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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Jan 1865, p. 3

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n . ow seiling ofbs a eStock He. how giiaraiteeite -1.tho hpucbs tshe tu ollowung airticlei at the o2treme low pri l. aime challenges' any nerchunt in Liad&iY te-M auRENMEDY. (~tark's . 80paine 0.4 iuketàet#2- 50 pet par PALIPtLt~. té té R lem e lawtketa <tii WOOI) MALE PLs-ý worth 17 d,4i 2UPtpr Pair " fu~ilnglits Ail won 1 Red Fiat#Ï.î 1-a6d jer yard ti du'moruum tuituasf vp0 rot doube Shswlu Atotx"ss5(0' case, und A .J*s.dY Fine £sglieh Cobourpai at y.Y" SWifflys (hoav» oQ1ly 9d 'é * M~udus(til k imle)from ý7e- 6, mîp hokp UIsnby ftmieq Tw ff al J11vost) for îlhe loyprivo of 2f# &I e F I WrSn a - l 1 t,...E ' ,,t,. ci' ib .. aual bu aen I i 9illiIgi put r t ready ,li.êa4.............oo iL 5Osêtll4I.s..........8,0 1 , Under Coauts woel Oviar-Cate - d" baint. woflh 8300,8a, 4 dom Fu.r Caps»- m 00dos. NsSudrf puohaes te away lu Ccsod Hlysosi Teas fronit2a 6d per lb. ti 30- Iboeof Rice fur $100 12 pl ugeof GoA -Tobacco or sa quarer 12 Ibo. gosi bighimuafor $1 betssu, IIfyou want. - sud s ni ~ t tr aslhe iîitendsto seil off hii larg stock fat thoâe pr&çpo) 5eteied îtla Ce wceks.o t smliant OSr I tias, ivp for ymand ecsc lte fosr. tise CanAfias SOI'] rtoil, KiovIo"n k (fg1y 4at4;A. Wvaitî, <fin uti ai] itdi lie (1411 fris. ToN j c V AF ERS. il stE il whnat je promised1 by illig: as ehenp as lié advertises. Remembr "tuie jlac 1eai IFÀIAY :.& 7CA fOTTEO Pha li t t ii t>irni PI 1ins' ( lirenÇ u hsunîu onissc4isi -Vfiite LOTION 0F ARTNER I ~tftTht ssut, Ilaraeeatl'lise Sssb..rbers bint. about b dissolve partnecihilt n1liifrtsm tssd1 oi ieltAnlc ý14 'i1 ,w AP i,is Out thein iligsîense stock tof s1,11iiinluthe (iîest, ti' t" it. dt Tonte IINUWAVrIlU *AT FIRS T COSTI '1(s-Nu' WAI"'!M isln ahc isv' ( (hrc t11ý j iex ld le d is thaus eoý;t Prnîce. AM il s54.~'s5ttt(té. ii'taseiode îes til s tt .lifliftg p% tisCi lu ke. î nnyusure Dry Goo4a, lu l .,in iitetlaite. %lie w iole Stock rnui.t be SoId- 'itUtI is-ùs- ciE-l S cî'y'tnks>cslcit sdfs.Pthe u im ç ' 111MOI i'WAFIP1Ell$ - dstsuî,I lus' Nil oisu sf i si Iy N8 l'iiM(iif WA1l 1ttS P rosîs x rli' s -s -s - é - ) i l il s m i urls,\tmaicu tns * uisi- l ' i Zlt, il flic I1utsi s I% Gt-egs 1 1lss ICI 1hi . t A.- ll Oa. 4 îk. Ms t.sts itiiiit A W % tti, ll:tsyio'v 551 -M ~ isisi il I w t1 I t 55 fi*i' Il5' l. sIi i fi ii, 'l-a uî- lit. ss s- i 'Il 1 i-- 1i l 'ist sc cIvl, s til. lit I s-i r, i t 'I, t Iisul s, s' sas i s '- I -<xc- I e s utss i I - -'us- I Stuc sit~' f i i.