is r Itll li cltil-, -ilii1 ýit f ec ti l , it li1 î- io lr l i,-: - -ti to lle lii-tr i \l t til it l'fiî ii- i îai tr-k, ~~~~~~~t -1-1-4 iv rI> Jug HA l a d I Ille-nt- ~i filitil lItat lii <'l(rl., 1'itr. litt-r , - raliiticie r hii, ~ ~ ~ ~ e tMr-.fîîii-h-r ' d '-- -- 2 - - T tii - f i. riirittîiîl fiN a i t'tt tt iiitit tn tit k--iii4 - in tii,1 It-i- t- ~.it~i V-i~ tî li -trt it~it. it,, ti lte 'ritî~ ~ - i tti. -Iuli -4)1.11 ,îdtt ot(Ilirli(le fi- ,ýIiunig et h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i trV. ir'iiiuîtt ttît-i iîttbel.u-rt -- 't'u-iat-t--t,-Lîd-~îXf- w.Il'.f.(iand~Mi, l'iit-i'-trr, littîî,si iadi-u h~fio ir - ;C~t-h IV M>l'tc ~ -(1.-ti' Iliruii lTrIR.) lii t- - -PAIN& Ueiiî-îut-;fr VTtr- I I elt 1 s M- 'É Il - rfil!- Pe t i ltit-,(~îê tt> 'V'~i I- -- r vitttaî .sstîi- îî i- -iefu rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C titîussîIet'L - -I"r 't'lEttlt-itttlttirtlit c4i t i-l rîI. r it- i-,-V - 1 '11il wti-i, Xuso v A I - S rîtitie-> ti i-1t lit i rittrs. W ' iti-u it I'ifisas..)r.F lreItrne-a I 11; Mi Il 1,Tf , il iltift, fer ' tilt'-lrA 1 1 i, ao t$t-t itI, <i. tv.J ini,1e.M. ak Sf ) _ .t1 . 1 1 t-i'. 1 r I 1 'ql ei-, elt r nt., l nni-ti . Nl. ( itr -- utt Eit'L isî T.-r4,nut tMttt VI i'tt utiIl11 )iitI F A IlE ii ugirî - lu ~ 11 tîr4qON TA-NT.lil %i'illu;tlfi lriti. * - et,~u ~ trro î wiffli forîrirtut'-ii ýiSa4LE. ilt 114,A n ~ I i4lh I elbt-lr ev MENRllylZHUM iHtIli'. t1itit liel4tétill l'ilthe i i-hi tut ttendSîîut. - it(3 N i I A t ý e,..liil .1 ý. 1 1 1 , tý litill y ptid fil -le AIl e -iiî. e ilnitiitN ov.sçti i 18(A . 1lfi'tî:î IE l, t tittîr, W iii ufir't, - -IEtut -tA-M îL hîik(tt t I i I'r< - ~~~~~ ~1-loltïi the-tt-iî hîirtititt-ilit't tti itlii'buit itP[, t , b it<t il ery ititihliii -tir- jtoeWii' ai K tïG An t-xei-Iieî forr ftlerànoe -Jsit rtttuiul~1 tuiat7 fîr IlcirIlltriti îiroé'.e, reaer 'ar cfwhirlîIM , tr¶ e h. 1 o -'ý lialj<~<~ tif w 11Iî i, li CI11 bus -t ' 1b14k it' t Hte cmtltENRY rtuGEn t f0 FN ltf'm ison Tç nh te, m a i 11 X0JOIYRNAL1. __ < tUii.a1I ih enagrgatnum,provid- BL&Y ~ha* beoeafair ciop atul the agfÔr,-the- aecorty of is cuompoent, partstahity aowa lut aprirg larger thaq n M ay pro- aigbêWbtningothe strenaih aMd iabiiî ~ I~*f~Ae, o whîberibe îevyal ro- ou, en, »Lt il g hatood the dronght or wheherv te wfwruxxl.Ppro- anuary ai hie6 'intaheirppsent fagrentlary and iiîdlatéàdudction farmers baye reaIized gop-e . *lii;comnpariiuvely po)werlete fuirtIu- PAS oi 0 >tb o r sme om eloek ttcy thée G<,Oéeor eid wnl tehi 'ume m ta .thecimM r tai aïdid tincap)ablé f iietkn he fi ther.i ý 1.imt le su ofguhii n avery shoit rop. GArs.have -Dot mnciej IuI4i 7h o (bt Jl8atYeferventfypray i:yourinrda ïmay*beguitieti. TATOES, TURXIpir, iO1»ffV tS' su otbu imots Ctni bbg 131*ejotmé nconclusions. whiùh shah redotnlilte he- 'raly eigfalrsda eac tie igiatîve a ad t1ml, hH 'Use unrSuve-iP, 1taithe weltar f anrmd dearer than iuar*I; anth., Cî.oraandl j»L y 0 