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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Feb 1865, p. 4

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~Y lui i~'~ ~ ' 4d Df RI~I«1 .iwu Ir HRG~PIY alm >1 IOLEPIG SWeam h al au. hunr, -Thclogem~un çft Ibtit aiuuIn-5< a an a"U, 1*ke hall ~ 5Wo auI.u. F Nxd oba "«aY or mous and Dmflothea y&g5r1tU5BM piiragrapt i -B1aak- oEuri" o ap t tbs parstonate Twentfts'e doillars. i-eyed,4I~tho1, uuth ,:ios and Statilnr7 s1 Ourms$0 4 ~~~Thte actuel Busines Dqp*lcwt afml- an -cnidag; gray-d',,Ihtwo Batiwltb asorI0h1 of m-0,O ilosophical, resolute conductednth ai .ame priaotiie s o aor d; 'hazel-eyed, hasty ieBankgHlug t ses.àA Mrhal Hporum c or WoeaeEaal îjgt e~n sm neonstuU nt. n Ming. piles f all kids oMrbzdo eiEtt, front whch th,éudet ib~ tis depart- ecently hanged ina ment make tibeir' irai p :rea s. The Bcs tale, who conflBseId kept In the Em-ta-,b, lb. Students, are sq that bis finI Crime elïtht lan utmb er,, ive -f wiLob are Bocks of. Originel Kutry, aud they are ;cunducted ou the xp'i a ne8 prplan theL.,pr-n-ipal ,hle*aéle Hoises ln the foril city. This deparltfent-le under the charge of a Teacher whoe ba ai a long experienco ini bus!- eatl said a. consier- vous a ufilcient- guarate.cf is practical on., for yplu are go- wýorlçlng.. Senti for spécimen . f writing -and ,g turne facinating 111a otann n! utretsç drs d1 rallier steal theirs 2 81 1GR 'EWIHrpitr. pruiiàsing yeuth. BTas remoyed bis office to Mr. McDonnell'a uew block> opposite iglw' tor;Ient street, whr -ho wilibhobàapy te meutthose deiring fiiV professlonaàric es.Bewould aiso re- lumis ie or. tb*akA tq Ihose who lhave fui- e4 their promisses inai diug hlm sinte esta b - L shlng a perianent oflu Iba tis town,- and trusts by à strice adherues b obusiness 10 nter- It a contlnuaince cf the anme, utwithstandlag Refe7eisces -by p,.rùsio.- W.C. da , D. D. 8 . Torouto ; Rev. J. H. MCallunt, AXM Aus'ra; John- Penjtl&nd> AM.0Ohawa. Judge Boa'n, Mees. J. IL Perry, J. V. 1 fan, R. J'. Wilson, Jael -Bgeloi, Esqq., anti Dr. Card, Whitby.. Bfis Worslîip t&eNayor, Sherlit. McDougall, D»rs.- Martini' Bçnson. & Kempt, .Fidler, And- rewa and -oaMees .C.-Wood, Wm. Grace, 0 ieo' J P Gi meon, J Lenihan, O J' Maçkay, Mupeth kMrtain, D. Browne, Llndàj,, Dec. 20, 1814.- 239- 'IYEG to sunountàtc4 te their cusgtoinerg and the, j>general publie the arrivai of a veII.bought And. CarefuL.y gecetod, Stock,ý * - Conistiflg.