- 'si i's-iuti- suit t- soilsut uS isul i-lins- - s-v s e us- 14-. - - -s-i t5 s-t-s ici, I mrl w'ruwn1 fu uts 1 us u( il- u îspsiui- f 5 lo foi-isi I'ul, o"W . li sut fotî I l usisstîis sl li 4 s'iIs ;>, AHv, itt orlu - lTs'. ii- il i ti lltus s s-s'ru i g ii -s-u.nx Me i t.s M o-. l iil -,si ' \si tîtt e- v-c- Puit îslit ï fils P'sttslrt ii t i l Cô sîîiday 1*ki~f N x s. i'-Ic1865u duiqee ill M1s1%ci.isn ffFORUBLE1 ièRFBÊR effets for,-male, oli ,nt, Ile Westl baif of tlfs Bail MI, 7HCONCÉSSION OF 2d 2-miles cf the lotrlglisg ssy,sssd tse Bobaleyguoi .o ut 40 ores leare nd w elil ssII *s 1 l ay, and.i l -waleîed. t owaer, in the rnlies, JO 188. - N5 Dt Tise lot, lapon wIbl tbdagofaa hou»Q a e 1euMly u tlu lb. ws-Of the Itowù, and ioli sab. a PisafmaeluSm The vinu r f bt bo *id lot vmIiimelve. a iertil. - im Grammr Sebool fIN XOND AY, lb.9lsOth fJmMUMrYthlS8ohOI i>ii b. re-copees for the rcépion d puplis Whso wish teo Y le &advantages of a bigLer llaving a sonlis attendance al ohervlux bis progreeelak 'vledge, l oaa recomme*nd tlîls ecoltieptoaeof parents Who, ilesire lat ei hiliven luacquiie a lhorough'ocil. Puspilà preparesi for Teachers or lbe, Univer., aies. Goodi board'ea-a be procuresi for $1 50per OZR Ro ýYOU.NG, .. flnbwna ç. ,. 2fth. 1964. 29 1~....... A XrryChristms Ia py'New Year sHILrExtendegbt hlmforwhiielbMe tisu or xerndinediewattenin ofis enstoaters andi public te h1s cof varionssiz es, and supei or qnality. privilelenaries, Tes Meetings andi Soimes su1jsplied cix the shortest ntice,andi on the mosti Candies, Crsckers,Biscuits,:àt. ho., 'wlsle- Saléensd rotait. Dr- Splendid *Oysiteu regalarly receiveil during the menuon. A% cali invîteti. GEORGE. GR-EGORY.' Lindsay, Dcc. 22, 1864i 277-tf Tall whom itrnay Concern. This W b give nmotice tisa a certain cn- ditionai -Note imade l'y sue in favur of Robet Thomspiî, un beliaîf cf- George 1earsall, forý the sum ( or ot), Dollars, daird uonsetinîe ins atimaer of 1864, identireiy void anti worthiess, as the conditiens oison wisich it.was gîven, hiavTe ne ver leen ýffti1lied, anti any oue negociatiug the same will deûse aIits o.wn riak .. IE RMIN, Feneion, 3rd con. S& 9 lot Il. Fenelon, 214th Dec.,1864. T- Take Notice. ________ - I ~n - £'f<,. ai rrov:nc~ uj "I But everytbing quiet alOn heSugog wbeie th ey w l b glt te h e a v isi frein ad cu stomevi anti inen uig purchasers. Parliculs mtlalOaSSke t tseclowit FCTS:- F F I I I a FAI 'AI FAI cT No, i Tisai DùRAKE & OLEY have on. hansI the bet 'eleeted bmdlargosi stock orf Heavy andt Sheif Hardware in flit CountY cf Victoria. CT No. 2 That DRAKE & FOLEY offer every articlel hi ii ipae he cannot Le jerod ,CT No. 