the It r. B per annUllJin. iree.ji9< 341,. ndth WHpb.,ISKoàI t LC wX«?or * * Neqpthe ,tâ dard anoitiutet à coi .1 ia Il . etfoveén ai g4srçe4 fhisukeIBand A iI 4 > .mo*ot due fioijimt)»t seàl ghStatest eas la Tookra Pa sinethelor- ing it ideuat whah "W-bein MAMI M »èrty bc ioblr.bey , II dînaUîton, and'a d corn, tvie ofwhh 1 ts tri ailt t wiU ootfii~~ lues au e.usiaiued ir~ je.hi a~ the b. simaîd. A pi#jtofthismixture fseielrnio raha' h exa -~ ~ ~ i~?NETOaS DESIRE T1 I- Dry ofte" y to*at temutpir of bispoudeu.ented &fat ea r' tO%itilhg n fgo bad fv h a~o: uin i e~ ~ Aiew p.vLe, c oaly of Vil>. ties, toptbee ith ab iýpjndix in W Mh ii , wwflt eta Stiles h" 4tptninu ýli i re si In1863 '5 coniJered hy ws ao,11 ers welht wortta'~ i îi -y ~o j publie gellerll, ta eabef ~afit* 7P etth ot%.l scrui f amnt ci .1+< OIyare that conl- oa unyad k ewcaaco TW #&0 so l Wlt1otrem ,ttporr tbà yur 186,aad aw lb. uioomut j t ltires the braifl ri, uses the passions F 7uate l'O. der40 oaa ' fAd- Tao' furi the p.rio4 of 184 embraced in this rteah"P-eira ate aPPelis rdd.nestaahri dvtdest b'dt,1 *~1 ialotel. *Iitabg tle n u ak I n«Im ee(i . d Mûý1& iit l heZZJa 5sti.I i o pili k~~*4~~ t 0~*iruisbed the bilding throxÎéhuut, t teigiW&1'be l4ffl ai ite 1ow prices a> ThoI-LaWd nek agee;por1ý -ahow a rage of increaee, as cotripared W-eakeir h lyia sseu ta oefiortcunadpe u ' and M witbttheiS - W w0tpth oVitirio M DI 32 pme cet.pTe ansd bard le wih hsi rrvdle ~#3A ~ UIth Rouai a a s apor. - ?i sbt. e Fnes u c*uo r M a;b g.tiit t ,1. 1bember h bod t e ts fi I so ver.O h r ir m hi~ ~o ehp ùnr~ r, .,vô l eae ýa "A'aÂexýlagl rre1a If mat t lau ftliaied gyinast er eld teregi *R"ERi, AT- i'oNÂD. itu, 814 rt: , hentie euinraioa ,hmad 900.s raase hîiv hritedhisisaras a tics îxa p u wa ïe t<Li À r ND iam, A S@P" ïa164bWimhherignlarrelativeN te the ege loaufrtgeseed ettea, r oihemari.uma; l gvetarractheatut he a ber 1euby hd u one o ,pan le~~tYha-E> >u's i efeRaes-tctar. eL sdtrm l- f bsrtthe4 arecotet, er 3. Tie ar .eex1uini.ithn-s uur-er.tae*=, h hnd apr .wa, n.Iah le.c te. a j iwcwdManoUuCOUt ti neethaIlA'ltire ed wtiit Qgoceitab1O &. and'sheq ttceothe aia tta e udfieoU iarhnai h ba o tle ordanlride b.nasuios br Psag anp er ol anigTh fer. ai Mr I'eastaîe hietueta - 'and-- tkethn ir uftaienas aoCll~ - ~ ~ witamale mIrerodeui<inL .so F UL E Rn mt rsetl temre ~drta ails, ho detha k i Vpecr jit biep n t e At-Fie omibu luaur frnnatla Cas ai Bats cd ardi aid bilirî 4Jtles Pdduks.ver:izaans&mlS, . wîlul~a yer 163 howd ar iacraseiraplilte lis tardwor roco:cLlî~ irrs P~P-,-e -the rns.m-ThPý p~aIc.( aB.Vces,&c & ' lu BAR O8647ti 1b5Iag' W nrc .wo e n th a <~ ~~ tf tns tasnit s euîh i luka,,.