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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Feb 1865, p. 3

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(PUBLIBHED 1tW PauuIéI ý, f ' d M 1ih .. Joh Claay- Wilim. Murphy ?how . 8litI Johni mo&,wok a John .ilwante Williamn M.ecor Jobu mocny Ttiom"asMonher 14.nry Allen ?ba.*.a MufIl IobOrl Fnnaq :: * ilflin Cafry rfaimii %FlEO a jamsipia Phlilp Caffey $Jinea MORaO Thpni.. MuNab Peter Mc Pherson ,lohn Logan a Bernad houkâ .W iffam B arbai I*â iaC. Smith a William Simin James Fleming *JBIW »iamptir ýjOhn Ciary jameaMoRse, asie c 1 PLao O? Uarnj ___lh~~4.' I Canada do do do do catholc Pigotmani 'do OAthotio do. Protestant Catholil Protestant Catholio Protetant 4w0 do Catbolo (Io do-0 I Protestant 1do Cgolhoiao Catholie Protestant do do Cathe lie Protestant dû (1o do do do Catholilo *do Protestant a. Ir' npe Bitoi Canada lroeland dIo do [Canadit .lrstlapê Canada Iretalui Siland f retand FfijtM4 Cauada . do- do' do .Uiw iaet C-eanda do do Scsàglatnd Canada do lreland Cnda, do do (mlaas Oramcuit Wm NiormeseIn do do de N6n-pavmnlcof fine ditodsdy od do do Diodert odo ,. do, do, a. d do<1 a do do do do. dodo Debt capia. Disorderly conduct do .do ~dô Amuault a. iiesh 4.j Do, 'é .. aC!WStIIIo thCouit Court ... a. rnol. ai.... William McwDonmelk Do do Do do J. ~ibJd#C~. aJonathan flodgéoa :: James Smith .a * oata odgmu .. Johin D. Naylor..a Chrieitopher Kn@wlsomr william cotiingham liJon Da Nayo Sidney MoKuai. .1 William MoDonnell .a Do dot Do -- do Do do J. Leunihau- md W. H. Dean.. Do do . William McDmnoell .a Do de Do do *.WilliamMcDoanell Do do .. . Christopher Knowlo William MeDonnetli' a :,W liM MDonnell . Z.R. Irish a. Doniald S-$etic. & 1. Neo0 aa 'Ttiotnat4 eeni J. Fidd 1er, Coio-cm.a. Doý * aa Toma Kenan T. keftnait and 'W. H. Dean. .a Av COUZ*Tflr CD IN CIL.) os C.umrds debuai th do, April 1Tth April i itd do lue1h lune 2011t Jupe. 131h do jaly lait auy St JuRly - di Septel di Septé, Septel Ocob Nover Novel Nov. ln AccQuaI wiiiihIlle' Minicipal.11Y of the aid town$hip (or 1864.~ DR. 186. Ècbrtiary- 24,' Fêlbriry 2iS, t. 2h5' To bsinnee reretrei tron a aI Treiurer ,Non-flu. Taxere rc'tlfront enlêtor, 18038 .A. D, NIfflumid, trees <ml bigliîwiy NonrstWtnt 1tai ler Cu. Trensurr do do Ver townsbiP collecter -Amutt cf land im1ru!qrafttt futnd * etc 10 31 571 UtS 1- O0 3. 68 18 GO 113 84 M. 4. january la, I J'anrîary 1, Jsaruary 24' Janruary 25, A r ai I'ii Feb1865. 