~i~-~A 4â1! ics ~ *e4 'r-uta lii. i' aq.t~lTil us -'e - - - - 'j :1 I i ' 4 's, « Itetri And tu= &It Itb&Uga SAd Cj. W.-- m', t ýý4sqýM3 iK A y BIIIUBR, ÂAND na l>ptitIy Rogistrai' la Chas- lonaty of Victoria. Of 25 Biuck, Lu5SGW. ~I, srriert txrey-St-ýLaWî 131, di le..eaal5Brtok 114-tf IIRelOTIIErt, Burriters and- At- -at-Lau-, Slictars ila rneery,. a, ovy7AIneers &c. &c., Litd- ieeonsa!itBtock, -Keut Street. - u.JAS. 'W LLE )S, nrriter and Attorney-at- "luicitar ln Ghitncery, No(tary ,;a Ilock, Kent Street, Lindsay. kMARTIN, asblc.', Kent Étroal, Lindsay. n.-- - P. S. MARnTIN, 237-tf ORME , Atorne-at-utWSoli-- iaacer,and tusoive!acy, Kolary 0 OuFwuCF, -ia \Iél)ouaels acu- pasit.e Bruughsli S4 Gimsoi'3- 2211864265-tf ~MPT O.M',Graduate of McGiti Y. -medicai Refere thb.Bni-- Blritish ad MuercantiileIsturance (ltte oin Mr. George' K'eîPt's. ýijtdsay. -239-tf , Accoucîheurt, Ste. OnreuZ-Ifl lio c-k Linday, Opposite tha £'Mr. ..Lacoairsde - 243-3m- fELU, M. D., Physiclin.- Surgeont, saoucheuur. (ffci-Fournirici"5Qu e- Uohei, Lindsaty. 0-Î-Ail CAUS an pýronxuutly attendai t l. R,-M.D., SURGEON, PIIYSI-- ksi) AOC'OUCIIEIR. -Lutly lire Anerican Arm.- Office- rrs, C.W. , 270 Civil Ergineer andt Provincial lurveyer. tRussell Street. A lare Bllard Rode.- a1 the main for G"<ond stabliîtt and 'ample s t-rott in charge of sacreful bustier. r.'. *. s?' -- WJ .u'OAD Linîdsay, Sert. 3%, 1864 - 266-tf KENT STRLEET, ýLINDSIY. a God sta ble and shed ttacbed, and an aln ive ostier alswayS uattendance. Frec Omnibus téansdfroinlte. Ca rs and Bouts. BOaam'-Oss DOCLAR VER DAY. Lindsay, IlarehiS 1t3i. 192-t XlT.BOYNTON ;ýbegs ta otin tM ile-in',ab*i- \V taurîs0cf he CoUnty' ori ru u- nounding connukles, that. bce as opened thre Hotel on Witli'èu mStreet, àaI-yociid-b Jeu-aIt, asud a$ lia lias, ltad il fitted and iprnîsh- ed ia tlrst style," vîSüs t5wll fr -eycne ence Wines, L'luQorand am ig.rs of tlà hst quality. l te .,a attentive osîler iways -aatmdarace. ~indsay, Dec. 16, 1864. 229-tf Ctale>7ido- McboL%"aduMle'â - 1. nR TINI E, Propriët.or TItis hans recently, beeu refltted 'for the- accowxrodaltio of g :esta. Bitr suppied itl thie cliaicesi liquorts. 246-6 s~iV ffi IWALTONSTEET, PORTrIIOPE'. ROULUlT aDRoDIe, Proprl*toir. T His fa -oril'- Ibd havig been la tely coin- s-- P$t,>'y removAiedaft-îda- liti best, Of tc- generally. Bador .present -manalgeme-nt no efforts 'aill ha spared hawilconduca ta tte courfort ut' gests i'Th, bestof l4iquors and Cigurs. ( FormerlY oa. Bryant, Stratton &.Day,) NI KAUFIMANN, AroltitirOt. 14 -Kin - strîed, iTQOXIotO-, nie ailTuruto-trCC Tornto First Dinar West'of JVcuteyan Souk Ruant-, Ci"Žt d ** - t'ONDUcTFD actt-d*ing 10 -Pritisli r taeticc, civil tiginer andP'oviiciad fieh uch us suite'1 - ticIie ne- Siareya. Oce un M. Xpid's m t'5 jirqierts ite business commnnunulitY aOf't rtit ent Stree-t, Liiudsay. ,W. - - 1f-tt' di BEAL, E .,- orne. Dl-SIG.-Yo-ung men thiorotrgliv prepared nul~~ lie ITO qA.,-U îaree-for thie*nlýies of te counlfing lbouse uund for ut . Wtso's itoreKent Street Tg é ceraIbsess of, tcin uliaesM-ercai- Apr'i 1194- 241-tf tUle fouk-keeping, BRiu tIk14fng oe mcI, HT »sW> orzaiîist of Tin mervini LaW-, Contnercimril orrespondenuce, daeon. Rl, emnce-a r f t itLo- including .t-lacpri-nipfrés. of Engflîit iColinpo si- euoeo.t- ideic atMr -ritoi',lion), Business .Pcnnmanslup, Tlegraphy'and nt for- R. S. Willigum& Impro'ved Phoogr1iy ind Vctoriar Orgunns.- Staffjof Teachers and Leturers.. GALOLIESED AUÇ- Mr. DAY, Instriiactor in tire Scieunce ý of Ac-- ER-' r(ývCW atcia t Calnats. Commercial Ca1lxtcmrnt, and Coun- , ia;.C(" Lmdau d.Prri ta a nercia 1 Oorrespontdiitce,,at-rdLectut-er on Bus.i- [ta tuarcerysudother I.,tnd Sal-es. ns îsaa -0). J. Maekary, Barriste4r; Jantes Mr.R uLvx A., 11àrrister, Lectitre r on . J. Mekrd. hssrs - PuttersonÇoinnt-rcaî Lair. ind Meprt ie, MruiiaC i. BLzs. B. 