(in.part) of:- FRESII TTfe,COF S, UGR 4c Boots.and Shees i great variety, At a Sms3.1Advaeeou Cont. When aptiius andi aduteraeà stuf la 5l( under the abo e lie",i a s!wgle exainw»ation ti Oreqtîestid tlu test.the gcnuineness of thèîr BrandE rt in- pale and. Dark Brandy, Sherry and Pori n 'Wines, loln Gin, Old Rye), Windsor. and oth1er Bsllerior Whiikeya. - I:3 113 ITEL-KEERS supphied on temogs fuirable tern.. Ganadian and imported Alecsud bottildPortei a - CROCKERY' & GLÂSSWARE- jin the latet stylos and at various prices. -t id, rer Flonr, Oaýtmenl and Cormua kePt constant-ý ly on hauld. The bighest. priée. pald -for Pork, Potatoes, Butter, anti every -description of, Fann Produce. -It? Au eanlyeaula resp-ecfuliy requesteti. - CUIS1IOLN &McRAEP Kent Street, .rownaBrick Block. Liudsaylt Nv,1864. 255i The subseriber begs te aunounce tô0 the residenti of Lindsay 'and viinity that lie bas just epened a Grocery-and Provision Store In Mri. 3e1's ewbrick building s I so lie - 1swallowed a si-k that lay in thé tamn- catching ini his teetth. ibhing ih Iiis rnouth and what it was.e lie began e end, and the bail un- on liad several feet in d - 1111 o end -appaTe- ed he shouted at the oe, tWife!Wlfe! 1. say jere! arn ail. untavel- 1O 0 A SusLu-A beuti- to thse female counte- thé- sunbe'am- la Io .It enîbelisileaan in- id Todeems an ugly one'. iwever shlciuld not- be'- ior insipidity is the te- tuld the mouth break in- e other parts remnaining unmoved, for this im- of dveceit and grote.sqie.- -face. A disagreable s the Uines beauty, and- Isive tta aSmile fhav- et charate r. Somte an- Iness and sweetness,oth- qrca.smý. hiùerness, .and ne s0ften the -countenance guishing tertderness, oth- Sby. their spiritual vivac. g and poring before a tot.aid in acquiring beau- [aif su '<eli as lu turn the c, to watch thu.t the heai Ilied from the rellectior is iuminated and- beau. ivcet thought. had1 your headi(," said Iay to- a gentleman wl( a knotty point. "And Your heari'> w-as bis re 11,1 said she. "silice you ny heari agree, 1 dont se, shiould flot go> in partnei 9lin his annual ion t t he exciess liasetts, -and. to Oregon, Califor-. ,e wetitern com- r>. laving 52,160 Its pOpula- eue door Weâit cf M. G. H. Keee'e sbolp, on ver I 000 htSoîhpieof rernaiinfg. KEýN TSTREET, andl ho rusts, by.,f.tir dealingand reasonabie, prices, ta menit,aahane of publiç patronage. liecreit il begivn;bùt for cash, he le de- No riedte sl.eI a espl -a ydelru town. Ail kind8s of PonrpOduce wllllie-taken lu excbange for gode, ndlthe fuli anket prises L-P A cal l- respecfiuly slicited froe - al wbo reqîtire g6oil fresit Groceries aI inodrato nvTicmwee i.,. j ~WITjRSToC OF BOOT7S i")3 OJi CoMPLE TE - :PgStûcular attentiôn is directed to the stock of mate of lb.'