3 That DRAKE& FOLEY en show a splendid lot Of SrtATza in every ,CT No. Tha: DRAKE & FOLEY have eonstaîstlin L stock a large a"eoriment Of Paixits. Qils, VarnishesttGlsBrusahes, &é. ,CT No. 5 That DRAKE & FOLEY'S la the spotfMr Table and Pooket. Cutly-Of everv variety. ,T No. 6i That DRAK E &* FOLEY ba've a lare.quntity cf iron, Spriag an& Sleigh Steel H orse- Naits, Axesinr»dôor., ingeo, .Hatchets, Butta, Sorews, SawSeigh BeIlS, &C, c LCT No. -7 TsiDRK FOLEY 'cat fuývnish everyhing Unamiy found. ia a fiist. cia s Hardware Store, 'aud tiseir faeilities fo)rbuyinig enable thon to oofer goods aiMontreai prices. kp Oai011 ansi Com al 1Jampe anuidGiasses.- 1DR__aE erjiz M lus5, 16. MAIL UI£Y NE'A UY.GOOD-8-1NEW HOP! The stubscriber begs te announce to his Friends and ItueGeneral Public the arrivai of a complete stock of,.Englisb, 'GerMfan and French a,4iis new Establishmenlt, Kenan Briïck lock, K t St'. Liàndsay, BRO.IcIIES, STUDS, RNSBR CJUMSPINS, i E FS, TOYS 'AND-PUZZLES! DR PS pattertis. Braitis, Thredat Neie.Beatsin la cery styleIj re il viifuieveq vîriet.y f Tobatro, Tobacco Posîcles, Meernschauîm. Biar, anti Faacy Pipes, Ci- gar Cases aud Ihslier, kc. C igas f 1tise hest brandi whc -tje aRsisi rcta il. A oaiassortaxcut of Stationery, Iiff<ia 12sblir ivc-n Sliuus, Fancv Ba- 00 ogig~ls Pa e I eery si7e.".Seetnèa t, at rc.nîs nis1Gn lv's instock ~Stmpin dne at thie shontesi notice.ý REMEMýIBER !-Tke p ot tb getl hiiy (iftsis u bNY' ucnion or pensmons buying from TD. Wii- IN 8ep e*oiii fnyt oe pî,IiîîgWorth. lc or T. à tîgent, 1»isivAteo tv givhtg t~~~~~~~~i C411ll. Cst >it si riiece ec si en esale, Lot,28 inthé flthcocfteT.rispo fs-i,li s-lt-ssns.i t t icssiitg tîsiti 'sssr is-Ise. Ssrtsgt lsgsis.lct 5 i, roor. Ihs- t Ci o f te. psy more tissu fil'ill pet &~~~~. t lie il'd ia-giitdetl le- st itan . ("' torm nyi yPt 1'. issgt'$lttuofFttswthe Ilapt î wii bt lit,' seiîsxssisg 5.. tell,50Si lisît a tsl-tss~ t no>, P i - r~' i ldastriar idis.s litrots fktý t.oiedollair, l.O sUc1udisl wrd-i.db b'g st'iistise psshé 1iit. 111t iii ;ksus Ilui-w1, ** bt IOit Vt, IUATLES IHUGUES HPUN Ciielir Tsr,,tnoCcsls und Pr ive. «ý: F~eî îs tou l11a & ( iot .- E lA X T TAMLOI, E&c.,BEGSRE - - j~I;' tfsiiy tq.itîforas tise .'.1Ihih tits cf L indsa su îsrosssssing cui lt strytst>l~eibsi coyumirensl the, àbove sttsiine.s initl lk.is hnelch es iiti iitl3e lt.cllia t-,w he ehoples rlby lirat tli.I- ksxsiuaniîstr ict atteutions 11tIOlI ANDsu riw et à,shie o f' patronage as..d I N DlE I a' owt ti, ru .sa I- cunttilesiila i a I-G tsissusssse' sutcttutî' îltise .suppiort i .sg.t~-scds Ihînisi isslu sb sss ~ gsesl i1iii.thse aniyai of 'il oîit Lindt>- Atîgust 18, 1864' . 