îl i a te :t ,trotafav 1-e-tifmrator thoa ~ $dtioitnar la Gbauoery2 Nutment 1 toalss'1 o btitpr Oduc e pot an ate arg- h ' that erliaessetiat homera.iîi eil ebIan A C et A ym îtaR lniabi- <- c rth' a iayw ad s AND Lasta errîn caes ota èear Ills t e trJet! ii or doi.he,. mar&-&' rie a.tàc if epnrhofeo 1r' ilk rouadîag isnitestirinre uasopnedtheiet-5fiaiandi t 4yttaida TO>' errorutlItthels 'thrnnenieo!e cain' tice s38r.arTheseof bou Sperceat a I- --P -l au r i esaBa* C C Jw tEAFsE RstrdI ite n lriit- etI V20N.hfrS od llo ia eah',ssatc~ y fado rîe'î r hs a st seI this seascra ojdisste, a-ic * v;siau Ofli firtd evr. Of nvei- Ja»i cuw Urey.r;ey rderararsat odta rsgî ia i mrtr e ofo krw t ao fte f Bteri Blok, entstret iidiy eaeLins iuosaiW.aec tebu a'.uira. -.- P. JdcfI. En tîeîi" SîT~rdwaya Lu DAtethe,-,iuberibge r stm nniug and Ohe forgoodE and nrai1Sty e"thus, Dîem;uaarces îs caerren orerî n u m ru owns prtrna îtrprhr vent Th' r.~ete o t é r.afudags mryavrnarr'v'acrii- i re (gb th e iai l ofp aa tev a!acuei~ ., n ~ n lYnhèlatoina'. the- agapltaii1ts bneinst 62Tinavramexthe rarrd. heanliiy respniranted tae btel tare ifitmalauanar a I th p ipz-al Mmyau ne d te, Guld table,1 .%.tteybla Ithee, aniJ a. Ys<t iilre dCel'e rrs wfllr- t e aaarugf tire75. dobbreit eWeS to wandcrlil cin mili bekp;i thebètan lis WtBrreapetguthealny &dertiaare Ins VnI.ri t or j i e PIltapxand. 2u5-tffF-IIEV<IWRIGNED EGS LEdE TOING.-ailthe deifurnned ofth seaaesi ndVhie wirizennna reie, he Ene.tle:ec63oTd elatsirerea Pr Sgj H hbanIfniostha iflo arh aud . t- F ree -1)bxèS ain dfr atisrrat re r ner lIrveiitiltntegtgnnipdle wam e paiud andmdliat ennis.aeq u pi Cie iLg à RE >,O .M.W r-toat cMo IIlubictiraair hie the ttotalo wtlknO it otetie aite :-iaee tnos oîrîr ? Uaet1e sr.tretx centk es.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~se .OtihiaitioGerg K»a tticcnafotanlconauie o (ePIt ani Kent Street. ve 280-iîi dt.iun Itf.eL-eof41paen ve aérteItftan'e ' ' aa.d m o se.- ---------------- 7 -e titrte aIc'enlstotlitera trire w oali flot be ai ow ed I- LlraiS .t e' a nd- - ,- - - - e -a - l t c a e l a n ea b u g .1 C S liI l'1 t j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i la a-lmaa r-nr.<>fic,-'Fa'ittier Qu- , - pr to i s rm arna e au o icalro alr- -y . ,,* i . ( ý * r'om1 e WfrthDInaran puihtsgof sot'r iuhad ;voftntt. na 2racinar. et'n - ~ ~ ~ ~ ! mét in thtttyarelatudti.t pu. '1isaat a I - oyl ttan n* -' ieaetttnIcostire resanable p ae- t i~'~ PlIS M. M ies lTiyHL, Pre-s ptrT:m swac r eyiokae-mdn - Mytt in ent emydati.sttrdhesni aa.inrtahe sk' f e---of ntt ttabs-out.a f Cnda o Iie e8moeexrsivpfeserrdpan-ceandtcwnr crel e~ ri e heae KN. ~-u ~ Ltciya know CupVaalot-tî douee sdlipin iea1nth! W i ny L Aa o . eani ir t'rO o rP.