.1' h. 414. ~'. 1. ~ -i., ~ i 4 i é ~ ~- iJ I 'l* les puaite oermets tû Iadoesitu*~ Caliî1* i averjr ed«thu "eout qer . eb. ~Ia 84 )N~ Bmlrrster &ad 'iii sulicitor là OhaaOl ý, ilodk, Kent îel 266- Janitary Ildi, 1W4. 1R RIevere l ft ln Cha'- - KENT STU1,1EZLID8Âày. T.%- subscdr begs to Antinnce. tisaI le ba I - .as. Iheabov lMewIiclt las been fualit- Omi rii QoId saànd shtd*' îUa.bed, iuJ iiin tten ;i4d u ttted up threpghout lu the, isa tle . tir, calbur aiw&YS ta atteadance. - iÇe. * -vilii 114-ti bkept lt aansd 'hi& table willi b, fW R6 'h- ,ré and At- Ftee Omnibutoleand frai'lthe(Cars and Boats. .4 with a&U the '4elicaclff o'f île seao - 1,Careil ad ob>iglag 4taîters alwayula 13M3od4fy Hu. PA 1R&Y, T. IItaiy LATE E E~. nopèpoiete fT eýKn Stt And- Unâay. ~~rm. noy1ftON legs ta inforan tite ini.abi- QO peisleMsrt etSei Lindsay. w tanla othed<ouualtycf Victoria aîtd s'Ir.-b, J, y, vitert, be it,prepaed tl a-boksulp Gt- - rondtxg Cuniestsat héh. su opened, 11Ûtie elal intetiait tyteand alvefy,reuacibe. rolcdin on llsot StriaI, iatellr occtîpied b> charges. Cîttig dont celapsnd onlte sbort- S Jewettl, andas ho bas iaad lfus aafarii-e-nte - - ni l~ffs sl. iulrswttf~4cenCm vti- Jaàuary, .1.863. 280-f un. la ..gu.ut,4 .v1.I MwlI iumr o IeVe niu~sfloecKent street, Litbuly. ETs. ILVS M.Aarrru.c 1_IL NIl, Aîrie-tL'î,Soli- ko t)uglIit v~ntiai. ~ZNPT O..,GraduaI. of McOi tY. c fWgeree lu lite fri- tk titi is lercauttile Instirane 0 OJf:ein lu . George Kusnujt'a D IE-w S , us, AccO.nIcLIra, &C.Otrik tk% Itisitîitlay, opposite tise -liL.M. t>),plIysiOý'imir. surgeon., ccrcien-. Qicc-Ftstiicr'li Que- calt l[îtei, Lindsay. E03-1AUcalla ANt AAt~ttJ(IIEi.L.ately 'lte Ànericau A rmy.- ~ C. . -27() l, Ciili .gUuerand Proviiic!al' -Sluiveyor, ttusll Street. CivilEngîefarandi P'.iusciud - tire or. lcou nM. Xen,'ts lt strt'et, Lip4ssay, &XW. 1a8t C, Js 1~-T, Prviraiall4 l ust-Otll, tulsu'iglvnlotti. Vaàl- (tir aèisua iadjouiulg townshipsi. -lcvrotan(d Woodvlllê. il- . IIultNKT, Bjoa ver ton. 134-tf IlEmAI. s, C'oroner. lIT,~ ~ ~ o ineO.utîlo!Trias- Tench~îer of th Piaso.- - Resi4calce îtt MnI. tnio's,- Eý;$El AUC . P t'î r i lui r - oltisr Landi suls arsister; Liiit qtsIty arriag ,Trm ing 4-n Lindssy, Duc-. I, 1 8G4. 29t ZÇ .itri.g j fisauburber begsu ti snouace ltte pu*; M IN 11l* 000190-, Mat lliq « liit thathis teay w noive orders for gril?, UNt)ERslaINSD 110LIAVFÉ To INO.,Work perfurmed vitiý t ele sas Iafrit lis friendis ud tiseTrvigjdaac. doamdel<tra. putblic thatlise lbas 'lakeat the àabute wll-knôwit Note thet àddrssâ:.-?hbroêdoore Soulis of ifotel, anudtrusais, by satttt.atto tu blusittes - 1'orkmai's Liveq Stales, %Y'ettide, Brp.d- grea by eudevuriiig tledu ail b Is. 4Power fur ~ iI lto eonifort Ati otinveueni4e o guteàt, -tomenit .DPi' s usre of pulic jatrGUAgo. Gquod liqîtors and Tiàdsaby, May 5, 1-804. - 25y htgur stur l cuuuoatt frti IMa n 11a - - Pruprietor (Lt t cv Mgco-quadalei,] (D M Ir M i D t P r u p rat.0 iThis liente bas recetstly lissa relitted for lte a«oonimodautt(o f g c-lsa ar Suîpiieti wiLt ie tiolcect lquats. 20i *MêT DIt3OUIE, Prepriter. 1 1 1lllS fi vt i l lel btuving Ieen lâttct3 cou.- Z piwlyrenvaued4affibrds timè-é belof ne- eonufltattolnfor- trauvelléauand dtepublic ge 1nerll ode r renfirmanageme»nt 0(1 efot ilbe stased tIsaIvili coaduice tlu hue enomfont ()f guette "-'rise beal fLiqusom sand Olgara27-y C. T. IIDGSON PIfOPJIETOR. [liNsIIOTRL affers every acoommntuiafl coinforl la lise travelling public-. De eltsolce lkas calSalAntiA- feutve-Ostlt'ra. BANK'S IHOTE., Mais S eet OCakvccd- ILr Good St.abliasg ai a carefial Ostler. WM. iNK; IoprFittor., 118-tf Dining x il andRest.urgant, -irîtr ,Iliro l No. - - 2-7 & D n rir inrs fr i -i t lu i la f-.P sst t e ve t 1ls e T; 1*GE\ ,Wosnt-Actotee, ii eolc ve tr -tirt auj ouselruad gn ne ,Stspîers, &. ai al bouts. Winti, Pe'u t-retl(et. ii-say, C. W. 2SUif Liqiuru, &. fthte tst brantis. - il ffl- - JOHN SMITR, Prcpntetcr, j&lktN 'ani~,ai p Uao-(Li .IinHotel.