260-tf l~iv ls-li'. ~sptst u iu1ssssi ~ ~ nd Careful1 y sgected. Stock,. . . Lexsî~~::i(ht::; iII 151!C~Ïîstonsistig (isnjpat) of- ImipiovédFarm for -sales. ~ ~ ~ c~ c ,~LIt 1E.'Y, Cl'b'ES, UG.IS, Vise, slsiber <fes -orsasie'Lot 'o.2, s ut is Vswi lss, ,usstss -tsî ~~ ~ ~ -oitetCssI Ttswntili of V.idossectnsistisg cf ç .t a si acs-el. 'tise, soiis gcssd udtdiiere are 75 Tucsday, to it of -ý:obruar, 1.u-i- ssss- t4iîn. Gondi dweiiing Housse i~î ~ ' '~iîch ii suIlus. t -ix t-iAND tii B1rn ais>otiser ott-biildings on thse pregàiâee. N ssii ituio Ns i su iilis,i s siî, 111rsitîssts is igi aditrit iti 'Ittt s, soil 'l'e.ssof paytis nt, wlsiclswiii lie -round cry Mss n 1111.,lslt C(sssil st% ex nî,custss 1e u liv sut l i i ussuoiss iserai, mtie kuoivuxou app iicati(5n te lii- ssiit cuo'. c- '-'s i'i11ss ro v ii-et Uvi' us lsd. iss theaKùnlliisý sc iitf lnts EIL MACDONALD, oPt 4.su Isci v ic T b I t v i l( ssii, w l ls- * se 's e -Wit n b l.Jikî'ys . Sl- .%iirton hep ris . 11 i-t ussstsi l ie tu%%t. * - 1101 iiL.lr.kH l' MsuYe Il\nuI/If 55051, anay ,185.20 'Lssî(< u s x ii iisre lois .11uti-Ks sif 1 s.'ii e1sr u n hec.t dis,IViri~iu qîist s i.t fsii î in itsss snacliitau iiîiorted AIe anIidbotld P cntr. E . 9OCUY m e lise fi tiii.Iitig 'rusx Mslîu t Ii iusuIs illNIN'îi'tîîS , .-1sIoucis1- filie latet et> leeîîss aiMvarioti lîrsees. jTise qtîbscritier begs baseîc othe nesitienta. - cof Lindsasy andti vasssty tisai lie hm jst oe et i.isii..sy Jinussy i7tt~ t-s,, FourOntxca su Voismel k~slconlsiit-a. Grocery aud Provision Store Aisu t thé Ise iî' it- iti t 111jlirpce NîtIll h sui on is tti- 1,1~ss $51;,tie i Elisî ~ ss1~: isgissIprice siIl for Vos-k, potstoes, In Mr; Bell'a ne-w brick building, Ileii111 'stJvc Vicîssi - 'l'h1- tîtlritm -ilsrtmsievr dee-11c stFi-utlnosc one door.West of Mn. (,. IL Keeve'es siop- on ipttA i 1,, .i i lt g ssîs-sfs-ctis l s- 'iTom' il ltuf Jijsi -Ani arly cul]isigrestcecfully reqtse4ted. ie o î iec s- Issu s 05 *s-s'- tf lit ti i, bl %S t-i',:î en î Bro- NT SBrichEET, -. otims-stf s-iitiar'e-resi andtiweil KntStreet, KI.BNT- 'IaJJs'ict IlE F,. fs-~iti uce > nsoix ss'. ît -îiuîs~. .:Lindsasy, lOtisNov., 18t;4. 2b5 __ _ __ 1. an.«liti itust, by fair deaing and' reasnabe scît, u huigiis rs Ii- izîis-is-si lîiceq, to merit a share Of .public patronage. Tif >tiptoh.Saddle and Hernese tersisinedt'o 0seli as. cieapiy' as any4sealer ini r1K ( 1 1E1z Ttrns3ter sist"kswtssiiý>t sl.ESTABL1SI1M ENT,- n d oicî f contry prosince wil le taliea 'ia I[i IItl it v. -11is, Jsttss ',ica t ' * 2W-1d1 f th. eexcian c for goode, andthie fisîl marktet lîices 814 M am mniotIl Co tar - u ., Acati le reapectfoliy solicitesi frein ail InsolventAt of 1 64l'là,Sr 1 Md.y>ç W, ho require gosi resb Grceies a.t moderale -la th esmatter OfJbi a lre-andse oaph - * pnicix. lnsshcns.JOHIN MIf4IT, . rqILIAM BLL, Ju Ifrene, m'r'rieor. Lindsay, Eep, 28thiii1864. 