- ,ti ney -at -a , clk. JeNvett anda ld w 1tltttt-i O1tt d5 r~r. Liana y, F't. -863. O , fot Set 1 En ERÂLom n' e.h-tai vlannr ro.a îda re fie il-tfl ar. a lîiitin tuerconitio tifîitePoatOtlic 14 fiorsloo inifl." Mn.onverti-«rie -oex - biats utIleaoar mnit'iotneiuniesî. wi,.m e rtppuni. An ane:nit'ntofSie re - -- -- -itTI reRI'Ar par-m ntiFo te m e rnmth aniad 01 lis reais o foriicroPiiiig 25r-atvi 7 ffces clsel suiar lrenelot ta reor iisanl tie oo - - Ofakauthe ab tae ati airie iriet. iv tit r-a ta.tactc- rtnAV Blockl en it t ree riP.iiint1s-a n HrtI valy - l M a n T r' i>fdarnaoaa i ' ' ers a'- Mal'auicesa't a rvafC P? a' da - rrrntte' c orra- , T o' tmw t ae t- te- kia eso l ite1 salec aî -~ "--i irter Konipays leorarc- - a--.. %0 *-- - a- 3ftlr rIare i.>-.-'>-* p Lrasv lieîi(»j fatLloft, -nay. 3,t.i±i-i olt nat.ta 'ber rbegsannia'iinî r-oa l an O h fore vice a ki y tauttn-, I y epi aIl a ila n -mr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ An t.9RET, rtinanet tars îu t- stare ileual poandeniclee a cei.meyte- eeinorer fru t a -wreatoraeifuî nrr'r ou'l ai ole u- o as latRuP t he y l r ioresaartof nati tos s-- - t~. -a r .aî naul Vtaaa-- âÏe.j .-Pl inCà-tAE i[MNGadI--O1,T' wel.Aid roASSP ft DFire Lec Y.1 IN, -84 - 7-3r dmia ire rie rrlndi rh r e3 h .-ntag wr-rc' 1 s6 'Travelling ~ td h, Nv . W G L R E g-ît e raia h andmoi-erofietterscTaerrieReorddeaes.trahentr-', l h rig ov, o be1aiôf > e irawfilraru r-nri -raa t e' rru ha -. .- - C T.ll)DfSiN, Ithe îad)R 'l-e ont f inebî ar levoer163 silg he teaeh o cîheFairg no alenaie eft«ii . Wàvin shteau lis en rt F-aout--nt-ttx acJ J S B t i h. Erta. <7 rrnt'tt1T lie - the - tre - o - - trt ain fa I rav i-î:Notearg an-8l be r r-titfor M otdeet sndar - - beaitive Omit-rai. - S for! tire w lt the rv ev frr 181331'ai-a ,5.475 t, - tram ira CaurI, as aandaa ana 'i ithetitna-ar . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jýne of 1g> a I b. . In oa.nieastra1Tanrit anmtie.xpndtue 75,07.Th incr a ù ol f e aita i e rsesate iris horses framtire(Iir _______or _______________ray t ar -.t.ala -raint>.Iit ian o ctt otand' S-IoTveLMi teeOkad Y OEi5D V-5LE for Rvnuj'trea-,m 1 pe-lcs oiionni tvrteity i ei E EAaL E C MM N E -N- ten-tnhv. Fn--nta tfssieinot'a- attMr laata- %l-sden Gýea& rr'tj luai" -da n .caeit1 l (hlrs and indsa Mav 5),1804 . Q T a co pard ihia V a' tieate r7S i bo ra ong aior . lep W c1eriearua-- iasun 1 re- 21a 01- I heselt t -a'- 1--' -nne mn mle fo SnS NiraIt tire&petter postage g-eeip, sci - aor11iiie vti or e enaa lu caedtir arst Frm trRWnrodDept ,Fa. ~t-~r în~ --a-î'~ >îrtr-aai1rt Iiîfg Hal anlesa ran, aitt-en,.dsi ttapae.trr ia1hur alhite y aiira 1eia bs niilac ? irin'sewta i .-a .. 0 k F . Ihst aains.îr-ter rtjug\ T a s av e.tanna'of a nd - m n.a la-n a'v e'>-e- i .n- I 1.W'-Uat..r iti' aan.tan t-'rat' (pîasre hat Jmaîu' nîîrala, tnd10iriarr tw u5~ir ftart ae il Cait -mera' a. a,~'prpe l ~acryeraad ot hep aiaoit. 'faca ra w s low tito al- ir Pesdutha srtnan in irorauI lITa !.itaita lÀ'Ille~. a - ,îaaab~Ihm anel. G. ri-i mi ar atattaa 1eft - -eCa 1it. ,tsaý,ta tliedelir au D tri. trt ota>Caaa > ar fry ac js apecaiia ftie ex u ~. - - f MU, 1- -s.