> utlia Vvtlîursker. Sihrp-No lth ide Tor-enta, My 88. -204-ly S, (leni Agent and -U -- *brotypo and Photogmphic - r i ' iiesirned solicita t ise continued pam 01INSON, 'TAtlO(R, William 'I ronage of it.é puaic !lugeneral, whistbli I.ayau, tilliuktast for tise libera al bheen favrore6d wath: for- seversl jeara lieut. seàti-awfut ou huiii -fur te pnaI 14 ~ mi'aLtmM U S W1si0 1 bpy fi it atilil jrepared I-ta - 'L'Ç'tite aill ordesx vîtit vich ie Iyn ay exectiçd-on ts helnthceesa! articular iii te. La.&TCd"'rtl5, ant tnlc>. tte-ntiç>u 1,id tu e seîolilldrenu' Portraits - Y 1î-tf VI11Wsud GIIOLPJýqIPFFAILlES taketiat - -..gieir Itiuldencos. 11einembgr te Stand, »ppa-1 IIRVAY, Avehitect ad littde; -site -, W. aVrkîng .plans *cafulty uagpiteýIs pentêtit" y bot sus! 51, âAgh 8~1iandi DoQçfraitiea ads trwuo.s Iiay Ird Novemier, 1864. 2 12-tt T. Q.OURLEY, Arlist. jl4ndsa7, Marci, .1864 Ohs AHtadAgent;,fis0Tiniber t fir tise Canada Cct'pany for t1oe' Victoria, Qitrlo and! Durbit. j !RY *U15 in;t ouorvweaat cf t, C ususy Baildv b'N E tC 'IiflO? - CR,'ani [àUUY. Tilor WiliamSt- iouse #g4,Comisslaio, y. Oirmteiite ni&tip in tthse bout iNaa BesLi4sy t tise loveat living rate@. AltOr o. w.à musire prompt attlaaltand a So aeists tt Oc e is aî1d Cd. MèrYpj tî ee lee puen'$aoet c to ffg , titretts haie dfloere lhuikab# gnday) ay Itt 10, '25t 1161,1t u.t fofLlsualbay n4 te sur- ~&'lYPg, LKNTPC, and pat. 11.spetful eIft i,4..bahntcf ARî?1ý hD VISITZ petures, l inte Litu<y*ams tWrouandlngo*UtliaI tsba o e wiltili ic niîlîtes the latest lma- ecnoiiu.d te above buatsigw in ail its uqasis c f Egat n al AMiete. Pr-tees elu oes' isiWlimS.wieolsae ood v ork càn be doue for araywiter-e. byfis-t. cksaip u anqtesonO o1ver Watmon"s Storej oproor pf ibttiud , u tuer-Il a -abers uof p&lrouagepes ,mae-ch23f 18oui. aà j'L A4s3 At .s 1,404. -t The Sascriiser legs tle'Auncaince ltai be hts teaue th te cotnitoâiutpremi es lateiy occu- 1aed hy Nr. -l..0. Leusuarn, anti havttg tisoroisglu renovateti t1ie lsniIdiýamg thruîîghoiît, he is pËe- toed-eacrotnmuodate six or 1gb tbosirderît. Thse sîiuation ii 'er-y central, be n 1y On. iniâtstea' vaik rosa lte Iopes.lccad adjac- ent 1 i rtdq t ,pf t~he ltyIl. Tets-wbieh 'ave verYiocaa tdé, kno'wn on apypicaîlea. À LEX. NMCBURNIE, Comr rWiWtèu d- Ri4uri Sireeta. Lindsa.>,,Feb. 2, 1865.- 8 a,- C LAiRKE, .Wat-xIakr & Jeweller, WILLIAM ST. LINDSA Y [1 AVING besin lpointed Agent1toteMessa. 4od déliveo! fthiai Marisie and Stone vworks, la nov jpIared to take ortiers fu any. wurk, in - ts.ti l, ti: lbmb -Stis, flead Sica.., Mrbie mil of visiciswork viii h. delivt-red. ut the Lindsay.stalles, ah the lowest Totosito .pr-tos. - ' H. G. Ci.ARKE, AgenL. Lindsay, Noyç. 291th, 1864 753 l1-EOLD Saddle andi Harn"ess ESTABELISHMFNT, Sign cf UMe Ma mmotit Colla r!- VU am 8Uz..tt Lindsmyý2' Q.0W, JOUN MJ<IT Prcp rie(orà. Titesubir lnlainaaking lia *in ter. ».n totmtcemnent, -de .sires t enenlr lais wilnmeau timaks' to liafr-tends andth ie lpublic for lte., ii> érali îaîrouiage.bestoedn m tfo.r nianty.., en re and -le tîsforis trimt îit tin future he ivill leuiv itittng undoats:tG vient acositinusancée of Ibetu tarairs. [te votild ieg to asic I>iiularAtesia te bis large a&" eoiqslAe stek. cf DOUBLE 4Nf SINGLE ILd NSS, , dU Mss!cf,!HE.