26et "tiClRi*l)TOPS (F TIE I.iOVN ise Ritlsriber ln Tmaldng bis wiuten mnh- - IIlofiudtî atei i nseîitsg ilt msy li- nîueetdsnsto teisdpr his$n-anmest iV îi(e, rit.iisi5sy,<suFrsisy i t î -t-i- ,lsks tu his einds and lthespublic fe r the. 11h- AU J ti . rmissry tsî'xt, nt î-wfosr the i' 1tsilrcxitsiîisss- eralstnepage hestowed on himfur mny eard, 0F AL BL his h(iflisc ixi.,vtntm, asnd l lr te ordering of sud le isîfsuin theux thatl n future lhe wiIl Ivave. O AUBF ie t fis oax-f tise e8taie gtisniîilly. notllîng unfIoeou, le rrit a -enis o'c f their le s . OD favori. H e wouud beg tqagk * fD E to i ag adcwe -tokP' To i od by Publie -Aucîlon (ln one or Ive, FOR F E B RU \IIY oUB3lË -4NI>SINGLZ IL8RNEBS, lots te suit purse s nTedYt Tbel1th ÇbY.of 3au~ryt,186, o, .s411kW$dsoIwA V Y IIiRNESS at--l o'ci .ock, pa1 rt of-lot No. û Norths cf Kent I/a ~ n i9 ycoae.taatIy on hand ima-d~nibe to Prdçn, e.elI Street, near thse New Market lieuse, Ltiaday, a large atuber cf Scotch ad otier collais togetiser iih thibwtUiulig& lhreon, lIe occu-; *sade outs-ty a frl clame nskeî, alwa às-la pied byMN..Thirkelai emith and. vasgon A are isrtnetstock.> )nt e ,fiftlia of 1.pnh. un!t be païd fvu itn o the resue luer-e b "line e ew # . of tisebest matevmlan u lrniOwrkigublp. HL HUGES, Qodey -Mme Deinretansi îher uhion .1,. Vidi.e*a uu ,nd a st tbaLo In ,wprv atyli. dc IIBocks <for ebritary. Vhe lateat Ièr.itiimIeansi NeApers. Cb.e o 141 t ol Sehoot Uboke nti Stationery, Blank, jkkStateai, &t., atieindsay Biok Store, iW À.*TKD IMMEIATBLY s Goosi Comn V'V psito.On Q se -aie. a unerinde Whipà, Whip lasbes, Sleigb Belle, Combs, Brushes and Piape Mle. 1c-csl living prices.- L ,Partita-wi#bing luo orer' Carrnaire larness, bruIC Ogn select froni an immense, stock of ilver and- other Ïount[Pgs, and th-y may depend -on TL Uib# eê tàe r having their goodh ma de up of the best mater., ~ rros iguo!n 1., n the. woat approved style, and at a' re- onorperO VUPBîiâuflý2 mark 41lY luw igre. A 0 i l WI#.ducribsiladndear sud Cr Nons but thorotsghly.reliable workmen djoining Fenelon Falls, <owned by John oeploycil, ail vrkm*nîiIp warranted. Bnfil McolSAd, cf CoawaU,) Ib cuttin JOHIN XII-3. ITimber, B&W l10o1 Oewodteuovi -prosecnted i tba U mtmoet $go f lb. 1mw. Pay Up at Once 1 IW s'I sa lîthc.Fe" 100 la« Parti"s irdebted to be lb.umsriped aeut f i 8 1) ofi. U -0 questid te calli onL ) . Uatpley ad malt a yr < ' CIB RLU E O 0 D S, laehtt hefor e f *a81dy of ?