subjecilland Io eyoi*rowa repaîatiou.a ,beu *tIl yW8lae t i atîi atamuwn." P9.8 Tiîuoy irsowvn wiispriog graina have been ta Jb#h4hISfI1 .Ptr- -s* nearly a tual luss, jheyotuî4 plants havitîg 3~p~g44 ont dqci« g ,suserheat wClk *~ ion (intgesofî~ Lgilat'e oi»- f th e -Townahpof O0 ira kAgiu-titat nyn larmiers are in. fayot of aowin>g -Crnd gidatve Aàse mU titrai society, in thre Cuz',î of Viuîon«, Tîamotliyý in the fâil. .4. a ýig you tgiîhrb eî oyh urIIAY-h-is bee'î much below bbc average iltae e euxmy tankfntliîessl u abqn Te ffcei ndDiecor c tethe rce i ifrutn 40 bé 50 pet cenît higher ificielit Proiec ha r.en.be ucori- Te-fie în i.ecosoteTw, haix il has o)een fur the Iast.seven years, and' graýitlate you cri the gerieral pruspt-rity ad si f prac gricùliurai.Soeielytre- the siera be said of STeAw. t-ouîeaîmet of the - peuple ot hi.4 Province, apectfully subizit thé, follo'vin- Report. of Aiîhou;!i tthe great deficiency in the crops andi Ir e coiîfinuance ta us of the inestimable, thi'ir p-ceii for tire paàt yuar, aihew ing, of tire past, seascîî may ho maittly aitributa- carnt~anît~ritwyfthe-aieliA: of the iia:es of the menbefi atidIthe bie ta Vie unfavourable %veatheï, wve are :ully oAmrcaby persolis who, allterth perpe.- Premi unsawartiedtltImAutumnExhibition, of rotation ofýcrops and t'horlughtillagle are trai ion o! those Îlots, iave soîtghtý refuge un o hîîat o vttpia it ea-eieaIîn caus-es'of the- many faiutes in Cauadin sjîl Joordr l poVert 1W O- tncment of tho,.receiptà and di4t,urernents fi&rinn- orjer- i hsseto le i~tîj:nîio f nysulierirpiza viiînali=ï n tisci o i i tti1 iProvince, anîd aisd tu ettabie me ig -dis- foýr.flicyear. country. lai, -ttan eosive mariîner my dii slà- The Directore-diii net de lprdnu Aloigh Ops ean boast of a large porlion warsa'tetigbofingpowroterm-suffriettd- consequoiinee of the iow 8tateý of their fuiidd. of inost e-eln uu eti sb erget- shi wih fet ajetyI hve eej li t»t>r hâid a shiovin the rngcf16;bu., ted 1 a ofe-e f;iTrne-s lhave'as yet entered gaîtixe a systenitiof Jeertîva Police ocilîŽlriï'j o 84 fi-ortier liiî,e cf the I-Jiitd States, anid*.wiiiu heti titeir annuai Fait exhîibitioni on tire 2,nd Open t-heir c-aliic gwith lthat spirit of progreiss th ! mgmô dusigît 1 hai-ecat-ecý otittfor per- -cf ctober, andi wlîich, we ihave beuui led ,ta rici ii,t naturaily- bueperied uutk-r mariet duty a, portion of the- vulutleer fteejCtt l iuî îc cl ae 'utv fhelisc aorbe ow oii of lthe province.frtigt-Fttaaupcs SSig ilar col .iideratins'have sgeseia cti aier. tat afertile atid eiiîdaring st-l, Iyurgcoiti> th rpriety- cf arriiitgtu xeutv gv- lie il %ts el and tunfa )rale, andil iuon.t- oîimakt wt al raifcl ernnent li:iiîi - stronlger poWèr liîoeiî it nrthle roails cxtrerrtc ly -bail, vel inotw.ithist;i,*ill- oluit tu bc strong ind.ucerg.ents for ex- taîseses fi dt-lîîiti ermtîîtii Who, wltil, iiiý, ti tre ilo- vutnti hl ras utr 1 crIions*to ard.impro-emeu, yet vie cannot oviigtîent:e f il-eri-lit ofasyluro îî l .wlbtt e v wi.