ý 1r diaorde: .W.BP.OWY, Proprietor. tdùd"sy, flth Ju%e, 4. CAO WEWUS M.rnR* "NT rS TREE T,, LINDS8A Y. G NpECTIONTERY, Sweetrneata, Fruits, Pipes. Cigars Pt the bet Brandl. cmii at Oa&weIla t Llnduay, 20th Ocober, 1864.e Bu8iII s tsandsté.Let ONKENT S TREE T. Thé shop and dweUlag ,tow occupied by Mr.1 8. QoeS; elso, the ahop and dw.iling 1atelyi ocupied Iy Mr. 0. C. Atkhson.. APIY 4to- W.M.NSELL. Lindsuay, October 1.1th, 1864. 268 A~ ràu r09WA~ oi 8axa P1~~~~~ ~ A OEVýLTO2,C N. ACRES in Ibeia LOTbip NO F 26lo, (-ouny4o Victoi,_e ofwnship .ao8ixy e car 6 edoý& ofd ua4e q.ltlv.&ze S Ty.re. ldwile esdundç~eq, riati on.Ts If ead t sit t-bc sol1rci1t se "i as a rt o nt eiaes uitac réaf r Thih 0ae eat part a log bse theAres ofU awhil o sel4ea rei fdaoh e re. Also bo0t Xe 52, so.th Bide cf Portage Rond Township ()f Eldon, Co>untY Victoria.ý For particularsajiyt Solicitor. Lindsay, Sept. 1, 1864.26- Ale,_Ale$ LDWELLV8 ALJE, inkegs,querbs. Ahaif brIs., and brIs. . lo XX A .Porter iu bottles. For sale by DoBsUN J& NIBLOCK. Konêy to Loau*. > WE . C) XM ~0 >I 0. ým ~ u ~je ~ ~ ~>w -THE .Assuranoe Companyl. Chie! Offgelu-LONF, 19, COnuhili-, E.C.- MONTRICAL, Z'21 & 228f St. PSU DPsiT FU1ND IN CANADA, *50,00 O.n ralgett for CandA-ý NORLAND_WT0N &CO. T euadersigtiud Iavitiit> beén ap point Agent of thecfFine an Lif01 surauce at t h. 1o'wet rateýols osstett wi e8 aouilty. PrspcIUues, &o., =iy bu had ~rvrîr iur Ua -.WILLIAM BELL, 3L - applcation t il is a diejastrous Lnsy Sep.1 28tb, 1864. 266.-tf - -ÀSOrney he market for Libar, id. women to an un- A Kerry hini - ýon for ernployinent A ND . FritrW rhé.8 c of bath Men- un- H pyN wYiear * Rg ê4e1 1familles, and wo- Tsubectijpr heP te rln tinelb bbl Iaitain îhtsnselves --rW HllE. ieadernug-bis Ibanks for the iherni cf Liudeay and aroudiiocuary ltaIt vilized aud -refined support extenieeihm white ln buses', bas latelY Oppud out a large aud -arled at duyof man ta pro. the subgiber-*ould invite the attention cfbi f-W Chair, B4 Bleads, turonus, Dee cIycustonters and public 10 bisocher tapdI4Ls ooking Glaisses, &., ail ýurnieli lier a spiiere, ébwjultiuhoe e.i Ine lureturn for -.~I&~ bce vi si& xcl~e ae Mrefineq, and adorns of var C.: aissd uperor qnnhty.-âýM m e.t, heC faiy nd ihe Prlvaie Paries, Tea Meetings and Soirees 1:r ue.4ds Fur ie., l iai C voi11 family, su~ppleil on lb. shortest notice, andl ou lb. unot ~Pnri 'riee.Jbigw influiences.. Thsl faoebl'Zowsrelrys ii wc.wrs y providential aider. Oaniels, Oracheni,,Blçouite,&c. &. hl'- (pst rw adO ate driveu 1<> the corn- sat n etid per rglalLrc inUduay, Tuhauary, 18865. - 21 on, or 'wlere Men are ,du uc. À a ila vlted. ind.unreflned Iiy the ~ui uww J~ 3? K of Isoine TU bop 10 nnounee ltat b. 