1 Febuary92 Fbury 2 M*uari 20 et - fi $2-44 oW ouelrsitulUite, 1103, vis., illase cKi ig t 15 do Artemaà Thonipmon16:00 T.homas MeA nerny fis 50 Tiiomasie oliand '1350 Nichoirîs Whlean ' 1 50: Isotomoî, Thonmpson, sulinAcOunt' 50: Matthew- Giie,.valuing road iQ W~m. Camipbell, returrîitgofficer for 1 SC I, anivaltatr lt 1*;! '10. 40 Pstriék %Itrpliy, attcîrsing CouurU ' 1 0, F. McbElroy,'-per order on eplector î 70. liank >af Upper Canada, amino f >Note 100 GO Win. Turning. returting omeier, l8C3, 2 25. Micheal Forey- do * do 25 Richard Rience. do Y do' 325 Daniel Metulece do do ' -2 25 Rich. Fitzgerald d do de * 2 25 Peter turiet, Surveying .00 G F., NMElroy> balance of Selhýl Mouey 1 60 Richard Fiî?.geralai, nuditing V s Itichard Del1itiey, Town Clerk Salary 6e QO . odCounity Treasurrer, 213ý 00. Cliii ries Mii rtin, crlector, 30 0O lsn-ac Day, liceuae insîCeclot oo Wfi F. Coî'y.el, for aiîditing ' 4 00 R. eianny, Towaî.sliili Clork, foirpositige 1 04 Do ' for lhoiding .electiort.186;4 ô 00 :no for makhrg voter'iàlisi 1863 *4' OÔ Do for nia kistg Jarer'. liâi, 18(;3 4 00 Wh,. Finn, for eouàntine tirtsm.9 James Brltey, overcliarge of taxes 20- Satrl Thonipson, ýatiditirag ' 4 00 B. Q. land, l'or rut g.-'9 do James UBarrîley, for qurary toola 00C Drake & 'Foley, Smîàtdaèi1 0 tlownshîip Clork, -pari pa.yment o!&alasy 30 0 Jane icLean, Counicillor, 1862 4 00. Johjn Hu'llend, * -do' 1864 ' 6 où ThotÉas McAîierny db& do 00o Rieli,.Fizgerald, do' de Y. ta Daniel William#, 'do do 6- Go John Scott do do a Co 13ueil liamil, counitingtrees on road u 40D Nan-resident, taxes qchool Bectîo ot>I..2 j33 562 Jamps Barîle>', nakng Jiurom' Iiet.4 0o .Patr'ick Mef.eeb Cauintillor, 1862 - 0 Richard Fitzgerald, making Jurors' lIai i w Towvnship elerk do' do 4 ý0O Do making Votera, li' 4 c,. John. llalland, Colincil1or (on. day) 1865 1 oc1Sehôol Sec ion non-resident taxes, 1864, 12 '46- Balance of Township Clerk's salavy' 3o 00 Travelling expensos uof Township Clerk, voted by oiuil 10 O0ý betranigOfficer'. fees 5O Do do special letios, 1804 .2 GO Tonslolrk postage, stat1lo,-ýery, te ., 2,Il Bslance on band" 27 85. $-822 4-T CLERGy RESERVE YUND. of Cler&7 Reterve Fund 69 DO 569 CO 1864. Juil2 Muy 13 Jdy 299 CR.' T -13 16 - 13 e o 09O0ý AU DITIORS' REPORT.. cOl TouiwMp of' Carden w. have carefully examizuedtb. Ficnneal Aceoount cf ibis Towrnahip for 186U (rom t4e see- ,àbmst.d to ut by your T'resurer sj" we believe them Io b. perfeetly toir#t. Wo ecbe-d m wilh hi qp'egied accouai t .sis as pouîed Or PrmvouuslY 1sdg*àd by hiro; The lt fsuid a ut l>wS.hlto è,b. w.l1fitd 1er tihéc, ad apeàk, favoably oflu& Pains. -saundry Emoptps far iey@4r j.4S@M47 j 1h amoum 0194",dWoi. U , e*ia