àhrur le".re gel bindav. 1.1 .e. ~ 1and0~P~Stb,1861 4K M KENT ST., IDe 276- 1y BEcIS TO ANNOUNCE, TIIE C E10. ON F Jls FALL STOCK 0F STAL~EAND- f ANý Yî ýfRY'. OOBSY. Whicth have been slected wi -li great rar, and Wiil l e f.ýtd complete in eve.ry dpartxneut. lie wo îtld diree partictl'ir attention to ilir greatvariety of If.W'ssnk perf4rmedi. wlth rueatness. an-i desnatch, and on inoderate.tern-s. No-te th 'lr ;îre doors ossî f Workmau's Lireny Stuables, West side, Broad- waDy.K bisîisar..... D. 1) F ly tir ' 5, I. PAY'COMMERCIAL COLL[G i.tatn & Donmcruy ('onsising in pîsf tof Lace Nsi'tilssý, S uiîieransi anul ('.nihlidi Jackets, Ladies'. anti Ciillncss iO 1, W'siie icntSkating Ioos ti , s W slen Su uwi i great v-xisty. Getlcemen w-lIt fini a K i n- e8tùeetg T ýOrO IItO, 1oiiet lt sif Fanc.y Tweeds sud Ihîtkissotf tise best q1saiîty snd lts stvlcs. FriDcrW so elyf okRon il ts'usl, i; Stock tif G roei.s, Crtscke ansd (ilissxvare will be fotî-i xxeil asne. le 1 Ç~ C F woulddies-t au asttentin îU iis DIaccrsing te Brit-sPals' w.ould dreet Lhrusoc s(înis 0' eatîesiS sîitedti tethe ne- Tnns it<I UArv SRineiaiiiw tn<ck f TL*&S- qsnqms.-n- f he hus!uess cëmtuiiy.f Nos-th. 0:> BEST COTTrON VARN .KEPT CONSTANTLY O-0.. ~ s >SG-oi~ c hrugsi r;~ui fur thé duiieý c'he cuntng*bouse and. for - - etursh business. A ~T iw' rs w u g~ * Te cour-se Cf îîbuto embraces N-s'isn- D A 11 i) IIIll AS10,3 b ileBuu-kcji ï3aisi Book--kisxg i Lindsay, lDth October,_ 1864. KeasPc ltKtt sc s.~x e-siL.,coirercial Toeip!,iisideisee iîicl'inii ;tise pinnipies cf En,-liMiC-i:o tion), Ilusiness PennimanShill, Telgralshy sîii Plsiisugra.luy. - - -w~~.' ~~Nm ~StnF /" Teachersafld Lectumrrs.- t., 1< s <3 au Mn. LAY, Instructor in ts -iuetfAs- R Y . i4 '0 Il S I.- ouils. Commercial Us'.cui-xtsion5. suad Cussu- FA IIIILY k?)N isesciss oiepude andi Lectures- on.Busi- FA3CommuncîscCisi 4 aè-,. lîsus acoplten-dwl-.otd Susk fSTPL D MnI. îsu l. ýT.uvc, hisf operatar ilu Mîuixtreal 1~ESBCRIBER has 0 Te Cgoiùs tuulany's OfcTrit~Isre G0 O00e, FRESII GR'OELIMS, CiOIKEiY, OOTS A ND qIil(ES, oc,.e, a f, tes-iiis Te1egraîib. whichi le wiii sdI at the Lowcst Lîiig l'nicu-s fur-Catu j- .1.TuauoIsrro n Pîio Rare, Chance for HOUSekeepers! I.DA lis Rieh.pnlensure»uin-'rfesag to CONTGMETof $1,100 worth GOODTESti asu' inportaio is-will lie olIesred for tise fsîlowNiixg gcntlemen:-Rev, Il. Jý 0. .iszet sale in Lots cf 51i. anti iflls. for Cash, sl iost o losaejs-uscmnniî Nv hç sra, uEsqi., cf Moffa ti Murr v & Co.; Stis, and wili cninefor fîuteeti daxys n. A. I. NcMaster, Usq., of MNc.