èhbasalay beîtidowu it l3ritiriî-ta h îlto iepreviou* year îOeirl.a Iatsn > tr ase ; boweve,, wt mu e moil la poliiWai refugeèes fio)m aiY foriî itiite ri p Ita oar expecialions 1:is1i-axi't hat there are somne sîrikin- ec. p cousitrie4, nîay-be utigmtîuîfuI cf lthe, iapiici eritihe sinaliiiei,5 cf the, pretniù .miswe ta nshoiis.tate plkfÎtîing-;bttîe r u - uiiatouî wicî,v î~d tsidtie î 1i w.erce euablee tO ()fier ; ih is.true, Ile doua.- and far bet-wee,l ami wîzhout vishin, tt Uý4' ihtty cotiiat Il).obe>- cari aws and bu re- Dd~r 4rpect'h -le .chired iL .uI c ur i-itio.1n"GfFcýrty D geuis erously gîvei, lu trij ra% v id cuprsîs oa. ireu Abill îfaneulfor tilb..ispîpo-ewlIeSatlh -lel-îorîi oi ipoîci umn voiîitv Pr.îie>, r.H'opkins ;t.hefait belore You, anti I aîk.icr Et ycuretari. e.a iù illewiuich we iaddied h urperiîti -P-sdn f u otSociety, -MAr. J. Gibb; Coea ut i,i béi.0Orpenan Peiiito u ony 1 alti happy 1 oaa bI c .tO n'orm plof ,cil- ery îIuctilu lis succesq. .-Te M. J, Coînoilly, Mr. Bauckw ell, Nr. Thorlle,- lt e ziai âauud alacriîy displa'.eil by lite rueri - 1 4 uw cfStok w 4sa deciiid d îu provernenî J Mr. Fitzsinmon ,ad a-few ubbters; iese ber c lIe olnui~erface î-eiîeae:iuli1 o!) ttty previtîuâ ekiibitiori,aiid tii ivas aIl have not oniv added sieoîebest breeds ta tuttiiont fori- tive service. Tuîis cntti I t t'lemore celtbl ru in fci f of oed caitl, shecepanid 6swine la he"r list .6hiiws ,èthat lie ;-sp>.14pi!.at d oi ofCaiiada ltecgnoîîinîbihe - u îîe aeprtvtldofh e liaittiig titb ; it î.tîy nîtty, slrîcîly colifitii talàcf hure stock btI rýlýVddwt e wlîiiuJlituactterizu hIe racès lbutin 1% hi cilil m11r1r -iî tin uwstp.lt11011. --.sary -auJ coinforta!ble she-Werau -Ldng il rives tz: ori-in, andi thut - i t.îyl'e teied SES tiure iýslil! rominfor i rrvuîn6it and tuproteen liera fioru lhe inétereicy cf our ai, iî.lr Ity t1ritJnitfr (il.ititi esi. >tti- a-ti î (ritii fawi1be rhIo it igourouswignters, agid. wha take au interest ilte iialb cfduttiirbt i terta îeliceIltetiw) mei ta i b Sid0ble de' in 9sceing th.emn weii caret or al, ail -seasois 1,'ie comintîisieîters appoilted uliter Ille liîbe. upoutl ie whue lthe show of lior'ses andi a caommetîdable pi-ide in-exiiibii-g lthe provis-ioîs of lte sî'coîd cimter« Of' ltotî it- was fair.,lIn ATE iaîthere is ro0m, supetior qualitiés of their fatvourite anumals: ~:idîuîIstaltesu f.oîv-r Câliada:î% to ri irne t i mt'ngrerîî ; a sti(,rî-horn Billi-slîown by 'vtttsaswf:dîeotapoeil- at citvjil Cdati. îîkt ta todé. of civil t ii lo efn h ot.apoe"a tire flir Lcweri Canada. lt-ave Coaipiettc.I Ille hy- Mr. J. Gi bb - vas fmccix adn1iïirÉed utlwas bour-saiiîg iachin vdauJ iplemnenî, anti fori-er part of ilieir dilly. '1 utst théilSIIEFP thrai le greatest ativatce %vas no- it seerna a pity lthaI safel am ong-It us are to <i liiouric lhall Uc iiil tuitre you, atiilitcabie, iàt ttiiweatt n twa ~î-be -fcuîîd vho canri uly appreciate the