t*êaôme eofthm<o ee rvea Fsai prdwiat apporticm n lau a *b1» u byIgthe.CSonil ii proiptusms to fie mveral Sehoola cf 'tihe T.h Cas the anoW wealihy Maopj ter Of eduicahnq thsefuturse men ami Mwomcen ot Canadaf a13 84 werm roeoivmad, andth. p Oe f CarMen are.,g4d se .ckaowld d th toMl ben- wuiimprovemet of ibm laie diapam aide. sd a Jesenino a»o le.Myu Cardent snd imit Ityl'cher i iiis Whot can boaat Mwém atiumameai tw - - - JIUGH Ca GRAHAM,~ Au~t¶mv~. osas. do .May l5* June 2711s JuIy 2nd. a b e Ol .. do .June6îbti June 16111 .june 271h"' lune l6ih Janvary9'eh Jil*y 2Orh Ju l'y27t'h SKIT0~OU. Raiuaxs. - -I - 46 Nt~0 guiy thirty dqi!~labour ' Net gail ty.. -1 T.hiriy <jys' 1,bow, Tw. montha'labour ?lUvtY dayle labour Two moth@ labour Twenty days' labour Twenly dayne labout ITwenty. dayal, labour T*enty days' labour Twenty daye' la ouv Th*y dayÏ' labour.ý j SOTAL. lNo. or .1 DA>ys 46 23 20 30 209 .20 20* 20- ,2Q 7 - 48 6 2l 2 15, 20 20, .44' *IW Sévn laa',upraoument rive yea réun laim Rteormnaiy Prison Six daya Twveniy-one dayal labour Twenty-one days' labour six d a No bil7 Five j ears in the RefortnatorY, Priam Tliree days 'Five 3'ears -n lrenitentiaiy Twenlyda.'labour- Twenty. day' la'iour lThirt-vafive dày.' lib6or. st Augar 9th Twenty dayeJlaur a:j a.. ::.( (tt ROhaugi ê ..pý i ie.. tI A a . t!ý o.aAuzgt 2nd ....Paid his fine ..... ... a a . i 0ilOî'. Soptemhbor 241h a.Diicharged. ...lGa.ve baila...... ......' tbra...Paid bis fine- .. . . . . . cbrlt September t ' r Io . n ' '...Pai1 his fine '.. . ....... 2 miiber 151h . Sptemberl6gth .?oni'lbera: Gave bail tao keep lte Peacea.a i' ime-2t ajùir-t- vblnh, abu .. Dsacliargeu rin 1865, deduct 9-days - 9 '7(~~.a'S mbei>r 28th a Selitemiber 29th .. .. Sent to ýW hitby goal fur ti ai l '.. 21 c. )PT 12th '. cither-12th aa a.Paidhi.,4 fine ...... t 1 ,mber 15th *.November lSîh Sent la Cobour'g goal for tr ial - t. ber 29th Decembèr 14th : No bal '.. ... ....' ...1 ' t">t 24th, -1863 1Ôt. 1-2îî186 On. year at:hard labour " ... icire r 84...... 12S6vt". L: 16111r, 1863 ~ Oct. 20th, 1864 . Six rnonths àt ha>r.! labour 'aa Dischaired i1tr 1864 ....*. "oI.2' t. 1 djo a ...2Oh,184à .Theentha uthard labour-...Discharged ).nl1864 201, ~i ~ 22ind,16 .J.3r,14 a Fat-eIhaya' irnpri*onment . ... Discharged i n'1864,.,. 3 ' ah, 1863,.. Jan. '9th, 1864 aaTiy-five doasuti lard labour. . ..a Di-zcharged in 1864' a', 9T - nil Yo fDatg, 1864 .....a.. or-Ta.n.Lay .fCt Expense o! the Priso fr1864. ~;. CadIve11's Account, 1ture... .