%aster & Brüthter. - 5G-orge Micisie k(cý, DAxsi Bocisan. Esq.. Sur- - S eC$L 7VOic.Vi. Fitch, Esq., cf Howi5iid E& Fi-ch;,AA perssous Esq, Q&C., M..A. L.L.D.: L. W. Snuiuhr, STHE SUBSCRIBER bs'ge leave, Inrequest Iluat a!l Pasties jîxcibtel- te 11 info)r the-o ast EîB rita, b... . Teron tol Alionisaù lbsîsAîanna, Muncan; . Jsîsosx, Es-Asis two oIireyean osdcieu t i ~stiCani-uvhr!tu t cs ;tisfv hua bltàthev Bruws q., Hamilton; Dsen-î-i -. are tee porte 'pay, willt aIl ad gel a. reeijst. P rts- onltiiig tvaîag f tis tpopu - - M nt-a: W.Te t Es , w xs- t; l tity to setlie with the Suibscriber may regret il.. A"l ot--7Stiuxsing, book acccliiuts asusi oteqs of Dr. (Green,. Welligtusa Ss1sas-t'. Ch&irnilin ctf bhandlwill be-hiisideti exev for collection oix tliseFirst dstv of De.ceinlserl- 1864, anti toits wilIlLie in- *Cousnty Board of Publie Instruction. Hllîtoîs- * cons-ci tiiercafr. -Fos- ersas atidre.se post-'p&iti(en clesing lette!r Liadeay, Oct. 27th, 1864. -JMSW TO tî Lb 7'~ T L E?~TU l FN E.U~w aPra ciai Aceuntaf.t,'Tornsto, C O NY IC TII ! A E P £ W . US(.1~-) Fontiy cf Lontict, Englaix- THE~ UNDEIRSIGNEED UAVING JUST RETUIINED fî-om the Easern 'a- e eee H13e prep.aredt t oflér tu the Public an tins-ivalei coiie lin.îll tise i tè-ýt tytIes and tifbs.ie sof - A'l~1fT ~ s"'~"'f Thesubseniber Legs te anounice tisaI lie lt il.u~± ij5a Jif~Zlesed thse abicyr ot e, whichi bas he en ftrisb- eed anti fittucttirp th iogseti in tise best cf style. LTEWoul esecci* ýbatehent ie usxsually lange sud aplèuchsl stock of BLACK iNoneblut ho iuletLqosauAiasvi _CLOTHS, u&o., &c., tan ipection <>1' wbich he voulti vesiiectfuiy solit-it. be kepIti e baeicac is cftl ise se fn. s !L Caneful andi obliging Oýstiers always in ]L& fln.. Gooda, Sawl »cl Kantie and Fancy Goods Dleimnts eudie comprie a&U the -Qualities and F tylles that a Clustomer colii Baeto ~WM. PÂRXUNPropnktou'. require. -6b 85 8 - - - ~Port U1k Un&day ad Be auer ton a? S SEg QR 00 CER TES ARRIVING 3BVEY D AY, and 4,d t a si anUAdtirce fotr Th NNUAL MEIGfr~Sok palf ! d<o ehr b p-~wil-be heil SALTt - SA LT SALT1*M o rtloe' BSowm t4 nua N ait, ALIbi eicênt'P-w--w-,PB 11kofuanea r allowod ~"tbat effé&a1 ion*, M SP#jtd#aW 0vNGE4NI leuf <r,*l~'JB>£ *, a erta $eludey, Ot 6 8 0O-f Vbi9o >e 2l6 ~t k i 'i .6~fl YAT~WORTH. KNOWIUftV Tbse SuburonbeMrmu txing tisa ake to thein fientis andt te-public for the'libermi Support el- lensies to thema luice cemisencing.business in L'sndaay, leg te stucounce lb. Remval of their Hardware Establishment»t li - 1 eammil nom .x TE URR OGATN CO'itT OP TIIfl COVU."y 0F NICTORItA.. thelb neit or km of Writlip'w Mdf',jcwei. 