'avE, Oh.ief t-ueralrrtin Munît-ca1 l Wi.rristers, Toronto. -- 21o Telegratth Coma ny's Olice, 'lToronto,. instrritc- - ton liitTejegt-rabY. SNUGEYST, Coýttty Aîioxei-- n .1.Twy s wz-r;In strudtor ! hPo- Go-wit, E;',u, uj euptrl A gnt. gra iidGîWty.0 ["c-d anA retîtraîs romnpt1 iat-de a")ly -Peel Street, Lindsany, U. \V. 2C4nf ~rDtYbsRFFFRENCES. c 'Mr D Y bs much plecîsurel in refrring o >iOULTI)4,- 'bineiurkecr, r Ili)- te fctloming gentlemnen- fkiv, Il. J. G ra.sest. and)f Tndrtînker: Shovp-So b- ide Alex. Miirray, Esq., of i-irIaIt àMt-r. & C o. ici, (Eanut jSjd-) Woodt--ile. i135-If i. .NiMast-er, 'q ot lMatr& Ruitl . - ~ - - - ------- IGeorge Ilicîtio 7 .I1vdBulrus Eq ur- ->GLAS, (bunet-a-IAgent ami TÀ- suit-r licer-ii J. Lcssiic, Et'ictnussr Atleticnetr, CmndeStre-et, Ulc- W. i- (ifq utiHwlàtiid ~Fitch: At-ani -S Sciciled. 125-rf Cc E>k, S., Cf., .LUI. .W.Suih - Esq. iàuisaD.L.Torttntp H-llu. 1isaîr IOFINSON, TAILOR, Wiiliam BU Cicl ilna r, M.P. P.; . J usof, E sq,* -At(ua m r, Lvioussr, thankint for te liberal Bro-uvi, Esq., Hlamilton; Du*àn- iteli, E.q., hosqtowed an Iini for tire patt 14 Maontreai; W 'Tent, Et-q.,. Ne lvimrnt*etlCv. i t -lu- sthat he îs ýsiipreparei t -tDr.. Greeta, MWcilingtronî quuCtait-ma-n ai !securrîaîl orlons Nih %wla'rc lie may Cotiuty Board ot' lPublie InstrucOtionr, Balton. ,in thse L ÂzS r-STYLES, and t MD- Fer terrns iaddresspo&t-p id <(enclusing letter c ES. - - t stamup. fm sr Ë IV4N Arltcct and Biilde, --- ra-cical Accaunla ini,-Toronto, ;y,C.W. WOrking î111MnsCaret'aUiy 280 onnery f LontOn, England- Wiatduw Sasit and Door frames muade 3rd ,;Ovemnber', 1864. ---27-t1 Imp ved am rS le ARGAIIatt Agnt ;.lsTiubr Tire su)criber allfers for 841e Lot No. 21, 7th IA R A C11,and gent;a o ir oconýession -Ton i'siip of Eldlour,consiating of lt for te Canada Company frte200 acres. Thé esai is good, aud tIrea cre 75 t' Victoria. Ontarioandu-tDurhiamn cme.nercliato.Goddela gFo Fjt.t dat-i'-wet tc li CaaautYIild- 'rn Uand tille-r out-biildings on the premnisce. - - Teins of pîry nrernt, wlhh wilIle fount van-y Oeil R.%NE ,- L. B,, rnri.st,Cttut ibcrl, made k-auwruou appicatian-to ratv Atorney',lias opened - a iw NMIL MACDONALD$ Plrince Alb~ert, inadadition te lie Kkl Jtar -16. on lte premises heu. - . i- elJ- r G 8 ý280-3im tîlc--Opo-Prince AiberI(Office-- - _____ k's 0lîi fie vr Mr. Hotden*s I -t tC T. HODGQSON, PROPRIETOR. BEGE RE- [lisRI OTEL off'rs ever)' acoornm<iditiomt abita'îuts of T ad contiort t h lttraveiliug Public. Irat-b h ls - Choice Liquon,GoodS-ablingi and At- I ils branchi-teie Ostlers., Uc he hopes- 2G0tf ofliwg H l adR084 ,rat (O*pposite St. JamW - Caîbedral, 'S D AUC- ,ER, Liad, -- Commnislsion Dinuers fromait' alf f-pAsIt tvêlve taàtitrée t, Lindsay, Lunches, Spes t. - -lbus Wines, Liqaaots, kc., uf lthasbët bràad Le Cýveli .an -JO H N M TTH, Proprietor ' i (Li te .lIbionHoe) 25541 -Trot. .~--&May't1. 264.1v mnsle tWeatit Cham"'s. Oett!Égr JîanuarY, 85 ta M&4 up Gar- kt ery eS"ouoýhie p'm btn he ,bt- P1!Suino tb.gýS to aaxouuieelo ti-P b- hie~ ~ ~~e ththuZ"i eeit'e. eisf(ir CAIIRIAGE ' RLiMIkiO sud UPBOLSTER- IxýG. . Work perforsted with nos-rInese amu=i despatch. and ou n fiderate lte. Note the addres -Throedoore SoPrtic f workxnaa's 4ireey StAbles, West sMoe, Broad- way.- - D. D ISK Lindsa y 5y , 186 4. 4-y The touth half of Lot NetS8, lu the istit concession of Msiroe5, cont*ting_ 100 &cresý o-f wIiieit about 70 &cm# ave cieared and un-, der cultivtios;-, il lu 's'e fenced, bas a gaod ionm and alsa a Fraite Pwelling bouse, And'a small Bara 4ad Siable (bcreoati there lesl - tvuys a gooad euppiy-of sp-riag watcr o lte lot. Tinte- wil hagivea lfût(the greator part of' the prirchase UiOflO. Title indiputble. Fer particulara nd, ta taeat, appli, an the premisos ta (ho Pt-oprletori GEORGE LAKE, or to-Mlasers. NÂOKAY à& HIA 2890-tf Lindsay. NOTICE Pot sale, *r# elieap, (liree extra sutiabl