ê a......aaa.:aaaaa:aaa 5 c. 2tnd. ...a a.. .. .. ., . . ....... ......a.. aa..... Lt Sr ~ a*S*.4S*a ..e S a.aa aaaaaaa a.a.....aaa ..a. 45 85 TI 4ti'~ .... a...a.... a. aaaa aaa.aa. 2aa 3 95 I J.Lsefor Meat. 0.****aaaa.eataa . a.S0a a.a a.......aaaqa 69 10 . ' J""" 1)rae 4& oley,for Q-i!., sesasa.isaaaeaaaaiaaai a aîa . 8 .53 t at-,a Total Cort of Prison for the year 1864,1. . a. c..aaaa.......... O0 ~ " t"n Tota nl c .1t pr da- for-the board.of each rionr,15cents. NEW, FANCY GOOD *--NEW SHOP!1PO1CCJ if(dz*t¾"'T IN TIIE SUMROGATE1 COUPT OF. Tir r t - ~COUNTY 0F, VICTORIA.t *The stnbscriber bega ta anr.ounce, to bitcra iîa Frind an t e ene a1 P1b1crythe rext ofkin of IW!iani ;,rDowe7., the arrivtai orIla complete stock of Englîsh, German and French 7f1Coamr:it eesdTw. . .'> '~~), ~ rabost Ihle Twentt-niýntitday of i A.11). i ~~ ~~ 1864, intest-ate, t. the srud 'rowa o f '- v i Shazcing at trie 'ime of his tdvath is 1Fo a (t' rt v,-." W W W W W W cf' ýü abode aI, the idTown (if T r' ..ta '- a* aIv, aiIscwEtaýemnlavitirg divers goods and cat!,1A 'rt ~ ý]&Czze!s B ick9.1 Ren St,-]Ludstye riil whereas -G'eorg .Xchibald iI L-f Keo ansBrik ~oou, K n ida, Town;]l c f M into he 11 .1 * '. r'- ,- whieh,i part, consista of - Victoria. gnlmn rdtrc '.. ClU INSBUTTONS, 10 CKE TS URS, ceascd, lias by lit$ pet-ruoîi, set forth tha, t. er the next of kUn, ,noran ùl'iJtIeX-' BR4iE ~ SUS GS BR2ejCEL£, , ceased reside in Upper C&ànaip, baili cn.'aah i-je 'Z I, pication t eapaned.inspt '>îL cIURMS, PiS, IZYS, ROPSI persanal estaté and effects ()f tLe said k'.x.r l'oitàare hereby called, pt!r.4:arittdl the :r' 4C. -. '4e e 4c -4c ~. gat.e Court Act,. and rmrierer Ira tLe -ziý Coult, nt nonu, onMonudan' . i*OYS P ND [UZZL~ES !,1ste raid perlfte1Lhocrk Al-id of shel, flubiir. Ivoy and Uorn Combs. Berlin wools in ever3 shiade. Berlin nmol The Third day of April ne.... . 1 pateri idTruas adNedes eds rieery 8 P1urse Sike.at the Court IaŽrsp, iite0 " .: ep t Baidi bràti*tudXe-fe.. Be .i nrystYeilth t ' à TOWN OF LI USY, ý will find-every,variety ofTo cTbcc oîhMersçhaIim, Briîtr, and Fancy Pipes, Ci-- in the taiCotuntyofait-1irin,to F-ee > 'r' gar Cases'and Iloders, &c. Ggr itebs rne hlsl n ea1ceûdinzs, 1 show cauIse, if a iy yttar Itat"', w ' !..' . A adasatetcfSainry ni Iuie ver, Suces, Fancy -Baskets,. Looging Glass t1 bcrit'lonafh na sar. :I- Platen ievery ize. Sweeîmeats anîd Groceries. Eng1îabGlàe ailwas i soc.'affects ofte sai deceasaŽd anooT' j.t. - 9U" Siaml>ingdone.ilt-tlié.shortest fnotice.' «dt u ad~ereAeiLd1>~e,7>jt RJMÉtM BER I-7le qspotuo gel'lioliday it s son apliyiing tiîret'oi. ' I.7!JIS, ID* Dated atLimalsîy, in thConniv (,,'Ve'!~rL, GI~P.lSj.