&V 4N$ aionftn-.ly on band, and matie tae oder, asnele ua laýrpenmbser of Scotch uunti ther cuflar ms.dë tap iy a fret -ciass akier, slwys lu stock. 1siMells "CIEi it" !tise itestmaterialand satperiDr-vcrkmausiti Trutulc, Vismes aud Car-pet Baga in eviery styl and &L the Iowest.pios.. Il1,: Wiuipo, wip laes fheig4 Bell% comtw lrtuahù s -taeai.loveut livisi-g fuites. parties wvaiu tge' IdeCarflagi 't{aa4ne týfn select frisane Iswmoett«orSofsilver un otiter iountpgs, - 04 lbray dy lsiMsg CieIrir a a de rap ctsf tise t 'tal'lntitsi- a -pp'eld styê, and i t e taUkh1ylo~Itîh-.' - or 1. Pss*s 1h UJOHN gsrSd ar queste to ait 06 Ur. maayîma mheépa $bets*aStdaz et ftlw.e ry 14 Li Li fi XI Al f FromtheSA.New Yorlc Wordl) ail 5eekgke 1h..oue#t 'e au0 taL vay e 0.,-fi " ( a a1v. EIath cols! satdMn*Ou oo.4sdibm &nd.friendslp pr-ves! a mockery? ffl ast. tby #ebugias romu osetixl .buavea rtr ne sacis crue wemuds ar- givrta. in amith vb ayn.setsu oe, Thse loI coffallen alanbelpu', Sîili lift îhytearful eye above, ads-sdaed-o o là love." -sieet thelb thougbt imid tîie',s swift pao., 1'Iît eA'rth la 'Mtolaiur resng-pl4te,: Precietsit e promis. of t.4Ljou To 1111l-t ive WlilslamaatWord. Tben w.eptng Olsrlsiane dry thy tears; Ioonsfw .1r every aide appetri; The, r7e cf God-.sn.d Cocd-i l le Utm6y in EOSPItal alt A'!4àlr * UP Ia IMN » ANTrý "ave unioiYeu got anycf-4your fdintis otming tl ue0 o e tas-ay, David! "1:usati.- onesuay alternuon i .- d as h ia nîIhé tulr.a-.way, ensd -ofa 149sg aorîa wir,.ia.tiby ibuie s i tisoiofl oaary, luuîg atter eVOity bed hbas! is c&rnplei"ut uf uîa.r.world tl*ttes gaîheres!arounti il. No oiuaurt!hg(Àtig tsàd tbere- beeau fer Inml tit.Iusr cldiahdai ofrest, fWr h. yardmi were l«UHof criticai caaeNnu r.b. safly ie e, eveîî for an hour.. -Andi jet, îhougb 1 Ibi lii ~prvatonwi ilh-regrfet1 was- hot &al; tlur1 laad .sMY holy wk -g1 ai, atiJ was satisfil . Wltat beiter ci laîiy cf aisviat fr, undl:ay e1k eek-day, itan jat the~ ~ M gor~ulr~a otchat Go> gvew ns, elaéi. *ùI il- cv-ipartiéeudar itour 1 The olti mCan vitoin 1 ieow spoké e a aoluneof lte criic-al cases. A very cldman ie-was, uver isitie white tend liai passded.tescess ilte diaap>uiatmeîts, the.disasters, cf eig!htym so0ven iyotars,-à-oing- tueir îi«, itaet le vais uat disinayes! at dealb,. or, osiprepai te naeelhI. HtWatiboom brougialàtia u a 1ew day*-oii".a&iùhg froin a nvera ac- c-idei, ne, o. f h.treqttetat Miahanes etinii- iirmh olId a ira inte iltrry of. tiecrowdriI atreeîui, ands trea the wattcf vutaIity ira the . thatit's saýlYstm, tier. has! bee tafrotlthe tirât buLttille hoptî ci lais nltitrnalc.recovery, Seco#adary hoeunurrtiage haut silice corne, on, am:it lbas a#ew o8111 a question of a day more . a aw-s-aand a couple cf- neifitbourst.ad ben ilu same.1fltMsauverai l itie&s incetis tdmisbg.im, b ait to-dIay-just wbheýh seemfei m.ist, aitkng-I jwaiwul for Ithelu in. vain- "iHavle"flot you go.. any cf yonr -fiendi cômilrgtlu sce YO u l-ay, David ft" 'Tre-oid tmatn IuruodIilis bine eyes upor me vith. a ai le. Clear bloc eyeslhu itre, whiutt aeerned te fight off lime dimnosil .i eapprootlîing druatià te lte lasI, Wilt til fratsk, cuildîitke..brigbliesa. "YesI'e ot a friend,-Ilas corne b sec- imoe"he .aati, an isd -ha.te'so'aler. lance betrayeti bas rapidly increasinc( feeblu. a isee laus Ceonte ili se@ une-.-erory day- tiiseighty, 1oarà pastai m ore. The citi- est !FrisitidI ve get, anti the truc«. Coinei 1o ru0 e lu-day, and s ays, '--neforth ite la laid -ali, or tite., a uown'Tliassk 1hi tueues!Go!, I vais neyer separateti flou uinrune vitale ýday, titeugît l'yer. di fallet awauy l'umft Wa bl,-ntever lHe frein me.'