forScb o iuses, Hlalls, &c. Also a large lot of Cooking iStoves,- Bxatid Parlo)r StoNle, t to be sçd &tthe lowet fgW'efor -euh, before I th-(le ISrst 0< Mareai, aà teh STOVEP f.ND TIN SHOP, WILLLEI< ST. Beut Goal fOi 011l Canes, &e. &e. s-t lowest retail prices. Casli, paid for sltecp skias, Ci sisad- fD MIR D mcFE EL Y.. lVilliam Strêet, Lin&ay, Jan. 2i1ý, 1865._ 484 - NOTICE r i BCHtOOL TEAOHER8. -Te Sermi-annrtud EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS for Lindsay District wiUl (D.Y.) take place as followe: TRU RSDAY; JUNiE FIRST-ýforCandi- dates for first clas o.îtificales. F'IDAY, JUNE SECOND -for Candidates JOHN VICARS,-A&.;B., Lindsay! Masrch 1, 1 866. 287-Id. :jOB1ERT LUKEY, Taîilor, William:Strepet, I d Lidy. Garments na-e up la the best, style, and - at th e lau-est living rates. Alilor- ders wil reel, prompt attentiun, and & gond fit guaranteed. 1794lY IlResidence and Ofie-B3rick cottage WelintDt-n street, Lindsay. 289-tf. NOTICE# r1 'HE aubscriber begs ta anneuffe ta th. i..i j -dentsof COBOCOiNK and 'vicinity, that lie bas this day sold jdieentire stock in trade, and alanh is à ceouts ànd IIôcks to> EDW..RD c.iRL who wiii arry on th~e Business and. col- ]et ailAccouaIs, &c. Al.parties iadewi to te tundersgned wilI govern thernselves aceordirigly. ÀA .C ARL, Cobèeonk, Iar.k 2nd, 1865. . 28974t. CAMTON0 I\OTICE il efeby ~given (at the. nderign- T ed forbide auy on*. pnrchagintg a Note of hand made by hMm ina viônr of John Coble, of Sommterville, ou- or about thho'.)(>thcf October, i1864, for the purn of $45, payable aP. eion JO"NEYISON. F neo als e t ,1865. 28(J-3 insoivent Act Of 18164. TmI BEu'eftrt -of (lteundersigncd ave znai- fSd to m*t at th. Law Olfize et' P. A, aniy of Victoria, on- Taeaiay, tire Twênty_ eibhdyof' mt, A. D), l86W, a:tleai oclock a iefrnoos, for' the-pturposset' îfreceiving (lie statement of bis- affaire , and- ut' nain ing an assignee, ta ouho >n aymakel -a assignulent under lte abtiveAct. BUGU -licLEAN, of the. Towushl of -Mariposa, -ina tho Coualty cf Vidtolns P.,&.ol-vont. Saioma,- uito tIset.yo ac,4. -1860 - - - - i48- ient;. ta ho P.1 coninud re existlng betw andrymen? fLn l'lu Iýmama O oenow-teused WsIas oaa; ~ -~ay toms; day, 'The &ft'.- taeUIs bI fr OsMu by -cheek, & v os- l replae I( O fi v.tm laisp wliga , sp eak -ý ftmine atory. txTBAoarnA aàt&IMnc OF RIAL ILIFE. [ Fr= t he chicargo POst. Tirer. M i tides in thé ch-ty ai Chicago age ntlti att-w etl n w 'fn lt-i btê 'i re les, an- whcsepape l oaclran for a veny tapuoabie wai Wuslot it' - a ithe earty oin cf bis, career lu résidee iii tia iyc erlclanis; Tht. wWasray years igt4-;iway back iulithe liaIt décade ct 1830 J 85.H lad .gone' ' titier. fmumlthe- lotr penuilesa, la earn a Ii-veUhood.for hita- Mif, miunputsuit-af thalt fuirîuue wlaicrall ïrug _mèa hope tù raach, but'.wicla few -vèe, obtian. 'Shoîitly ufteiet- ailarival.in- tule h&e»Ceart City hie tsuccecaled in«uecaaoring a ituation ilu an att anA weil establisiiedmr- é,àtille, hanse, where by bais iarduslry aua i- foraï tt-umwortry coidct - hirsecune lthe roumifdeice oa il* - espýloye-ts and rapiti pro- mcotinup titugh tblteseye ai deparments of tlite liuse lê ite coauuiîîg tcrru-sn. Fur lias punrpoas'eoft'luis atarra1iva u'erc r calicA tapon, -ta seleci tgu'oomcin foi' the 9aî ilfemebefore proceeduiîg ut-lter-. And $.uica itris skeicir is publuîdred - itlaoUt COLt- rulltiar wih ii f e el UobIagated tu îgive flra anamne Othen than îa 1 hi-îlen ciownili tire commercial. waikàs of tifà. and vit It llIe ai Mr. S- a ur reateas rM ts be satisfied. - Mr. h lad beau scarceiy twa ycrurs e ~Ic d- inidisctargiiu& lite duties oai 'us pi Stiin art. New fileat-mu w"htri te batrame--en-- anmored oh a daugThier ao ue -afihtrimenibens :of tie fita-. Deeply engrot-sod as hat-vas Ili thoe-affairs of cveî-y day busiîes hife, ttc îreado ai ll ab.4oibïng trade laited ta crusIl