1,ise of the Town of Liudksav, in the oot ýfVictoria, mercbant, -deceaed. whù died co' S beuthe Twenty-nintb daY of .ly, A ls. M64 intestate, at the said Town d ics1 , lviùg at1 thé Time of his dî ail> là, f led pla-ce kfabode at the said Town of Linâsa!, andi eaving divers goods andi chautles, crediC, andi -ecte, vithin the saisi Colntirof cft~oria. nild wheres GCeurge Archibali. Pyper, of the rownship of NMariposa, in the: saiti Courty -of îietons, gentleman; a creduitor ofD. le said de- >ased, bas by his. petitio%, -et forth tlikt neifb- Uicth neit of kin, nor an! kindre.d of the d&- »sed resble ini Upper canada. bath made ap- licain te be nppointed Adymifizr-tor of the u'sonal ëstaeantti efÉects of the saii d déeased. (ou aie herecby palei irsuant.to the Surtro-. rte1 Court At andi admiii1,çtr te the saÎ4 state, or voit do ainpear liefore.thls Honoraeblu Court, atnoon, n on dy The Thircd day of AMUllIlnet at the Court House, in the TOW N §f LI N BS AIl n the saitil('oiinty of V'ielori.i, b li i icdîinrs . to show cause, if auy vTon have, le idginistrttiofl (ifthe peS"onal esta t 8s st ff6cts of ths aid derceas-ed houid net b4 grai*ît- ,d te the said i eorev Archibâld Pyî.er, the per-. sn applyng therefor. Dateti atLindsay, in theflounty of itf, luis nineteenth day cf January A.>. 18ýl. By order, W.GtAF Rejstarc St1' yurroz'aie Court. of the Couuty of vîctzU. 4. LA C OU R S r Solicitor for A.Xppfcant. $2t R EMAINING in the MaLÂPUS t-OffiCt,r'i Jantiàry; *G Bread Chas J;tin"s. Breadi Ruth Kennedy John Conlpy F, E Law-son Mrs emIPbl J C *Mode James Campbell 1Tac 2 MinsArch 2 CamVpbel! IHugh -- MAlpine Alez Calrke Mary NMeDougail Jolný ýCnre Jûlhn \IcL'an lDonald Dobson Sarah A* rIinnLauchluu SDavy -George 'McDonaid lames 3 Eptc.a Festes NTOble Wm* Gibson George Sjriierger -W R Gibson Jrn Therbitru John Johnston W Whalen James James Thomas Porsons calling fon the ahove,will plea,ýe ask fgr asiverti3eti letters. M. DO UG.I.S .InsolveutAct 1864. HFR Creditos of the Un'ersimned are noti- Tfied to icet ai, the law offiee of Iessrs. in- the. Cotinty cof Victoria, on Mondày, the. Thirtietbday of Januaný, AAD. 1 l~5 t Eleven o'clock in the forenoOfl,for the purpose ut receiv- ing statemîents cf h4sP -isand i f naming an Assignée to whon he msy make ati assignument under thse above Act. *Dated s1 the Town D3 f Lid i ie Coun- 16.HUGITBERT JAM.%E.SUTTON, Residiong at the Ttîwn of Lindsay. ins the Countv ofYletoria. - JAMES HEAPLiNDsAV, Soliitor for Inselvent. 2 ý-2 0 a nage ire umm;u- and TIM WEST LXD STUE, y" 2èth De'e,

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