ý Htipaust%!, whil ltat. sanie lappyq COUn fIdteiit sonldeeagâtin.lit ilp is vtote face, ' he'iét tais Imnaîiar ehangoti aligbî ly, anti tait a berijt,, almhost pariarçhai, air am ite turne -10 die. " AIpray ltaI he'may y e r fraisi, lasasieh a, s l0e ha.e liit le Yuu've been voay kiii te ut .y dêar, ai lay ýup a ef.ewia for, leu, antil .e your friei e aow atd.furever. A aat.i ou bailaci FOuimy dear, l.luias>my Pnrets! coige t, A& 1 maltie reply-1 aie net now re -Menîber wht«h- hi& face, tpek yet, asmolisi ebstuge; b. tunk bock éxbausttl vita th, effotl ail md as!., sudtipreally belgaî ii rvîryver.y'feebi. joncs talk ili swanti.a "aY 'cf -tilt Caiiadia. eipèriies. Furi B eemetl thitat hotd liveul <tuai iîg ltegreateo M-p«rt cf bi li anU5perCaïai. suià dho lndes t.akep lh. voyaïe Cctu Eiagaad,-aIo exptiitcsu fur a iin eft a e- se -, cmîc auil hid Yen :gost and. favosarate chili Caiîtituu-botbt asovMaraies!and mle -ini Lmnt*te. -besesa dtrlayeait b.ýka'u tuitil oMuestic mcc ýeil, *1 bth~ublanand eliald ; suii 1id ýr le 'i îJ lu m th tri nt ai le s, Pl p IL n weIuag, ~wtn ut. la- tJ family, tbf uontreal;- Mr. Rat andi fam - 'of Quiebec g Jge mstrong, cf Ociwa Ira.Jh Macdonîald, cfIroito; James 'IReilly, o! Kingstàn; Etiwin Chaley, cf crouty ; Almizo Wright, M.P.P., cf Otta-' ray, anad rnany éthers.1 The car feU Juavn he precapîce wîîta a great crasit, but arrange i aay,iiol oeeof lte pagere was eia t njurecL Tbree or-four receiveti bruis.., but une of a serions char-ater. ,Hadilthe acci- lânt happette! a few Ifez west, .flot a son 1 lu se car would havebeeas saveti, as the Nico- il bridge_ ha fifîy feet htigit, anti there is tither j>aapet ner bankto avert or dimin- ta the f igitîful crash hat wo.uld have est- Med. The passergers ivere taken back 10 lanville, andi are aofpping there now lu ex- pectation cf a train from Quebec le taise hum nM T hte aîleepiaj,èr car is a completewreck, and the cter as muchi d.amnage. Tht rack t broken uap for a long- distance, ans! yullont be asily repaired. Tite lrack ofte Grand Trunk from Toron- to uQutsbec, - in a sbockingcotitiun. Un- oeaà tecom pait: can raise înoaeytl utalil in repair,the paymehit cf interesi on th. cor- pay'Aa bonds shoulti b.rAloppetandi the mô- ney applies! 10 liaI purpes. Ilartly a trauin now passes froaa one- end!of Ihe-line tu, the ter wîithout aorue accident éecuçriig. THE PEACiEGOIAES Fron t tk Londan Fre e Pres. O. Uaêatt bmplaee_ Thé evtwuation4 W &top «Ma*" q4iq of iolant concentra- ticsThk 'v it h aun, gé ince.been predîcld, naîti weSdbave taeIWOP «0 this had vaoilat.a wmi -en mnered. Ch.ok =*y-haie b.ti -an atteMkt ?j on pant cf lëe. to iake a rWdtsposiiao 61le foWwith e4hvielwof aidifiglto cbe h *ttvano of Shermian. A few dayiSwY . m o c m a r y l o ii I V e l - rU . k l . 'a.. 4vabs' M .' *~d rm at/1:,-cernefIGer80 1 u41etupid s. to Mwet . "where dovru qâinWt 1 è*bOIhOL E. sir, - cf hIa4oets la' hou bn. teP.bJ8o4 9 mb. oi br- $Mos e. rver, ye, .afly, t o.a Car when a etovet, idh stsde fat «aî.der ohurikthan ever tiki oti '1.. ligtvIacuel aJvoovy. Vid'a .lvotimg.ig b 1pitre.To Tkîu pe' l w.I w teire Dr. Heroti atteodedi lit obtchif b. leaenl Jessalem, agti lu.hin i -itig thèsoe inre4 are, Mr. John te.h tii semly of just mon matie perfect, tMNa.Studust of Liez', Cotiege, Toronlou, w*hich the prophet-ApotiIe .eVo à cati bot haut ialy burnt andi facetul; bMi. W nm. tlury oeàmhaalu tr.finite and i alf-1 Carmon, of Albion, bacily cul un knee; Mr. asag i uina byiiilb.beapd.n , . . Thompwaî. cf1 Tomunto, hans ati atm stc îmager ho e employa of