out tire geuitîi' sentuimnts aofiras liari, anti lte jimiie ai tiolitèrs cauidnul diowar ttlle ,swcal, MUSICOof interckaangitig ravs if Coli- -s.ancy land.pligtteà i lli. Hisutýiffectionx w ere re p s q e ,b~ b u h B triais was wiliat"lte pareubi *èesanoi. tith ail the- labor wiicluorma'ly anatdot'. îstitll chitae teruze thie weallliyalt ite Southttitey sticered lit thé love afIulle «youuag couple, hauttaposen ob)jectionl,,aA forbade intercouràe belween As- a naturai cansequence, cî:nuestinc me 1etuigs t-venu field aiis.i- auelapamaint pro- jeted, anA c>aasUated. i1711e parties nreturat1 eto1 Ne-vOaleamus elleday tutait and*' itîuè, be1to eceive 110 bliessin or fi'tagivenie., ft-un the PareraIs af the lady. Mr.S. w-as dis. , mibees<d from lteé service ot lte firru, aaad tii .mura tîran à- munir strruggledhard tla main. tam, himaselt anid hi. m ienot-vdependun upoa hie 9exentioaîs. lis efot tt-urc -csutvned witthe iramuet PerfeCt .uccaSs, an .his flfe was a conftinai strugý,e for existeten por and cheerlitlu at that. lotie sount-ai litae reunlI ftire iarriag, anct wittufais t-vil ,andt cuit, Mn. S. stru"<'iaiA î~meton .ai mosî evary hand. by, lite persecutions . e 1l , atiter. Utiable loitger te reconcile laimse! tu siich a iife,.ti.s&panatiolu was îulua-'1i ilgrced, upon, ltelady retumned t-dith-hi c,,iild ta lier father's totîf, andiNlr.ý S.,rataitr ed'to hit home -in thre Eastern Staleo. ISix montlhseafter bis- aiti tval aIt the Nani 1Mr. S. recoived a New Oaieans palier con taiaulig tire amiiotu oeeutethie dtaath 'oet li .wife. aud infant chitA. ,Aitachedtho iieina lite w-astthoiglcoipnlied by.advesec ,cumstanceàStlu bave thuenti, hemouraied .. i L tenti siucaî-ily, anîd, batieved tirern > deutL .A-ý l'ewyeari5ftartu arts, h.ut iIwÎitua irrc 1whosé god qualuies 'ai minci snd ieart ai trarctd- iIti ,and. whom, ire sàbsequenti .- married,, and witit wlîom lia hvad- tap- L 1 aiy years, riasiag a farraily of'sang, lwoq ywitum.unare .to-day resients ai the Cityq )cîticaea. - -la i-te, naîxurai course of oyantts, Mi'. S. re xnoved taulte st Marly yearà age, and b( 1came one of lte - seekers aller fattune, up,, - wat 'sas thon comsîer-d almojst thue t-ci lier. Chicalgo 'as - lima ýbut a - mall ,au icompéati<dîy umtkaw to bu-lthoughit I .tide-4 ut mîgtrtiOn was- begaaînîîîg rta set r pidly ii tiis dïretWou. lie was.sicwA ai specuatîv, s-l tis formenr experiece hz reulderet i hm Weil qualifiedtulatura tu a - varîlago suîci opoâffities for tic aggra-n i zeittent otWlmtitW e- paSe , asca fin ]aie.Way. 10 >wiprK1 ia businese, ai ycrailer yaeati uiated additions (ta. t insl, ' pevehs ea ChieaLvo and ti .Cmais îatitileprous yt e amtxweit. I the -mûe e ," t d NÀ l e w- Orteais îbY (G Sutaend .ps-tmg tv tbieXimsimi I- rierby he u.uimW f0<Vaekdmm¶,> 's- s>, .iied Mr. S. (c re-visiîbhi. ai hou Il ooek oe &" e r li1t" Myhm og5im bi * idel = the 1adim of ti t. Che IlotehéW$4s ê ize il dé-m hie v~1~:Jwa L fF'J~~ i.- 's' - .'4 i4fO~ - r' -- ..-tSa- - ~i', - s» .~' ~'" -W ~ , . 1~ i. UY&~LLY~' MJ¶tNÂL. - ~jY.i~ 4LIO~ ni Asymai.. i .. '~i -~ iSYNOPSIS MI. MAC- Tihe'.10of dthte lady- was a strange oneo. Afer the departarte1 of Mr. S. for the nntit 'she retutned1l ier fü*éi' boume,and ta lt3iea ole f asoeii hait 1ormrerly fie- qlxentod. Rer father bati punposely in@erted ini te-paper the annouticemeiuî aiflite death 9 of hersoif adA c-hild, and- f«t-arded. ilta o MWr. 5., that hoemight belle ve hem f-retver I lutta hitm.Shc paspieely waiWte ielaps.el of-ý limne antil, a divorce was procinred oaa le grour. d na abatîdontent, andi afeu- yearssfîer entereti upon fber'second marriage.- ln obe- dience tO' ii.e'- *ishes, ai ,ber parents. -Thre soit of Mr. S. and. herself was titan a colonel in'îherebei ar.iny, Site hati nudesire ta ne- niew intencorîrse with hlmn,'and close lte interview- as ,souan as possible.' SMn. S. detat-mined iIf ha couiti fot bave lte wife at leasitaô hava the sou. BIy patienat labor lis discîtarge,-was procu redfrom 1the service ai Jeif.,Davis, arndho ratnuted t olite northitih bis i-ewly found faîhPr.