ati- atieu i1irv aiiait tettde i l t - aictory te tsee $saruch. c<txpeîition., First aiaesu lilution o .th.Codîificationut cilleivil 1t icia-ss lRaîmt, but-i of Cctswoýd antiLeicester îweruJpiiru irn boli lFretci'auiti Engri,4t ciiîîiî>îlaif tatîrei e-keiiteti. -flthe PIG class There cati bc no doub, îhaî even 9da le- tif gui:bni u iiîliabiî.aits cf tow- lUre was »othmný_j very remaialie. a great poitian af our land is, niuch af il ArCaît:îd-à, byetabling thtt put tpl il oflo-' u1m f1.h ADN rdcin eo i-ii tt lai iii ihiuir _o nvil li».Iuguatgtti oeoîh AD. dcions eî-eof out i greaIly.iîmpiove-d 1w athcu sys- -Civil la 1 wer %wiîvîillîey ' 1C ad %llcx-l-t iaitattugtguriy tltŽ einof drai;iage, vel it, isdoubtful whether fiiferîc huait oniy Iiceil utesahein a nlîait tnmuch retardediin ilheir growîli by much %ii bu donc îin tiis way by lthe.great p iage whit-h aï«%flot the nîttter tiîiliti- iiia lthe Surnîuer's d:ruglt.Tis Cauiillor afu arn- wa' utc cv x îîotaul if it pexph wtou ivi tiht ar -itîidC.ibbagu,ýs coîtit net be exceiled, andi a pneivudclaS (iînteie (iîf t 1 keLtgisli i ré s.cty- îw very fine rpcin-.cxîs-ûf Potatoesi, Beels -Frlieifomrn of the Bonrd î¶-e dil li~~'paîtiturouleei icatr by anud Outuout-s ere t10 bi. seeri togetlier wtaJit avsbe1 taetepLe a lîbixd -C;llut _-loit titi* îtuteesL'or acilvuis ckutè a fev lots cf very liiî RUTA BAGAS.:* 'rie fr~! ee r ecal-hh iii flrt iiîit vs ti-tarsceîwt Ie Cîtti aînjlls of BUTTER .atitt CIlLEESE, ahbo' '1ltu it-tuf - le urret iyear were:airetd ,t li t eîîiuwoec tebet' say, fàrmns of 100 acre , la SO of witich %wi! ilce'tuitatl a auplimeitary vtie foiritat ilatît>y are clicared and the islumpis nearly ail gat.d survt-t. hhavedesredlition es.titn'tle. Of DOMES1IC COT antid, NEL J - and -on which are Ille usuat. farm. buildinugs f>)r titis puirpaiutelaîl l e laid befiurc yoti: 1 Itleqialitieà of boli were quitteiferior. uvton$5o$3peareccdigt -6aI arihpipy itr Ucn a position b ilîform - y.out4t lth~ ie, uarlêjal legislilof t a ia En Tie etîtries cf G AS eefo tmrti qntalitý and locali!y :cf wild, or enuire woo. ~e~Iot huiêbet ilîttdeîilwith bt-iitficial re- and te qtîaity 4geiierai'y inferior, îvîith helotst there are fe.w or tinue re:îauti utîhîs. TIc r. 1nuu la b as srgely ,ilirt'aeed c ailteror fi o. critripoaeîs~eciltiof FAL.L WLIEAT ani PfLAS. -With regard ta the puices noiw paying foi terisiors t Ile trate Of Ibite riiv Ince.. -iig1 ie oi-unite dogl Ilî érenî kl-irsds of proilLle hure, Il 1 i lTlilt! 1' h ave dtirect-etit Ile estimaies fuýrir tt- the Moîîîhs ofJtuly auJ An.2ui.t, lite Yielti Of to nwae wiîh any de<gree of :ecision as thev tuexîftmr"i.ntýi il. yta:il)t bé laid. befutre .yoî, andi Wheaîtbas been very inuci below the Eaver- -d ltSCnt uflyeîbiiubtlct oi il fiî .titth tey have10 becit fr.tmed (oaotsc wilibiitiit tbi2lid bt lis wîti tuieatenionlubcuom cmbneile b iiii iinits of our Society, partie- offeriîîg f6r wbeat, seenleis sat-sfitezory ta -ifi ellit imty îal