'la ws.yàeng inthe 1t0kbsl A. >*pGoodurbautandW<>g5s eiu ~ ebraisi 014 and strict atd Plain W ls-1 J. Me Ljjajsy, ep422, 1863 G. DORMER, Solicitor' &c. 21,5-tff NONEIFTO LOAN. A.PPLY T61M. DE ÂNE, LI"DSAY,.A-GENT for the Freehold Permanent Building anxd Savingu' SorJety, at Toronto. Lindsay. 2'th'july;- 1864. 257-3m. TRÊ UND)ERSIGNED IS PIIEPARED to 1end money (beionging to private indi- viduals). IN SUMS OPF9.00 DOLLARS And upwards, from thre e to fve yea.rs, Rate of Ilere8t, 8 peir cent* per t Anunm. Ic-The money crin be had. immediately, onJ productioni ofsantiefa ctory titie. Insurance, F ire and Life, effected ai moderate ratés.* Also, dgo~~ A WELL SPRING 0F iHOPE FOR ALL EOLLOWAY 1iptLLat BEOFC.O0(>D CliEFR. 'rTE SNIG34 BE SAjVED DY TIE USE OF Hiolloway's Oitret for sait ou faverable ternis. For further par- lMost udfi niediciti revelation that it. ticulars apply (if by lettr, pve-paid) to « orld has ever kn,,, t ,;.d-ç ti 13. J. MODQ , important faci, that ývhercv;r. ani i' V' _________________Epsom, Reach. eethaemcrs i'ael.t.ti hh they may aak for., Epom jl 6, 1864. &-y it, 1en ~ han rlC SGentleme n a1aisegel auY style f BootswhcEp mJly- l'ills are iîI! eual. l, is 41cîc î faiud that, widi tIý ic i >mCil, tvY aic. Prite T*erarL w.X ey t oa. tTh L.GILAT AM P A I (MA 1 F rfHEUDERSITGNED is now ,repa l1A~[ TA!\AI b A ~~te even dp. vçA frinil 'iuîh~n GENERAL DEALE R (beion I ogtuprivte individuels), reeru L i , ' I tIN .dîn/ ~~~iqi »fav f.î >'~r'r. Pur FIVE YEARS, on lmproved ras, h.~~î~c,: LOW RATE oQv ,iÇTE[tE$t. CLOTHING, GROCERIES, &,c., For furthcr particulars a1ply ta'o i i A, h Q u N ý (nd Prolprietor of h indsay Brewery,) Kempt's Btildingvs, foot of Kent Street, Lindsay, nE I0IETh'e mi... I BHAS NOW OPENED A LARGÉ AND SI'LECT STOCK I Also, 3P 0110 acresofLand for Sude i fi e hmU b. - A1 I' ointies of Ontariv, 'Petc'rboroughi, Vjeî.,rii ,- 11I(1: FALL, ANDý W IN TE R GOODS, Laiibton-, Kent, Essex. rcy,MidexPrhr and other Count ies. -~t t Wbioh ho offers -for sale at the Lowest Remucrative Pr.ces for 'S~\ ~~ . e ctcd at moderate rte. *U ttleI i' .i J t ~Prinice. Albcrt,;%Marli 10, 1864. T.,;itn ""'t' i And respeetfully invitesan i ,. to 'f i tol rom inendii u rcoes - '. e la'uis,.f eS2i>0or upw-1'ari. i 7per cent, . td*1'i N.B.