- - -- -.'.-,- __ --- __- _ ., - tIe ocaroa __ - p.rauî15y1q.aily -, -____liewuit4. betate askst 0ealas tta ren ndu-iure$6 %im .,n.liemI tai ,rroh a mntCn Moreover - î as___thé- l*t I?<IriêuInr Ire nj.lowed muasec tagooti place. lu take thire nepublie 'grena etwihpitt ih~ îrcratraî~>.n or-a fr~-1 'amtyacaoanr r- Dnrarr aoaa'.11,0.)If lA'jtsl ./ tanll a mnîntîs erliaig 3Oal Jurre hast, iatres obtairaed b>' seeta -ie ùùriiy. k.r mprrîalist5. Mo i oanlaat-k. - b hislergeandcornîalctestock of - aridir.g tau1,493,47~2 tire experiditure far miliace but ,adt irsk hi$ irfe ar-d bat [is pîo- ie have seraomuch of the popular rp~Mair- tlr.-nire-a rrtl. -- 4t:I CIttýu1 mt ris1ioai;tvuajiea -e -DOUB11r,&c, talhor. ies ehslarge., penyl T ackmpofu rui aie bipck.ide tienîce ,èd ficklcness-we apprecai -aai:a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bOBE t' ar-t.iY-nî'eaitI (dacr'raa A at-a-r. sararieë and com, c.,atiasrbots.AVi$9-1,.5WNGE HSpeES, srviTheslaris nad ceRtaFiOnS it5t - j ~~~~~JOIE II ,Proprietor,, -- E4 FIqNESanad $4.5,000 estimate for Ocean Postage, no' optbaP a nr'et~n anpera'- nis~înr~uX, 2tîniuîarakr, pîr'.l j (Lnt .~ionï~'>te.) -Themuta.lisbürsemenlineluded intiis state théeaueir ola aepoeauci ou p leratao. eu -ornsîaad - aE.r izteaaetrtiaaaaa nta- a- o1Ailn n U r n iapotlir sitiPToronto, Mayj 1864. 264-ly bconslanaly oaa irýa d mn&ade t6orditr, fas welment t allabeow alie îsproportion reliable information as ata tire nature -o? theireanlinvesît neir surplurs. o? tira aricle i o-ag ttnr rntlinn- v taa.-a r-a'.a1 ~~~~t'au'er-~~Cbd~~ r' - A~~fst- 4thé toplaceaniimilernails tf elime for gmu-f Le rnes an hat=It ii eteraî-~e amte agutbuîlauntbuo-r Y:-d~aisoieitd. - it.-rrnau arrvet atiredatelu irihatafrîetuua --- ----Makergîn oterales baaiecaniuse otenj LpOtitir Ici 1t - rarptàarn ie aadr t rt - t.poen. - solientai - - k ing d. oprion r aia6 rraand -ira-rtailties u Cninila. auaixcusable, begu tua~y aEt ire lesîjil pa-e-aaretthta onlowestlivrng ofaes. - e 71General Leandnew carer, but tentai a par -favard wit for eArcaieiteetst--anda theraflat reres marlcalT, nWcroakDs tirI wonat partyzefirs sadierssIta mon ca Irrtsînaboluterala t-e i i' Vi a siteforaIwina tire nnrost p pr'rdSlYth l le md a thé 186 e. Tht.. ex c d ou t bu F r ne"cnanan e oup o? w e rh ytéýou re t ,at h nagabsout o I sPo;ooo eslu, àed nalditiealtrateyfoe sIampBruebes aandaading Ctraielforti litving Patting al04> t1-Wphich utdedItibithéan46co,4er, brrrGtireal Leensrane%- nitier- hegzte ay W. Wpuris i -psctrefrti a toe8 eietayBo aASo aoe ri hrull mUti okna 'chatgoau-e a0#Y tpre anXTik hai- veeara bfôeian tre Cti0 otanareentatierrîgouinee'ri thebuinsa ontivfision().L a laCrourtsl a rtvtnL'te IordSash ail Duor