nteSr4g'-reis nifrlii i teseller thoin for otite ain productions. tiN-~te G(eiitlernim and Gentlemen - lthe guîrerality of lhe soit -of Opa us butter TrIle priccit paid f6r Po.rk- dini the iÏast lwco At tIlleclogIe oflitetlsit ses-ioc of Putt-i- aJtpi tthaut ,for l'ai li tîtti qualit Es montlis woîild have bee-ititcrunntratiui: ~rutîi I tmormti 0f t 51 l wasmy nîCt-a lic tuferior owing j ithe dr-t place Ioivan. rb ---kf- Ittu, ut~î~1îîcîoîwiih n-y. nisiers îot if rias (of wdti.î pis are gerieral-ly euiere) pri-pite ani sîùuiî t >-u a e-Aîîr forthec--uficienît rnoistat-e iii lthé soi wiiîchi tunit- utheranvraerp;btoiightes 110ai ii icu f <Ic tsituunlpebeu, ted bath iie growthof Il tlru'v.,as %well as Ia1 ela oausbeignai alr prô-ibtele park 1fagood 4 as îy hai beer Stilînfor the proposenion~iti, embotiieti ID deteriornliotîîclinatic ittfiueîcesq anti which s bui lse mreh uisotesce fséries msreéioo, hiëh, withouther D n ay psil aesmhhii ad lsrîul esnigiegniitnleysoepie whicliwoul. egititaneiy pplM. per riawgtto bj it ae diîeil eîwe areinciiinetù-bubelieve Ihat other iiithe siape af pretntutnscriln procurixg Thte geieriduign ci a tTniofi, ati <h cus toh ave- opei ated ho bring about osume ricw valitieWof we -Paricular plaIn by whioh it ilra ed b this1 dimnution in lte yield so juiferio- ta Titre are on;a or tîvo interestiug toipies Cairry that irîîetition into ffeci, have bath te., what it was tnrtev .it g hni kihefn eeeottepito vr coit91e hoial iapprobation of the rnpert- W. hb o a nor hwpve yarsgiu w35endi .-ihiefniwewr t u ott al ive+teý An îImper.ýneatwsyn eu uoto gt 35 aitt okiiiîg; thée fts. ain referetîce lu, État Pest ment ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o wiberqesr nadrt iee--ve40bhest tace vieiov20Ji8tifthe' fariner lteé wieaimidge.. anti beg ho tect bu th. Comitem lawet Unip 0of heolo.- çýnsid.ered about the. taximtll twe iannol alaàte that-i s dep.rtiatiansturiug.liepat hieq. A'nd'J h1, b:4n âidâtaly inAormed but îlîick ibat b..practice, whiciîh mA been. season lias been ver trifiîg cnprtiii by t-he 8*erMary <if ?îintihaî er blaesttys -Véry 1il upoIn tiiprtd Nii Iinuters iit be pre"fIi ti, geneduce acf sOwiugg PUtesanie <haee ofpreviOus years, anil tai -oether un.' bit!~litjai pUrpoiie illto >hemrpeiM ailaru year after >'ear is a very erron.eous one; _setity enemies-of, the ceuiai., Whiich vr -amenl- it . q ÙW îy ithaill have beeti Mot- for, iy Ibis syatem the best of soils ni<tiaIvy meosatijuo~ i 63iinl lid huiM'~4uallisrumeid the sn- reoexautdfuoigeient8 mke their appearance aa miilàu64, and if lceam fo t issts iig u me-d ývtàe rJ poll»oawd by easr fr ivn vg;rhoi. got-anithe lioig d-ought oÔ( last year has been the ttn oormending la ",airattenion thia o the foul de%,reiopem'enî <of the grain. on meaiîs of destroy iug or even pas&si1iy ares'- sulf he- usma#* ~'k hto yor- the few faims in the totwnAiP *irbiccontai- n terrvgs mypbesitOwtb5 au4 ~suê id~hui a injmésbuoportions suitabie for Vl