titis *earth'a barot ; Miss Thoaupsaoa fEqesghr raieasial uvet.Ae lte atbellsciiimed.1ian shoulder ï lames Frencht, uof amilton. ia lte eeulurg ervice uat Si. Like'8, ho 14 i is houldtierbruiseti. Thé car waîs W ,f- 9%, - e- .gh p w .h a thof b d l ~ u e i, th v i e l r o k e üth erk watainS gogsture. ed ! trm utiadr..h andti hrown ehelir 6U Jeutier»ho.u,"id faintiy, and i auxled. -side of the lettré., La Yvom ' aleed andi faileti. so-that we. '081Y caugu t bi* words byâniatchea. * o' THE GRtAND TrRLNK ACCIDENT NEAR boe,"whourd Iii imurtaur, 4"abide in DANVILLE. it for everrncre,-liflng up tioly' banda$-- ta. eor tte ily chîki Jet;u,-.Jksus,--Je- <Front <J;10&,i T.Legram.> sit ;".-he restes! oauthébtesed Naine, te- D Am5LLxC. . , Feb. 18. pualiil as *4au Massy of -the Flocithave re- paa*eçl it befire sd t i~',terfirsi, lasi The Express traiti left.Monteeai for Que- îhnhl heir alaY, iheir hiope, thtir Iife-boat be ai. îw ou'clock titis mornng-tlhre houra ihogtthé ifL 't, And even. as ho sad jt,ý belaind time-reachezI' Richmnond at sevmi, thea w a wittHan.;he baed n he e: andi pruceetiel immediately 10 Qaebiec. Twoý liai Sbah 1 rewkatersi, svmpaîh.y .iieà beyoit Danvilte Station, andt 01aller ami juy, knowledge andi love, aie. perliected cusngtehîi ridge orer tbe river Nico- andt coaibined inl&b.u saveilei preseitce cf let, lte train tanoffîhe track. in eransquence- Aa4 v e, u. atchers lofa ttîuide yet furol a broketa rail. The enbiine and tender re- a 1111 whiobot srel liit a»iericeauJutaineti oilte rack ; the baggage car welit a, 14emon letai, Surey llida sic eland i ffthe. lrack, but did ànot >go .otrer the batti. harm ony w iih, sud , equai ifs pu %er u a ty T ero te e ul c ra .t hé.p4s oe er a rs -n.e -which Ihat day wure, heard -withiîa choinrl eoî-ls aatilt.oie is-l walis; awlt une tha: shoulti ever remninti us skepinig car. Tite former weûI parlially tu *petal; ail future Sitîndu> ,-ay, and flrthe .over tte ba ntk, but fortunately stick faut ini mollt c tiaI aitwoe-das, uo.parîy hesinow. Ttie sleeping car wentclear ovej anà glafl y, ami ever closly nith.o. prose 1 ce ait 1 rolled downth n dpi fblex Ihu Divine "best Frieud." thirly anti oty- feet. -The berths were not ut _________________yelmade up; aporionf -lte passengers TRE NE .W EXCITEME.NT. were 701 t i heir berins, and alters standing~ ahantn thii-ar. thrughtheobstiniacy - ofM r. Lincoln,, i 'et! you'n.g man -stuped at a ltle dracg slhre the ;iihr cori oftrinew ram int aday, r uw go, lie i gacoup le-Of pack-- peries! cf var. TeSst isnvbcrea"es îvih hlm. .Helait! themn dowts91n conviatdIbat lte u-iimalu-rn cf the Naorh- Ithe counter, andi then matie several pur- cru Gverairneiat lasubrsussiots irs, andi a ebase, puslttiug, limeartieeý isii is pocket division f prepcrly subseqnenlly. That that as lte druggist li andedth ien t ver. At sla-lie oustee tub6 pursacti lias b;en de- lenglh he 'p.tused a moment, aa\1 he lad' m sraejIite bytslaenrewforg!tthi lmmame cf an art ic ktlie vas ho gel, belveen the Confederate Vice-Presidestal al dle vouIt i sep tttde andi ast lis sister. Mr. Liicoîra anti Mr. Seward. No ermes o!f " Iî ttepckgs lela!tknvt .ecommodlatioMn vere ho b. eliaught f. Thle hitnoui lte econter. lau suspicion uas cuser- terrils soughtt vere toe" which at absolute 1lýaines! cf his ioisaiytita lie. iaad been ab- conrquerer inîgh%, eaafurce, but nultatich as a sesat fr ome line. ljhe pckages were peopie stal iit. arma, pcuaessu. îmllre thon examities! aus!fouug 10 suaitain sawduul. rescurces, voulti listc-n le. They were asketi as tact, te l1ay devis hoir crms, gie tupia- GOOS. FAaxxaa.