- - Mr., S. i. again lun thé city of Chicago, and açain fillk his austOaned place in bWsiuess ci-lsVet féu-wa uld have suspicion ltau i-n the- tifa aofttis man, famuiliar tolaiuaridretis,- novel evetbt-Ia mingled with circaimstan.- cas transpared, the lika whereof we' seltioni frndý sava ehi the p àË" of fic-tion or. ai romance. PASSAGE 0OF THE CNEDERATION As 'tras' meitnîaned i unr last issue, the- Caatedrati,,)aResoliutiona' were, passed ia thue Lot-ve r Hanse- on Monday, by a voté of 9ib Ir3lTedivision tvas as folows: i3eaubieaî,- Bell, Belierozse, Blaichet, Buuw. a, Bown, Brsseau, B]rowna, Birwe7al Cau'lut-, Camers CapasCockburn, Cou telli er, Cowaaî, Cnt-rien, Deliouciîurville, - D eni s DN iverville, D iêkson, D uf -es ue, - (roneiîe),et-usol,(South. Simncoui, Gai!t Gaucher, Gaudet, Gibbs, Hawod, Haul- * ai ie, Ili 'ensoHlowlaud, HuI, Irviney Jackson,.arJne, Kaiglit, Langevin, 9 LeB)util lier, ffacdoriald (Attot-ne-Geaîaral) aMaiianie, Mackaunzie. Macke -rie, M0 ýt Conkýey, MceDougal.1, :MGiveii. Mel !yrE Ra, Ro w tai( Dai a Ca y i :, bi y l y nA tay de rTE R-EV- (TU RE.,ý Above Kaeb>om ta t-on lig 11-9 ajae»i "WE SHALL EÂ4TTý!E FRUI" ýAblacksmiih hadin bis, u la iramor'gag$i a hOusm i laad. -Like nq êv- -u""um limie fôod of thte qocial <las@, bt s tcjoin theiT.j4P~oi~'.4~ thfee rnontli 'aller, be obserieid tus %vite, PU& rnjralin. busily eni -mplO'yedpaakf a basheotani fi uit tre*a.. "Mlary,"- said lie, 4'I1have ownedtt t col for lire earsià, A4 yet I hae Baver ktîown yoai before ca tiiaprorc alid upffl- mit lit i ltit name. déi ndued," repfie8 *ëè %Mthgwf~ h ad ùo heart Io ddoit -tl'til you jniaw4 the Temerace Seiet-Ihait- clien tifhw, t ditre ls.roexulin f ubic eb, 10- the roses, andi est l. rut.Nw, wiàth te di u esur&mtono f u i. d lb ie ssing ai p roviden e, i s c or w ili b . o 4us, surplusandi we and Qui' ebuidreix may ex -'ta cae- Tit. foilioing are the principal, items for i s produnce. W. mWita Piuck les roies tep year, imn rottnd nunuburs i-'t OrdinayR, venue-CustôOtiiS $,164,000, idettefrt-E .Paa. e .cse$80410,pot ffice$467,000. ocan pobtage S$107,000, Public wonkA '$389,000, Tîit iMADOCoeera Çus.9£8 n prvncial steamers $3(000, tpnrîîui-jl$584, smal 1. scale luas been carnacd att duxiaîg xthi 00,iterastoami liavesumeruts S, 8sOOt), pie- wiiter ait tre. ocalities- lu tit.Ls tot-vathip tiam arud discoutls Sl81.000, batik impots w-here iiIiatins 4) f copper tvr aev r $18,000, law W,%a $30,000, flnes at-d ftrt-tit- ed last seamiua ; ant-i lt! ae-'u!tU', far, are ures $11,00%, bill stamps duîy 48-'000, law suffitiieariiy eîîttaiurgtit r tentier i jr tecs L. C. S$,000, dttu U. c.$600 ut- babie- Ibat te ot-viers utofnl win. the Vicia- -er' oefce (ces 7.00 lav stain- duty U.- ity wilt proï-cule thre s-arcu for ore oa thtiru C. 87,000, dtll L. C. $2Z6.000l, Peiiitetitiary ut-v propat-av with newed vîgoun as À>a-t anAI Reformateçtmes-$20,006, Ateatturas aut-li as lut' sita' us odthettc rouiil..Reputt i"a gtsck$38,00. imopariailsink-ing rftitd 53,565,- iI, tlti ulh eveiIle jet-v ut-jeal rid Iltlt'im- 000i, fan BÏIIk of %Iotitreal.$750,000),. nunîui- aaapiatcisa présenat etrnployed, at-e va- cipal lan filnd U. C. to t-laie 259,M0, dt-lto y i il rai value fht>tnS130 ta $1W0 per t-yak L.C. dt $75060c,.Quebefit-e. an $65,- trs bde egu t-i. Titis Liasbeeu st--tttti ffin 000, lawsociet-y U.C. S514,,Court 1Bouses bat-at-ls, mot, asaOî ihiI Il- va e. n expecteci, .