haîterpvat-x e hien~' MOM- d itha faili average aticfexcellent qùalîîy, being iqjoluui çy taze4 W-U me~rl.s I~eroaï~ Wtte inih butPesustlecondition, thé -1 IWdriatgth ~ a~w hôh*~~ 'i-ct@t ~1eu baÇ bing hlard and unv valot i nita.m -.Kih" mibtrMi * - t JOHN KNOIVLSON, - Suecretar-. iLudsav, 14th Jan., 4S1X5. i 1iereby ceruify ltat teifoit'., ia trilecnpyof tic one atirîpted t a a m-Cel- i îg keîd tutus day by the colleurs anti tire- t-ors of tic Op1 Branch .NjricuizuralSrce, anth iat bte icèompanyitig statemnenti were ipassýed ah saiti meetintg a-s being correct ini h il evcry parlicular. J. HOLMES HOPKINS,- Lindisay, 14th Jan. Iî65. Petet t-The fol lowtu- is a list of tic Officers andi Direclors e!edte(lti dai fe r the cunreut vecar: WMv. VtOt¶E ice -d. Jato. Uoxv:îî.r. JAS - i. C.' iViru T, - -PAl-RICK îItrIPHY, .f e Pr-TER Fi sfi r n Linîlsay. l-lh Jan., 1Sh3). -j- ROTLISCIIILDS RULES. a Tie fotiidt7>r of the cetl-,ebratdbouse of the -Rothischltiiis saite have ascrbed his suQc- cess te a ttlrict adhterace. ohl the fotloinîg 1. 1j 1 combinad îhiee profits;, 1 matie- thé-w mancfac-iurer my casteor, and.the one -I bouglit. of îny euýtrrrer, tiat is. 1 supplie! htile naiuiif-.tc'nnor w'iîh t-he r:tiw material anti - tves:- ou eaclî of wluich 1 maille a profil, anti took lui-imanuFacturetiganis wich aili aia prtofit 1:-aid titîî-- combine(th ireti profits. -2. Makie a bai-gain aI- a-tue. -"Be an off- 1hande(] titan. -3. Nerrrlar.- anythii- to do uilsan uinrucky înn orplqce. (Wt'do net he1ievi tn - htek' lîtil cluiose to let Mnr. Rittlil-iC'Ilili t;1wak fi)rhimseîf.) 'l have see,%,' faii hcl 'nianv ctevu'n -menawio liai! not sales hto îlîeir feet. 1 fitver ilci wiîh themn ; tite'- adl- viewuis %vdt eillbut' fait- us aZains:t them'i, btey caif nagaig tot tenselvyes ;ho%,rcan tiey tin zgodo ilime ? 1 1 4.' De cautions anti bai: Il rqie great iieal of bottinessatauJ a great dee! 'of caii-tn#se make aa rtat fortune ;an-i wh-3ii yaui have got il, il requires b"-;en. limes as m-t viltatükeep it.'1 t 'rTheeo.lhinued pro-sperit- of the emitient 0 a.nking house of th. RAtlhschiitlsîis acuibeut it in thte foilowitur bo Zraphiéa 1 exttact, to 1wo principies H le Who dJoei n i eioai casuaiiies. and bhus, knowledae oenouzl-h b" -Peeive thuit in ail] great .ffit0i» te lsuce"' net only dependi; on the OhOIOOanti hu-cf the favoirabié nonnnLbtî el~îOrbi' punsai o an *om'd<& .fondamenl- )t ju" .aim ji.s per iat paric iî-IY if pi>CP urnove eleltd by <bis hakigJ'oua ow uci ito ea pru- 6, 1 terse, il otv.s 1thegreat The Cobour-w WorL states, tiW -the town&shi.sof Raldimanr.d,1an»d South, n-- 1The i#jcxr .idiced en the wbeat crop ýb the mietî.