-" 0-T viîh îhrlr heads! ve>ry, anti place titemselvesanadt theïr pro .Away with the filthy thitgs 1Ttev cal aIl pery itl the tender merci..fcte- Nrtht. befori. theunaai kili wlaat fllowui after."1 Wibhte remembrance of -the Shnandoah Su are frequeaaî:y t hvCt sf roui thos0e Valley eilI before theui, sucit a coure vas 'cf passins~goot sense, on nacst lïarmuai econ- nol tIkeiy toe . flten i twih. Nuthiug vas errâts, baut cti irel1y 'souiud on tlie goose., lu hi. lltliem upon iwbicit they mit rety Mtaiay at iutelligeual farmer vili pay forty un the future ; even tbhCé sicaioaAct suas Io ss'îy dûiars for a bollovk, tu securse une Au b. képi in "orce, >thongh' Mr. Liniculai was truaidreti-te one itutds et'anss fifity pouids lus. g0oti tiacîteSg a y tita-h. ols! use it le- 1crease- frin.. ummner grazing, vhs ou i aa Èîl.But ïhai was somewlit l l vague hot te idea of grcwiug, as ustucli ineat a promiste te soeulre aua wsosaiuîsnal sur-,' vitit leats pasuorage anud lte agculcy ot ait fais! Tendter. -goe atug eipfiît ce Mz.i~rch Tise Soudera people commaence then, fresgoligi. iitaccesa l ga asank ti lu sgi tiis irne, a noe eerptsso. Witiidrawing 'cf waler, wiii eat teir uvay wiîhisut mucit fraisathemsec ouest ais ieiùmcîdiule ieigh-t- rousble up ho six-or ei -lttpouitis lby.NMichael- brhood, libey appeaito te-aitang -t s bols! mas.' Exra troubleima mailketiugighamupiy standtinitthte iWlorlort. te*ie.athse nava 41 enatdfer vith pickiss.i .pa-. fôrces of lteé iudralistSe 1n alr# no acresa. per. The depressionli vici eviIlaly existes!i in An ediler ina thealVeatern part cf Maine the p.liOfiidofthq0ýowahfter lte de- saabathouyreosvi1hshoe fe'and Hote ta unt ofi Sbirnand otîcigi as net blown awuîy s!aring a recent gaie,ý (ie-rgs, uidihetskri efusosieant cie as because there vas- a heavy niortgrage -Fistsatr, apears misE l'10b4 chasige te one orfde "in e., 17boy no m~è sit subtiret i n p n gil. [t a o m iiag 1kman oroner'so . Spirite uds!.wiîliing 10 aècept tlèrim ef cern- )ur a~itn u o Jrvuam explasque itlits valer vas raceaitly of ùaeîr publie meowmev ni thle -var ceo e b. mdeby 'iplcay utdtM. Aloaigbaffles!creditor ptiblihes lte aube. Liacolu aima ý» bitas CMouItalVs 1 <> tOIre foincd udveriSre.t :-itWatte, a thixa jans!- soveseandi rtîiiblsa.fc. ie fthem avt aust elt unss fciel vte aie e th Letue iS nia h Sard inte rawl Itrouagitkey;.hoW ansd ind r teies ii ysspruea ivewh amiet r& wbo are nover ut hume. -Salar-y, eofth cpossbàk i fl5 5W k » thaIlbo 1tuulin thei firai ycar,.-ta bus dotabled e u-à ord meas mo blossing tu titom-uhatpeace jyear- after."' upon Noruheru t*fff S aButeri ord for de-, 4trszliobnM , àm ca e i i ame. la afile Sn.sxxwo> Cuuss.-You. gaiun aothius g aa ~.~ci ttiVOf botu4 , <iven front hardi word. Witat if ihat bOy braseté e tisir "*n.ofrjoe~td ftti. -ileoi ror pet bis .it.s. ez ig »goaa te-cel*aail 6VGiâfd*S cU ! yon-mSd e"lib y' appiywg--hr @-l mant net ott î eun ta hipa? ,D)eesit ,make. bism ore rare- assutit e aSau finihiszw-wutcicefri 94w f ~Dues helove youanybotter? -Mr. Davis, poveiful"as hé is inpolica h i t aless-boy. '-'l'Iromusi bermoe <tops~ia a1ta#ii-lîaibgtt cry.f n- ourelul in fture," ') vstiiib asm ',fotuxsaîî in uuezy of is, mniary appoint- 1y?' Iamn ~it î vs ai, acideat, sand eu4and.i ti hve hepit W isporlan t a Fvii' hi.more car. fui.".lHe wil1tneyer lIce. who have boom > fr.qaeu4iy unlc ,rto 1breakà 5 thei pitclsar or glass if b. eat i lel-p Wat.utS tulv« Ùtte cbnUAhydiae x;l1 tans! ho vill respert andi love yon a, I-iu- lui~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~àpm 1i b.siOptft.Isod ie--sauti limes iffl th*a vison en -' sla Io lires " eV lt ivii psssias btb j IOad wor3 vengeance ona hiabees!. eflspi4og v*0 yh"Ir fr a'tewdldvt s nr nir istrlb.tIet.p.vliteelaiga ta i"e r L~i~ ut.,.