$.14 00- NurtiteruRaitway intelest - luBel evil le, lhe a at-anotut-vît uI rni- $11,00», L. C. Building ai-d Jury F-untd $3l, paiiart-e, biu 10 Cobuoiiz, w'ttet-eif a smrelt- 000, U. C. Brài'diaîg ft!ti $3'1ÀX. M rtruiii- w- g urnace isif aitgalieady jin operatio a, it alities fund. We.t $143,000,dll aî 1-us.010har lrloinns'a-matukel 000,saducaionfon ~Vuu 17,0»,t-BEa'si !'for ttc prodUet oý file minies. $8400, cummrroutschoaiot 00,in-diantA eypain fntsonbyh--a- i ud $176j G reat W estern R ailtvay' lat.erLs i o tt 16t i te edu erd oat fth ee amount, G.Tj.R.R. posh*al subit-!y ùac'Uut, Titeune F.-'h cpois fI~s M o n im a l ba rb or c o m m issio n i x iko ee , i i tt t < a t e îu a e pdi u ia ai o f$ 1 7 9.0 0 0. -ex consýolit-aatdCinadiun luntui.rirî arîca on.'u t i16itva vr$~,~> u Queec ustru ous $-l,0J0,Bai of~-P tîat -tvas !lil et-Ceiptionlal year, ii;a.sraui as p.r Caniada spuciat acc'ouit $2lMKi0. ~*tru tV 'Soe u i-svta E xp enid itu re.- triter ct on p ub lic deb t i ye$ 3 p- ! o u . W 119.Ie B ut et aI Éays cos 745,00,chagesof iriagenen ~~3,,{O, x- onsdersbl mni taft it dudii 186 1. This F and 'discount $97, ujO , civil g vctnm ,cut $-u;,12 - P4rluaun- n L are n a tiu re t e ty <ider ils e%-N u (lÛti, ad Sntratiort of justice BaEst $3:i24l:*i0conl-il iiia') aUV otfn-r. IxI s au Snali credut dttt Ws$301,uitO, îaic$lîo111ute~m r îaéi -i:au- ~u,1 la-s prt--c liary, reformat,ti 3 nl îî-is usa jtscnul Ioigl ecununn-s 1 u-i xe'u-a $143,)00, igsala$379.ffla. d - io Et - 5134,001,' c*lubo West ' S27,OW, iitcrary at-d -Humrant equrh itu v wa'never mabruai- it -cieU0itiCltiltutions,$h0OUt, lniôzziliansrd - y advýocrnud an Ilta S'ordt i i- urot-v by the chrric $0700>.ge lo ici ir'e $P,>' , iRchmoî)id -Ea ,ui-ier. w;iiu l is pot- coauiecti militia atid-enrolhied forece 317.000. arts anud .~-1uir b~ elnlt t u i -, a g ric u ltu re a n d s ta tis tic s $ l 0. t ,a g ric u it n ra V n tt- p u lls i g a cw ri e o e s i t - . i l ieî d ti te t -10,01)() peusiolî $10iî,000,. inrît aui-lt nozr eiei ,arai h akadflrù - ý3100?public works anrd buitding s73 1>>Il tre --rrail r urýi7L-ku-. faa hteh 3Y reuts, alrepaires, &. oa. buildings $42.031>, 1sty ujicluura iîn6sery ll bqa transe - 1 roads ')rr ts5 9 , ceîn lu d A rier i waii sut-il bedhcilowS iî-y'sh udIe rn steauru-service S thti;0 , liglrt-h(,tiises und coat- terre- ,' i.ay.ie Enquier - to soentot-Iler service 5200.,fsliCries S?.00(ý0. ic xîi'lufl tetîait 'or2aunze.I upoutire.mvhite.l>agi* ofa seiguortiti riganîs nýatt9,0ibr'JdlO:),- culhiiug ltue exluvl." n itl 15thre.-respect 1'$l,0i> nircipalitiCS' fund Ear't aiid Wes.t whic'h i iniili e f nrtIlle repuý>aaluo and ~~Kel~ar, I~'1agiti, Morrîs, Moîrisufi, UarKer, id,(;Ida ulli.1"Jtanc -" pru,< t !i , avalir. u n, Rayan cad, Remitard, Robilaide, ajo, excise $5.ooo, p t.oic> e ,X-, îpubli c f t1Wiii.)e s cn ùt eers cf :Sie, Ross, Rolss, Séoble, -Shanly, Siiitt, workls S25,0,<9O territorial $l20AWO, s1%i1 th Mi cati'e Biiii'- bi cov~vs r nîth,ý S.ouîerville, Stirtin, Street,. Sylvaî, fndï $'36 000,stamp) dut y à.o(,J aîü-'doui.J .1 a-t. 11lai Iow sireet, 1Lon- rîpo.Walsh, W1Iebb, Webb, Welis, -dibkeSrTîra4eta 'cag hie, Wilson, lVod, Wright, %Vi ht.-91- LORD MONCK OiN IIILITARY, MAT- tfnraIu'î h.rag<fhtcse NAs-csrs B~grBuurrCarne- 'V~~ v 5cî ni ed 1 to ii I e of D~e 011t , Car o, Coupai, D &rio :, Do ri6iob, D uket, iin a t-i ut î r nt t e S o e a Y .o .ifrsueFut-ierGagun, eolflonHoylît, At an inspectid.on othe Pariamntary tett-h>,:Jl.îlaicîv-.Y nud3,l-uîtigdar Jiy Lbreche-Viger, Dri. A.uutîî,liold oni Saturdav, Loi-JIPpr iframiboîse, -Lajie, Macdunald, MYacdoar- **Mnel-,mad-e the f i M ingreaks:--He jNVl ocsO u AE.-h u I, Macdonald, O'Hlloran, Paquet, Per- rejoicad at titis appui lny t0, au~i Lu t, -P n .% n u es ut, P o u lut . , R y n n , S c a c l- , u i a a r a rm e , a n d i ai t t e s p a i J - 611 tu a !, e x & ua i i i 's a u al th a v e t îk e n p a v e e - evned ii .; gveureno f Greaitlirliain fand d, Taskharai,Thibaude5Li, Trem biy,W a1l-m foruing ithemselv s int t ihs Associaitioni. l'U iitud State- h ve aaot oav rsu~ i idg .