çfaowrabte Wamosphrîai influeftces W hich rsemtu* iaieaffected this cer eal,4oeîher with #mpeiled tigage ofihe, landt for its. seed -bedy- in -onjjnzt;on vvi;h tWi re44~if~i Quing *ethree.1a«I ye»M have jomntTi Sonîibted iovard he lfiumW!. oe*naa'esi, andi we are compelled 1.t declare that; farmng doa the period, men- tioned haît, aaroey been a remunerativer oocuplao , et w emi ethope for more favoiable 99Lea001 orenifavoxerable mar- kets, as alto the introduction. of a mu"e tho- rough syMStofknaing. It i9 notto be de-v nied that a larg aumberof oui fe!lovt-farn- ers are expweriing serions pecun iary ditli- ýculties sud.will net fluti it possible ta meet tlieir engagements tbis winter owingr partic- ularly .ta th~e gi-eat driciency in their farm productions of ail kinda of the pait season with the exception of ilarley. Ouir experiente iruriuÎ.r the. last tee yffars ha. lW ut. lu the eone~lueion tIhat farmera bém have'depenided tio much on the wheat -crop iîîsîead of tnrrng' their attention to. other ptWurtion,%. We are convuiced th-at DàARlr fartuing ahoold'receive reuch -more, attention ftîaelbas hithe ito been betowe:1 upon ii; and we are als,) sati,,fied that rLAx could b-t gm-own t l adviintage, and. possibly ,llxpi as :Iieré are large portions of our-,sout wvrf-Wiettothe grot of but: w u n- derstand fîgt several. farmer-i contemaplate sowing fiax nert sprijng, and ive are led ta. hope- tliat the nevi annaal report of thii so- ciety will show th-titis culture. ha-, been at - alia encourarretlto hope lthatil-,\ Scierice of Agrieulture fliV«enerai ii rd orbep mzAed bv thé ýrePf& owlil-ingby the Bureiu of Agriculture for mûre iuiiy developilig tl;e agrieulttîral resoîtrees of the couîntry, and for ~ e~nlra~ngaiil tsteig te -rmin- inte.- emet, for when ýwe. see the govert1ment 1'illy' alive 1.6 the neces-ky44advaeinz So un- portar a býra1nch of n:%tional weaith, e the le2-ititn aie iii-triner.ts aie excited to icreat4j exert jols in oui cal4îîîg. j We beg utert -ttha eaie -tron rimpressed w-ithy--tlie idea, thait rno-.t bene-ý ficial -utstowards ýp!ru ti'! ptozre-Nin be eected tfirui lt e 'bl4re- of anîd iii-re patrfic-ularly lu sorne of the newe sgeîtied 'C-)unt:ws ýlin tîjîterior. We bcz to say that wtt iiikt1ir'&U-h the' j'kIut mni- ani effoi-tscf tlic A-ticuuura1 oTetes an Ùle Coutty (CouliCiýS,'tŽher wi1!î a poîtîiîn of aid fiont the Govern:iieîîî, a farru of fromn '60 tà 100 artes i iht be-ptire&ta-seti for se PvurPose In tle vicin4ity et cach Cotinty Town .and the la(id once thra el, Lefatin wi!h *piroper ma-na-,er.nenteouXi c te ~i-~ tin.rwùlhout Dmucit itîrîher serlous Ûnt!ayý titan that oe the ptîrciîe aoney. WVe beg m. --t respectfolly ta) lay betore the -Baard ihese our vieivs on the latter sifb- Ject for. its èoniîle rafion, and-Iif îa. warthy of notIce would aisa SU22est thatt î.e ~mattcr be recorametided to the furîher n, o- tice of the Goverrument, and althouzh sucit e a ch -cm e -nay Imssibly be îhotighftby son o to bc somevli-at prernature ini thc pi*oýetà (le- p resseJ.s.*ate of ourfiinces vet wc trust Ilie eioý is no- far'dihtant %vlien we shaHl have the proud s-atisfactioanio f ; Qeigour wish. in tis re2ard reM-.îzcd sO far as Io wiieFs at least si5>me Di these inodel farms ini success- l ut operation, ý i