>- - r - il. ~ V ictunit Oint-. ~ [-7ý J Thse pe trolenm excitemenl increases in a Il vonderful degme eeebs!ay. Bu t astoniait-N ing as te itokijeawhich thi5s peculaiti"n hba . taiSemispi-a- lte mids of lte puhîe, ve mayý comîfideirstiy look fur an increaitg furcie as limne, go. n Tih.manner lanvitici theite stacisOf! sciae '-f tt companies, mach aselte 1Ienry Bond, edro.,-thse Empire City, ir Nec Vt*S, Phiiàtelphia uts!- Batirmoe, a Firsl.Nmiieol, and oilera, la dispoSed c f, ià perfectty mnarveUtti. Tite stock of severalýt cuaapiniesa* Aia.I beenl akenup in a ltingie Il tday;-,anti vo iean cf cne wvitctclosed il&a, booke vithin fouif hou rs after epenistg theun, i having oIti deva'&buer. si Ti6roial- hi o bZer voId! Ens! il e Wort ha itrouble tir ta. np hi& position,P *Orne lailsure dayj ,*W" »'l civing deis a ef une;of Ouri pepuele pioa .ucgapnes for t. 'purpose cf oeervmat ansd comment- ingupori, ftina Cteigne 0cfvanaP, lteb vaieti phases of ifs wouktd cepr esetaleti hto hM l i le vrbs eroM vit>corne 4 boy. i @luek Hefelcorfe fthe siab4ciipticu booka have. gen.vslly * ieen moriAe by lihe Detter or uMiddle classe, lWi s.. ay very saiit. amitiiweh s'.u aPtlailla'grandr roslit onthe part e1t i the er 't dicf't r Ia a veiy f* fowwiks iiiexcihement vill bave extendod, te 'omitarbisaüs, sud Iwvs stali aeu thos, genetaily, as lie now ses tuom ho à& Iimit.eu citent, withtlrawisg ftiait arninga fipsu lb, savinga institutîion& ta depasit thonsa in ltb.- hands üo!htiîeasorers of petroleamm ronapan'iée. But to-day, via-h titise ecep-i lio5 e .*mray- v&lness 'a galhering about tise1 officeso ur cil compîmnies cit repreeat-1 tires of ail grades'o! tte peuple-hlslthops,1 pÛeýggu, ciescois and,- lay mon, -caffiliis, lcacphera and-ip itiiams-aIl imbmsed' with Lum tpi, ratl, te aZ5 tria oristly veaItit by ipec- - gliesn a-it Bo many, coinpafiies have lio beei ogiizes!, thaI it is sais! ho bc imposai,- hie- luiobtaien mmlipresent, anyvitere an the îfnaiscial quarter cf théte ity, .suihablé fran or tiîlla-ouhe uce ,1 *ut -petreteumm paies by the suîlei *te sdi ii no t t. ludees! tteW iruiaions # are jba at z1 1 spec en uu in tlit«is nov aus!monsutioiy ieasagbrandi of buLai- nesa bu jst Sbeaon. * Tues Su'awîsar IPasssoSr ngx ýP'EuE- rCYLzë-àL.- Tise No.eslades, in an-arlie le aspoma ethe1 Encylica Letter r-ecently issues! by te t1Pupe, ayat-" Tise hiaaory otithe reltitons, 1- bêlveen Spaisandautheb Roman CeaIis i ppluaiel arigîde betwee th le iàtèuqiv spIrýilt of lteélatter mand Spanisit pr ide, ae L i w shalltase te 'opp Stimuity tla prove, by 9 aublaeuiie tlorulmowie» Thse Noreiet o enteers iite a Iqtag istorical -royieui', citia'g Manîy acte cf resiasance 10th ie Papal Court. *nlte paît cof Spanish, Sovereiga-is. (rom Philip <I. diwsiwrds, and »seaainittances 9 in wv : tbkde SpmaniýhhGovorsirfieni Isas pro . '- bibited, the publication ini Spain cf Pouliillcal 9' halls briefs, trMet,,mi, indigeaett. la Asysman ormmuio-" dThp c.