-33 -H e specially rejoied at is fortinalîoi,as i t le iaee:l f te P ;spat b.' u t i n an Mýessr. Powell, Parker, Gibbs, Iluot, eolvinced hirm of their belief iuti te necesny uislrLgtaiaovaî,rdaîtaao.. ;vainturel,. and Gaudet, Iwho voted lagainst . ann uhpuiiucviimii't ~a iltic110- ol te ue Naa e preîous ueston, v~ed tye ~ tkowitlde ati would quiaili.y nl r oÈ 1Foire on iiire 1lkes, toaitorce sitailnot be ain motion. their couitrymen ii any ener.euecy w huit ieea' i efaa Iesie a ist sip- The subséquent formai stages of lthé ad- might unhappiy ais . îlie waî no freiid l uaiedl -ieietv u 87 ~es ae t b maieon onay. - of elecive officera nmilitia,but it was not ta Thé. House adjoorrid at haif-past four,lbe suàppseil thaI those eieteid hy a pope NEFuFi'! :X BROA.h odn(ag Leuibers iaîumedaate!y joining in thée chorus- t diseharge thée higluet poliiaiiaulI 'H'>ereCOittii cf thland)- York Coin. Goùd save tl e Qucen." wouid flot aisobe ia-usted as laesiimi e'idAJ~ s as turait artiiistado tary uiffairs.- lie therefore rejoiced tuaI îtliey ilie elhu'i ut the, inuriuus itiflue-ice of tho The Quebec corrlespondent of the Globe manifesled Ibis zéal for their Counitry anîd tone.of,1ho-e puL!tte iiis w1w are alway:s ys thaï. riow te division on -thé Conftltde- camfrn ai aqulf h seive' for the threaleniur- war, fii.tt beeti furaaisilaeaj within. aofl echemne ha% taken place lte greatest disciarga of the duties 'tl<us iikeyta10be thue past fkw da) * by ilieabauidûaîitieaat of'ihe lm peais Thse who have voted yea devoived upon ie n. Hea corgtatulated îinteihmn of he 'Geat Westen.itaiiway> of ~empenctlsalisfied. Ifaay îaquietide thein 0it tht' mà ked proficiency*ciabiteti andalu l.orvn a Ihard line lu suit ia ëliybfeil ilis by those W estern mmen-. coîuIdýketiîîg the short rime whldchh hey hadl the goage of ie Ne w- Yok lhnès. >ers whao have rel'ased ta endw-ae a chome be adrluîuiou He w-as, no aaa-m- } Fow. raus.- Haîonbi ivin iar rprésntaion inapopularhairi- ii, anad hé saw no occasonaait pres.mi1 t .t ia haetted li ~tiuce oni esa fur hi - tet- einba'aicirr aili-the Bitish Provincec.. . Ont' for aay invaeion i fie soill or atiack on ile tettswocr hýe- bleaaua t eature was laut nigitt maniféxted;. lîberlies ai Ca nada. Ilndéed we had within. i: cýýia-a teh uitiihlcn ~ n UlI $(--nt favorable u union-objection 'was thre last fe *- days a prl o f te ex~ite nace le prsi!t ia tilproaf t t 'fe t, i o na d e s in ip ly ta d ta ils . F iv e , m e m b e rs o y f i n l p r t f p h o l, , u. .- i no u rs ye, o f l i ra -i t al cu a rk is m i n c e I o Il iy vreeabsen t (rom tîhe dîvision-34ess-5. ter rnt fr-ieaîd.k' snriî[t t ' eapeoy ured -b n.e iii esa11t; akedhaot Ioman aiid Munro liait gaîto home froin But they m ighît reiy optai it tiraI go!ailae as i-li rv ic . T ln4si; Mri Duükin was absent by la e; huaiaannature rcrnained wvtrt ilt W", nfo __A latIyin Cr ietwn3 t l.eft ber Ur. Ahbotit was ill bore. Mr. Duouet ob- ouatry couliA afford a net is depelideite bet and ~aîe4 Bostoat ina fitofsomiaam- inil leavo of absence for lthe session.* M n. on the po il will of a poerftil aîighbor. Die buism, ad diti not awake iiJ a man six ke >)urkin finly would have oted, and thai co iiaslered ail war a great caia rity, and sg a - . à She was s o ver c0onUO by 1110 e n A- vetd u tfl n s W war a greati rng;, andit f ha couId of lier po io hat site faitted ad had ta b.t -vairherdoositiln _________________believeltaI t e milita-*y spirit nowin-eaag rrnod home by lte poice. i~ouny Vicoria Tempeancecreàted ainongst thé' péapie of this couctlr y b - Couould rà -aeseire for a-.grressive warfae, M Duo BOI~B8 ill abeen dustry, ho would ha lite lagt ta foaer Îh ;bauladopied i ileuaraisb fa-i a wich, taokPlae i bie h beaevd tnt itea .qiiî. a mý 'tayinelludf's tiho village of the TanneeesCote hei adjoîied hed mheting , M.Pati, theriver aide, Cote Si. Antomne, Novi Town Hail, Lindsay, on Satasrday the kuowledge by the people af Ca.nada -s'a5 théeà;i Caîherines anti Cite de la Visitaion. The 11h nstCt.Thesevriîy cftheweaherbest securîty that Ire couid halve for ttice main- aretednsanTh- f ro at t he ro de tenaceo p e o ejoicel further in inajirity, in fayoT of prohibiling tii. sale ar prvntdmnyfomatndn. rmth-ýtiis mevemeait becatise lie bellieved titat they U1XCiii itsws16 iresent lte muet cheering accouaist were reprotseated their cocstatuents ual metreiy li TEmpFAtCC in< ALi'sotorH.