-The IMI* Y 'i;ER ts o> i full t'rc't ,I n d.f ael lcipes a l P ien% ArFi-intiliS (,Fi lies wil be reg-ularèly #uppliedw withthe- best LINDSAY ALE A.Ni) EER oit leaviiig tlieir oer ln- ihiicn1A(-tt 'L at the Shup. r:.i ilO iC> îassut theicb rr1..,îhe 19i ù4 16 J EN 11 0~*. -. M ACKA Y,- Rarrisi r; nels ii ;ý n Linsay lOh Ot, 864 . ~ 'N l~3'tA . r NEIL LA, LTdLi tm .f i ' <JOUNTY, OF VICTORIAIlInyNnyXle!' V a; N\Y oI ietnimproved 'Far uPr.o- h"lîu OfS00-inlulptvairis. ai ~ ~ 1cî.I 'i. TH UDESGNEDIAV1NG JUOT RIE I'b Dfrorm teo Eltvrn Muet'"Ae rt t ç ri LNn;tf'tM.l prepred t fer te the Pubht 'an unrîtallied chi ce n aIiithe I tteststxl v andI fai r t tof ittid il are i"i !S luin"'* . . ~ ~ ry~TIy >f'it~nf-f~~i. i a - ii e1 . py, f 1y 'A tir ool esp . i i lca1 *tteuii>fltu 1I î. uui.f iI é I tri . ieri'i k fB LA(C'K -i'~:y pil VI, 1RG4. :1 Ut DesOOSS alad Mantie end Fancy GTEDna-mns ,' - XI DemooaiShX-, R1I'FIý hAVE PrTU :11 com prise al 'the Q ,ualitie s and F tyles that. a - tt, oM c1l ,cda 1.. i .Fiit iaivCst on 1 irovvd Far ýT>_Pil,- '.. ~- 1 erty, ai- a low rate 4;f inItereS t. 1 relquixe, j STýREC-EIVED, a Large 'Lotut cf WITE,- BLUýE, A'ND B Ro E N I- MUx' T3AVINI L leW*ill dispose cf cheap. . G ES .T 0 ZR O . ER T.ES AIlIttVING EvERY DA ilati.3ill,1 at a sinail .-Ovzineefor. F CASH O R PRODUCE. iON4EY ¶0 LOAN-- I tg~ £-~ rwt 1'0R part;Itîrs 'lv t.. just Received> M0 Bags Coarso and Fine Sait. ALiberai Discouint s:':rLîdu î ' allowled to Parties PurchasingWhl.esale. - Lt4SiJî 1 .4 . 2~ f- ROBRT SPIER. I - Corîîer Store, .ld.zcs' Wt, 1t S:. 1 Ou iINREVY TO 1.01N i t lr Lindsay Oct. 26, 164. - REOînd hr - e>,e un '0itcba ' rx~ '~ - -ro e . î.î u e t irsaît th o pti n ti th e i 4, 4. 4 ,-4 -ý- ' ' b o i r o v e r ; e i . : . J. D3. KNO Si . d il '. ' L i i s rv . c t oÊ e' r I ;, l'o l. i iIif1 - 5 jýI Ni:E 'Y OLCAN $.-' . CROCERIES, f'EW THl OF NP i D0L T'~<i t u lend o!01 r-reà3 4iîitl4-C tefl . 4>t R eady-M ade c Ulot li i qu BILnday June 5, i';t UNFi I l 1. CX -S111-i JAVE JUSTý RECRIV:ED AT TIIEIP. STOIR, ND AR E NOiX OPLNINC, IÇLOT Apply te OEI oN.C,~~. - h.- large and well-seleted stock cforsy acIt4 21-i C4I4 NCLU INO à splendid lot f plain lid fancy Drese1 Gods, Siawis, GR areiI (; a d . h = '-" :~ -v - -< t Co0g tton.. 'thOe heapeat Prints in. towfl, Ù1lju Mi l u nCanadiai Tweed, F iîl1,rr M a SatinttiBroad lotheOvercoatingS, EuglI-h wedi lanesHitlad rd..: 4 CapandScafuewue tobtbeat Or Stock r'> lrgé aîxîd. î a nsd we oivak aIfot 01Sl,3bue i X!antkeet. eppo p ;î,1-s( itend pY bsf aoreta hym> sfy thernselves of the, trutli OfOunr staicme'. 1ti-ete ne T> n, l l.uîI\icit te t14 .. t 4. t teu '>d w llrg tîxt to NIrr TIir- vutt.i C4A1.ii - ~ C l c s o n e n t S ir ' >. ( 1 ' ii N nir lk r p ticuî>a rsa apIîy t It lisri i(rn rt ofdC t i î.s Weep ageasrnen0saleS esi agiiT- t2 dper lb., and everyth G_4s I.L.KEE rj iu the Lino.equally-cheap. We have ouln iihînd over il n-ua l' On IE idred and Fifty O'vercoats-- SuUnd M tte' teters w'I tilc-e i .