fmale nade ote Wihiam-stnt-, liandspay. emlar Plcned, dwisikn e rnsrpwatrunial. ay aner heOda sConialotmbag-jaygelion -of it tiatainle i ase.thé uer- pnfrtîcatrnchb'-t~ aa-xrm __________________________ Lidsay,~Waar1a, 164 ii selecmisi nsom tiencofe tio of tre72 71 fentedOtheneaine macnutîlorwclmhaveir'Cir-kpanarîcrthea-9 hef;nOof fées Pîedoîuîr itiRt futy-aiontt adraemgers MARGAC.nlthe LTaJdgir TLand altiaibrttp- - - 5v00 for anamieerCservicenon Portrais.0. o? r0and UpnditIretrie_______ion__a hy up at Ouce! îvenue1 <>, aFti uetautr rman-$4,d. 3y ;to 6,d. 0. e 6paru,. adnal g hive Gneral Le. tirespblisirt heis u-iimgotcflIa'aa- L0kes Huma na takenas 1thh.rpmîrit>nsr-aaafd1861 thonywîth .nda 6ai oar s37,0l0a-be ustddi -'I ,î 4' i:' - tirebtesara utHeavtamatmyrlok fr- Sidistre r-a&c erai f lis tt:I(r- aut:.> Agwr nienbe forS lllacu-baCanada toil mae t frthewpaghieayiefor reÎaic gfi sits oViamit n-tai ai!Drianl-,ER iUG- S, -' Pi'i te ot approye tle, urndare - iaa ddtin x e Wohariige a r inar of 72. 60e.loil épeardwt roknrtà olipray ss osIl onMn-..11it1ey aaandrrae jmal ai outavM eynateeequt on eaiuragte foi sap eaigunefaediu4 Cusst8, fne- ward as cgoirlerulspuire Ochixert - nni TIONER, Lnd, oef.he*tdayoPplansrY adtdtti-rgotldroues. na j benr tutaCi mrng.aWpwaarni'iinMt.a i.r *-st-J-0- N neqbut-choristalp r16ii.le poluni$20,rdo.tc62t)àa;epuptenGrdndrateninRail-andenceeda eo tliredrise'g cone.aicia, grieî,a andnnaiu eg outucher-cl c-nt- JOiti HTmeOe àid4 l Oz promptu l f attere jdgteiao 1r5 eiaand tath ca se. Th vIssiy, 3d N vm er 84.229i Pa il euiepom taT.GJ Len Tresamliatte Lt!s. 8 l in j " d, aIM , 000 leaddtters, 385,000 'one a -. U Aplu $ 0, do $1 ; Ov DEr- $6,aI Lo 815<>oM enit ha rit Tangier, te r a leapse th1 - C Liadsy t. Cccasaol 1864ii 296-6m aiuragîoo pe s an t he oll0ch iokf ea anrad t - O n tery ordec a$0 eunir Ïsîrîpye;s fomowriciril w uîd pcplear iee crily t'aaeI aprt-%t na I - lingit for thefirme tiroir ipanab for patronage, - a E tog a e itdeheu te the Unnders, newspapev.aLErery Hurfnssd oneUpolu andothruqunrea-, $4%n4o. 3u o.; is ta $6s, do. 60e-analvere$60 aiý,.andebliwapaat, tirni-f 1861; th W. BRO W NAa an.est dte li r e DriIgiotea-u d it u adi ap h haresfor -or*in-ty dà 60icartheounassu i t o H about fort y. - w l Macei C.ofi gea stisl ara tt4 a1of tiie ononertroue la icI sFm,;t oo t ib o I.pefyt nof thetic iiiabitanIj ut hefrethee lot aeer865ia onq te c8I1ns~ e C5ttUaiSngCO5 XaIL- pesa tia$8, - ,eeard as 1aa ct:rdeztlna a--lt- ata-- - n- - îET r K ila tE et.s'j,0t or o K so.II, 1Y ilHE PWiVfihiiVtin Street, Agent. . eRiy til laa samp liey .are.eIe wrer rie rmnamcfyriausmi u ian-ac-I ata alu or îal's n- $Wra.dio.aEMe.,r' - - ' -A rte nrsant placeorf % stpa ia edrrManea2 84. ~ ~ î,jLida> maus - 2.4 20f -~- ~ uy iasgosiea~ rTcg C-14s# -ertietIdilila irI '-- ntevii-n.In-.