-We leara receiveal. Thé Liideaaypetition had about Parliametit but in lteé de ire teobtain sach' uhat Aldbt-cuuigli carnieti a Prohiioy îuo L5) ane-of4'matrspctbe niyi knowiedge as would emabie lten success- .By-Javby. a- vote of W9 ta 1 18--aaoriti gr. whai anthe sooolsecionfaIîy ta dfend tihéir ho'mes ard.cuntry, and tants attachethlenehr ol e tiontat they .would sibimat teother sacrifices, Dunkini'a At tbas béea',atopted ainte W lits , ziamne « overy jadividal voter on wbeifier pereonal or pecaxniary, %when îhler township of Godet ic.h.by a vole of 1641t0 152. ha ptitin l fatr cfproibiton.coatr callie-tupon ltent ld*Rse lacon- Tite Signal says tli4is Istiithe thîlýwtip.ifl As Coiuicd flot .;~ii ni- mi'i.Cut lde7by Àrishiat« îhern ail suees& -Titrée . Huron rt t b v- asleclared fortlb. AëLt Futae h~ 1100 ctherr~ ttea ~ fr cruoGav Dusxir<çs Pitoahmnr; nACT.-The muni' leil houghitatisable lu adjounn tilf Gênerai. Thbcnpu hnr.omdtt cipali js 'hdiet, Waw.tuai.h ami imi ~atrda (o 2thof May, when a fui e were briefly aidnessed. ty Sir E., P. Tache, .1s.hae a 1iiDuakin'ls Bill by uhe i>l.. fron d'esevral oboo seîlon ~ ho congratulaîed îhîom ou the, mainera o-ia iitils fcA 2 aas pot-ttroug which: uta exorcies of ijhc day h. i been per- osit, L6 is; lss159. outthe Couuty, wiII b.e4xected.'fiTth ii fret Ho theai put îlîemi trotîgi a por- end iletlthe tdmaperanco mon oi eaph section tien tif the. manual -.exerçaaes:-.aIter. whici Thte mnnicipaliy nif Brooka h.. alo aslep- meett ocè nd frm hei ýonmiteo, I-ho-o was che'ered, and lteé rêvie" loseti. ted pruhïtuitioit by -a vole af 56 »,- 107. Tlhere-are neaîly seventy.moîubers Of lb. fhal disitrubute raeU aî!- irculte the pe-(t usso ie41lo tr soiain 'Why do yauî keep vourseif sou<itant?" 1111011 tr sgneltre ,prayirg theéComity -atL~oong lady iler elover. 1oms. l -tnci1 e u.rTbe Tempn ce Adct f PRrUAS0 ERYSDFA.sai-Ihe, 'distance len-is euchantmentat te . lip 1864» for the Connty. Nltw .York1le.-The. HeluW'a carre- RiTA.LIA-rron.-TIieConfederafe Senate - GERQ~YOUN, SCty podéent sysfa rty was fouànoisr Wlyne.- lha sassdaresalit ion vromtiniduigtît8± <>, ~ or, o arage of hUis, ith 6 piecos of rein1 irrîury mneututues for th.. e &oh a1 Cal*,. . - artiiiery in patiot. G êeai~V stor dimint- Béat be canriet out. 2b ir«"n< of l'A* C&urnf ed two régimenits as skirmiihrs-in reaj rVlLO?1x. andi on eitier side of thte rod -w.e olid re"i. Th Ide715reorAil ai tia. CoiÇtdOet ue 'Pet" àf tléu'-Dndersï'imsted-quaiifiod -menite. and lte ooe.îîeee 'iin -Lndat, state.* haut 715 Aij.is'îr*. ah M nielPda BteèW rsf h. OwthiP Of works was made at once. 'i ue rd have been t'a, r' u ilil a~sr Tha Olt miiOIIOee.yoiur hitn- StRh ai uite eape0 w a liies.;- SA Ne York >Clly jhaohave a- primmokn otbebdy~p.asmi sancfona By-iaw, Cas e oet4iis lins ufct4bW. "d gar- iway, Carrymgmrhtii,*SS& adoptiug de et A&kn.wo .t - l u eTempe- roufided. néarlitbii. eiie focé. -GO-l UIl enouorgroundtai aliflost e]Ç qho qw auectol6, ad mkisg i-it e. law dd t nattemt t teM iy f u otV"t -4 a ï,I aid' Oo&Dty < An&T ou-01 pat1- off on i . r~a .ite.« 1 I o d nt jtit aIV'W ag (105515 *111 *i lhe viMtiy wbo lso' . sqrSW gWaitt a blockteai R u.M,41 ~Dto ete ' ,Iyl s afin$ I l rî ta $2.0,00 ~omt ublic eudinm Joe.tuesaine peritadilsý o, f Whh$,6 0U ,fa ain- iebt - remto f bt, $i, 190,- piu* on isI ear, $ffli000 whoi*eme - eenei 1, mp1st 4,8'~)ig-l1863. Thre W. E. )I, &Ce thc n -ris anare ot ;t la8? 1964. (64.