(GE j~ thisnineteenth day of Janury'a A.D. ISUa. rr S4101G S I. S'y BY order, '-w~ 276.17 ~E.7,s ,LINDSA Y ' RCgIPa f h .trygt"'r of thé coumty ofVi. ': ' 'q Solicitor far AppîEant. 2'!i la NOJV SELLINQiOr RIS LARGF s7w)i 0F opooD$ AT A kSlACRIF-ICE~I poe ar C~ ~ t: The s'iibscriber offers fowqleLo Nn 217'1 E >10W gaat togri?. those Who purchase With the. ready Cash, tii. ft>lowing rtce nesinowsicfIde, flrlg<- H at the extreme lowy prim.. am.20 cs.Tësi ïgIdal 1lý eaic. Ut Also ecialcenges-any uerchant in Lindsay to comupote 200 acii nre.1Tsri a .trid, and ll'dtvr ir" 7.' A B~~~~~~arti and other at-onlitg iitti' ~".nai-t NEmm enis of payrnenti w'ieh w Nill be foni dver eWE P I iberal, mazde knowa on app icc.tion tC. 30 ~NEIL 'MA CDUNA'.LD, 3pairs Good Blaniketi at $2 50per pair Fancy Flatineis Worth le.6d. no-w sold for 2s.6d. " )lTCreis 6( Hr.Bines(ai! W0.01) MUnder Coata Worth $5 00,+ sold at $3 00. Ktrkfleld,.-Jatiuary 6, 8a280-3m >' worthlis 6d, for $2 00 per pair. Over Ccutts $6 on, ".450 AUl wool red fael al. 6d. per yard * Pnswrh$ 0 given awav at.$2 00.N Splendid. woal double Sbawla. Wort.h $5 -1», 4 domea Fuit Caps sacrificed for 3.4. 9d.F OS LE given .way for 18GIE00RATS.'AL 'Fine9-gihCobourgpat I&l *perThe fENlwing vaublr 'Il" Winceys unir y)onl d. r a300 doz. Nock Scaira tu 4 givenaway te pur.Th olw Pints (fast. coloureO) only 9d. u Chasrfree of charg.. ï j~ Stripj eds(aiidlnfïü la d. upGc UA RCRE.u~ :~~"~> Mantie (ailkinda from.78. d. td Hyson Teas froua 2s. cd. par lb. np j 100Éees <ail o t or lie l o ffplet ou,28. . 130plb. eiic or$1 G j ffered for saleon Tery uidviutIgeous term, 1- '10 picesGre Cotoselt~d ff 4 oo Tek 2 puga of Good Tobaceo for a quarter is<,uhaolnmbrwtyt nte Lt.afr'N-, Shi 'utgfer Yard. 121lb.. goodbright sugar for $1. egt ocsino h a, ~ IF TOU! WAXT AOIII 1a B ~ i.aSa domilk mmummmmý ém, m amomiKAu eellent farm cf 100 acres mère or lems, tîre -F ()I S -gr -aer .rt .fwhicisun r gnd c, tîI ti-, aSta Disohargedby C.Ko c'; a aiacarged on JusIgeis order ...Bail given t0 keep the peace '..Paid hi& fille.... Do'mrEq., in tLO ,w fTit Côunty of Yictorkî. "a M tnC;!1Y. îja'enth day of Feb',rtart, - o'clorik' in the :ifw.eniOýn. f'r*tl" T FONa~'gStTmomentY We f i il P ing atn- assignés An j02"" te na c asaignment under the aT:"rýc Ac1 Pa ted at <)rn.Pw. lil ht' tv thi.9 Second day of i1" .. Aolicior C~r I ncit"ent. Fust sS si, rr d' cft, 1,*,'aý. r - et s As ais 17j n 1$64. Bypald School section No.'3 et 1 ....................... 6 ........ ................ wawm L.

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