îsauesed tb. à pf ourIt gnetiltulp In egisfing law*Io the SpODsai 91)s!., am wausir.wnovpraeîlses! la mrany mte.T admit d te Eacyleal, CiapeffoSim, te 4mny omitlava a2.4d us"401% tn a swMuit ucm l.iedwatmaoa tltevisites of ntlb Court et ti, r. foplace- c uibelves in ai the limes of -Carlos JI., aud te dilver Our- selleS body -and!sui e hofmnCOi. ta ilh.CpoA -aopes- a vry favorable vsêw of ýy tbe .tBnoylIci, and'»islateprovelteerr 11 iritq "s.h » tbe SwJ 1uraI% hvi '- faiera vhs deecrbe lth.ecilmon fatber of ti he bfl i~op5 ver agaaarsthe ilsa ,! = ,tnàiod~a0s in fait, uýTh TiiGuelph. Abder contaitis thée fol- ète 1 Tu4f t ou le% #Mst *tar. t*ibe real T*ua ~g uc talaent Oii Uni ~uw4~uOwull0ei ~Iqgmii1i ut UiarOorlia MAÉËL1 S1JGAR MAKING. itleg'y Counliy, N11. iY.. Writes tiode Agtar. oa U agiuu istasfoflowrs: 1 maire f rutn 1,40)0 t 2,000 pourît(l of ma- le, sugar per year, actlording tu the- low cf ap 5irst, for.spout S: ItthiiaK lite aurnacli :etthe pi1sh of which can e"lîly Ob aurneti out wflh a piece of %vre of! Proer *e Thé spouls. are Iio le tapnt uti ahalf-iiîîch lole. I bo; ethe -Iroses with a half- iuch iibt (a uifle smailer %vill an. wer as veil), anad put îwa u 1-,; iS n a gree, tllss Ille tree la qnite Éemali. ýa hen the butes become -dry, -I1 marri oui the hotes with. a poli bit a hlîte targer ihaw lthe firet,- andi the sap wilI often ffov as Ireely as at first.. Te sap i. gaîherei aî.d boiiedti ip sheff iru evaporature, th. Lesl'ofi which 1 thiiik are 1 riade of iîwu sheets rivited Iengthwise, and (>lié acrosà lteé end. Thtis iii turne! up six. luches, and, if umade of gooti iron, witit a quarter-lich*wire put in arountheliteop, or a sirip of boud iron -t1lich , ids anti 1 îhick riliteti aroanti in, place cf lthe *ire, il willI ne. o tic er stpp3rt. Eaus of itou shoulti ne be pet untler tihe- panf, U5- lhey woolti cause il te butta out mucla tolter. -Aua evaporator matie lin litim way, of gooti mate rial- and wèil taken care of,. wil4 la-«t fifteen yeai». Thse fyro tiui~l b. boileti umlîl il break, inSeàles tr.mr a îheet iron- 1 dipper. Tit-n strain iirougli llannintii I Oa. tub lârgest at lthe boîloîn, and le"£- sianti a lew 1Iturs tu sertile. - Mille tnay be, uses tu ci', 1ly thse séyrup wlien osugaredi off. Thie îiilk Staoulti beput in wheà itue syrup it-oI, a.nd îttàuotily mixeti wiîh il. A gooti Vesse, tu.finibh utf augarita, la ruade alsono! ahe. t irun; about*2. led !îg 14 iriches wide on lthe bottm, a-dttifotigla-a 11lie larger al the top -wtawjad put lt t u streilgtieti atid hauidiesonra lie elitis. A very nice -Way .tô prepare the sugar for ma.rket li tu run il ini monlIsmein ubo;artl of cherry. (whiciî 1 îbink beht), or god plle Swi1 do. T .ey are matie with a taperiflg cerier-bit, wictinke em 114 inltes .011, 1thé bottom atid enlou h agr at the top to, Smalethem n e but rat îyandnerly une inîch deep. Il %ahoulid take about wurlY sucit cakes to weigh a Ipatud. Pour Lot water over lteboa dadthen let. thern gel îaearly dry. The iiugar sioulti >be done quite dry, ant irien stirr.ed unîliL il iii just cool enou-ts là rom urnoothly. Let il.stan.d 1.in the moualts- uni il raearly et hi, - tLien luxat t hem over auad rap on tie board,'andti hey %wijl Corne onut nicel), and.Can be packed ina boiesfor nîarkeî. Saleraus «and candls 1boxes for packiîag in tan usiually b., bought 1 ai lite stores and guceries cheaper titan new 1 boxes eau b.mnade. AN ANTi-OLD-MAi» ScaîcaE.-Gov. -An- la e , iii h is m o mes ï ..,re v e a l zst ie ta rtlia îg , fact Ihaltt- ere are, in, sahuelabout .100,000Moe. wonien Ihan met,! Tite .Goverator îhinks Itte Commonwealth van, t pt-ofitably lendi ils aid 10tu ee iigalion of liesurplus 1a Iowa, Kait.'.as, 3lînslt Colorado, ait hite PaciticS*ates, Wbihýhave 11a surplus of mens. Il' is- ce-taiaily a mnost .hurnane eitaerpiise for. ai] the Ncw £ng- '] lanti SIatea tu adopt, aad 11+.conisaurmatioa woulti savesoiaettîing like three filird . huusand irmuu womeî from dying o1ti. Maitis, andt i d'go>lthe iieyt generation a reilifoi ceienl of perhap'sa a illiun o!fbisilti- ren.-Bos1o« Pape r. 1 - the 'best