ý Lindsay, Nov ~,1C. L n a% hanti 1C.:tS hv "nu4 uf. per we haveizinor tatw mt bc able te clear t l ut ¶î î a a dB c i dZ gn--*il Mt c eaeaerly andl ouare sure 10 get great hargains inii Ii he.,-, B»ot and Bhof cheaper than' ever. ltr'4utîtt ted LIQ ORS-WOwould emind hose wo are et teeotalers LlEst we stilil keep the best and_______'cw i4fItt,' vS- - J. COSTtoELLO~&. Co. j 1t tiI U311 t1iC.i4 If e 8o Ri~sn#Bo ,opstceilt' a dicare Store, KernS, adcnso c11kýtu z1 Llndsay, 111111 October, 1864 The subseriebeget ui: lirate t..-s1tî.i;, tiiewintCr mouths the above stagewl u silLWV >~~>>,.Tvrp~ - - eave Lindsay cvery Ttesd. ,ThursdSysu dby ail c,Cit 12 1-tzu ,'-u '- ~~am BE~~ w m a m m 17~~~ * Saturday at 9 o'clock a.m., and arrivig Àt MdiCie uutghuîrileViî,- ~II i u j i& VVBbcaygeu at 1 oclck p.m. Rturningrr rjii ivii:etI W(r1'!, Inii b \4 t2 1_I' FU a leave -Blobcaygcoineer dWednceday ' $1*, dachi4- aumi Friditv, at 9 0o'lcl , r .hn idt t rY 're: -tC-i;lrb veg» srf(fI n (l5P ie.iuclock p. tt. îttr si-r S. Fair -Reriie. B,%ggage andl parceis ai jut TH SUSCIBE OFER FO SAE UE ARGSTAND) JIEST the risk of owners, unless boiiked andi paid for. IJiNT TO THTII',Il UiI ans HgS 1!fl _FFPi. WORKMAN-l, t CITýIZEYSk<-I t)N to* Lindsay 29th Dec., 1864. - Pontl DIIG ADKTHNCHAIRS, PAR..-___________T_ and -PARLOUIR* DinIE W 1D la__X_______1_N baf LOIDNN~ ND KITrCFHN TABLES, ]PX OIL SALE Lptte trcaig INIa SO'8 CICF, OJNE, -SIDE-BOARDS, Lateprcsigý ES & LOUL& UPORD NG ATESE 0 ÉRIU ESUIBSCRIBER 'offrs for s aie, 01 mntcihi veàlcvnl COOMROSNMAT liberOFl AIOVnT,-the west haif of thi, Eastmn oAhirste>ICO0itt~ QUALIIESSOFA, d fLT 2 THCONCESSI(jol jeitîiy-warneti ag.tixtst 14,11> 1 DSTA->S QU OPS, I a ntif iLOT n.27, Mie cfefri*s hi l1 Pills or Ojinest purportifli! to. 1 i0 ~eu. - - FOOTSJPOLS", âç, &.,Town cf Lindsay, adte icygciRod tie oes or hae i ti~ tt-'~i~ -~~1tpAT ~ ~ la dayand w teed the peole of the Stftee ad the111e - Un UW84i> «.F t CA pe plyt teoueonUepreMises- inet,t4terefoe aàAme ra re iPD ûC àA itendeté t <é g*me -mJhN' TSN. ted m7 prep:trations. -Teeacn Cf- Cffasofai azesket omLatl 1th Jae, 1864.«c 2ig2,t te United Stntrs. IF. mal tened'oeroStoý ktck. anlyOpe, 12524 up onm thai* tleo EI r -4 NGLBU BURH. or rottdtOr6n the water 'a ïog >- boe- k il til t R iU vwodo ote,~upon the Box.f PUIS rOnifCî u 'j Ri 'orne that have 17s. lmSo CAbE AE ie. for lavalii. PFor sale bym e CA I E st ýws gl'l man ~4 U- ce ,or a su r- is the.Gov- ages over 'l'lie-. ab- litary and ptervening AP 1 ' L 0 'EY * ýFO LOA N. V' N BkOA.Dot;-Orlls, -,cýOTcIl LýNti lit ý-CLOTIIS, &-c

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